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{{NPC Shops
{{Town shops
|collapsetoggle=mw-customtoggle-main mw-customtoggle-backroom
|itemtype = weapon
|town = Mist Harbor
|realm=Mist Harbor
|1 = It is located in a rounded marble edifice on Crane Lane in [[Eastern Harbor]].
|location=Eastern Harbor
|roomname = Island Arms
|desc = Polished green and black marble walls enclose this spacious room. Sharply arched windows open up to the lush greenery outside and allow a fragrant island breeze to freshen the air within the shop. Glass display cases rest on the cool green marble floor at sporadic intervals, while pewter oil lamps hang on the walls between the windows. Taking up residence at the back of the room is a large bamboo lacquered counter.
|addinfo=It is located in a rounded marble edifice on Crane Lane.
|inventory =
|roomname=Island Arms
|desc=Polished green and black marble walls enclose this spacious room. Sharply arched windows open up to the lush greenery outside and allow a fragrant island breeze to freshen the air within the shop. Glass display cases rest on the cool green marble floor at sporadic intervals, while pewter oil lamps hang on the walls between the windows. Taking up residence at the back of the room is a large bamboo lacquered counter.
}}{| class="wikitable sortable" style=width: "100%";
! Item
! Price
! Type
|inventory=<pre{{log2}}> Island Arms Inventory List
! Enchant
! Weight
1. a golden mithril tanto 28. a mithril harpoon
! Special Abilities
2. a thin golden ora butcher knife 29. an ora harpoon
3. a wavy golden bracelet dagger 30. an imflass harpoon
{{shop item|price=720 |item=a golden wide-bladed mithril tanto |weight=<2|type=OHE|special= Modified dagger}}
4. a blued mithril main gauche 31. a large pearly white mithril tetsubo
{{shop item|price=1800 |item=a thin golden ora butcher knife |weight=<2|type=OHE|special= Modified dagger}}
5. a blued ora main gauche 32. a large storm grey ora tetsubo
{{shop item|price=2700 |item=a wavy golden imflass bracelet dagger |weight=<2|type=OHE|special= Modified falchion}}
6. a blued imflass main gauche 33. a large sea blue imflass tetsubo
{{shop item|price=14400 |item=a razor-edged green ora machete with a single fuller along the blade |weight=5|type=OHE|special= Modified falchion}}
{{shop item|price=27000 |item=a razor-edged blue imflass machete with a single fuller along the blade |weight=3|type=OHE|special= Modified falchion}}
7. a razor-edged mithril machete 34. a serrated mithril flamberge
8. a razor-edged ora machete 35. a serrated ora flamberge
{{shop item|price=3600 |item=a heavy oak-handled mithril moon axe |weight=5|type=OHE|special= Modified handaxe}}
9. a razor-edged imflass machete 36. a serrated imflass flamberge
{{shop item|price=9000 |item=a heavy fel-handled ora moon axe |weight=6|type=OHE|special= Modified handaxe}}
10. a heavy mithril moon axe 37. a sharp mithril woodsman's axe
{{shop item|price=18000 |item=a heavy maoral-handled imflass moon axe |weight=4|type=OHE|special= Modified handaxe}}
11. a heavy ora moon axe 38. a razor-sharp ora woodsman's axe
{{shop item|price=1260 |item=a segmented mithril whip set with rows of spiny barbs |weight=4|type=Blunt}}
12. a heavy imflass moon axe 39. a sharp imflass woodsman's axe
{{shop item|price=3600 |item=a segmented ora whip with a leather-wrapped handle |weight=5|type=Blunt}}
{{shop item|price=5940 |item=a segmented imflass whip with a barbed tip |weight=3|type=Blunt}}
13. a segmented mithril whip 40. a mithril blackjack
14. a segmented ora whip 41. an ora-studded leather blackjack
{{shop item|price=5130 |item=a three-headed ebon mithril spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked ivory handle |weight=7|type=Blunt |special= Modified morning star}}
15. a segmented imflass whip 42. an imflass blackjack
{{shop item|price=13500 |item=a three-headed scarlet ora spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked jet handle |weight=8|type=Blunt |special= Modified morning star}}
{{shop item|price=23400 |item=a three-headed verdant imflass spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked maoral handle |weight=6|type=Blunt |special= Modified morning star}}
16. a three-headed ebon spiked mace 43. a vivid yellow mithril troll-claw
17. a three-headed scarlet spiked mace 44. a dull red ora troll-claw
{{shop item|price=2970 |item=a ginger mithril crowbill etched with a dragonfly on the spike |weight=4|type=Blunt}}
18. a three-headed verdant spiked mace 45. a jet black imflass troll-claw
{{shop item|price=7740 |item=a viridian ora crowbill etched with a cricket on the spike |weight=5|type=Blunt}}
19. a ginger mithril crowbill 46. a damascened steel discus
{{shop item|price=13725 |item=an amethyst imflass crowbill etched with a butterfly on the spike |weight=3|type=Blunt}}
20. a viridian ora crowbill 47. a damascened steel longsword
{{shop item|price=6300 |item=a balanced mithril trident garnished along the handle with flowing scrollwork |weight=10|type=Polearm}}
21. an amethyst imflass crowbill 48. a damascened steel war hammer
{{shop item|price=15975 |item=a balanced ora trident inlaid with jade shards |weight=11|type=Polearm}}
{{shop item|price=31500 |item=a balanced imflass trident with vivid crimson tines |weight=8|type=Polearm}}
