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Kindred Games/2023 Announcements

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< Kindred Games
Revision as of 16:30, 3 December 2023 by GS4-THANDIWE (talk | contribs)
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Announcement 1

Kindred Games, formerly known as the Highman Games, will begin on December 1, 2023 starting at 9 PM EDT and conclude December 3rd at 11:59 PM EDT.

Announcement 2

Discord Message Link: Kindred Games Festival
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/25/2023


We are excited to be running the Kindred Games, formerly known as Highman Games, once again! Please note that the Kindred Games will be taking place from 9pm EDT on Friday, December 1st through Sunday, December 3rd at 11:59 PM EDT.

Portals will be placed out in all towns, allowing you to instantly transport to Jirkil’s Hilltop located at a distant meadow deep in the Dragonspine Mountains.

Given that this is a compact festival running for only three days, with portals going out globally, and the closing being punctual, we will be releasing a variety of information before Friday Night. Some of the things you can look forward to seeing before the games open are:

  • An Update to the FESTIVAL Verb that will detail the schedule and some of the shops to expect.
  • A Shop List & Fully populated Shop Information.
  • A Schedule for the Games.
  • Several Lore Documents

This year, there will be some roleplaying opportunities that will be hinted at in a vignette slated to be released soon.

Please keep a close eye on the Player Wiki, Discord General > Festivals and Events Channel, Races > Giantman Discord Forum, and World Events Discord Forum.

For your convenience, here are some important links:

Discord Forum: Discord Forum Post This is a read-only Forum Channel.
Discord Channel: Discord Festival and Events Channel
Giantman Forum: Giantman Discord Forum
Wiki Announcements Page: Kindred Games Announcement Page
Wiki Festival Page: Kindred Games 2023 Festival Page

Announcement 3

Discord Message Link: Giantkin Clans and Tribes Document Update
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/25/2023

In celebration of the 2023 Kindred Games, the Giantkin Clan Document has been updated to include extra descriptions and explanations about the various tribes. This is a found document that was partially finished.

OOC Information/Notes:

  • The original creation date of this document is unknown.
  • Contributors of this document appear to be GM Vaschka, GM Talisker, GM Scribes.
  • Modernized, updated, and modified to reflect changes in the past 15 years by GM Thandiwe.
Wiki Link: Giantkin Clans and Tribes
Discord Forum Link: Lore Update Discussion

Announcement 4

Discord Message Link: Games Schedule
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/25/2023

This is the schedule for the official games. Anyone can participate. You may also run the unofficial games before and after the official one kicks off.

Prime Platinum
Day Date Time Game Day Date Time Game
Saturday 12/2/2023 5:30 PM EDT Tug of War (Single) Friday 12/1/2023 8:00 PM EDT Drinking Game
Saturday 12/2/2023 7:00 PM EDT Drinking Game Saturday 12/2/2023 2:00 PM EDT Hammer Throw
Saturday 12/2/2023 9:30 PM EDT Hammer Throw Saturday 12/2/2023 8:00 PM EDT Shield Slalom
Sunday 12/3/2023 3:00 PM EDT Shield Slalom Sunday 12/3/2023 2:00 PM EDT Caber Toss
Sunday 12/3/2023 5:30 PM EDT Tug of War (Team) Sunday 12/3/2023 8:00 PM EDT Tug of War (Single)
Sunday 12/3/2023 1:00 PM EDT Caber Toss Sunday 12/3/2023 TBD Tug of War (Team)

Titles for the games are as follows:

Game Official Game Title - First Place Official Game Title - Second and Third Place
Caber Toss Caber Toss Champion Caber Toss Master
Drinking Game Drinking Champion Drinking Master
Hammer Throw Hammer Throw Champion Hammer Throw Master
Shield Slalom Shield Slalom Champion Shield Slalom Master
Tug of War (single) Tug of War Champion Tug of War Master
Tug of War (team) Tug of War Champion Tug of War Master

First Place Prizes

Title for Particular Contest
Choice of a Custom Signature Verb or Swear
And one of the following:
  • An experience modifying RPA (roleplaying award - account attuned
  • 250,000 silvers
  • Either two feature alterations OR a full unique field alteration (NO BODY ALTERATIONS - Nothing below the neck)
  • A custom tattoo
  • Two separate alteration services (or a long and a show on a single item)

