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Ribbonator 2000

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The Ribbonator 2000 is a device introduced at Ebon Gate 2019 by GM Thandiwe. It was sold for seashells at Ebon Gate 2019 and Ebon Gate 2020 in the Jangling Junker shop. The Ribbonator 2000 has two unlockable tiers. The unlock certificates were also sold in the Jangling Junker.

Additional unlock certificates were sold in 2020 that grant the box the ability to create ribbons/laces to work with other scripted item systems. An unlock to create cobbling laces was sold in the Glass Slipper, and unlocks to create laceable clothing ribbons and weaving ribbons were sold in the Jangling Junker.

Base Analyze

Below is the base ANALYZE for the Ribbonator 2000. Additional information found in the ANALYZE as part of tier unlocks can be found beneath each additional tier.

Welcome to the one, the only, and the never before seen "Ribbonator 2000"!
This incredible, amazing, and often underestimated, item will thrill you with its ability to change ordinary fabric items into simple ribbons.  That's right, Elysia!  It makes ribbons!  If you aren't sure what to do with these ribbons, then find a local weaver and I'm sure they will excitedly help you out!

1. Add Dye - (optional) POUR your COBBLING or ALCHEMY dye IN the Ribbonator
2. Add Fabric - PUT your (unscripted) clothing item OR bolt of fabric IN the Ribbonator
3. Charge it - PUSH a silver wand into the Ribbonator (it only accepts fresh wands - or ones with 10 charges)
4. Make Ribbons - SPIN the Ribbonator to slice and dice that old item until you get ribbons!
5. Remove Ribbons - TURN the Ribbonator to get a single ribbon at a time.

That's right, Elysia, it is that simple!

Please note, if you put "a pair of purple felt pants" into the Ribbonator, it will strip the color from the felt and only give you "a felt ribbon."  In order to add color, you must use Alchemy Dye or Cobbling Dye.  Vials of dye must have 5 doses as 1 dose is enough for 2 ribbons, but most items will create 10 ribbons.
The Ribbonator has the following commands: pour(add dye), pull(remove wand), push(add wand), put(add fabric), spin(make ribbon), and turn(remove ribbon)
And is Tier 1 (OTS) of 3.

Altering Instructions:  The Ribbonator must always be a box of some kind and must always be belt-worn.  Due to its complicated (patent pending) dials, chambers, switches, and toggles, it can never support a SHOW DESCRIPTION, but it can handle long descriptions.

Disclaimers:  The Ribbonator is a sensitive device and as such its creators wish to remind you that it is made for good fun.  As a result, it has restrictions on it to prevent the harm of small children and animals.  The creators do not want any accusations of "The Ribbonator ate my baby!"  Please be sure to always use the Ribbonator appropriately.  Remember that all materials placed in the Ribbonator will, once the device is activated, be utterly demolished!  Do not place your hands in the device while it is in use as the creators will not be held responsible for missing digits.  And, for the love of all that is holy, do not bring a fork anywhere near it.  Do not use in the baths as the creators will not be held responsible for what may happen.  For your safety do not break these rules.

Tier 1

Style First Third
POUR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PULL This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PUSH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PUT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SPIN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TURN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Tier 2

At Tier 2, the Ribbonator 2000 can be unlocked via certificate to have an additional four verbs.


1. Add Dye - (optional) POUR your COBBLING or ALCHEMY dye IN the Ribbonator
2. Add Fabric - PUT your (unscripted) clothing item OR bolt of fabric IN the Ribbonator
3. Charge it - PUSH a silver wand into the Ribbonator (it only accepts fresh wands - or ones with 10 charges)
4. Make Ribbons - SPIN the Ribbonataor to slice and dice that old item until you get ribbons!
5. Remove Ribbons - TURN the Ribbonator to get a single ribbon at a time.
That's right, Elysia, it is that simple!
But wait!  There's more!  If you aren't satisfied with the plain, the boring, or the OFF the SHELF Ribbonator, then you can obtain an UNLOCK certificate for more zesty goodness!
The Ribbonator has the following commands: pour(add dye), pull(remove wand), push(add wand), put(add fabric), rub, spin(make ribbon), tap, tickle, turn(remove ribbon), and wave
And is Tier 2 of 3.
Style First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TICKLE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WAVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Tier 3

At Tier 3, the Ribbonator 2000 can be unlocked via certificate to have the ability to create hair ribbons, weaving ribbons, cobbling ribbons, and laceable ribbons.


1. Add Dye - (optional) POUR your COBBLING or ALCHEMY dye IN the Ribbonator
2. Add Fabric - PUT your (unscripted) clothing item OR bolt of fabric IN the Ribbonator
3. Charge it - PUSH a silver wand into the Ribbonator (it only accepts fresh wands - or ones with 10 charges)
4. Charge it for Zesting - (optional) NUDGE a blue crystal into the Ribbonator
5. Find Zests - (optional) TINKER with the Ribbonator to create zested ribbons
6. Change Type - (optional) FLIP the switch on the back of the Ribbonator to make laces or ribbons
7. Make Ribbons - SPIN the Ribbonator to slice and dice that old item until you get ribbons!
8. Remove Ribbons - TURN the Ribbonator to get a single ribbon at a time.

