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Premium/Character customizations
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Premium subscribers can purchase a variety of pre-written character customizations at Bayview Villa in Mist Harbor.
Character customizations available in Bayview Villa cost a stamped cocobolo token. The stamped cocobolo tokens can be purchased from the disheveled resident in Mist Harbor for 300 Premium points. Once purchased from the disheveled resident, the tokens can be brought the appropriate room in the villa to purchase the customization.
See the Premium character customizations category for individual character customization pages.
Custom Spell Preps
Custom spell preps are available from a slender maid in the Greatroom.
To view the current list of custom spell preps available, click here.
100s=Minor Spiritual; 200s=Major Spiritual; 300s=Cleric; 400s=Minor Elemental; 500s=Major Elemental; 600s=Ranger; 700s=Sorcerer; 900s=Wizard; 1000s=Bard; 1100s=Empath; 1200s=Minor Mental; 1600s=Paladin
# | Description | Spell/ Circle |
Race/Prof Restriction |
#29 |
900s | Wizard |
#30 |
300s | Cleric |
#31 |
1100s | Empath |
#32 |
700s | Sorcerer |
#33 |
600s | Ranger |
#34 |
1000s | Bard |
#35 |
1600s | Paladin |
#36 |
900s | Wizard |
#37 |
300s | Cleric |
#38 |
1100s | Empath |
#39 |
700s | Sorcerer |
#40 |
600s | Ranger |
#41 |
1000s | Bard |
#42 |
1600s | Paladin |
#136 |
1600s | Paladin |
#137 |
1000s | Bard |
#139 |
700s | Sorcerer |
#142 |
300s | Cleric |
#145 |
519 | Wizard |
#146 |
506 | Wizard |
#147 |
318 | Cleric |
#148 |
1115 | Empath |
#149 |
1106 | Empath |
#150 |
616 | Ranger |
#180 |
101 | - |
#181 |
107 | - |
#182 |
110 | - |
#183 |
111 | - |
#184 |
117 | - |
#185 |
118 | - |
#186 |
118 | - |
#187 |
130 | - |
#188 |
140 | - |
#189 |
201 | - |
#190 |
203 | - |
#193 |
204 | - |
#196 |
213 | - |
#197 |
218 | - |
#198 |
219 | - |
#199 |
240 | - |
#200 |
302 | - |
#201 |
304 | - |
#202 |
305 | - |
#203 |
307 | - |
#204 |
315 | - |
#205 |
318 | - |
#206 |
403 | - |
#207 |
404 | - |
#208 |
410 | - |
#209 |
503 | - |
#210 |
510 | - |
#211 |
516 | - |
#212 |
518 | - |
#213 |
601 | - |
#214 |
602 | - |
#215 |
606 | - |
#216 |
640 | - |
#217 |
702 | - |
#218 |
704 | - |
#219 |
705 | - |
#220 |
713 | - |
#221 |
901 | - |
#222 |
903 | - |
#223 |
904 | - |
#224 |
906 | - |
#225 |
907 | - |
#226 |
907 | - |
#227 |
908 | - |
#228 |
908 | - |
#229 |
909 | - |
#230 |
910 | - |
#231 |
916 | - |
#232 |
1005 | - |
#233 |
1007 | - |
#234 |
1101 | - |
#235 |
1110 | - |
#236 |
1118 | - |
#237 |
1202 | - |
#238 |
400s | - |
#239 |
400s | - |
#240 |
400s | - |
#241 |
100s | - |
#242 |
100s | - |
#243 |
All | - |
#244 |
All | - |
#245 |
1000s | Bard |
#246 |
1600s | Paladin |
#247 |
All | - |
#248 |
All | - |
#249 |
All | - |
#250 |
All | Elf, Aelotoi, Sylvankind, Winedotter Gnome |
#251 |
All | Dwarven, Aledotter Gnome |
#252 |
All | Forest or Burghal Gnome |
#253 |
All | - |
#254 |
All | - |
#255 |
All | Half-Krolvin |
#256 |
All | - |
#257 |
All | - |
#258 |
All | - |
#340 |
600s | - |
#341 |
1200s | Monk |
#342 |
400s | - |
#343 |
500s | - |
#344 |
All | Warrior |
#345 |
611 | - |
#346 |
500s | - |
#347 |
200s | - |
#351 |
435 | - |
#352 |
All | - |
#353 |
200s | - |
#354 |
225 | - |
#355 |
415 | - |
#356 |
720 | - |
#357 |
716 | - |
#358 |
730 | - |
#359 |
401 | - |
#360 |
518 | - |
#361 |
912 | - |
#362 |
1220 | - |
#363 |
116 | - |
#364 |
1002 | - |
#365 |
716 | - |
#366 |
306 | - |
#367 |
317 | - |
#447 |
907 | - |
#448 |
908 | - |
#449 |
311 | - |
#450 |
214 | - |
#451 |
210 | - |
#452 |
609 | - |
#453 |
901 | - |
#454 |
916 | - |
#455 |
403 | - |
#456 |
404 | - |
#457 |
All | - |
#458 |
All | - |
#459 |
All | - |
#460 |
All | - |
#461 |
All | - |
#462 |
All | - |
#463 |
All | - |
#464 |
1004 | - |
#465 |
505 | - |
#466 |
All | Ranger |
#467 |
All | Bard |
#468 |
All | - |
#469 |
All | - |
#470 |
203 | - |
#471 |
All | Ranger |
#472 |
117 | - |
#473 |
All | - |
#474 |
All | - |
#475 |
All | - |
#476 |
607 | - |
#477 |
All | - |
#478 |
518 | - |
#479 |
910 | - |
#730 |
All | - |
#731 |
All | - |
#732 |
All | - |
#733 |
All | Bard |
#734 |
All | - |
#735 |
All | - |
#736 |
All | - |
#737 |
All | - |
#738 |
All | - |
#739 |
All | - |
#740 |
All | - |
#741 |
All | - |
#742 |
All | - |
#743 |
All | - |
#744 |
All | - |
#745 |
All | - |
#746 |
All | - |
#747 |
All | - |
#748 |
All | - |
#749 |
All | - |
#750 |
500s | - |
#751 |
All | - |
#752 |
All | Halfling |
#753 |
All | Erithian |
#754 |
All | - |
Advanced Spell Customizations
Advanced spell customizations are available from an elderly curator in the Athenaeum.
To view the current list of advanced spell customizations available, click here.
