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Balefire (713)/saved posts
Topic: Developer's Corner - Sorcerers
Message #: 6605
Date: 9/19/2010 9:57:18 PM
Subject: Balefire
For various behind-the-scenes reasons, I've decided to do a couple pieces of the Sorcerer circle review a little early. We're previewing one of these pieces tonight in this post.
Keep in mind as you read this that none of these things are official yet. The team is still reviewing this spell, so any of these details may change at any time.
The current spell in the 713 slot, Nightmare, will be combined with the current spell of Curse to become one of many new features of that spell. In its place will Balefire, a new ball-type aimed spell. It will use existing ball spell mechanics, meaning among other things that a successful hit can result in an explosion that damages multiple targets, and the Multi-Opponent skill will increase the minimum number of targets struck. Demonology lore will be the factor that increases the maximum number of targets, as well as increasing the amount of damage dealt to the first target.
The damage being done is plasma-based, and features a completely new damage table (for those who like to experiment with such things).
In addition, if the caster has a minor demon present, the demon can be forced to contribute damage to the initial strike at the cost of a few of the demon's mana points, never more than 3. The cost can be reduced based on the sum of the caster's Spiritual Mana Control and Elemental Mana Control bonuses. The damage done by this extra attack will be roughly proportional to the critical damage done by the caster in the initial strike.
The type of damage done will depend on the demon's native valence:
Grik'tyr: randomly either disintegration or crushing damage
Shien'tyr: randomly either vacuum or unbalancing damage
Lorae'tyr: randomly either steam or disruption damage
>prep 713
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Balefire...
Your spell is ready.
>cast troll
You gesture at a jungle troll.
You hurl a ball of greenish-black flame at a jungle troll!
AS: +232 vs DS: +66 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +52 = +257
... and hit for 66 points of damage!
Skin blasted away leaving exposed and bloody muscle!
The jungle troll is stunned!
An inquisitive pure white imp shudders slightly as chaotic energy is drawn from its form and fused with the attack.
(Your pure white imp loses 2 mana.)
... 20 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on the jungle troll's chest!
The ball of greenish-black flame strikes a jungle troll, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 40 points of damage!
Intense arc of energy flays the jungle troll's arm to the bone!
A burst of flame from your ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a jungle troll.
... 45 points of damage!
Superheated energy causes the artery in the jungle troll's leg to explode!
It is knocked to the ground!
The jungle troll is stunned!
A burst of flame from your ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a jungle troll.
... 40 points of damage!
Searing wave of plasma cuts through skin and muscle on the jungle troll's leg!
It is knocked to the ground!
The jungle troll is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
That's with 50 demonology ranks, versus the trolls' natural brigandine-like hide. As you can see, the spell has been completed on the development server, and some of the other GMs have already been trying it out. I can't give any indication of when it might be ready for release, however, because the spell introduces a number of incidental issues like the two below:
I anticipate that people will complain that demons, like most pet-type creatures, have a habit of lagging behind the owner by a few rooms, and that in a combat situation where timing is critical, that bonus attack will often be lost while the demon is catching up to a fast-moving owner. We plan to address that by changing these creatures so that they follow much more quickly, possibly instantly.
People will also be quick to point out that the presence of a direct aimed attack spell represents a major change in the composition of this spell list which makes it similar to the other pure caster's profession lists, and yet there is still a glaring disparity in the lack of a bolt AS enhancer. We already have plans for this, but that will be discussed in another (future) thread.