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The campfire system was introduced by GameMaster Retser in March 2020 in order to provide protection to adventurers in cold climates. It is useful for weather effects near Icemule Trace and the Hinterwilds. Special flint, tinder, and wood is located in Icemule Trace in the specialty shop Ancients' Campfire as well as the shop Sylvarraend Campfire Supplies in Sylvarraend.

This system does not work with any existing woods and will only work with the wood purchased from the store. There are seven different fragrant woods and one base wood. There is also a special survival tote available that can store items compatible with the campfire system and bring them back out again in a fashionable way. The wood stored this way is also weightless. OTS has a limit of 1 tinder, 1 flint, and 1 wood weightless.



You analyze your flint and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Campfires are primarily used to combat the colder environments. You cannot have more than one campfire down. If a campfire is left unattended it will die out. The longer you spend by a campfire the more protected you are from the colder elements. The more skilled you are in survival the longer a campfire will last if you build it. Those more skilled in survival will also be protected for longer after spending time by a fire. The flint is used after the campfire is built with wood and tinder. You can LIGHT CAMPFIRE with the flint in one hand and something made of iron or steel in the other.
You get no sense of whether or not the flint may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
LIGHT CAMPFIRE You lean close to the makeshift campfire and strike your flint against your dagger repeatedly. A collection of sparks fly toward the makeshift campfire which you quickly blow on, creating a small budding flame.

Roundtime: 3 sec.

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You analyze your tinder and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Campfires are primarily used to combat the colder environments. You cannot have more than one campfire down. If a campfire is left unattended it will die out. The longer you spend by a campfire the more protected you are from the colder elements. The more skilled you are in survival the longer a campfire will last if you build it. Those more skilled in survival will also be protected for longer after spending time by a fire. The tinder is used after there is already a makeshift campfire down. You can use PUSH tinder to add to it.
You get no sense of whether or not the tinder may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
PUSH You break your tinder in half and stuff the tinder into the openings beneath the makeshift campfire.

Roundtime: 3 sec.

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Totes offer special verb traps based on tier. Tiers are unlocked by merchant and do not currently have an option for unlocking in the shop.


This brushed suede satchel is intended to help with fending off the cold.  Various items for making campfires (wood, tinder, and flint) may be stored weightlessly.  A small weapon may also be stored inside.  Current verbs are:

  CLEAN - Fluff messaging
  CLOSE - Fluff closure
  OPEN  - Fluff opening
  TURN  - Select a different type of wood
  FLIP  - Get some flint
  PINCH - Grab yourself a handful of tinder
  PULL  - Withdraw a bundle of wood
  PUT   - Adds wood, tinder, or flint

This satchel is fully unlocked and contains:
  Tinder:  0 out of 3
  Flint:   0 out of 3
  Wood:    0 out of 3

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the brushed suede satchel for you or deepen its pockets.


Verb First Third
CLEAN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
CLOSE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
FLIP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
OPEN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PINCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PULL This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PUT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TURN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



You analyze your cedar wood and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Campfires are primarily used to combat the colder environments. You cannot have more than one campfire down. If a campfire is left unattended it will die out. The longer you spend by a campfire the more protected you are from the colder elements. The more skilled you are in survival the longer a campfire will last if you build it. Those more skilled in survival will also be protected for longer after spending time by a fire. The wood is used to start building your campfire. You can use PUSH wood to start building one.
You get no sense of whether or not the wood may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
PUSH You carefully unbundle your cedar wood and angle the logs together upright.

Roundtime: 3 sec.

This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Additional Information

Building the Campfire

In order to build the campfire, place the wood, then the tinder, and then light the fire. Any steel or iron item such as a steel dagger will work with the flint to create the spark. Casting Fire Spirit (111), Minor Fire (906), or Major Fire (908) at the fire to light it once built. If no one is present, the fire will die out.

You glance down to see a handful of tinder in your right hand and a bundle of oak wood in your left hand.

>push wood
You carefully unbundle your oak wood and angle the logs together upright.

>push tinder
You break your tinder in half and stuff the tinder into the openings beneath the makeshift campfire.

You glance down to see some flint in your right hand and a steel dagger in your left hand.

>light campfire
You lean close to the makeshift campfire and strike your flint against your dagger repeatedly. A collection of sparks fly toward the makeshift campfire which you quickly blow on, creating a small budding flame.

Fragrant smoke from the burning campfire swirls around you and fills your nostrils with the scent of smoldering oaken firewood.

>sniff retser
You smell like smoldered, oaken firewood.

[Glatoph, Glacier]
You also see a burning campfire.

Without warning, the winds intensify, howling as they rush through the area. Snow and sleet ride violently upon them, raking across your face! The warmth from the burning campfire keeps the cold at bay.

Mechanic Benefit

These new campfires are special in nature. They provide protection in the room the character resides to the cold weather. It will also slowly decrease the amount of exposure to the elements accumulated. After removing most of the cold weather exposure, the campfire will start to build up protection against the exposure effects.

The duration of the campfire is determined by the survival skill of the person placing it. The bonus minutes of protection and total minutes of protection are based on each character's survival skill. Higher survival builds more protection from cold, faster. There is also a ceiling of protection based on survival skill.. The default rate is 2 minutes per 1 minute spent by the fire. Note: The ceiling of the exposure isn't a literal 30/20/15/10 minutes. If the character stays still in the harsher environments that protection will burn away faster and faster the longer the character remains.

Impact of Survival on Campfires
Survival Skill

(greater than or equal to)

Minutes Fire Lasts Bonus Minutes of Protection

per Minute of Campfire Exposure

Total Minutes of Cold Weather Protection Possible
50 20 3 30
25 15 2 20
10 10 1 15
0 5 0 10

See Also

Campfire Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to
Item Verbs