Second and Third Place Prizes

Title for Particular Contest
And one of the following:
  • An experience modifying RPA (roleplaying award - account attuned
  • 250,000 silvers
  • Either two feature alterations OR a full unique field alteration (NO BODY ALTERATIONS - Nothing below the neck)
  • A custom tattoo
  • Two separate alteration services (or a long and a show on a single item)

Announcement 5

Discord Message Link: Games Schedule
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/26/2023

A New Giantkin Lore Document has been created as an expansion on the original Tartan Cloth document. This document highlights how various giantkin wear tartan weaves that allow them to be seen as part of organizations in other cultures, cities, and areas.

The Tartan Initiative heralds some changes to the Kindred Garb clothing line. They are:

  • Arisaids - when removed will now carry the noun plaid.
  • Kilts - when removed will retain the noun cloth.
  • Arisaids are no longer gender-gated.
  • Kilts are no longer gender-gated.
  • Arisaids will now acknowledge vests if worn instead of only bodice/corset.
  • Kilts will now acknowledge bodice and corset if worn instead of only jerkin/vest.
  • None of the previous settings have been changed on these items.
  • Both Arisaids and Kilts have been updated so that you can see the pattern when they are worn and not just when they are in hand.
  • Both Arisaids and Kilts have been updated with defaults for the new tartans that have been officially released.

Announcement 6

Discord Message Link: Festival Verb
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/26/2023

In honor of the Kindred Games, the Festival Verb has been updated to reflect important information regarding the event.

Once logged into the game, type FESTIVAL to collect the appropriate information about schedules, raffles, and transportation.

Announcement 7

Discord Message Link: The Uhl-claw
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/27/2023

Taken from the pages of a human knight's tale, the lore of an item known as the Uhl-claw has been released. Learn about its origins and purchase one at the upcoming Kindred Games!

Item Information The uhl-claw jewelry item can store up to 50 individual names in it. It is used as a passive discouragement from unwanted suitors. >analyze my uhl-ring You analyze your silver uhl-ring and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

A sterling silver uhl-ring sporting onyx and ruby inlay is an Uhl-Claw device designed by the kindred of the T'Kirem Bear Clan. Its primary purpose is to discourage unwanted attention from those who may have taken a fancy to the wearer. It is meant to be a subtle device. To read more about the lore, visit:

To use the uhl-ring, you must WEAR it and POINT it at the person you do not wish to make advances on you. Do not worry, this gesture is so subtle that they don't see it has been done until they look upon you. Once they do look at you they will see the Bear's Warning: Five slashes, ending in crimson droplets, mar (fancier's) features from (his/her) right temple to (his/her) left cheekbone.

Your silver uhl-ring can store up to 50 unwanted suitors in it. To change them, GAZE at the uhl-ring to get the list and then WHISPER uhl-ring REMOVE # to remove the person.

Alterations: An Uhl-Claw must always be made of silver and have a reflective surface for the magic of the item to work. There should be some representation of the five claws of Uhlgeer, the she-bear, and corresponding crimson drops that represent the blood her claws can bring to the surface. Droplets can be made of paint, enamel, lacquer, jewels, etc. Above all, it must have a reflective surface of some kind. If creating a ring, you may use uhl-ring. All other jewelry should have an adjective of "uhl-claw," and this item should never be turned into a solitude ring.

What you see:
>point my uhl at firstperson
You subtly tilt your uhl-ring at Firstperson, ensuring that going forward he will see the Bear's Warning when he looks upon you and you are wearing the uhl-ring.
>wear my uhl-ring
You slide a sterling silver uhl-ring sporting onyx and ruby inlay onto your finger.

What they see:
Secondperson picks up a sterling silver uhl-ring sporting onyx and ruby inlay.

Secondperson slides a sterling silver uhl-ring sporting onyx and ruby inlay onto her finger.

>l secondperson

As you gaze upon Secondperson, a reflection of your own face briefly passes before your eyes. Five slashes, ending in crimson droplets, mar your features from your right temple to your left cheekbone. It would appear that Secondperson does not wish anything more than friendly overtures from you. Please keep this in mind when you interact with her.

