Holding Song (1001)
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Holding Song allows a Bard to lower a single target's defense by 10%. At the base, Holding Song only affects one creature, but is able to affect more for every 7 spellsong ranks over 1 (i.e. 2 at 8 ranks, 3 at 15, etc.).
This spellsong is able to be sung at a single target, such as SING FIFTH ORC, or unfocused using just SING. When using the unfocused version it first targets the first creature in the room, then the second, until the max number of targets the Bard can achieve is reached. While using the focused version, it will start at the first creature initially targeted, and then adds more creatures one by one until the limit of the bard's ability is reached or there are no more targetable creatures in the room.
Holding Song can also affect characters not in the Bard's group, but it will first cycle through all the possible creatures in the room before doing so.
Playing an instrument and singing this spellsong at the same time makes the spellsong even more powerful, reducing the target's DS by as much as an additional 5 to 15 points; however, this bonus only applies to the first/primary target.
Mana cost: 1, +2 for each additional creature affected.
Renewal Cost
1, +1 for each additional creature affected.
Note: Renewals for this spellsong are not automatic and must be done manually with RENEW 1001.
You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Holding Song to your song... [Spellsong preparation time: 5 seconds] Your spellsong is ready. You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at a thyril. CS: +46 - TD: +6 + CvA: +25 + d100: +72 == +137 Warding failed! A thyril appears to be distracted. Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
- Bard Base Spell Circle: Holding Song, on Play.net