House Brigatta

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Amici Per Aevum
Officer Roster
Title Officer Name Position
Imperatrix Lylia Chair
Vice Chancellor Open Co-Chair
Chamberlain Ysharra Co-Chair
Provost Dara Treasurer
Scribe Stigs Co-Treasurer
Archivist Melikor Secretary
Emissary Thrassus Co-Secretary

House Brigatta is a Great House in the outpost town of Wehnimer's Landing, and a member of the Co-operative Houses of Elanthia (CHE). It was founded by Lady Taarna (after whom Taarna Road is named), as well as Lords Zinderin and Sterling, and was built in the year 5091. Brigatta celebrated its 30th anniversary in the year 5121.

House Brigatta is one of the oldest Houses in Elanith, located in the center of Wehnimer's Landing (three blocks due north of the infamous cul-de-sac) at the end of Lyon Way. The House has annexes in all major towns and cities. It is open to all races and professions, with membership being extended by personal invitations by existing members.

Many members of House Brigatta speak of a level of camaraderie similar to an extended family within the House - rather than that of a typical club or organization.

Be sure to say hello to "Fred" the faithful gatekeeper.

How to Join

Tours and inductions are held by appointment; please ask any member or officer if you would like a tour.

  • must be level 5
  • must not belong to any other House
  • must pay an Initiation Fee: bring 5,000 coins and a note for 15,000 silvers

Our officers are also available on Discord and can be reached in official channels or via direct message.


Brigatta has welcomed more than 850 members over the years, some of whom have been with us since its inception. To see a partial list of our active and past members, expand this section.

