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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-05-09 - Mysteries and Inquiries (log)

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Ivastaen 9-10, 5122

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier


Amos' courier Ivorel, now appearing like Pukk, comes to the alley behind Tykel's to offer Amos' thanks to those who helped him retrieve the formula from Praxopius' old warehouses in Briskers' Cove two nights earlier. The krolvin were routed back from Seareach, but now there's concern they'll come to Wehnimer's Landing. Meanwhile, Amos has begun entertaining ideas from potential buyers of the Blue Suffering formula he believes is contained on his black scroll.

Vaemyr relays information from Praxopius' journal entries discovered by adventurers that night. Among various other mysteries and a few answers, the one Ivorel's interested in on Amos' behalf describes: "...of a new field, a split stone of Tilaok, timelessly cradled by Ivas and Lumnea, mirroed in the blood of the keeper of dawn. When he receives it, he'll understand in time, even if it takes a thousand years to see their end..."

Ivorel says Amos will be open to ideas or aid with deciphering the scroll or understanding the entry Vaemyr described. Magister Raelee says she'll work on replicating the lens to read the scroll and Xorus says he is interested in buying it or aiding a buyer in the formula's development if someone else makes a more attractive bid.


Ivorel in the Alley

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Yancey disk, a red-eyed mud-splattered jaguarundi, the Kelfur disk, the Faldien disk, a ruffled raven that is flying around, the Blades disk, a shaggy silver and white puppy with mismatched blue and brown eyes, the green Braugi disk, the Sollowmoar disk, a variable marsh spirit that is flying around, the fiery red Spir disk, a veniom-banded oak keg personalized with the image of a mighty titan, the Warrden disk, a fringed lavender pouch, a large acorn, a fine pewter flagon, the Kiwoeachi disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, an opalescent glass jar, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Markx, Buphie, Yancey, Gutstorm, Kelfur, Faldien, Stormyrain, Blades, Jara, Town Councilor Leafiara, Atlee, Miss Sollowmoar, Great Lord Braugi, Lady Nyaria, Enenra, Vaemyr, High Lord Spir, Citan, Warrden who is sitting, Edrewel, Eyona, Buccaneer Kiwoeachi, Andromalius who is sitting, Magister Raelee, High Lord Boodinga

The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.

Speaking in Halfling, Braugi squeakily says something you don't understand.

Speaking understandingly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Ah, plots foiled by his own hubris, poetic justice. Or something."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're it."

Speaking to Blades, Kayse inquires, "Is that to hit the dwarf with?"

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Leafiara!"

Gutstorm offers Pukk a wrinkled off-white license.

Nyaria quietly says, "Why does the weather turn, right before the invoker is due."

Speaking curiously to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Leafiara asks, "Have you been to the Hinterwilds yet, Owly?"

The coppery barn owl hoots at Leafiara.

The coppery barn owl ruffles his feathers.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "I can't read it."

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Leafiara agrees, "Wild place indeed!"

Pukk asks, "What does it say?"

Jara asks, "Blood rain?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oh right."

Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm slurs, "It shay If ye kint read dish, give Gutstorm all yoo moneiesh."

Pukk says, "I'm poor. So I guess you have it all."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Danksh!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Kayse, dish dern wif ye gimme, it bout to jumpa off me head."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Drektor, me got a peshky itch on me back to, help a brudder out?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey!"

From nearby, you hear Gutstorm yell, "Goot timin, danksh Kayse!"

Citan says, "Indeed."

Blades asks, "Why is he breathing?"

Adelynn brightly exclaims, "Goodness, it's busy tonight!"

Citan says, "Within the past few minutes too."

Speaking to Adelynn, Leafiara remarks, "Lively as ever."

Adelynn whispers something to Enenra.

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Quit peakin Blade."

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Sho um, me take it Lich Lannin not gonna open now huh."

Ivorel just arrived.

Ivorel just went northeast.

Speaking squeakily in Halfling to Atlee, Braugi says something you don't understand.

Speaking squeakily in Halfling to Braugi, Atlee says something you don't understand.

You peer northeast and see ...

[Town Square, Northeast]

The entrance to Tykel's Arms, its heavy door bounded by iron-barred windows, dominates this corner of the square. All manner of citizens pass by, moving among the solid, multistoried wooden buildings that surround the bazaar. Just to the southwest can be seen the tree-shaded heart of the square, where citizens and adventurers gather for socializing, healing and rest. You also see a Wehnimer's runner and a narrow alleyway.

