Weddings/Creating Your Wedding Cake

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< Wedding Primer



For the purposes of this tutorial, and to ensure that we are capturing as many things as possible, each member of the party will be identified as the following:

*Spouse1 - this person has purchased the license and/or obtained it.  In the examples listed here, this person is female.
*Spouse2 - this is the person who will be marrying the license holder.  In the examples listed here, this person is male.
*Package Type - this will always be deluxe so that we can handle the largest amount of data at once.  All other packages have fewer items.  Where we can, we will note the differences.
*Wedding Hall - this will always be Kraken's Fall, but you can visit any of the Wedding Halls in the lands that are open.
*Wedding Planner - this will always be Anne, but your wedding planner can be anyone that is associated with a wedding hall.

It is important to note that married couples may be any of these combinations: female/female, female/male, male/female, male/male.

It is also important to note that meeting with the Wedding Planner only requires one Spouse and that it doesn't matter if it is Spouse 1 or Spouse 2.  Both spouses can enter the wedding hall.  Both spouses can handle this portion of the planning stage.  It is not, however, a requirement.

The Right Cake for the Right Package

If you have a Choice or Classic Wedding Package then you will be selecting your wedding cake using the instructions found on the Creating Your Wedding Menu page.

This page deals with customizations for the Deluxe Wedding Package only.

Crave Dining

If you have already created your wedding menu then you are familiar with Crave Dining. In the event that you are not, we've included some directions for you below:

Directions to Crave Dining

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The Importance of Samples

As you build your wedding cake with your baker you will want to ask for samples. Samples are an important part of making sure the cake is to your specification. They are also the only way to SET the CAKE that you design.

For example: SpouseOne has designed an entire cake, but once done designing she's curious that other random designs the baker could come up with.

BEFORE getting a sample of the cake she just designed, she asks the baker about random designs. The baker doesn't realize she doesn't want her cake and so the baker randomizes the design.

In order to save your cake, you must do the following:

1. Design Your Cake
3. GIVE BAKER {cake}

That will result in the following:

A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen to serve a mocha-frosted pistachio wedding cake festooned with sage candy monkeyflowers at your wedding.  Excellent choice!"  A cheerful baker clears away your cake.

This is also true if you are having the baker randomize a cake for you.

In order to save your random cake, you must do the following:

3. GIVE BAKER {cake}

That will result in the following:

A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen to serve a mocha-frosted pistachio wedding cake festooned with sage candy monkeyflowers at your wedding.  Excellent choice!"  A cheerful baker clears away your cake.

Side Note - As long as you have not changed your design, you can ask the baker for a second sample after you eat your delicious one. It has only one bite, so do not panic! Just ask the baker for a sample again.

Speaking with the Baker

The baker at Crave Dining is only too eager to speak to you about your wedding cake.

You can simply take a cake out of the display case and give it right to the baker and call it a day. This is an easy option for you and you can consider this cake done.

However, should you wish, you can completely customize your cake in every way OR ask the baker to produce random selections for you.

ask baker about help
A cheerful baker says, "Sample our offerings and GIVE me the cake you would like at your wedding.  Alternately, as part of the deluxe wedding package, you can choose from a selection of options for me to bake your wedding cake.  ASK me about FLAVOR, FILLING, and FROSTING to choose your wedding cake flavors, and then ASK me about DECORATION, ICING, COLORS, and DESIGN to choose the decorations for your wedding cake.  ASK me about SAMPLE to preview your choices, and GIVE me the sample you prefer to order the cake for your wedding."

The baker adds, "If you need inspiration, you can ask me about a RANDOM design!"

Since there are just so very many ways to customize your wedding cake, we thought we would take each part step by step.

At any step in the customization process, you can ASK BAKER ABOUT CAKE and she will tell you what your choices have been and what the final result will appear as.

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A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which cake flavor you would like for your wedding cake: yellow, vanilla, chocolate, white chocolate, carrot, red velvet, lemon, coconut, marble, spice, banana, black forest, almond, pistachio, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or none."

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen 'pistachio' for your cake flavor.  So far, we have a pistachio wedding cake."
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A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which filling you would like for your wedding cake: custard, caramel, salted caramel, fresh raspberries, raspberry jam, fresh strawberries, strawberry jam, blueberry jam, tart cherry jam, apricot jam, peach jam, chocolate ganache, crunchy chocolate cookies, lemon curd, lime curd, mango, pineapple, passion fruit, fig, coconut creme, orange marmalade, praline, mocha, hazelnut, chocolate hazelnut, peanut butter, or none."

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen 'fresh raspberries' for your cake filling.  So far, we have a pistachio wedding cake."
Return to the top of this page.


