Maylan (prime)

Maylan is an Aelotoi Master Healer of the Mrae'ni clan. Having no knowledge of her parents or lineage, she has chosen not to adopt a surname. She is a current citizen of Wehnimer's Landing, and resides in a small cottage along the Coastal Cliffs. Maylan is a frequent visitor to Icemule Trace, and sleeps in the White Haven library when she is in town.
Maylan is of a slight height and has a thin, wiry frame. She appears to be in the spring of life. She has completely solid, vivid jade eyes and mocha-freckled, lightly tanned skin. She has raggedly cut, frizzy raven-sheened hair carelessly piled into a stiff leather tricorne with loosened strands wisping around her face. She has a narrow face, a gently sloped nose and a pointed chin. She has a small gap between her front teeth. She has a pair of curvy, dark-veined pearly wings rippled with peacock patterns.
She has a tiny flawless diamond stud in her right nostril, a drunk puppy tattoo with a lolling tongue on her leg, and a long-stemmed glossy oak pipe clenched between her teeth.
She has a discolored mop-fringed pegleg for a leg. Cracked and discolored, the faded blonde wooden pegleg bears a suspicious resemblance to the hacked-off business end of a ratty old mop. A thick, tangled fringe of sodden, grey-brown cotton splays out from its splintered tip like a dejected anemone and leaves a smear of filth wherever it goes.
Maylan was born on the 21st day of Koaratos in the year 5082 as a slave in a kiramon mining camp. During this time she studied the healing arts under her dymerano, a kindly grandfather-figure and teacher. Maylan was liberated at age 20 during the mass exodus through the rift that appeared near Ta'Illistim. After liberation she spent some time travelling across Elanthia before settling in Wehnimer's Landing, where she currently resides.
Maylan has no memory of her parents, nor any knowledge of any surviving family members. She was raised by her dymerano, who died when she was twelve years old. Maylan is currently in a loveless marriage with Grypto, an elderly half-krolvin of unknown origins. Her dearest friend is an obese drunken chinchilla, who follows her everywhere.
Maylan suffers from severe nightmares as a result of her traumatic childhood, which has driven her to chronic alcohol abuse. Despite her bleak upbringing and substance abuse issues, Maylan is known for her quirky and goofy personality.
Field of Study
Maylan is a practitioner of blood magic, an arcane power that can heal and repair flesh, or twist and break it depending upon the practitioner's intent. Maylan has a general fascination with anatomy, and feels in her element when faced with blood and gore. While this may sound gruesome, Maylan prefers to hone her magic for healing purposes, while utilizing its destructive powers only in self-defense and combat scenarios.
- Merrymaker of House White Haven of Icemule Trace
- Member of the Hand of the Arkati
- Self-proclaimed Land Pirate
Notable Activities
- In 5118, Goblyn requested Maylan's help in conducting wing-grafting research. As Maylan believes her wings hold no purpose but to remind her of enslavement, and being a practiced empath who is used to losing limbs, she agreed to let Goblyn slice them off to use as a sample. Much to Maylan's annoyance and chagrin, her wings grew back in their current stunted form.
- Throughout 5116 and 5117, Maylan made several failed assassination attempts on the blue child Rodnay, as she believes him to be a malevolently evil Ithzir who will eventually destroy the town of Wehnimer's Landing. Maylan was pardoned for her crimes by Mayor Cruxophim, possibly due to her otherwise lawful track record and good intentions. As a condition to her pardon, Maylan has agreed to make no more attempts to harm Rodnay.
- Despite her strong fear of and aversion to the mental magics, Maylan has entered the tutelage of Dirra in an effort to learn the mental defensive techniques necessary to protect herself from forces such as and Raznel and Rodnay.
- Maylan has conducted several successful community fundraisers, including a relief fund for Talador and a welfare fund for the residents of Shanty Town during the war with Chaston's forces. She is currently engaged in efforts to build a Community Garden in the Shanty Town district, and to construct an underground bunker for residents of Wehnimer's Landing.
- Maylan is a purveyor of merrymaking, and hosts regular community events on behalf of White Haven such as: the Annual Fisticuffs Tournament, Drunken Icecapades, the Polar Plunge, and the Eve of the Reunion Tour.
- Maylan has the very odd habit of dragging discarded junk from the Town Square Center of Wehnimer's Landing to the town's well. It is seemingly a somewhat obsessive habit, though she claims it is simply "her collection".
- Maylan served as the Shanty Town Advisor to Mayor Cruxophim of Wehnimer's Landing in 5117.
Maylan's Recurring Nightmare
I find myself in a circular corridor. The walls are decorated with mounted steed heads. Their eyes follow me as I walk. I continue on for some time until I find a door. I open the door to see a stairwell, descending down into darkness. I smell sulfur and I feel sick. I dread what lies at the bottom. I close the door and continue on, in the same looping corridor as before. I feel the space gradually tighten. The air is heavier, and the space feels smaller. The steed heads now display exposed shoulders and chests. I arrive at the same door as before, but I do not enter. I continue along in this loop as the space grows smaller, and the steeds grow more prominent. On and on I push forward. Eventually I am forced to crawl. The horse carcasses are no longer mounted, simply strewn about. I crawl over exposed bellies, heads, arms, until I reach the same door. The door is so tiny now that I open it with pinched fingers and peer through it, my eyeball pressed to the door-frame. I see darkness, sense heat, feel dread. On and on I crawl as the space gradually closes in on me and the carcasses consume me. A never-ending loop of terror.