Loresinging/Previous version

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< Loresinging
Revision as of 09:53, 3 July 2024 by HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk | contribs) (Establishing subpage as a searchable record of the previous version for Loresinging that involved temporary unlocking and using LKPs to permanently unlock. Text taken directly from Loresinging's article history.)
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This version of Loresinging is deprecated and is no longer implemented. Information in this article is presented for historical reference only.

Loresinging was updated on 1/14/2024, coinciding with the release of the Lucky Talisman bard service associated with Song of Luck (1006).

Unlocking Loresongs

Bards have the ability to temporarily and permanently unlock loresongs, such that non-bards can RECALL the item to view its loresong. This applies to the standard properties exposed by loresinging most items, as well as the special story loresongs that some items possess.


A loresong is temporarily unlocked for between 1 to 30 days after a bard loresings to an item. The duration is based on the bard's skill. Factors are Bard spellsong ranks, Influence bonus, and Mental Lore, Telepathy.

The duration uses the formula, per Estild: ((Bard spellsong ranks / 4) + (Influence bonus / 5) + (seed 1 summation of Mental Lore, Telepathy ranks) - 10) = # of days, min 1, max 30.

For Example, a Level 42 bard with 23 ranks of Bard Spellsongs, a 21 Influence Bonus, and 12 ranks of Telepathy lore would have:

truncate(23/4) + truncate(21/5)  + (4-10)
5 + 4 + -6                        *notice the 6 is negative
9 - 6 = 3 day duration.

The duration of the temporary unlock will display in the fourth facet of the loresong, like so:

Its loresong has been temporarily unlocked by XXXX for 7 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.


Permanent loresong unlocking allows others to check the detail of their items without the assistance of a bard for the life of the item. This is especially beneficial for:

  • Reviewing custom loresongs
  • Checking the charges on enhancives and x/day imbeddables
  • Tracks stat/skill changes and charges on Adventurer's Guild badges
  • Tracking the progress of Enchanting and Ensorcelling on project pieces, including the difficulty bonus
  • Remembering the type of bane or flare in a pinch
  • Tracking type and estimated level of padding or weighting (requires an assess after unlocking)
  • Determining exact percentages on all types of Resistance
  • Identifying exact weight and capacity
  • Quickly recall the attuned location for unnavable rings
  • Following the weight reduction of a container
  • ... all as continued improvements or changes are made to the item in the future.

Lore Knowledge Points

To permanently unlock a loresong, a bard must accumulate Lore Knowledge Points (LKP), which are earned simply through experience absorption. A bard may earn up to 50,000 LKP per week and store up to 200,000 LKPs total. Accumulated LKPs may be viewed with the RECALL or RESOURCE verbs. Bards may suffuse their unused points to make future loresong unlock attempts easier. Note, suffused points will not carry over if and when a new service is released.


Health: 229/229     Mana: 320/403     Stamina: 155/155     Spirit: 10/10
Lore Knowledge: 49,870/50,000 (Weekly)     124,870/200,000 (Total)


0. 0-49,999 LKPs: You can't recall any pertinent lore to let you preserve the knowledge of objects.
1. 50,000 LKP: You remember a yarn you've spun, which you could use to preserve the knowledge of simple items.
2. 75,000 LKPs: Your thoughts shift to tales of treasures obtained from your travels, which you could use to preserve the knowledge of magical trinkets.
3. 100,000 LKPs: You recall secrets of lost civilizations and ancient legends, which you could use to preserve the knowledge of magical items.
4. 125,000 LKPs: Memories of the history of Elanthian heroes and their epic relics resonate in your mind, which you could use to preserve the knowlege of powerful items.
5. 150,000-199,999 LKPs: Your mind is filled with a vast repertoire of lore, which you could use to to preserve the knowledge of some of Elanthia's most powerful artifacts!
6. 200,000 LKPs: Your mind is filled with a vast repertoire of lore, which you could use to to preserve the knowledge of some of Elanthia's most powerful artifacts!  Your understanding of such magic cannot exceed this level.

Once a bard has earned 50,000 LKP for the week, the following message is displayed in the story window:

You have discovered all you can on life's little mysteries for the time being.

