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Lock Mastery
Lockmastery is one of six Rogue Guild guild skills that allows a rogue to pick boxes faster, add locks and clasps to certain items, measure a lock size, and a number of other things.
Lockmastery skills are generally skills that relate to traps, locks, and things one can do with traps and locks. Locksmiths use calipers to narrow down the best pick to use while picking boxes. Sorcerers need locked containers to use one aspect of their Phase (704) spell, and commission rogues to add locks to certain items. Some skills, like the PTRICKs, are useful only for show.
Picking Tricks
- There are seven different styles that a lockmastery-skilled rogue can use to add style to his picking attempts.
- To use, the syntax is LM PTRICK <SKILL> <CONTAINER>.
- SPIN (Ranks 1 to 9)
- With a quick flick of the wrist, you spin your copper tatting spindle around in your palm, stopping it as the tip enters a sturdy iron trunk...
- TWIST (Ranks 10 to 19)
- You give your vaalin lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on a rotting monir strongbox...
- TURN (Ranks 20 to 29)
- Taking a gentle turn, you choke up on your golvern nail file for a better grip, then devote all your attention to the lock on a badly damaged maoral chest...
- TWIRL (Ranks 30 to 39)
- With a casual motion, you twirl your invar lockpick around your index finger, catching it between thumb and forefinger before applying it to the lock of a rotting monir trunk...
- TOSS (Ranks 40 to 49)
- With a quick toss, you send your invar lockpick popping into the air, whirling like a top! As it comes down, you easily snatch it from the air and begin to pick the lock on a sturdy tanik coffer...
- BEND (Ranks 50 to 59)
- You carefully bend the tip of your copper lockpick slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on a plain modwir trunk...
- FLIP (Ranks 60 to 62)
- PTRICK FLIP is a little different in that it is not followed by the standard box picking messaging. The size of the lock is not displayed.
>lm ptrick flip my chest Pretending to only examine the lock of a rotting haon chest, you instead attempt to quietly turn the tumblers to within a hair's breadth of clicking... You make a passable attempt (d100=44). Then with an easy motion, you flip your lockpick into the air and give the chest a solid smack! The chest gives off an audible *click* as the tumblers snap open.
Sensing Room Conditions
- This skill is practiced from rank 1 to 5.
- Room conditions can influence the ability of a rogue to pick a lock. A brighter room is better for lockpicking than a darker room. Fog hinders lockpicking as well.
- There are approximately eight seconds between entering the LM SENSE command and having the room conditions reported back.
>lm sense With a seasoned eye, you begin to examine both yourself and the area in an attempt to ascertain the current conditions for lockpicking... > After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you has pretty average lighting. Unfortunately, the voices in your head will hinder any attempts at serious locksmithing. Under the current conditions, you think you could probably handle an intricate trap and a fairly easy lock with any old lockpick.
LM Sense is the first Lock Mastery skill learned in the guild, it is obtained at rank 1.
- Troubleshooting: If seeing the message "You discover that you're not really skilled enough at this to be able to tell much." or a message about pickpocketing, it is possible that you are only using the SENSE verb. Please try again using LM SENSE. You will also see this message if you have 0 ranks in lockpicking skill.
LM SENSE Conditions Maps
Media:WL-LM_SENSE.png - Wehnimer's Landing Media:VO-LM_SENSE.png - Solhaven Media:IMT-LM_SENSE.png - Icemule Trace Media:IFW-LM_SENSE.png - Island of Four Winds
Measuring the Size of a Lock with Calipers
- This skill is practiced from rank 6 to 9.
- Calibrating calipers is practiced from rank 10 to 13.
>lm measure my str Using your professional calipers, you carefully begin to measure the lock... Roundtime: 10 sec. R> Measuring carefully, it looks to be a fairly simple lock. Those calipers could not be more perfectly calibrated. You should leave them alone. You'll just mess them up. >lm cal my cal You make some effort to fine-tune the professional calipers. You can't help but think that the calipers are as finely-tuned as you are possibly going to get them. They practically glow with calibration! Roundtime: 12 sec.
Wedging Open Boxes
- This skill is practiced from rank 14 to 24.
