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Deer mount

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Deer mounts, which are the cervidae type mounts, were released during the 2021 run of Rumor Woods as the third mount available for the mount system. Deer are summoned by straps, which are a summoning item that stores their information but is considered a separate item. There are three tiers: common, uncommon, and rare.


Standing approximately 34 inches high at the top of the shoulder, the deer has a slender face and tapered ears. Her compact body is covered in a thin, light brown coat, and she has a short, beige tail. She has muscular legs that culminate in cloven hooves, and a small pair of spike antlers sits upon her head.


Common mounts are the least expensive option when considering purchase. They are limited in alteration options that may be allowed through the Ostler.

Available Nouns

  • Buck
  • Deer
  • Doe
  • Stag


Verb Who First Third
Arrival N/A (Owner) rides in on a majestic pristine white hart.
Departure N/A (Owner) rides a majestic pristine white hart north.
APPRAISE You look over a regal pristine white hind and determine that she stands approximately 60 inches at the top of the shoulder.
BABBLE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You babble at a regal pristine white hind in a nonsensical conversation, and she responds accordingly, completely unfazed by your ramblings. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
BABBLE Mounted You catch the eye of a regal pristine white hind and begin to babble nonsense in a high, singsong voice. She watches you with an impassive gaze before turning away with a slight sigh. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT** N/A You climb down from a regal pristine white hind's neck and carefully detach a snow white satin halter strap edged in tiny sapphires from her. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PET* This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You gently lay one hand on a compact light brown stag's neck, and he turns his eyes to look into yours. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PET* Mounted You gently lay one hand on a compact light brown stag's neck, causing him to bleat quietly. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You gently rub your hand across a compact light brown stag's cheek, smoothing a slight imperfection in his coat. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
RUB Mounted From your mounted position on top of a compact light brown stag, you reach down and affectionately rub the side of his neck. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SCRATCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You scratch a regal pristine white hind lightly between the eyes, and her eyes become half-lidded as she relaxes, enjoying the sensation. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TICKLE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! Carefully, you reach forward and tickle a small tuft of fur protruding from a regal pristine white hind's ear. She grunts softly and flicks her ear a couple of times. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You gently lay one hand on a compact light brown stag's neck, and he turns his eyes to look into yours. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH Mounted You gently lay one hand on a compact light brown stag's neck, causing him to bleat quietly. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
* Not on the original list for this mount type/tier.
** No saddle only. For saddle messaging, see View From a Stag saddle.


A compact light brown stag cocks his head to the side, one tapered ear twitching.

A compact light brown stag freezes in place for a long moment, his tapered ears twitching as he listens intently.

In a swift motion, a compact light brown stag whips his head up, his eyes wide as he examines the immediate area.

A compact light brown stag paws at the ground, his hooves creating small divots.

Eyes narrowed, a compact light brown stag lowers his head slightly and hunches his shoulders.


Uncommon mounts are the second most expensive option when considering purchase. They have more options available for noun choices, as well as a wider array of feature alterations at the Ostler. Their appearance is similar to the common tier.

Available Nouns


Note: Only the verbs differing from the common tier will be included below.

Verb Who First Third
ATTEND This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You reach over and rub at a regal pristine white hind's pristine white coat along her neck affectionately, smoothing it into place. She cocks her head to one side and looks at you with half-lidded eyes, contentment written all over her face. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
ATTEND Mounted You reach down and rub at a regal pristine white hind's pristine white coat affectionately, smoothing it into place. She turns her head to one side and looks at you with half-lidded eyes, contentment written all over her face. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
CLEAN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You reach forward and brush a regal pristine white hind's ear, knocking loose a small bit of debris that flutters to the ground. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
CLEAN Mounted You reach forward and brush the side of a regal pristine white hind's face, knocking loose a small bit of debris that flutters to the ground. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DANCE* This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You clap your hands sharply and give a sharp whistle towards a regal pristine white hind. She rears up, pawing at the air once, then twice, her head thrown back in an effort to maintain her balance, before allowing herself to fall back to the ground. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
HISS This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You hiss a warning between your teeth, and a regal pristine white hind tenses, lowering her head slightly and clenching her muscles, preparing to lunge. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
HUG This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You hug a regal pristine white hind. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
HUG Mounted You lean forward and hug a regal pristine white hind's neck. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PUSH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You lean against the side of a regal pristine white hind, coaxing her to move sideways a few steps. The pristine white hind moves slowly in response to your gentle push. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PUSH Mounted You grab hold of an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers and push them and push them playfully to one side. A regal pristine white hind rolls with the motion, swinging her head in an exaggerated motion before chuffing once and giving you a steady look. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SMOOCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You lean forward and plant a light smooch on a regal pristine white hind's nose. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SMOOCH Mounted You lean forward and plant a light smooch between a regal pristine white hind's ears and hear her grunt softly in response. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
* Not on the original list for this mount type/tier.