22. a balanced mithril trident 49. a damascened steel beheading sword
23. a balanced ora trident 50. a damascened steel katar
{{shop item|price=3960 |item=a long polished mithril lance |weight=14|type=Polearm}}
24. a balanced imflass trident 51. a twisted carmiln runestaff
{{shop item|price=10125 |item=a long polished ora lance |weight=14|type=Polearm}}
{{shop item|price=20025 |item=a long polished imflass lance |weight=10|type=Polearm}}
25. a long polished mithril lance 52. a twisted deringo runestaff
26. a long polished ora lance 53. a twisted hoarbeam runestaff
{{shop item|price=990 |item=a long mithril harpoon with a maoral haft |weight=5|type=Polearm |special= Modified spear}}
27. a long polished imflass lance </pre>
{{shop item|price=2700 |item=a long ora harpoon with a fel haft |weight=6|type=Polearm |special= Modified spear}}
{{shop item|price=4500 |item=a long imflass harpoon with an oak haft |weight=4|type=Polearm |special= Modified spear}}
{{shop item|price=5940 |item=a large pearly white mithril tetsubo |weight=7|type=THW |special= Modified maul}}
{{shop item|price=15075 |item=a large storm grey ora tetsubo |weight=9|type=THW |special= Modified maul}}
{{shop item|price=27000 |item=a large sea blue imflass tetsubo |weight=6|type=THW |special= Modified mauls}}
{{shop item|price=7470 |item=a wickedly serrated mithril flamberge with a suede-wrapped hilt |weight=8|type=THW}}
{{shop item|price=19125 |item=a wickedly serrated ora flamberge with an intricate silver crossguard |weight=10|type=THW}}
{{shop item|price=36000 |item=a wickedly serrated imflass flamberge with an ultramarine blade |weight=7|type=THW}}
{{shop item|price=7110 |item=a sharp mithril woodsman's axe |weight=7|type=THW}}
{{shop item|price=18000 |item=a razor-sharp ora woodsman's axe |weight=9|type=THW}}
{{shop item|price=34200 |item=a sharp imflass woodsman's axe |weight=6|type=THW}}
{{shop item|price=2160 |item=a mithril-studded leather blackjack |weight=3|type=Brawling}}
{{shop item|price=6030 |item=an ora-studded leather blackjack |weight=3|type=Brawling}}
{{shop item|price=10125 |item=an imflass-studded leather blackjack |weight=2|type=Brawling}}
{{shop item|price=2610 |item=a vivid yellow mithril troll-claw with twin forearm braces |weight=3|type=Brawling}}
{{shop item|price=7290 |item=a dull red ora troll-claw with twin forearm braces |weight=3|type=Brawling}}
{{shop item|price=12150 |item=a jet black imflass troll-claw with twin forearm braces |weight=2|type=Brawling}}
{{shop item|price=67 |item=a damascened steel discus |weight=3|type=Thrown}}
{{shop item|price=90 |item=a damascened steel longsword with a ruby-capped pommel |weight=5|type=OHE}}
{{shop item|price=90 |item=a damascened steel war hammer |weight=7|type=Blunt}}
{{shop item|price=180 |item=a damascened steel beheading sword with a silver filigreed crossguard |weight=12|type=THW}}
{{shop item|price=90 |item=a damascened steel katar |weight=4|type=Brawling and OHE}}
{{shop item|price=11700 |item=a twisted carmiln runestaff capped with a toucan-shaped ruby |weight=4|type=Runestaff}}
{{shop item|price=20475 |item=a twisted deringo runestaff topped with a cluster of bee-eater feathers |weight=4|type=Runestaff}}
{{shop item|price=41400 |item=a twisted hoarbeam runestaff wrapped with a liana vine |weight=4|type=Runestaff}}
{{shop item|price=104400 |item=a twisted faewood runestaff adorned with a cluster of palm fronds |weight=4|type=Runestaff}}

{{Townshop table start|main}}
==See Also==
{{Townshop item | item# = 1 | item = a golden wide-bladed mithril tanto | type = [[dagger]] | info = < 2 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 720 }}
*[[Seasonal weapon and armor carts]]
{{Townshop item | item# = 2 | item = a thin golden ora butcher knife | type = [[dagger]] | info = < 2 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 1800 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 3 | item = a wavy golden imflass bracelet dagger | type = [[dagger]] | info = < 2 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 2700 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 4 | item = a blued mithril main gauche etched with lightning along the blade | type = [[main gauche]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 5 | item = a blued ora main gauche etched with tear-drops along the blade | type = [[main gauche]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 6 | item = a blued imflass main gauche etched with mushrooms along the blade | type = [[main gauche]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 7 | item = a razor-edged red mithril machete with a single fuller along the blade | type = [[falchion]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 8 | item = a razor-edged green ora machete with a single fuller along the blade | type = [[falchion]] | info = 5 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 14400 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 9 | item = a razor-edged blue imflass machete with a single fuller along the blade | type = [[falchion]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 27000 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 10 | item = a heavy oak-handled mithril moon axe | type = [[handaxe]] | info = 5 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 3600 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 11 | item = a heavy fel-handled ora moon axe | type = [[handaxe]] | info = 6 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 9000 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 12 | item = a heavy maoral-handled imflass moon axe | type = [[handaxe]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 18000 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 13 | item = a segmented mithril whip set with rows of spiny barbs | type = [[whip]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 1260 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 14 | item = a segmented ora whip with a leather-wrapped handle | type = [[whip]] | info = 5 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 3600 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 15 | item = a segmented imflass whip with a barbed tip | type = [[whip]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 5940 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 16 | item = a three-headed ebon mithril spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked ivory handle | type = [[morning star]] | info = 7 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 5130 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 17 | item = a three-headed scarlet ora spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked jet handle | type = [[morning star]] | info = 8 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 13500 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 18 | item = a three-headed verdant imflass spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked maoral handle | type = [[morning star]] | info = 6 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 23400 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 19 | item = a ginger mithril crowbill etched with a dragonfly on the spike | type = [[crowbill]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 2970 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 20 | item = a viridian ora crowbill etched with a cricket on the spike | type = [[crowbill]] | info = 5 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 7740 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 21 | item = an amethyst imflass crowbill etched with a butterfly on the spike | type = [[crowbill]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 13725 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 22 | item = a balanced mithril trident garnished along the handle with flowing scrollwork | type = [[trident]] | info = 10 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 6300 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 23 | item = a balanced ora trident inlaid with jade shards | type = [[trident]] | info = 11 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 15975 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 24 | item = a balanced imflass trident with vivid crimson tines | type = [[trident]] | info = 8 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 31500 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 25 | item = a long polished mithril lance | type = [[lance]] | info = 14 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 3960 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 26 | item = a long polished ora lance | type = [[lance]] | info = 14 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 10125 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 27 | item = a long polished imflass lance | type = [[lance]] | info = 10 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 20025 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 28 | item = a long mithril harpoon with a maoral haft | type = [[spear]] | info = 5 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 990 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 29 | item = a long ora harpoon with a fel haft | type = [[spear]] | info = 6 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 2700 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 30 | item = a long imflass harpoon with an oak haft | type = [[spear]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 4500 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 31 | item = a large pearly white mithril tetsubo | type = [[maul]] | info = 7 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 5940 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 32 | item = a large storm grey ora tetsubo | type = [[maul]] | info = 9 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 15075 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 33 | item = a large sea blue imflass tetsubo | type = [[maul]] | info = 6 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 27000 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 34 | item = a wickedly serrated mithril flamberge with a suede-wrapped hilt | type = [[flamberge]] | info = 8 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 7470 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 35 | item = a wickedly serrated ora flamberge with an intricate silver crossguard | type = [[flamberge]] | info = 10 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 19125 