Category:Specialty design shops

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Shops that offer specialty designs for item customizations.

Shop Name Realm Shop Location Specialty Design NPC Materials Type Room # RNUM
Bella's Bridal Boutique Ta'Illistim Ta'Illistim Willowy half-elven artisan
Borthuum Customs Kharam Dzu Kharam Dzu Stout dwarven artisan
The Botanist's Bounty Ta'Vaalor Mistwatch Curly-haired burghal gnome apprentice
The Cultured Corsair Kraken's Fall Kraken's Fall Bandolier-clad elderly human pirate
Dragonspine Designs Zul Logoth Zul Logoth Surly dwarven artisan, Burly dwarven artisan
Emblematic Kharam Dzu Kragnek-Dzu Dwarven artisan (Emblematic north), Dwarven artisan (Emblematic northeast), Dwarven artisan (Emblematic east), Dwarven artisan (Emblematic southeast), Dwarven artisan (Emblematic south)
Fragile Service Ta'Nalfein Nielira Harbor Ivory-haired elven artisan
Ink and Bone Glaeve Glaeve Stooped krolvin carver
Limpidity Solhaven South Haven Bespeckled burghal gnome glassmaker
The Naefira Boutique Ta'Nalfein Nielira Harbor Young merlot-haired seamstress
Refined Repast Ta'Illistim Ta'Illistim Slender aelotoi woman
Sardarac's Embellishments Icemule Trace Icemule Trace Embellisher Sardarac
Silk and Shade Sablecross Sablecross Tailor Aserach
The Stone Eye River's Rest River's Rest Burly forest gnome
Treetop Market Cysaegir Cysaegir Raven-haired aelotoi store clerk
Wharfside Weavers Solhaven South Haven Short half-elven tailor
Whittle and Weave Wehnimer's Landing Landing Bazaar Tall half-elven artisan
Woodland Whimsy Ta'Vaalor Yasrenila Compound Blonde forest gnome woodcrafter
The Woodsman's Chisel Ta'Vaalor Ravelin Lithesome half-elven craftsman