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Elanthian Flora Guide/Flowers
Elanthian Flora Guide: Flowers is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.
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IMT=Icemule Trace, KD=Kharam Dzu, MH=Mist Harbor, PTP=Pinefar, RR=River's Rest, SOL=Solhaven, TI=Ta'Illistim, TV=Ta'Vaalor, WL=Wehnimer's Landing, ZL=Zul Logoth
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Alyssum: Various weeds or ornamentals of the mustard family, having racemes of white or yellow flowers. Also called madwort. Often used in gardens as a border, slightly fragrant. If you're lucky, you might even find a sprig while foraging.
Amaranth: An annual having dense green or reddish tiny flowers clustered in the angles between leaf and stem. Long, trailing stems have more or less oval leaves with long stalks.
Anemone: Also called windflower. Short-lived blooms with paper-like petals. Often in bright hues of pink, purple, and orange, as well as white. Black center stamens. Does well in temperate climates.
Aster (golden): A plants bearing radiate flower heads with golden rays and a yellow center disk. Other varieties include blossoms in shades of white, pink, or violet with yellow disks. Dark green foliage and stalks, similar to those of the chrysanthemum family, make this flower suitable for arrangements. Often grown in cultivated gardens, or can be found running wild in meadows.
Begonia: Any of various tropical or subtropical plants widely cultivated as ornamentals for their usually asymmetrical, brightly colored leaves. Ranging from a pale green to a dark reddish-brown, the foliage offsets blooms in all shades of pink, orange, red, and white. A popular choice for gardens.
Blaestonberry: Foamy cascades of white pink-centered blaestonberry are popular plants for climbing trellises or mixing with other creeping plants to create a good privacy screen. Stems of the blossoms can be used in arrangements, though they are short-lived. During the late summer months, as the flowers mature, the plant produces a tasty fruit used in beverages and sweet treats.
Bleeding Heart: Considered a member of the herb family, this perennial features arching clusters of pink to red, or sometimes white, heart-shaped flowers with large, green foliage.
Bluebell (greenleaf): A bulbous plant and member of the lily family with racemes of usually blue to pink bell-shaped flowers. Greenleaf bluebells grow in Whistler's Pass near the boundary between subalpine and tundra climates.
Bougainvillea: A woody shrub or vines having groups of three petallike, showy, variously colored bracts attached to the flowers, which are paperish in consistency. Loves sun and can be encouraged to climb. Blossoms range from white to hues of pink, and rare pastels of yellow and salmon.
Buttercup: Considered an herbs and member of the ranunculus family, the buttercup is native chiefly to temperate and cold regions. Has an acrid juice, often toothed or lobed leaves, and usually yellow or white flowers with numerous pistils. Mainly a wildflower, sometimes chained by children to form circlets. Try to forage for one to make your own!
Butterflyweed: A milkweed having showy clusters of usually bright orange flowers, the root of which can be used in medicine. Generally the dark green foliage is smaller in scale to the large blossom heads, and the stem contains a milky, glue-like sap. Attracts butterflies, as well as a variety of other insects.
Calamintha: An erect, bushy plant with square stems, rarely more than a foot high, bearing pairs of opposite leaves, which, like the stems, are downy with soft hairs. The flowers are somewhat inconspicuous, drooping gracefully before expansion: the corollas are of a light purple color. A relative of the thyme and catnip families, and the larger mint family.
Carnation: Any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals. Often grown for commercial use (arrangements) than for cultivated gardens. Although often white, they are frequently red and several shades of pink.
Clematis: Any of various ornamental, mostly climbing plants native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having showy, variously colored (typically blue or purple, sometimes pink) flowers or decorative fruit clusters. Most often trained to grow on a trellis or along a wall or fence.
Clover: A meadow-inhabiting wildflower, often in shades of red, pink, yellow, purple, and white. A good source for honeybees, resulting in a uniquely-flavored honey. Their colorful blossoms can be found when foraging.
