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Decay Timer 10 minutes
Spirit Regeneration 1 per 4 min, ×2 on node
Height 5' to 6', max 6.5'
Weight 82 to 247 lbs.
Languages Common, Elven

The progeny of human and elf parents, half-elves are often looked down upon by both races due to the immense dislike the elves and humans have for each other. They >tend to look more like humans, but with slightly pointed ears and sharper facial features. Half-elves are lucky in that they acquire the agility and dexterity of their elven parents and the strength and stamina of their human parents, giving them the best of both worlds.

Half-elves are often loners and usually are wary of strangers. They face constant hostility as they are caught between two conflicting cultures with a history of animosity towards each other. As a result of this, they are bitter and suspicious, but they make excellent allies if one can gain their trust.

Half-Elf Statistics

Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
0 0 +5 +10 -5 0 0 0 0 +5

For statistic growth rates by profession, see List of statistic growth rates#Half-Elf.

Other Characteristics

Spirit Regeneration 1 per 4 min Decay Timer 10 min
Max Health 135 Base Regeneration 2
Weight Factor 0.8233 Encumbrance Factor 0.92
Maneuver Bonus Good Elemental TD -5
Spiritual TD -5 Mental TD 0
Sorcerer TD -5 Poison TD 0
Disease TD +50

Half-elves receive a slight hiding bonus everywhere.

Half-elven cultures

Most half-elves are pariahs of their communities, though the degree of acceptance can vary based on where they are raised.


Cultures: Selanthia, Aldora, Chastonia, Honneland, Estoria, Hendor, Allace, Trauntor, Seareach, Torre, Jantalar, Talador, Mestanir, Bourth, Vornavis, Highmount, Oire, Riverwood, Dragach

Humans have historically disliked elves as a whole due to mistreatment under the Elven Empire, and many of them see half-elves as just another kind of elf. In the provinces closest to the heart of the Turamzzyrian Empire, such as Selanthia, half-elves and anyone of nonhuman descent are prohibited from owning land or property under Chaston's Edict, and are treated as no better than slaves. Attitudes are more varied in the outlying regions, and some minor provinces have recently been ruled by half-elven barons.

Elven Nations

Cultures: Ta'Ardenai, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Loenthra, Ta'Nalfein, Ta'Vaalor

Half-elves are generally viewed with distaste by the elven aristocracy, and it is scandalous for any noble-born elf to openly acknowledge a half-blooded child. Particularly talented half-elves are respected in elven cities for their contributions, if only begrudgingly. Some are able to find employment as emissaries or spies with their ability to pass as either race.


The elven sense of superiority is greatly amplified in the Faendryl dark elves, and half-elves find very little acceptance.


Sylvankind are a very conservative and isolationist people, so half-elves are almost never seen in primarily sylvan communities. Most half-sylvans are born to parents living away from their homeland. Sylvans generally do not believe in the inherent superiority of one bloodline or race over another, so half-sylvans are not shunned, though it is very rare for one raised outside of the forests to fully embrace the sylvan worldview.

Race-specific verbs

Verb First Person Third Person
COWER You stumble back a few steps as you duck your head and throw your arm up in a protective gesture. Half-elf stumbles back a few steps as she ducks her head and throws her arm up in a defensive gesture.
COWER <self> You suddenly cower and raise your arm in a defensive reflex, then slowly straighten up again feeling slightly mortified as you realize you are not being threatened. Half-elf suddenly cowers and raises her arm in a defensive reflex, then slowly straightens up again with an embarrassed expression on her face.
COWER <person> You cower away from <person> shielding your face behind the protective barrier of your arm. Half-elf cowers away from you shielding her face behind the protective barrier of her arm as if expecting you to strike.
COWER <object> In a mock display of fear you cower away from <object>. Half-elf cowers away from <object> in a mock display of fear.
COWER <creature> You suddenly cower from <creature>) raising your arm in a defensive gesture. Half-elf suddenly cowers from a creature raising her arm in a defensive gesture.
FIDGET ANXIOUS You fidget anxiously, glancing around with a troubled look on your face. Half-elf fidgets anxiously, a troubled look on her face.
FIDGET ANXIOUS <target> You fidget anxiously, glancing at <target> with a troubled look on your face. Half-elf fidgets anxiously, glancing at <target> with a troubled look on her face.
FIDGET EXCITED You fidget excitedly, rubbing your hands together. Half-elf fidgets excitedly, rubbing her hands together.
FIDGET EXCITED <target> You fidget excitedly, rubbing your hands together at <target>. Half-elf fidgets excitedly, rubbing her hands together at <target>.
FIDGET ANNOYED You fidget while glancing back and forth quickly, trying to look annoyed. Half-elf fidgets agitatedly, an annoyed look on her face.
FIDGET ANNOYED <target> You fidget and glance at <target>, trying to look annoyed. Half-elf fidgets and glances at <target>, an annoyed look on her face.
FIDGET NERVOUS You fidget nervously as beads of sweat begin to form on your brow. Half-elf fidgets nervously, beads of sweat forming on her brow.
FIDGET NERVOUS <target> You fidget nervously, glancing apprehensively at <target>. Half-elf fidgets nervously, glancing apprehensively at <target>.
FIDGET CONCERN You fidget uneasily, looking around with concern. Half-Elf fidgets uneasily, a concerned look on her face.
FIDGET CONCERN <target> You fidget uneasily, glancing <target> with concern. Half-Elf fidgets uneasily, glancing at <target> with a concerned look on her face.
OBSERVE You narrow your eyes and take in your surroundings as you are overwhelmed with feelings of bitterness. Half-Elf narrows her eyes and takes in her surroundings with a bitter expression on her face.
OBSERVE <person> You gaze at <person> through shuttered eyes, thinking of long years of mistreatment and rejection before you tighten your lips and glance away. It's a battle for another day. Half-Elf narrows her eyes and gives you a cold, hard look before tightening her lips and glancing away.
OBSERVE <self> You tighten your lips in a bitter half-smile. Half-Elf tightens her lips in a bitter half-smile.
OBSERVE <object> You narrow your eyes as you closely observe <object>. Half-Elf narrows her eyes as she closely observes <object>.
OBSERVE <creature> As you closely observe <target> you ponder years of rejection and consider taking out all your frustrations on the sorry creature. As Half-Elf observes <target>, she tightens her lips and gets a feral glint in her eyes.
POSE (Elven Culture) You hold yourself up straighter and inhale, striking your most refined pose in an attempt to look a little bit more lithe and hopefully more elven. After darting a quick glance around, Half-elf straightens his posture and adopts a refined pose.
POSE (Human Culture) You take a deep breath and throw your shoulders back while slightly jutting out your chin, striking a proud pose in a hopeful attempt to look more human. After unconsciously trying to cover the tip of his ear, Vrehn throws his shoulders back and slightly juts out his chin in a proud pose.
SNEER You sneer with a hint of underlying anger bleeding through, almost daring anyone to mess with you. Half-elf sneers with a hint of anger in his eyes.
SNEER <person> You sneer antagonistically at <person>. Half-elf sneers with a hint of anger in her eyes.
Half-elf sneers antagonistically at you as if he has a giant chip on his shoulder.
SULK You cast your eyes downward while tugging self-consciously at the tip of your ear. Half-elf casts her eyes downward while tugging self-consciously at the tip of her ear.

{verb} set {standard/culture}


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