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2020 CMAN & SML Update
Topic: Magic
Message #: 573
Author: GS4-NAIJIN
Date: 12/30/2020
Subject: CML & SMR Updates
SMRv2/CML Updates
The CML roll system is one that many players have expressed a dislike for. Even with maxed skill/stat training, it’s very difficult to defend against without training in the maneuver being used. This leads to players training primarily for defensive purposes, and not being able to utilize the rest of the maneuvers offensively for diversity or flavor.
The conversion to SMRv2 will increase baseline defense against CML across the board, and will still provide an opportunity to train in certain skills for increased defense should a player choose to. Our goal here is to reduce the necessity to train in skills purely for defense and open up other maneuvers to players.
In order to facilitate this change, some changes have been made to the SMRv2 formula itself.
General SMRv2 changes
Racial maneuver bonuses have been changed to be a bonus to dodge ranks instead of a flat percentage. This change applies to maneuvers that take dodge into account, which is currently all of them.
- Human: 0
- Giant : 0
- Half-Elf : 3% => 30 ranks
- Sylvankind : 3% => 30 ranks
- Dark Elf : 3% => 30 ranks
- Elf : 6% => 60 ranks
- Dwarf : 0
- Halfling : 6% => 60 ranks
- Forest Gnome : 6% => 60 ranks
- Burghal Gnome : 8% => 80 ranks
- Half-Krolvin : 0
- Erithian : 3% => 30 ranks
- Aelotoi : 3% => 30 ranks
The benefit from being in higher stances has been halved. This means that being in a guarded stance is now the same as being in forward stance prior to the conversion.
- The amount of time a pure spends in guarded was benefiting them more than intended. This change allows for stancing to provide a defensive boost on demand, but will reduce the persistent benefit casters receive to what should be one of their weaknesses.
SMRv2 attacks made from hiding now pushdown target stance similar to using the AMBUSH verb.
Force on Force has been added to SMRv2 rolls. This applies the same as it does to other systems.
Players can now better defend against magical SMRv2 attacks, similar to training ranks in the CML system.
- Knowing the spell, regardless of ability to cast: +20% (Rank 5).
- Can learn the spell, but hasn’t yet: +8% (Rank 3).
- Can learn from the same sphere of magic, but not the same circle: +2% (Rank 1).
- No influence in the spell’s sphere: +0% (No ranks).
Combat Mobility will now trigger for SMRv2 rolls.
CML Specific Changes
CML rolls have been replaced with SMRv2.
Training in a skill grants up to a 25% offensive and defensive bonus against like level creatures. The bonus has been changed from flat scaling, and now provides more benefit the higher in rank you are. The total bonus granted against like level targets is as follows:
- Rank 1: +2%
- Rank 2: +4%
- Rank 3: +8%
- Rank 4: +12%
- Rank 5: +20%
- Guild Master: +25%
Weapon Specialization and Weapon Bonding still apply a 2% / rank bonus.
Shield Focus will still apply a 2% / rank bonus.
Cunning Defense has been updated to provide dodge ranks for the purposes of SMRv2 defense. This applies to CML SMRv2 rolls, and maxes out at +30 dodge ranks.
- Rank 1: +2
- Rank 2: +4
- Rank 3: +6
- Rank 4: +8
- Rank 5: +10
SMRv2 offensive power is based on the relevant skill training per character level.
- 1x in a skill is considered baseline. Diminishing returns apply for training over 1x, with 2x training being 15% more effective than 1x training.
- CMAN skill is used as a primary skill for every maneuver. Secondary skills may be averaged in, to find the total skill value.
All racial size modifiers have been moved to post-roll calculations and will modify the final roll, rather than the connection roll. This is similar to how channeling affects the endroll of warding spells.
- Gnomes and halflings have had their bonuses changed to line up with their size. Burghal gnomes are the smallest, followed by halflings, and then forest gnomes.
Racial size modifiers are now:
- Giantman/Half-Krolvin: +10, no change.
- Dwarf/Human: +5, no change.
