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All That Remains - 2020-05-02 - Rescue, Redemption, and Right (log)

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Ivastaen 2-3, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • Amidst casual discussion in the square, Balley has a revelation and reaches the peak of her powers before getting struck down by lightning! [OOC: Congrats on capping, Balley!]
  • The flicker of Vlashandra's white fire is seen outside Moot Hall, then inside the under-remodeling office of Mayor Leafiara. Sir Cryheart leads on and upstairs, where Leafi says she's surprised to see Vlashandra since the trial is over now. Vlashandra says the trial is not why she truly came.
  • Faerinn asks her if she had a run with the reapers after he notices her scarred lips and face, but she dismisses the idea, saying small problems come and go. Cryheart asks if she ran into a door, saying he's trying to be polite; she says scars are reminders of failures and there is nothing wrong with wounds and blood.
  • Vlashandra says she's come to pursue a perhaps foolish, but worthwhile task--to bring Aralyte home. Vlashandra asks Lylia if she has Aralyte's soulstone; she says it never leaves her. Lazaryth asks what the shadow realm is and [[::Xorus_Kul'shin|Xorus]] explains it's a demonic plane of existence where Althedeus resided, and Aralyte worked the ritual that destroyed him, and Lylia explains the history that Aralyte is trapped inside, but believed to be alive. The soulstone was once a vibrant wed and warm, but went cold and dormant after it was used as a beacon to return the Hendoran outpost from the Ithzir realms.
  • Lylia says she's curious why someone from the Hall of Mages seeks to retrieve a Palestra Blade. Vlashandra says the Hall doesn't command her in this, though she has no doubt they would celebrate a success. Roelon asks why do it, then, and she says we gain a hero's return, knowledge, and what is right.
  • Amidst other various people suspecting hidden motives, Chamorr asks why now when Aralyte's been trapped for years; Vlashandra says the soulstone spoke to her, and Aralyte and the lake have called to her. Chamorr questions it still, after the sham trial, but Vlashandra says of course it was a sham trial, but agreeing to it allowed her to come here.
  • Dame Evia asks how we'll get in; Xorus says Aralyte used the eye of an Ur-Daemon to turn Lake Eonak into a portal to the shadow realm.
  • Faerinn asks whether Octaven caused her scars; she says they're for her failure, and she intentionally does not hide or heal them.
  • Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] asks whether anything Vlashandra told her on the night they briefly spoke about funding for the towers was true--since it contradicts what Cordarius said regarding the verdict, leading Raelee to believe she lied to her. Vlashandra asks for specifics; Raelee says Vlashandra lied that the verdict was planned and Pylasar would be retried later. Vlashandra says that was Octaven's plan, with Cordarius making the recommendation to try Pylasar in the [[::Turamzzyrian Empire|Empire]], but she wasn't convincing enough and Cordarius did not recommend it.
  • Balley asks how we know she's not making all of this up to get our help; Vlashandra just asks: if she were making it up, would she expect her to tell everyone? She says she's sure there are enough willing to help her in bringing Aralyte home, and many others back her up on this--though some stress that it's for Aralyte's sake, not Vlashandra's.
  • Pietra asks why Vlashandra as a human is so interested in this; Vlashandra says that's insulting from another human and asks if we're in a narrow box concerned only with human matters. Pietra says Vlashandra has no qualities she admires and has shown nothing of compassion; Vlashandra says she didn't strike her for her rudeness, so consider that compassion.
  • Xorus asks if there is an idea of how to recharge the soulstone, while Hapenlok (among others) raises concerns over what's left of Aralyte. Vlashandra says there is an idea, and she's not naive and understands that Aralyte might not be alive, or worse. Nonetheless, she thinks there might be a way from the Southron Wastes, which she'll speak of more in time.
  • Thrassus asks if it will require an expedition into the valence; Vlashandra says she doesn't know. She asks Lylia if she can touch the soulstone; Lylia offers, but Vlashandra says she wouldn't dare it remove it from her until they know there's no ill effect, but only touches it. Lylia asks if it was any different than she expected; Vlashandra says exactly as she expected.
  • As with others around him, Zosopage says he doesn't trust Vlashandra but would aid her in this if needed. Vlashandra says we have nothing to lose and everything to gain, and will do nothing rash, making plans upon plans for potential outcomes.
  • [[::Ysharra_Nagorn|Ysharra]] asks her why she wears Raelee's face. Vlashandra says Octaven requested it; Ysharra says she would have told someone asking that to get bent. Vlashandra asks Ysharra if she hasn't done questionable things to serve, please, or further herself. Ysharra says yes, but not that. Alisette says maybe we can help restore Vlashandra's own beauty. She says Octaven has her desires and cravings, and she (Vlashandra) is not broken. Alisette and Ysharra call her misguided and fractured, respectively.
  • Chamorr asks what her standing is with Octaven and the Hall now; she says fair enough. She says that whether successful or not, she wouldn't be surprised if there's a trial for her. She says we'll meet again in a few nights after her research is finished.


Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I would like to make sure people understand that undead Rooks can't control their actions."
Speaking to Pukk, Zosopage asks, "So you're undead?"
Speaking to Zosopage, Pukk says, "No...just unbathed."
Pukk says, "Smells the same...just different sort of ickyness."
Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "That was, like... a two and a half on the scale of threatening invasions."
Roelon deeply asks, "2 and a half on how high ah scale?"
Speaking amusedly to Roelon, Leafiara says, "On a ten scale."
Roelon deeply says, "Nae sure ah want to see yir 10 sale invasion."
Leafiara rambles, "The 10 on the 10 scale is when antimagic gets set off in town, undead Rooks are tossing orbs at us, we're being attacked simultaneously by land and sea and underground, demons who can't be hurt except by eight times enchanted weapons get loosed on us..."
Speaking to Lyrna, Maelkyth says, "Some peoples' 2.5 are others 9's."
Evia says, "Some peoples 2.5's is Cryheart getting sucked into a void."
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "I hope it Goblyn, she owe me two pie!"
(Gutstorm holds up three fingers.)
Vlashandra says, "The trial is not why I truly came."
Chamorr heartily says, "Acourse not."
Chamorr heartily says, "The truth from the Empire, too much to ask."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "I forget my manners. Good evening, Magister Svala."
Speaking sharply to Faerinn, Raelee says, "You have her and I confused.  Enough.  Sort it out."
Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn says, "Well, maybe if you would wear your own face I could sort it out."
Vlashandra says, "Scars are often reminders of failures. There is nothing wrong with wounds and blood."
Lylia replies, "Unless one does not wish to carry visible reminders of failures. But scars still remain even if they are not visible, sometimes."
Evia says, "Oh mother of philosophy, at this hour."
Hapenlok says, "I'll bring up my concerns when we're done."
Speaking offhandedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "We'll set aside twenty minutes."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I don't need that much time."
Leafiara glances briefly up, then down again.  Suddenly, her eyes bulge and she whips her head around to gape at Hapenlok.
Vlashandra says, "I also do not..shall I say, always color in the lines."
Vlashandra grins crookedly.
Lyrna says, "So you're saying you fit in here perfectly."
Vlashandra says, "We will do nothing rash."
Vlashandra says, "We will make plans upon plans for all potential outcomes."
Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "And if things go south, you the first ta get whacked."
Vlashandra smirks at Chamorr.
Lyrna idly says, "You can make quite a mess of an office with a hormonal rolton and a couple of male rolton."
Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "There's quite a few possibilities I've calculated in the hour I've been standing here. None of them are good."


Idle Chatter (Pre-KST)

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the white Korvann disk, the Reletin disk, a downtrodden glacier spirit that is flying around, the Nyepels disk, the Neelin disk, some light fur-edged leathers, a sinuous bone white serpent, the Roelon disk, a massive snowy white tiger, a reddish cream-filled tart, the Asben disk, a disorderly aurora spirit that is flying around, the Voswani disk, the sparkling Melkizyor disk, a plump calico cat, the Kezen disk, the Alisette disk, a long bow, the Laij disk, a piece of iron, a dark-masked black and white puppy with sparkling glacial blue eyes, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Zodience who is sitting, Korvann, Reletin, Bojezmyrth, Lord Diablic, Nyepels, Mopea who is lying down, Master Neelin, Veredox, Reyshalz, Maelkyth, Ufian, Roelon, Pukk, High Lord Asben, Stupes who is kneeling, Chopad, Maags, Melkizyor who is sitting, Voswani, Mirando, Ergwargen, Lord Kezen, Lady Alisette who is sitting, Sequizer who is sitting, Saturninus, Baerton, Legu, Stonerage, Swoonic, Laij, Orlicks, Russvult, Kalindon who is kneeling, Great Lord Maulifus who is sitting, Warchief Archales

Speaking to Maelkyth, Maags says, "Hopes yous has a couple."

Maelkyth says, "One or two."

Maelkyth says, "I keep falling out of favor with Lorminstra."

Speaking to Maags, Diablic asks, "What did I walk in on?"

Speaking to Diablic, Maags exclaims, "The typical Landing misbehaviors!"

Speaking to Maags, Diablic exclaims, "Shenanigans!"

Leafiara amiably exclaims, "Hope everyone's well tonight!"

Bernadette softly says, "So fer so good."

Kalindon asks, "Well and yerself Madam Mayor?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "I'm still traumatized from last night."

Speaking dubiously to Maelkyth, Leafiara asks, "Really?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Maags asks, "Because we were too polite?"

Maelkyth says, "Way too much cooperation."

Roelon deeply says, "Welll enough considerin'."

Speaking perplexedly to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "That was like only a 4 on the scale of traumatizing Landing things."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara adds, "If that."

Maelkyth says, "It wasn't as bad as the krolvin occupation of River's Rest... but still fairly overpowering."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "Though, I"m just a pup, apparently."

Speaking dubiously to Maelkyth, Leafiara asks, "You thought *that* was overpowering?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "Well, it overpowered ME."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "That was, like... a two and a half on the scale of threatening invasions."

Leafiara says, "No vathors, no undead, no exploding bombs..."

Maags says, "They did not kill me."

Shinann says, "Anytime."

Leafiara says, "No attacks on multiple fronts..."

Roelon deeply asks, "2 and a half on how high ah scale?"

Arav says, "Oooh. They dispelled my strength of will. And my opals."

Maelkyth asks, "Just a rude, rude spell that erupts without warning... burns out your eye sockets?"

Maags says, "But I spent a lot of time out of the field. Veries few clerics raising las night."

Arav says, "Well that's a lot of mana."

Leafiara says, "No kidnappings to distract us..."

Maelkyth says, "Sorry, does not rank as so much fun unless it's watching it happen to others."

Speaking amusedly to Roelon, Leafiara says, "On a ten scale."

Roelon deeply says, "Really.."

Leafiara muses, "No crazy mists released that drive us insane and make us start attacking each other..."

Roelon deeply says, "Nae sure ah want to see yir 10 scale invasion."