With a new durable top, you can POUND the Ribbonator so that your ribbons show only their true colors.

That's right, Elysia, it is that simple!

Please note, if you put "a pair of purple felt pants" into the Ribbonator, it will strip the color from the felt and only give you "a felt ribbon."  In order to add color, you must use Alchemy Dye or Cobbling Dye.  Vials of dye must have 5 doses as 1 dose is enough for 2 ribbons, but most items will create 10 ribbons.
The Ribbonator has the following commands: flip (selects ribbon or lace), glance (# of ribbons inside), nudge (add crystal), pinch (remove crystal), pound (add or remove fabric to ribbon), pour (add dye), pull (remove wand), push (add wand), put (add fabric), rub, spin (make ribbon), tap, tickle, tinker (change type), turn (remove ribbon), and wave
And is Tier 3 of 3.  And can add the following actions to your ribbons:  Hair Ribbon, Weaving Ribbons, Cobbling Ribbons, and Laceable Ribbons.
Style First Third
FLIP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
GLANCE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
NUDGE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PINCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
POUND This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TINKER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ribbonator 2000 Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2019
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Certificate
Restrictions Short and long description alterations only
Must remain a box
Item Verbs

Additional Information

Fabric Guidelines

In general, the box will accept cloth items as described below.


The item must contain a ONLY the cloth noun in the middle 15 of the item's base description (i.e. "a brown,linen,shirt"), and be unscripted/unzested. It must INSPECT as "mainly crafted out of cloth". It is acceptable if the clothing item has a long description or show description, as long as it meets the cloth word requirement in the middle 15 of the base short item name. TAP <fabric> <noun> is the quickest way to test this on items with long descriptions.

Bolts of Fabric

The Solhaven shop Maellyn's Fabrics sells bolts of fabric that have been updated to work with the Ribbonator 2000. Each bolt of fabric will produce 10 ribbons. Any bolt of fabric must INSPECT as "mainly crafted out of cloth" or it will not work. The Ribbonator will accept fabric materials sold as cobbling supplies, as long as the fabric type is on the permitted fabrics list.

Fabric Types

The following fabric types are known to be accepted by the Ribbonator: angora wool, aqilorn, baft, baize, baldachin, batiste, baudekin, bourde, broadcloth, brocade, brocatelle, buckram, burel, burlap, burnet, burnt velvet, byssine, byssus, caddas, caddis, calico, camaca, cambric, cameline, camlet, canvas, cendal, chainsil, chambray, charmeuse, checkery, chiffon, chintz, cire, cordetum, cotton, dagswain, damask, dimity, dupioni silk, elesine, faille, falding, felt, figured camlet, figured silk, figury, flannel, flax, flyrsilk, frieze, fustian, gauze, gingerline, gingham, gossamer, grosgrain, gunny, gunny cloth, haircloth, herringbone lace, jacquard, kersey, lace, lacebark, lamb's wool, lampas, lawn, linen, linsey, linsey-woolsey, lotus silk, lyraigne, malghavan wool, marbrinus, mock velvet, moire silk, moreen, muslin, nacre velvet, naraina, noil, oilcloth, organdy, organza, paeline, paisley, pashmina, perse, plumille, plunket, porraye, ramie linen, ramie silk, ray, ridgeweaver silk, rolton wool, ruhani wool, russet, sailcloth, samite, sarcenet, satin, sea silk, shalloon, silk, silk satin, silk taffeta, silk velvet, sindon, sisken, spidersilk, tabby, taffeta, tapestry, tartan, tatted lace, tatting, tiretaine, toile, tulle, tweed, tweel, twill, velour, velvet, velveteen, vervise, watchet, water camlet, watered silk, waved camlet, wild silk, wool, woolen, and worsted

The Ribbonator will not accept any type of leather.

Dye Guidelines

All alchemy and cobbling dyes will work. The dye vial should have 5 doses before you pour it into the box. Cobbling dyes, in particular, can be ordered in the cobbling shops in many towns, including additional colors available in the backrooms of the warehouse shops, in the cobbling shop on South Ring Road in Wehnimer's Landing, and on the seasonal cobbling cart in Mist Harbor. Cobbling dyes are frequently sold at festivals, as well.

Charging the Box

Silver wands should have 10 charges, or the results will be unpredictable.

Zesting the Ribbons

Blue crystals are used to add the selected zest to the ribbon output. Bound blue crystals from the BOOST system work, in addition to standard blue crystals found via the treasure system. If a blue crystal is not present or the crystal isn't sufficiently charged, the ribbon created by TURN will not be zested (scripted), regardless of the current ribbon type setting on the box. PINCH will remove the blue crystal and should be used after every ribbon to ensure charges remain.


See Also