Skill Considerations

The skill check to permanently unlock a loresong rates the Bard's skill vs. the item's properties, with penalties for injuries and low on spirit. The formula for a bard's skill holds level, songspells over level, AU/INF bonus, and Telepathy ranks as equal to one "point" each. Stats and skill can be mixed and matched within their ranking to achieve an equal bonus:

 * Level
 * Bard spellsong ranks to level * 2
 * Bard spellsong ranks over level
 * Magic Item Use / 2
 * Elemental Mana Control / 2
 * Mental Mana Control / 2 
 * Aura stat bonus
 * Influence stat bonus
 * Mental Lore, Telepathy ranks

The skill check to unlock a loresong is far more forgiving than Enchant and Ensorcell, though some items are extremely difficult. There is a hard cap of 515 to the maximum difficulty an item can have. At level 100, with 100 bard spellsong ranks, 100 ranks of Magical Item Use, Elemental Mana Control, Mental Mana Control, 25 ranks of Mental Lore - Telepathy, and an Aura and Influence bonus of 25 each, a bard will have at least a 10% chance to successfully unlock any item.

The LKP cost is derived by the complexity or difficulty of an item, with a minimum 50,000 LKP cost to unlock any item and a maximum cost of 150,000. This cost does not vary based on the bard's skill:

 1. It will require a fair amount of lore to unlock this loresong.  [50000 Lore Knowledge]
 2. It will require a substantial amount of lore to unlock this loresong.  [75000 Lore Knowledge]
 3. It will require a generous amount of lore to unlock this loresong.  [100000 Lore Knowledge]
 4. It will require an epic amount of lore to unlock this loresong.  [125000 Lore Knowledge]
 5. It will require a vast amount of lore to unlock this loresong.  [150000 Lore Knowledge]

Performing the Unlock

To attempt to unlock the loresong of an item, the bard first needs to loresing to the item like normal, then within 5 minutes, use the RECALL verb on the item. Similar to enchanting and ensorceling, the first use of RECALL (verb) will provide a chance of success and also how many LKPs it will cost to unlock the item. It will also display the numeric difficulty required to unlock. A second RECALL (verb) will attempt the permanent unlock. Failure to permanently unlock an item results in a 24 hour cooldown before your can try to unlock the item again; there is no loss of LKPs. Once a loresong is unlocked, non-bards may RECALL (verb) the item to view its loresong forever.

Example of a first test-cast of RECALL (verb) to determine difficulty after loresinging:

>recall whip
You begin a musical chant directed towards your black and red whip.  You recall your recent loresong of the whip and prepare yourself to weave its story into its being.

Your song's magic continues to permeate through the whip and you sense that you can only fail to unlock its loresong if you are horribly unlucky.  [46 difficulty]
It will require a fair amount of lore to unlock this loresong.  [50000 Lore Knowledge]

[If you would like to proceed with unlocking this loresong, RECALL whip again within the next 30 seconds.] 

Example of a successful unlock (required 75,000 LKPs and awarded 400 experience):

>recall am
You begin a musical chant directed towards your gnarled bone amulet.  You recall your recent loresong of the amulet and prepare yourself to weave its story into its being.

Having probed the gnarled bone amulet already, you continue to focus your musical chant in an attempt to permanently infuse the amulet with its loresong...

You make a questionable attempt.

Success!  Stories and songs of comedies, victories, and heroes all swirl through your mind as you invest enough of your magical lore into the essence of the gnarled bone amulet.  Its loresong has now been permanently affixed.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Example of an unsuccessful unlock:

>recall dagger
You begin a musical chant directed towards your black steel dagger.  You recall your recent loresong of the dagger and prepare yourself to weave its story into its being.

Having probed the black steel dagger already, you continue to focus your musical chant in an attempt to permanently infuse the dagger with its loresong...

You make a very poor attempt!

Failure!  Stories and songs of tragedies, defeats, and villains all swirl through your mind as the black steel dagger rejects your infusion of magical lore.  You are left perplexed about the very essence of the dagger.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Additional Information

When accessed via RECALL, the loresong information functions exactly as if the bard is loresinging to the item. New properties added to the item after its loresong has been unlocked will be displayed, and any effects experienced by a bard loresinging the item manually will be experienced by the person accessing the loresong (which may include damage or death for certain rare items).

The loresongs of stationary items cannot be unlocked at this time.

If a non-bard accesses a loresong via RECALL and places it for sale in a player shop, the properties will be revealed as normal.