All common ambients, plus:

A compact light brown stag takes a skittish step sideways, glancing balefully at something on the ground near his starting point.

A slight breeze catches the attention of a compact light brown stag, who raises his head slightly, sniffing experimentally.

Eyes wide for any sign of danger, a compact light brown stag lowers his head carefully towards the ground, sniffing for signs of anything edible.

A compact light brown stag closes his eyes for a long moment, his jaw working soundlessly.

A compact light brown stag snorts loudly and tosses his head in an exaggerated motion.

Lowering his head to the ground, a compact light brown stag nuzzles around curiously, nostrils flaring.


Rare mounts are the highest tier available for purchase and offer additional verbs unavailable at common or uncommon tiers. Rare deer mounts are locked into their features as the additional verbs are specialized to the design. They are also only available during their initial run, and are discontinued in concurrent runs. For 2021, the rare deer mounts were hart and hind.



Male only
Majestic and regal, the hart stands 60 inches at the shoulder and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline green eyes dominate his elegant face, which is flanked by pointed, upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. His powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than his coat.


Female only
Majestic and regal, the hind stands 60 inches at the shoulder and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline blue eyes dominate her elegant face, which is flanked by pointed, upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. Her powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than her coat.


Note: Only the verbs differing from the common tier will be included below.

Verb Who First Third
APPLAUD This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You look at a regal pristine white hind and clap your hands. (Person) looks at a majestic pristine white hart and claps his hands.
BOW This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You gently push down on a regal pristine white hind's forehead and make a small click with your tongue. Eyeing you carefully, a regal pristine white hind slowly leans backwards, lowering herself to the ground in a graceful bow before rising up once more. (Person) gently pushes down on a majestic pristine white hart's forehead and makes a small click with his tongue. Eyeing him carefully, a majestic pristine white hart slowly leans backwards, lowering himself to the ground in a graceful bow before rising up once more.
BOW Mounted You shift your weight slightly backward and make a small click with your tongue. A regal pristine white hind slowly leans backwards, lowering herself to the ground in a graceful bow before rising up once more. (Person) shifts his weight slightly backward and makes a small click with his tongue. A majestic pristine white hart slowly leans backwards, lowering himself to the ground in a graceful bow before rising up once more.
GROWL This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You catch a regal pristine white hind's eye and lower your head slightly, maintaining eye contact. You start to make a low growling noise deep in your throat, and after a moment, she begins to growl along, a playful glint in her eye. (Person) catches a majestic pristine white hart's eye and lowers his head slightly, maintaining eye contact. (Person) starts to make a low growling noise deep in his throat, and after a moment, he begins to growl along, a playful glint in his eye.
GROWL Mounted You lower your head slightly and place a hand atop a regal pristine white hind. You start to make a low growling noise deep in your throat, and after a moment, she begins to growl along, her muscles bunching beneath you. (Person) lowers his head slightly and places a hand atop a majestic pristine white hart. Erek starts to make a low growling noise deep in his throat, and after a moment, he begins to growl along, his muscles bunching beneath him.
PAT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You grab the hide on both sides of a regal pristine white hind's neck and give her a friendly shake. She opens her mouth and lets her tongue loll out slightly as she tosses her head in time with the motion. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PINCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You dart out with your fingers and try to pinch at a regal pristine white hind. Feeling brave, or just stupid? (Person) darts out with his fingers and tries to pinch at a majestic pristine white hart like a crazy person.
POSE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! You pose dramatically in front of a regal pristine white hind. (Person) poses dramatically in front of a majestic pristine white hart.
PULL This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! Curling your fingers around an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers, you gently pull a regal pristine white hind's head down to yours and rest your forehead against her. You stand in silent communion for several moments, just you, the hind, and the sounds of the wild. Curling his fingers around an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers, (Person) gently pulls a majestic pristine white hart's head down to his and rests his forehead against his. He stands in silent communion for several moments, just the two of them and the sounds of the city.
PULL Mounted You grab hold of an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers and pull gently backwards, drawing a slight grunt of protest from a regal pristine white hind. (Person) grabs hold of an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers and pulls gently backwards, drawing a slight grunt of protest from a majestic pristine white hart.