Leafiara confidently concludes, "So yeah, that was a very straightforward battle compared to the usual."

Maags exclaims, "I shall be readies tonight!"

Shinann says, "Excuse me a moment."

Maags says, "Oh."

Roelon deeply says, "But imagin' if we hae to fight golems made from ys."

Zosopage asks, "Think they will come back tonight?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Maags says, "Told yous I would makes it up to yous."

Maags offers Maelkyth a bottle of guava tart liqueur.

Speaking to Maelkyth, Maags says, "That is veries delish."

Maelkyth accepts Maags's guava tart liqueur.

Leafiara rambles, "The 10 on the 10 scale is when antimagic gets set off in town, undead Rooks are tossing orbs at us, we're being attacked simultaneously by land and sea and underground, demons who can't be hurt except by eight times enchanted weapons get loosed on us..."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Thanks!"

Maags says, "Welcomes."

Maags says, "Hmm."

Leafiara amiably says, "Ya know, that sort of thing."

Roelon deeply says, "So thats why ah was warned about orbs.."

Bernadette softly says, "Thatd be 10 ok."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth exclaims, "Know what's worse than that?!"

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon says, "Was told if ah see ah rook toss an orb, run..."

Speaking amiably to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Indeed."

Maelkyth says, "Attacking while we're all asleep."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I would like to make sure people understand that undead Rooks can't control their actions."

Speaking to Roelon, Leafiara assures, "But they'll be undead Rooks or ones under control."

Maelkyth asks, "So, is that like an 11 on a ten-point scale?"

Speaking to Roelon, Leafiara says, "The live Rooks are town defenders."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara admits, "True!"

Speaking to Pukk, Zosopage asks, "So you're undead?"

Speaking to Zosopage, Pukk says, "No...just unbathed."

Maags says, "The Rooks defend the town. I am not convinced they defend us."

Pukk says, "Smells the same...just different sort of ickyness."

Speaking to Maags, Leafiara muses, "Well, fair enough."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maags says, "Jus my opinion."

Speaking amusedly to Maags, Leafiara says, "Oh, it's more than enough to me to just agree they're defenders of the town."

Mirando whispers something to Azanoth.

Speaking to Leafiara, Maags says, "Well sometimes yes. Usuallies even."

Speaking to Lyrna, Maags exclaims, "Good eves. How are yous feeling!"

Lyrna says, "I'm doing well."

Lyrna says, "Getting lots of sleep, although I get tired fast."

Speaking to Lyrna, Maags asks, "Needs milk or anything?"

Bernadette softly says, "Hang out in east tower fer a bit."

Zosopage exclaims, "I know this black armor makes it hard to see me sometimes but eesh!" [recurring incident of people hugging Zosimos instead oZosopage]

Speaking to Chopad, Maelkyth says, "Ya offerin' familiars?! Sure, I'll take one."

Lyrna says, "Hmm. I'm thinking I'm going to see if there are any good boxes to be had."

Lyrna says, "Or maybe stay here with you."

Lyrna gazes lovingly at Leafiara.

Lyrna asks, "So there was some craziness last night?"

Chopad excitedly says, "But then someone asked me about familiars and I panicked."

Speaking to Lyrna, Arav says, "Just a bit."

Arav says, "It was fun."

Arav says, "Now, winged vipers. Less fun."

Maags says, "He wanted one."

Speaking amusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Yeah, it was about a 2.5 on the danger scale and a 4 on the weirdness scale."

Speaking to Lyrna, Maelkyth says, "Some peoples' 2.5 are others 9's."

Lyrna says, "Well, I do understand that these things are relative."

Maags says, "What are we rating."

Evia says, "Some peoples 2.5's is Cryheart getting sucked into a void."

Maelkyth says, "Yeah, good times."

Lyrna says, "The danger of last night's events."

Maags says, "Oh."

Speaking helpfully to Lyrna, Leafiara suggests, "Well, just, keep in mind that you never know if we'll see doppelgangers of ourselves popping up soon."

Maags asks, "Out of ten?"

Maags says, "Five problies."

Give a Thunderclap for Balley!

Zosopage says, "Everyone stand clear of Balley."

Maags says, "Or four."

Lyrna says, "I did not like having to kill you multiple times last time."

Evia says, "It was a very bad rating for all the towns peoples that lost arms and legs also."

Speaking confusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Why not? I love killing my evil clones."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Unchecked aggression!"

Maelkyth moves to stand in front of Balley.

Maags says, "Will gets worse if they use all those body parts."

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Pukk: "Balley just capped!"

Speaking to Evia, Leafiara admits, "Well, true."

Speaking to Balley, Pukk exclaims, "Congrats!"

Leafiara turns to Balley and cheers!

Leafiara turns to Balley and cheers!

Leafiara turns to Balley and cheers!

Zosopage turns to Balley and cheers!

Zosopage pulls Balley closer to himself.

Speaking in Guildspeak, Balley softly says something you don't understand.

Lyrna says, "Although she had so little competence relative to you that it seemed better to put her out of her misery."

Zosopage gives Balley a lingering kiss.

Alisette turns to Balley and cheers!

Bernadette softly asks, "Wonder what they gonna does with all of them limbs?"

Maags exclaims, "Oh!"

Speaking to Balley, Leafiara cheers, "Yay Balley!"

Maags turns to Balley and cheers!

Speaking in Guildspeak, Alisette exclaims something you don't understand.

Bernadette lets out a cheer!

Zosopage throws a handful of silver and gold confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud around Balley!

Speaking to Maags, Evia asks, "I keep wondering where will they get the heads and trunks and neck?"

Maags whistles at Balley!

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Pukk: "everybody report Balley for capping!"

Balley softly says, "Thank you all."

Speaking to Evia, Maags says, "Problies would rather not know."

Speaking to Evia, Leafiara says, "I still think they'll experiment with troll blood and grow more of us."

Alisette proudly exclaims, "That's my Mom!"

Lyrna says, "Because I would never actually want to hurt you, love."

A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Balley!

... 34 points of damage!

Massive electrical shock turns head into shark bait. Time to feed the fish.

Balley drops dead at your feet!

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!

Leafiara turns to Balley and cheers!

Evia says, "Ack."

Leafiara turns to Balley and cheers!

Maags says, "Oh my."

Leafiara turns to Balley and cheers!

Lyrna turns to Balley and cheers!

Pukk grins.

Ushea turns to Balley and cheers!

Chopad excitedly says, "Nooooo."

Aserak glances up.

The ghostly voice of Balley softly says, "And I am dead."

Bernadette turns to Balley and cheers!

Alisette gawks at Balley.

Maags takes a few steps back.

Lyrna nods.

Bernadette turns to Balley and cheers!

Guarrin tilts his head up.

Leafiara cackles!

Bernadette turns to Balley and cheers!

Speaking to Balley, Pukk says, "Loved it."

Zosopage turns to Balley and cheers!

Chopad excitedly exclaims, "Why have you done this?!"

Aserak says, "Ahh, congratulations."

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Berost: "That didnt take long"

Roelon grins.

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Brokkrsten: "there ya go! Congrats, Balley!"

Evia says, "Well I'll be."

Aserak chuckles.

Evia chuckles.

Speaking to Balley, Leafiara roars, "That's the spirit!"

Rhysh gazes up into the heavens.

Leafiara throws her head back and howls!

Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Impressive accuracy."

Rhysh frowns.

Maags giggles.

Leafiara dusts Balley off.

Aserak says, "Uncanny."

Leafiara chuckle.s

Pukk yells, "About time you sent that lightning to the right area!"

Chopad touches one finger to his lips.

Ushea gazes up into the heavens.

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Alisette: "Congrats, Mom!"

Pukk raises his fist defiantly.

Chopad excitedly says, "Wasn't me."

Roelon shakes his head.

Balley softly says, "Thank you."

Speaking amusedly to Balley, Leafiara says, "Let's fix ya up and see if it happens again."

Leafiara surprisedly says, "Oh, she lives."

Ushea starts chuckling at Leafiara!

Bernadette smiles.

Arav grins.

Alisette laughs at Leafiara!

Speaking dubiously to Balley, Leafiara asks, "Are you a zombie now?"

Balley softly says, "That would be GREAT."

Balley softly says, "Dying is fun."

Alisette giggles at Leafiara.

Balley cackles!

Maags says, "The gods taketh and giveth."

Leafiara suspiciously says, "The Symbol of Recognition says you aren't, but..."

Maags gazes up into the heavens.

Pukk agrees with Balley.

Alisette giggles at Balley.

[Prime]-GSIV:Chamorr: "congrats Balley"

Leafiara glances suspiciously at Balley.

Bernadette softly says, "Congrats milady Balley."

Leafiara appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Maags says, "Mostlies taketh."

Alisette snuggles Balley, who responds by cradling an arm around her.

Bernadette applauds Balley.

Lyrna smiles.

Speaking to Balley, Zosopage says, "You worked hard for it."

[Prime]-GSIV:Balley: "thanks everyone"

Chopad excitedly asks, "Oh was that a ding?"

[Prime]-GSIV:Dwi: "Oh DAT's wot dat means!"

[Prime]-Leafiara: "Yay Balley! <3"

Evia says, "The bouncey dead, now they're dead, now they ern't."

Chopad turns to Balley and cheers!

Lyrna hugs Balley, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Maags grins at Evia.

Balley gives Lyrna a friendly hug.

Lyrna smiles.

Speaking to Balley, Pukk says, "Now, you can tell us the story of the scarab that went into you and how it was different from everybody else.."

Bernadette smiles.

Balley softly says, "That is why I needed wounds."

Leafiara starts chortling at Pukk.

Alisette grins at Balley.

Lyrna chuckles.

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Hapenlok: "grats"

Zosopage blows on his silver and gold confetti and scatters it all over the area.

Balley softly says, "Mine was a black shadowy one Pukk. I am not sure why mine is different."

Arav chuckles.

Ushea begins chuckling at Zosopage!

Leafiara rubs Balley tenderly.

Balley softly says, "I will never know."

Alisette hugs Balley, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Hapenlok: "but can anyone else say they capped by throwing away trash to grind their last 5 xp?" [Ylandra got her last point by foraging an apple, I believe!]

Bernadette nods at Balley.

Speaking to Balley, Pukk asks, "It looked like a shadowy me?"

Pukk gasps.

Zosopage says, "Finally got rid of all that confetti. That was all just from cleaning the remnants from my pack."

Zosopage flails his arms about.

Roelon grins.

Maags giggles to herself.

Cryheart grins at Zosopage.

Balley cackles!

Alisette giggles at Zosopage.

Guarrin begins chuckling at Zosopage!

Balley softly says, "I know you have been wanting to do that."

Distant Thunder

[a couple hours later in the evening, after lots more idle chatter, a couple people noticing that the Hall golems are gone, recapping The Fist and such...]

