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Category:What Dreams May Come

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What Dreams May Come is a premium Isle of the Four Winds storyline by GameMaster Quilic set in Mist Harbor that is expected to begin on March 6, 2022. Scheduled GM-led storyline events will be on Sundays between approximately 3-4:30 pm. GM Quilic provided more information about the storyline in an OOC meeting held on January 29, 2022.


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Persons of Note

Not all of these people will necessarily feature in the storyline itself, but may be mentioned and have thus been provided here for reference:

GM Vignettes

Eoantos 5121 (11/2021)

Spirits (GM Quilic) - This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Eorgaen 5121 (12/2021)

Actions, Plans, and Consequences (GM Quilic) - This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Awakenings (GM Quilic) - This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Charlatos 5122 (03/2022)

The Gathering Storm (GM Quilic) - This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Player Vignettes

Lormesta 5122 (01/2022)

Of Dreams and Nightmares, Part 1 (Vaemyr) - Investigates the stories about bad dreams in Mist Harbor.
Of Dreams and Nightmares, Part 2 (Vaemyr) - Vaemyr drinks an experimental potion to try and understand the nightmares the children are seeing.

Olaesta 5122 (04/2022)

Chasing Shadows (Vaemyr) - Vaemyr, Missoni and Akenna attempt to find Mr. Shadow in his own dreams.
A Restless Walk (Kalyrra)


Charlatos 5122 (03/2022)

Nightmare in Greth's - Pashtal reveals himself.

See Also