You see GameMaster Secondperson.
She appears to be a Human.

This item can be worn by any race.

Discord Discussion:

Announcement 8

Discord Message Link: The Lyturhuum
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/29/2023

Taken from the pages of a human knight's tale, the lore of an item known as the Lyturhuum has been released. Learn about its origins and purchase one at the upcoming Kindred Games!

Item Information Originating in Wsalmir stories, the Lyturhuum is an ornate skullcap, helm, or headress worn by those that wish to communicate with the dead.

analyze my lyturhuum A fleece-lined leather lyturhuum flanked in deeply spiraled ram's horns is a Lyturhuum, which is a giantkin device worn by a khuzdulym (someone with the gift of the Sight) to help them communicate with the dead. When worn, the dead spirits of animals in the wild will share information with you randomly. You can also LISTEN to see if any are currently nearby and willing to share information with you. Though be warned, that information can come in many forms and isn't always terribly helpful or relevant.

ALTERATIONS: While the lyturhuum can be altered there are some restrictions to ensure that it meets the requirements of both this script and what a lyturhuum is and does. It must always have enormous ram horns on it, the more elaborate marked and curled the better. It can never have rakka horns as they do not curl in the appropriate way. Though many clans arrange theirs in various forms, the below have distinct ways in which they wear them and/or display them:

T'Kirem Bear Clan: Worn naturally, with the horns and pelt still attached and fitted over a helm, though the fleece and skull are repurposed.
Wsalimir Wendigo Clan: Worn naturally, with the skull, pelt, and horns all still attached, allowing the pelt & fleece to trail down the back as a type of cape.
Issimir Ogre Clan: The horns are attached to a bronze helm edged in eahnor.
Gro'kraesh Hammer Clan: The horns are dipped in zorchar and then attached to a metal helm.

Bits of string have been known to be tied about the spirals, too, and their ends hung with anything from small bones, baubles, beads, feathers, or nuts.

Letting your eyes slip closed, you focus on the spiraling horns of your leather lyturhuum, hoping to catch the wise words of the animal spirits nearest to you.

The hint of a sound causes you to open your eyes, which fall upon the nimbus-wreathed spirit of a black-brindled golden culpeo. Without any preamble, she says she has with a quip to share: Consider the resilience of winter weeds, peeking through the snow with determination - a quality I summon when my favorite spot is buried beneath a snowy drift.

Random Spirit
Stray sounds reach your ears as your leather lyturhuum and its magnificently spiraled horns catch the whispers of a nearby animal spirit. Though you look, you cannot see the spirit, but based upon past experiences you can easily determine that this is a thick-coated mountain dhole, and it has come to harass you.

Soft as a whisper, the thick-coated mountain dhole says to you, "Feel the weight of secrets buried beneath the frozen terrain, a chilling reminder that the snowy expanse conceals more than the eye can discern."

Spirits can either come to harass you, offer you a plea of some kind, offer a portend of some kind, provide an interesting quip, or give advice.

Announcement 9

Discord Message Link: Shop List
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/30/2023

Kindred Games Shop List

Big and Tall
Black Wind Spirits
Dirt-Floored Stall, A
Fitted Spiral, The
Fur-Draped Tent, A
Hide and Leather Tent, A
In The Rough
Lofty Peaked Tent, A
Plaid Cloth, The
Plaid Initiative, The
Sturdy Tent, A
Tartan Suite
Tattered Tartan Tent, The
Turning the Beholder's Eye
Vendaic's Tent

Wiki Link: Shops
Forums Discussion Channel: Discord Forum Discussion

Announcement 10

Discord Message Link: Raffle Schedule
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 11/30/2023

The raffle schedule is available for the Kindred Games. Some things to keep in mind:

  • All raffles require you to be logged into the game at the time of drawing.
  • All winners will be mailed their prize.
  • You do not need to be present at the time of drawing.
  • Winners will be mailed regarding the kilt and arisaid tartan choices.

