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A Knight To Remember - 2020-09-13 - A Rone Cold Ultimatum (log)
Imaerasta 13-14, 5120
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Rone is spotted on the rooftops moving toward Moot Hall and swooping into a second floor window, presumably having seen Mayor Leafiara's letter proposing working together.
- Adventurers greet Rone in Leafi's office and Rone asks what they want; she reiterates that she'd like to know if Rone's interested in more of a formal alliance than continued vigilante business. She says she's seen Rone use the gauntlets to shield others and it seems useful against the acid pylons. Chandrellia agrees that we could use Rone's help protecting the citizens. Rone says the mayor cannot have both sides of the coin and the town already has their help protecting the citizens, which is needed more every day.
- A town clerk briefly drops by, then hurries out, saying he'll come back.
- Leafi says it's possible the town council will retract its willingness to overlook Rone, but Rone says that's her concern, not theirs. Leafi says fair enough and tells Rone she likes what they do well enough, so carry on and at least the town guards (under her command) won't be coming after Rone unless she sees something much different than what they've done so far.
- Rone says more is needed, as shadows are bleeding into the town who don't have our best interests in mind. Leafi says that was her point, as the new bandit faction is a growing problem. Rone says the [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|Rooks]] are a problem too and the mayor would do well to publicly decry both, or Rone's list will grow; Leafi asks what they've seen the Rooks do that she should be decrying and asks for anything Rone has on them that we can investigate.
- Marijka says all Rones have been cloaking private agendas in public interest; Rone says there's no agenda beyond justice and safety; Mari says that's what the first Rone said and people turned up dead; Leafi says she hasn't seen this Rone kill anyone, which makes their threat about a 'list' curious; Rone says justice does not always result in a corpse. Silvynn asks if that sense of justice led Rone to pursue Rysus; Rone (the current) says they're not who Silvynn's thinking of (Malluch Burdos).
- Rone says if the mayor wants less of them (Rone) and more peace, then denounce all crime elements--the new factions and the Brotherhood. Take the side of Wehnimer's Landing or justice comes for her too. Leafi asks for something specific that she should be opposing since she's seen nothing other than Archales' loresong of Mother killing the dockworkers; Rone says she's naive or a deceiver, and the Rooks are criminals and that hasn't changed. Rone says the town will be pulled apart if she (Leafi) doesn't stand on the side of Wehnimer's, and while the mayor doesn't act without a court of peer approval, they (Rone) will be decisive and protect the town. Leafi says she's not fool enough to believe she can do this on her own and we have to stand together; Rone says they know it can't be done on their own and that those who wish justice can either rally to Rone's banner or to Leafiara's; the choice is hers.
- Leafi reiterates that if Rone gives her a lead to investigate the Rooks, she can go from there. Rone says the Rooks are only part of the corruption, so Leafi says to help her help the town root things out one step at a time. Rone says denouncing the Rooks is the mayor's first step, but until then, everything she says or does is laced with elitism and hypocrisy, and Rone says not to waste their time again, then leaves by shattering the window and heading back to the rooftops.
- The town clerk returns with news on town council developments. Judge Renpaw seeks decisions on the town council positions of Marshal of the Militia and Steward of the Guilds by week's end.
- The interim interim marshal position is to be resumed by Thadston when he's deemed fit, but until then, those who have applied and been approved as candidates are Amos, Casiphia, Khylon, and Cutlass, the owner of the fish shop. Leafi asks if Renpaw received Captain Stormyrain's letter, as she (Leafi) and the captains feel that the marshal position doesn't need to be filled since there's a chance we can bring Thadston back soon, and furthermore the captains have often managed in a marshal's absence. The clerk says the Judge did get the letter, but nonetheless the position must be temporarily filled.
- As for Steward of the Guild, the candidates are Walward (owner of the siegery shop), Dakris the furrier, Stephos DeArchon, and Amos. Chandrellia asks how Amos can be a candidate for both; the town clerk says the Judge ruled he cannot hold both, but applying has no such restriction. Furthermore, he (the clerk) asked about Stephos potentially holding a position while being married to Alendrial DeArchon, another town council member, but Renpaw ruled no restriction.
Highlights - Comedic
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You make a great Cryheart." Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "All slow and everything." Speaking patiently to Pukk, Leafiara says, "I'm searching, ya see." Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Sure...that is what Cryheart would say too." Speaking slowly to Leafiara, Goblyn assures, "You are maybe not like Cryheart, Mayor Leafiara."
Pukk exclaims, "I can see gossip from the Daily Darkstone now......... Mayor Leafiara and Rone seen in office together and rumored to be lovers!" Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk whispers aloud, "I have to work on spreading that rumor." Speaking slowly to Pukk, Goblyn asks, "You are... certain this is a -rumor-?"
Leafiara says, "Well... and the other problem is we legitimately haven't seen this Rone do anything wrong. Words tonight aside, none of that was criminal." Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "Inciting public unrest, terrorism, destroying your window?" Lylia says, "If inciting public unrest or making threats were criminal here, Hapenlok would be under the lowest foundations of the jail."
Berost deeply says, "So get tha council ta pass a law what makes it illegal ta stalk the rooftops." Speaking to Berost, Leafiara sighs, "Trust me, I can't even get them to agree to a wastebasket in the square."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "New developments. Sareyna gave a bite of her forbidden apple to Cruxophim. Leafiara and Rone are lovers. Rone, who is rumored to be Chaoswynd, is upset that Stormy confessed her love to Thadston. And suspicions that Lylia doesn't have a heart are confirmed. Tell everybody you know! These can be the newest headlines in the Daily Darkstone!" Speaking skeptically to Pukk, Cruxophim muses, "The Daily Darkstone is you, isn't it?" [General] Elphieya asks, "You are the editor of the Daily Darkstone. Right, Pukk?" [General] Pukk thinks, "This just in! Amos has purchased a seat on the council and maybe even the role as Marshal of the Militia! In unrelated news, Mayor Leafiara deposits a large amount of silvers in the bank which causes several tellers to complain about the extra work."
Leafiara says, "As for the marshal, Khylon seems the obvious choice." Leafiara wryly says, "Maybe it would finally clear up all these Rook rumors if I appoint the most-anti Rook interim marshal available."
Speaking darkly to Cruxophim, Draccor says, "I'm sure you want to keep all yer limbs today." Speaking smoothly to Draccor, Cruxophim inquires, "Who says they're mine?" Leafiara ruefully confides, "Sadly, the council wouldn't let me have the office as unsafe and un-sanctuaried as past mayors." Speaking wistfully to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "So many fond memories of Hap's assassination attempts against you in this very room." Sareyna says, "Hap is always squeaking about something or other unless he had a personality transplant while I was away." Speaking reassuringly to Leafiara, Cruxophim suggests, "Give it time." Speaking to Sareyna, Leafiara says, "Nope, it's a true as ever." Speaking to Sareyna, Pietra says, "Still squeaking." Xorus dryly says, "Quinshon did not go that far with him." Pukk says, "I found out if you punch Hap in the throat enough, he stops squeaking."
Pukk recites: "Everybody kiss Goblyn!" Goblyn pointedly says, "Everyone will be keeping their lips away..." Goblyn warns, "Or maybe I will be -taking- your lips."