A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which frosting you would like for your wedding cake: buttercream, chocolate, chocolate buttercream, dark chocolate frosting, vanilla frosting, cream cheese frosting, whipped cream, marzipan, ganache, meringue, maple frosting, mocha frosting, pecan coconut frosting, orange frosting, or none."

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen 'mocha frosting' for your cake frosting.  So far, we have a mocha-frosted pistachio wedding cake."
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A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration style you would like for your wedding cake: decorated, covered, dappled, dotted, festooned, trimmed, or none."

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen 'covered' for your cake decoration.  So far, we have a mocha-frosted pistachio wedding cake."
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A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration icing you would like for your wedding cake: buttercream, candy, fondant, marzipan, sugar, or none."

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen 'buttercream' for your decoration icing type.  So far, we have a mocha-frosted pistachio wedding cake buttercream icing."
Return to the top of this page.


A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: We have a lot of colors.  Which color options do you want to hear?  ASK me to hear the COLOR options for pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, violets, whites, blacks, browns, or all [Note: ALL may cause Wrayth lag]."

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: green, green-tinted, green-tinged, dark green, light green, deep green, pale green, apple green, emerald, emerald green, grass green, hunter green, forest green, ivy green, jungle green, leaf green, lime green, mint green, moss green, pastel green, pine green, sea green, blue-green, celadon, chartreuse, jade, olive, sage, teal, verdant, vert, viridian, or none."
A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen 'sage' for your cake decoration color.  So far, we have a mocha-frosted pistachio wedding cake covered with sage buttercream icing."
To view the available Black Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: black, blue-black, charcoal black, ink black, jet black, midnight black, obsidian black, onyx black, raven black, ebon, ebony, fuliginous, night-hued, sable, grey, dark grey, light grey, ash grey, blue-grey, dove grey, fog grey, iron grey, misty grey, smoke grey, smoky grey, steel grey, stone grey, ashen, pewter, dove-colored, slate-colored, or none."
To view the available Blue Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: blue, blue-tinted, blue-tinged, dark blue, light blue, deep blue, ahmdir blue, baby blue, glacial blue, ice blue, icy blue, iris blue, midnight blue, navy blue, ocean blue, pastel blue, royal blue, sea blue, sky blue, slate blue, twilight blue, aquamarine, azure, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, hyacinth, lapis, periwinkle, sapphire, sky-hued, turquoise, ultramarine, zaffre, or none."
To view the available Brown Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: brown, dark brown, light brown, ale brown, nut brown, oak brown, caramel, caramel-hued, champagne, chestnut, chocolate-hued, cocoa brown, cinnamon, auburn, fawn, ginger, hazel, henna, roan, russet, sorrel, tan, taupe, tawny, topaz-hued, umber, walnut brown, whiskey-hued, or none."
To view the available Green Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: green, green-tinted, green-tinged, dark green, light green, deep green, pale green, apple green, emerald, emerald green, grass green, hunter green, forest green, ivy green, jungle green, leaf green, lime green, mint green, moss green, pastel green, pine green, sea green, blue-green, celadon, chartreuse, jade, olive, sage, teal, verdant, vert, viridian, or none."
To view the available Orange Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: orange, orange-tinted, orange-tinged, bright orange, dark orange, light orange, deep orange, pale orange, burnt orange, fiery orange, sunrise orange, sunset orange, vivid orange, apricot, carnelian, melon, papaya, peach, persimmon, pumpkin, red-orange, rust-colored, sunset-hued, tangerine, or none."
To view the available Pink Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: pink, pink-tinted, pink-tinged, dark pink, light pink, deep pink, pale pink, pastel pink, blush pink, blush-hued, coral, coral pink, pearl pink, rosy pink, salmon, salmon pink, twilight pink, fuchsia, magenta, mauve, rose, dusky rose, raspberry, strawberry-hued, or none."
