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Right now, I am working on a draft of a page on magically opening boxes. Although most of the information already exists, it is scattered around, and most guides elsewhere on opening boxes focus primarily on manually disarming traps and picking locks. If I can present enough consolidated information here, it might be worthy of a page.
Also tossed some quick notes on realm ending points for teleportation...
Magically Opening Treasure Boxes
Accessing treasure inside boxes is possible by purely magical means without any skill in Picking Locks or Disarming Traps. One may wish to do this for profit, entertainment, and/or small amounts of experience, and if done properly it can be relatively safe. When Unlock (407) is employed, this activity is colloquially known as popping boxes.
As the basic prerequisite for this work is only knowing spells in either the Minor Spiritual Circle and/or Minor Elemental Circle, at least one of which is accessible by every profession (pending the release of Savants), it may be accomplished by anyone so inclined. Pures will tend to learn the relevant spells incidentally as part of their normal training path, and as such this activity tends to be more of a hobby than something to which characters are dedicated. Basic point: most of the requirements here are things magical casters will be able to do with little or no additional training. We should fairly contrast with dedicated box opening, which not only provides more information (difficulty of traps/locks), can be more profitable (selling scarabs, decreased value of some items by 125), can open all types of boxes (see Exclusion List), and with at least 30 ranks of Picking Locks, can gain a lot more experience compared to doing it magically (citation on 30 ranks...?).
Exclusion List
Boxes that are enruned, mithril, or with a glyph trap will be impervious to this approach. While the former two will be readily apparent, the latter will require more consideration.
Glyph Traps
This probably warrants explicit discussion. Phase can tell us if a box has a glyph trap. Using DETECT can also work. Piercing Gaze will set off the trap. Hard to know at what place in the guide to list this information, but being relevant to all cases, somewhere near the top is a good idea. It may also result in some repetition with the Phase section....hmmmm
Relevant Spells
The primary spells:
- Call Lightning (125): Vaporize boxes -- trap, lock, box and all.
- Unlock (407): Pop the box open
- Disarm (408): Disarm traps
- Piercing Gaze (416): Check for traps
- Phase (704): Directly remove the contents from a closed box or indirectly detect glyph traps
Subsidiary spells:
- Presence (402): Helps with Piercing Gaze (?) -- need to check with a trapped box and many casts for statistics w/ and w/o 402
- Lock Pick Enhancement (403): Helps with Unlock
- Disarm Enhancement (404): Helps with Piercing Gaze and Disarm
- Rapid Fire (515): Do everything faster
- Self Control (613): Helps with detecting traps
Some of these help with detecting traps I've heard...not sure (also must consider scope of they help with traps we'd care about magically?!)
Relevant Skills
We presume here explicitly not to use Picking Locks or Disarming Traps (maybe we should include Disarming Traps for detection?)
- Perception: Helps with Piercing Gaze and DETECTing traps
- Arcane Symbols: Helps to spotting magical traps (scarabs, glyphs) with DETECT
- Spiritual Lore, Summoning: Decrease the build up time for Call Lightning and allow the possibility to cast indoors
MnE ranks should be listed?
Vaporizing Boxes with Call Lightning
If the box is not impervious to magic, casting Call Lightning at it will, after the build up time, vaporize the box, spilling its contents. This is perfectly safe as long as the box does not resist magic and is on the ground; otherwise it may be fatal. NEED TO TEST THE RESULTS OF THE FOLLOWING: To ensure the safety of other curious by-standers, the caster may wish to place an object on top of the box to hinder anyone attempting to pick it up. The rose illusion is particularly effective for this purpose, as it can be covered to be turned invisible, making it entirely impossible for anyone else to remove.
None of the items inside the box will be harmed, except for any scrolls, which will be 'burned' (making them worthless in the eyes of pawnbrokers and unable to be infused), and silver coins, which will be melted into 'a rough slab of silver' which can be sold, for roughly half the value of the original silver coins, at any gemshop. The silver slab's value can be increased using the first tier of Holy Receptacle (325), Silver to Gold. However, it should be noted that because the box, and later its former contents, are on the ground, they are potentially subject to removal by the janitor.