- Half-Elf/Sylvankind/Dark Elf/Erithian: 0, no change.
- Elf/Aelotoi: -5, no change.
- Burghal Gnome: -15 to -20.
- Forest Gnome: -15 to -10.
- Halfling: -20 to -15.
Added backend support to handle custom messaging.
Injuries are now applied like all other SMRv2 rolls. Only rank 2 and 3 wounds will cause penalties to the attacker.
All maneuvers have had stance reviewed for both offensive and defensive purposes. This information has been added to the HELP output.
Shields now provide a defensive bonus to many maneuvers. This information has been added to the HELP output.
Shield size modifiers that apply to maneuvers have been added to HELP output.
Setups that inflict critical damage have had their critical rank normalized based on the endroll and power level of the maneuver.
- A common complaint was being unable to determine the effect of one maneuver over another that differed primarily in power level (e.g., shield bash vs shield charge). This should help reduce the variance of those types of maneuvers.
- Maneuvers of the same power level should result in similar criticals, however, every maneuver has the freedom to make adjustments as necessary.
- Note: this is coded, but maneuvers will need a review individually to determine if they should be updated.
- Naijin
2007 CMan Review
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussion
Message #: 10041
Author: GS4-COASE (GM Coase)
Date: 4/6/2007 2:14:12 PM
Subject: Combat Maneuver List Review
We have recently conducted a full review of the Combat Maneuver List (CML) system and have made numerous changes to the various maneuvers. Below is a list of each maneuver and the changes we have made to it. All these changes will go live on Monday, April 9.
Due to the volume and significance of some of these changes, we are offering a special CML fixskills option. Starting April 9, all players will have access to one use of the new CMAN FIXSKILLS command. This command will instantaneously migrate all unlearned CMP that the player may have. Players are free to exercise this option at any time between April 9 and May 20, when the option to use this command expires.
Note: use of #/#/#/#/# indicates a references to the costs or benefits of ranks 1/2/3/4/5 of the respective maneuver.
Combat Movement: When activated, this maneuver will now be displayed in Stormfront's active spell window and the SPELL ACTIVE command.
Combat Focus: When activated, this maneuver will now be displayed in Stormfront's active spell window and the SPELL ACTIVE command.
Combat Mastery: The CMP cost for learning this maneuver has been reduced from 4/6 to 2/4.
Quickstrike: The AS (attack strength) penalty for using this maneuver has been reduced from -20/-15/-15/-10/-10 to -20/-15/-10/-5/0. The base/minimum stamina cost for using this maneuver has been reduced from 12 to 8 and the maximum stamina cost has been capped at 25. Weapon weight is no longer a factor in the stamina cost of this maneuver.
Shadow Mastery: A cooldown period of five minutes has been added to this maneuver. If Shadow Mastery is refereshed or reactivated during this period, its stamina cost increases to 60. Also, when activated, this maneuver (and its cooldown period) will now be displayed in Stormfront's active spell window and the SPELL ACTIVE command.
Bearhug: No changes.
Dirtkick: A bug in the determination of the roundtime penalty for the target of this maneuver has been fixed. Previously, targets were receiving up to 15 seconds of RT instead of the intended maximum of 6 seconds. However, the minimum and average durations of the non-RT effects of this maneuver have been increased. In addition to its existing effects, Dirtkick will now also reduce its victim's chance to Evade, Block, and Parry (EBP) incoming attacks by 15%/20%/25%/30%/35%.
Shield Bash: The results of this maneuver have been tied much more heavily to the endroll result. Previously, one could succeed by large margin of success with this maneuver and only deal minor damage, or only succeed by a small margin and deal critical damage. This degree of randomness has been significantly reduced, so that the result of a successful shield bash should now be much more predictable.
Shield Charge: As with Shield Bash, the results of this maneuver have been tied much more heavily to the endroll result. The chance for a fumble (bad recovery) after a successful Shield Charge has been removed. Instead, fumbles will start at a -50 or lower end result instead of the previous -100 end result.