Highlights - Thematic
Rone monotonously says, "If you want less of me Mayor, and more peace you created, then denounce all elements of crime in this town. The new factions arriving, and those who already have roots. The Brotherhood. You must take the side of Wehnimer's, or else justice comes for you too." Speaking to Rone, Leafiara asks, "I need something specific. What are they doing that I should be opposing?" Leafiara asks, "Does no one ever have any charges to bring against the Rooks except under past leaders?" Leafiara says, "I mean, even I could mention one. Mother's killing of the dockworkers." Leafiara says, "That's it. That's the one thing I've seen out of them that's criminal since she took over, and what it was in a loresong." Rone monotonously says, "You are naive, or purposeful in your deception. The Rooks are criminals. This has not changed." Marijka rasps, "The inheritor of a legacy of murder and terrorism is prepared to tell you how justice works." Leafiara says, "Always with the calls of naivete, and always from people who put on masks and declare themselves all the Landing needs." Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Fortunately for you, I really do like you, so I'll take this seriously and look into it as I can." Rone monotonously says, "You've a mask, not much different than mine, Mayor." Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "But I don't act without evidence." Rone monotonously says, "No. You don't act without a court of peer approval." Rone monotonously says, "Which is why I will do what I must to be decisive and protect the town." Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Because I'm not fool enough to believe I can do this all on my own, like you or Malluch." Speaking to Rone, Marijka rasps, "And me? What do you have to say about me? The first Rone accused me of standing alongside the heart of darkness in the Landing. I died for it. I do not forget that, and I am not dissuaded by your arguments of 'Look over there!'" Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "If we don't stand together, we have nothing. With or without a pair of magical gauntlets." Rone monotonously says, "I know this cannot be done on my own. Nor will it." Rone monotonously says, "Those who wish justice can rally to my banner. Or yours. The choice is up to you."
Awaiting Answers
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Ipacryn disk, a blue-eyed black cat, some wolifrew lichen, a smooth stone, a waxed black leather pouch, a large acorn, a sinuous bone white serpent, a piece of iron, some iron ore, a ground maoral block, the Targetina disk, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Ketiosin, Ipacryn, Lunalissa, Marijka, Lady Immoras, Lady Tarazota, Mayor Leafiara, Great Lord Torpe, Targetina
Leafiara says, "Yet another quiet night, I guess..."
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
Leafiara slowly says, "Or not."
Ketiosin softly asks, "That good or bad?"
Speaking wryly to Ketiosin, Leafiara says, "Well, either way, it's irrelevant now."
Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "Crux also thinks I should avoid the sight of blood for a couple of days. Scale of one to one hundred, how likely do you think THAT is?"
[General] Leafiara observes, "Mm, another rainy Landing night, it seems."
Pukk says, "Nobody around except us."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
Speaking suspiciously to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "Crazy, ain't it?"
Speaking teasingly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Quick, maybe we can get Mother to give you a mask while no one's looking."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara for wholesome goodness!"
Leafiara amusedly says, "Oh, yeah, that's definitely what we're joining for."
Speaking to Sareyna, Pukk says, "Join up."
Sareyna says, "Stop harassing the poor girl you beast."
Leafiara recites:
"Join up as I temporarily fill the role of Cryheart!"
Ketiosin softly says, "It is just a bit slow is all."
Lightning flashes in the night and briefly illuminates a lone white-cloaked figure perched on a rooftop like an ivory gargoyle.
Leafiara says, "Ahhh, there's our Rone..."
Leafiara says, "I wonder if they got my message."
Marijka rasps, "For the love of Koar..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Who?"
Leafiara adds, "...would sure hope so since I posted it right outside Moot Hall."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "If it has words, I don't bother reading it."
[General] Leafiara exclaims, "Good evening, Rone!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I only read stuff that doesn't have words."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Well hello Rone how is the view on the rooftop?"
Speaking to Pukk, Sareyna says, "Question is Pukky CAN you read it."
[General] Berost thinks, "Not sure if he got mech left upstairs ta be thinkin with ...."
[General] Elphieya asks, "Which Rone iteration is this one? We've gone through several at this point, right?"
Speaking to Sareyna, Pukk says, "Why of course I can....maybe..."
[General] Leafiara answers, "This would be the third, who's been around over twice as long as the other two combined."
Sareyna says, "Goblyn huckleberry."
Speaking to Goblyn, Marijka rasps, "You missed the single most Goblyn thing I've seen in months."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "I knew it! Chaoswynd is Rone!"
[Help] Pietra: "I thought you were Rone, Pukk?"
Speaking baffledly to Marijka, Goblyn asks, "... there is a thing that is more Goblyn than ... Goblyn?"
[General] Berost exclaims, "Na... Amos is Rone!"
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Pietra said it for me as I was thinking the same thing."
The white-cloaked figure moves fluidly across some rooftops of town, crouching low as it nears Moot Hall then seems to disappear through a window on the second floor.
Marijka rasps, "You'll have to ask Cruxophim or Thrassus for details because, quite frankly, I find them completely incredible."
Speaking to Goblyn, Marijka rasps, "No. But I haven't seen you in those months, either."
Leafiara says, "Ah, looks like they're visiting... let's head inside."
Leafiara recites:
"Join up!"
Speaking to Marijka, Goblyn says, "This is... very good, then, Marijka."
[Mayor Leafiara's Office]
Silk-cushioned chairs surround a circular cherry red table toward the back of the room. Plush carpets of fake fur blanket the polished oak floor while myriad painted treats span the office's walls, interrupted by an oversized placard. In a back corner, above a brick fireplace, a mounted stag's head watches vigilantly from a distance over a hazelwood dart board near the entryway. A leaf-shaped window invites outside light toward a drink bar that stands beneath a painting. You also see a sinuous bone white serpent, a basket of sticks and a tiny two-tiered bookshelf.
Asben, Chandrellia, Goblyn, Towermen, Felita, Sareyna, Lycurgus, Pukk, Diamondelille, Lunalissa, Marijka, Immoras and Tarazota followed. [go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
Towermen exclaims, "Kidnappin me?!"
[General] Pukk thinks, "I wish! I'm working up to it though. I'm trying to see if he accepts a apprenticeship."
Leafiara surprisedly says, "Oh... somewhere else on the second floor, perhaps."
[ongoing travel searching the other second floor rooms]
Pukk says, "Chocolate."
Leafiara says, "Hmm."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You make a great Cryheart."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "All slow and everything."
Towermen says, "Kick him."
Speaking patiently to Pukk, Leafiara says, "I'm searching, ya see."
[Mayor Leafiara's Office]
Silk-cushioned chairs surround a circular cherry red table toward the back of the room. Plush carpets of fake fur blanket the polished oak floor while myriad painted treats span the office's walls, interrupted by an oversized placard. In a back corner, above a brick fireplace, a mounted stag's head watches vigilantly from a distance over a hazelwood dart board near the entryway. A leaf-shaped window invites outside light toward a drink bar that stands beneath a painting. You also see a sinuous bone white serpent, a basket of sticks and a tiny two-tiered bookshelf.
Felita says, "Misser Pukk is full of mischief."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Sure...that is what Cryheart would say too."
Speaking slowly to Leafiara, Goblyn assures, "You are maybe not like Cryheart, Mayor Leafiara."
Towermen says, "She a bit prettier."
Speaking mischievously to Towermen, Leafiara says, "You said it, not me."
Chandrellia softly asks, "I saw a room with a ladder does that reach the roof?"
Towermen says, "I did."
Goblyn whispers something to Felita.
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "It does, yes."
Towermen says, "Don't tell Cryheart."
First Meeting With Rone
Rone slips into view.
Leafiara says, "I suppose we could see, but I could've sworn--"
Leafiara nods to Rone in greeting.
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk says, "Yep, she is. Just watch as she walks..slow like Cryheart..."
Leafiara says, "Ah, good, I was right."
Speaking amiably to Rone, Leafiara says, "Good evening to you."
>l rone
You see a lithe white armored figure that stands average height. The figure's identity is hidden beneath a smooth pale white mask, where shadows from a white cowl cover the eyes in darkness. Silver-etched runes stretch along the length of the figure's polished steel gauntlets.
Rone moves to a corner of the room, far from the door, far from the window.
Speaking flatly to Rone, Marijka rasps, "Rone."
Speaking to Rone, Pukk asks, "So, do you accept apprentices?"
Speaking amusedly to Rone, Goblyn says, "You are -many- times alive in this form."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Nearly two years now and we've had no introduction from ya yet."
Leafiara grins at Rone.
Rone monotonously says, "No introduction needed."
Leafiara tilts her head at Rone.
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Leafi, this is Rone."
Rone monotonously asks, "What do you want?"
Speaking to Rone, Pukk says, "Rone, This is Leafi."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara guesses, "Letting your actions speak for you, then?"
Pukk says, "There you go."