Columbine: Considered a member of the herb family, this perennial is native to north temperate regions and cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers that have petals with long hollow spurs. Makes an attractive addition in a garden and arrangements.
Crocus: Short, flowering plants with colorful blossoms and thick, light green leaves. Often appears in spring, after the thaw. In some areas, the stamens are highly prized as an herb called saffron.
Daffodil: Deep yellow to pale yellow, to cream and yellow blossoms. Generally a spring flower, generates from a bulb. Grows in just about every climate, especially where there is a wider range in seasonal temperatures. Good as a cut flower for arrangements.
Daisy: One of several plants of the composite family, having flower heads with a yellow center and white rays. Low-growing, more exotic varieties have flower heads with pink or white rays. They may also be foraged in the wild.
Dandelion: A plant of the composite family having many-rayed yellow flower heads and deeply notched basal leaves. Widely naturalized as a weed, it is used in salads and to make wine.
Delphira: Tiny white flowers with deep blue centers grow in rounded, pillow-like clumps, their creeping stems often covering the surface of rocks and the base of trees. Sometimes grown as a ground cover in large rock gardens, but due to its tendency to spread tenaciously, the delphira is largely found in lush, coastal meadows.
Dragonstalk: The dragonstalk is an annual plant whose soft, green stem, when in flower, thrusts upward several feet from a bed of lush, dark green foliage. The stark crimson blooms of the plant, which are similar to an orchid, contain a splash of yellow at the heart of the flower. For this reason many have noted the flower's resemblance to the snapping maw of a dragon -- very likely the source of its name. The large stems of this plant cab hold dozens of blooms, and are very popular among Elven women, who use the flamboyant flower in large arrangements for their homes.
Dryad (mountain): Their yellow and white blossoms peek above a carpet of wooly evergreen leaves. They seem to thrive in colder climates than temperate and like higher elevations.
Edelweiss: An alpine plant having leaves covered with a wooly, whitish down and small flower heads surrounded by conspicuous whitish bracts.
Flamestalk: These flat, almost wing-like flowers feature three side-by-side petals, usually in a bright red hue with yellow tongues bearing a thin white stripe. The two outer petals are smaller and shorter, while the center petal is taller and comes to a twisting point. There can be several blossoms on one stalk, its surrounding tuft of thin, grass-like chartreuse foliage arching out and down in a cascade. Flamestalks are often treasured as a focal point for large arrangements or fanciful gardens.
Foxglove: Considered a member of the herb family, foxglove has a long cluster of large, tubular, pinkish-purple flowers and long, stalk-like leaves that are the source of the a powerful medication. Though seldom used for health, as it can be poisonous when used incorrectly, the tall flowering plant is ideal for cultivated gardens and arrangements.
Freesia: The freesia plant has pretty, one-sided clusters of highly fragrant tubular flowers, often shaded yellow, white, lavender, purple, or pink. A delightful and scented addition to simple arrangements.
Gardenia: Large, round white waxy flower with dark green glossy leaves. Very fragrant and short-lived, grows on a bush in temperate climates, or cultivated gardens and greenhouses.
Geranium: A flowering plant with palmately divided leaves, widely cultivated for their rounded, often variegated leaves and showy clusters of red, pink, or white flowers. Unique to Elanthia is a "wild pink" variation, which is often foraged for brilliant color.
Goldenrod: Graceful, elongated clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall. Mostly foundby foraging in the wilds and along roadsides.
Heather: A low-growing shrub growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and clusters of small, bell-shaped pinkish-purple flowers. Will often grow in the wild, especially along hillsides or in meadows. Sometimes planted in gardens as a cultivated ornamental.
Hellebore: An ornamental with large leaves and greenish flowers that yield a toxic alkaloid used medicinally.
Honeysuckle: A vine-like plant with bright green leaves and pale to bright yellow blossoms. Highly fragrant, the blossoms are a favorites of bees.