- Using a wooden wedge made in the guild, a locksmith can open a fused or plated box. You must hold the container in one hand and have a wedge in the other.
- Syntax: LM wedge my <container>
Locksmith inserts the tip of his warped wooden wedge just under the lid of his monir trunk and carefully works it back and forth until it is firmly seated. Locksmith tries to jam the wedge in further with the palm of his hand but only manages to splinter it as the tip slides along the edge. The lid of a weathered monir trunk suddenly splits away from the casing amidst the crunch of splintering wood!
Appraising Lockpicks
- This skill is practiced from rank 20 to 24.
- Rogues can appraise their lockpicks to determine their quality, condition, and give you a general idea on how large of a lock you can handle. Note: appraising a lockpick with lore will yield higher results.
>lm app my lock You examine the silver lockpick very closely. It appears to be in good condition. It seems to have a somewhat inaccurate level of precision and has below average strength. As far as you can tell, the lockpick has never been repaired. You could probably handle a simple lock pretty easily with it.
Repairing Lockpicks
- This skill is practiced from rank 25 to 29.
- Repairs can be made to a lockpick after the tip is bent. These repairs do not need to be made at a Rogue Guild toolbench.
>lm repair my lockpick You carefully go about reshaping the invar lockpick, taking great care to provide the proper curvature to the tip. Roundtime: 9 sec.
- When a lockpick is completely broken, it must be repaired at a Rogue Guild toolbench using a wire of the same material. The wires can be purchased from the attendant at the toolbench. It is usually significantly cheaper and faster to repair lockpicks through Lock Mastery than the local NPC locksmith. For example, a golvern wire would cost 16k, but Shind would cost a Ta'Vaalor full citizen 40k and 8 hours to repair.
- Glaes lockpicks cannot be repaired through Lock Mastery, although they can be by the town locksmith, costing around 1,000 silvers and taking 5 hours.
- The ability of the rogue will determine if they have enough skill to repair the lockpick. You must have at least 60 ranks in Lock Mastery, in order to repair vaalin lockpicks.
Material Cost Material Cost copper 20 alum 3900 brass 45 vultite 5100 steel 85 rolaren 6500 gold 350 veniom 8500 silver 425 kelyn 11000 ora 850 invar 13000 mithril 1025 golvern 16000 laje 2900 vaalin 21000
>lm repair my lockpick Using a small glass dropper, you apply a small bit of acid to the fused joint at the base of the tip of a copper-edged ora lockpick, being careful not to melt the handle or your fingers. When the tip is loose, you neatly pluck it from its home in a wire-thin hole running up into the handle, before replacing it with a new ora wire. Taking the old tip, you hold it over the blue flame of a nearby burner with a pair of metal grips. The wire quickly turns red and begins to sag, and just as the first drop threatens to fall into the tongue of flame, you smoothly touch the end of the filament to the joining of the handle and the new wire. The thick molten metal seeps in around the edges of the ora wire, cooling rapidly to form a tight bond. Roundtime: 11 sec.
- If the lockpick is unable to be repaired (either by skill of the locksmith or number of times the lockpick has already been repaired), the messaging is as follows:
Using a small glass dropper, you apply a small bit of acid to the fused joint at the base of the tip of a copper-edged invar lockpick, but the broken tip refuses to work free.
Relocking Boxes
- This skill is practiced from rank 30 to 32.
- A rogue can relock a box, provided that they can handle the lock size. Experience and difficulty reps are not given for picking a relocked box.
>lm relock my chest You settle into the difficult task of relocking the tanik chest. You make a talented attempt (d100=81). You struggle with the tumblers. As you do, you get a sense that the chest has a rudimentary lock (-60 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It locks! Roundtime: 10 sec.
Adding Clasps to Containers
- This skill is practiced from rank 33 to 35.
- The rogue can add a clasp to certain containers that do not open and close, making them closeable. If the item is scripted, the item will not be able to be clasped via lockmastery.
- For training purposes, rogues can find an uncloseable plain sack for sale in the guild shops.