Marijka whispers something to Thrassus.
Rone glances at Towermen.
Towermen blinks.
Towermen tries humming a joyful tune.
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "I'd like to know if you're interested in--well, less of this vigilante business and more of a formal alliance."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "I've been watching what you do with those gauntlets and it seems you have a talent in shielding others..."
Speaking pragmatically to Rone, Leafiara says, "It seems useful when we're facing pylons firing acid."
Thrassus says, "Well, this one is talking like they are brainwashed as well it seems."
Speaking to Rone, Pukk whispers aloud, "Be careful. She might trick you into becoming a marshal or something."
Speaking flatly to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "You are not making alliances with Rones."
Xorus whispers something to Goblyn.
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "No, the captains and I have other thoughts on that one."
Speaking softly to Rone, Chandrellia says, "And honestly we could use your help in protecting the citizens."
Speaking offhandedly to Marijka, Leafiara says, "Well, that depends what Rone wants."
Rone monotonously says, "You cannot have both sides of the coin Mayor."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "If you'd rather continue on as you are, I suppose that's fine--"
Leafiara peers quizzically at Rone.
Goblyn whispers something to Xorus.
Speaking to Rone, Pukk says, "But you can have a coin that has both sides."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara asks, "Meaning... what?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "Rone wants what Rone always wants. To advance his own agenda under a cloak of public interest."
Rone monotonously says, "You already have my help in protecting the citizens. It is needed more every day."
Speaking slowly to Rone, Leafiara says, "Right, but it's possible the council will at some point retract its... willingness to overlook you."
A town clerk arrives and suddenly pauses. "I...will....come back..." The clerk hurries out.
Rone monotonously says, "The council is your concern. Not mine."
Speaking musingly to Rone, Leafiara says, "Well, fair enough."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Since when does the clerk work this late?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Towermen says, "Bosses crackin the whip tonight."
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "I like what you do well enough, so carry on, then. The guards, at very least, won't be coming after you unless I see something much different than what you've been doing so far."
Pukk exclaims, "I can see gossip from the Daily Darkstone now......... Mayor Leafiara and Rone seen in office together and rumored to be lovers!"
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk whispers aloud, "I have to work on spreading that rumor."
Speaking slowly to Pukk, Goblyn asks, "You are... certain this is a -rumor-?"
Speaking awkwardly to Rone, Leafiara adds, "And it was good to.. speak, I suppose? Not much of a conversation, but better than the nothing until now."
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk exclaims, "True!"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "Leafi is even awkward around Rone. Love is in the air."
Towermen asks, "Is it true?"
Speaking amusedly to Towermen, Leafiara says, "No, though the Rones do fascinate me."
Rone and the Rooks
Rone monotonously says, "There is more needed. There are shadows bleeding into the town, and they do not have our best interests in mind."
Pukk exclaims, "Down with the shadows!"
Speaking curiously to Rone, Chandrellia asks, "Shadows?"
Towermen says, "I'll get a torch, problem solved."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Well, yes, I can't argue--and that was my point. This strange new bandit faction is a growing problem."
Pukk exclaims, "Down with the interests too!"
Lylia dryly remarks, "'I see a dark man, and he threatens the town. He is dangerous.' I feel I have heard this before."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "Shadows are fun!"
Thrassus says, "Again with the shadows."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia asks, "Have we not?"
Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara guesses, "Balley?"
Rone monotonously says, "The Rooks are a problem as well."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "You can make birdies and stuff with em."
Goblyn whispers something to Thrassus.
Lylia nods knowingly at Leafiara.
Rone monotonously says, "You would do well to publicly decry both Mayor."
Rone monotonously says, "Or my list will grow."
Speaking curiously to Rone, Leafiara asks, "What have you seen them do that I should be decrying?"
Pukk exclaims, "Down with Rone!"
Pukk exclaims, "Rooks are great!"
Speaking curiously to Rone, Goblyn laughs, "Will you be leaving names with notes in this future times?"
Lylia asks, "Was it the time they used children as shields for their 'nests' as Thadston attempted to root them out? Or was it the time they hanged the guards from the ramparts?"
Lylia says, "Perhaps something more recent."
Umbazi says, "Down with the Rooks. Down with crime in general."
Leafiara says, "I'd like something more recent than six years ago, yes."
Speaking to Lylia, Marijka rasps, "Rone First made that accusation of me, as well as others. This is as unnecessary as it is tedious. Rones have never been anything but an attempt to cloak a private agenda in public interest."
Pukk exclaims, "Down with logic!"
Rone monotonously says, "There is no agenda beyond justice and safety for Wehnimer's."
Speaking seriously to Rone, Leafiara says, "If you have anything on them, I'd like to know it so we can investigate it. ...ideally something more concrete than a Daily Darrkstone rumor too."
Speaking to Pukk, Sareyna asks, "Up with down?"
Lylia says, "Ah, such as the ship that was wrecked and left its flotsam on the shores. Some unusual finds there. Perhaps they bear investigation."
Speaking to Sareyna, Pukk exclaims, "Right!"
Marijka boredly rasps, "Yes, yes, that's what your predecessor said, too."
Pukk exclaims, "Up with down!"
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra asks, "New dance?"
Marijka rasps, "Awful lot of citizens turned up dead in those days for this massive new interest in public safety."
Speaking to Sareyna, Pukk says, "Ummmm I think your pants clicked at me..."
Pukk says, "Awkward...."
Leafiara says, "I haven't yet seen this Rone kill anyone."
Leafiara glances at Rone.
Speaking to Rone, Silvynn asks, "Did that sense of justice lead you to pursue Rysus?"
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara adds, "Which, incidentally, is why I find your threat about a 'list' curious."
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Silvynn takes a moment to observe Rone.
Rone monotonously says, "Justice does not always result in a corpse Mayor."
Goblyn whispers something to Silvynn.
Pukk asks, "Who are you and where is the real Rone?"
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Then I'll check with Khylon about captured criminals the guard has found in mysterious circumstances."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Either way, as I said, I don't have any issue with what I've seen out of you. You, specifically, and not the past Rones."
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Rone.
Lylia flatly says, "The real Rone died when I was a child, hundreds of years ago. All of this is pretense and mummery."
Speaking to Rone, Silvynn says, "I remember you were searching for Rysus while he was ill."
Lylia says, "So the concept of a 'real Rone' is not meaningful."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "Wow...I though you were around when the lands were formed?"
Speaking to Silvynn, Leafiara says, "That was Malluch. This is--well, we've no idea, but not Malluch at least."
Umbazi asks, "Besides, he's wearing a mask. How do you know it's the same Rone you've met before?"
Speaking to Rone, Silvynn says, "Ranting like a madman."
Pietra says, "Oooh mummery."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "No, that would be Xorus."
Speaking to Pukk, Marijka rasps, "Find me the first Rone... Malluch... and I will give you every one of the millions of silver I have at my disposal. I still owe him for snatching me out of this very room and killing me."
Speaking offhandedly to Marijka, Leafiara says, "He's out in the woods somewhere. Good luck finding him."
Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "That's why I'm sending Pukk."
Speaking to Marijka, Pukk says, "I'm torn. On one hand, I love silvers. On the other hand, that sounded like a order and I hate orders."
Speaking to Pukk, Marijka rasps, "It was an offer. A promise."
Speaking to Rone, Silvynn asks, "So you are not the same one?"
Pukk says, "Okay, that's better."
Rone monotonously says, "If you want less of me Mayor, and more peace you created, then denounce all elements of crime in this town. The new factions arriving, and those who already have roots. The Brotherhood. You must take the side of Wehnimer's, or else justice comes for you too."
Rone glances at Silvynn.
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara asks, "I need something specific. What are they doing that I should be opposing?"
Rone monotonously says, "I am not who you think I am." [to Silvynn]
Speaking to Rone, Lunalissa asks, "So why the mask? Why should we trust you? How can we trust you?"
Rone glances at Leafiara.
Pukk says, "Wait...Rooks aren't crime...I take back that jeer."