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a cowardly badland spirit that is flying around, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, some large pink sugar crystals, the violet Hapenlok disk, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a large acorn, a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, a disorderly aurora spirit that is flying around, a black-eared red and grey fox, a bug-eyed russet tarsier that is sitting, the Asben disk, the crab-shaped Rasson disk, the Roelon disk, a massive snowy white tiger, the Cryheart disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, some light fur-edged leathers, a long bow, a piece of iron, a dark-masked black and white puppy with sparkling glacial blue eyes, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Leineshan, Quartermaster Tsarok, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Sanilac who is sitting, Vultair, Gidma who is sitting, Hapenlok, Maags, High Lord Gutstorm, Mayor Leafiara, Akenna, Zodience who is sitting, Zosopage, Orwylde, Legu, Grand Lord Sagoth, High Lord Asben, Mister Qza, Erych who is sitting, Rasson, Aserak, Paymaster Xecnephias, Roelon, Sequizer who is sitting, Trallian, Bernadette, Lovily, Maelkyth, Aedri, Dame Evia, Lady Alisette, Sir Cryheart, Great Lord Maulifus who is sitting, Warchief Archales

Thunder faintly rumbles on the horizon.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Alisette says, "We did not mean any of us."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth says, "Bad bored wizards are a problem."

Akenna says, "I'm never bored."

Balley softly says, "A storm is approaching."

Dwi: "Utoh."

Maags says, "Maybes they do not likes the rain."

Alisette says, "Aack."

Maags says, "Yous alright."

Maelkyth exclaims, "My thanks!"

Alisette says, "I over casted."

Seylia quietly says, "Nexus saves the day."

Alisette says, "I was thinking."

Hapenlok: "Thunder doesn't necessarily mean a thing, guys. Relax."

Balley softly says, "Coming to join the fun Pukk."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Cryheart!"

Seylia quietly asks, "Where are we goin?"

Speaking to Razanetika, Pukk exclaims, "You're suppose to wait for me to say it!"

Dwi: "Means spring storm...mess up yer boots."

Berost deeply says, "I was drinkin good ale an had a very warm story from a very good lass. Or .... wait. Reverse that damnit."

Speaking amusedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "It means Pukk can tell us to join Cryheart, at least."

Speaking to Razanetika, Pukk asks, "Did you not get the memo?"

Aserak says, "Safety in numbers I suppose."

Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika says, "I can't help it if you're slow tonight."

Seylia quietly says, "I have to help some dead first."

Hapenlok: "And for Gutstorm and Pukk, it means a bath."

Akenna: "I can always make you a new pair."

Cryheart says, "They are joining, in preparation the thunder means bad weather."

Speaking to Razanetika, Pukk says, "Oh no you didn't."

Hapenlok: "Especially Pukk."

Balley softly says, "Well hope it is just the thunder."

Dwi: "Ah, usefull den."

Balley softly says, "I have seen lightning already once tonight."

Leafiara muses, "Maybe we should check if the thunder woke up our guest."

Speaking excitedly to Maags, Eugenides exclaims, "My precious little thing!"

Burzer says, "Trees are harder and poorer."

Speaking to Eugenides, Maags says, "Sorries if I hurt yous sneak."

Speaking to Maags, Eugenides says, "It's fine."

Speaking to Eugenides, Maelkyth says, "Maags is Maags! Not a thing..."

Maags says, "It could be a thing if everybodies went shoeless."

Razanetika softly says, "My poor weather."

Balley softly says, "I am actually wearing shoes for a change."

Speaking reassuringly to Razanetika, Eugenides says, "There, there."

Maags exclaims, "Why!"

Balley softly says, "I do not remember."

Speaking to Maags, Maelkyth says, "I got your back, don't worry."

Balley takes a pair of shapely pewter chainsil high-heeled shoes off her feet.

Balley put a pair of shapely pewter chainsil high-heeled shoes in her spidersilk cloak.

Pukk says, "Sir Shiny, check, Happy, check, Drunky...I mean Gutstorm, check, Silent..I mean Shinann, check, Maags, check...oh wait..."

Balley softly says, "That is better Maags. Easier to kill things not in heels."

Sanilac says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Maags, Pukk asks, "Any sweets?"

Speaking to Maags, Maelkyth says, "Well, I can't have your back if you're behind me."

Speaking to Chamorr, Evia says, "Stormy weather, brother."

Speaking to Pukk, Maags asks, "Has a preference?"

Speaking to Yukito, Eugenides asks, "Can you make my jade eyes blue?"

Shinann asks, "I am silent?"

Pukk exclaims, "Nope!"

Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "The words don't even sound similar."

Maags offers Pukk a freshly baked cherry-filled donut.

Pukk accepts Maags's cherry-filled donut.

Pukk exclaims, "Donuts!"

Speaking heartily to Balley, Chamorr says, "Im sorry I missed your demise."

Balley softly says, "It was ok. One bolt did me in well."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "It's okay now. We can stand down. We has donuts."

Speaking heartily to Balley, Chamorr says, "That is awesome."

Speaking to Chamorr, Evia exclaims, "Everyone missed my demise, it never came!"

Speaking to Pukk, Maags says, "Also, nevah not has them."

Speaking to Pukk, Maags exclaims, "Of some kind!"

Speaking heartily to Evia, Chamorr says, "We could fix that."

Speaking to Maags, Pukk exclaims, "You are perfect!"

Berost deeply asks, "No more attacks today yar?"

Balley softly says, "I die a lot Chamorr you have seen better deaths of mine I am sure."

Speaking tentatively to Berost, Leafiara says, "Well, not yet anyway."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Can we keep her?"

Roelon deeply says, "Yet...."

Speaking to Berost, Evia says, "We shall see soon enough."

Balley softly asks, "Keep who?"

Speaking curiously to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "Who we keepin'?"

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth exclaims, "You may not!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "Maags!"

Balley softly says, "You want to keep everyone Pukk."

Speaking cheerfully to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Oh, of course."

Maags exclaims, "She needs me to feed Owlies!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "She likes me."

Maags says, "Else he would takes over the town."

Vlashandra's Approach

A flicker of white fire flashes in the distance.

Maags exclaims, "Uhoh!"

Balley softly says, "Fire."

Speaking to Maags, Maelkyth asks, "Do you mean to be kept by these.... keepers?"

Leafiara curiously says, "Oh, Vlashandra..."


Roelon deeply asks, "The outpost?"

High above Wehnimer's Landing a burst of fiery-orange light erupts in the sky, radiating outward and shining with intensity. The searing glow lingers in the air for a few moments before fading away. Suddenly militiamen take to the streets, rushing off in different directions as orders are shouted out amongst them.

Maags whispers something to Maelkyth.

Evia: "YES."

Speaking to Maags, Maelkyth asks, "But what if your moonlit paths lead you elsewhere?"

Shinann: "Maylan, do not think..."

Shinann says, "Too late."

Speaking lightly to Shinann, Leafiara says, "To be fair, it would have been too late even if you did say it first."

Maags says, "Oh."

Dwi: "Oh...der' a larm?"

Speaking to Shinann, Eugenides guesses, "Luck and skill in a bit, too?"

Berost: "Pirates ...."

Speaking to Eugenides, Shinann says, "I do not know."

Chamorr heartily says, "Miltia on alert."

A flicker of white flames sparks near outside of Moot Hall.

Cryheart says, "Moving."

Sir Cryheart's group just went east.

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see the Hleef disk and a large purple wooden barrel.

Leafiara says, "She's come to us, I suppose."

Maags says, "Wish that was purple."

Pukk says, "Pie eater, check, Balley the grand lady, Bear....enough said about him."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Okay, everybody is here."

Evia says, "Hmm that is odd."

Evia asks, "Some sort of visitor?"

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Well, we're missing Guts--"

Leafiara glances at Gutstorm.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Drunky."

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara concludes, "--storm's rats."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Oh...yeah...oh look."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You were just saying."

Zosopage says, "Wonder what she wants."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "You died. And I don't think it was directly because of anything I did last night."

Akenna says, "There is the Magister Svala."

Dwi heartily says, "I know to join Cryheart...cause...someone said."

Akenna says, "I don't see the other."

Evia bangs her ora morning star against the front of her enameled tower shield! ***Clang!***

Speaking drunkenly to Evia, Gutstorm says, "Bang it on yooz head like Dwi do."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "But that was an epic explosion, nonetheless, though."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Evia says, "Thats fer box bashin."

Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.

Maags says, "Well no competition to Pylasar anyhow."

Chamorr heartily says, "Fire in da sky."

Speaking to Felita, Pukk exclaims, "There you are!"

Leafiara says, "Cordarius did tell us to be nice and the trial's over now, so... it's doable, but I do wonder what she's here for, then."

Lylia says, "There is often chaos in battle. Many will fall, and many will rise again to supplant them."

Chamorr heartily says, "Smoke on da water."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Bebbeh Louie, I mean Felita is here too."

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "I hope it Goblyn, she owe me two pie!"

(Gutstorm holds up three fingers.)

Lylia says, "Yes, I do wonder that myself."

Evia asks, "To be nice?"

Maylan mutters, "Be nice to my arse."

Speaking to Alisette, Maags exclaims, "I might has been saving that!"

Cryheart says, "We shall find out I presume."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "I know, I'm proud of you."

Speaking to Eugenides, Akenna says, "She's there."

Balley softly says, "Maybe she has information to share."

Speaking amusedly to Evia, Leafiara says, "Yes, that's really what he said. He asked us a favor to be nice to her since she was just doing her job."

Lylia gazes in amusement at Hapenlok.

Lylia says, "Thank you."

Evia says, "Oh I see."

Speaking to Eugenides, Akenna asks, "See?"

Leafiara musingly says, "Oh, just a moment."

[Leafi has to briefly step away]

Maags says, "Er."

Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "Died, beautifully, if I may say so."

Maags says, "Magister."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "You get a pass on all my jokes for tonight."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Can drop presents on peepuls."

Lylia says, "How good to hear it."

Faerinn says, "I hear the Magister may be on her way. Haven't seen her weeks."

Leafiara curiously asks "...yes?" [various people were looking at her]

There is a flicker of white fire seen through a window of the second floor of Moot Hall. [I assume a repeat of a message already given when she stepped away]

Maags says, "Do not makes a magister dizzies else they mights forget the year they are in."

Speaking to Xorus, Pukk says, "You snuggle buns get me..."

Roelon deeply asks, "Yir office?"

Cryheart asks, "Your office Mayor?"

Balley softly asks, "Your office?"

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "It dat da office?"

Alisette exclaims, "Mayor!"

Leafiara curiously says, "Oh, sure."

Hapenlok says, "Yeah, let's cram all of us into a tiny space."


Speaking to Leafiara, Zosopage says, "Looks like she stole your office."

Pukk exclaims, "To the second floor!"

Small Talk, Small Problems

[Moot Hall, Mayor's Office.]