- The following nouns can possibly take a clasp:
- album, atanika, ataniki, backpack, bag, bankbook, basket, book, burnoose, cape, capelet, carryall, case, casket, cloak, coat, codex, diary, doublet, folio, greatcloak, grimoire, handbag, harness, haversack, hip-basket, hip-satchel, jacket, journal, kit, knapsack, longcloak, longcoat, manifest, mantle, musette, neckpouch, over-gown, overrobe, pack, pelisse, pocketbook, pouch, prayerbook, purse, quiver, register, reliquary, reticule, robe, robes, rucksack, sack, saddlebag, satchel, shroud, shrug, songbook, sporran, tome, tome, toolkit, tube, valise, vestment, volume, and waistcoat
NOTE: Adding a clasp to a container counts as one item IN that container, making the container hold one less item when it is filled to capacity.
- To see if an item can take a clasp, the LMASTER CLASP CHECK verb can be used.
- A purple mantle can have a clasp attached to it, but not a lock.
- A purple mantle already has a clasp, and cannot have a lock added.
- That already has a clasp, but it can have a lock added.
- That is not an appropriate type of container to add a clasp or lock to.
- That's not a container.
- The first time that LMASTER CLASP is used on an item, it will punch a hole in the item, readying it for the clasp held in your other hand. Clasps are available in the guild shops. Also, items with the noun "clasp" found in the treasure system can be used to clasp containers. Merchants have sold items without the clasp noun at multiple festivals. This action results in 20-30 seconds of roundtime.
>lm clasp sack Picking up a punch from the workbench, you carefully put a hole in the mantle where you intend to attach a clasp.
- The second time that LMASTER CLASP is used on an item, you will be prompted for the clasp description. The description of the clasped item can have three variations:
- To attach the clasp so that it is visible in the show description, the verb is LMASTER CLASP SHOWDESC
- To attach the clasp so that it is visible in the long description, the verb is LMASTER CLASP LONGDESC
- To keep the clasp hidden and keep the item's description the same, the verb is LMASTER CLASP NODESC, or simply LMASTER CLASP
- You may also specify the style in which you want the clasp attached. The following phrases can be used to affix the clasp by typing LMASTER CLASP {SHOWDESC or LONGDESC} {style} after the initial LMASTER CLASP {item}:
Description Style "clasped with" CLASP "secured with" SECURE "buckled with" BUCKLE "fastened with" FASTEN "pinned by" PIN
>lm clasp longdesc pin Selecting a pair of grips from the workbench, you carefully put a plain clasp through the hole in your plain sack and secure it in place. Roundtime: 27 sec. R>glance You glance down to see a plain sack pinned by a plain clasp in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
- Clasps can be removed from containers using LMASTER CLASP REMOVE by those with enough skill to add a clasp. This will leave the item stuck open and able to have a new clasp added. The process will permanently change the item's long or show description to reflect the removal of the clasp (if applicable), and not all altered items will be able to have the clasp removed.
NOTE: Removing a clasp from a container will destroy the clasp, so be sure before you remove the clasp that it is one you do not mind losing permanently.
Making and Adding Locks to containers
- This skill is practiced from rank 36 to 38.
- The rogue can create a lock to add to certain containers. The lock can be of any difficulty that the rogue can pick open, though a difficult lock is not necessary. The larger the lock size, the more expensive it is to create.
- The rogue can also cut keys and eventually customize said keys. It is advisable to have at least two keys; one key to unlock the container, and another key to store inside the container in case the first key is lost. Lockable containers can also be picked open and relocked via LM RELOCK.
- Having a container that locks has both practical and role playing purposes. Phasing a locked container will cause the items within to become weightless as well as the container itself, making the service desirable for sorcerers.
- The following items can have a lock added to them:
- album, atanika, ataniki, backpack, bag, bankbook, basket, book, box, burnoose, cape, capelet, carryall, case, casket, chest, cloak, coat, codex, coffer, diary, doublet, folio, greatcloak, grimoire, handbag, harness, haversack, hip-basket, hip-satchel, jacket, journal, kit, knapsack, longcloak, longcoat, manifest, mantle, musette, over-gown, overrobe, pack, pelisse, pocketbook, pouch, prayerbook, purse, quiver, register, reliquary, reticule, robe, robes, rucksack, sack, saddlebag, satchel, shroud, songbook, sporran, strongbox, tome, tome, toolkit, trunk, tube, valise, vestment, and volume.