[General] Ivorel thinks, "I am in the alley."

Leafiara murmurs, "What is it with the alley lately."

Leafiara indifferently asks, "Join up?"

[General] Nyaria asks, "There are a few?"

Speaking wryly to Leafiara, Adelynn says, "It's not me this time."

[nobody joins up because most had already joined or already left]

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Lankas disk, a shaggy silver and white puppy with mismatched blue and brown eyes, the green Braugi disk, an upset spring spirit that is flying around, some wolifrew lichen, the Yancey disk, a red-eyed mud-splattered jaguarundi, the Faldien disk, a ruffled raven that is flying around, a veniom-banded oak keg personalized with the image of a mighty titan, a fringed lavender pouch, a large acorn, a fine pewter flagon, the Kiwoeachi disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, an opalescent glass jar, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Lankas, Atlee, Great Lord Braugi, Lady Adelynn, Trithan, Town Councilor Leafiara, Citan, Bernadette, Markx, Yancey, Faldien, Enenra, Town Councilor Pukk, Buccaneer Kiwoeachi, High Lord Boodinga

Citan says, "Pour Keg here... Get ya some Titan Brew.... Some of the best flavored beer in the town."

Leafiara says, "Or don't, I suppose."

Leafiara says, "Alley, Tykel's, I suppose."

[Wehnimer's, Narrow Alleyway]

This narrow, dead-end alleyway runs from town square to the south, up to a bare wall at the north end. To the west, partially hidden behind teetering stacks of boxes, you see a weatherbeaten door with paint peeling off of it. You also see the Blades disk.

Also here: Kiyna, Xorus, Lord Tayler, Imperatrix Lylia, Magister Raelee, Stormyrain, Blades, Vaemyr, Drektor, Conquerer of Reim Kayse, Ivorel

Bernadette and Pukk followed.

Lylia says, "No, sometimes he precedes me."

Kayse glances between Pukk and Ivorel.

Blades glances at Pukk.

You see Ivorel the Courier.

He appears to be a Half-Elf.

He is tall. He appears to be very young. He has silver-flecked sapphire blue eyes and smoothly tanned skin. He has shoulder-length, lush onyx black hair. He has a narrow face, a classical nose and high cheekbones.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a slouched black hat, a crystal amulet, a sleek black coat with polished baystone buttons, a baystone-clasped black leather pack, a smooth ivory-hued doublet, a small folded black pouch, a slim leather sheath, a pair of satin-paned breeches, and a pair of polished black shoes.

Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Kayse says, "Didn't know you had a brother..."

Stormyrain says, "A fine likeness."

Speaking to Ivorel, Stormyrain asks, "You are talented at this art. Mayhaps Rone Academy can host a class on the art of theatrical makeup and you could be a guest instructor?"

[General] Gutstorm thinks, "She mean she inna alley by Tykel Armry."

Drektor whispers something to Kayse.

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain murmurs, "No one would mistake him for Pukk, though, if they were near him for a few moments. Far too quiet."

Ivorel stretches.

Ivorel grins at Stormyrain.

Ivorel quietly says, "Perhaps."

Drektor whispers something to Kayse.

Ivorel nods at Stormyrain.

Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Shee? da wig moved!"

Blades says, "At least its not you this night, i've had a couple drinks."

Speaking in Faendryl, Tayler says something you don't understand.

Speaking slowly to Gutstorm, Kayse says, "It was in a warehouse."

Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain says, "..indeed."

Ivorel quietly says, "It's an earned skill."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lylia, ye fink ye make a goot nookin Blonde?"

Adelynn asks, "So why are we in the dingy alleyway?"

Amos' Plans

Ivorel quietly says, "Lord Amos wishes to extend his gratitude for your assistance in Brisker's Cove."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Kayse discloses, "He was not this quiet the first time I met him."

Adelynn offhandedly remarks, "No one's offered me any money for anything yet ..."

Adelynn flatly says, "Oh. Amos."

Ivorel quietly says, "Reports in from Seareach tell of the krolvin finally being pushed back and routed back out to the deep sea."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ivorel, Lord Amos kin dank me by makin me docament ofishcal."

Gutstorm offers Ivorel a wrinkled off-white license.

Ivorel quietly says, "Of course, there is now concern they will come here."

Ivorel accepts Gutstorm's off-white license.

Vaemyr says, "I think that is likely."