  • Aaramon
  • Aavuri
  • Acidomi
  • Adamina
  • Ahzai
  • Aintryg
  • Airechtach
  • Aldie
  • Allarain
  • Allequerie
  • Allynia
  • Alosaka
  • Alturiak
  • Alynith
  • Amalfya
  • Andwyn
  • Angkatell
  • Aniska
  • Annelie
  • Antioch
  • Appraise
  • Araelduin
  • Arasleaf
  • Argahast
  • Arianwen
  • Arleana
  • Arlia
  • Artans
  • Artemysia
  • Asterran
  • Astron
  • Ataxius
  • Attoll
  • Augierose
  • Aurangzeb
  • Ayaki
  • Ayi
  • Aylkar
  • Baffled
  • Bakarus
  • Bandanas
  • Barlimoeur
  • Barloff
  • Benalian
  • Berean
  • Berkana
  • Bialstoc
  • Blessour
  • Blystar
  • Boringarr
  • Bozez
  • Bradamante
  • Brastius
  • Bravlyn
  • Brianwen
  • Bronwen
  • Brudaghast
  • Bruteum
  • Cannel
  • Cardrossa
  • Carindhe
  • Cearid
  • Celnak
  • Celtar
  • Cercola
  • Cerrenia
  • Cerulean
  • Cheska
  • Chronin
  • Cigger
  • Cilk
  • Cinabar
  • Claede
  • Clancity
  • Clerweis
  • Colomba
  • Comnenus
  • Conarr
  • Covannent
  • Crista
  • Cromir
  • Cruxophim
  • Culaan
  • Cyco
  • Czeska
  • Daiyon
  • Dainskeld
  • Danay
  • Danell
  • Danle
  • Dannai
  • Dannir
  • Dannoch
  • Dante
  • Dara
  • Darsham
  • Daywane
  • Deavon
  • Debie
  • Delashio
  • Delbarus
  • Devience
  • Deza
  • Dgry
  • Dragsho
  • Dread
  • Drystan
  • Dweomersmith
  • Eardog
  • Eivar
  • Elana
  • Elkiros
  • Elrikt
  • Elte
  • Endoro
  • Enfar
  • Enkidu
  • Enterobios
  • Equisturgis
  • Eurial
  • Evrem
  • Ewin
  • Faent
  • Faerinn
  • Farimer
  • Fermi
  • Fernshade
  • Fisher
  • Fivel
  • Flannedrius
  • Forreva
  • Fropple
  • Frorin
  • Galihoden
  • Geraldd
  • Gervais
  • Gharr
  • Gheristt
  • Ghwen
  • Glynis
  • Gormin
  • Greely
  • Greysleeve
  • Grimmskald
  • Grumbler
  • Guironne
  • Gwendolyne
  • Gwynn
  • Gyril
  • Heavenleigh
  • Heavenscent
  • Helsfeld
  • Higher
  • Higlac
  • Holoni
  • Hunthor
  • Ibero
  • Ikion
  • Impudent
  • Irar
  • Iruil
  • Ismurii
  • Ivaere
  • Izorah
  • Jaefer
  • Jaffler
  • Jakaesa
  • Jaldaren
  • Jazmeena
  • Jeldharr
  • Jendha
  • Jilyae
  • Jjustinian
  • Johanna
  • Jonsho
  • Julieana
  • Kabann
  • Kadiann
  • Karasye
  • Katrinia
  • Kaxia
  • Kearivon
  • Keevara
  • Kencyrath
  • Khitajrah
  • Kilrod
  • Kinre
  • Kioya
  • Kireta
  • Kiske
  • Kithara
  • Kiyna
  • Kolts
  • Kothos
  • Krishana
  • Kyal
  • Kyota
  • Kytaara
  • Laij
  • Lascivia
  • Leelan
  • Lenah
  • Liamare
  • Libane
  • Llyrrick
  • Loirya
  • Lorissia
  • Luky
  • Lylia
  • Lyrna
  • Lystra
  • Lyzzi
  • Maerc
  • Magnas
  • Mahurat
  • Makkyver
  • Mamu
  • Marijka
  • Matiisse
  • Meagle
  • Megnar
  • Melangell
  • Melchaeus
  • Melikor
  • Melisani
  • Meltun
  • Mercul
  • Merranda
  • Mezmiali
  • Mikiala
  • Mistomeer
  • Mistytwilight
  • Mithumbras
  • Moirane
  • Mojo
  • Morgynn
  • Morte
  • Moshi
  • Murharzarm
  • Myrilia
  • Myrtle
  • Naamit
  • Nali
  • Nicodemus
  • Niseira
  • Nivlamvar
  • Nola
  • Omnirus
  • Petru
  • Petyr
  • Pinipin
  • Praytus
  • Psionix
  • Qhadijah
  • Quatore
  • Quiet
  • Rabenwolf
  • Rasko
  • Rathamon
  • Ravenstorm
  • Ravenwulf
  • Ravinold
  • Razzleberry
  • Reawing
  • Riftur
  • Rikkit
  • Rilla
  • Roiken
  • Rubi
  • Rues
  • Rumpleman
  • Rusaler
  • Rustybeard
  • Saarosh
  • Samaarkan
  • Sarnth
  • Saschia
  • Sauvage
  • Schultz
  • Seesfar
  • Sepher
  • Seremnon
  • Serynia
  • Sesar
  • Shaddox
  • Shandi
  • Shinoo
  • Sianne
  • Siggie
  • Sinari
  • Siphere
  • Skorrian
  • Skrad
  • Skrul
  • Sleet
  • Soleren
  • Sorlu
  • Sparked
  • Sterling
  • Stigs
  • Stjarn
  • Stonebreaker
  • Suzan
  • Swige
  • Sydna
  • Systra
  • Szula
  • Taarna
  • Taedon
  • Taezel
  • Tala
  • Taliadra
  • Talthan
  • Tasch
  • Tchzin
  • Tecilar
  • Telagan
  • Telegane
  • Telekin
  • Tenser
  • Thoryon
  • Thrassus
  • Thrasyllus
  • Thyestes
  • Tinkabell
  • Titaniia
  • Torts
  • Treme
  • Tressilian
  • Trimie
  • Tsimer
  • Tykeara
  • Tylanthriel
  • Tyraesa
  • Tyranthraxus
  • Tysong
  • Tziporah
  • Vadun
  • Vaemyr
  • Valkrist
  • Varsric
  • Vazcor
  • Velher
  • Vinnyne
  • Virunil
  • Vladnar
  • Voor
  • Voosir
  • Vyrshkana
  • Wado
  • Whirlin
  • Weishulin
  • Wordek
  • Xanthium
  • Xorus
  • Xygon
  • Ysharra
  • Zachion
  • Zedorra
  • Zelinna
  • Zeminar
  • Zepath
  • Zersus
  • Zeveris
  • Zhert
  • Zinderin
  • Ziny
  • Zirthiluntha
  • Zodin
  • Zolis
  • Zvan
  • Zurion