Twin Hammerfists: The minimum RT for executing this maneuver has been reduced to 4 seconds from 5 seconds. The stamina cost for this maneuver has been reduced from 10/12/15/15/15 to 7/7/9/12/12. Also, the attacker's weapon/arm armor will be given a chance to flare.
Mighty Blow: The RT penalty for using this maneuver has been reduced to a flat +1 second RT for all ranks. The base stamina cost for this maneuver has been reduced from 30 to 25 and the additional stamina penalty for using two-handed or two-weapon attacks has been reduced from +10 to +5.
Sunder Shield: The Mighty Blow prerequisite for this maneuver has been reduced from 2 ranks to 1 rank.
Disarm Weapon: No changes.
Sweep: No changes.
Feint: The maximum stance change caused by this maneuver has been increased from 50% to 100%. However, attempting a feint against a target that is already under the effect of a previous feint will now automatically fail.
Hamstring: The minimum RT for executing this maneuver has been reduced to 3 seconds from 5 seconds.
Headbutt: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb.
Tackle: No changes.
Haymaker: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb. On barehanded attacks, the attacker's arm armor is now given a chance to flare.
Charge: As with Shield Bash and Shield Charge, the results of this maneuver have been tied much more heavily to the endroll result. The chance for a fumble (bad recovery) after a successful Charge has been removed. Instead, fumbles will start at a -50 end result instead of the previous -100 end result.
Precision: No changes.
Garrote: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb.
Subdue: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb. The stamina cost for this maneuver has been reduced from 15/18/21/25/30 to 14/16/18/20/20.
Stun Maneuvers: No changes.
Cheapshots: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb. This maneuver has been fixed to only prevent Cheapshot use on hit locations with plate coverage, as opposed to the previous plate or armor accessory coverage immunities.
Groinkick: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb. In addition, the attacker's leg armor is now given a chance to flare.
Subdual Strike: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb.
Silent Strike: Overall success rates for this maneuver have been slightly increased. The increase in success rates should be most noticeable for players with less than 5 ranks in Silent Strike.
Berserk: No changes.
Weapon Specialization: No changes.
Multifire: No changes.
Spin Attack: The base/minimum stamina cost for using this maneuver has been reduced from 12 to 8 and the maximum stamina cost has been capped at 20. Weapon weight is no longer a factor in the stamina cost of this maneuver.
Side by Side: No changes.
Sucker Punch: This maneuver has been updated to use the revamped height system already present in the AMBUSH verb. The stamina cost for this maneuver has been reduced from 6/8/10/12/12 to 3/5/7/7/7. This maneuver will now always result in stun (if the target is stunnable) on any success. As well, barehanded attacks will now give the attacker's arm armor a chance to flare.
Crowd Press: Weapons with a base weapon speed of 3 or less will now see benefits from use with this maneuver (as opposed to the previous cutoff limit of 2 or less).
Coup de Grace: The stamina cost for this maneuver has been reduced from 20/25/30/35/35 to 15/20/25/30/30. The AS boost from a successful coup de grace has been increased from 30 seconds to 90 seconds. The average magnitude of the AS boost has also been increased.
Weapon Bonding: No changes.
Combat Mobility: No changes.
Combat Toughness: This maneuver's boost to maximum hit points (HP) has been changed from a temporary activated boost to a permanent passive boost. As such, this maneuver's CMP cost has been increased from 4/6/8 to 6/8/10.
Truehand: The base/minimum stamina cost for using this maneuver has been reduced from 12 to 10. Weapon weight is no longer a factor in the stamina cost of this maneuver. In addition, instead of a growing stamina penalty for weapons with a base weapon speed above 5, the stamina penalty per second of base weapon speed remains a constant +1 per second.
Bullrush: No changes.
Surge of Strength: It has been our observation that many players are able to constantly keep this maneuver up for the entire duration of their hunting time. The ability to keep this maneuver up constantly without significant drawbacks was never the design intent. As such, this maneuver has been significantly redesigned. The new Surge of Strength is as follows:
Skill Name: Surge of Strength
Mnemonic: surge
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 30, with a cooldown period during which the reactivation cost doubles to 60. At Rank 1, the cooldown period is 5 minutes, Rank 2 is 4 minutes, Rank 3 is 3 minutes, Rank 4 is 2.5 minutes, and Rank 5 is 2 minutes.