Hostas: Hostas most resemble a clump of leaves that love the shade and have lush bold leaf colors from spring until frost. Existing leaf colors include blue, gold, green and variegated with a multitude of leaf shapes, sizes and textures. Hostas flower in the summer, sending up a shoot upon which dozens of white (or blue and lilac) blooms will bud.
Hydrangea: Puffy cloud-like cluster of flowers usually in pastel shades of blue, pink, and purple, or white. Large foliage. Prefers a temperate climate, not too hot or dry.
Imaera's Lace: A climbing vine with deep green tendrils and small flowers consisting of many tiny white florets. Vines of Imaera's Lace grow in the Hearthstone herbalist's shack. Upon occasion, a sprig of Imaera's Lace may be nudged free by the wind and tumble down to land on the ground, and can be foraged. Imaera's Lace is one of the symbols of the goddess Imaera.
Iceblossom: The ice blossom's tiny white flowers are so translucent, they almost appear to be frozen, crystalline forms. However, the petals are surprisingly as soft as velvet and emit pleasingly fragrant. Short, spikey green foliage is drought resistant, making it appear as though this plant is distantly related to the succulents.
Iris: A plant with long, sword-shaped leaves and showy flowers, which may range in color from white to deep purple. Irises grow in Hearthstone's rose garden. They may also be purchased at the Wehnimer's florist.
Jasmine: A vine-like plant with green fern-like leaves, and bracts of very fragrant white flowers. Can be trained to climb, and makes a very pleasant addition to any garden. Good for making perfume and tea.
Lady's Slipper: A variety of common orchid that has usually solitary, variously colored flowers with an inflated, pouchlike lip. Often white and stripped or blushed with dark purple. The light green foliage consists of a single stem and generally two long, bladed leaves that stay close to the root-base. Most frequently found wild, in woody settings.
Larkspur: Tall spikes with flowers, generally in shades of blue, purple, and white, and can be foraged. Also known in some regions as Delphinium.
Lavender: A dull green, long needle-like leafed plant with tall stalks bearing pale purple blossoms and a distinctive scent. Lavender oil is often used in making perfume, and the dried leaves and blossoms are used in potpourri and sachets.
Lilac (wild): Clusters of purple, lavender, or white flowers on thin branches. Very fragrant, good for cut arrangements. Generally a spring flower found in temperate climates, where is can be foraged freely.
Lily (snow): With bright yellow flowers, the snow lily (sometimes referred to as the dog-tooth violet), blossoms turn back upon themselves, resembling a shooting star. It blooms first in foothill areas, and then climbs up the mountains during springtime, reaching the higher elevations as the snow melts and the climate grows more temperate. If you make an appropriate offering to the gods in Icemule Trace, a small urchin may reward you with a bouquet of snow lilies.
Lily (stargazer): Bright pink spike-petaled flowers edged with white. Extremely fragrant and often used in cut arrangements or cultivated gardens.
Lily of the Valley: Common name for a spring-blooming perennial, generally cultivated and used in small bouquets. Lilies of the valley live in shady places and have delicate bell-shaped, fragrant white flowers growing on a stalk between two shiny leaves.
Mezereon: A poisonous ornamental shrub with fragrant lilac-purple flowers and small scarlet fruit, the dried bark of which has often been used medicinally for arthritis. Also used externally as a blistering agent.
Monkeyflower: Bright two-lipped red blossoms on a single stalk. Similar, and probably related to Larkspur.
Moonflower: This flower has rounded, ball-like blossoms, with multiple blooms suspended from a single stem. While some blooms are white or pink, the most common variety is a deep, rich violet.
Morning Glory: This annual vine produces a daily crop of freshly opened flowers during the summer months, in hues of blue, purple, pink, scarlet, and white or multicolored. The attractive single or double trumpet-shaped flowers make the morning glory one of the most widely grown vines. The flowers are normally open only from dawn to midmorning, but some of the newer varieties tend to hold their flowers open most of the day, especially in cloudy weather. The vine's abundant leaves are heart-shaped, sprouting off tendriled vines that will climb on just about any support. Profusely flowering against a background of pale green foliage, morning glories quickly form lovely hedges or screens, or can be used as a temporary ground cover. They also do well in hanging baskets and containers.