Gutstorm grunts at Ivorel in agreement.

Ivorel looks over at Gutstorm and shakes his head.

Ivorel quietly says, "This is a fake." [Gutstorm had a license declaring himself as a Boat Inspector for the Consortium]

Ivorel smirks.

Gutstorm mutters something about Ivorel.

Blades says, "Tear it up."

Tayler says, "Perhaps Amos could try sailing more than one of his toys into battle at a time and take care of the problem once and for all."

Speaking exasperatedly to Ivorel, Kayse says, "Him and I had this discussion at length."

Blades says, "He was inspecting my ship earlier."

Stormyrain murmurs, "That wasn't all he was inspecting."

Leafiara mutters, "I don't even want to know."

Gutstorm wiggles his eyebrows at Stormyrain.

Lylia says, "We all know the way to deal with this problem once and for all."

Ivorel quietly says, "Peddling false documents, will only get you inspecting a cell. If I had to guess."

Ivorel winks at Gutstorm.

Ivorel offers Gutstorm a wrinkled off-white license.

Gutstorm accepts Ivorel's off-white license.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain mouths, "Absolutely not."

Lylia says, "One or two more ships, or thirty, are not the answer."

Pukk asks, "Is that against a law?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Thadstorn will approve."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Kayse whispers aloud, "Not if you do it right."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Vaemyr says, "Unlikely."

Speaking in Faendryl to Blades, Tayler says something you don't understand.

Baelog deeply says, "Peddling false documents around here would probably get someone to buy you a drink to get in your good graces...which, explains a lot."

Speaking in Faendryl, Blades says something you don't understand.

Ivorel quietly says, "We do not know when to expect the krolvin, but it is likely known that Amos believe his black scroll somehow contains the formula for the Blue Suffering."

Ivorel quietly says, "To the point he's already asked me to entertain ideas from potential buyers."

Baelog deeply says, "Blue Suffering? Well, that sounds ominous."

Vaemyr frowns at Ivorel.

Speaking wryly to Baelog, Adelynn says, "It's a disease that affects the monkeys."

Stormyrain asks, "Oh?"

Speaking in Faendryl, Tayler says something you don't understand.

Leafiara gazes in amusement at Vaemyr.

Lylia says, "Buyers, you say."

Leafiara starts chortling.

Speaking to Ivorel, Kayse asks, "Are the krolvin aware it's been found?"

Speaking deeply to Adelynn, Baelog asks, "And only them?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr exclaims, "Shush you!"

Leafiara waves a hand at Vaemyr, dismissing him indifferently.

Ivorel quietly says, "Speculation."

Ivorel nods at Kayse.

Speaking to Ivorel, Kiyna says, "Buyers..."

Speaking to Kayse, Lylia says, "I have no doubt that they know, or will soon."

Ivorel quietly says, "Correct. Buyers."

Tayler says, "I mean, we all saw where this was going, he's a merchant."

Ivorel quietly says, "I don't think anyone expected Lord Amos to, take up alchemy and re-create it."

Tayler says, "One does not risk their irreplaceable warships, not to mention their lives, for no gain."

Speaking to Ivorel, Vaemyr says, "I have no doubt though that he won't sell it until he knows exactly what he has."

Baelog happily says, "Well, if it only affects Krolvin, I don't care who buys long as they use it."

Ivorel quietly says, "Of course, there is the difficult task still of, deciphering the scroll. It is blank, after all."

Ivorel nods at Vaemyr.

Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.

Lylia says, "It is not blank; the means of reading it is just not yet available."

Ivorel nods at Lylia.

Leafiara whispers something to Pukk.

Vaemyr says, "Well, I think we received clues on how to read it."

Ivorel quietly says, "Point taken, you are correct."

Xorus dryly says, "If only there had been someone Fortney believed would be able to decipher his meaning."

Ivorel nods at Lylia.

Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm whispers aloud, "No one how come ever bring parashol when it rainin."

Leafiara whispers something to Pukk.

Goldstr exclaims, "Why nae jess burn it!"

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "If only."

[General] Kayani thinks, "Make sure to get invoked."

Baelog coldly says, "After all, what's a little genocide for a bunch of murdering slavers."

Kiyna says, "Were I Fortney, I might create an actually blank scroll just to vex those trying to read it."

Ivorel quietly asks, "I have also been tasked to hear these scrolls again. The writings of Fortney, yes?"