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#1 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a magnificent golden griffin with shimmering copper-tipped wings | |
#2 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a shimmering double rainbow | |
#3 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a waterfall of argent sparks | |
#4 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: hundreds of spiraling golden sparks | |
#5 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a shower of twinkling pale blue lights | |
#6 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a deluge of sparkling violet stars | |
#7 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a deluge of sparkling silvery-white stars | |
#8 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a bright green spinner of light | |
#9 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a massive golden lightning bolt that spans the sky | |
#10 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a beaming lute-shaped outline of crimson and gold light | |
#11 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a softly cascading spray of luminous ocean blue motes | |
#12 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a scintillating black haze cloaking a ring of white-haloed keys | |
#13 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a lambent tawny golden doe surrounded by a sparkling verdant aura | |
#14 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a twinkling arrangement of five jewel-toned conjoined circles | |
#15 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a glimmering gold crown set over a wide pale-hued circle | |
#16 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a flickering dark sword edged with vivid silver sparks | |
#17 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a lucent carmine heart unfurling a radiant pink budding flower | |
#18 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a gleaming rich bronze anvil with striking copper inclusions | |
#19 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a glowing crystalline silver ball washed in foggy grey bands | |
#20 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a shining argent arm clutching a fistful of pure white light | |
#21 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: an effulgent gilded sunburst encircled by a sky blue glow | |
#22 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a fiery-hooved pegasus galloping on a celestial blue archway | |
#23 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a glistening pallid grey cloud embraced by a pair of brilliant white wings | |
#24 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a dazzling moonlight silver crescent moon ringed in iridescent mist | |
#25 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a lustrous opaline black cat with blazing incarnadine eyes | |
#26 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a glittering stylized scarlet flame shot through with ashen striations | |
#27 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a coruscating deep yellow eye with a sharply slit grey pupil | |
#28 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a metallic-sheened emerald serpent with a slender forked tongue | |
#29 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a gleaming ebony star with six silvery grey-barbed tentacles | |
#30 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a luminous sanguine heart pierced with a pure white dagger | |
#31 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a refulgent charcoal jackal head with gold-flecked crimson eyes | |
#32 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a shining coal black scimitar swept with intense blood red plumes | |
#33 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: an emerald-colored serpentine visage | |
#34 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a trail of rust-colored broken manacle links | |
#35 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a gold-feathered bright white arrow | |
#36 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a serpent-entwined ivory skull | |
#37 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a tapered trail of lacelike green leaves | |
#38 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a majestic giant tortoise illuminated by radiant virescent lights | |
#39 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a sparkling red-orange chrysanthemum | |
#40 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a bright pink rose with shooting viridian vines | |
#41 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: an erupting volcano in red, orange, and yellow sparks | |
#42 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a twinkling array of multicolored butterflies | |
#43 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a shimmering sea green kraken with whirling violet tentacles | |
#44 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: an elaborate twinkling pirate ship | |
#45 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a blossoming bright blue lotus with dazzling green leaves | |
#46 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a glowing ring of crimson and ivory toadstools | |
#47 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a glowing yellow dragonstalk tinged with incarnadine lights | |
#48 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a coiling sea serpent filled with azureous sparkles | |
#49 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a blossoming peony illuminated with erubescent sparks | |
#50 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a scintillating golden stag accented with a silvery glow | |
#51 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a radiant sunburst of vermilion and orange | |
#52 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a shimmering polychrome dragonfly | |
#53 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: a crimson radiance that glimmers across the heavens | |
#54 | Fire Spirit (111) | Firework Description: blinding white lightning that briefly fractures the skies |
Manna (203)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#55 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a cinnamon honey drop biscuit
#56 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a crusty wheat braid
#57 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a thick fudge brownie filled with pieces of walnut
#58 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a burnt piece of toast
#59 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a thin slice of raisin bread
#60 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a round sea salt and caraway-topped rye tebol
#61 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: an homage orange muffin
#62 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a toasted coconut almond cookie
#63 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a delicate duck broth dumpling
#64 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a plump seaweed soup dumpling
#65 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a spicy pork-filled bun
#66 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a chunky pan-fried dumpling
#67 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a steamed shrimp-filled bun
#68 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a garlicky steamed bun
#69 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a bacon-topped steamed bun
#70 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a pan-fried stuffed dumpling
#71 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a gingery beef-stuffed bun
#72 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: a filet of miso-glazed salmon
#73 | Manna (203) | Bread Description: an enormous roasted leg of turkey
Spirit Guide (130)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#74 | Spirit Guide (130) | Iridescent particles
#75 | Spirit Guide (130) | Smoky brume
#76 | Spirit Guide (130) | Radiant flare of light
#77 | Spirit Guide (130) | Flaming violet aura
#78 | Spirit Guide (130) | Undulating shadows
#79 | Spirit Guide (130) | Misty grey gloom
#80 | Spirit Guide (130) | Caustic fumes and a sickly haze
#81 | Spirit Guide (130) | Will-o'-wisps and multi-colored light
#82 | Spirit Guide (130) | Searing radiance and rays of golden light
#83 | Spirit Guide (130) | Plumes of fragrant smoke
#84 | Spirit Guide (130) | Shifting reality
#85 | Spirit Guide (130) | Tempest of churning wind
#86 | Spirit Guide (130) | Darkly lambent radiance
#87 | Spirit Guide (130) | Smoke tendrils
#88 | Spirit Guide (130) | Twinkling lights
#89 | Spirit Guide (130) | Ethereal butterflies
# 90 | Spirit Guide (130) | Translucency
# 91 | Spirit Guide (130) | Blinding flash
Major Sanctuary (220)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#92 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Baker's Delight]
Row upon row of fresh baked goods fill tri-leveled counters in this sweet haven. Tiny white particles fill the air and give the room a hazy glow, while a continuous warm breeze replenishes the sweet aroma of fresh-baked goods. Golden brown chairs with brightly colored satin pillows resemble jam-filled tarts and surround a low serving table, complete with a tea kettle and carafe of coffee. |
#93 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Heart Sanctuary]
A steady, pounding beat echoes throughout the dark, humid surroundings. The small area is comprised of four connected chambers, each enclosed by curved walls. Each surface is a dark sanguine color that reflects the ambient light as if coated with something thick and wet. A coppery smell pervades the area. |
#94 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Deep in the Shelves]
Hundreds of books and parchments fill the shelves that line the curved walls, encircling you entirely. While some are stacked neatly, arranged with nearly obsessive precision, others are in utter disarray. Several round cushions have been scattered upon the floor. |
#95 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Snowy Escape, Sanctuary]
Vast fields of snow stretch out before you in all directions, with few landmarks visible making it difficult to calculate your position in this winter wonderland. A large snowman, complete with a carrot nose, button eyes, and a red plaid scarf, sits off in the distance as if keeping watch over this snowy sanctuary. Providing ample heat, a roaring fire warms a bed of thick furs and melts the constant rain of delicate snowflakes. |
#96 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Alpine Glade, Crocus Rest]
Bright green grass sprouts from amid clusters of melting snow, their verdant blades a stark contrast to the frost that clings to the surrounding leafless trees. Vibrant white and lavender crocuses push through the frosty earthy in clusters of three and four, their nodding heads dappled with orange-yellow pollen, while sun-dappled boulders rise like islands amid the sea of spring-kissed grounds. A chill breeze pushes through the area, its source the not-too-distant white-capped peaks. |
#97 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [A Stained-Glass Solar Sanctuary]
Stained glass windows, framed in pewter and ebonwood, decorate the conical ceiling, their brilliant patterns brought to life by the golden sunlight. Dazzling mirrors amplify the prismatic light as it filters through the room and creates dancing motes in the air, which is cool and clean. Storybooks and discarded dolls lay scattered about a plush rug, which has been placed before a banked fire. |