Leafiara asks, "Does no one ever have any charges to bring against the Rooks except under past leaders?"
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Cruxophim wryly offers, "I know I'm a little late, but did someone say shadows?"
Goblyn licks Cruxophim's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
Leafiara says, "I mean, even I could mention one. Mother's killing of the dockworkers."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Marijka rasps, "Different, allegedly, Rone; same old threats and accusations."
Speaking to Rone, Silvynn says, "Define the groups. Get it out in the open."
Leafiara says, "That's it. That's the one thing I've seen out of them that's criminal since she took over, and it was in a loresong."
Speaking amusedly to Cruxophim, Goblyn says, "This Rone did maybe speak of this shadows."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Pietra says, "Didn't say stinky shadows, though."
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk whispers aloud, "I think Cruxy has a crush on Sareyna."
Rone monotonously says, "You are naive, or purposeful in your deception. The Rooks are criminals. This has not changed."
Leafiara frowns at Rone.
Towermen says, "Here we go."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Or you can be purposefully naive."
Marijka rasps, "The inheritor of a legacy of murder and terrorism is prepared to tell you how justice works."
Leafiara says, "Always with the calls of naivete, and always from people who put on masks and declare themselves all the Landing needs."
Speaking to Rone, Pukk says, "Okay. I take back my take back on that jeer."
Rone monotonously says, "Our town will be pulled apart soon if you do not stand on the side of Wehnimer's."
Pukk points at Rone and jeers. Boooooo!
Rone nods at Leafiara.
Lylia says, "Rooks also wear masks and make claims to be what the Landing needs."
Speaking to Rone, Silvynn asks, "The Rooks are freedom fighters against that accursed empire from the south. Is your alliance with that empire?"
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Fortunately for you, I really do like you, so I'll take this seriously and look into it as I can."
Umbazi says, "Well, he's not wrong. You do admire the Rooks, and the Rooks have hurt people."
Speaking silkily to Rone, Cruxophim challenges, "Who says we don't?"
Lylia says, "And yet they are well-beloved by many."
Rone monotonously says, "You've a mask, not much different than mine, Mayor."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "But I don't act without evidence."
Leafiara removes a pure white silk mask from in her cherry red cloak.
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at her white silk mask.
Leafiara puts a pure white silk mask in herr cherry red cloak.
Speaking to Rone, Pietra exclaims, "I don't think you are being ominous enough. Put some oomph in your voice!"
Rone monotonously says, "No. You don't act without a court of peer approval."
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk says, "Sareyna is tempting Cruxy with apples. Pretty soon she might be the apple of his eye."
Lylia offhandedly says, "I never much cared for masks, except at extravaganzas."
Rone monotonously says, "Which is why I will do what I must to be decisive and protect the town."
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "Because I'm not fool enough to believe I can do this all on my own, like you or Malluch."
Speaking drolly to Rone, Cruxophim notes, "I see."
Speaking to Rone, Marijka rasps, "And me? What do you have to say about me? The first Rone accused me of standing alongside the heart of darkness in the Landing. I died for it. I do not forget that, and I am not dissuaded by your arguments of 'Look over there!'"
Towermen asks, "He's a leader in the town too huh?"
Speaking to Rone, Leafiara says, "If we don't stand together, we have nothing. With or without a pair of magical gauntlets."
Speaking softly to Rone, Chandrellia says, "She doesn't act without speaking to the citizens of this town and getting their thoughts and ideas as well, she takes our opinons to heart."
Goblyn whispers something to Pukk.
Rone monotonously says, "I know this cannot be done on my own. Nor will it."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Lylia says, "Ah, see, this is why you need a heartless mayor."
Speaking dubiously to Rone, Cruxophim inquires, "What exactly are you trying to do?"
Rone monotonously says, "Those who wish justice can rally to my banner. Or yours. The choice is up to you."
Speaking softly to Lylia, Chandrellia asks, "Is it?"
Speaking to Marijka, Pukk asks, "What's a little death among friends?"
Speaking reasonably to Rone, Leafiara says, "How about this? Give me some lead to investigate the Rooks for actual evidence and I can go from there."
Lylia replies, "I did well enough without one."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Marijka rasps, "It's the same con it's been ever since the beginning. We didn't finish the job we set out to do and now here it is remaining undone."
Lylia gently says, "A bit of a jest, though."
Speaking skeptically to Rone, Cruxophim inquires, "Are you on a crusade against the Rooks again?"
Speaking to Rone, Lunalissa says, "Stand together? Stand with who? You could be anyone beneath that mask."."
Speaking to Rone, Cidven says, "I'd love to see some evidence."
Rone monotonously says, "The Rooks are only part of the corruption."
Leafiara peers quizzically at Rone.
[General] Sadnama thinks, "I'm a tad lost."
Cruxophim whispers something to Goblyn.
Speaking slowly to Rone, Leafiara says, "Okay, so help me help the town root things out one step at a time."
Speaking softly to Rone, Chandrellia says, "But if you ally with us then we can all ralley under the same banner."
Speaking to Rone, Silvynn asks, "Who wields your leash?"
Leafiara points at Chandrellia.
Towermen says, "Lotta words, not much actual information."
Marijka dryly rasps, "Here we go again."
Rone monotonously says, "They are not all. And they are not alone. And this town is bringing them in daily."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Marijka rasps, "You haven't lapsed back into being the heart of darkness, have you?"
Leafiara marvels, "I swear, have we entered some other plane when I wasn't looking? Why am I the one actually contemplating Rone's words and investigating the Rooks?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "I think Thadston holds the leash for Rone."
Speaking softly to Rone, Chandrellia says, "This your banner and my banner sounds like someone tryng to split the town in two, to make us choose sides when we are all fighting the same battle."
Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "Because you mean well, and you listen to nonsense in an effort to demonstrate it."
Speaking to Marijka, Leafiara says, "I don't think this is nonsense, necessarily, but I'd like more."
Rone monotonously says, "Denouncing the Brotherhood of Rooks is your first step Mayor. Until then, everything you say or do is laced with elitism and hypocrisy. If you cannot pull the weeds from your own garden, you need not judge another's yard."
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn says, "This Rone is the arrow in someone else's quiver."
Speaking flatly to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "It is. It always was. Three Rones, one con."
Speaking slowly to Rone, Goblyn wonders, "You are not also a weed?"
Speaking to Silvynn, Leafiara says, "It's curious, you know... with Praxopius dead, I really thought this Rone would be independent, but I'm not sure now."
Pukk says, "Okay, are we talking about the town or are we talking about weeds? Because if we are talking about weeds then we need to talk to some rangers."
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn says, "Someone else is pulling the strings."
Lylia wistfully says, "I miss Praxopius. Now there was a practical man of action."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "Who was he?"
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "I shall inform Ysharra."
Xorus says, "He owes me my formula."
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn says, "This one is a parrot repeating what he has be told."
Speaking to Lylia, Marijka rasps, "I should enjoy seeing Ysharra active once again."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "The man who helped bring Glaoveln low and end the Krolvin stranglehold on our coast."
Speaking wryly to Xorus, Cruxophim notes, "You may be waiting a long time."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "You lost be after bring."
Rone monotonously says, "Denounce all crime, in all forms and faces. Until then, do not waste my time again."
Rone nods at Leafiara.
Rone runs towards the window and a silver rune flashes briefly along one of Rone's gauntlets. The figure holds a hand out and a ripple of force projects out, shattering the window and sending shards flying out into the night and street as Rone leaps through the window and scales up to the roof and hurries out of sight.
Discussion Afterward...
Leafara slowly says, "Well. Not quite as productive as I was hoping."
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn says, "You hurt his feelings."
Cruxophim mildly notes, "Well, this Rone is certainly dramatic."
Pukk yells, "Breaking that window is a crime too!"
Chandrellia yells, "Hey there could have been an innocent down there!"
Leafiara says, "They always are."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra asks, "You got a lotta backup windows I hope?"
Pukk yells, "You criminal!"
Lylia says, "They all are. Mummers."
Cidven asks, "Is vandalism a crime?"