To view the available Red Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: red, red-tinted, red-tinged, dark red, light red, deep red, berry red, blood red, brick red, cardinal red, cherry red, fiery red, flame red, fox red, lava red, rosy red, ruby red, vibrant red, alizarin, burgundy, carmine, cerise, claret, cranberry, crimson, dark crimson, deep crimson, garnet, maroon, murrey, ruddy, sanguine, scarlet, vermilion, wine, or none."
To view the available Violet Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: purple, purple-tinted, purple-tinged, blue-purple, dark purple, light purple, deep purple, pale purple, nightshade purple, royal purple, twilight purple, amethyst, aubergine, eggplant, grape-hued, heliotrope, indigo, lavender, lilac, mulberry, orchid, plum, thistle, violet, blue-violet, red-violet, wisteria, or none."
To view the available White Colors, click here.
A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration color you would like for your wedding cake: white, bone white, cottony white, cream, creamy white, daisy white, downy white, frost white, gardenia white, ghostly white, lily white, parchment white, pearly, pearly white, porcelain white, pure white, oyster white, snow white, winter white, argent, alabaster, almond, beige, coconut, ecru, eggshell, ivory, niveous, pearl-hued, platinum, snowy, silver, silver-tinged, silvery, silvery blue, silvery green, moonlight silver, vanilla, or none."
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A cheerful baker says, "Choose and TELL me which decoration design you would like for your wedding cake: anchor, arrow, bell, chevron, cityscape, diamond, feather, heart, interlocked ring, spiderweb, spiral, wisp, woodgrain, floral, flower, blossom, amaranth, angelica, aster, begonia, bleeding heart, buttercup, butterfly weed, carnation, cherry blossom, chrysanthemum, clematis, clivia, columbine, cothinar flower, crocus, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, datura, dragonstalk, edelweiss, flamestalk, freesia, gardenia, geranium, ginger blossom, goldenrod, heather, heliotrope, hellebore, hibiscus, honeysuckle, hyacinth, hydrangea, iceblossom, iris, lilac, lily, calla lily, blood lily, tiger lily, snow lily, stargazer lily, water lily, lotus blossom, jasmine, jessamine, magnolia, monkeyflower, moonflower, morning glory, mournbloom, nightshade, orange blossom, orchid, passionflower, peony, petunia, phlox, plumeria, poppy, posy, rose, rosebud, dog rose, primrose, winter rose, sirenflower, snapdragon, sunflower, tulip, violet, wildflower, zinnia, celestial, moon phase, frost, star, starburst, sunburst, moon, moon and star, crescent moon, nightscape, cloud, storm cloud, thundercloud, lightning bolt, raindrop, snowflake, flame, fire, rising smoke, paw print, footprint, handprint, jack-o-lantern, bramble, branch, cactus, cactus flower, fern, forest, frond, ivy, leaf, maple leaf, mushroom, palm frond, pine needle, reed, rosette, tendril, thorn, toadstool, tree, vine, grape vine, willow, coral, seascape, shell, wave, apple, berry, cherry, cookie, fruit, strawberry, tart, watermelon, marallis berry, sovyn clove, sweetfern, bat, bear, bumblebee, cat, centaur, cow, doe, dog, deer, dolphin, dragon, fish, griffin, ghost, hawk, hedgehog, horse, jackal, kitten, kobold, kraken, lion, mouse, octopus, orc, otter, pegasus, puppy, roa'ter, rolton, troll, skull, serpent, snake, spider, starfish, tentacle, unicorn, wolf, wraith, bird, bluebird, cardinal, duck, dove, eagle, blood eagle, flycatcher, heron, owl, peacock, pelican, pheasant, seagull, swan, hummingbird, bow, sword, shield, shield and sword, crossed sword, scimitar, sickle, claidhmore, boat, pirate flag, lock, key, lock and key, lockpick, scarab, playing card, clasped hands, praying hands, skull, demon, eye, rune, runestaff, runestone, shrunken head, scroll, wand, cauldron, mortar and pestle, artist's brush, brush stroke, palette, palette and brush, lute, flute, harp, music note, gear, sprocket, anvil, artist's brush, black widow, broken skull, cat's head, chelioboros, clenched fist, conjoined circles, crescent moon, crown, crystal ball, dagger, dagger-pierced heart, doe, dolphin, eight-pointed star, feather, flame, gate and key, grain sheaf, heart, hourglass, jackal's head, key, leaf, lily, lute, musical note, ouroboros, pegasus, rose, tentacled star, six-tentacled star, slit-pupiled eye, scimitar, scroll, serpent, shield, sickle, skull, star, stone giant, stone giantess, sunburst, sword, trident, two-headed serpent, or none."