- Creating a lock
- To create a lock, the rogue must go to a workshop toolbench with enough silvers to create the desired lock.
>lm lock create 500 You call in a workshop attendant and offer him enough to cover the materials for a -500 lock. A workshop attendant accepts your silvers. The workshop attendant quickly retrieves a small block of steel and hands it to you before returning to his counter. Materials in hand, you concentrate on the task of molding a -500 lock. After a short time, you find yourself with an average five tumbler lock assembly in your hand. You select a lock housing from the workbench and slide the average lock assembly inside. Roundtime: 42 sec.
- Unwanted lock assemblies can be sold back to the workshop attendant for roughly 70% of the creation price or used for deeds.
- To attach a lock to a container, one must have a container with one of the nouns listed above and a lock assembly. The container must be able to open and close, and must be open when the lock is added. A workshop is not necessary to install a lock assembly into a container if the rogue has a locksmith's toolkit equipped with a set of narrow metal grips.
>lm lock knapsack Taking the metal grips from your gold-painted toolbox, you insert your lock assembly into the clasp of your leather knapsack, and attach it securely. Roundtime: 38 sec.
- To duplicate a lock assembly, use the LM LOCK CREATE DUPLICATE syntax inside a workshop. This will create an identical lock assembly to one held in the rogue's hand. This is useful for people who want multiple items that lock, but want to use only one key.
- Nota bene: The lock duplication skill can only be used to create genuine duplicates of the smith's own locks.
- Lock assemblies can be removed from containers, but the lock assembly will be destroyed in the process. Locks can only be removed in a workshop. This is useful for those who have lost their keys and would like to regain the ability to lock and unlock the container with a key.
>lm lock remove knapsack You select a tool from the toolbench and, with a bit of finesse and a lot of brute force, pry the lock out of the leather knapsack. Satisfied with your act of destruction, you toss the mangled lock assembly into a nearby wastebin. Roundtime: 6 sec.
- Making Keys
- To cut a key, the rogue must purchase a key blank. Steel key blanks are available in the guild workshops. Key blanks made of various metals can occasionally be purchased at special merchant events.
- Keys can be cut to fit specific lock assemblies or to duplicate existing keys. Keys can NOT be cut to fit the lock assembly after the lock assembly is installed in the container. The lock assembly can be removed from the container in case all keys are lost, but the lock assembly will be destroyed in the process. Keys must be cut specifically for each lock assembly; keys made for assemblies even of the same difficulty will not fit. The only exception is if a duplicate has been made of the same lock assembly.
>lm cut You place a steel key blank into the key-cutting machinery and carefully carve out a pattern that matches a primitive lock assembly. Roundtime: 33 sec.
Creating Lockpicks
Your (enhanced if applicable) Dexterity, Intuition, and Discipline bonuses can help (Dex more than the other two), along with your lockpicking skill (bonus not ranks) and LM ranks. There's a large luck component to the modifier but having high values for those things will improve your chances at a good modifier. ~Ixix
- This skill is practiced from rank 50 to 56.
- Through Lock Mastery the rogue has the ability to create lockpicks of better quality than those sold at other stores in Elanthia.
- Available Materials and Costs
- To create a lockpick, a rogue needs to purchase a thin bar of metal from the guild workshop.
- Glaes is unavailable because it is volcanic glass. Glaes lockpicks cannot be made by heating and bending the material and thus are not able to be created via Lock Mastery.
- Creating a Lockpick
- Lockpicks must be created inside a workshop. While holding a thin bar of metal, the syntax is LM CREATE.
>lm create Placing your bar of copper onto the grinding wheel, you slowly begin to pare away the excess material. Once you are satisfied that the wheel is no longer precise enough for the task, you remove the remaining strip of copper from the wheel and transfer it to the toolbench to file it down to its final form by hand. After another moment, the work is complete. As you remove the resulting copper lockpick from the toolbench, a quick glance reveals that it's of fairly average quality. Roundtime: 45 sec.
- Lockpicks have the chance to be below average, fairly average, or exceptional. The quality descriptor in the last line of the creation messaging will have an effect on the lockpick's mod.
- As you remove the resulting copper lockpick from the toolbench, a quick glance reveals that it's of fairly average quality.