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues, Paladins.
Prerequisites: None
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2 (Semis) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 4 (Semis) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 6 (Semis) 9
Rank 4: (Squares) 8 (Semis) 12
Rank 5: (Squares) 10 (Semis) 15
Description: Increases your Strength Bonus by a base amount of 6 points, plus an additional 2 points per rank, for 90 seconds (refreshable).
Also, when activated, this maneuver (and its cooldown period) will now be displayed in Stormfront's active spell window and the SPELL ACTIVE command.
Staggering Blow: The chance to knock the target into an adjacent room has been significantly increased.
Trip: The stamina cost for this maneuver has been reduced from 10/10/12/15/15 to 10/10/10/12/12.
Parry Mastery: No changes.
Block Mastery: No changes.
Cutthroat: The attacker's weapon will now be given a chance to flare.
Cheapshots and Ambush
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussion
Message #: 10023
Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 4/3/2007 7:36:46 PM
Subject: Re: Explanation Needed
IOI: 4
Does ambush (or any other skill apart from CM for that matter) factor into any of the other Cheapshot skills?
- All of the Cheapshot skills use Ambush as a secondary factor.
What other CMAN skills are affected by ambush?
- Subdue is, but I don't remember if any others are off the top of my head.
Hamstring? Trip? Dirtkick? Disarm?
- No, none of those do. Hamstring, Dirtkick, and Disarm are all based on just CM ranks, and Trip has a secondary factor of the appropriate weapon skill (either Polearms or THW depending on if you're tripping with a polearm or staff).
I'm very confused as to why Ambush would affect a skill like Swiftkick but not Sweep...
- Cheapshots are based on taking the opponent by surprise. Sweep is based on leverage.
- Ildran
Combat Movement and Combat Focus
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussions
Message #: 14035
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 4/6/2010 7:41:35 PM
Subject: Combat Movement and Combat Focus Now Passive
The CMANs Combat Movement and Combat Focus are now passive abilities, meaning they are always on. They no longer need to be activated to grant their bonuses to DS and TD.
- GM Oscuro -
Eight New Cmans 2 Apr 2013
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussion
Message #: 579
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 04/02/2013 10:37 PM EDT
Subject: New Combat Maneuvers Released!
Eight new combat maneuvers have been released! These maneuvers are: Spell Cleaving, Spell Thieve, Spell Parry, Tainted Bond, Griffin's Voice, Whirling Dervish, Executioner's Stance, and Armor Spike Focus.
Griffin's Voice, Whirling Dervish, and Executioner's Stance (alongside the relevant SHIELD skills) expand the Martial Stance system to cover warriors. As a reminder, only one (1) martial stance may be active on a character at any given time, though a character can learn any number of stances.
For 30 days following this release (until 05/02/2013) these skills will have instant point migration.
Skill Name: Spell Cleaving
Mnemonic: scleave
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: Base 15 (-5 Rank 1, -5 Rank 2, -3 Rank 3).
Other Requirements: An ensorcelled or anti-magical (veil iron/krodera/kroderine) weapon.
Available to: Warriors.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2
Rank 2: (Squares) 4
Rank 3: (Squares) 6
Rank 4: (Squares) 8
Rank 5: (Squares) 10
Description: Attempt to use the unnatural energy of your ensorcelled or anti-magical weapon to cleave away a spell from your target. It is easier to cleave a spell away from a heavily spelled up target than it is from a lightly spelled up one (base -25 penalty to success, reduced by +1 per magical spell/effect on the target). This is mentally taxing, requiring a recovery period of 60 seconds, minus 6 seconds per rank.
Skill Name: Spell Thieve
Mnemonic: thieve
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: Base 15 (-5 Rank 1, -5 Rank 2, -3 Rank 3).