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


A cheerful baker says, "You have chosen 'daisy' for your cake decoration design.  So far, we have a mocha-frosted pistachio wedding cake covered with sage buttercream daisies."

For your convenience, we've broken down some of the options into easily findable categories:

To view the available Design Items, click here.
anchor anvil arrow artist's brush artist's brush
bell boat bow brush stroke cauldron
claidhmore clasped hands coral crossed sword demon
diamond eye feather flute footprint
gear handprint harp heart interlocked ring
jack-o-lantern key lock lock and key lockpick
lute mortar and pestle music note palette palette and brush
paw print pirate flag playing card praying hands rune
runestaff runestone scarab scimitar scroll
shell shield shield and sword shrunken head sickle
skull spiderweb sprocket sword wand
To view the available Design Flowers, click here.
amaranth clematis geranium magnolia primrose water lily
angelica clivia ginger blossom maple leaf reed watermelon
apple columbine goldenrod marallis berry rose wildflower
aster cookie grape vine monkeyflower rosebud willow
begonia cothinar flower heather moonflower sirenflower winter rose
berry crocus heliotrope morning glory snapdragon zinnia
bleeding heart daffodil hellebore mournbloom snow lily
blood lily dahlia hibiscus mushroom sovyn clove
blossom daisy honeysuckle nightshade stargazer lily
bramble datura hyacinth orange blossom strawberry
branch dog rose hydrangea orchid sunflower
buttercup dragonstalk iceblossom palm frond sweetfern
butterfly weed edelweiss iris passionflower tart
cactus fern ivy peony thorn
cactus flower flamestalk jasmine petunia tiger lily
calla lily flower jessamine phlox toadstool
carnation freesia leaf pine needle tree
cherry frond lilac plumeria tulip
cherry blossom fruit lily poppy vine
chrysanthemum gardenia lotus blossom posy violet
To view the available Design Animals & Creatures, click here.
bat ghost pheasant
bear griffin puppy
bird hawk roa'ter
blood eagle hedgehog rolton
bluebird heron seagull
bumblebee horse serpent
cardinal hummingbird skull
cat jackal snake
centaur kitten spider
cow kobold starfish
deer kraken swan
doe lion tentacle
dog mouse troll
dolphin octopus unicorn
dove orc wolf
dragon otter wraith
duck owl
eagle peacock
fish pegasus
flycatcher pelican
To view the available Design Arkati Symbols, click here.
artist's brush dagger-pierced heart key shield
black widow doe leaf sickle
broken skull dolphin lily six-tentacled star
cat's head eight-pointed star lute skull
chelioboros feather musical note slit-pupiled eye
clenched fist flame ouroboros star
conjoined circles gate and key pegasus stone giant
crescent moon grain sheaf rose stone giantess
crown heart scimitar sunburst
crystal ball hourglass scroll sword
dagger jackal's head serpent tentacled star trident
To view the available Design Miscellania , click here.
celestial flame moon and star seascape sunburst
chevron floral moon phase snowflake tendril
cityscape forest nightscape spiral thundercloud
cloud frost raindrop star wave
crescent moon lightning bolt rising smoke starburst wisp
fire moon rosette storm cloud woodgrain
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If you are uncertain what kind of cake you would like to have, then you can ask the baker to provide you with some random options.

A cheerful baker says, "I could make you a chocolate buttercream-topped carrot wedding cake with topaz lutes."

Important Note - If you ask about random, then you must ask the baker for a sample. You can then taste test it. If you like the way it came out and you want to have it as your wedding cake, then you must GIVE the cake to the BAKER.

To view an example of a Random Cake Design, click here.
>ask baker about random
A cheerful baker says, "I could make you a two-tiered milk chocolate wedding cake trimmed with periwinkle candy black widows."
>ask baker about sample
A cheerful baker says, "Here you are, a slice of milk chocolate wedding cake trimmed with a periwinkle candy black widow, from a two-tiered milk chocolate wedding cake trimmed with periwinkle candy black widows."
Tastes: You take a bite of your wedding cake. Rich and sweet, the milk chocolate cake is complemented by a layer of fig. Dark chocolate frosting tops the cake, accentuating the flavors.
To view an example of a Random Cake Design, click here.
>ask baker about random
A cheerful baker says, "I could make you a tiered marzipan-topped red velvet wedding cake with midnight blue candy lions."
>ask baker about sample
A cheerful baker says, "Here you are, a slice of marzipan-topped red velvet wedding cake with a midnight blue candy lion, from a tiered marzipan-topped red velvet wedding cake with midnight blue candy lions."
>eat my cake
You take a bite of your wedding cake. Rich and sweet, the red velvet cake is complemented by a layer of peanut butter. Marzipan tops the cake, accentuating the flavors.
To view an example of a Random Cake Design, click here.
>ask baker about random
A cheerful baker says, "I could make you a towering vanilla wedding cake dappled with sky-hued marzipan unicorns."
>ask baker about sample
A cheerful baker says, "Here you are, a slice of vanilla wedding cake dappled with a sky-hued marzipan unicorn, from a towering vanilla wedding cake dappled with sky-hued marzipan unicorns."
>eat my cake
You take a bite of your wedding cake. Rich and sweet, the vanilla cake has a delicate sweetness and a buttery mouthfeel. Whipped cream tops the cake, accentuating the flavors.
To view an example of a Random Cake Design, click here.
>ask baker about random
A cheerful baker says, "I could make you a three-tiered meringue-topped wedding cake dotted with red-violet rosebuds."
>ask baker about sample
A cheerful baker says, "Here you are, a slice of meringue-topped wedding cake dotted with a red-violet rosebud, from a three-tiered meringue-topped wedding cake dotted with red-violet rosebuds."
>eat my cake
You take a bite of your wedding cake. The light, fluffy cake is firm, yet moist, yielding pleasantly in your mouth. Praline provides a contrast in both flavor and texture, accentuating the cake. A layer of meringue has been spread over the top of the cake, providing an additional burst of sweetness.
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