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Ithzir Armor
Ithzir armor is a combat script that is found on armor which provides several useful benefits. It offers a chance to interrupt an attack when the wearer is stunned, webbed, rooted, immobilized, unconscious, or prone. Ithzir armor consists of four different unlock trees that can be individually unlocked to gain additional benefit. The armor has a total of 16 unlocks available across all four trees, but is limited to 9 total unlocks, meaning that the owner must choose which unlocks to pursue and which ones they will never use. Base ArmorBase functionality of the armor includes Tier 0 Escape Flares with 3 charges per day. Each unlock applied increases the max daily armor charges by 1.AnalyzeYou analyze your leathers and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. The creator has also provided the following information: This leathers offers a chance to interrupt an attack when you are stunned, webbed, rooted, immobilized, unconscious, or prone. This is Base armor, and will fire up to 9 times per day to move you in a random direction. It has special messaging for WEAR, REMOVE, and CLEAN. It can be altered freely, within normal armor altering guidelines. Because some of the messaging refers to buckles and straps, nothing that completely conflicts with that concept should be done. This leathers is at unlock level 3. Flare Chance Tree: Tier 0 Status Condition Tree: Tier 2 Healing Tree: Tier 0 Charges / Escape Tree: Tier 1 You can tell that the leathers is as light as it can get. Usage
Flare Chance TreeIthzir Armor starts out at Tier 0 for the Flare Chance. Unlocks applied to this tree increase the odds at which the armor will flare, with up to four total unlock opportunities.
Status Condition TreeUnlocks on this tree introduce and expand the armor's ability to remove a random condition when its Escape Flare ability triggers. At higher unlocks, it also provides the ability to manually remove a condition via BESEECH.Usage
Healing TreeUnlocks on this tree introduce and enhance the armor's ability to remove a restore health via SHRUG. At higher unlocks, it also provides the ability reduce bleeding effects and reduce the severity of injuries (but not scars).Usage
Charge/Escape TreeIthzir Armor starts out with 3 charges/day for the Escape Flares to activate. The first unlock applied to this tree increases the number of charges available. At higher unlocks, it also provides the ability to apply a short duration sanctuary effect and an escape route to a designated safe room, which at the highest unlock can be manually activated via SLAP.Usage
Additional InformationHistoryFirst introduced during Ebon Gate 2013 at Feywrot Mire, the armor was not sold off the shelf. The armor has only been obtainable in the past by merchants offering to add it to existing armor. This service was very rare to be seen done. Starting in August 2017, automated unlocking certificates were sold in the High End Script Shop at Duskruin Arena on a limited basis. In later runs, both unlock and script add certificates were available in HESS. Escape Flare Functionality in Hunting GroundsWhile the general understanding is if you can't fog into an area, then the flares won't work, this is inconsistent because they do work in the Elemental Confluence. The Tier 4 SLAP ability in the Escape tree also will not work in those same locations. The ability will work inside of towns and as a result can be useful in invasions. Ithzir Armor escape flares won't trigger in some hunting grounds. Those include the following: As of December 19, 2023, the escape flare now works in recently released hunting grounds including: Forgotten Vineyard, Atoll, Hinterwilds, Crawling Shore, Moonsedge, Stormpeak, and the Hive. Player research is ongoing in a study of where the flares work. Unlocking Certificates
You analyze your Ithzir Armor epistle and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. The creator has also provided the following information: Your epistle is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand. An Ithzir Armor epistle will unlock one tier on Ithzir armor's {Tree Name} Tree. TURN the epistle to change the tree to be unlocked. You need only RAISE your epistle while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand. Your epistle may not be altered or changed in any way.
>turn epis You deftly turn an Ithzir Armor epistle, and change it to the Flare Chance Tree. RAISE the epistle to unlock this tree. >turn epis You deftly turn an Ithzir Armor epistle, and change it to the Status Condition Tree. RAISE the epistle to unlock this tree. >turn epis You deftly turn an Ithzir Armor epistle, and change it to the Healing Tree. RAISE the epistle to unlock this tree. >turn epis You deftly turn an Ithzir Armor epistle, and change it to the Charge/Escape Tree. RAISE the epistle to unlock this tree. >raise my epis > Are you sure you would like to use your epistle to unlock your armor? This will consume your epistle and is irreversible. [Please use this command again within 30 seconds to CONFIRM.] >raise my epis As you raise your epistle up, a set of {armor} glows slightly. Your {armor}'s Escape Tree has been unlocked to the next tier. [Unlock Status: 1/4] Your epistle crumbles to dust. See Also |