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Provoke (1235)

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Provoke (1235)
Mnemonic [provoke]
Base Duration 180 seconds
Added Duration None
Span None
Utility Magic  
Subtype Creature Generation 
Components Sentient Creatures 
Availability Sentient Creatures 
Minor Mental Spells
Soothing Word (1201) Utility
Iron Skin (1202) Defensive
Powersink (1203) Attack
Foresight (1204) Defensive
Glamour (1205) Utility
Telekinesis (1206) Attack
Force Projection (1207) Attack
Mindward (1208) Defensive
Dragonclaw (1209) Offensive
Thought Lash (1210) Attack
Confusion (1211) Attack
Shroud of Deception (1212) Utility
Mind over Body (1213) Utility
Brace (1214) Defensive
Blink (1215) Defensive
Focus Barrier (1216) Defensive
Vision (1217) Utility
Mental Dispel (1218) Utility
Vertigo (1219) Attack
Premonition (1220) Defensive
Mindwipe (1225) Attack
Provoke (1235) Utility

Provoke sends thoughts of rage throughout an area that incites the local creatures. This effect potentially increases the generation rate for sentient creatures in the area. In "normal" (see saved posts) hunting grounds the base increase is +2.

The rate can be further increased by training in Mental Lore, Telepathy by an additional +1 per 15 ranks.

Lore Benefit

Ranks Gen Rate
0 +2
15 +3
30 +4
45 +5
60 +6
75 +7
90 +8
105 +9
120 +10
135 +11
150 +12

See Also

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