#98 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [The Steadfast Limpet]
A cozy azure rowboat floats lazily upon a pond crowded with lily pads, drifting aimlessly as the oars sit idle in their rowlocks. Tucked beneath the gunwale, ebon checkered peeks from beneath the lid of a woven willow picnic hamper, one side flipped open to reveal a cluster of ruby red strawberries nestled next to a pair of champagne flutes that lay amidst numerous small parcels. The plaintive cry of a whippoorwill provides the only accompaniment to the susurrus of waves lapping against the hull. |
#99 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Hayloft]
Shafts of sunlight pierce gaps in the wide chestnut beams that form the hayloft walls, falling in narrow stripes across the many pale green piles of sweet-smelling timothy hay strewn about. A vicious-looking scythe rests in one corner, accompanied by a dulled, hickory-handled pitchfork. The quiet is interrupted periodically by the nickers and snorts of the horses below the floorboards and the faint squeaks of field mice amongst the bales. |
#100 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [The Main Attraction]
The polished brass pipes of a massive organ rise steeply, nearly touching the roof of this red and white striped double-peaked tent. A single ring flocked by rows of seats stands, its epicenter occupied by a small chair on which rests a tall, black satin hat and a coiled leather whip. The scent of hot, buttery popcorn is inescapable, and peanut shells crunch softly underfoot. |
#101 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Lornon Cocoon]
A nebulous haze of swirling dark matter encloses you in an opaque, shadowy cocoon. Intense blood red tendrils flash outward in forked arcs within the walls of the greyed brume, casting a shifting crimson pall over the silent, shaded space within. |
#102 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Liabo Chamber]
Ardently shining white light expands in broad panels that encircle the perimeter of the immaculate refuge. Barely perceivable to the eye, a speckling of variegated craters and ridges pattern the ivory-colored chamber, the pale tone-on-tone effect ensconced in a softly illuminated golden glow. |
#103 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [Candy Shop]
Racks upon racks of glass jars displaying varicolored candies, bonbons, and spiraling lollipops line three of the four walls of this confectionery. Floor-to-ceiling glass makes up the third wall, sunlight brightly streaming in and revealing a curiously vacant city street. Small circular tables are scattered around the shop, each bracketed by a pair of chairs with high curving backs and round cushions stitched to look like sugar plums.. |
#104 | Major Sanctuary (220) | [The Gentleman's Retreat]
A crackling fire dances in the hearth before two enormous chestnut leather armchairs, each coupled with a small sidetray bearing an icy old-fashioned garnished with a candied orange peel. A faint haze of clove-scented pipe smoke lingers in the air, agitated into swirling tendrils by an errant draft. An onyx and ivory-checked chessboard rests atop an ebonwood table, its ornately carved pieces revealing a daring gambit by black. |
Well of Life (308)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#105 | Well of Life (308) | Lavender and vanilla
Sensation: the sweet aroma of lavender and vanilla permeates your senses and intensifies briefly before fading. |
#106 | Well of Life (308) | Burnt flesh
Sensation: a pungent odor, reminiscent of burnt flesh, stings your nostrils. |
#107 | Well of Life (308) | Surge of satisfaction through your veins
Sensation: a strong sense of satisfaction surges through your veins. |
#108 | Well of Life (308) | Tingling fingertips
Sensation: your fingertips tingle momentarily. |
#109 | Well of Life (308) | Alpine breeze across your skin
Sensation: a crisp, alpine breeze dances across your skin. |
#110 | Well of Life (308) | Child-like laughter
Sensation: you hear a playful, child-like laughter tickle your ears. |
#111 | Well of Life (308) | Static electricity
Sensation: the bond dances across your skin like static electricity. |
#112 | Well of Life (308) | Scent of the ocean
Sensation: the intense smells of the ocean fill your senses. |
#113 | Well of Life (308) | Salty ocean breeze
Sensation: a salty, ocean breeze brushes against your face. |
#114 | Well of Life (308) | Artist's brush in fog
Sensation: a vision of an ebon artist's brush is whisked away in a grey fog. |
#115 | Well of Life (308) | Fresh violets
Sensation: the hint of fresh violets fills the air. |
#116 | Well of Life (308) | Fresh chrysanthemums
Sensation: the heady aroma of fresh-crushed chrysanthemums overwhelms your senses. |
#117 | Well of Life (308) | Wood nymphs
Sensation: a vision of wood nymphs dancing in a glade wavers in front of you. |
#118 | Well of Life (308) | Lemon and vanilla
Sensation: the sharp scent of lemon and vanilla momentarily overwhelms your senses. |
#119 | Well of Life (308) | Merfolk beneath the waves
Sensation: a vision of mermaids and mermen singing beneath the waves follows on the heels of the sharp tang of an ocean breeze. |
#120 | Well of Life (308) | Tobacco and whiskey
Sensation: the air is briefly redolent with the heady scent of fine tobacco and aged whiskey. |
#121 | Well of Life (308) | Ancient library
Sensation: the image of an ancient library filled with books and scrolls shimmers before your eyes. |
Raise Dead (318)/Divine Word (1640)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#122 | Raise Dead (318)/Divine Word (1640) | Alpine Glade
You briefly kiss your fingertips, your thoughts upon the calm of an alpine glade. You think of its yearly renewal, as spring kisses its ground and life slowly returns to its barren face. With this image firmly embraced in your heart and mind, you blow your kiss towards Person and watch as his dead eyes briefly flash with the violet of newly bloomed crocus before fading into their natural [eye color] with the sudden return of life. |
#123 | Raise Dead (318)/Divine Word (1640) | Divine Energy
You lower your lips to Person's ear, your breath seeming on fire as you breathe your words against his cold, lifeless flesh. "It is not yet your time, sir," you chide him. Summoning all the divine energy at your disposal, you tap his on the nose and feel that energy surge into his. |
#124 | Raise Dead (318)/Divine Word (1640) | Energizing Silvery Veins
With an erect spine, you hold your head high and interdigit hands close to your chest. You reach out to your surroundings with all of your senses and pull the energy of life towards you. The hair on your arms begins to tingle, and when you open your eyes, your vision is clouded by silvery veins of energy. You gaze upon Person and will your newfound energy to return him to life. |
Hand of Tonis (505)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#125 | Hand of Tonis (505) | Whirling vortex
#126 | Hand of Tonis (505) | Torrent of icy air
#127 | Hand of Tonis (505) | Powerful zephyr
#128 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A wispy hand of air
#129 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A wispy hand of air2
#130 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A powerful airstream
#131 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A blast of air
#132 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A violent current
#133 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A shimmering ball of air
#134 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A wall of air
#135 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A wave of air
#136 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A powerful draft
#137 | Hand of Tonis (505) | A frigid gale of air
Floating Disk (511)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#138 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the fiery orange NAME disk boasting a sharp-beaked cockatrice | |
#139 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the bright pine green NAME disk hung with tiny ceramic kobolds | |
#140 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the bark-textured NAME disk worked with the face of a tree spirit | |
#141 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the dark brown spider-shaped NAME disk sprouting eight hairy legs | |
#142 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the vivid crimson NAME disk etched with a gold-traced wyvern | |
#143 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the peacock blue NAME disk speckled with white diamond motes | |
#144 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the pale yellow NAME disk adorned with rich green oak leaves | |
#145 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the rich amethyst-hued NAME disk painted with a silver harp | |
#146 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the jade green NAME disk centered with a flourishing black rose | |
#147 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the seafoam white NAME disk accented with an aquamarine wavecrest | |
#148 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the pallid grey NAME disk emblazoned with a vibrant scarlet pentacle | |
#149 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the wintry blue NAME disk dotted with lacy pure white snowflakes | |
#150 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the wood-grained NAME disk carved with an arrow-pierced heart | |
#151 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the bright red NAME disk with a black wooden handle | |
#152 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the griffin-shaped NAME disk
LOOK description: Copper-tipped feather wings span outward from the disk's center and flutter gently with the smallest of movement. |
#153 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the bloodstained NAME disk with scuffed and dented sides | |
#154 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the leaf-shrouded NAME disk encircled by overlapping leaves
LOOK description: Crafted of smooth faewood, the disk's surface has been enshrouded in a cloak of dark green leaves, the foliage creating a makeshift camouflage for the floating container. |
#155 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the treasure chest-shaped NAME disk centered with a broken lock
LOOK description: Covered in dried kelp, the wooden disk has been crafted to look like a makeshift treasure chest. Dangling from the center of the container is a broken metal lock, the hinges dragging almost to the ground beneath it. |
#156 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the cherrywood NAME disk etched with lotus blossoms
LOOK description: Crafted of cherrywood and agate of the palest grey, the disk is etched with lotus blossoms along the top and bottom edges. |
#157 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the alabaster NAME disk inlaid with ebon agate
LOOK description: Pure alabaster is carved into a floating disk, and brilliant ebon agate is inlaid across all sides and polished to a fine sheen highlighting a metallic green iridescence. |
#158 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the crimson agate NAME disk incised with miniature feathers
LOOK description: The deep crimson of the agate has been chiseled with dozens of miniature owl feathers in a swirling pattern as if being blown by a breeze. |
#159 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the ivory NAME disk with dark blue agate tracery
LOOK description: Polished ivory inlaid with gold has been traced with delicate fronds of dark blue agate, cut to accent star-like patterns inherent in the gem. |