From a dais, the maoral desk and an ivory and velvet curule seat loom over two carved wooden chairs. Tapestry rugs cover the hardwood floor, their patterns complementing the arched windows flanking the desk. A stag's head stares at a panoramic fresco mounted opposite it. In a corner near the bar, a scarred witchwood perch rises to the high ceiling, while several feet away, a black iron stove rests against the west wall and is topped with a silver kettle. You also see the Sochestie disk, the seaweed-covered Krampton disk, a sinuous bone white serpent, a small pile of wood, some tool-covered workbenches, some unopened crates, a small maoral sideboard with some stuff on it, a maoral bookcase, a varnished modwir door and a wooden sign.

Also here: Felita, Dwi, Eugenides, High Lord Asben, Lord Chamorr, Talman, Hleef, Lyrna, Tolene, High Lady Shyspirit, Lady Alisette, Pietra, High Lord Mongonator, Lazaryth, Yukito, Razanetika, Berost, Pukk, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Maags, Zosopage, Rasson, Aserak, Roelon, Bernadette, Dame Evia, Tilbin, Sir Cryheart, Land Pirate Maylan, Great Lady Sochestie, High Lord Gutstorm, Magister Raelee, Lord Thrassus, Shinann, Lady Vlashandra

>lo vlas

You see Lady Vlashandra the Adjudicator of the Hall of Mages.

She appears to be a Human.

It is difficult to properly see her features as the hood of her robe is pulled down over her face.

She is in good shape.

She is wearing a thin gold choker, a deeply hooded light blue robe stained with dried blood, a gold-clasped black leather satchel, and some sturdy dark leather boots.

Speaking curiously to Vlashandra, Leafiara greets, "Good eve to you."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "Ah, haven't seen you for weeks. Keeping busy in the outpost, are we?"

Vlashandra paces near some unopened crates, running a finger along the surface.

Arav says, "Well then."

Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm asks, "Isnt Vlachranda da bad lady who took me statchoo?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok comments, "You got a bit of red on ya."

Vlashandra asks, "Remodeling?"

Pukk says, "Imps....why does it always have to be imps."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Thrassus says, "You have blood all over your robes."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara admits, "I'm a little surprised you're still here since--"

Vlashandra removes the hood of her robe, revealing her features.

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Goldie's statchoo."

Speaking amiably to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Yes, it's a work in progress."

Vlashandra asks, "Since...what?"

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm exclaims, "We kin gree to not gree!"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Felita says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette asks, "Re-locating to our fair city, are you?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara concludes, "Well, you came for the trial and that's over now."

Cryheart whispers something to Maags.

Berost deeply says, "Since tha mage was let off tha hook so to speak."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "No we kint."

Felita says, "She been werkin mebbe cut a finger er two."

Vlashandra says, "The trial is not why I truly came."

Leafiara tilts her head at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pukk exclaims, "You came for Happy...didn't you!"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette asks, "Oh?"

Chamorr heartily says, "Acourse not."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "Good luck."

Evia asks, "Why then didst thou truly come?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan asks, "Come to meddle more, where you don't belong?"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Wot trial? it was a farce!"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "I forget my manners. Good evening, Magister Svala."

Speaking in Sylvankind, Arav dryly says something you don't understand.

Roelon deeply says, "Came to hae ah few drinks perhaps."

Speaking to Maylan, Pukk says, "Oh yeah."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "See I tole ye yer farces would smell up da joint."

Speaking to her black marble shrine, Maylan says, "Oh my."

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Ply her good."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "Did you have a run in with the reapers?"

>lo vlas

You see Lady Vlashandra the Adjudicator of the Hall of Mages.

She appears to be a Human.

She is average height. She appears to be in the spring of life. She has sharp, gold-flecked snow white eyes and ashen skin. She has long, loosely ringeleted copper red hair. She has an angular face. She has a series of scab-covered scars that split her thin lips and stretch up, fragmenting her face before ending just below one of her eyes.

She is in good shape.

She is wearing a thin gold choker, a deeply hooded light blue robe stained with dried blood, a gold-clasped black leather satchel, and some sturdy dark leather boots.

Chamorr heartily says, "The truth from the Empire, too much to ask."

Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "I don't know why you think it's smart or funny to try and start trouble with me and every dignitary, visiting or otherwise."

(Faerinn gestures at his whole facial area.)

Speaking to Pukk, Maylan says, "Why thank you! The monument to my friend lives on."

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "That would explain a lot..."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "Thank you. Your generous nature is much appreciated."

Vlashandra asks, "Reapers?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "Probably should get that looked at."

Speaking drunkenly to Alisette, Gutstorm exclaims, "Shh!"

Cryheart says, "They hit us last eve."

Speaking sharply to Faerinn, Raelee says, "You have her and I confused. Enough. Sort it out."

Roelon deeply says, "Nasty little buggers."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Zosopage asks, "Well the only other thing that came about was how you believe the former administrations were somehow to blame for what transpired. Is that why you are here now?"

Speaking in Sylvankind to his mithril pike, Arav says something you don't understand.

Roelon deeply says, "All sorts of nasty things...last night."

Cryheart says, "With other ungodly forms of creations."

Vlashandra waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "If you need any healers, I'm sure many would be willing to help with the results of your--encounter with the reapers."

Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm says, "Comfy seat."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "Little bipedal squirrels that like to steal limbs for The Fist."

Vlashandra says, "Small problems. They come and go."

Lylia says, "It served its purpose well."

Leafiara adds, "That's what we called those creatures last night, anyway."

Cryheart asks, "M'lady, did ye run into a door or something?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Cryheart.

Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Roelon asks, "And what's bigger then those?"

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "Why are you here then."

Cryheart says, "Meaning to be polite."

Cryheart nods at Vlashandra.

Felita says, "Ems patchwork critters grabbin limbs."

Vlashandra says, "It hardly was."

Roelon deeply says, "Well, anything is bigger then the reapers.."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan says, "Yes, get to the point."

Vlashandra nods at Cryheart.

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn says, "Well, maybe if you would wear your own face I could sort it out."

Speaking to Faerinn, Akenna says, "I can clearly tell them apart.. they just look like if they were sisters."

Vlashandra says, "Scars are often reminders of failures. There is nothing wrong with wounds and blood."

Speaking drunkenly to Roelon, Gutstorm says, "Dont scuff up da desk."

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara whispers aloud, "She's the taller one."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra asks, "No really, why are you here?"

Akenna sighs, "Well, it is good for a glamour, I suppose."

Vlashandra stands in front of some simple arched windows.

Lylia replies, "Unless one does not wish to carry visible reminders of failures. But scars still remain even if they are not visible, sometimes."

Evia says, "Oh mother of philosophy, at this hour."

Speaking deeply to Gutstorm, Roelon says, "Ah took ah bath last week. Won' mess it up too badly."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "In any case, yes, what Pietra asked... to what do we owe the pleasure tonight?"

Alisette whispers aloud, "Scars covered by a face already taken are debatable......"

Vlashandra grins at Balley.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Pleasure."

Pukk laughs!

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "More mead over here Roelon!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra says, "That was far nicer than how I said it."

Faerinn says, "I think Raelee would have gotten her face checked out by now..."

Speaking offhandedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Hey, it's like Cryheart said at the trial--chivalry is giving everyone a chance."

Speaking to Faerinn, Akenna says, "Sometimes, I worry about you."

Speaking to Akenna, Lyrna asks, "Only sometimes?"

Speaking to Balley, Maylan says, "Well at this rate it would be faster for you to divine her purpose here."

Speaking to Lyrna, Akenna says, "Yes, only sometimes."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "So what did happen? Fall down the stairs of the outpost? Walk into a door knob? Faulty scrying orb?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "You went and became a politician on me!"

A Perhaps-Foolish-But-Worthwhile-Task

Vlashandra says, "I've come to pursue a task, perhaps foolish in nature, and nothing will come of it...but a worthwhile one regardless."

Vlashandra turns around.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lazaryth says, "Do tell us."

Speaking indignantly to Pukk, Leafiara assures, "Not at all!"

Balley softly asks, "A task?"

Vlashandra moves to stand in front of Lylia.

Lylia nods at Vlashandra.

Lylia removes a dull white soulstone suspended by a frayed leather cord from in her wrap.

Balley softly asks, "Do you need our help with such task?"

Vlashandra stands very close to Lylia.

Lylia leans forward.

Pukk says, "Imps and foolishness goes hand and hand it seems."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Did anybuddies axe her if she know anyfin about da tack on da town lat nite?"

Vlashandra asks, "You have it on you, yes?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Lylia.

Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Berost says, "If yer looking for tasks, Rhet gives em out at the Adventurer's Guild."

Lylia quietly says, "It never leaves me."

Pukk says, "Blood...."

Lylia shows Vlashandra her white soulstone.

Evia says, "Cahoots."

Speaking heartily to Berost, Dwi asks, "We want her dead?"

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Vlashandra grins.

Speaking seriously to Pukk, Lurrah says, "Nothing finer."

Dwi heartily says, "Rhet's been tryin to kill me fer weeks."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "Don't let her turn you into a newt."

Vlashandra says, "I have come to bring Aralyte home."

Lylia says, "For anyone who does not recognize this, it belongs to Blade Aralyte Halanori Faendryl. Who stayed behind in the shadow realms, and who saved --"

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "A rather pointed perspective."

Leafiara says, "Ahh, trying to delve into the shadow valence then..."

Speaking to Maylan, Pukk asks, "Hold on..hold cute will the newt be?"

Xorus says, "I see."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "Why? And what is she to you?"

(Lylia stops all motion, even her breath caught as she regards Vlashandra.)

Vlashandra says, "So to answer your question? Do I need your help? We need each others help."

Leafiara asks, "She was instrumental against Althedeus, if I remember?"

Speaking in Faendryl, the voice of Aleyi softly says something you don't understand.

Lazaryth says, "This is the point in the story where someone tells me who Aralyte is."

Lylia says, "I just did."

Speaking to Pukk, Maylan says, "Considering the source, the cutest newt you ever did see."

Roelon deeply says, "In what way..."

Evia says, "I do not recall there being that thing, but my recall is full of mothballs and holes."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Sorry, I drifted off after you said for anyone who..."

Lazaryth says, "I'm afraid it's rather noisy in here."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "Why dat lady jabberin wit da ol' mayer?"

Speaking in Sylvankind to Leafiara, Arav asks something you don't understand.

Lazaryth asks, "When you say shadow realms, what do you mean?"

Hapenlok says, "You know, I don't know that bringing her back...."

Balley softly asks, "Why do you want to bring her? Is she in danger here?"

Lylia says, "But there should be some more explanation, perhaps, as I know not everyone recalls the full tale. I can tell it quickly, if you like."

Evia says, "Exactly that."

Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara offers, "More or less exactly what it sounds like."

Speaking in Sylvankind, Arav says something you don't understand.

Evia says, "Shadow realms."

(Hapenlok pauses and glances at Lylia and Vlashandra and just shrugs.)

Lylia pointedly says, "And if people can be silent long enough to hear it."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Dats wot ladies do, talk talk talk......"