Mournbloom: Similar to the morning glory, though not as prone to trailing or climbing, mournblooms feature an almost blackish-purple trumpet-shaped flower with a white throat. The dark blue-green foliage features small spade-like leaves. The long, thin stems do allow for some training in cultivated gardens, with adequate support. When found growing in the wild or raised commercially, the blooms can be woven to wear as a coronet. It's said that any breeze through these blossoms creates a melancholy sound, like the sad song of a woman.
Nightshade: A common name given to a low, branching weed with small shooting star-shaped purple flowers with yellow stamens, and egg-shaped green fruits that turn red when mature. A less common variety, the Black Nightshade, sports white flowers and green berries that ripen to black. Reputed to be very poisonous.
Orchid: Often found in tropical jungles, but can be found/cultivated in subtropical and temperate zones, flowers cultivated for ornament, ranging from a pale to light purple, from grayish to purplish pink to strong reddish purple. Often with differently-colored throats or spotted tongues. Several blossoms alternate on one tall stalk that emerges from a large tuft of soft, bladed leaves. Favored for corsages.
Pansy: Originally purple and yellow blossoms, now found in shades of white and blue. Cultivated varieties have very large flowers of a great diversity of colors.
Pansy (snow): Small, annual plants which bear profuse white and pale lavender flowers with velvety petals. Snow pansies have excellent frost tolerance and thrive in cool, moist soil.
Peony: Plants with dark green, opposite leaves and small flowers with a variously-colored salverform corolla. Widely cultivated and found in shades of lavender, pink, white and red.
Petunia: Widely cultivated plants having alternate, entire leaves and funnel-shaped flowers in colors from white to pink to purple.
Phlox: Plants with dark green, opposite leaves and small flowers with a variously-colored salverform corolla. Widely cultivated and found in shades of lavender, pink, white and red.
Primrose: Any of numerous plants having well-developed basal leaves and tubular, variously colored flowers grouped in umbels or heads with a funnel-shaped or salver-like corolla and a tube much longer than the calyx. Bright shades of yellow, pink, and purple help identify this plant, which can be foraged.
Primrose (fairy): Small delicate petals of lilac and pink tower above deep green, hairy leaves.
Rose: Large showy blossoms that start as tight buds, then open and expand, often atop tall stalks featuring sharp thorns.. Most varieties are highly fragrant and treasured for gardens or cut and give as a token of love and friendship. The essence of the scent is used in perfumes, baked goods, candy, and sachets. Roses are featured in the symbol of the goddess Oleani. A summer flower that enjoys sun, temperate climate, and water; or a year-round flowering bush in sub-tropical locations.
Rose (Elanthian snow): A pure white variety unique to Elanthia, extremely rare.
Rose (swamp): The many-branched, bushy swamp rose features stout, curved thorns with a flattened base. The leaves are pinnately compound and the leaflets (usually seven) are oval-lance-shaped, with finely toothed edges. They are smooth on the surface and slightly hairy along the midrib underneath. The flowers are very fragrant, solitary and pink, bloom in early summer. In the autumn, the swamp rose produces fleshy fruits (hips) that are red and either smooth or covered with minute hairs. If you're careful, you might even be able to pluck one, that is when you can navigate the boggy setting it enjoys.
Rose (wild): A less complex version of the cultivated rose, usually with single blooms and a creeping bush. Found in gardens gone wild or trained to climb a trellis. Some varieties seem to thrive near beaches and produce rose hips at the end of the season, which can be used for a tea or jam. The blossom is a favorite for foragers, who love its fragrance.
Rose (winter): Similar the other members of the rose family, the only thing that distinguishes this particular flower is the pale lavender-blue blush along the petal edges, and the matching throat.
