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Multi Opponent Combat

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Revision as of 01:06, 25 March 2021 by ZHOUY1 (talk | contribs) (→‎Mstrike Fire: Clarify that all professions can multi-fire, but rangers/rogues have a bonus.)
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Training in Multi Opponent Combat (MOC) gives a character an advantage against multiple opponents, as the name implies. Effectively, training in MOC makes the character less susceptible to Force on Force, a system that lowers a character's stance based on how many enemies are attacking said character at once. Additionally, this skill allows the use of the MSTRIKE verb, and affects how many targets will be attacked with its use, or, if using the focused version, how many times one opponent is attacked.

Type Square Semi Pure
Profession Rogue Warrior Monk Bard Paladin Ranger Cleric Empath Savant Sorcerer Wizard
Max Ranks Per Level 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1
Training Point Cost 10/3 4/3 5/2 7/3 5/2 10/4 15/8 15/10 - 15/10 15/10

Force on Force

Force on Force
MoC Ranks Foes Ignored
(beyond one)
10 1
25 2
45 3
70 4
+25 +1

Force on Force is a system that lowers a character's defensive stance upon being attacked by multiple opponents. Each opponent lowers the character's stance by 25% until the character is treated to be in a fully offensive stance. Beyond 4 opponents, the defending character's defensive strength is further lowered, making Force on Force very deadly. Training in Multi Opponent Combat mitigates Force on Force.

A character can handle one additional attacker (2 total) with no ill effects after 10 ranks of this skill, two attackers beyond the first after 25 rank, and so on following the table to the right. These are not hard breakpoints; each rank of Multi Opponent Combat lessens the effect of Force on Force by a fractional amount.

For example, suppose a character had 35 ranks of Multi Opponent Combat. This places the character halfway between mitigating 2 and 3 additional attackers. If that character faced 4 foes at once, the first three would have no effect, and the fourth would only cause a 12.5% pushdown (instead of 25%).

There is no messaging associated with Force on Force aside from a dramatic drop in defensive strength.

The above applies for like level opponents. Each extra level an opponent has on its target counts as if it were 0.05 extra opponents, up to opponents 10 or more levels higher which count as 1.5 each. For example a level 48 character in combat with 3 opponents of levels 51, 55 and 60 would take FoF as if opposed by 1.15 + 1.35 + 1.5 = 4 like level opponents, and require 70 rather than 45 MOC ranks to eliminate it. Lower level opponents become less effective, down to a minimum of counting as 0.5 opponents each.


Main article: MSTRIKE (verb)
Focused Multi-strike
MoC Ranks Strikes
(at once)
30 2
55 3
90 4
135 5
190 6
Unfocused Multi-strike
MoC Ranks Targets
(at once)
5 2
15 3
35 4
60 5
100 6
155 7

Training in Multi Opponent Combat gives characters the ability to strike more than one foe at a time in melee combat. At first, a character can target more than one opponent in the room at once, but with enough training, he will strike the same opponent multiple times. A multi-strike is faster than usual, requires a cooldown.

Unfocused Multi-strike

A character gains the ability to do an unfocused multi-strike when they achieve 5 ranks of Multi Opponent Combat. Once the character hits each of the following thresholds, they can attack an additional target.

Focused Multi-strike

A character gains the ability to do a focused multi-strike when they achieve 30 ranks of Multi Opponent Combat. Once the character hits each of the following thresholds, they can attack a single target with an additional strike.

Mstrike Fire

For most professions, MoC rank thresholds, targets, and roundtimes are the same as melee. Bows have a 7/6/5 base RT. Crossbows have a 7/6 base RT.

For the purpose of determining MoC rank thresholds, Rogues and Rangers are considered to have 1.5x MoC ranks per 1 rank of MoC trained. For rogues, this bonus applies to crossbows and hurling weapons. For rangers, this bonus applies to bows and crossbows.

Focused Multi-strike Fire (Rangers/Rogues)
MoC Ranks Strikes
(at once)
20 2
37 3
60 4
90 5
127 6


A character who trains in Multi Opponent Combat also gains more control over certain magics that can affect multiple foes at once, such as ball spells and Focused Implosion. In general, when a spell-caster trains in Multi Opponent Combat, they are usually guaranteed to hit more targets with a secondary effect of the spell.

Summary of Benefits Chart

Per the post by GameMaster Coase on 26 May 2008, the required skill levels for certain benefits have changed, in some cases dramatically. The updated skill requirements are:

MoC Ranks Number of Targets Focused Mstrike FoF Offset
5 2 1 0
10 2 1 1
15 3 1 1
25 3 1 2
30 3 2 2
35 4 2 2
45 4 2 3
55 4 3 3
60 5 3 3
70 5 3 4
80 5 3 4
85 5 3 4
90 5 4 4
95 5 4 5
100 6 4 5
105 6 4 5
110 6 4 5
120 6 4 6
135 6 5 6
145 6 5 7
155 7 5 7
170 7 5 8
190 7 6 8
195 7 6 9
Where number of targets is an unfocused strike, and the focused is how many times you can strike a single foe. The FoF offset is how many creatures you can engage above one before a DS pushdown.
