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The raffle system in GemStone IV is commonly used by merchants, CHEs, and MHOs to distribute prizes and services. Festivals and pay events often have a plethora of raffles to enter that draw at varying times.
Steps to enter a raffle:
- Locate the raffle table(s).
- LOOK at the ticket. Sometimes there are two or more raffles in a room, when this happens there are usually different types of "tables" used. Perhaps one raffle is on a table, and another is on a counter. In these cases LOOK AT TICKET ON TABLE and LOOK AT TICKET ON COUNTER will distinguish between the two raffles. Looking at the ticket will tell you about the item or service and the cost, which is always in silvers, the amount of time left until the raffle draws, as well as any demands the merchant has in terms of collecting the prize.
- Go to the bank and WITHDRAW (silver amount) SILVERS.
- Return to the raffle table and BUY TICKET ON TABLE or BUY TICKET ON COUNTER.
No matter what the raffle, characters must always be logged in at the time of drawing to win.
If a character has purchased a ticket but is not logged in, it will have no chance of winning.
- Looking in the barrel will let you see how many tickets have been purchased.
- There are never any refunds for raffle ticket purchases.
- Example
[Circle of Trees, Clearing] This clearing is ringed by trees of varying sizes that grow so close together in some places as to almost form a living wall, while vines create curtains in the open spaces. The scent of wood smoke lingers in the air, emanating from a roaring bonfire surrounded by a ring of stones in the center of the space. Adjacent, a woven grass basket rests on a flat stone, and a pile of iron buckets stands at the ready. Flecks of ash dance in the shafts of sunlight that penetrate the thick jungle canopy, and winding trails squeeze between the trees in several directions. You also see a dark brown beaver that is sleeping, a lithe golden black-maned jackal that is sleeping, a tall oak-framed mirror, a raffle table with some stuff on it and a giant unfurled leaf growing from a plot of earth. Also here: Saverik, Durakar, Shallimar, Krystanne, Istoriel, Abbyrose, Kwani, Grand Lord Myharl who is sitting, Lady Karaeira who is sitting, Sir Metadi, Saevia Obvious paths: none >l at tick on table The raffle is for "The winner will get a wandering (Mayhem) tattoo with a custom setting. The custom setting must be of a creature that normally has eyes and is NOT a sentient race. It must also fit the 15/15/15 format with the final 15 being the noun "tattoo." Winner must arrive promptly to claim this prize as it will be redeemed at the time of the drawing!". The tickets sell for 25000 silvers each. The drawing will be in 1 hour and 1 minute for 1 winner. >buy tick on table You hand 25000 silvers over, take your ticket, write your name on it then drop it in the raffle barrel.
- Per Wyrom 8/29/14
I've gone ahead and updated the messaging to state how many silvers the raffle cost should you try to buy a ticket that you don't have enough silver for. The messaging was likely an archaic update at one time to differentiate certain denominations of currency (like no notes, no Premium Points, etc). ~Wyrom
Raffle Randomness
- Per Wyrom 9/6/14 after both Prime and Plat had a double winner on the same night
If you bought the first ticket, you're number 1. Different numbers were selected. The person in Platinum did not buy the same number ticket. So while, yes, he won twice, the raffle actually selected different numbered tickets. When we make a major raffle, the raffle system then compares the winner to a temporary database of previous winners by name.