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 36 | item = a wickedly serrated imflass flamberge with an ultramarine blade | type = [[flamberge]] | info = 7 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 36000 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 37 | item = a sharp mithril woodsman's axe | type = | info = 7 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 7110 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 38 | item = a razor-sharp ora woodsman's axe | type = | info = 9 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 18000 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 39 | item = a sharp imflass woodsman's axe | type = | info = 6 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 34200 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 40 | item = a mithril-studded leather blackjack | type = [[blackjack]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 2160 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 41 | item = an ora-studded leather blackjack | type = [[blackjack]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 6030 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 42 | item = an imflass-studded leather blackjack | type = [[blackjack]] | info = 2 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 10125 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 43 | item = a vivid yellow mithril troll-claw with twin forearm braces | type = [[troll-claw]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 2610 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 44 | item = a dull red ora troll-claw with twin forearm braces | type = [[troll-claw]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 7290 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 45 | item = a jet black imflass troll-claw with twin forearm braces | type = [[troll-claw]] | info = 2 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 12150 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 46 | item = a damascened steel discus | type = [[discus]] | info = 3 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 67 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 47 | item = a damascened steel longsword with a ruby-capped pommel | type = [[longsword]] | info = 5 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 90 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 48 | item = a damascened steel war hammer | type = [[war hammer]] | info = 7 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 90 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 49 | item = a damascened steel beheading sword with a silver filigreed crossguard | type = | info = 12 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 180 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 50 | item = a damascened steel katar | type = [[katar]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 90 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 51 | item = a twisted carmiln runestaff capped with a toucan-shaped ruby | type = [[rune staff]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 11700 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 52 | item = a twisted deringo runestaff topped with a cluster of bee-eater feathers | type = [[rune staff]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 20475 }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 53 | item = a twisted hoarbeam runestaff wrapped with a liana vine | type = [[rune staff]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 41400 }}
{{shop table end}}
|backroom=<pre{{log2}}> Backroom Island Arms Inventory List
54. a razor-edged black vultite machete 58. a vultite harpoon
55. a heavy vultite moon axe 59. a large pale purple vultite tetsubo
56. a three-headed sapphire spiked mace 60. a polished vultite troll-claw
57. a long polished vultite lance 61. a twisted faewood runestaff</pre>

{{Townshop table start|backroom}}
{{Townshop item | item# = 54 | item = a razor-edged black vultite machete with a singler fuller along the blade | type = [[falchion]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 55 | item = a heavy ruic-handled vultite moon axe | type = [[handaxe]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 56 | item = a three-headed sapphire vultite spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked silver handle | type = [[morning star]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 57 | item = a long polished vultite lance | type = [[lance]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 58 | item = a long vultite harpoon with a spiraled yew haft | type = [[spear]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 59 | item = a large pale purple vultite tetsubo | type = [[maul]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 60 | item = a polished vultite troll-claw with twin forearm braces | type = [[troll-claw]] | info = | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = }}
{{Townshop item | item# = 61 | item = a twisted faewood runestaff adorned with a cluster of palm fronds | type = [[rune staff]] | info = 4 lbs | details = | taste1 = | taste2 = | price = 104400 }}
{{shop table end}}
:<nowiki>*</nowiki>'''''Please note:''' Information and pricing in tables unverified, only converted.''