Cruxophim yells, "Who's gonna pay for that?!"
Towermen says, "Dramatic and full of NO information."
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn says, "My counsel would be to raise the ante. Declare him an outlaw and order his arrest."
Speaking slowly to Leafiara, Goblyn asks, "Maybe you will be wishing for a -better- window?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "Do as he recommends. Denounce all crime, and let me resume my hunt of vigilantes to that end just as happened two years ago."
Speaking to Pietra, Lylia says, "The glaziers here have made a fortune off broken mayoral windows."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Okay, so Thadston and Rone are in cahoots."
Leafiara says, "As ever, a lot of platitudes."
Cidven says, "Few words and less information."
Felita says, "Ye needs iron bars onnem."
Speaking to Silvynn, Leafiara says, "The trouble is the town council already put out a public notice of ignoring Rone's acts last month."
Thrassus says, "Might want to put iron bars in the next set of windows."
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn asks, "Can you put the council in prison?"
Speaking helpfully to Thrassus, Cruxophim suggests, "Maybe an invisible magical barrier."
Leafiara says, "Well... and the other problem is we legitimately haven't seen this Rone do anything wrong. Words tonight aside, none of that was criminal."
Speaking softly to Silvynn, Chandrellia says, "Rone hasn't actually broken any serious laws as of yet, so the council won't see him or her as criminal untill that happens."
The voice of Kobane quietly says, "Destruction of property, at th'least."
Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "Inciting public unrest, terrorism, destroying your window?"
Goblyn whispers something to Leafiara.
Berost deeply says, "So get tha council ta pass a law what makes it illegal ta stalk the rooftops."
Speaking wryly to Marijka, Leafiara says, "That window gets destroyed three times a month at least."
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn says, "Charge him of past crimes of the former Rone."
Lylia says, "If inciting public unrest or making threats were criminal here, Hapenlok would be under the lowest foundations of the jail."
News on the Council
A town clerk slowly wanders back in whistling.
Speaking to Leafiara, Marijka rasps, "So upon reaching what number of broken windows does it change from illegal to legal?"
Silvynn says, "Sort it all out later."
Speaking to Berost, Leafiara sighs, "Trust me, I can't even get them to agree to a wastebasket in the square."
Speaking softly to Marijka, Chandrellia asks, "Inciting public unrest? he's been defending the public how is that unrest?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra exclaims, "You could get that purple bulletin board, and just cover it up!"
Speaking to Lylia, Marijka rasps, "This is entirely in accordance with my urging."
Pukk says, "I can see the new gossip from the Daily Darkstone now! Mayor Leafiara and Rone split in lover's spat! Marijka misses Rone and offers reward for his capture....for his safe return and Lylia confirms that she and Xorus are older than the Arkati and her heart disappeared long long ago."
Leafiara admits, "I couldn't really get a bead on this Rone or what they want or think they're accomplishing."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Thirty percent of that could be true."
Speaking amiably to a town clerk, Leafiara says, "Ah, welcome back."
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Berost says, "Apologies then, all I got tonight. Far as I am concerned if ROne wants ta off the Rooks; that works too."
Speaking to a town clerk, Leafiara says, "Apologies for the, ah--well, quick meeting."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Marijka rasps, "No. He has been making accusations without evidence. That protects nobody. He tries to push us to take action against his enemies for reasons he refuses to reveal. He is attempting to provoke us to accomplish his bidding."
Speaking affably to a town clerk, Leafiara asks, "What brings you here tonight?"
The town clerk looks around and smiles, "I was bringing some news on some town council developments."
Speaking to a town clerk, Pukk says, "Be careful. Her and Rone had a lover's spat and she is upset."
Marijka rasps, "Just as did the first Rone. We did not stand for it then, and we should not stand for it now."
The town clerk says, "Judge Renpaw sent me with some, um, updates Mayor, that require your attention."
Pukk asks, "The town council has decided to give Rone a seat on the council?"
Chandrellia softly says, "Attempt is just that, attempt. Unless we act on them it's not civil unrest, the civilans will see him as a hero protecting them against what this Rne feels is bad for the public."
Leafiara confesses, "Well, I do understand those who want to act without evidence, whether they're Rones or even Thadston. Even in his case, the attack itself on the camps I understood, but the rest of--"
Leafiara tilts her head and examines the town clerk.
Speaking curiously to a town clerk, Leafiara asks, "Oh?"
Speaking interestedly to a town clerk, Leafiara says, "Do tell."
Leafiara adds, "...and hopefully he received the letter from Captain Stormyrain, or information about it from the council."
The town clerk clears his throat, "The Judge seeks a decision in regards to the town council position of Marshal of the Militia, and also Steward of the Guilds."
Pukk says, "That explains why Rone, who is Chaoswynd, is upset. Because Stormy confessed her love to Thadston."
Pukk says, "I knew it."
The town clerk says, "He wishes a decision on the appointment of both positions by week's end. He has, cleared the way for some, um, candidates."
Thrassus asks, "Who are these candidates?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk says, "It's all making sense."
Speaking thoughtfully to a town clerk, Leafiara says, "I see. That is pretty soon, but please, any information on these candidates is welcome."
Thrassus says, "I'm curious."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "You're right!"
Lylia says, "Two appointments."
Speaking to a town clerk, Umbazi says, "Let me guess. Amos the Lion is one of the candidates."
Cruxophim whispers something to Goblyn.
Chandrellia nods at Umbazi.
Chandrellia softly says, "Was just gonna say that same thing."
Lylia suggests, "Perhaps each of us should take a fortnight in the post, and then we shall finally have stability in the Town Council, which holds such power in so very many sets of changing hands."
The town clerk says, "The position of Marshal, I suppose is interim, interim, hah, and to be reassumed by Thadston per the Judge's orders, once he is deemed fit. But in the meantime, those who have applied and been approved are Amos, Casiphia, Khylon, and Cutlass, the owner of the fish shop."
Lylia says, "Casiphia? Excellent."
Speaking to a town clerk, Leafiara says, "Perhaps the captain's letter didn't reach in time, but neither I nor the captains feel that the marshal position absolutely must be filled. There's a chance we can bring Thadston back to himself soon, and moreover the captains have frequently managed in a marshal's abseence for various reasons."
Felita says, "All honerable folk indeeds."
Speaking to a town clerk, Leafiara says, "Nonetheless, I'll consider these--"
Leafiara asks, "Wait, Cutlass?"
Leafiara acts puzzled.
Leafiara slowly says, "...odd."
The town clerk says, "The Judge did receive the letter. But the position must be temporarily filled at best."
Speaking to Leafiara, Sareyna asks, "Fishy even?"
Speaking to a town clerk, Leafiara relents, "Fair enough, I suppose."
Thrassus asks, "What about the Steward of the Guild?"
Speaking casually to Leafiara, Cruxophim opines, "I never found the Marshal to serve that much of a purpose."
Leafiara nods absently at Cruxophim.
[General] Pukk exclaims, "New developements. Sareyna gave a bite of her forbidden apple to Cruxophim. Leafiara and Rone are lovers. Rone, who is rumored to be Chaoswynd, is upset that Stormy confessed her love to Thadston. And suspicions that Lylia doesn't have a heart are confirmed. Tell everybody you know! These can be the newest headlines in the Daily Darkstone!"
Cruxophim mildly adds, "The captains always seemed to serve just fine."
Leafiara admits, "Surprised Kilron didn't step up again."
Speaking skeptically to Pukk, Cruxophim muses, "The Daily Darkstone is you, isn't it?"
Lylia asks, "And how long was the position of the Steward of the Guilds left open during my term?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "I can't read or write."
Umbazi asks, "What does the Steward of the Guilds do?"
Xorus says, "Very long."
The town clerk says, "The candidates for the Steward of the Guild are Walward, owner of the siege shop, Dakris the furrier, Stephos DeArchon, and Amos.
Felita says, "Oh dears."
Speaking to Umbazi, Leafiara says, "Manages business relations with shops, shop owners, guilds, and such around town."
Silvynn says, "Stephos."
Sareyna says, "That Amos gets around."