[General] Jara exclaims, "Thank you for the reminder!"

Speaking to Ivorel, Tayler says, "If he's seeking buyers, there's one right here."

[General] Kayani exclaims, "Always welcomes!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me kin read jibberjabber."

Pukk asks, "So Amos is going thinking about selling the scroll that might contain the formula?"

Speaking to Ivorel, Lylia says, "Yes. A number of pages of his other writings were found too."

Ivorel nods at Lylia.

Ivorel quietly asks, "I was, quite occupied at the time. May someone recount them for me please?"

Lylia says, "Whether those might also have other text, as a palimpsest might, I do not yet know."

Ivorel nods at Pukk.

Lylia asks, "Were there...nine found? One that appeared blank?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Well, iffin we gib Amos da Blue Shtuffer, me no feel sho bad, me found some neat shtuff on da raid."

Praxopius' Journal Entries

Vaemyr says, "There were 9 journal entries."

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Vaemyr says, "Plus the blank scroll being 10."

Vaemyr says, "If you like I believe I have them written down..."

Vaemyr removes a leather book from in his scroll case.

Vaemyr glances at a leather book in his hand.

Ivorel nods at Vaemyr.

Speaking flatly to Ivorel, Adelynn asks, "Okay, so, message delivered. Is there something else, or are you hoping one of us buys you a drink or tips you?"

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Vaemyr says, "...if I know her, which I think I do, she'll deliver the very means of ending him. Once you learn someone's motivation, then it's just a matter of pulling the strings. If I told her of the poison, she'd likely resist and argue for another way. I hope she thanks me later. I hope that when..."

Ivorel smirks at Adelynn.

Vaemyr says, "...the temporal runes had some adverse effects with the orc. Perhaps a result of the witch's curse? Fascinating, regardless. If I had more time, I could see where it could lead. But I know the people of the town, they'll want him released. That damn captain will fight me tooth and nail unless I do, but then...."

Speaking to Adelynn, Tayler says, "I don't see any of those truthsayer chains on you keeping you here."

Vaemyr says, "...the mayor and her, I am not sure what to call him, but they seemed amicable to say the least. I am glad we met, away from the eyes and ears of those who would just not understand my approach. Sometimes, even the good ones must make tough decisions and take tough actions. When I'm gone, I would be surprised if a statue of me wasn't built in their town square. No, let's be honest, they'll paint me a vi..."

Ivorel ponders.

Vaemyr says, ""...the nerve of Wolfloner, not realizing his abduction of the Jewel of Talador is in no way different than my own mission. Except I will save far more lives when the krolvin are ashes on the wind. It'll start with Kragnack, for my legs and my wife, then his bloodline, for my parents, and if done right and well, it'll be expanded beyond that. Every scattered island, every cove, even those with only half, it's the only way to ensure they are gone com..."

Lylia says, "I believe the word was 'advisor.'."

(Vaemyr continues to read.)

Blades says, "I'm sure there are other names."

Vaemyr says, "...they have taken it all from me. Every time, something new is lost. Eradication is the only way to end it. I won't have the means before I expire. Xorus could, but he needs the right motivation. There could...."

Stormyrain says, "I didn't hear that first one. Glad to know he remembers how I felt about him."

Stormyrain says, "Remebered, I suppose."

Vaemyr says, "...of a new field, a split stone of Tilaok, timelessly cradled by Ivas and Lumnea, mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn. When he receives it, he'll understand in time, even if it takes a thousand years to see their end..."

Vaemyr says, "...Snout will collect them and deliver them to Xorus as promised. Hopefully he will go along with my plan once its known to him and that he spends..."

Pukk asks, "Will this blue suffering affect half-krolvin too?"

Xorus says, "As promised."

Vaemyr says, "...the lion awakens. He and the shrike have now both set their sights to the north. He worries me less than her. At least I gained from him. The other brings nothing for me. I can see why the hawk disliked her so. But the palm pylons and the blue rock will keep the lion fed and away from me long enough. I don't have much longer, and if I'm to see the end of Kra...."

Ivorel quietly says, "It seemed, not as promised."

Ivorel smirks at Xorus.

Tayler says, "Not as currently formulated, was my understanding."

Ivorel quietly asks, "But Snout is dead?"

Vaemyr says, "...the wraith wants more jade mire. The lion wants it too. He's seen what it can do to wood, stone and flesh. I'm a little terrified of what either of them would do with it. When the brewmaster completes my order, I won't have long before I must decide which monster to propel forward. I suppose if I did choose the..."