- As you remove the resulting mithril lockpick from the toolbench, you can't help but be pleased with the exceptional quality of your work.
Customizing Lockpicks and Keys
- This skill is practiced from rank 57 to 62.
- Rogues trained in Lock Mastery can customize the description of lockpicks and keys.
- Edging
- Edging can be made of copper, brass, bronze, iron, steel, silver, gold, mithril, ora, alum, imflass, vultite, or vaalorn.
- The rogue has the option of putting the edging into the longer description of the lockpick, such as a copper-edged invar lockpick, or into the shorter description. If the latter option is chosen, the short description and activator adjective of the item would be "a copper-edged lockpick", but the full name of the lockpick would still be "a copper-edged invar lockpick".
- Edging of the same material cannot be used to edge the lockpick. For example, one cannot have a copper-edged copper lockpick.
>lm customize edge bronze You call out to a workshop attendant and request some bronze for edging. He wanders in with some bronze and asks for 250 silvers, which you quickly hand over. Taking the bronze from him, you take a heated crimping tool from the workbench and set about edging your copper lockpick. After a few moments, the work is done, leaving you holding a bronze-edged copper lockpick. Roundtime: 29 sec.
Edging Pricing Metal Pricing Metal Pricing Metal Pricing Metal Pricing copper 20 brass 100 bronze 250 iron 300 steel 400 silver 500 gold 1000 mithril 1400 ora 1600 alum 2000 imflass 2000 vultite 3000 vaalorn* 5000 mithglin* 5000 invar* 5000 veniom* 5000 laje* 5000
- Vaalorn is available at the Ta'Vaalor Rogue Guild
- Mithglin is available at the Ta'Illistim Rogue Guild
- Invar is available at the Zul Logoth Rogue Guild
- Veniom is available in the Wehnimer's Landing Rogue Guild
- Laje is available in the Solhaven Rogue Guild
- Insetting Gems
- Small items such as gems, scarabs, and certain extracted trap parts can be inset into the end of the lockpick.
>lm cust inset You take a chisel from the workbench and quickly scrape out a setting for a small light violet sphere in your lockpick. Replacing the chisel, you take a tube of glue and dab a small amount onto the back of your sphere before placing it on the lockpick and applying some pressure. Once the glue is set, you release your grip and find yourself holding a steel lockpick inset with a small light violet sphere. Roundtime: 30 sec.
- Colors & Dyes
- Lockpicks can be dyed a number of colors. Dying a lockpick costs 500 silvers.
>LMASTER CUSTOMIZE DYE RED-TINGED You call out to a workshop attendant and request some red-tinged dye. He wanders in with a pot of dye and asks for 500 silvers, which you quickly hand over. Taking the dye from him, you slowly apply the dye evenly across the surface of the lockpick, taking care not to leave any area uncovered. After a moment, the dye has dried, leaving you with a red-tinged copper lockpick. Roundtime: 32 sec.
- LM CUSTOM DYE ADJUST will move the dye color to the middle 15 characters of the short 15/15/15 description. This is useful for those who have multiple lockpicks of the same metal and would like to tell them apart easily.