Lyrna says, "Please do."

Lazaryth asks, "Not a euphemism for beyond the gates?"

Leafiara looks at Lazaryth and shakes her head.

(Evia points to the black veins covering her face.)

Felita says, "Ise likes a story."

Dwi: "Step to da frent Dragans!"

Xorus says, "The shadow realm is a demonic plane of existence where the primordial Althedeus resided. Aralyte worked the ritual that destroyed him."

Speaking drunkenly to Felita, Gutstorm says, "Eh bebbe."

Pukk deadpans, "Lylia's going to tell us a tale...yay."

Lylia says, "No, the 'shadow realms' were, or rather are, another valence. Althedeus' realm. Aralyte Halanori Faendryl, the Palestra Blade, remains trapped there. We believe she is alive and have believed so for some time."

Felita says, "Ise no bebbeh."

Ysharra says, "She stayed behind."

Maylan says, "Maybe she likes it there."

Dwi heartily asks, "Elfs kin eat trees anna stuff eh?"

Roelon deeply asks, "Wouldn't ye go mad being trapped there?"

Ysharra says, "She stayed behind so the rest could be free."

Hleef says, "I wonder if demons have towns with shops and bakeries."

Pietra asks, "And the soulstone is connected to that.... how?"

Evia says, "None would like it."

Arav says, "And magics dealing with those realms has never resulted in a city being overrun with an invading extra-planar force.."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Free ub wot?"

Lylia explains, "This soulstone was once a vibrant red, and warm to the touch. It was hers, and it was all that remained when another Faendryl, Ersix Severus Faendryl, brought us too close to that valence."

Maags says, "Maybe we can trade a few hundred monsters for her."

Speaking heartily to Maags, Dwi asks, "Fer her hair?"

Speaking to Maags, Maylan says, "Brilliant."

Ysharra says, "...few hundred monsters with extra limbs and a leg each of ours."

Speaking to Maags, Lurrah says, "More than that if last night is in indiscator."

Speaking drunkenly to Berost, Gutstorm says, "Dat ale...not doh fesh."

Speaking to Maylan, Maags exclaims, "I has my moments!"

Lylia says, "The soulstone is now cold, and it is in its current...hmm, dormant state, after it was used as a kind of beacon to recall the Hendoran outpost and those within it from the Ithzir realms."

Speaking to Berost, Ysharra says, "Sorry."

Felita says, "Wot they gona do wif alla thems."

Lylia says, "Which brings us to today. And my burning curiosity about why anyone from the Hall of Mages would seek to retrieve a Palestra Blade."

Speaking deeply to Gutstorm, Berost says, "We got talk o shadows and valiants, an magick. Fresh ale, not freshh ale, a dwarf needs a drink cause soon enoughh we will be dead in that place."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan asks, "Are you gonna put her in time jail too?"

Speaking knowingly to Lylia, Lurrah says, "They love to meddle."

Vlashandra says, "The Hall..."

Lylia says, "And if anyone has further questions, I shall be happy to answer them later."

Vlashandra smirks.

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Lylia, Lurrah says, "And they will deceive to get what they want."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "And put a whole mock trial together just to pass you notes."

Lylia says, "I appreciate the words of caution."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan asks, "You mean this is personal?"

Balley softly asks, "The Hall wants you to get her?"

Sorlu whispers something to Lurrah.

Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly says something you don't understand.

Berkana says, "Lylia barely needs warning."

Balley softly asks, "Is this a task you have to do to go back?"

Lylia says, "Oh, I have always intended to find her again. She must be found."

Leafiara asks, "Another research project, then? Experiments in shadow spelunking?"

Vlashandra says, "The Hall does not command me in this."

Lurrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Lylia says, "I see."

Evia says, "Interesting."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah see.."

Vlashandra says, "Oh, I have no doubt they would celebrate if we were successful."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan exclaims, "Well friend why didn't you say so? Let's go find this lady!"

Vlashandra says, "Attach labels or claims where they can."

Pietra asks, "So a dangerous trip somewhere else, for funsies?"

Akenna says, "Once a Hall Mage, always a Hall Mage and you want something."

Speaking agreeably to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Would be quite an accomplishment."

Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims something you don't understand.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Akenna asks, "What is it?"

Speaking to Maylan, Lylia says, "It is not as simple as all that."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan asks, "I guess...not right this moment?"

Sorlu whispers something to Lurrah.

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Maylan says, "Okay then."

'Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Roelon says, "If nae for recognition, why do it."

Speaking to Akenna, Pukk says, "I like you."

Lyrna says, "It never is."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Aint a chance we gittin it."

Speaking drunkenly to his brown leather pouch, Gutstorm says, "Tettle down."

Ysharra says, "Let her talk."

Speaking to Ysharra, Maylan complains, "She takes forever to talk."

Hapenlok says, "I'll bring up my concerns when we're done."

Speaking to Maylan, Arav says, "Have you seen Ta'Faendryl recently? These are ill magics, far worse than the petty demons we've so casually permitted."

Speaking to Pukk, Akenna says, "I just know that there is always something they want... I've been swept up in their...plans before."

Speaking offhandedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "We'll set aside twenty minutes."

Speaking heartily in Dwarven to Gutstorm, Dwi says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Arav, Maylan says, "Erm, it's been a few months..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I don't need that much time."

Leafiara glances briefly up, then down again. Suddenly, her eyes bulge and she whips her head around to gape at Hapenlok.

Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims something you don't understand.

Vlashandra says, "Because imagine what we gain if we do. A hero's return. With it comes knowledge, with it comes what is right."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Anybuddies got any hay?"

Vlashandra says, "If all we live for is what we are told we cannot do...and when we fail..."

Berkana whispers something to Eugenides.

Speaking to Maylan, Arav says, "I'm sure it's very nice, once you get rid of the slight case of Ithzir."

Hapenlok mutters, "Or another enemy."

Vlashandra shakes her head.

Evia says, "This is alot of we being bandied."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Thrassus says, "That makes sense to me."

Speaking sympathetically to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Well, makes sense to me."

Dwi: "Do NOT sell Gutstorm any hay!"

Lyrna asks, "How soon are you looking to do this?"

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "Why now? She's been trapped in there fer years now."

Vlashandra asks, "You ask why...when truthfully, I should ask you, why not?"

Dwi: "'s a long list."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "Did you always expect to lose here? To need a redemption to bring back to the Hall later?"

Cryheart says, "So to right a wrong."

Evia says, "And how shall we gain entrance also."

Balley softly asks, "It makes sense. Who will gather the information if we get her, the Hall, or will we all get the information?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lazaryth says, "I'm all for doing what's right. But pardon me for wondering if there isn't some other motive here."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Hapenlok says, "Go home, you're drunk."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan asks, "Were you friends?"

Vlashandra says, "Because the soulstone has awoken. Briefly. But it has and I have heard the lake call to me."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "I may not care."

Pukk says, "Why not? Well, you're an imp....and you're a magister and an imp...."

Leafiara admits, "Good a reason as any."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr asks, "You show up and throw some sham trial and then you wanna save her, why?"

Lazaryth asks, "The lake?"

Pukk says, "Good reasons those."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "It used to call to me too."

Evia says, "Well.."

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara explains, "To be fair, the trial was Octaven's idea."

Pietra says, "Let's go take a bath, then. Gods know some of us could use it."

Alisette offers, "We could help...."

Vlashandra begins chuckling at Chamorr!

Evia asks, "The last time we went, we did not just saunter in, how shall it be done?"

Vlashandra says, "Of course it was a sham trial."

Xorus says, "Aralyte used the eye of an Ur-Daemon to turn Lake Eonak into a portal to the Shadow Realm."

Pukk says, "She admitted it."

Vlashandra says, "But agreeing to it allowed me to come here."

Speaking to Xorus, Evia says, "But that was then.."

Balley softly asks, "You admit everything was made up? Just like I said it was a joke?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "So you're here for this. The trial was your price to get it."

Pietra says, "Sham trial. Sheesh."

(Raelee slowly moves towards the doorway, and lingers by the exit as if prepared to leave.)

Leafiara muses, "Well, that explains a lot."

Thrassus says, "The trial is irrelevant now."

Vlashandra says, "Let's not be fools. Pylasar has his share of crimes."

Speaking to Xorus, Arav says, "I'm sure she's had a lot of time to think it over and decided that such sorceries are bad, and will never do something like it again."

Vlashandra says, "We all do."

Pukk asks, "So I guess we won't be getting our petting zoo after all?"

Vlashandra points at Thrassus.

Vlashandra says, "Exactly."

Speaking heartily to Balley, Dwi asks, "Ye hear da joke bout da two roltons anna da kobold?"

Scars of the Past

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "... I do have one question."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "More than just the trial it seems."

Vlashandra says, "I'd imagine you have more than one."

Sochestie asks, "Sham trial because you didn't get your expected outcome?"

Vlashandra cackles at Raelee!

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "I will start with this one."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "Did Octaven do that to your face?"

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "The face."

Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "Was anything you told me the evening we briefly spoke... about funding for the towers... was any of that true?"

Vlashandra glances at Faerinn.

Vlashandra asks, "Which time?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Faerinn.

Speaking to Sochestie, Zosopage says, "I'd expect it's a little more complicated then that."

Speaking deeply to Dwi, Berost says, "Now there be a conversation be fun to listen too once they get pass all that magick pleasantires."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Both."

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Raelee.

Vlashandra says, "Be specific Magister."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "Which time? How many times have there been?"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Me needs a drink, barntenda!"

Evia says, "My mercy, my head is spinning, one subject at a time would be so nice."

Vlashandra asks, "My face? or my scars?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Faerinn.

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.

Feldenak: "Anyone on the moon or nearby that could slip out and open the doors for me please?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lazaryth says, "You'd better speak to both."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "The scars."

Maags says, "Hopes we all gets to hear the question."

Vlashandra says, "I did not always carry this face, no. The scars are for my failure."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "Given that it contradicts with that Cordarius said regarding the verdict... it does make one believe you lied to me."

Speaking to Alisette, Pukk whispers aloud, "The one on the right is Raelee.."

Speaking heartily in Dwarven to Gutstorm, Dwi says something you don't understand.

Vlashandra asks, "I do not hide or heal them on purpose. I appreciate your...concern?"

Speaking curiously to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "Or what if he was the one lying?"

Hapenlok mutters, "And the subject keeps changing..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Some scars linger. By choice or severity."

Vlashandra asks, "I'm sorry, what lie?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Raelee.

Speaking drunkenly to his whiskey-stained canteen, Gutstorm says, "I need dis."

Gutstorm takes a drink from his whiskey-stained canteen.

Gutstorm falls to the ground with a "thud". He doesn't appear to be moving.

Gutstorm abruptly stands up then falls back over.

Feldenak: "Yes, trying to get into there."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr asks, "How bout the dried blood on yer clothes, is that yer blood or someone elses?"

Vlashandra says, "Mine."

Vlashandra nods at Chamorr.