Casting Call Lightning under the jurisdiction of JUSTICE will result in a charge of Endangering Public Safety, despite the fact that opening boxes this way is perfectly safe if they are not anti-magic. Find a preferred location to do your work.
Foolishly casting a box with a glyph trap:
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes an uncut diamond with a brilliant flash! As the bolt strikes at a battered steel strongbox, a brilliant blue light surrounds it and deflects the bolt towards you!
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock sends you to the ground with convulsions!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 7 rounds!
Foolishly forgetting to drop the box, vaporizing caster and box alike:
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a badly damaged fel coffer with a brilliant flash with some of the bolt hitting you!
... 60 points of damage!
Terrifying electrical arc destroys spinal column one vertebra at a time!
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 16 mins...
The fel coffer is vaporized!
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes an acid-pitted gold box with a brilliant flash! Wow, quite charred!
The gold box is vaporized!
[Vornavis, West Road]
The road here was once extremely well maintained, and looks to be more like a city street than a wilderness road. Cobblestones pave the road that runs up to the remains of a broken and ruined tower to the east, and into the distance in the west. You also see a rough slab of silver, some polished red coral, a yellow sapphire, a dark cloud and a large doorway leading into the ruined tower.
Obvious paths: west
Phasing Boxes
The best use of Phase (704) is to attempt to phase a box for weightlessness. Regardless of the box's weight and the caster's lore training, if the box 'resists the magic' then the caster knows the box cannot be opened magically. For anyone with access to the spell, this is typically the easiest and safest way to find glyph traps.
Alternatively, one may attempt to phase through a box in order to retrieve its contents directly, by channeling Phase (704). No more than one item can be removed on each successful attempt, and typically a diminishing number of coins are pulled on each attempt.
You channel at a dented iron box.
Suddenly you notice the box's form dim slightly as it becomes less substantial. You quickly stick your hand inside it and fish around for something to grab.
You grab hold of something and pull it out!
You found some neat thrak hide shoes!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
However, phasing into boxes has a good chance of setting off any traps, and extreme failures can sever the caster's hand, leaving it inside the box.
Popping Boxes
Given that between one fifth and a quarter of the Minor Elemental Circle spells are related to getting inside treasure boxes, it's a good idea for anyone with serious training in the spell circle to familiarize themselves with the application and interaction of these spells. A character with 1x Perception and reasonable knowledge of the Minor Elemental Circle should be able to open their own boxes from hunting.
Minimal remarks are made concerning glyph traps in this section, and the reader should refer to that topic above.
Looking for traps with Piercing Gaze
CAVEAT: THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, AND I HAVE NOT CONFIRMED 100% OF THESE THINGS! I've almost tested everything, but still have a very few remaining points. If you find anything out contrary to what's here, post on discussion page please. If the trap is red under Disarm though, its killed me.
Successful casts of Unlock (407) and Disarm (408) typically do not set off traps; however, poor attempts can set off some traps, while other traps may be set off from even the best attempt. Furthermore, although Disarm is able to help the caster find and identify traps, using that spell a caster has no way of differentiating between failing to find a trap and a box not being trapped. For these reasons it is best to begin investigating the box with Piercing Gaze which, when successful, almost always shows any trap (proper training, like-level and below), and only sets off glyph traps (which doesn't harm the caster or box).
Both Presence and Disarm Enhancement aid the power of Piercing Gaze, and it is recommended for the caster to use these first; unlike with Disarm and Unlock, the Enhancement spell will not drop automatically after casting Piercing Gaze. Piercing Gaze should then be cast at the box until the caster has one (or more) success(es).
If a trap is seen, the caster should decide their course of action based on the type of trap. Below is a comprehensive table of traps, the messaging from Piercing Gaze to uniquely identify each, and triggering information with regard to Disarm and Unlock. (Question: The messaging for 416 and 408 are identical?) (We would also like to replace all versions of "Yes" with either Sometimes / Always if possible.)