#160 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the bronze NAME disk shaped into a nautilus
LOOK description: Polished bronze has been molded into the shape of a nautilus. Bits of artfully placed verdigris give the disk the appearance of an aged artifact, and a hint of dark grey agate accents the swirls of the shell. |
#161 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the green marble NAME disk inlaid with tourmaline butterflies
LOOK description: Delicate green marble has been inlaid with bright pink tourmaline butterflies. Each gem is bicolored, the dark side forming the body of the butterfly and the pink cut into fluttering wings. |
#162 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the multicolored agate NAME disk carved into a blossoming chrysanthemum
LOOK description: The agates are predominantly pale violet but one has been cut to highlight rainbow-hued banding, creating a polychrome chrysanthemum in full bloom. |
#163 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the ebon marble NAME disk inset with a niveous agate owl | |
#164 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the alabaster NAME disk with interlocking silver knotwork | |
#165 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the viridian jade NAME disk traced with silvery accents | |
#166 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the black jade NAME disk edged with glittering gold | |
#167 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the cerulean sapphire NAME disk cut into a flowering lotus | |
#168 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the ink-stained NAME disk papered with scraps of aging yellow parchment | |
#169 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the book-shaped NAME disk with a trailing crimson ribbon bookmark | |
#170 | Floating Disk (511) | Description: the oak and bronze NAME disk shaped like a treasure chest |
Tangle Weed (610)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#171 | Tangle Weed (610) | Black swallowwort
#172 | Tangle Weed (610) | Thicket of smilax
#173 | Tangle Weed (610) | Sweetpea vine
#174 | Tangle Weed (610) | Viridian bramble
#175 | Tangle Weed (610) | Tawny creeper
#176 | Tangle Weed (610) | Emerald briar
#177 | Tangle Weed (610) | Star jasmine vine
#178 | Tangle Weed (610) | Long ivy
#179 | Tangle Weed (610) | Rose bramble
#180 | Tangle Weed (610) | Cypress vine
#181 | Tangle Weed (610) | Honeysuckle vine
#182 | Tangle Weed (610) | Moonflower creeper
Call Swarm (615)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#183 | Call Swarm (615) | Thick-winged yellowjackets
#184 | Call Swarm (615) | Buzzing locusts
#185 | Call Swarm (615) | Gold-faced hornets
#186 | Call Swarm (615) | Fuzzy bumblebees
#187 | Call Swarm (615) | Screeching cicadas
#188 | Call Swarm (615) | Long-bellied paper wasps
#189 | Call Swarm (615) | Carpenter bees
#190 | Call Swarm (615) | Humming paper wasps
#191 | Call Swarm (615) | Tiny sand flies
#192 | Call Swarm (615) | Horse flies
#193 | Call Swarm (615) | Mosquitos
#194 | Call Swarm (615) | Throng of bumble bees
Grasp of the Grave (709)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#195 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | emaciated hand, oozing leprous arm, charred and peeling arm
#196 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | green tentacle, purple tentacle, red and blue tentacle
#197 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | black-haired palpus, brown-haired palpus, dark grey palpus
#198 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | flesh-torn limb, deformed limb, wart-ridden limb
#199 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | coral red pincer, pure white pincer, algae-covered pincer
#200 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | dark-scaled claw, immense hirsute claw, gnarled jaundiced claw
#201 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | Assorted griffin claws
#202 | Grasp of the Grave (709) | Assorted zombie arms
Balefire (713)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#203 | Balefire (713) | a sickly green ichor
#204 | Balefire (713) | a churning, shadowy tendril
#205 | Balefire (713) | a spray of putrescent sweat
Tremors (909)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
# 206 | Tremors (909) | Rapid tap
# 207 | Tremors (909) | Ethereal spear
# 208 | Tremors (909) | Miniature ianthine bolts
# 209 | Tremors (909) | Bright teal sparks
# 210 | Tremors (909) | Wild ride
# 211 | Tremors (909) | Extended arms and an arc
# 212 | Tremors (909) | Annoyed violence
# 213 | Tremors (909) | Thunderous reverberations
# 214 | Tremors (909) | Forceful stabs
Empathic Assault (1110)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#215 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Bright white flame
#216 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Blackened red energy
#217 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Pastel flames
#218 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Argent energy
#219 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Lavender phosphorescence
#220 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Aurulent lightning
#221 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Celadon plasma
#222 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Tiny bronze sparks
#223 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Silver-veined ebon energy
#224 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Blue-green plasma
#225 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Sea blue flames
#226 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Polychromatic glowing spheres
#227 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Orb of vanilla light
#228 | Empathic Assault (1110) | Effulgent bottle green energy
Blink (1215)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
229 | Blink (1215) | Swirling purple haze
Dissipation: Swirling purple waves move across the surface of your skin before evaporating away into the air.
Dissipation: Swirling purple waves move across the surface of Person's skin before evaporating away into the air. |
230 | Blink (1215) | Motes of light
Dissipation: Motes of light move about under the surface of your skin before separating themselves from you, rising up and floating away.
Dissipation: Motes of light move about under the surface of Person's skin before separating themselves from him, rising up and floating away. |
231 | Blink (1215) | Porcelain fragments
Dissipation: Thousands of lines crisscross your skin before porcelain fragments appear and then fall away, fading into nothing.
Dissipation: Thousands of lines crisscross Person's skin before porcelain fragments appear and then fall away, fading into nothing. |
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#232 | Transfer | Pain theme Initial Transfer:
Some Blood:
All Blood:
Nerve Damage:
Nerve Scar:
Empath |
#233 | Transfer | Clinical theme Initial Transfer:
Some Blood:
All Blood:
Nerve Damage:
Nerve Scar:
Empath |
#234 | Transfer | Light Touch theme
Initial Transfer:
Some Blood:
All Blood:
Nerve Damage:
Nerve Scar:
Empath |
#235 | Transfer | Mental Energies theme
Initial Transfer:
Some Blood:
All Blood:
Nerve Damage:
Nerve Scar:
Empath |
#236 | Transfer | Spiritual theme
Initial Transfer:
Some Blood:
All Blood:
Nerve Damage:
Nerve Scar:
Empath |
#237 | Transfer | Blood Magic theme
Initial Transfer:
Some Blood:
All Blood:
Nerve Damage:
Nerve Scar:
Empath |
Transference (225)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#238 | Transference (225) | Shadowy gloom
#239 | Transference (225) | Swirl of silvery motes
#240 | Transference (225) | Ethereal figure
#241 | Transference (225) | Holy aura
#242 | Transference (225) | Rosy mist
#243 | Transference (225) | Billowing column of smoke
#244 | Transference (225) | Misty blue roses
#245 | Transference (225) | Column of midnight sky
#246 | Transference (225) | An aura of cerulean light
#247 | Transference (225) | Bolts of jacinthe light
#248 | Transference (225) | Motes of pale pink light
#249 | Transference (225) | Veil of ivy green light
#250 | Transference (225) | Swirls of mazarine light writhe
#251 | Transference (225) | A fairy ring
#252 | Transference (225) | Rainbow Column
Familiar Gate (930)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#253 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] starlit doorway
#254 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] rippling mirage
#255 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] column of light
#256 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] powerful vortex
#257 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] pillar of darkness
#258 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] ice arch
#259 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] sphere of ether
#260 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] rainbow-hued nexus
#261 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] ring of essence
#262 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] spinning sigil
#263 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] asymmetrical portal
#264 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] ethereal gate
#265 | Familiar Gate (930) | Portal: [a/an stable/unstable] hemlock green portal
Traveler's Song (1020)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#266 | Traveler's Song (1020) | Forlorn ballad with melancholic notes
#267 | Traveler's Song (1020) | Jaunty ditty and sweet mead
Aid the Fallen (1620)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#268 | Aid the Fallen (1620) | Protective cocoon
Telekinesis (1206)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#269 | Telekinesis (1206) | Iridescent green slime
#270 | Telekinesis (1206) | Log of tanik
#271 | Telekinesis (1206) | Hot tar
#272 | Telekinesis (1206) | Iron anvil
#273 | Telekinesis (1206) | Bottle filled with black sand
#274 | Telekinesis (1206) | Spiky crown conch shell
#275 | Telekinesis (1206) | Oily black tentacles
#276 | Telekinesis (1206) | Glaesine rose petals
#277 | Telekinesis (1206) | Rainbow incandescence
#278 | Telekinesis (1206) | Mithril slivers
#279 | Telekinesis (1206) | Pulsating orange goo
#280 | Telekinesis (1206) | Violet teacups
#281 | Telekinesis (1206) | Porcelain teapot
#282 | Telekinesis (1206) | Cask of Winterberry ale
#283 | Telekinesis (1206) | Azuline crystal forget-me-nots
#284 | Telekinesis (1206) | Poison green bolts
#285 | Telekinesis (1206) | Virulent ooze
#286 | Telekinesis (1206) | Incandescent turquoise light
#287 | Telekinesis (1206) | Sanguine steel spikes
#288 | Telekinesis (1206) | Sharpened spoons
#289 | Telekinesis (1206) | Pastel parasols
#290 | Telekinesis (1206) | Incandescent marigold-hued globes
#291 | Telekinesis (1206) | Spike-heeled ladies' boots
#292 | Telekinesis (1206) | Flower-cut metal fragments
#293 | Telekinesis (1206) | Iron-bladed fan
#294 | Telekinesis (1206) | Aeneous daggers
#295 | Telekinesis (1206) | Fern green streak of pure energy
Planar Shift (740)
# | Spell | Description | Restrictions |
#296 | Planar Shift (740) | Portal Description: a slowly rotating portal of [realm-specific color] light
#297 | Planar Shift (740) | Portal Description: a rippling [realm-specific color] sphere of twisted and distorted space
#298 | Planar Shift (740) | Portal Description: a rippling [realm-specific color]-haloed disc of molten onyx
#299 | Planar Shift (740) | Portal Description: a hazy [realm-specific color] starlit rift
#300 | Planar Shift (740) | Portal Description: a loud and ravenous insect swarm
Custom Swears
Custom swears are available from a buxom barmaid in the Lounge.