Colors Available | ||||||||||||
Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Purple | Pink | Black | White | Brown | Grey | Misc | |
red | orange | yellow | green | aquamarine | purple | pink | black | white | brown | grey | rainbow | |
scarlet | tangerine | light yellow | verdant | blue-green | dark purple | rose-colored | sable | snow white | dark brown | dark grey | chrome | |
cardinal red | red-orange | lemon yellow | olive green | blue | violet | magenta | dark | chalk white | light brown | light grey | golden | |
vermilion | coppery gold | sallow | dark green | dark blue | plum-colored | rosy pink | inky black | lily white | nut brown | dove-colored | silvery | |
crimson | sunset orange | tawny yellow | light green | light blue | lavender | dusty rose | ebony | ivory white | hazel | iron grey | sand-colored | |
sanguine | apricot | ocher | forest green | turquoise | lilac | bright pink | coal black | pale white | puce | dun | peach-colored | |
blood red | carrot orange | ochre | leaf green | azure | mauve | coral pink | jet black | pearly white | ecru | drab grey | caramel-hued | |
coral red | persimmon | flaxen | sea green | cerulean | deep violet | amaranth pink | sooty black | pure white | tawny | dingy grey | coppery gold | |
ruby red | pumpkin orange | amber | grass green | cyan | grape | cerise | dusky black | stark white | maroon | steel grey | moonlight silver | |
fiery red | fiery orange | bright golden | pea green | sky blue | deep purple | salmon pink | dingy black | ghostly white | tan | ashen | pale golden | |
flame red | peach-colored | banana yellow | celadon | steel blue | periwinkle | pink-layered camouflage | midnight black | silvery | oak brown | ash grey | bright golden | |
dark red | golden | emerald green | indigo | royal purple | dusky rose | blue-black | bone white | russet | dapple grey | deep chrome | ||
brick red | honey-colored | viridian | murky indigo | amethyst purple | pale pink | matte black | creamy white | rust-colored | dappled | pearlescent | ||
rosy red | sand-colored | ivy green | dark azure | wisteria | raspberry | raven black | pristine white | roan | slate-colored | opaline | ||
ruddy crimson | almond | bile green | royal blue | nightshade purple | fuschia | obsidian black | alabaster | sorrel | stone grey | opalescent | ||
cherry red | chartreuse | jade green | dark cyan | pale violet | blush pink | deep black | bleached white | henna | grey-blue | silvery white | ||
dark crimson | pale golden | grey-green | dark cerulean | amethyst | shadowy black | glacial white | auburn | greyish blue | ||||
deep red | honey gold | pine green | sea blue | murky black | pearlescent | coppery brown | slate grey | |||||
lava red | champagne | cypress green | deep blue | mottled black | ivory | ale brown | storm grey | |||||
red-orange | rich cream | malachite green | silvery blue | dull black | brilliant white | deep brown | mushroom grey | |||||
cranberry-hued | verdant green | icy blue | ebon black | radiant white | dirt brown | pewter grey | ||||||
deep crimson | apple green | ice blue | ebon | gleaming white | chestnut brown | grey-green | ||||||
magma red | moss green | ultramarine | onyx black | silvery white | caramel-hued | smoky grey | ||||||
burgundy | seaweed green | midnight blue | glossy black | rich cream | hazel-brown | misty grey | ||||||
red-tinged | mottled green | pale blue | charcoal black | earthen brown | twilight grey | |||||||
russet | hunter green | teal | midnight ebon | tawny sable | platinum grey | |||||||
dark russet | green camouflage | ocean blue | twilight black | dark russet | charcoal | |||||||
rust-colored | woodland camouflage | cobalt blue | pitch black | brown camouflage | dull grey | |||||||
auburn | green-layered camouflage | sapphire blue | void black | chocolate-hued | cinereous | |||||||
berry red | hemlock green | glacial blue | deep ebony | burnt umber | pallid grey | |||||||
red-speckled black | pale jade | powder blue | charcoal | deep cordovan | ||||||||
blood-hued black | cucumber green | slate blue | faded black | chocolate | ||||||||
chartreuse | twilight blue | iridescent black | ||||||||||
silvery green | celestial blue | red-speckled black | ||||||||||
navy blue | scorched black | |||||||||||
dusky blue | onyx | |||||||||||
baby blue | blood-hued black | |||||||||||
glossy blue | moonshade black | |||||||||||
smalt blue |
- If a dye is not listed above, there is a possibility that it could be added. For 5000 silvers, a dye color can be submitted to the Guild Guru GM. There is no guarantee that the dye color will be approved.
>lm cust dye request sunset orange You call a workshop attendant in and ask him for a new dye. The attendant says, "Alright Milque, I can put in a request for some sunset orange dye for you. The cost will be 5,000 silver, no notes. Just ask me about ordering sunset orange dye one more time within the next 30 seconds to confirm your order. >lm cust dye request sunset orange You call a workshop attendant in and ask him for a new dye. The attendant collects your silvers and says, "Very well, Milque, I have put in a request for some sunset orange dye for you. Please check back within a week or two and use LMASTER CUSTOMIZE DYE REQUEST UPDATE to check on the status of your dye order."