Wiki: Raffles Schedule

Announcement 11

Discord Message Link: Storyline Info.
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 12/1/2023

[Storyline] Introduction Vignette During this weekend, at the Kindred Games, an introduction to the Chronicles of Norallen will take place at Jirkil's Hilltop. It is a slow, sporadic storyline about a woman looking for her missing brother.

Over the weekend, be on the look-out for Eldrianne Thystledown.

Wiki Announcement: Announcement: Storyline Introduction
Wiki Post: Storyline Vignette
Discord Discussion Folder: Vignette Discussion Channel]

Announcement 12 - Active Games & Activities at Jirkil's Hilltop

Discord Message Link: Events & Activites at the Kindred Games
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 12/2/2023

Fighting Pits

  • Located through the gates at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800001), and then footpath.
  • These are like the Heldin Hall Fighting Pits
  • Eastern & Western Pits allow Magic
  • All others do not.
You will be healed for 100 silver, it will be applied as a fine, no need to carry silvers.

Arm Wrestling

  • Located in the building at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800004), this is the Hairless Rolton Tavern
  • North, South, East rooms all allow for arm wresting.
  • Join 1 person
  • Commands are PULL, PUSH, LEAN, or TWIST
  • LEAVE or CANCEL to stop wrestling

Merkarne's Gift Shop

  • Located in the cottage at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800006)
  • Use ORDER to see her wares
Then take your wares to the tailor in the Tartan Suite to get them customized

Patches of Snow

  • Located in a variety of locations.
  • GET snow to collect a handful of snow
  • ROLL snow to to make a snowball
  • You know what to do from here...
Have Fun!

Shield Slalom

  • Located through the gate at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800008)
  • SW is the viewing area.
  • South is the Finish
  • SE is Gertl, this is where the scoreboard is and the stairs to the slopes.
  • Ask Gertl for Help
WARNING: Be forewarned, you can die. But the grounds will raise you.
Pay attention to the hazards as you have to react.

Kilarkien's Clothing Shop

  • Located in the cottage at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800009)
  • use ORDER to see his wares
  • These are unscripted items
  • Take to the Tailor in the Tartan Suite to Customize

Drinking Game

  • Located in the Building at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800010)
  • This is Volstrun's Whetter
  • To join a game: SIT TABLE
  • Once you sit, the barmaid tells you what to do.
  • Need 2 people to play
  • Games are in the Entry, South, and East rooms

Tug of War

  • Located through the gate at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800011), go path
  • There are multiple fields
  • 2 players or more are needed
  • Once on a field, use the commands JOIN (TEAM COLOR)
  • Commands are given after joining
  • GO BENCHES to leave the arena

Hammer Throw

  • Located through the gate at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800002)
  • Go Range, Go Path
  • Pick a directional room

Caber Toss

  • Located through the gate at [Jirkirl's Hilltop, Fairground] (7800005)
  • go South twice, go field (there are several, you can go east for more)
  • ask referee about COMPETE
  • read the sign
WARNING: Cabers are heavy. You can tear your back muscles. You can stun yourself. You could even die.

Announcement 13

Discord Message Link: Norallen Tales
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 12/3/2023

The Norallen Tales
As part of the Kindred Games, Eldrianne Thystledown, who is searching for her brother Norallen, bartered tales from his journal for information and an arisaid.

To read the compiled lore, visit the Norallen Tales Official Document. As Eldrianne explores more for her brother, you can expect to hear her trade more tales.

The tales shared this time around, in what we are calling Series 1, were created by GM Mikos and reviewed by GM Scribes and GM Thandiwe. Our QC'er was GM Mariath. Wiki Announcement Link: Series 1 of the Norallen Tales
Wiki Document Link: Norallen Tales
Discord Discussion Folder:Discussion Folder

Announcement 14

Discord Message Link: Giantkin/Saramar Lexicon
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 12/3/2023

Giantkin/Saramar Lexicon
As the Kindred Games draw to a conclusion, we have released a Lexicon on the wiki to help with the many terms and names created over the history of the race. We hope that this will aid in translations and make it easier for folks to understand what is being discussed. We have also updated the DEFINE VERB in-game so that you can find these terms easier. Simply type: DEFINE {word} to get the definition.

Wiki Link to Lexicon: Giantkin Lexicon