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Many SpellSongs that a Bard uses work identically to other spells: the Bard must first prepare the spell and then cast it, either at a specific target or "in general" (affecting the whole room).

However, other SpellSongs behave unlike most other spells and have no fixed duration; instead, they are added to a Bard's medley and will renew automatically at a fixed interval of time. This can happen even in areas where spells may not normally be cast, such as in front of the bank teller or standing in the locker.

Calculating the renewal period

All factors adding to the renewal period have been determined, either through investigation or through GM revelation. The sum of all factors is the duration of renewable SpellSongs.

Factor Type Duration (seconds) Notes
Being a Bard Base 120 minimum
INFluence Stat bonus 3 per point
LOGic 1
1-25 Training 4 per level
26-50 3
51-75 2
76-100 1
Lore Skill 2 per rank