Trap | Piercing Gaze Message | 408 | 407 |
Scarab | Peering closely into the lock, you spy a <type> scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's surface is etched with tiny runes that seem to writhe as the light strikes them. | Sometimes | Sometimes |
Poison Needle | You notice what appears to be a sharp sliver of metal nestled in a hole next to the lock plate. | No | Sometimes* |
Jaws | You notice a discolored oval ring around the outside of the <box-type> which makes you suspicious. Your suspicions are confirmed when you look inside the keyhole and notice the spring-loaded jaws pressed flush against the chest walls. | ? | No |
Sphere | You see a tiny sphere imbedded in the lock mechanism. | Sometimes | Yes |
Dark Crystal | You can see a small crystal imbedded in the locking mechanism. | No | Yes |
Scales | You see a cord stretched between the lid and case. | Sometimes | Always |
Sulfur | Peering through the tanik box, you notice that the lock casing is coated with a rough, grainy substance, and a small bladder is wedged between the tumblers of the lock. | Always† | Always |
Gas Cloud | Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of liquid and a tiny hammer device which seems poised to shatter it if the lock is tampered with. | No | Yes‡ |
Acid Vial | You notice what appears to be a tiny vial placed just past the tumblers of the lock mechanism. It appears that any tampering with the lock mechanism will cause the tumblers to crush the vial. | Sometimes | Yes |
Springs | Peering through the <adjective> <box-type>, you notice that the hinges have some springs incorporated into the design in an unusual fashion. | No | Yes |
Fire Vial | Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of fire-red liquid and a tiny hammer device which seems poised to shatter it if the lock is tampered with. | No | Yes |
Spores | You see a thin tube extending from the lock mechanism down into the <box-type>. The tube appears to be filled with a greenish powder. | No | Yes |
Plate | There appears to be a plate over the lock, sealing it and preventing any access to the tumblers. | No | No |
Glyph | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Rods | Near the lock mechanism, you notice a pair of small metal rods a hair's width from rubbing together. | Sometimes | Yes |
Boomer | The inside chamber is lined with some unidentifiable substance. | sometimes | Yes |
- Notes:
- * Poison needle traps can be set off by Unlock, but this is entirely harmless.
- † Sulfur traps are always set off once detected, but not set off by Disarm probing...
- ‡ Gas cloud traps are set off by directly popping, but the gas cloud immediately begins dissipating. However, if JUSTICE is active it will result in a charge for Endangering Public Safety.
It can be seen that trap properties vary widely, clearly motivating the use of Piercing Gaze. Traps range from the least threatening ones that are not triggered via Unlock and may be safely ignored (e.g. Plated) to the most dangerous traps which are always triggered by either Disarm and/or Unlock (e.g. Sulfur). Keep in mind that boxes with traps easily set off by Disarm and/or Unlock are safe targets for Call Lightning. The most judgement is required for traps which are only sometimes set off by Disarm. For instance, sky-blue and sea-green glaes scarabs inflict powerful disease and poison, respectively, and if the caster or a companion has access to Undisease (113) or Unpoison (114) one might disregard the risk of triggering the trap with Disarm or even directly Unlocking it. However, as scarabs are deactivated by Disarm do not fall to the ground and cannot be sold, one may wish to have the box manually disarmed.
Failure (does not necessarily mean there is a trap):
You gesture at a badly damaged iron trunk.
You gaze at the trunk but your vision is obscured.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Success with no evident trap:
You gesture at an engraved wooden strongbox.
You gaze at the strongbox and see. . .
An engraved wooden strongbox which contains:
A pink-banded coquina shell (in)
A snake-etched ora crown (in)
A large pink pearl (in)
An uncut star-of-Tamzyrr diamond (in)
Some silver coins (in)
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Success with an evident (and very dangerous) trap:
You gesture at an acid-pitted steel trunk.
You gaze at the trunk and see. . .
An acid-pitted steel trunk which contains:
A green malachite stone (in)
Some ambrominas leaf (in)
Some silver coins (in)
Peering through the steel trunk, you notice that the lock casing is coated with a rough, grainy substance, and a small bladder is wedged between the tumblers of the lock.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Magically Disarming a trap
After a trap is found via Piercing Gaze, the caster will retain the trap in mind for (up to how long) and may directly attempt to Disarm it. If Piercing Gaze is not used, or there is a lapse of time between viewing the trap and attempting to Disarm it, initial casts of Disarm will first probe for traps (can they immediately disarm them, too?). Note that a trap found via the manual skills DETECT and/or DISARM will still need to be detected by a magical means before it can be magically disarmed.