Speaking affably to Asben, Cruxophim remarks, "Nice collection."
Marijka rasps, "Wait, you mean we can grant Amos both positions simultaneously? Well then, the path forward is clear."
Speaking musingly to a town clerk, Leafiara says, "Huh. ...interesting group."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Why Amos in both of those positions as candidates?"
The misty halo fades from Sareyna.
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Testing the limits of the law, I suppose. I think that's fair."
Speaking appreciatively to Asben, Cruxophim notes, "Not bad!"
Cruxophim takes a drink from his Dhe'nar blood wine.
Cruxophim takes a drink from his Dhe'nar blood wine.
Sareyna says, "Gee I lost my halo whatever shall I do."
Asben whispers something to Pietra.
[General] Elphieya asks, "You are the editor of the Daily Darkstone. Right, Pukk?"
Speaking patiently to Sareyna, Goblyn notes, "You will be making a new one."
Pietra whispers something to Asben.
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "In my opinion I still think Amos has another agenda at being Marshal."
Speaking appreciatively to a town clerk, Leafiara asks, "Well, thank you for the information. A decision by week's end, you said?"
Goblyn whispers something to Sareyna.
Felita says, "He made a blasting entrance."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia says, "Far be it for me to offer advice unsolicited, Mayor, but you should seize power while the Council is in this weakened state. Delay for a year, perhaps two. After all, it is not right to make appointments when you have less than a year left of your would hardly be fair to the next mayor."
Pietra asks, "Wait, who gets to decide?"
Thrassus says, "He'd be a fine Steward of the Guilds, I think. Being a successful merchant and all that."
The town clerk says, "Amos cannot hold both positions, the Judge ruled. But there is no restriction on applications. In addition, I asked about the DeArchons, being, you know, married, but the Judge ruled no restriction."
[General] Pukk thinks, "This just in! Amos has purchased a seat on the council and maybe even the role as Marshal of the Militia! In unrelated news, Mayor Leafiara deposits a large amount of silvers in the bank which causes several tellers to complain about the extra work."
Speaking thoughtfully to a town clerk, Cruxophim inquires, "Can I apply? I do have qualifications, of a sort?"
Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara says, "Believe it or not, I did try. That was the captain's letter--that we don't feel another marshal is needed yet."
Umbazi exclaims, "Not to mention that he should still be a prime suspect in the courtroom explosion!"
A town clerk nods, "Week's end. Goodnight!"
Asben whispers something to Goblyn.
Leafiara says, "Ah well--it is fine. We'll select suitable candidates in both cases."
Leafiara nods to the town clerk.
The town clerk walks out.
Discussion Actually Afterward
Sareyna says, "Yes yes Cruxy for all knowing godlet."
[General] Opalina exclaims, "What has the lands come to!"
Leafiara says, "And there he goes."
Chandrellia softly exclaims, "That's your mayor you are talking to, she pays your silver!"
Lylia simply says, "Choose not to choose."
[General] Pietra exclaims, "Blarg!!! I need help, Pukk!"
Leafiara amusedly asks, "So, other than the many objections to Amos and no doubt Stephos, would anyone like to oppose others?"
Asben whispers something to Goblyn.
Xorus says, "In my opinion anyone involved with ousting the previous Marshal has a conflict of interest in being considered to replace him."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "May I be frank?"
Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara says, "I agree and tried to convince the council of such, but apparently no go." [OOC: actually, whoops, I misheard what he said. Leafi would probably still agree, but this isn't what she tried to convince the council of; she tried to convince the council that she herself had a conflict of interest in filling the seat after having ousted Thadston.]
Sareyna says, "I always found Stephos quite charming."
Lylia says, "It is an insult and an outrage even to consider Amos. Therefore, I have no doubt that he shall fill both posts and squat there like a grinning toad, thinking himself a petty king, until he is disposed of."
Goblyn whispers, "Maybe it will be... interesting... for Stephos. Maybe not."
Lylia says, "I would suggest you do the disposal first, before he ever gets the chance."
Silvynn asks, "What were the choices for Marshall?"
Umbazi says, "The candidates for interim marshal were Amos, Casiphia, Khylon, and Cutlass, the owner of the fish shop."
Xorus says, "I have no objection to Khylon."
Chandrellia softly says, "Amos, Casiphia, Khylon, and Cutlass, the owner of the fish shop."
Leafiara says, "Dakris... hmm. Walward seems to make more sense to me."
Leafiara says, "As for the marshal, Khylon seems the obvious choice."
Speaking dubiously to Xorus, Cruxophim muses, "Isn't he damaged goods?"
Umbazi asks, "Who is Khylon?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk says, "You have been eating too many kittens. You need to remember that kittens are a sometimes food."
Silvynn says, "I agree."
Silvynn says, "He is harmless."
Leafiara wryly says, "Maybe it would finally clear up all these Rook rumors if I appoint the most-anti Rook interim marshal available."
Xorus says, "Functional enough to be the Guard Captain."
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn protests, "But they are very delicious, Pukk."
Leafiara says, "Khylon, in any case, is the captain of the town guard."
Speaking wryly to Xorus, Cruxophim mutters, "Yes, well."
Leafiara says, "And a former militia marshal himself."
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk says, "Yes, but remember. You have to eat your puppies too. You need a well balanced meal."
Asben asks, "Would it give him too much power to be the marshall and captain of the town guard?"
Leafiara says, "Casiphia would essentially be the same problem as Amos and to a lesser extent Thadston--quickly jumping the chain of command."
Goblyn whispers something to Pukk.
Speaking to Leafiara, Silvynn says, "You should insist on a fealty oath."
Speaking to Asben, Leafiara says, "That is a curious question, though I'll admit... I'm more considering whether he could manage both at once."
Pukk whispers something to Goblyn.
Xorus says, "He may have to resign as Captain. It is something to clarify with the Judge."
Leafiara says, "Cutlass is truly the most curious one."
Towermen asks, "How did you find me?"
Speaking to Xorus, Pietra says, "Judge didn't seem interested in clarity. Sounded more get this done end of week."
Leafiara says, "I suppose we've no time for public hearings as we've had in the past."
Speaking darkly to Leafiara, Draccor asks, "The Rooks have still done nothing wrong have they?"
Chandrellia softly says, "But then Judge Renpaw may want that position and I'll bet a silver against clove that Amos would be on that list."
Speaking to Draccor, Leafiara says, "Not that I know of. Just met with one of their most outspoken opponents and asked for evidence and they couldn't provide."
Lylia says, "Casiphia is a longtime resident here and has at least proven herself devoted to the town's safety and prosperity. That is not true of many of the others."
Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara agrees, "Can't argue that one."
Towermen says, "More than couldn't provide. He didn't even give an example."
Umbazi says, "Also, Casiphia is intelligent and seems to have Thadston's cure as a main goal."
Leafiara says, "She's better than Amos at least. And Cutlass is... simply baffling."
Speaking darkly to Leafiara, Draccor says, "Dn't fall victim to anyone's politics."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We can always make Quin, Sleepy, marshal of the militia."
Chandrellia softly asks, "And she did speak out against Thadston and begged him to get the help he needs, maybe if he sees her in that position it will open his eyes?"
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Maylan would be delighted."
Speaking amusedly to Draccor, Cruxophim laments, "Bit late for that, it is the job description."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk exclaims, "He does a great job. I have yet to see that gate fall down on his shift!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Towermen says, "Seems like he just came here to try to tell you what he wants you to do."
Xorus says, "It may drive him into conspiratorial thinking."
Lylia adds, "It seems reasonable that she would take that position. She would not be the first spouse to serve in a position her partner was unable to carry out."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Asben says, "It's possible."
Speaking softly to Towermen, Chandrellia says, "Perhaps, but this also opens her eyes to new options."
Speaking amusedly to Xorus, Cruxophim suggests, "Mithril hats?"
Pietra whispers something to Asben.
Asben whispers something to Pietra.
Speaking darkly to Leafiara, Draccor says, "You know we both want the same things."