Other Requirements: An ensorcelled or anti-magical (veil iron/krodera/kroderine) weapon.
Available to: Rogues.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2
Rank 2: (Squares) 4
Rank 3: (Squares) 6
Rank 4: (Squares) 8
Rank 5: (Squares) 10
Description: Attempt to use the unnatural energy of your ensorcelled or anti-magical weapon to sever a spell away from your target. It is easier to sever a spell away from a heavily spelled up target than it is from a lightly spelled up one (base -25 penalty to success, reduced by +1 per magical spell/effect on the target). This is mentally taxing, requiring a recovery period of 60 seconds, minus 6 seconds per rank.
If the spell is a beneficial spell that may be cast upon others, a remnant of it can be stolen. A stolen spell will only last for 30 seconds (or less, if the spell had less than 30 seconds remaining already).
Skill Name: Spell Parry
Mnemonic: sparry
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: None.
Other Requirements: An ensorcelled or anti-magical (veil iron/krodera/kroderine) weapon.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: Allows the parrying of magical ball/bolt spells at 25% per rank of your normal parry chance, provided that you are using an ensorcelled or anti-magical weapon to do so.
Skill Name: Tainted Bond
Mnemonic: tainted
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: None.
Other Requirements: A weapon fully bonded to you through either the Weapon Bonding combat maneuver or the Sanctify spell.
Available to: Warriors, Paladins.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 20 (Semis) 30
Description: If you are using a permanently ensorcelled and fully bonded weapon in combat, you will gain one extra attack before expending the periodic attack boost from the ensorcelled necrotic infusions.
Skill Name: Griffin's Voice
Mnemonic: griffin
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 30
Other Requirements: Training in the War Cries Warrior Guild skill.
Available to: Warriors.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 9
Description: This is a Martial Stance. Gain greater control over your warcries. A rank 1, the vocal stress of each warcry is reduced by a third. A rank 2, you will be able to affect the undead with your warcries. At rank 3, the vocal stress of each warcry is instead reduced by half.
Skill Name: Whirling Dervish
Mnemonic: dervish
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 40
Other Requirements: 30 Ranks of Multi Opponent Combat.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: This is a Martial Stance. You gain the ability to switch with relative ease between targets when making multiple melee attacks. When making a focused MSTRIKE or a two-weapon attack that slays your targeted creature foe, you have a chance to switch your remaining attacks to another foe in the room. This chance is 5% + 25% per rank.
Skill Name: Executioner's Stance
Mnemonic: executioner
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 40
Other Requirements: A two-handed weapon.
Available to: Warriors.
Mighty Blow (at rank 2)
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 8
Rank 3: (Squares) 12
Description: This is a Martial Stance. If you slay a creature with a two-handed weapon attack while in this stance, you have a chance to maintain your momentum and continue the attack onto another creature foe in the room. This chance is 5% + 15% per rank. The secondary attack will have an AS penalty of -25 and cannot occur more than once per attack.
If you fail to maintain your momentum into a second attack and you have 3 more ranks of Staggering Blow, you will still have a chance to knock the corpse of your slain foe into another foe in the room. If you are successful, that foe will suffer a RT penalty.
Skill Name: Armor Spike Focus
Mnemonic: spikefocus
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: None.
Other Requirements: Some spiked armor.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues, Paladins.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 5 (Semis) 7
Rank 2: (Squares) 10 (Semis) 15
Description: Reduces the penalty when using spiked armor in conjunction with a combat maneuver attack by -5 per rank.
Monk Access to Spell Parry/Cleave 9 Apr 2013
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussion
Message #: 623
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 04/09/2013 10:59 PM EDT
Subject: Combat Maneuvers Update
Monks will now have access to the Spell Parry and Spell Cleave combat maneuvers. Note that monks will need an ensorcelled/anti-magical weapon in order to parry spells, just like anyone else. Spell Cleave can be used with an ensorcelled weapon or UCS gloves. In addition, the Stance of the Mongoose has been opened up to Warriors (this was part of the earlier release, but I simply forgot to announce it).