Balley softly asks, "How do we know you are not making this all up as well to get our help?"

Leafiara admits, "I'm not even sure why I'm interjecting in this. I'm far more interested in this matter of how we help save Aralyte, but..."

Pukk ponders, "If a imp is alone in the woods and still they still lie?"

Evia says, "So far, we know nothing either way."

Vlashandra asks, "If I were making it up, would you suddenly expect me to tell you I was?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "All's well."

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Balley.

Feldenak: "Oh, I think I have a way....I have a scroll with Unlock on it!"

Speaking slowly to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "... that the verdict was planned. That he would be retried later."

Balley softly says, "No but you have not been the most trustworthy of people lately."

Evia says, "Lean in and let me tell you this thing I just made up, which is true, or not, but maybe."

Cryheart says, "I would rather we focus on the idea of bringing back the Paladin."

Feldenak: "Yes, unlock isn't working for me anyway. Thank you Fahlo."

Vlashandra says, "Octaven's plan was to try Pylasar in the Empire, and Cordarius to recommend it."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "I would rather we didn't."

Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Why not?"

Vlashandra says, "I was not convincing enough, and Cordarius did not recommend a second trial."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maylan exclaims, "I would rather see Raelee and this Vlashandra fight it out!"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Wassa unbalance o' yer humerouses."

Maylan exclaims, "Fight fight fight fight!"

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr asks, "So far everything is a smoke screen, is she really looking to save arylate or is it to open the valence?"

Speaking suddenly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Oh, he's not talking about Falvicar."

Speaking in Sylvankind, Arav asks something you don't understand.

Lylia says, "It is not for others to decide what will happen to a Faendryl Blade, nor the best way to retrieve her from her exile."

Alisette demands, "Let's focus on Aralyte."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Because after seven years? i don't even want to think about what she may have been twisted into."

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.

Speaking in Elven to Lylia, Arav says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Lylia, Evia asks, "Others? I am quite confused, whose is it?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Were you there when we went into the shadow valence in 5117 and some said they saw her?"

Laying Out the Plan

Vlashandra says, "I am confident that there are enough people standing in this room who would help join me in trying to bring Aralyte home."

Speaking sarcastically to herself, Berkana says, "I'd rather this whole mess had never started in the first place."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Lylia is correct. If you know how to help her, I'm with you."

Cryheart says, "If there was even the slightest chance of bringing the Paladin back, I am willing."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "So the verdict here didn't matter, Corduroy's say did and we went the other way, interesting...but let's hear about Aralyte."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan says, "For her sake, not yours."

Speaking amiably to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Indeed."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Elben annd blade kinna like da omyxoron no?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I did. And that was shortly before my soul was nearly extricated from my body."

Faerinn says, "I want to help Lylia and my friends help her."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "So I ran away. And I'm not ashamed to admit it."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah am raher curious in the attempt."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Arav says, "Sadly, I suspect you're right. Foolish as it is, and risking the lives and safety of a thousand others... I am sure they will be unable to resist the temptation."

Speaking to Faerinn, Pukk says, "I saw what you did there."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Zosopage says, "For her sake yes, but only for her sake."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Elfs make good boards."

Vlashandra shrugs at Zosopage.

Shaddyan: "Is there a invasion going on?"

Cryheart: "No."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara acknowledges, "Well, yes, I got out of there rather quickly myself, but that was because we had trouble in the tunnels beneath town at the same--ah, maybe a debate for another time."

Xorus says, "There is also the matter of her condition, if she is bound to that pool of blood in the Shadow Realm."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I won't be going back a third time. And honestly, I know you all won't listen...but I think very strongly that you should leave this be."

Vlashandra says, "You owe me no favors Zosopage. I am fine with whatever motivation you decide on."

Maylan: "No, we're just chatting with an interloper in the Mayor's office."

Shaddyan: "Thank you."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra asks, "Why is this Aralyte so important to you, a human?"

Lylia says, "Precisely so."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Me need a good berd, dis one is dunno."

Evia says, "I went with her there, because I could best be spared if we never came back, and I would go again to fetch her back."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara offers, "For what it's worth, I understand where you're coming from. Would be glad to aid."

Berkana whispers something to Roelon.

Vlashandra says, "Quite insulting, from a human."

Vlashandra nods at Pietra.

Cryheart: "Vlashandra is with us in the Mayor's office."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I won't try to stop any of you, but I really think that this is a colossal mistake."

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm asks, "She shashin yoo?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra says, "You have no qualities that I admire, so far."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra asks, "Why is she so important?"

Roelon deeply says, "Seems to me it will happen ...if we help or not. May as well help and make sure nothing else ...bad..comes out."

Vlashandra asks, "Are we narrowly placed inside a box that our interests can only lie in human matters? Imperial affairs? Baronies and crowns?"

Faerinn says, "I can't imagine her condition was good and hasn't gotten better there. All the better reason to proceed."

Speaking in Faendryl, the voice of Aleyi softly says something you don't understand.

Faerinn says, "With haste."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra says, "You've shown nothing of compassion yet."

Aserak asks, "I believe the motivations have been made clear. Is there a plan in place as of yet?"

Vlashandra says, "I didn't strike you for your rudeness."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Pie eater is right. We should listen to her."

Speaking amusedly to herself, Berkana says, "No good deed goes unpunished, afterall."

Vlashandra says, "Consider that compassion."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "That's how the Empire works."

Vlashandra smirks.

Lylia bluntly says, "If she is still...If she is still the Palestra Blade, then she must still be returned. If she is no longer what she was, then she must be put to rest. Either way, it is past time to do what we must."

Dwi heartily asks, "She said brownies?"

Leafiara pragmatically says, "Well, putting aside anyone's opinions of Vlashandra herself, the question to me is the idea of saving Aralyte. Hap might be oppoed, but most are willing to hear out this plan."

Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "Look at it this way. Granted she made us leave at the time, to finish the job and make sure we lived."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Aserak, Ysharra says, "Along with a few other agendas, I think."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra says, "I think your face plays out what is inside of you."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "I was tainted for a very long time after that first visit."

Evia says, "Quite anxious to hear the plan."

Pietra says, "I guess I'm not going on this little expedition, won't be welcome I'm sure."

Speaking drunkenly to Evia, Gutstorm says, "Maybe we get cat fight intead."

Speaking in Faendryl, the voice of Aleyi softly says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Evia, Berkana says, "Even the plan we are told might not be the plan."

Speaking to Pietra, Leafiara says, "Never know. If Hap's right, maybe we'll need some to stay behind and guard the town from anything that escapes through the tear between valences."

Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "She's been there for seven years. And honestly, I know a little bit about isolation in hostile territory, as of late..."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia warmly says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra says, "I can do that."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Lylia asks, "Seven years?"

Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "Oh there might be riches you will be missing out on finding."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Arav says, "I throw my weight behind your words, small as it is. I love a foolish foray more than most... but I'll not risk the safety and sanctity of the land for one."

Xorus asks, "Moral nonsense all aside, I presume there is some idea of how to recharge the soulstone?"

Lylia asks, "Do you know what seven years is to a Blade?"

Lylia snaps her fingers.

Xorus says, "The Eye of Ith'can was charged wit Ur-Daemon blood."

Roelon deeply says, "Depends how we are goin' into this"

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "Yoo know yoo wan go, awlays da few pokits to pick."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "A single sand in an hourglass, I know."

Lyrna says, "To most elves."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "I'm a sailor, not a thief."

Lylia says, "We have long lives and long memories, and in the case of a Palestra Blade of her caliber, strength beyond most people's reckoning."

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm asks, "Wot dirfence?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "I'm with Xorus--let's just cut to the heart of this and how we aid. Like you said, enough people will be willing to help even if it's not everyone."

Speaking to Xorus, Pukk asks, "It was charged with unlife?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "I'll tell you later."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Ye be wantin anudder swig?"

Vlashandra says, "There is an idea."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Can we go now?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Arav says, "I'm not that old yet... seven years is notable! I've had entire friendships form in seven, ten years."

Faerinn says, "If Aralyte managed to communicate with Vlashandra she must still have a mind."

Vlashandra says, "...and I'm not naive. I understand Aralyte may..."

Vlashandra says, "Not even still be alive."

Faerinn says, "And that is strength."

Vlashandra says, "Or worse."

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "So ib yoo be a tailor, mebbe yoo help me wif me new entumble."

Roelon deeply says, "If it is truly Aralyte.."

Speaking to Leafiara, Arav says, "I'll not tell a cleric what is profane, but this..."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra asks, "What does your insight tell you? Does she live?"

Leafiara reasonedly says, "I think that's all the more reason to go. To find out for sure."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Sure, I can do that."

Chamorr heartily says, "Question."

Xorus says, "I expect she is something else than we would narrowly consider alive."

Speaking heartily to Pietra, Dwi says, "He means he's thinkin bout wearin pants."

Lylia quietly says, "I believe she is still alive. And when we last saw her, she remained herself in mind, if not in body. She was...entrapped. Enmeshed."

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "Me wad finkin oh paintin mug o' ale on me shield wit a hand clenched round it."

Lyrna says, "You surely have a couple hundred years to you."

Chamorr heartily asks, "If we open this velence and free her, are ya sure we can close it up again?"

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "She overcame whatever she was fighting to aid the child."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "For a time, anyway."

Speaking to Chamorr, Pietra exclaims, "Right? Good question!"

Hapenlok asks, "Remember why she stayed?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Arav says, "As I said! Young yet."

Lylia whispers something to Ysharra.

Speaking softly to Lylia, Balley asks, "You seem to know a lot about this. Do you think it is even possible to get her?"

Lyrna says, "A decade is not a lot of time."

Evia says, "It has been a torment to my being knowing we who went with her left behind, it is not acceptable to have had to do so, we have now some chance to right it."

Vlashandra places a hand on her satchel.

Lylia simply says, "She must either be saved or sacrificed."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Maybe she kin elp me git a boat so Svardin will pomote me."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "What if going after this person is only a pretense and she wants that place opened for another reason?"

Speaking to Lylia, Arav asks, "Sacrificed?"

Speaking to Evia, Lylia says, "It has tormented me for years."

Vlashandra says, "I am an avid reader and researcher, even before I was given your face."

Vlashandra nods at Raelee.

Raelee glances at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Balley, Leafiara says, "Many in this very room had seen her in 5117. It's completely reasonable to think it's possible."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Anudder thing aint gonna happin."

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "Me and Dwi got fabor to axe."

Roblar simply says, "She saved us in there."

Ysharra whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Also a good question."

Roblar deeply says, "And, da world."

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "We needs a boat."

Vlashandra says, "I also do not..shall I say, always color in the lines."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking to Arav, Lylia says, "If she is attainted, she would welcome clean death."

Ysharra says, "She did."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I don't run from much. I ran from her, and that place."

Speaking to Pukk, Arav says, "No Faendryl would open a gateway to a dangerous realm out of spite, how dare you insinua..oh.."