Tayler says, "But... tinker with it a bit."

Vaemyr says, "I believe that is all of them."

Vaemyr says, "That we found."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia says, "Thank you."

Ivorel quietly says, "That is the one he asked me about. Second to last."

Ivorel quietly says, "With Tilaok."

Xorus says, "It sounds as if Snout was killed by a green miasma, before he was to deliver the formula to myself."

Vaemyr says, "Aye, a split stone of Tilaok, timelessly cradled by Ivas and Lumnea, mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn."

Pukk says, "So, the people who helped with that last mission just helped Amos get a poison that he is looking to sell that could kill some of our friends here in town."

Vaemyr says, "This is the lens that allows you to read that writing."

Pukk asks, "Did I just understand this right?"

Kayse curiously asks, "Is that the lens Tyrrax has?"

Goldstr nods at Pukk.

Ivorel quietly asks, "What is the keeper of dawn?"

Ivorel shrugs at Kayse.

Speaking to Kayse, Kiyna says, "I think that's the theory."

Speaking to Goldstr, Pukk asks, "Really?"

Speaking to Kayse, Vaemyr says, "I got a pretty good look at it when he showed it on the beach."

Baelog curiously asks, "Keeper of Dawn?"

Speaking to Ivorel, Vaemyr says, "Good question."

Speaking to Pukk, Goldstr exclaims, "I still say Burn it!"

Ivorel quietly says, "Read it again, please."

Lylia mildly says, "I have no friends among Tyrrax's krolvin, Pukk. Nor among those of this other who seeks to unseat him."

Ivorel nods at Vaemyr.

Speaking drunkenly to Blades, Gutstorm slurs, "Yoo kin cover da goodsh."

Ivorel pulls out a small tome and quill.

Vaemyr says, "...of a new field, a split stone of Tilaok, timelessly cradled by Ivas and Lumnea, mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn. When he receives it, he'll understand in time, even if it takes a thousand years to see their end.."

Pukk says, "Half-krolvin might be affected."

Ivorel jots something down in his tome.

Ivorel nods.

Ivorel quietly says, "Interesting."

Blades offers Ivorel a rune-etched brass tube.

Ivorel accepts Blades's brass tube.

Speaking curiously to Pukk, Adelynn asks, "Who could he kill in town?"

Lylia says, "That 'might' is doing a good deal of heavy lifting."

Pukk says, "We have many in town that are half-krolvin."

Ivorel removes a scrap of scorched parchment from in his brass tube.

Ivorel nods.

Baelog deeply says, "Well, the arkati associated with the sun is Phoen."

Ivorel put a scrap of scorched parchment in his brass tube.

Ivorel offers Blades a rune-etched brass tube.

Speaking to Pukk, Goldstr exclaims, "I nae minds killin da Krol to protect our town, but killin da whole race I verra much against!"

Blades accepts Ivorel's brass tube.

Ivorel quietly says, "It reminds me of a puzzle."

Ivorel quietly says, "It makes the less sense of the other writings."

Speaking deeply to Goldstr, Baelog says, "I say kill 'em all, let Koar recognize his own."

Lylia says, "And we could protect them better with knowledge than with ignorance. But we have fought this battle many times. I shall not war with words again tonight and will instead focus on the matter at hand."

Vaemyr says, "I think the other writings might contain clues as well."

Tayler says, "Who's to say whoever buys it wouldn't seek to try and make it target dark elves, or forest gnomes, though."

Speaking wryly to Pukk, Adelynn asks, "And we care about them?"

Ivorel peers quizzically at Vaemyr.

Speaking drunkenly to Baelog, Gutstorm slurs, "Da Dwarvesh have a wise shayin. Killem all, let Brokk shorttem out."

Blades says, "Bid higher than them."

Adelynn coyly remarks, "I mean, other than the fact that I've always thought it would be quite interesting to bed one."

Speaking to Adelynn, Pukk says, "Half-krolvins yes. I have some friends that are half-krolvin."

Tayler says, "Especially in Tuzmarrian circles."

Speaking to Blades, Tayler says, "If they invite me to the auction."

Speaking to Ivorel, Vaemyr says, "Otherwise why save these little tidbits in these special scroll cannisters."

Ivorel quietly asks, "Vanity?"

Speaking interestedly to Pukk, Adelynn asks, "They like sylvans?"