Annexes (and Lockers)

House Brigatta, sitting at the end of Lyon Way.
Rendered by Ysharra (using Mid Journey)
Name Location Lich # Access
Huckleberry Room - Silvermule Icemule Trace 20014 lean tart book
Villa Brigatta Kharam Dzu/Teras Isle] 24064
Inking Den Kraken Falls 31051
Hale Hall, House Brigatta Lobby Mist Harbor 24210
Timor's, Storage River's Rest 23198
Lockers, Antechamber Solhaven 31020
The Lapis Lounge Ta'Illistim 23909 pull sconce/pull ring
Wyvern Keep, Dahcre Chamber Ta'Vaalor 10415
Rockslinger's, Annex Corridor Zul Logoth 28672

Mission Statement

Brigatta always has been, and will continue to be... just a home. A cozy place to relax among friends and family. We have no political agenda nor will we impose any upon our families. We will not discriminate against any of our families by way of race, gender, profession, or alignment. Brigatta has no aspirations to become the largest or most powerful house in the landing. To become the largest by means of structure or residents would mean housemates could lose themselves within our walls and the closeness of family and camaraderie would be lost. To become the most powerful would put burdens of political agendas and structure upon us which we do not want.

We are not an institution or a club, hence we have no need for bylaws. We are a simply a home, and as such it is only expected that housemates treat one another with respect and kindness. Title, age, wealth nor power shall give any Brigattan superiority over another of our house while residing in Brigatta. Nor shall the aforementioned command another's friendship or respect.

House Colors: White and blue: white for purity, truth, and honesty; blue for loyalty and inner strength.

House Coat-of-Arms: A staff crossing a sword with the image of a unicorn's head behind them and stars sparkling in the background. The sword represents those professions that live by the sword. The staff represents those professions that live for life. The stars represent those professions that live by magic. The unicorn represents power, change and growth. (Arms concept by Lord Quiet Pheonix)

House Motto: Amici Per Aevum, which translates to "friends through time," or "friends throughout eternity."

House Religion: Members of House Brigatta may worship any deity of their choosing, or align themselves with any society.

Races and Professions: All races, cultures, and professions are welcome.


Look for upcoming announced events such as December 2023's Glacial Gala, Brigatta barbecues, and summer's Revelia Carnivale. We often participate in multi-House and MHO events and are happy to offer our game room or amphitheater to help make others' events more special.

House tours are available by asking our officers or members for a look around, and inductions are by appointment.

Behind the Scenes

On October 28, 2009, the House opened its Memorial Garden, a public space near the front entrance with a plaque commemorating those House members who have passed away. The area is a node and contains a trash receptacle as well, making it an ideal place for members and non-members to meet.[[1]]

Sometime on either side of 2012, a kitchen was added (accessed via the corridor off the Common Room), along with a Game Room (west of the Common Room), and the garden was reduced to be more functional.

On December 12, 2019, a second story was added to House Brigatta. The stairway just off the entry leads up to a hallway with a copper panel (now leading to the observatory and the workshop), a pale haon door leads to our library, and a dark mistwood door braced with hammered black iron fittings leads to a bedroom.

Builders, painters, and other workers finished an amphitheater (for public use) and a summoning chamber, as well as renovations completed in the guest bedroom (on the main floor). The outside of the House got a fresh coat of daub and "Fred" sports a new uniform — as of February 3, 2023.