Speaking heartily to Pietra, Dwi says, "Well..two boats."

Lyrna says, "So you're saying you fit in here perfectly."

Lyrna nods at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Well... doing what's right is right, and saving someone who helped save us from Althedeus seems pretty right to me."

Speaking to Arav, Pukk says, "Talking about the imp."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm asks, "I knew me get ye onboard...get it, see wot me did dere?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Aint a fleet wit jus one."

Ysharra softly says, "Aralyte was of exceptional bravery. Her sacrifice saved countless deaths and worse."

Speaking to Pukk, Arav says, "Well, as far as I know they haven't destroyed a city yet. But perhaps they have ambiitions."

Evia says, "Let it be a good outcome, I hope, I hope."

Leafiara asks, "I understand the concerns, somewhat, but--doesn't it seem like the worst thing would be to just leave things alone? To say 'oh well' to the fact that she saved so many?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "Her face does not enhance what you know or think you know. She is her own person. You will never BE her."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Yoo wan a boat too?"

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Where Raz go?"

Pietra asks, "Why is this so important now?"

Speaking angrily to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "You think I enjoyed having to leave her there twice?"

Dwi heartily says, "Ensayn stole her."

Zosopage says, "She is worthy of an attempt to rescue her if the end result doesn't destroy the reason she stayed there in the first place."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "I could not speak for your scars. I have my own I keep."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "But the rest..."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I understand your concern most of all, since you at least have experience with the shadow valence, but..."

Roblar deeply says, "We afta to get her."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Not saying it isn't but can there be magical repercussions from opening that place? Maybe the blight will get worse or we start another invasion and our town loses more townspeople?"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Dat feef!"

Maags says, "Reallies there is no question of if but still concerns of why. Now."

Roblar deeply says, "Deriz no risk not already 'ere."

Balley softly says, "Time will tell what shall be and how things will play out."

Roblar deeply says, "Da Bleaklands are from der."

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara reasons, "But when do we ever do anything risk-free?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "How could anyone ask you to do that? To wear another's face?"

Lyrna asks, "How soon do you anticipate this occuring?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "The fact that we went back there a second time was a slap in the face to what she gave up by staying."

Roblar deeply says, "Same trees and things roam."

Vlashandra says, "From the Wastes, I believe there exists a possibility."

Roblar deeply says, "And growin last ah heard."

Speaking to Leafiara, Rasson says, "I am always up for a good rescue... just always consider it is a trap going in and you cannot be taken by surprise."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Is there something you magic people can do to at least make sure the blight doesn't flare up due to this?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Arav says, "The worst thing... well. I think my worst fears are unlikely. I don't know sorcerous lores well... I barely know the empathic ones, if we're honest... but as I understand it permanent gateways require... very deliberate intention."

Xorus asks, "Which wastes?"

Speaking quietly to Pukk, Dwi says, "Ye gotta stop thinkin o' stuff...folks'll start talkin."

Vlashandra says, "Some reading I have pursued, speaks to a possibility. I'll speak of it more in time."

Vlashandra says, "Southron."

Xorus says, "All of the interesting possibilities originate from the Southron."

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Now that's actually a very good question since we've seen windows into the shadow valence in the Bleaklands. We'll have to consider it, at least, but I don't think it should stop us."

Speaking quietly to Ysharra, Raelee says, "Let us not discuss my face any further."

Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "I'm worried about my friends in the town and the townspeople."

Vlashandra asks, "They do, don't they?"

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm asks, "Eben me?"

Xorus says, "They do, indeed."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr asks, "When?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "Maybe."

Leafiara clarifies, "The plan is to open a way in from the Wastes?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lurrah asks, "The Wastes?"

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "I fink Pukk dun hab da croosh on me."

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia asks, "Consider this, if you will...If she remains herself, she is a hero like few others. And if she is not -- if she has been changed -- where do you think she would seek a great and terrible vengeance, save on those who have left her for so long?"

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "If we're going from the Wastes, that would resolve the worries about the townspeople... but I might have missed a detail in all of this."

Speaking to Leafiara, Arav asks, "But certainly these magics have done far more harm than good in the world. At what point do we respect someone's sacrifice, and not diminish it by risking other's lives?"

Berkana says, "Southron Wastes."

Berkana says, "I've been there."

Vlashandra says, "I do not know what all remains of Aralyte. We can only guess. But some reading I've acquired from the Southron Wastes have led me to the theory that we can try to reach her and call her home."

Lurrah says, "Yes, me too."

Shinann says, "So, if anything escapes, it will go into the wastes."

Roblar deeply says, "Da more demons vanquished, da better for all realities."

Lurrah says, "Nasty place, really."

Roblar deeply says, "Lets."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk exclaims, "If what Leafi says is true and what you say is true...I'm all for it then!"

Vlashandra asks, "May I....may I touch it?"

Speaking to Arav, Leafiara says, "Even if that's true, we're not talking about just any hero--she was one who helped against Althedeus, of all things."

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Lylia.

Vlashandra moves to stand in front of Lylia.

Roelon deeply says, "Worth givin' it an attempt."

Hapenlok says, "Well, I've made my concerns clear, anyway."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Thrassus asks, "Will it require an expedition into the valence?"

Speaking drunkenly to Vlashandra, Gutstorm asks, "Kin we keep anyfing we fine on dis edipiction?"

Faerinn says, "An expedition instead of a siege during a rescue is a more advantageous position."

Vlashandra says, "I do not know Thrassus."

Lylia says, "Precisely."

Dwi heartily says, "Rhet's tried to kill me onna dozen esspidishuns."

Evia says, "And it was not just a matter of the Landing, or any little town, or an empire, it was a matter of our entire world."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "We may find our way into all three."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia asks, "The soulstone?"

Berkana musingly says, "I wonder... an airship? Katara's boat? That would be a long voyage..."

Hapenlok says, "Count me out of this one, folks. i just have a hunch that this is all wrong."

Vlashandra nods.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "Lylia is really persuasive when she says 'consider this.'"

Lylia offers Vlashandra a dull white soulstone suspended by a frayed leather cord.

Vlashandra declines Lylia's offer.

Maylan whines, "I'm sleepy."

Speaking heartily to Berkana, Dwi asks, "Oh...flyin?"

Xorus says, "The strangest thing about Althedeus was his porcelain dolls."

Speaking drunkenly to Evia, Gutstorm says, "I'll take a nibble."

Hapenlok says, "I won't try to stop you. Considering that I'd have to battle just about everyone here."

Vlashandra says, "No, I wouldn't dare remove it from you, not yet or not until we know for certain there is no ill effect."

Maags says, "And hungries."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "I'll help you get your friend back. You just fill me in later on the details."

Hapenlok says, "And I'm a bit old for that nonsense."

Vlashandra says, "It found its way to you on purpose, and it has sparked in your presence."

Dwi heartily says, "I'd go someplace if'n dey flew."

Speaking to Xorus, Thrassus says, "I hadn't heard of those before."

Vlashandra says, "I would not wish to remove it from you."

Speaking softly to Maylan, Lylia says, "Thank you."

Vlashandra says, "But..."

Evia says, "Powerful."

Vlashandra reaches up, her fingers close to the soulstone in Lylia's hand.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "It has never left me, in all this time."

Vlashandra asks, "Yes?"

Speaking to Thrassus, Xorus says, "I have seen them in the shadow world."

Lyrna says, "If this occurs at a time in which I am able to help, I will gladly do so as well. I cannot though, for now."

Speaking to Leafiarar, Arav says, "I was farming during that crisis. It was a brief time. There are so many heroes, so many sacrifices... and so many ways this can go wrong. I am with the halfling. I won't stop you, but I think this is.."

Speaking to Xorus, Thrassus asks, "Any clue as to what purpose they served?"

Lyrna mutters, "3 more months."

Xorus says, "Aside from their aesthetic value..."

Faerinn says, "I suppose there could be the issue of removing town defenders while there's a pending issue with an army of patchwork golems."

Faerinn says, "But that's above my paygrade."

Speaking to Arav, Leafiara reasons, "Taking the other angle... let's even say for the sake of the argument that I agreed it was a bad idea. That wouldn't stop many people in this room and around town from aiding."

Speaking to Leafiara, Arav says, "And that is the crux of it."

Speaking to Ysharra, Pukk whispers aloud, "Kiss her."

Speaking to Arav, Leafiara concludes, "So I'd rather at least go along and do what I can to help make it as safe as possible."

Vlashandra gently and slowly touches two fingers to the dull white soulstone in Lylia's hand. She closes her eyes and exhales. She nods and pulls her hand away.

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Dey said we could fly."

Speaking drunkenly to Evia, Gutstorm says, "Yoo look firsty."

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon says, "Honestly, better to help and make sure it doesn't get blundered."

Lylia asks, "Anything other than what you expected?"

Speaking drunkenly to Evia, Gutstorm says, "Yer waistin, drink quick."

Vlashandra says, "Exactly as I expected."

Vlashandra grins.

Arav asks, "Well, I am not mayor. So I have no power to arrest these two before the foolishness commences. Probably not actually a thing you can do either, is it?"

Arav says, "Cities."

Pukk whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "No, you can't lick her eyelids."

Vlashandra touches a finger to the scabs stretching across her fragment face.

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm asks, "How yoo know?"

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "There was a time that it was warm."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "I can read you like a book for children with only pictures."

Speaking to Arav, Leafiara says, "Well, calling the town guards is a mayoral power, but that just means everyone would have to do it outside of town where the mayor has no jurisdiction. Not really hard, and it might be done outside town anyway."

Speaking to Tilbin, Hleef says, "That wasn't hot."

Vlashandra says, "I hope there is a time for that again."

Speaking to Arav, Ysharra says, "Not only are you not mayor, I don't even know who you are."

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "I wish that I could heal you."

Speaking heartily to Pietra, Dwi asks, "Ye meant cabe paintin eh?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Felita asks, "Didi hurt much?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Arav says, "A citizen of the Rest, come to help."

Vlashandra says, "I'll return in a few nights to discuss my proposal once I have prepared it fully. I am sure you can appreciate that."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Zosopage says, "I can't say I trust you for I'd be lying, but in this endeavour I would lend my sword if wanted and needed."

Vlashandra nods at Zosopage.

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Yoo da werst wingbrudda."

Zosopage smiles at Vlashandra.

Evia says, "Excellent."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Maybe."

Lyrna says, "So you are looking at doing this soon."

Vlashandra says, "We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Bet onnit."

Speaking to Ysharra, Arav says, "I really spent most of my time trying to heal quicker than whatever I'm fighting. Deep thought doesn't suit me. I get wrinkles."

Vlashandra nods at Lyrna.

Xorus says, "I am well acquainted with the Southron Wastes. I look forward to hearing it."

Lyrna says, "I will have to stay then, most likely."

Speaking earnestly to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Will look forward to it. We haven't done a daring thing like this is what feels like months."