Ivorel quietly says, "I will not pretend to know the Alchemist."

Vaemyr shrugs at Ivorel.

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Thrassus suddenly fades into view.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "Is it possible these writings may have... I don't know... eroded somewhat in their tubes? They all seem unfinished on either end."

Ivorel grins at Thrassus.

Speaking primly to Baelog, Adelynn says, "Girl's gotta have her fun, after all."

Tayler says, "I do wonder how those papers got singed, protected as they were within enchanted metal."

Tayler ponders.

Ivorel quietly asks, "The tubes hiss. Is it possible, we accidentally destroyed part of the writings ourselves?"

Speaking deeply to Adelynn, Baelog says, "I'd rather go runnin' through the Rift with nothin' but me boots than take one of them to the bedchambers."

Ivorel nods at Tayler.

Vaemyr says, "Possible."

Thrassus asks, "Any particular reason everyone is huddled in an alleyway so unsuspiciously?"

Speaking to Ivorel, Tayler says, "That's an idea."

Pukk says, "I agree to that protection is a good goal. But the goal here isn't protection. It is profit. Unless I'm misunderstanding things here."

Lylia says, "Thrassus. Meet Ivorel, a courier of Amos' acquaintance."

Speaking deeply to Thrassus, Baelog says, "We speak of dark and dirty deeds."

Speaking to Thrassus, Tayler says, "Ever since I bought the Whining Elf Bar on Teras I'm particularly attracted to alleys."

Ivorel bows to Thrassus.

Adelynn whispers something to Baelog.

Tayler asks, "The rest?"

Speaking to Pukk, Goldstr says, "Aye Mer in Amos's pockets."

Speaking confusedly to Ivorel, Adelynn asks, "But honestly, why *are* you still here if your message is delivered?"

Baelog whispers something to Adelynn.

Ivorel quietly asks, "Why are you still here?"

Ivorel peers quizzically at Adelynn.

Tayler asks, "Did somebody chain her to the wall when I wasn't looking?"

Vaemyr whispers something to Pukk.

Speaking deeply to Ivorel, Baelog says, "She's tryin' to recall the best place t'pick up a Krolvin for a date."

Speaking impartially to Ivorel, Adelynn says, "To find out why you're still here."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey, be nice to Adelynn, she make good eye candy!"

Pukk whispers something to Vaemyr.

Speaking to Adelynn, Tayler says, "Perhaps try listening and you'll find he's already answered your question."

Lylia flatly says, "Any dock will do."

Adelynn coyly simpers, "Why, thank you."

Upcoming Plans

Ivorel quietly says, "Lord Amos will be open to ideas, or aid, in deciphering the black scroll."

Stormyrain asks, "When?"

Speaking to Ivorel, Raelee says, "It seems we already know most of what we need to."

Ivorel quietly says, "This week."

Ivorel quietly asks, "Do we?"

Ivorel peers quizzically at Raelee.

Thrassus asks, "Black scroll?"

Speaking to Thrassus, Stormyrain says, "We believe it may hold the formula to the Blue Suffering."

Vaemyr whispers something to Pukk.

Stormyrain says, "But we're unsure since it has to be decoded."

Speaking offhandedly to Ivorel, Adelynn says, "For a guy that knows not many of us like him, he sure seems to be relying on our help an awful lot."

Speaking to Ivorel, Raelee says, "Tyrrax has the lens. We know approximately what it does, and that piece of writing gives more detailed indications - such as the moonlight needed is likely that of Tilaok."

Speaking flatly to Ivorel, Baelog says, "Well, Raelee knows everything..."

Speaking to Thrassus, Lylia says, "It was found, along with some other miscellany, in Brisker's Cove."

Blades asks, "Who do you speak for?"

Blades peers quizzically at Adelynn.

Speaking to Stormyrain, Goldstr exclaims, "Den should be burned!"

Ivorel quietly asks, "What of the rest of the puzzle writing?"

Lylia asks, "Now, how to get the lens from Tyrrax?"

Ivorel shrugs at Raelee.

Speaking to Ivorel, Raelee says, "I have been stating since Tyrrax absconded with the lens that we can likely simply make another..."

Vaemyr says, "The question is, the keeper of the dawn."

Speaking wryly to Blades, Adelynn asks, "You *like* Amos?"

Speaking deeply to Lylia, Baelog says, "Killing works pretty well."

Ivorel nods at Raelee.