Saloryss: A creeping shrub with twisted branches, saloryss grows more horizontally than vertically. Its reddish bark is augmented by golden foliage with small, round leaves about the size of a large coin. Bright pink, drooping cascades of flowers attract insects to the saloryss with their overly sweet, honey-like fragrance. Petals of the flower are collected and dried for use as a room-scenting agent as the honey-sweet fragrance lives on long after the death of the bloom. Saloryss is popular in potpourri, but those with a keen sense of smell often find the scent to be cloying. For this reason, saloryss represents emotional stifling and suffocation.
Sirensong: Tall, stemmed plants with tiny, lantern-shaped flowers, the sirensong is most often found in shades of orange or crimson. With their paper-like consistency, even a soft breeze can make them rustle eerily, especially when the blossoms still hold their tiny seeds, adding a soft rattle to the cacophony. As the plant matures, the blossom splits open and withers, reseeding itself. The sirensong likes temperate climates and the moist air found along coastlines.
Snapdragon: Mostly found in cultivated gardens, the individual flowers are pulpit-shaped and clustered on a tall stalk. Good for cut arrangements.
Sneezeweed: A member of the herb family, sneezeweed features yellow to red-purple rayed flower heads.
Sunflower: Tall yellow daisy-like flower and a giant stalk, large brown center dries into edible seeds at the end of the blossom's lifecycle. A summer-to-fall flower.
Trillium: White woodland flowers with a triangular arrangement of three petals set amid medium green leaves.
Tuberose: A tuberous perennial herb having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its highly fragrant white flowers. The lilacaeous flowers cluster at the top of a tall stalk, making it ideal for large arrangements.
Tulip: Bulbous, brightly colored flowers that bloom in shades of red, yellow, pink, and white. Tulip plants grow from bulbs, generally planted in the fall, flowering in the spring soon after the ground thaws. Cup-shaped blossoms on stalks with blade-shaped pale green foliage down near the root end. Some varieties can be as dark as black ink, or have spiked and ruffled edges.
Tulip (ice): Similar to the tulip above, the ice tulip is much smaller and hugs closer to the ground. It's tiny, almost transparent white blossoms look like carefully-crafted bells of ice, hence their names. They are actually hardier than they look and enjoy the cooler climate.
Verbena: Any of numerous tropical or subtropical plants grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers. Some varieties are fragrant, and might be known as lemon verbena or vervain. Hues of the small blossoms are often red, purple, pink, or white, although there is the rare salmon-hued and pastel yellow.
Violet: A flower with many species, violets are generally low, herbaceous plants, and the flowers are frequently blue. Frequently found growing wild, sometimes cropping up any place it can, they have a very delicate scent. If you forage carefully, you might be able to find one. Often a token of friendship, love, and remembrance.
Violet (alpine): Alpine violets are white, sometimes with blue or purple colorations, and often found near the shelter of trees. They have a mild fragrance in comparison to its common cousin.
Violet (wood): The wood violet is named such because it likes to bury deep in forests, seeking shelter at the foot of trees, or under the light covering of fallen leaves. The yellow, shooting star-shaped blossoms are often masked beneath their own green foliage.
Violet (flaming): An extremely rare plant, these unique violets are indeed aflame, although they seem not to burn either their surroundings or the plants that hold them. The nearby air, however, is very hot, and as witness by the tiny bones nearby, dangerous to the birds that have ventured too close. Their purple-red hue makes them appear to be the center of the flame that surrounds them.
Water lily: Water lilies are aquatic plants with broad leaves on the surface of the water and long roots that trail far down to the soil. Their wide blossoms are quite pretty, and can be very fragrant. Often white or pink lotus-shaped blossoms with yellow waxy-stamened centers.
Wolfsbane: A poisonous perennial herb having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue, purple, or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles. The dried leaves and roots of some of these plants, which yield a poisonous alkaloid that can be used medicinally with great care.
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