To view the current list of custom swears available, click here.
# | Swear | Messaging (3P) |
#1 | TIRADE | Person unleashes a seemingly endless and vitriolic tirade, ceasing only once out of breath. |
#2 | DENOUNCE | Person bellows a belligerent denouncement based more on volume than logic. |
#3 | GRIEVANCE | Person catalogs a series of mounting and increasingly improbable grievances. |
#4 | CONDEMN | Person chokes out an anguished condemnation while biting back tears. |
#5 | GARBLED | Person hurls a spat of unintelligibly garbled deprecations. |
#6 | SUBTLE-INSULT | Person delivers a polished string of subtly insinuating insults. |
#7 | VILE | Person gestures in a coarse and crudely vile manner. |
#8 | CHILDISH | Person stamps both feet in a show of childish temper. |
#9 | WILD | Person gestures wildly in a fit of unleashed anger. |
#10 | SMIRK | Person sneers haughtily with a supercilious smirk. |
#11 | MANNERED | Person curses in the mild mannered tones of one unaccustomed to swearing. |
#12 | DISGUST | Person turns away with unconcealed disgust. |
#13 | CLIPPED | Person curses in quietly muted tones, the clipped phrases ringing with both disappointment and disapproval. |
#14 | MUMBLED | Person hiccups out a slurred mumbling too garbled to deliver any real sting. |
#15 | SIGH | Person grimaces with a rueful and self-deprecating sigh. |
#16 | INJUSTICE | Person dashes wildly at streaming tears, demanding to know why the injustices never cease! |
#17 | RETORT | Person tempers what would have been a stinging retort with a teasing wink. |
#18 | DEMAND | Person lambastes the area with loud denouncements and demands for redress. |
#19 | FATE | Person mutters about the cruel and fickle nature of fate. |
#20 | DEFEAT | Person sighs with the heaviness of defeat. |
#21 | FLAMBOYANT | Person curses with a string of inventively insulting phrases, dramatizing the effect with darting eyes and flamboyant gestures. |
#22 | ANGRY | Person strings together a series of angrily issued commands that would be injurious, if not impossible, for anyone to actually attempt. |
#23 | SUGGEST | Person offers a carefully and politely worded suggestion that is anything but. |
#24 | SNIFF | Person turns away with a dismissive sniff. |
#25 | SELF-CONTROL | Person breathes deeply in a futile attempt at self-control. |
#26 | QUIET | Person curses quietly and methodically with no obvious signs of anger. |
#27 | BORED | Person drawls an amusingly stinging insult in a dry and slightly bored tone of voice. |
#28 | SMUG | Person elucidates the utter ridiculousness of the situation with a smug tone of reproof. |
#29 | SHOES | Person expounds with excessive and prolific use of very long words on the evil lurking in the hearts of those who would dare wear toe-covering shoes. |
#30 | SULLEN | Person slouches sullenly while muttering in a desultory fashion. |
#31 | YOUTHS | Person grouses irritably on the subject of today's misguided youths. |
#32 | TEARS | Person shouts loudly and angrily while squeezing out a few tears to punctuate each frustrated outburst. |
#33 | BREATH | Person manages to issue a statement simultaneously as complimentary as it is deprecating in a single breath. |
#34 | NOD | Person stomps furiously while delivering a tempestuous barrage of expletives, ending with a single, deliberate nod. |
#35 | INTIMIDATE | Person squeaks a plethora of phrases, clearly intended as a method of intimidation. |
#36 | PACE | Person howls in a fit of rage while anxiously pacing back and forth. |
#37 | NASAL | Person whines incessantly in an obnoxious, nasal tone. |
#38 | SPITTLE | Person spews spittle with each accentuated delivery of peckish expletives. |
#39 | GOSAENA | Person guffaws, "Great galloping Gosaena!" |
#40 | FIST | Person scowls indignantly with clenched fists. |
#41 | BOIL | Person belts out, "You are worse than the boils on the backside of an orc!" |
#42 | OOZE | Person belts out, "You are slimier than the ooze on a magru's skin!" |
#43 | CRAB | Person belts out, "I'll stuff and saute you like a crab cake!" |
#44 | MONGREL | Person belts out, "Why, you little silver pinching mongrel! Choke on your ill-gotten gains!" |
#45 | ROLTON | Person belts out, "I'll split you like a rolton going on the fire for the evening meal!" |
#46 | MOTHER | Person weaves together a string of insults that leaves no one's mother unmentioned. |
#47 | ENEMY | Person grunts an angry threat at enemies seen and unseen. |
#48 | FRUSTRATED | Person struggles to summon sufficiently vicious words, but spitting in frustration is all that occurs. |
#49 | BILIOUS | Person summons a bilious, swilling curse that is more spat than spoken. |
#50 | WRATH | Person conjures an insult to the gods almost potent enough to invoke their wrath. |
#51 | RIGHTEOUS | Person blasphemes the gods with righteous anger! |
#52 | INSULT | Person unleashes a cascade of rather lovely-sounding yet unmistakably vicious insults. |
#53 | REVENGE | Person turns away with a barely audible promise of revenge. |
#54 | KOAR | Person lets loose an angry tirade involving a horse, the Church of Koar, and a chamber pot. |
#55 | INDIGNITY | Person promises this latest indignity will be the last! |
#59 | MUTTER | Person mutters an under-the-breath curse about a motherless rolton. |
#60 | LUUKOS | Person curses bitterly, condemning everyone in sight to Luukos' Maw. |
#61 | EXHALE | Person exhales a quiet curse while rubbing a temple with two fingers. |
#62 | SNEER | Person curses bitterly, lips pulled back in an enraged sneer. |
#63 | LUUKOS2 | Person murmurs a bitter curse, condemning everyone in sight to Luukos' embrace. |
#64 | EYEROLL | Person swears quietly with a roll of the eyes. |
#65 | GROWL | Person growls several dirty phrases, bitterly, from between gritted teeth. |
#67 | LOVE | Person spits out a hail of profanities directed at the fickle nature of love. |
#68 | TARTS | Person squeaks out a volley of benign curses against cold coffee, curdled milk, and broken tart kilns. |
#69 | WENCH | Person murmurs wistful mutterings about saucy wenches and ice cold brews. |
#70 | VOMIT | Person vomits an offensive thesaurus of vulgarity that would secretly impress any bibliophile. |
#71 | BUFFET | Person lays out a lexical buffet of vulgarity to satisfy even the most profane of appetites. |
#72 | RECEPTACLE | Person suggests delicately that your deity can take his holiness and place it in his holy receptacle. |
#73 | OYSTER | Person mutters a suggestion involving an anatomically impossible arrangement of Charl and his oysters. |
#74 | WITHER | Person spouts a fervent invocation involving an intimately targeted casting of Wither. |
#75 | LITANY | Person rattles off a concisely constructed and alliterated litany lambasting the recipient's amoral matrilineal propensities. |
#76 | CURDLE | Person blurts out such an unending stream of execrable terms that it would curdle beer. |
#132 | SAILOR | Person glares while letting loose a string of expletives that would make a sailor blush. |
#133 | SAILOR2 | Person mutters an invective to the powers of the sea. |
#134 | MERMAID | Person calls upon the mermaids of the far oceans to smite your enemies. |
#135 | PIRATE | Person curses your enemies for a pox to come upon them! |
#136 | ERITHI | Person whispers an invective in sharp Erithi. |
#137 | ARKATI | Person insinuates an unnatural and improbable occurrence between several of the Arkati. |
#138 | EMPATH | Person intimates empaths are involved in nefarious conspiracies. |
#139 | CLERIC | Person bedamns the usury rates of clerics and their strange fascination with the dead. |
#140 | ROGUE | Person curses all rogues and their pickpocketing propensities. |
#141 | NIIMA | Person cries out a curse in Niima's name filled with the salty language of a true pirate. |
Signature Verbs
Signature verbs are available from a slender manservant on the Veranda.