Speaking pointedly to Ivorel, Raelee says, "I did say 'most' - not all."

Lylia says, "Liking or disliking is hardly the point."

Ivorel quietly asks, "When can you have it completed?"

Ivorel peers quizzically at Raelee.

Pukk whispers something to Vaemyr.

Tayler says, "I neither like nor dislike the man, that's hardly..."

Speaking to Ivorel, Raelee asks, "When do you want it?"

Speaking to Lylia, Kayse suggests, "Perhaps the suggestion of turning Tyrrax against the Stormcrow traveling now with him could be beneficial to getting it."

Ivorel quietly says, "By week's end."

Speaking to Ivorel, Raelee says, "Fine."

Ivorel quietly asks, "Is that a yes?"

Goldstr exclaims, "Bah!"

Speaking to Ivorel, Raelee says, "Yes."

Pukk whispers something to Vaemyr.

Ivorel nods.

Blades says, "Everytime the krols come I see Amos."

Blades says, "I don't see a Mayor."

Vaemyr whispers something to Pukk.

Tayler says, "To be fair, the mayor does not have four lovely warships."

Vaemyr whispers something to Pukk.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Raelee, dish whole time me thot Owly wot da brain behind da operation, ma'am ye have corrected me."

Baelog offendedly says, "That owl has gotten immensely fat."

Ivorel quietly says, "Very well then. We'll be prepared for another krolvin strike, and your....moon thing."

Ivorel nods at Raelee.

Speaking to Baelog, Telagan says, "Thoughts one of the mysteries was, specifically, that he hadn't."

Xorus says, "I will wish to be one of the prospective buyers of this scroll. When the time comes for it."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Geijon asks, "Was it going to shape glass for her?"

Ivorel nods at Xorus.

Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "I'm still not convinced it's not just a particularly fat seagull."

Lylia amends, "We."

Speaking deeply to Tayler, Baelog says, "Certainly not a seagull."

Tayler says, "Sign me up as well."

Speaking to Ivorel, Raelee says, "Lens. It is a lens."

Speaking drunkenly to Geijon, Gutstorm slurs, "Wot we talkin bout agin?"

Ivorel quietly says, "Lens."

Ivorel nods.

Pukk whispers something to Vaemyr.

Ivorel quietly asks, "Do you have any questions of me?"

Speaking to Ivorel, Lylia asks, "Do you think the other scraps contain clues as well?"

Ivorel shrugs at Lylia.

Xorus says, "There will be no need to decipher it first if we acquire it. I will do it myself."

Ivorel quietly says, "I am unsure."

Ivorel quietly says, "Most of them sound like journal entries, except the one about Tilaok."

Speaking deeply to Ivorel, Baelog says, "I's got a question."

Ivorel quietly says, "But perhaps that is a misdirection as well."

Ivorel shrugs.

Vaemyr whispers something to Ivorel.

Lylia says, "That is the one that interests me the most."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Danksh."

Lylia dryly remarks, "Even more than the one that refers to me."

Speaking hopefully to Ivorel, Baelog asks, "When Amos makes this Blue Suffering, we's gonna load it up on his ships and catapult a lot of it right into the primary Krolvin settlements, aye?"

Ivorel quietly says, "I do not believe he has intentions of creating it. If indeed, the scroll contains it."

Baelog scoffs.

Ivorel quietly says, "His interests are in the selling of it, of course."

Tayler says, "More than likely it's written on Gut's suspenders, and his toying with them has rubbed the writing clear off."

Baelog annoyedly says, "Should jes' make it and wipe out th' whole damn lot of those barking monkeys."

Blades says, "Hes trying to find his pot of gold."

Blades says, "Don't mind him."

Speaking to Ivorel, Geijon asks, "Re-state that, would you?"

Ivorel quietly says, "I do not believe he has intentions of creating it. If indeed, the scroll contains it."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dey awfully shproingy."

Ivorel quietly says, "His interests are in the selling of it, of course."

Ivorel smirks.

Speaking to Ivorel, Vaemyr says, "I wonder why though, seems like something that in the right hands could hurt business and profit much more than the temporary gain that he stands to make."

Thrassus says, "The Krolvin have a lot of settlments in faraway places, anyway."

Speaking to Ivorel, Geijon says, "I like you."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Telagan says, "Depends on how long y'expecting to be around after."

Ivorel quietly says, "The world continues, likely for the better, without krolvin in it. Is what he would tell you."