Speaking blithely to Lylia, Cruxophim muses, "Shade noted as it passed, and accepted."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Towermen says, "Something to look into, but from a very uncredible source, since he had no information. Gotta take it with a grain of salt."
Speaking softly to Pietra, Chandrellia says, "Not sure what that was for but I got him for ya."
Leafiara says, "So the marshal matter is narrowed to Casiphia and Khylon. As for Steward of the Guilds, that... is more difficult. They all do have a case, at least."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pietra says, "Thanks, my pinching fingers aren't working right now."
Speaking nonchalantly to Leafiara, Cruxophim opines, "Might as well give Casiphia a shot."
Umbazi says, "I think that Walward should be Steward of the Guilds. His siegery shop's front door has been locked for a long time. Being steward would give him something useful to do."
Leafiara says, "I can't argue with Walward's very successful business and great line of products."
Cruxophim lightly admits, "Fair point."
Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim wonders, "Did he pay you?"
Umbazi says, "Dakris is a very busy man. Stephos DeArchon already has several jobs, and Amos is Amos."
Speaking cheekily to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Yep, often gave away siegery figures around town and I sure benefitted."
Thrassus says, "One could also argue that Amos has a successful line of business with a great line of products as well."
Umbazi says, "Walward seems to be the one who has the most time to devote his attentio nto the position."
Speaking affably to Thrassus, Cruxophim suggests, "Hell, so do I."
Xorus says, "Stephos is a weapons exporter, Amos is a weapons importer. It is all so very different."
Umbazi says, "Amos is a suspect in an explosion. That should make him unfit for appointment."
Speaking softly to Thrassus, Chandrellia says, "Yes but as Leafi said before, he's to new to us still, just because he has nice items doesn't make him the best for that position,"
Leafiara says, "Amos' products are even better than Walward's, to be honest. Though he wasn't the inventor of the hand pylons."
Leafiara musingly asks, "...was Walward the inventor of the miniatures?"
Sareyna says, "Let me in on this action."
Speaking darkly to Leafiara, Draccor says, "I still need to speak with Amos."
Leafiara admits, "I've never actually looked into who invented them."
Pukk exclaims, "It's a three way!"
Speaking to Umbazi, Pietra asks, "So you're callin him lazy, and that's good for a big job?"
Pukk exclaims, "I did not see that coming!"
Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Myasarie says, "Thou art quite the ladies man m'lord."
Speaking to Umbazi, Thrassus says, "By that logic, Tykel should be suspect in any number of robberies and murders in the area."
Speaking softly to Myasarie, Chandrellia says, "You have no idea."
Cruxophim whispers something to Goblyn.
Speaking quietly to Chandrellia, Myasarie says, "Will take your word for that."
Leafiara says, "Yeah, as I said to Rone, we try not to act or accuse without evidence here. I realize that sometimes it means our enemies get the better of us, but the alternative seems even worse."
Speaking darkly to Cruxophim, Draccor says, "I'm sure you want to keep all yer limbs today."
Sareyna says, "Weeeeeellll."
Speaking quietly to Draccor, Myasarie says, "Behave thy self dear."
Speaking smoothly to Draccor, Cruxophim inquires, "Who says they're mine?"
Leafiara ruefully confides, "Sadly, the council wouldn't let me have the office as unsafe and un-sanctuaried as past mayors."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "If it wasn't for Silvynn's nose, I would have thought he was a girl."
Draccor darkly says, "Fair point."
Draccor grins at Cruxophim.
Myasarie quietly says, "Nae going to ask."
Speaking wistfully to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "So many fond memories of Hap's assassination attempts against you in this very room."
Speaking thoughtfully to Leafiara, Cruxophim inquires, "Had any assassination attempts yet?"
Pukk asks, "Hapenlok tried to kill Cruxy?"
Speaking somberly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "No, and it's getting really disappointing."
Draccor darkly says, "Hap is no assassin."
Cruxophim removes a handful of congealed green slime from in his small eldritch coffin.
Leafiara says, "Rone shows up, makes vague threats against me, but no assassination attempt..."
Pukk says, "He has it all wrong. You can't kill the undead..."
Speaking loudly to Leafiara, Cruxophim challenges, "En guard!"
Pukk says, "You can only release em."
Leafiara says, "Malluch's bloodguards cart me off into the forest, but no assassination attempt..."
Cruxophim points his congealed green slime at Leafiara!
Towermen says, "You pay Drac 10mil, he will do it."
As Cruxophim reaches inside his congealed green slime, he is able to dislodge something, causing it to ooze from his hand and onto the floor. Glancing around, he stares at some silver coins scattered across the floor.
Cruxophim glances at some silver coins.
Leafiara says, "It's like they're not even trying."
Towermen says, "Or just provoke him."
Cruxophim frowns.
Draccor darkly says, "Kinda low."
Towermen says, "Kick DDrac in his inbetween."
Sareyna says, "Hap is always squeaking about something or other unless he had a personality transplant while I was away."
Draccor darkly says, "Double it."
Speaking reassuringly to Leafiara, Cruxophim suggests, "Give it time."
Speaking to Sareyna, Leafiara says, "Nope, it's as true as ever."
Speaking to Sareyna, Pietra says, "Still squeaking."
Draccor darkly says, "I know Goblyn has the silvers."
Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim notes, "Oh yes, there was that.. I suppose kidnapping counts, yes?"
Xorus dryly says, "Quinshon did not go that far with him."
Towermen says, "Hand em over."
Towermen says, "Or else."
Towermen tickles Goblyn.
Towermen tickles Goblyn.
Towermen tickles Goblyn.
Goblyn begins chortling at Towermen.
Speaking tentatively to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "I mean, maybe, but for some reason they left me unharmed."
Pukk says, "I found out if you punch Hap in the throat enough, he stops squeaking."
Leafiara adds, "Except my pride."
Speaking amusedly to Towermen, Goblyn asks, "I do think you will need... -better- incentive, yes, than this... moving the fingers quickly?"
Speaking softly to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "I was there for that."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk exclaims, "I didn't do it!"
Towermen says, "Never had a complaint before."
Towermen asks, "Don't like my quick fingers?"
Speaking softly to Towermen, Chandrellia says, "Quick isn't always the best."
Speaking to Towermen, Pietra asks, "Do you like yer fingers?"
Speaking lightly to Towermen, Cruxophim warns, "Careful, she bites."
Speaking slowly to Towermen, Goblyn says, "You are very strange, Towermen."
Towermen says, "So much hate here."
Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Myasarie says, "One thinks he would welcomer Lady Goblyn biting him."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "He got away before you could eat him."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "Better luck next time."
Sareyna says, "I think it's possible even likely that Hap was so enmeshed with Cruxy because he may have had a crush on him ...power does it for some people ...I heard."
Leafiara suspiciously says, ", I'd really love to know why Cutlass."
Leafiara distractedly says, "Anyway."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra asks, "Cool name?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Towermen exclaims, "I'm not strange!"
Pukk recites:
"Everybody kiss Goblyn!"
Towermen says, "Maybe a bit."
Cruxophim gives Goblyn a lingering kiss.
Pukk kisses Goblyn.
Pukk exclaims, "Like that!"
Cruxophim gives Pukk a lingering kiss.
Pukk points at Goblyn, ruining her hiding place.
Myasarie quietly says, "Wilnae comment on that one either."
Towermen says, "It's all in love."
Leafiara amusedly says, "Never a dull moment."
Pukk yells, "Cheater!"
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "Ya scared off Towermen's crush!"
Towermen says, "Pukk."
Towermen says, "I'm sad now."
Pukk says, "Yep. She is too good at that stuff."
Speaking quietly to Towermen, Myasarie says, "Careful m'lord remember one can be deadly at times."
Speaking to Towermen, Pukk says, "I'm sorry."
Draccor darkly says, "Wow someone actually got Goblyn to run off."
Pukk gives Towermen a lingering kiss.
Pukk says, "There."
Pukk asks, "All better?"
Towermen searches around for a moment.
Towermen says, "I see you."
Towermen says, "Not."
Goblyn glances around the room.
