Imflass wire jewelry

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Imflass wire jewelry was introduced as an update to the Ghezyte chelioboros item quest reward first released at Ebon Gate 2017. At Ebon Gate 2021, the ability to convert the item's appearance and abilities, along with its deity, was made available as part of the quest. It is a self-charging item that has different abilities based on whether one has completed the yearly quest and/or converted to the deity Charl. Similar to the ghezyte chelioboros item, the amount of favor gained for it allows its various upgrades. The first year being 1000 followed by 2000 for the second year. Favor is garnered by doing the various Caligos Isle yearly quest(s). Currently the primary way of doing this is by collecting items that drop mostly from Deep Sea Diving. There is a cost of 250,000 silver to purchase the item from the chest when available on Caligos Isle. Once purchased, the item is attuned to the character that picked it up.

The item can be rotated between four various worn locations via the PROD verb. Those four locations include wrist(bracelet), finger(ring), neck(choker), and ankle(anklet).

The LOOK/TAP of the item is: an imflass wire (noun) with blue-green sea glass clusters. The SHOW is:

Soldered onto a ghezyte base are side-by-side strands of imflass, and clusters of sea glass fragments in varying shades of green and blue form decorative breaks between the thin metallic threads. Ambient lighting caught in the multicolored stones is diffused and refracted, creating a gentle wave of blue-green ripples on nearby objects. Whatever was once beneath the imflass overlay is no longer discernible.


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Tier 1

Tier 1 refers to the benefits when the item has 1000 favor.


Verb Modifier First Second Third
COVER (Charl Follower Only) Success With intense purpose, you place your palm atop (item), and a burst of fortitude bubbles up inside you as a blue-green haze within (item)'s clusters of sea glass churns with a tumultuous fury. Your resolve feels renewed. N/A Without hesitation, (character) places (his/her) palm firmly upon (his/her) (item). (He/she) appears energized.
(Charl Follower Only) Failure - Not Enough Favor The metal of the (item) beneath your palm feels dry to your touch, and it doesn't not respond in any way. N/A N/A
(Charl Follower Only) Failure - Backlash Resembling a stormy sky, your (item) appears quite lackluster, the sea glass clusters clouded by a distinctive grey haze. N/A N/A
(Charl Follower Only) Failure - All Uses Expended for Day Covering your (item) with your palm, you sense a stern rejection from your attempts to call upon Charl's mercy. N/A N/A
KISS N/A You purse your lips slightly in a nonchalant, but respectful gesture, toward your (item). A brief feeling of gratitude reminds you of your time on Caligos Isle, but it quickly recedes without further incident. N/A (Character) purses (his/her) lips toward (his/her) (item) and pauses in a momentary silence.
LISTEN N/A As you focus your attention to your (item), a surge of salty air rushes past you, bringing a whisper of voices and sounds amid the blustery occurrence. A stray piece of seaweed falls to the (), but is quickly whisked away into the distance. N/A (Character) appears to focus (his/her) attention to (his/her) (item) as a salty aroma rushes past you. A displaced piece of seaweed falls to the (), but is quickly whisked away into the distance.
POINT Success In an attempt to call upon the fury of Charl, you () in (target)'s direction. A crack in the () begins to widen, and a swirling tower of brilliant blue-green water surges from the breach and envelops (target) in its wrath, leaving (target) choking and gasping for air. It churns violently around (target) before the torrent splashes to the () and seeps into the fissure, leaving no trace of its existence. (Character) () toward you. A crack in the () begins to widen, and a swirling tower of brilliant blue-green water surges from the breach and envelops you in its wrath, leaving you choking and gasping for air. It churns violently around you before the torrent splashes to the () and seeps into the fissure, leaving no trace of its existence. (Character) () toward (target). A crack in the () begins to widen, and a swirling tower of brilliant blue-green water surges from the breach and envelops (target) in its wrath, leaving (target) choking and gasping for air. It churns violently around (target) before the torrent splashes to the () and seeps into the fissure, leaving no trace of its existence.
Failure - Not Enough Favor The metal of the (item) beneath your palm feels dry to your touch, and it doesn't not respond in any way. N/A N/A
Failure - Backlash Resembling a stormy sky, the sea glass clusters on your (item) appear clouded by a distinctive grey haze. N/A N/A
Failure - Used all daily uses You sense a stern rejection from your attempt to call upon Charl's fury. N/A N/A
PROD N/A Thin strands of metal separate and reveal the entombed piece beneath as you prod your (item). Responsively, the imflass threads twist and turn, maintaining the imprisoned placement as it slowly transforms into (item). N/A As (character) prods (his/her) (item), you are given brief glimpses of a ghezyte object beneath the (item)'s imflass strands, but it is concealed as soon as (item). transforms into (item).
Changes worn location of the item.
RUB N/A Providing an effective calming response, you methodically rub your middle fingertip in a circular motion across one of the sea glass clusters along your (item). Delicate wisps of blues and greens begin to swirl and collide to form tiny bursts of white smoke that rise from (item) and quickly disperse into the air. N/A In a methodical and deliberate manner, (character) rubs (his/her) middle finger in a circular motion across a sea glass cluster along (his/her) (item). Delicate wisps of blues and greens begin to swirl and collide to form tiny bursts of white smoke that rise from (item) and quickly disperse into the air.
TOUCH N/A You reach () and touch the (item) worn securely on your (). Directly beneath your fingertips, two faint points of indigo light brighten from beneath the strands of imflass, and you suddenly feel as if you're being watched. A distant boom of thunder abolishes the trickling light and intrusive surveillance. N/A (Character) reaches () and touches the (item) on (his/her) (). Two faint points of indigo light brighten from beneath the (item)'s strands of imflass and shine directly into (character)'s eyes. The indigo beams fade completely after a distant boom of thunder resounds through the area.