Latest revision as of 16:32, 7 November 2024

This page utilizes collapsible content. Please click here to uncollapse all content.

Island Arms is a shop in the Eastern Harbor, around Mist Harbor, that sells weapons. It is located in a rounded marble edifice on Crane Lane.

The proprietor is Evanishko.
[Island Arms] Room: 3223103, RNUM: 19353
Polished green and black marble walls enclose this spacious room. Sharply arched windows open up to the lush greenery outside and allow a fragrant island breeze to freshen the air within the shop. Glass display cases rest on the cool green marble floor at sporadic intervals, while pewter oil lamps hang on the walls between the windows. Taking up residence at the back of the room is a large bamboo lacquered counter.
Obvious exits: out


  Island Arms Inventory List
  1. a golden mithril tanto                28. a mithril harpoon
  2. a thin golden ora butcher knife       29. an ora harpoon
  3. a wavy golden bracelet dagger         30. an imflass harpoon
  4. a blued mithril main gauche           31. a large pearly white mithril tetsubo
  5. a blued ora main gauche               32. a large storm grey ora tetsubo
  6. a blued imflass main gauche           33. a large sea blue imflass tetsubo
  7. a razor-edged mithril machete         34. a serrated mithril flamberge
  8. a razor-edged ora machete             35. a serrated ora flamberge
  9. a razor-edged imflass machete         36. a serrated imflass flamberge
  10. a heavy mithril moon axe             37. a sharp mithril woodsman's axe
  11. a heavy ora moon axe                 38. a razor-sharp ora woodsman's axe
  12. a heavy imflass moon axe             39. a sharp imflass woodsman's axe
  13. a segmented mithril whip             40. a mithril blackjack
  14. a segmented ora whip                 41. an ora-studded leather blackjack
  15. a segmented imflass whip             42. an imflass blackjack
  16. a three-headed ebon spiked mace      43. a vivid yellow mithril troll-claw
  17. a three-headed scarlet spiked mace   44. a dull red ora troll-claw
  18. a three-headed verdant spiked mace   45. a jet black imflass troll-claw
  19. a ginger mithril crowbill            46. a damascened steel discus
  20. a viridian ora crowbill              47. a damascened steel longsword
  21. an amethyst imflass crowbill         48. a damascened steel war hammer
  22. a balanced mithril trident           49. a damascened steel beheading sword
  23. a balanced ora trident               50. a damascened steel katar
  24. a balanced imflass trident           51. a twisted carmiln runestaff
  25. a long polished mithril lance        52. a twisted deringo runestaff
  26. a long polished ora lance            53. a twisted hoarbeam runestaff
  27. a long polished imflass lance       
To view inventory details, click here.