To view the current list of signature verbs available, click here.
# | Activation | Description |
#1 | [wave] |
#2 | [twirl (T-Player)] |
#3 | [roar] |
#4 | [rolleye] |
#5 | [squeak] |
#6 | [spin] |
#7 | [bite] |
#8 | [roll (T-Player)] |
#9 | [roll] |
#10 | [pretend] |
#11 | [glance] |
#12 | [turn] |
#13 | [raise] |
#14 | [pose] |
#15 | [think] |
#16 | [hands] |
#17 | [gasp] |
#18 | [cry (T-Player)] |
#19 | [babble] |
#20 | [tinker (T-Object)] |
#21 | [cackle] |
#22 | [snicker (T-Object)] |
#23 | [cough] |
#24 | [gibber] |
#25 | [dismiss (T-Player)] |
#26 | [indicate (T-Object)] |
#27 | [pout (T-Player)] |
#28 | [mope (T-Object)] |
#29 | [gape (T-Player)] |
#30 | [point (T-Player)] |
#31 | [pick] |
#32 | [scratch (T-Player)] |
#33 | [crack] |
#34 | [cross] |
#35 | [sing] |
#36 | [bugs] |
#37 | [breathe] |
#38 | [palm] |
#39 | [shakebody] |
#40 | [disappoint] |
#41 | [frustrate] |
#42 | [exasperate] |
#43 | [annoyedair] |
#44 | [stammer] |
#45 | [count] |
#46 | [unsaid] |
#47 | [sneer] |
#48 | [swat] |
#49 | [seethe] |
#50 | [annoyed] |
#51 | [humor] |
#52 | [harumph] |
#53 | [ward] |
#54 | [remember] |
#55 | [escape] |
#56 | [huff] |
#57 | [sighect] |
#58 | [crossheart] |
#59 | [disnoise] |
#60 | [mewl (T-Player)]] |
#61 | [avert (T-Player)] |
#62 | [kissblow (T-Player)] |
#63 | [dissomber (T-Player)] |
#64 | [frustratet (T-Player)] |
#65 | [judge (T-Player)] |
#66 | [sneert (T-Player)] |
#67 | [sidle (T-Player)] |
#68 | [disnoiset (T-Player)] |
#69 | [thanks (T-Player)] |
#70 | [humort (T-Player)] |
#71 | [disdainsniff (T-Player)] |
#72 | [pinch (T-Player)] |
#73 | [pinkypromise (T-Player)] |
#74 | [headtip] |
#75 | [constern] |
#76 | [rolld] |
#77 | [nibble] |
#78 | [belch] |
#79 | [bubble] |
#80 | [miserable] |
#81 | [surprise] |
#82 | [shiverloud] |
#83 | [shiverquiet] |
#84 | [hugself] |
#85 | [glaze] |
#86 | [pray] |
#87 | [screamdrama] |
#88 | [screampain] |
#89 | [scrunch] |
#90 | [melodramatic] |
#91 | [sonotexcited] |
#92 | [pouty] |
#93 | [covermouth] |
#94 | [fingerkiss (T-Player)] |
#95 | [stern (T-Player)] |
#96 | [ball-fist (T-Player)] |
#97 | [worship (T-Player)] |
#98 | [narrow (T-Player)] |
#99 | [smirk (T-Player)] |
#100 | [furious (T-Player)] |
#101 | [grandiose (T-Player)] |
#102 | [bitelip] |
#103 | [narroweyes] |
#104 | [mocksneer] |
#105 | [guffaw] |
#106 | [chewlip] |
#107 | [snort] |
#108 | [wrinkle] |
#109 | [whoop] |
#110 | [snarl] |
#111 | [panic] |
#112 | [shrug] |
#113 | [swat] |
#114 | [dramatic] |
#115 | [coughsmall] |
#116 | [sighhope] |
#117 | [crossluck] |
#118 | [dispirit] |
##119 | [gasp] |
#120 | [slapclap] |
#121 | [grave] |
#122 | [onetear] |
#123 | [apprehension] |
#124 | [smug] |
#125 | [stun] |
#126 | [apology (T-Player)] |
#127 | [maliceglee (T-Player)] |
#128 | [hate (T-Player)] |
#129 | [wag (T-Player)] |
#130 | [disdain (T-Player)] |
#131 | [smilestrong (T-Player)] |
#132 | [puzzle (T-Player)] |
#133 | [stare (T-Player)] |
#134 | [study (T-Player)] |
#135 | [gazeintent (T-Player)] |
#136 | [beckon (T-Player)] |
#137 | [joyous (T-Player)] |
#138 | [dreamy (T-Player)] |
#139 | [interlock] |
#140 | [shade] |
#141 | [face] |
#142 | [shock (T-Player)] |
#143 | [blink (T-Player)] |
#144 | [lipchew] |
#145 | [liplick] |
#146 | [nosepinch] |
#147 | [nosepinch (T-Player)] |
#148 | [decide] |
#149 | [itch] |
#150 | [rub] |
#151 | [clench] |
#152 | [spit] |
#153 | [spit (T-Player)] |
#154 | [kiss (T-Player)] |
#155 | [kiss] |
#156 | [track] |
#157 | [track] |
#158 | [come-hither (T-Player)] |
#159 | [study (T-Object)] |
#160 | [examine (T-Object)] |
#161 | [cogitate] |
#162 | [concentrate (T-Object)] |
#163 | [temple] |
#164 | [nosetap (T-Player)] |
#165 | [hidepoint (T-Player)] |
#166 | [getlost (T-Player)] |
#167 | [fakelove (T-Player)] |
#168 | [disagree (T-Player)] |
#169 | [disagree] |
#170 | [beckon2 (T-Player)] |
#171 | [beam-delight (T-Player)] |
#172 | [eye-shield (T-Object)] |
#173 | [bow-courtesy (T-Player)] |
#174 | [stern (T-Player)] |
#175 | [youre-kidding (T-Player)] |
#176 | [mime-yawn] |
#177 | [scrutinize (T-Object)] |
#178 | [disbelief (T-Player)] |
#179 | [just-so] |
#180 | [just-nails] |
#181 | [smile-invite (T-Player)] |
#182 | [dilemma] |
#183 | [crow] |
#184 | [sway] |
#185 | [wakeup] |
# 186 | [intent (T-Player)] |
#187 | [nervous (T-Player)] |
#188 | [gnash (T-Player)] |
#189 | [lilsmile (T-Player)] |
#190 | [drama] |
#191 | [anxious] |
#192 | [cacklelong] |
#193 | [affected] |
#194 | [timid] |
#195 | [shudder] |
#196 | [titter] |
#197 | [attention] |
#198 | [attentiont (T-Player)] |
#199 | [gnashwild] |
#200 | [gnashwildt (T-Player)] |
#201 | [bliss] |
#202 | [blisst (T-Player)] |
#203 | [slightnod (T-Player)] |
#204 | [glazet (T-Player)] |
#205 | [decide-nod] |
#206 | [nogot (T-Player)] |
#207 | [mullt (T-Player)] |
#208 | [curl] |
#209 | [curlt (T-Player)] |
#210 | [heavet (T-Player)] |
#211 | [grumgree (T-Player] |
#212 | [swipe] |
#213 | [cup-whisper] |
#214 | [closert (T-Player)] |
#215 | [overhere (T-Object)] |
#216 | [noise] |
#217 | [peekt (T-Player)] |
#218 | [peeko (T-Object)] |
#219 | [malevolent] |
#220 | [malevolentt (T-Player)] |
#221 | [happyjoint (T-Player)] |
#222 | [solemnjoint (T-Player)] |
#223 | [exhale] |
#224 | [dab] |
#225 | [facecheck] |
#226 | [hellot (T-Player)] |
#227 | [maniacal] |
#228 | [cat] |
Logphrase Customizations
Logphrase customizations are available from a dirt-covered gardener by the Fishpond.