- Cleaning
- At any point in the customization process a lockpick can be returned to "a <metal> lockpick" by using LM CUSTOMIZE CLEAN.
>lm cust clean You take a file from the workbench and carefully file all the distinguishing markings and ornamentation off of a steel lockpick, leaving you holding a steel lockpick. Roundtime: 7 sec.
Creating Keyrings
- This skill is learned at rank 63.
Keyring | Price | Keyring | Price | |
a chain link keyring | 200 | a slim mithril keyring | 1000 | |
a tarnished brass keyring | 200 | a twining invar keyring | 800 | |
a solid steel keyring | 200 | a gold filigree keyring | 600 | |
a sturdy iron keyring | 200 | a kelyn-clasped keyring | 2500 | |
a verdigris copper keyring | 200 | a braided silver keyring | 400 | |
a vaalin-laced keyring | 10000 |
Gaining ranks in all of the Rogue Guild skills requires the completion of numerous tasks.
Master Tasks
- Depending on the rank of the rogue, the Skilled Masters will ask for different tasks.
- Sense your best lock : Awards 4-7 Training Points
Parchment Conditions
- The Training Administrator told you to pick some easy boxes under a variety of conditions.
- Awards: 7-9 Training Points
-- Wehnimer's Landing --
- Average lighting - TSC, East Tower (all floors)
- Bright lighting - TSE, Two east of Moot Hall
- Dark lighting - SE and S of DeLuca (in guild), East Tower (down the trapdoor)
- Average Lighting, Fog - TSC, TSC Treehouse
Picking Tough Boxes
- The Training Administrator told you to pick some tough boxes from creatures.
- Awards 8 Training Points
Measuring with Calipers
- DeLuca assays you with a critical eye and says, "Let's find you something to do to earn a rank in Lock Mastery." DeLuca rubs his chin thoughtfully, then continues, "Whatever ya do, it's important to look good while yer doin' it, and from where I'm standin', yer off to a slow start. Go out and practice openin' some boxes with yer latest trick for an audience. Be sure and get some that are a decent challenge for ya." DeLuca also adds, "Repeat this 5 times."
- The Training Administrator told you to use some decently challenging boxes to practice your latest trick for an audience.
- Practice the latest PTRICK learned on a box that provides the locksmith decent challenge in front of at least four people. Rogues count as two, Rogue Guild Masters count as three. You can only get one repetition every 30 seconds. Persons that are hidden or invisible do not count as a member of the audience. Those practicing the skill in Zul Logoth, Pinefar or the Rift will find that they require an audience of only two people.
- Depending on how far along you are in the skill, you will need to use more difficult boxes.
Picking Contests
- DeLuca assays you with a critical eye and says, "Let's find you something to do to earn a rank in Lock Mastery." DeLuca rubs his chin thoughtfully, then continues, "Think you're getting good at this? Let's find out! Go tell a footpad I sent ya to pit your skills against theirs in a lockpicking contest to the death! Or whatever." DeLuca also adds, "Repeat this 12 times."
- The Training Administrator told you to pit your skills against a footpad.
- You and the master will each be given five boxes. They might be trapped, they might not. The traps are not dangerous. The locks will be of different sizes. You will be given points for disarming traps, picking boxes, and speed. Like normal picking, using the best lockpick for the lock will give you more points. You will be docked points for missing traps and failing pick attempts. Try to get a higher score than the footpad.
Wedge Open Boxes
Relock Boxes
Put Clasps on Containers
Create Locks and Keys
Extract Trap Components
- From rank 39 to 48 rogues are assigned to extract components from certain types of traps (e.g., vials of explosives) via the LM DISARM ON command. Not every successful disarm will yield a component. The extracted components are of various practical use; the acid vials in particular are necessary to advance in Lock Mastery. The trap types are added successively as follows:
- 39: Poison needles and jaws
- 41: Acid vials
- 43: Dark crystals and spheres
- 46: Gas cloud vials and fire cloud vials
Customize Lockpicks
- This skill is practiced from rank 57 to 62.
- Tsoran's site has an excellent table showing the skills, benefits and tasks required to progress in lock mastery. In addition to the benefits listed the smith will see reductions in RT for caliper use and for trap detection and disarming as they reached the advanced ranks of lockmastery.