# Item Type Info Details Price
1 a golden wide-bladed mithril tanto dagger < 2 lbs 720
2 a thin golden ora butcher knife dagger < 2 lbs 1800
3 a wavy golden imflass bracelet dagger dagger < 2 lbs 2700
4 a blued mithril main gauche etched with lightning along the blade main gauche
5 a blued ora main gauche etched with tear-drops along the blade main gauche
6 a blued imflass main gauche etched with mushrooms along the blade main gauche
7 a razor-edged red mithril machete with a single fuller along the blade falchion
8 a razor-edged green ora machete with a single fuller along the blade falchion 5 lbs 14400
9 a razor-edged blue imflass machete with a single fuller along the blade falchion 3 lbs 27000
10 a heavy oak-handled mithril moon axe handaxe 5 lbs 3600
11 a heavy fel-handled ora moon axe handaxe 6 lbs 9000
12 a heavy maoral-handled imflass moon axe handaxe 4 lbs 18000
13 a segmented mithril whip set with rows of spiny barbs whip 4 lbs 1260
14 a segmented ora whip with a leather-wrapped handle whip 5 lbs 3600
15 a segmented imflass whip with a barbed tip whip 3 lbs 5940
16 a three-headed ebon mithril spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked ivory handle morning star 7 lbs 5130
17 a three-headed scarlet ora spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked jet handle morning star 8 lbs 13500
18 a three-headed verdant imflass spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked maoral handle morning star 6 lbs 23400
19 a ginger mithril crowbill etched with a dragonfly on the spike crowbill 4 lbs 2970
20 a viridian ora crowbill etched with a cricket on the spike crowbill 5 lbs 7740
21 an amethyst imflass crowbill etched with a butterfly on the spike crowbill 3 lbs 13725
22 a balanced mithril trident garnished along the handle with flowing scrollwork trident 10 lbs 6300
23 a balanced ora trident inlaid with jade shards trident 11 lbs 15975
24 a balanced imflass trident with vivid crimson tines trident 8 lbs 31500
25 a long polished mithril lance lance 14 lbs 3960
26 a long polished ora lance lance 14 lbs 10125
27 a long polished imflass lance lance 10 lbs 20025
28 a long mithril harpoon with a maoral haft spear 5 lbs 990
29 a long ora harpoon with a fel haft spear 6 lbs 2700
30 a long imflass harpoon with an oak haft spear 4 lbs 4500
31 a large pearly white mithril tetsubo maul 7 lbs 5940
32 a large storm grey ora tetsubo maul 9 lbs 15075
33 a large sea blue imflass tetsubo maul 6 lbs 27000
34 a wickedly serrated mithril flamberge with a suede-wrapped hilt flamberge 8 lbs 7470
35 a wickedly serrated ora flamberge with an intricate silver crossguard flamberge 10 lbs 19125
36 a wickedly serrated imflass flamberge with an ultramarine blade flamberge 7 lbs 36000
37 a sharp mithril woodsman's axe 7 lbs 7110
38 a razor-sharp ora woodsman's axe 9 lbs 18000
39 a sharp imflass woodsman's axe 6 lbs 34200
40 a mithril-studded leather blackjack blackjack 3 lbs 2160
41 an ora-studded leather blackjack blackjack 3 lbs 6030
42 an imflass-studded leather blackjack blackjack 2 lbs 10125
43 a vivid yellow mithril troll-claw with twin forearm braces troll-claw 3 lbs 2610
44 a dull red ora troll-claw with twin forearm braces troll-claw 3 lbs 7290
45 a jet black imflass troll-claw with twin forearm braces troll-claw 2 lbs 12150
46 a damascened steel discus discus 3 lbs 67
47 a damascened steel longsword with a ruby-capped pommel longsword 5 lbs 90
48 a damascened steel war hammer war hammer 7 lbs 90
49 a damascened steel beheading sword with a silver filigreed crossguard 12 lbs 180
50 a damascened steel katar katar 4 lbs 90
51 a twisted carmiln runestaff capped with a toucan-shaped ruby rune staff 4 lbs 11700
52 a twisted deringo runestaff topped with a cluster of bee-eater feathers rune staff 4 lbs 20475
53 a twisted hoarbeam runestaff wrapped with a liana vine rune staff 4 lbs 41400

Backroom Inventory

  Backroom Island Arms Inventory List
  54. a razor-edged black vultite machete   58. a vultite harpoon
  55. a heavy vultite moon axe              59. a large pale purple vultite tetsubo
  56. a three-headed sapphire spiked mace   60. a polished vultite troll-claw
  57. a long polished vultite lance         61. a twisted faewood runestaff
To view inventory details, click here.
# Item Type Info Details Price
54 a razor-edged black vultite machete with a singler fuller along the blade falchion
55 a heavy ruic-handled vultite moon axe handaxe
56 a three-headed sapphire vultite spiked mace with an intricately scrollworked silver handle morning star
57 a long polished vultite lance lance
58 a long vultite harpoon with a spiraled yew haft spear
59 a large pale purple vultite tetsubo maul
60 a polished vultite troll-claw with twin forearm braces troll-claw
61 a twisted faewood runestaff adorned with a cluster of palm fronds rune staff 4 lbs 104400
*Please note: Information and pricing in tables unverified, only converted.