Special Ability

As with all rare mounts, the hart and hind have special abilities unique to them. Associated with one of their random ambient messages, a hart or hind may scrape their antlers on nearby trees until a bit of bark is peeled off, dropping to the ground. The bark is compatible with systems that utilize tree bark, such as Imbue (614). The type of tree bark scraped off is dependent on the room's climate and terrain settings.

Glancing around her, a regal pristine white hind makes her way over to a nearby beech tree tree and lowers her head, raking an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers across the bark, which fragments as it falls free from the trunk.  A single piece of beech tree bark remains largely intact, however.


A regal pristine white hind paws at the ground, her hooves creating small divots.

A slight breeze catches the attention of a regal pristine white hind, who raises her head slightly, sniffing experimentally.

A regal pristine white hind closes her eyes for a long moment, her jaw working soundlessly.

Eyes wide for any sign of danger, a majestic pristine white hart lowers his head carefully towards the floor, sniffing for signs of anything edible.

A majestic pristine white hart snorts loudly and tosses his head in an exaggerated motion.

A majestic pristine white hart cocks his head to the side, one pointed, upright ear twitching.

In a swift motion, a majestic pristine white hart whips his head up, his eyes wide as he examines the immediate area.

A regal pristine white hind lifts one foreleg and paws at the air for a moment before slamming her hoof into the ground with authority.

A majestic pristine white hart slowly turns his head, sweeping his gaze steadily across the immediate area.

A majestic pristine white hart snorts loudly and tosses his head in an exaggerated motion.

Eyes narrowed, a majestic pristine white hart lowers his head slightly and hunches his shoulders.

A regal pristine white hind takes on an intense expression for a long moment, then lets out a gurgling belch, her lips flapping slightly.

Lowering his head to the ground, a majestic pristine white hart nuzzles around curiously, nostrils flaring.

Nostrils flaring, a regal pristine white hind snorts loudly, then raises her front hooves off the ground in a half-rear.

A majestic pristine white hart freezes in place for a long moment, his pointed, upright ears twitching as he listens intently.

A majestic pristine white hart lets out a discordant warble followed by a mighty sneeze!

A regal pristine white hind sniffs around curiously along the floor.

Additional Information

Feeding Your Mount

Feeding a mount is not mandatory, but it is a fun roleplaying option. Mounts will not eat anything that is not part of the basic food system OR a foraged item, but they all trap on specific nouns. Below is a list of those nouns for each mount subtype in the cervidae category.

Cervidae - arctic moss, aspen leaves, ayana leaf, baneberry, barley grass, bearberries, birch bark, black hook mushroom, black sedge, black trafel mushroom, blackened moss, bloodwood twig, blue moss, blue trafel mushroom, blue-green sedge, blueberries, boxwood leaves, branch of acacia, branch of thanot, bristly haircap moss, buckthorn berry, bulrush, candytuft, carrot, cave moss, cloudberry, crowberry, currants, cypress boughs, daggerstalk mushroom, dusky blue juniper berries, ebony twig, elderberries, feverfern stalk, fiddlehead fern, fir boughs, flaeshorn berry, flathead mushroom, genkew mushroom, golden hook mushroom, golden sedge, gooseberry, hemlock leaves, hornwort, huckleberries, juniper boughes, kylan berry, large black toadstool, lingonberry, liverwort, loganberry, longgrass, map lichen, monkey grass, nettle berry, nettle leaf, oak leaves, oak twig, orchid, lichen, pine needles, prairie fire sedge, raspberries, red lichen, red trafel mushroom, red vornalite mushroom, rockberry, rosemary, rowanberry, sage, sassafras leaf, sheet moss, silver-edged fern, slender twig, small apple, snowberries, soft white mushroom, spearmint leaf, spotted heart mushroom, spruce boughs, strawberry, striped heart mushroom, sweetfern stalk, teaberry, thornberry, thyme, traesharm berry, trollfear mushroom, tundra grass, twisted twig, vinca, wheat grass, white hook mushroom, white sedge, whortleberry, willow twig, winterberry, wintergreen leaf, witchwood twig, withered black mushroom, woad leaves, and yew twig

See Also


Deer mount Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Creature
Item(s) Applied to Mounts
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Rumor Woods
Original Release Year 2021
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
Corresponding Item Scripts Summoning item
Restrictions Mounts can only be altered at the Ostler's Den at Rumor Woods. They CANNOT be altered at merchants or through Sadie scrolls. Rare mounts cannot be altered.
Item Verbs