To view the current list of logphrase customizations available, click here.
# | Description |
#40 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives in a cloud of ash.
Story Window Departure: Person exits, leaving a rapidly dispersing cloud of dust in her wake.
#41 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, surrounded by the faint scent of winterberry.
Story Window Departure: Person wanders off, muttering about one-eared rabbits.
#42 | Story Window Arrival: A whiff of salty sea air accompanies the arrival of Person.
Story Window Departure: Person leaves, mumbling something about a fishing trip.
#43 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, brushing some dirt off her hands.
Story Window Departure: Person pops a mushroom in her mouth and wanders off.
#44 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, studiously observing her surroundings.
Story Window Departure: Person utters a few complex phrases and walks off.
#45 | Story Window Arrival: Person bounds in, practicing her gathering steps and pivots.
Story Window Departure: Person gives an assertive nod, turns on her heel, and marches away.
#46 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, rubbing her arms and shivering.
Story Window Departure: Person flicks a crumb from the corner of her mouth and wanders off.
#47 | Story Window Arrival: Person wanders in with her eyes turned upward, muttering about acorns.
Story Window Departure: Person's belly grumbles, and she wanders away, muttering something about stew.
#48 | Story Window Arrival: Person casually traipses into the area.
Story Window Departure: Person casually traipsed out of the area.
#49 | Story Window Arrival: Person struts into the area with a rakish grin on her face.
Story Window Departure: Person struts out of the area with a flourish.
#50 | Story Window Arrival: Person sweeps into the area with an appraising glance.
Story Window Departure: Person quickly abandons the premises.
#51 | Story Window Arrival: Person walks into the area, a faint scent of sea salt accompanying her.
Story Window Departure: Person trudges off, muttering something about finding a nice hammock.
#52 | Story Window Arrival: In perfect pitch, Person's voice raised in song alerts you to her arrival.
Story Window Departure: Person belts out a heartfelt farewell serenade and wanders off.
#53 | Story Window Arrival: Person rushes into the area, panting!
Story Window Departure: Person rushes off as fast as her feet will carry her!
#54 | Story Window Arrival: Person strolls into the area, adjusting her gear for fit and comfort.
Story Window Departure: Person dusts herself off and casually strolls out of the area.
#55 | Story Window Arrival: A pungent smell wafts into the area. After a moment, you notice Person has walked in.
Story Window Departure: Person walks out of the area, the air becoming easier to breathe the further away she gets.
#56 | Story Window Arrival: Amid applause of her own making, Person steps into the room.
Story Window Departure: With a wave and a kiss blown into the wind, Person leaves the area.
#57 | Story Window Arrival: Person staggers into the area, appearing a bit dazed.
Story Window Departure: Person stretches and yawns. She shuffles out of the area.
#58 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, her head held high and proud!
Story Window Departure: Person bows with a flourish before she departs.
#59 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, excitedly applauding herself.
Story Window Departure: Person pats herself tenderly on the shoulder before taking her leave.
#60 | Story Window Arrival: Flushed and grinning, Person arrives with a loud hiccup!
Story Window Departure: Person lets out a large belch and wanders off.
#61 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, glancing suspiciously about.
Story Window Departure: Person observes her surroundings with a final cautious glance, then quickly leaves.
#62 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, straightening her attire compulsively.
Story Window Departure: Person preens herself enthusiastically on her way out.
#63 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, brushing off some twigs and leaves.
Story Window Departure: Person turns her face to the skies as she wanders off.
#64 | Story Window Arrival: The odor of sulfur accompanies the arrival of Person.
Story Window Departure: Person checks her supplies, then wanders away.
#77 | Story Window Arrival: The soft susurrus of lazy ocean waves lapping against the shore builds around you, and suddenly you become aware of Person's presence by your side. Pausing for a moment, she picks a piece of seaweed off her shoulder.
Story Window Departure: Person lifts both arms up toward the sky and suddenly, rising sounds of ocean waves surround you. The chittering echo of dolphins, barely heard over the crescendo, is so distracting that you turn and look away just as she disappears.
#78 | Story Window Arrival: Out of a swirling vortex appears a snowy white owl that heralds the surprising arrival of Person. A chalcedony-hilted silver dagger clatters at your feet before fading into invisibility.
Story Window Departure: Person chants softly, the words of the prayer indistinguishable, until her image is overlaid by the illusion of a young woman with azure eyes. Both fade and disappear from view, as the residual sound of hoofbeats tapers off.
#79 | Story Window Arrival: Darkness in the form of deep shadow contours, masking the quiet appearance of Person until the illusion fades. A broken white skull transposes for a moment, over her face, until she steps out into the ambient light.
Story Window Departure: Deep shadow forms, coruscating with metallic glints. Person turns and enters the sudden swelling of darkness. The sudden clink of coins and muffled footsteps is heard before everything dissipates, leaving no sign of Person.
#80 | Story Window Arrival: A delicate scent of jasmine announces Person's arrival.
Story Window Departure: A faint scent of jasmine lingers in the air as Person wanders off.
#81 | Story Window Arrival: A delicate scent of vanilla announces Person's arrival.
Story Window Departure: A faint scent of vanilla lingers in the air as Person wanders off.
#82 | Story Window Arrival: A strong scent of fresh pine announces Person's arrival.
Story Window Departure: A faint scent of fresh pine lingers in the air as Person wanders off.
#83 | Story Window Arrival: A putrid scent of fresh blood precedes Person's arrival.
Person mutters to her about fresh kills as her lumbers away.
#84 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives and nods politely, quietly alerting you to her presence.
Story Window Departure: Person offers a polite nod and leaves quietly.
#85 | Story Window Arrival: Person appears, yawns loudly, and rubs her eyes.
Story Window Departure: Person yawns loudly before wandering off.
#86 | Story Window Arrival: A fierce howl pierces the air just as Person arrives.
Story Window Departure: Person wanders off, and a mighty howl echoes through the air.
#123 | Story Window Arrival: A riotous tune is heard, and suddenly, Person arrives.
Story Window Departure: A dirge plays in the distance as Person wanders off.
#124 | Story Window Arrival: The warm smell of bacon wafts through the air as Person wanders in.
Story Window Departure: Bacon storms erupt as Person leaves the lands with a full loot sack of porcine potables.