Finally, in order to allow players to adjust to the recent extensive maneuver updates, a special CMAN FIXSKILLS option has been granted. Until May 2, 2013, all players will have one-time access to the CMAN FIXSKILLS command. This command automatically converts all unlearning CMP into available CMP, so be sure to unlearn any maneuvers you wish migrate before invoking this command.
Unarmed Specialist Maneuver
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussion
Message #: 896
Date: 02/28/2015 12:35 PM EST
Subject: Unarmed Specialist Maneuver
After many years of integration with the fighting techniques of warriors, rogues and monks, all professions can now learn a new combat maneuver. Unarmed specialist. Monks are primarily unarmed specialists by nature and know this maneuver without having to train in it.
It grants the ability to use some combat maneuvers without requiring a weapon in hand. The following maneuvers are affected by unarmed specialist; disarm, feint, subdue, subdual strike, and cheapshots.
All professions can train to be unarmed specialists. The maneuver will cost squares 6, semis 9, and pures 12 CMAN points to learn.
For more detailed information on this maneuver, please see the CMAN HELP command. For 30 days following this release (until 03/31/2015) this skill will have instant point migration.
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussion
Message #: 901
Date: 02/28/2015 01:16 PM EST
Subject: Re: Unarmed Specialist Maneuver
>>Previously, my rogue was able to disarm with 5 ranks of disarm barehanded. Also, I think throatchop (from guildskills) worked empty handed. Will he now need to train in this CMAN for the same benefit's he already had?
Nothing has changed insofar as how the maneuvers worked before. You will not need to get Unarmed Specialist maneuver to use the skills that are granted via mastery. More or less the maneuver just allows you to use those that require weapons prior to mastery of them.
Some cheapshots are basically unaffected by this due to some of them not requiring weapons to use, or requiring no weapons at all. The ones that did, can now be done without a weapon before becoming a master in cheapshots.
>>Yeah I am with Rolfard on this one. My archer ranger has 5 ranks in disarm and can disarm with his open right hand. Are you telling me I now have to spend an additional 9 CM points to have this ability? If that is the case I would like to see DISARM updated to make use of a left hand bow to perform the maneuver.
Having 5 ranks of disarm grants the same ability as having the Unarmed Specialist for that maneuver. With Unarmed Specialist, it is no longer required to have rank 5 of those skills to allow for open-handed attacks.
CMAN Creature Immunity Adjustments
Topic: Combat Maneuvers Discussion
Message #: 956
Date: 04/29/2015 07:47 PM EDT
Subject: CMAN immunities have been altered!
Many creatures that were previously immune to CHEAPSHOTS, SUBDUAL STRIKE and SUBDUE have had their immunities adjusted. While most creatures are now susceptible to these maneuvers, in some rare cases some may have become immune where they weren't before.
Some very astute adventurers may have noticed some messaging changes that occurred with the recent release of the UNARMED SPECIALIST maneuver. These changes allow for more flexible use of the maneuvers against many types of creatures where they wouldn't make sense otherwise.
Also, the fast migration period for UNARMED SPECIALIST has ended.
New Combat Maneuver
Topic: Character Creation, Stats, and Skills
Message #: 316
Author: GS4-NAIJIN
Date: 08/14/2019 01:09 AM EDT
Subject: New Combat Maneuver - Acrobat's Leap!
A new CMAN, Acrobat's Leap, has been released. Training in Acrobat's Leap allows you to jump to increase your reach while ambushing or using maneuvers that take the height system into account.
Skill Name: Acrobat's Leap Mnemonic: leap Hostile: No Stamina Cost: 1 per foot of reach needed. Increases by 1 in chain armor and 2 in plate armor. Other Requirements: None. Available to: Rogues, Monks. Prerequisites: None CMP Cost: Rank 1: (Squares) 3 Rank 2: (Squares) 6 Rank 3: (Squares) 9 Description: This is a passive maneuver. You are able to leap to increase your reach by 1 foot per rank while ambushing or using maneuvers that take the height system into account. Every 30% of encumbrance reduces your reach by 1 foot.