Vlashandra says, "Within weeks."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "I'm still curious about your face. And your scars."

Speaking to Arav, Pukk asks, "You're a citizen from River's Rest?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Ysharra.

Vlashandra asks, "What of it?"

Balley softly says, "If you say so."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "...and your choices."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lurrah says, "Clarity of mission is so very important in success."

Vlashandra nods at Lurrah.

Speaking to Arav, Pukk asks, "Where are the other 2 at?"

Speaking to Pukk, Arav says, "I know. Of a city! What would my mother say..."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "We have a lot to lose."

Vlashandra says, "We will do nothing rash."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "And what parts are not your choices."

Vlashandra nods at Lurrah.

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Berost says, "And jest when tha town was attacked... with none from tha hall showin up to help."

Vlashandra says, "We will make plans upon plans for all potential outcomes."

Lyrna says, "I cannot risk my little one."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We have 1/3 of the town of River's Rest here."

Faerinn says, "I have never seen the Southron Wastes. I would like to see a wasteland that was not formerly my home."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "Every plan ever made in the history of this town has inevitably failed."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah assume ye got one shot at this. So better to do it right."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "And if things go south, you the first ta get whacked."

Vlashandra smirks at Chamorr.

Speaking to Berost, Leafiara says, "To be fair, up until we got to the reapers and how small and quick they were, the rest weren't exactly the most threatening of foes."

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Ysharra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "You're doomed from the start."

Speaking to Lyrna, Pukk says, "Lay off the tarts."

Concluding Conversation

Vlashandra asks, "You had questions?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Ysharra.

Ysharra grins at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "And no, I'm not kidding."

Lyrna says, "And it is not a bad thing to have some stay behind."

Speaking to Leafiara, Arav says, "He exagerates. There are at least ten citizens. And maybe five can fight. So you have a fifth."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Why were you wearing Magister Svala's face?"

Bernadette softly says, "Protectin the town an its good folk be impertent."

Lyrna says, "You just don't want to believe I'm pregnant."

Lyrna grins at Pukk.

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Berost says, "Aye that; all the same ..."

Speaking to Berost, Leafiara says, "That and, like Raelee always says, the Hall is mostly researchers and not soldiers."

Vlashandra says, "Octaven requested it of me."

Pukk says, "Oh gods that's right."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "And you just did it?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Pukk exclaims, "You have that parasite in you!"

Speaking knowingly to Pukk, Lurrah says, "River Rats are never idle."

Zosopage whispers to the group, "Hey, maybe Vlashandra can trade places."

Speaking to Lurrah, Pukk says, "Believe it or not..I lived there for a 13 years ago."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "I would have told someone asking me that to get bent."

Vlashandra asks, "You have not done questionable things to serve? To please? To further you?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Ysharra.

Speaking to Pukk, Arav says, "A parasite? You should get an empath to check them out. I mean, a better one than me."

Berost deeply says, "Researchin ways ta get in tha way or get us lost ... or worse."

Leafiara whispers something to Zosopage.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Oh, yes. But not that. For what purpose is it for?"

Felita whispers to the group, "Whos to say it cant be done."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "If yoo not axe da quesiton, it not questiontable."

Arav says, "I can't diagnose anyone to save my life..."

Sorlu whispers something to Lurrah.

Speaking gently to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "Perhaps we could help you restore your own beauty."

Speaking to Pukk, Lurrah says, "I'd believe it as I have lived there most of my adult life."

Pietra whispers to the group, "You mean leave her there and rescue the Palestra? I'm all for that."

Speaking to Pukk, Arav says, "I'm getting to the point where it's hard to hunt there, sadly. So I feel like I'm here as much as there. Blasted boot, ruining the neighborhood."

Leafiara whispers to the group, "...oh, I thought he meant maybe Vlashandra could take Raelee's place..."

Lurrah whispers something to Pukk.

Dwi heartily asks, " der a flyin boat er not?"

Dwi heartily says, "Cause..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hleef asks, "Can you wear a mask next time?"

Pietra whispers to the group, "Naaah, much as she dislikes us... I think we like her."

Leafiara whispers to the group, "Raelee wants to go, Vlashandra wants to stay, two problems solved at once?"

(OOC) Gutstorm's player whispers to the group, "Why cant all women just get along!"

Vlashandra asks, "I am not beautiful?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Alisette.

Speaking to Lurrah, Arav says, "An old-timer! I think I've only lived there about forty years."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "I cannot answer that honestly, you have someone elses face."

Maags whispers to the group, "If Raelee leaves so does Owlies and we cannot has that happen!"

Evia asks, "That is too I not beautiful?" (nedum vereri

Speaking drunkenly to Vlashandra, Gutstorm says, "Affa about 4 or 5 kegs o ale...yooz perty hawt."

Pietra whispers to the group, "Exactly right, Maags!"

Leafiara whispers to the group, "*Great* point."

Lylia says, "Far be it from me to decide this for others, but I find one's own face to be the one on which to judge beauty."

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Berost says, "Jest sayin, mighty odd we get asked to go delvin into what sounds like a deep ole dark of the dark what powers evil; when what tried to attack us be quite readily needin more power."

Vlashandra says, "Octaven has her desires, her...cravings."

Arav says, "Is the dwarf drinking... two delicate glasses of wine at once..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "But everyone has beauty, perhaps we could see yours....if we have a chance to heal you."

Vlashandra says, "They come and go."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "How long did it take to adjust to what you see in the mirror?"

Alisette nods sympathetically at Vlashandra.

Vlashandra says, "I am not broken."

Evia asks, "Ugh, is this some fetish?"

Vlashandra says, "Some time. But not too long."

Speaking to Berost, Leafiara admits, "Well, be that as it may, you know me. Throw caution to the wind, live dangerously, do what's right even if the risk is enormous..."

Vlashandra nods at Ysharra.

Lyrna says, "Beauty is in actions and deeds and the essence of who you are."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "No, you are not. Just....misguided."

Speaking drunkenly to Arav, Gutstorm says, "It was fer da dame Evia, but she no wan, me no waste."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "No. But you may be fractured."

Speaking to Evia, Pietra says, "We don't openly discuss Gutstorm and his rat army.."

Lyrna says, "The face is superficial."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "What is yer standin with Octaven and da Hall now."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "And you might start losing some pieces along the way."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Arav says, "Just don't break them.."

Berost deeply says, "Yar that, not sayin I wouldn't want to save someone, hall done stuck too much honor and what not into me."

Speaking somberly to Vlashandra, Berkana says, "We're all broken to some degree. It's how you work with it that matters."

Vlashandra says, "I suppose I am on fair enough grounds with Octaven and also with the Hall."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "And not suprisingly its happening repeatedly and in cycles."

Speaking to Berkana, Hapenlok says, "Let's be fair, some of us are way more broken than she could possibly be."

Lylia explains, "For some time, Aralyte's situation has been an untenable, unsustainable one. Some year, some decade, it was imperative to seek her -- either to save her or to end her."

Vlashandra says, "But...well, we will see."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "So yer not here hiding out as was said."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "But you're doing this independently of the Hall, if I heard earlier?"

Vlashandra nods at Leafiara.

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "Little pieces starting to wobble in their casing."

Speaking firmly to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "Consider being your own independent self in all ways, not just some ways."

Arav says, "Now I'm feeling self-conscious about these..."

Lurrah offers, "Sometimes we carry scars as reminders."

Lylia says, "Anyone who believes we could just let this lie does not know what wrath and vengeance could cost them."

Vlashandra says, "If we are successful, or not, I would not be surprised if there's a trial for me."

Vlashandra chuckles.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "She is an know what they say about imps telling the truth right?"

Vlashandra says, "Or you with my face."

Speaking to Leafiara, Zosopage says, "Of course. If things go south then the Hall is not to blame."

Vlashandra winks at Raelee.

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "Cycles of abuse have that effect."

Speaking diplomatically to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Probably better to do it independently, honestly. As you can tell, not everyone here is fond of the Hall."

Raelee glances sharply at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Leafiara, Evia says, "She said something of a task, an interesting task, nothing might come of it, something like that."

Berost deeply asks, "So, vacation. And ya want to jump into the blackest of the black dimensions ya kin find?"

Speaking in Elven to Lylia, Arav says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "Perhaps you would get a transfer if you deliver testimony in this trial."

Hapenlok says, "Well, for my part? It's rather late. I've said what I've had to say on this matter."

Hapenlok says, "So I'm going to take my leave."

Speaking in Elven, Lylia says, "Just so."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr asks, "Whats that?"

Evia exclaims, "Golly!"

Vlashandra says, "Thank you. For allowing me close to it."

Vlashandra nods at Lylia.

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee asks, "... what trial?"

Lylia nods at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk asks, "Maybe you should stand on the desk so they can hear you better?"

Speaking drunkenly to Cryheart, Gutstorm says, "Yooz is one smoof nite, yoo gotsa learn me yooz swagga so me kin da da smoochies."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "We shall speak more of it, I am certain. And soon."

Vlashandra says, "I've research to do. We'll discuss in a few nights."

Hapenlok says, "And once again, I won't hinder you in this, but I sure as hell am not going to aid you."

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "The one she just referred to, in jest, of course."

Hapenlok says, "So, agree to disagree on this point."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Lylia says, "You would not hinder me. Nothing and no one would. I have been awaiting this moment."

Vlashandra pulls the hood of her robe down over her face, concealing her features.

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "I don't arrow to the eye might hinder you."

Speaking earnestly to Vlashandra, Leafiara wishes, "Be well out there and may your research go smoothly."

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "Find your feet."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "Well, I hope I'm wrong about what's going to happen if you do bring her back. I really do."

Vlashandra gestures and melts away into a column of white flames, twists about and then burns away.

Evia says, "Perhaps one could try one of those featureless masks."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Or a rampaging hormonal rolton."

Gutstorm yells, "By ebil lady, me want me statchoo back!"

Roelon deeply says, "Hrm..."

Kiske whispers something to Shinann.

Speaking to Sorlu, Lurrah says, "Now that was a warm breeze."

Rasson says, "Flashy exit."

Berkana says, "I'd like to learn that."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Rats!"

Faerinn exclaims, "Its just a few yards!"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "You just want to marry that statue."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Where?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee asks, "And what does that even mean?"

Leafiara admits, "I'm surprised we got through that long a conversation without anyone on any side of the matter bringing up Grishom Stone."

Lyrna idly says, "You can make quite a mess of an office with a hormonal rolton and a couple of male rolton."

Zosopage says, "Well that was an unexpected.....request."

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "She is a cold woman, that bleakstone one."

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "If me kint have da weal fing, me take da next bet fing."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "There's quite a few possibilities I've calculated in the hour I've been standing here. None of them are good."

Pukk says, "Right."

Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia asks, "Grishom hmmm?"

Xorus says, "Especially considering Stone had extensive notes about that soulstone."

Someone in the crowd hears the name "Grishom Stone" and takes a shot. The man hiccups.