Speaking deeply to Thrassus, Baelog says, "Well, it's a good thing we have ships now, aye."

Speaking drunkenly to Geijon, Gutstorm slurs, "Me no fink he shwing dattaway."

Ivorel nods at Vaemyr.

Lylia says, "He is selling access to the knowledge. He can both keep and sell it at the same time."

Speaking to Ivorel, Vaemyr says, "Ahh you assume it would only target Krolvin."

Tayler says, "Until it comes back to bite him as a plague that targets only giantkin."

Xorus says, "It will need to be worked on to do what Fortney wished of it. Even if it takes 'a thousand years', as he put it."

Kayse admits, "That is what he told me."

Baelog deeply says, "T'aint no "likely" to it. World would be much better off without dem Krol."

Ivorel nods at Xorus.

Lylia says, "It makes perfect sense for him to sell it -- for by selling it, he still has it, in a sense."

Tayler says, "Once he has it, he has it, he can sell as many copies as he can draft up."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Geijon says, "People like what they like, also. Applied often to simple things."

Ivorel quietly says, "But in truth, he still does not have it."

Ivorel quietly says, "A blank scroll is no good to anyone, or any buyers."

Lylia says, "Yet."

Baelog deeply says, "Should sell a copy to the Imperials, let their Navy hunt down the Krolvin."

Xorus says, "And so I will say this. If someone else makes a more attractive bid for it, I will be willing to aid that buyer in its future development."

Ivorel nods at Xorus.

Speaking curiously to Vaemyr, Adelynn asks, "Isn't the Lalk Morgil a specifically krolvin disease?"

Ivorel quietly says, "That offer could potentially sweeten the deal."

Ivorel nods at Xorus.

Geijon says, "Did not see much navy at Brisker's Cove."

Ivorel quietly says, "Noted."

Lylia says, "Just so. Which means he must be careful with whom he works on translation, and the terms on which it is done."

Vaemyr asks, "So... another line for Fortney's notes, "...they have taken it all from me. Every time, something new is lost. " was that for sure refering to the Krolvin?"

Ivorel quietly says, "A bundle package. The recipe, and an alchemist."

Ivorel nods at Xorus.

Speaking to Adelynn, Tayler says, "If you can make something target blue skin, you can make it target dark skin, or giants, or gnomes."

Adelynn wryly replies, "Well the world would be a lot better without gnomes."

Xorus says, "It is a highly exotic kind of alchemy. There are good reasons Praxopius was turning to me to see it through."

Speaking to Ivorel, Lylia says, "But I am sure Amos would stipulate wanting to be a part of the work. Seeing for himself. Otherwise, it would be easy to hand over a recipe for yellow cake and claim it to be blue suffering."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dendum a gnome."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dendum fun."

Tayler says, "Dendum is excellent."

Adelynn mutters, "Gnomes are squeaky."

Ivorel nods.

Ivorel quietly says, "I should be off. Thank you for recounting the scrolls to me so I could hear them better."

Ivorel quietly says, "We'll begin our mutual research soon."

Lylia says, "It was a pleasure to talk with you at greater length."

Ivorel quietly says, "The pleasure is mine."

Ivorel bows.

Baelog simply says, "The faster it's made the better."

Geijon whispers something to Xorus.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lylia, Blade tole me he offer ye to come shailin wittush shum time."

Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr says, "If you need any assistence with the lens, let me know, I'm intersted in how it might function and be created, and would be happy to assist."

Telagan says, "Well."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "I would not mind that at all."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Raelee says, "Very well."

[General] Blades thinks, "Stay off my ship dwarf."

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Blade, she said yesh!"

Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.

Ivorel reaches up and peels away his eyeballs, yes, his eyeballs, their sapphire blue hue melting away like wax, and he is left with a opaque, mucus like film in his hands. His green eyes sparkle beneath the old color. He tips his slouched hat, then walks off.

Leafiara begins chortling at Vaemyr.

Adelynn offhandedly remarks, "For a simple message carrier, that courier is quite up in our business."

Vaemyr says, "Thats uhh..."

Leafiara remarks, "And there he goes."

Baelog deeply says, "Fancy."

Kayse flatly says, "Not surprising."

Thrassus says, "Well, that's interesting."

Leafiara amusedly wishes, "Well, have a wonderful eve, all. This was one of the funniest Landing nights in a while, way better than Larsya and her eggs."

Adelynn wryly says, "And how did he do ..."