Goblyn pointedly says, "Everyone will be keeping their lips away..."
Leafiara musingly says, "So weird. If it were Malluch Rone telling me the Rooks were still engaging in criminal activity, I would have believed him, but this Rone has... nothing to offer..."
Towermen says, "Sareyna wants the kisses now."
Goblyn warns, "Or maybe I will be -taking- your lips."
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk says, "Keep searching maybe we can find Goblyn together."
Pukk says, "Wait."
Towermen asks, "Taking them where?"
Pukk exclaims, "Hey!"
Goblyn dreamily says, "They will be making a very nice stew..."
Goblyn exclaims, "Or maybe they will be the feed for the kittens!"
Speaking darkly to Goblyn, Draccor says, "All talk at this point."
Speaking curiously to Goblyn, Leafiara asks, "Is the pie shop going to finish rebuilding itself soon?"
Sareyna says, "I'll protect you from those slobbery lips gob."
Speaking to Goblyn, Pukk exclaims, "I didn't do it!"
Goblyn nods at Leafiara.
Speaking quietly to Towermen, Myasarie says, "Nae anyplace thee would like one bets."
Leafiara turns to Goblyn and cheers!
Cruxophim lifts his human skull in a toast and proclaims:
"May pestilence never touch you.... at least not uninvited."
Speaking pleasedly to Goblyn, Leafiara says, "Oh, that's excellent news indeed."
Speaking to Myasarie, Towermen says, "Doesn't sound like it."
Chandrellia softly exclaims, "Nice skull!"
Goblyn says, "We will maybe be making this lip fodder in some night even if this lips does stay away..."
Goblyn yells, "Everyone will be having a nice night!"
Pukk asks, "Lip fodder?"
Sareyna says, "Wow tman even I saw that."
You notice Towermen slip into a hiding place.
Speaking to Goblyn, Pietra says, "Linger in bloody apple trees well."
Pukk asks, "Will it be chocolate flavored lip fodder maybe?"
Myasarie quietly says, "One has heard that Lady Goblyn's stews are tasty at least to some."
Leafiara says, "If only Goblyn were a citizen, she could have run for Steward of the Guilds and gotten in immediately."
Towermen says, "I'm the best hider just after Draccor, don't know how peoples see me."
Speaking to Towermen, Pietra says, "No, you're not."
Towermen says, "Lucky."
Felita says, "Aye."
Towermen says, "LUUUUUUUky."
Asben whispers something to Pietra.
Draccor darkly says, "I'll be around."
Speaking to Draccor, Towermen says, "No one cares."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Tonight was a very interesting night."
Draccor darkly asks, "Why would they?"
Towermen says, "Room is too small."
Speaking wryly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Ya don't say."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I just know a lot of gossip will be starting soon."
Lunalissa says, "I think I will take my leave."
Speaking wryly to Pukk, Leafiara repeats, "Ya don't say."
Towermen asks, "Love at first sight?"
Towermen says, "Might be true."
Towermen says, "Is what I heard."
Speaking to Towermen, Leafiara says, "Nah, that would be more with the first Rone than this one..."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "No kidding!"
Towermen says, "First, second, twentyfifth."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I will try to stop that spread of the gossip by telling them before others tell them so they know."
Leafiara says, "I really liked Malluch as Rone, in many ways. Represents the side of me I sometimes wish I could be."
Leafiara confusedly says, "This Rone is just confusing, though."
Leafiara says, "That was the first time we spoke and it raised way more questions than answers."
Towermen says, "Will grow on you quick, like yesterday."
Pukk asks, "Have we ever thought that maybe Hapenlok is Rone?"
Leafiara says, "In fact, it didn't give any answer at all."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "That's the right thing to do!"
Towermen says, "According to Pukk."
Speaking seriously to Pukk, Leafiara says, "No, too tall."
Draccor darkly says, "Hapenlok is nothing."
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Myasarie says, "Perhaps that is what he be trying to do to make everyone uncertain."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're right. Hapelon's ego is too tall." [not sure if a typo, but it's funny so I'm leaving it]
Towermen says, "That was pretty clear."
Draccor darkly says, "Well we were not here for all of this."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Maybe his shadow is Rone, like when you put a candle on the floor and stand real close."
Towermen says, "I didn't mean it condescending."
Towermen says, "Was just agreeing."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk exclaims, "Oh yeah!"
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Is there a cleric about nearby, like in the Mayor's office that could raise a body in the square."
Leafiara confesses, "Sometimes I really don't get it, I have to say. Give Thadston all the chance in the world to explain himself and he blows up on everyone. Give Rone the opportunity to speak and they say... nothing. Maybe less than nothing."
Leafiara suddenly says, "Oh, the square needs a cleric. I suppose we can head off."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "And then you raise your arms up and go OOOOOH. And talk very boringly."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "They need you to raise a body."
Leafiara says, "Will see most of you there."
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Khaell disk, a green-eyed grey and white kitten, the Chandrellia disk, a plump grey mouse, the Dord disk, a large acorn, a smooth stone, a waxed black leather pouch, a ground maoral block, the Targetina disk, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Draegar who is sitting, Khaell, the body of Xayd who is lying down, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Dord, Great Lord Draphik, Great Lord Torpe, Lady Immoras, Sadnama, Targetina
Asben, Felita, Sareyna and Pukk followed.
[General] Leafiara exclaims, "I'm here now!"
[General] Leafiara amusedly thinks, "Apologies, we're contemplating Rone and two new council members."
[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "Hey I didn't name names or point fingers!"
[General] Elphieya teases, "Leafi, it seems you are slacking tonight. Too much mayoral duties?"
[General] Leafiara hurriedly assures, "Unrelated."
Speaking to Xayd, Pukk exclaims, "Leafiara will be having a sale on her raise tonight. It will only cost you 200k silvers!"
[General] Khaell thinks, "Oh, wasn't aware things were aloof in town..."
Speaking to Xayd, Pukk says, "Payable to me."
[General] Elphieya thinks, "I heard Amos already bought his seat."
[General] Elphieya thinks, "Pukk was helpfully keeping us all informed."
[General] Leafiara casually thinks, "Nah, though apparently he's gotten himself into the running for two separate seats."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "The marshal one he won't have. The Steward of the Guilds is a far trickier question with four candidates who all have relevance."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "And remember Amos paid for his seat on the council and the fact that Mayor Leafiara has a sudden increase in silvers are not connected! I repeat they are not connected!"
[General] Pukk asks, "To Leafiara, did I think that right for you?"
[General] Pukk thinks, "Oops."
[General] Leafiara amusedly thinks, "You'll be in the Daily Darkstone next, I'm sure."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Hahahah Pukk."
[General] Leafiara admits, "It's quite a guilty pleasure. The highlight of my day sometimes."
Leafiara distractedly asks, "I have to admit, it's curious... Rone wants me to denounce crime but then thinks that wouldn't extend to, well, Rone?"
Pukk says, "Well I guess that is all the mischief I can get into tonight."
Leafiara says, "The very thing stopping me from denouncing Rone is the same as what's stopping me from denouncing the Rooks. This is one odd time, I'll admit."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "You always find trouble."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "I'm a genius at finding trouble."
Leafiara clarifies, "Namely lack of evidence."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "It's a gift. And I'm humbled for it too."
Chandrellia softly says, "Well, if you wanted to be a thorn in Rone's side, you could denounce all crime up to and including vigilantism."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Honestly, it might be a bluff worth calling, I agree."
Leafiara says, "Think about it..."
Chandrellia softly says, "I have."
Leafiara says, "My point the entire time has been there's no evidence the Rooks are still criminals since Mother took over."
Leafiara says, "So if I denounce crime and suddenly they react negatively, we'll have our confirmation. But if they *don't* react negatively, then we'll have confirmation in the other direction."
Leafiara adds, "While *also* potentially adding Rone to our side."
Sareyna says, "Nude gnomes in TSC ...what a world."
Leafiara says, "Ya know... I did kill one Rook leader, even if it was sort of by accident. Maybe I can kill another one if really needed."