Tier 2

Tier 2 refers to the benefits available upon with 2000 favor.


Verb First Third
NUDGE With your forefinger, you trace the slender threads of metal that run between the clusters of sea glass along your (item). Something appears to move underneath, but is quickly dampened by the confining overlay. (Character) traces the slender threads of metal that run between the clusters of sea glass along (his/her) (item). A ripple of movement beneath the (item)'s overlay gives you pause, but it quickly ceases as if it never happened and was just a figment of your imagination.
TICKLE Absentmindedly, you insert a finger between one of the thin strands of imflass that mask the indigo-hued ghezyte base of your (item). Pressing a little too hard, your fingertip slips between the imprisoning metal lengths and a sharp pain forces you to yank your hand back. While there's no visible blood, there is most assuredly a tooth-shaped indentation in the tip of your finger. A stern voice echoes in the back of your mind, "Endless annoyances are often the catalyst for change." (Character) fiddles with (his/her) (item), and you see (his/her) finger slip between the item's imflass strands right before (he/she) yanks his hand back, a look of astonishment on (his/her) face. You hear a muffled voice and attempt to eavesdrop, but you are unable to make out any words.

Tier 3

Tier 3 refers to the benefits available with 3000 favor.


Verb Modifier First Third
GAZE N/A Your gaze becomes frozen on something in the distance as you contemplate your (item) and the craftsmanship that so easily entombed the ghezyte creature beneath imflass wire and sea glass fragments. The distraction is intense, and for a moment, you sway back and forth as if you were floating in the ocean. (Character) affixes (his/her) gaze at something off in the distance and seems to concentrate intensely. (He/she) sways back and forth for a moment, seeming to forget that (he/she)'s out in public. Perhaps (he/she) didn't even notice the movement of ghezyte beneath (his/her) (item)'s imflass strands.
PRAY Charl Convert You squeeze your eyes shut and focus your thoughts on your (item), quietly offering a promise for continued devotion to the God of the Sea for his intolerance of the scale-ridden and slimy false prophet. A satisfying feeling warms you from head to toe but ends abruptly, a contradicting response to the one received only seconds ago. (Character) squeezes (his/her) eyes shut and appears to concentrate deeply as (his/her) lips move without sound. (He/she) is startled unexpectedly, and opens (his/her) eyes, which offer a mild look of confusion.
Other Convert You squeeze your eyes shut and focus your thoughts on your (item), quietly offering gracious thanks to the sea God for his intolerance of false prophets.

Tier 4

Tier 4 refers to the benefits available with 4000 favor.


Verb First Third
HISS Memories from Caligos Isle resurface, and like a rising tide, a sense of rage builds in you, causing an audible hiss to spill over your lips toward (item). (Character)'s (skin color) skin appears slightly tinged with red as (his/her) face becomes distorted with rage. (He/she) hisses at (his/her) (item).
MOCK Gloating quietly to yourself as you admire your (item), you reflect on the past events that garnered the item on your () and ruminate on the weaknesses that led to the perceived victory. A ringing in your ears completely averts your thoughts, and a harsh voice reprimands your mocking speculations, "Do not forget the ease with which you accepted the adversary's gift for a modicum of spurious power, as deficiency comes in many forms." In an instant, the sonorous voice ceases, and you realize you are staring at your (item) in intense contemplation, mouth slightly agape. A smug countenance overtakes (character)'s features but is soon replaced by a look of befuddlement. (He/she) seems overly distracted until (his/her) mouth falls imperceptibly agape.