#125 | Story Window Arrival: The scent of fresh lotus blossoms fills the air as Person arrives.
Story Window Departure: Person leaves, trailing a scent of fresh lotus blossoms.
#126 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, sipping on a cup of steaming hot chrysanthemum tea.
Story Window Departure: Person leaves, muttering something about gathering enough tea for now.
#127 | Story Window Arrival: Off in the distance a sea shanty can be heard as Person wanders in.
Story Window Departure: As Person wanders off a merry sea shanty can be heard in the distance.
#128 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives, trailing the faint scent of old books.
Story Window Departure: Person wanders away, leaving behind the faint scent of old books.
#129 | Story Window Arrival: Person arrives in a swirl of violets and roses.
Story Window Departure: Person leaves in a swirl of violets and roses.
#130 | Story Window Arrival: Person suddenly appears, brushing a few toadstools off her clothes.
Story Window Departure: Person suddenly leaves, a single toadstool dropping to the ground and disappearing.
#131 | Story Window Arrival: Person dances in, dropping bits of toadstool behind her.
Story Window Departure: Person dances out, trailing bits of toadstool behind her.
#132 | Story Window Arrival: Person wanders in as a soft voice croons a song of love lost at sea.
Story Window Departure: An odd calling, reminiscent of the sea, echoes about as Person wanders away.
Feature Customizations
Feature customizations are located upstairs in four different rooms of Bayview Villa. Body builds are available in the Bedroom, while distinguishing marks are available in the Nursery. Wings for Aelotoi characters are available in the Washroom, while wing quirks are available in the Sitting Room. A mirror is conveniently located in the upstairs hallway.
To view the current list of feature customizations available, click here.
- Body Builds
1. none 2. a thin petite frame 3. a muscular physique 4. a hunched and frail body 5. an hourglass figure 6. a delicately lithe build 7. a portly and stout build 8. a husky build 9. a stocky frame 10. a slender build 11. a fragile physique 12. a full-figured body 13. a voluptuous body 14. a broad-shouldered slender frame 15. a delicately boned, waifish body 16. a curvaceous figure 17. a trim build 18. a gaunt frame 19. a thickset build 20. a brawny figure 21. a scrawny physique 22. a lean, rangy build 23. a trim figure 24. an emaciated body 25. a small-boned build 26. a large-boned build 27. a pudgy body 28. a portly figure 29. a gaunt, spare physique 30. a balletic body 31. a strong, robust physique 32. a gangly frame 33. a slim body 34. a rotund frame 35. a thin, wiry frame 36. a butterball-shaped figure 37. a plumpish figure 38. a curvy, well-rounded figure 39. a brawny, richly muscled figure 40. a svelte figure 41. a sinewy build 42. a lithesome, nimble build 43. a top-heavy build 44. a wide-legged build 45. a shrimpy build 46. a thick, porcine body 47. a heavy, potbellied body 48. a jelly-bellied body 49. a dainty-sized body 50. a disproportionate, lumpy body 51. a narrow-shouldered frame 52. a nicely proportioned frame 53. a sparse, overly thin frame 54. a bantam-sized frame 55. a well-toned frame 56. a solid and husky physique 57. a broad-centered physique 58. a robust and strapping physique 59. a muscular, able-bodied physique 60. a hard-muscled physique 61. a broad-shouldered, stocky frame 62. a slight, wiry figure 63. a fit and robust body 64. a muscled, but soft physique 65. a chunky, yet toned body 66. a bony, wiry physique 67. a fragile, slender frame 68. a powerful, stocky build 69. a barrel-chested, robust build 70. a diminutive, yet wiry body 71. a spritely, small build 72. a rotund, broad-shouldered frame 73. a lissome figure 74. a perky, petite build 75. an oversized, hulking frame 76. a particularly plump figure 77. a pudgy, softly muscled physique 78. a wide-hipped build
- Distinguishing Marks
1. none 2. thick scar that sweeps across his neck from one ear to the other 3. flabby arms 4. broad chest 5. pidgeon-toed feet 6. prominent biceps 7. droopy shoulders 8. extremely small feet 9. overly large feet 10. expansive paunch 11. swollen gut 12. series of skin rolls around his middle 13. flat stomach 14. elegantly tapered arms 15. slender ankles 16. a long, jagged scar running down his arm 17. slim waist 18. abnormally thick ankles 19. muscular calves 20. muscular thighs 21. unusually short neck 22. long and slender neck 23. long, slender legs 24. bulbous growth on the back of his neck 25. short, stocky legs 26. series of linear scars along his wrist 27. narrow hips 28. big hips 29. slender shoulders 30. slim ankles 31. large hands 32. slim fingers 33. calloused hands 34. a spider-shaped birthmark on his wrist 35. protruding clavicle 36. deformed ring finger on his right hand 37. hunched shoulders 38. deformed ring finger on his left hand 39. long, slim fingers 40. deformed pinky finger on his right hand 41. short, plump fingers 42. deformed pinky finger on his left hand 43. stout torso 44. wide feet 45. diminutive feet 46. beefy arms 47. sinewy arms 48. deep palm lines
- Wings
This service is available to aelotoi characters only.
1. none 2. long, gradient lilac 3. long, gradient azure 4. long, gradient cerulean 5. long, gradient claret 6. long, gradient golden 7. membranous, sapphire 8. membranous, rose-hued 9. membranous, amethyst-sheened 10. membranous, emerald-sheened 11. membranous, orange topaz-hued 12. membranous, jewel-toned 13. long, elongated 14. diaphanous, ianthine-veined 15. gossamer, striated aeneous 16. translucent, aurulent-patinaed 17. membranous, shimmering royal blue 18. gossamer, indigo, and misty grey 19. diaphanous, hemlock green
- Wing Quirks
This service is available to aelotoi characters only.
1. none 2. accented with tiny platinum and silver spots 3. adorned with symmetrical ebon-ringed eyes 4. crossed with alternating russet and gold stripes 5. speckled with opalescent willow green dots 6. patterned with wide-set lavender circles 7. embellished with a pair of ruby red hearts 8. covered in variegated forest-hued squares 9. overlaid with cloudy sky blue teardrops 10. crested with sharp-peaked ivory waves 11. swept with thin interconnected obsidian lines 12. dappled with silver-accented storm grey spots 13. embellished with dainty vermeil teardrops 14. adorned with interlocked pale gold circles 15. patterned with silver-sheened rose diamonds 16. marked with deep cerulean accents 17. edged in stark black and white lines 18. mottled with tiny periwinkle dots 19. overlaid with a pair of sallow-pupiled eyes 20. marked with gold-tinged ebon waves 21. splashed with variegated scarlet dotting 22. accented with a scattering of gold-outlined stars 23. bordered with overlapping mist grey rings 24. dotted with sea green and azure accents 25. festooned with autumn-hued spirals 26. tri-split with midnight black banding 27. freckled by burnished vivid bronze spots 28. edged with glittering fawn-colored eyes 29. slashed by lustrous cinnabar streaks 30. flanked with delicate bright gold points 31. patterned with copper-traced periwinkle circles 32. tipped with matte kohl-hued hearts 33. encircled by tiny nightshade purple rings 34. bordered by opaline snow white droplets 35. center-lined with dusty pink and claret ovals 36. elegantly divided by pallid aquamarine waves 37. suffused with aubergine veins 38. webbed in ebon veins 39. riddled in grey veins 40. dominated by dark veins 41. patterned with light veining 42. transitioning to darker shades at the ends 43. transitioning to lighter shades at the ends 44. with contrasting veins 45. with tone-on-tone veining 46. displaying malformed joints 47. warped with minor abnormalities in the shape 48. patinated in a slight tracery of scarring 49. rippled with silvery accents 50. dotted with lurid violet teardrops 51. rippled with incarnadine-on-ebon accents 52. with several tiny lavender spots 53. dotted with tiny ladybug red flecks 54. with several minuscule iridescent spots