Tier 5

Tier 5 refers to the benefits available with 5000 favor.

Additional Information

Mechanical Information

In order to activate any of the special abilities on the bracelet, the user must have the required amount of favor for that ability. Minimum required favor is 1000.

Year/Total Favor POINT (at target) COVER
Adds an intimidate debuff to the target that reduces the targets DS/TD by: Must follow Charl
Lasts 5 minutes, Sheer Fear Boost will increase user's sheer fear level by:
2017 - 1000 favor 5/3, 5x/day 1, 3x/day
2018 - 2000 favor 10/6, 10x/day 2, 2x/day
2019 - 3000 favor 15/9, 15x/day 3, 3x/day
2020 - 4000 favor 20/12, 20x/day 4, 4x/day
2021 - 5000 favor 25/15, 25x/day 5, 5x/day


1P: The faint sounds of a crashing surf lull you into a mild trance, and you are reminded of your time on Caligos Isle.
2P: (Character) appears lost in (his/her) thoughts for a brief moment.

(If alone)
1P: A distinct and familiar aroma of saltwater rises from your (item), and distant memories flood your mind, taking you back through a mental scrapbook of your Caligos adventures.  You begin to sway back and forth a bit.  Good thing no one's around to see you.
(If others in room)
1P: A distinct and familiar aroma of saltwater rises from your $O1S, and distant memories flood your mind, taking you back through a mental scrapbook of your Caligos adventures.  You begin to sway back and forth a bit, garnering unusual looks from onlookers.
2P: A strong and briny aroma floats through the air.  (Character) sways back and forth a bit as if (he/she) is trying to maintain (his/her) balance on a moving sea vessel.

(If wrist/finger/ankle-worn only)
1P: A tickle beneath (item) draws your attention to your (wrist/finger/ankle).  In a single, fluid motion, like a water droplet on a piece of parchment, an image materializes and spreads from (item) and up your (), culminating in a trident-shaped mark.  Tiny beads of water form along the trident's border and then seep into your skin as the image slowly disappears.
2P: (Character) shifts (his/her) attention to (his/her) (wrist/finger/ankle) and gazes at (item) curiously as an image materializes along (his/her) () in the shape of a trident.  It remains only briefly before tiny water droplets form around the mark's border and then seep into $P0H skin as the image slowly disappears.

1P: Mildly uncomfortable, your eyes begin to itch and burn, and you rub them vigorously to ease the discomfort which seems to quickly subside.
2P: (Character)'s (eyecolor) eyes suddenly change color and vacillate between emerald green and deep indigo.  (He/she) reaches up and rubs (his/her) eyes, and suddenly, (his/her) eyes are back to normal.

1P: Faint whispers echo in your ears, and though you try to ignore them, their lure is exceedingly strong.  You find yourself hyper focused on trying to decipher the words, but find the voices too muffled and distant to comprehend.
2P: N/A

1P: Ultra thin wisps of blue-green smoke appear and move in a wave-like fashion across your (item).
2P: N/A

1P: The imflass threads along your (item) begin to vibrate uncontrollably as if something beneath is trying to get out.  Little by little, the metal strands stretch and tighten, locking whatever is underneath in its place.
2P: (Character)'s (item) begins to vibrate uncontrollably as its imflass threads stretch and tighten across its surface.

1P: The peaceful calls of a flock of seagulls steady your mind and lull you into a sleepy daydream saturated with sparkling blue-green waters and intense sunshine that warms your face.  Just as you are about to doze off, an echo of violent screams startles you awake, and you are left feeling completely drained.
2P: (Character) appears to doze off, but then (he/she) is started awake by something.

1P: For no apparent reason, your (item) tightens around your (worn location).  So much so, that the surrounding skin begins to turn white, as all the blood is squeezed from the nourishing veins.  Without the fortifying liquid, an incredibly accelerated necrosis sets in, and before you can stop it, your flesh dissolves and drips to the () with an audible *PLOP*!  You reach toward your (worn location) and cover the grotesque assault with your hand, but as you unveil the injury, all appears normal.
2P: (Character) stares in disbelief, clutching at (his/her) () in an attempt to cover (his/her) (item).

Fear Resistance Ending:
1P: Like a deck officer dropping anchor, a heavy, sinking feeling washes over you as your sense of fearlessness dwindles.
2P: N/A

See Also

Imflass wire jewelry Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Jewelry
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2021
Quest Item Yes
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
How to Unlock Quest
Attunement Yes
Attunes to Character
Item Verbs