Disarm Enhancement assists for magically Disarming traps, but regardless of the outcome, the the enhancement spell will drop immediately after each Disarm attempt. Thus for the best chances of success, a caster should cast 404 and 408 sequentially until the trap is disabled, meaning each attempt requires six seconds and twelve mana. The process can be sped up by omitting the use of Disarm Enhancement and instead using Rapid Fire (515).
Unsuccessful attempt to detect a trap, including use of Disarm Enhancement (Piercing Gaze not used, or the duration has lapsed):
You gesture at a badly damaged steel chest.
You begin to probe the chest for unusual mechanisms...The chest vibrates slightly but nothing else happens.
The focused look leaves you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Unsuccessful attempt after the trap has been detected, including use of Disarm Enhancement:
You gesture at a simple thanot strongbox.
Now to isolate the offending mechanism and disable it...The strongbox vibrates slightly but nothing else happens.
The focused look leaves you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Successful attempt, including use of Disarm Enhancement:
You gesture at a simple thanot strongbox.
Now to isolate the offending mechanism and disable it...The strongbox pulses once with a deep crimson light!
The focused look leaves you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Viewing most traps after they are successfully disarmed will involve messaging including a 'crimson glow' (but we should list the exceptions), which may be relevant if a caster Disarms but does not Unlock a box and forgets about its status, or Disarms a trap but experiences difficulty Unlocking the box and has the box manually picked.
Blue and green don't stun, so if you know 113/114 just set them off and be quick to Undisease/unpoison yourself. This is a green scarab here:
As you cast your spell on the strongbox, you hear the buzzing of a tiny insect coming from within. Suddenly, something darts out of the lock and flies straight at you! You attempt to duck out of the way, but it weaves with you and lands on your neck! You gasp in horror as you feel its stinger enter your flesh and you clap your hand to your neck to stop it, but there is nothing there. You suddenly feel very ill.
Magically opening the box
If a caster has determined via Piercing Gaze and/or Disarm that it is safe enough, Unlock should be cast at the box until it is opened and the treasure can be removed from within. This is the only way to gain experience with boxes through purely magical means, granting between 5 and 20 experience (ugh I need to actually find the upper and lower limits...maybe I can check logs first, but pointless for more than min/max because magically we have no way to know the lock difficulty so the distribution of experience would be a function of an unknown quantity without very serious research including a locksmith).
As the case with Disarm Enhancement and Disarm, Lock Pick Enhancement assists for magically Unlocking boxes, and regardless of the outcome, the enhancement spell will drop after each Unlock attempt. Thus for the best chances of success, a caster should cast 403 and 407 sequentially until the box's lid flies open, meaning each attempt requires six seconds and ten mana. The process can be sped up by omitting the use of Lock Pick Enhancement and instead using Rapid Fire (515).
Unsuccessful attempt including use of Lock Pick Enhancement:
You gesture at a battered iron box.
The box vibrates slightly but nothing else happens.
The scintillating light fades from your hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Successful attempt including use of Lock Pick Enhancement:
You gesture at a battered iron box.
You hear a soft click from the box and it suddenly flies open.
The scintillating light fades from your hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Additional Information
Realm Ending Points
To clean up later, using Lich ID numbers or something, but should be useful to know the precise breaking points of realms for various intrarealm teleport (gold rings, 130, 225, Travel Song, Planar Shift, etc etc etc). See eg Kastrel's Planar Shift Guide Realm Colors as note the places with the same color are the same realm.
Straight from my runebook:
1. a set of squiggly aquamarine "beq-beq-sh-gy-op" sigils [Solhaven, North Market]
2. a set of circular aquamarine "beq-beq-sh-gy-th" glyphs [Solhaven, Liabo Plaza]
3. a set of angular aquamarine "beq-zi-op-op-zi" glyphs [Vornavis, Broken Tower]
4. a set of curving slate grey "beq-eks-pu-jil-ka" glyphs [Northern Caravansary, Stockade]
5. a set of angular aquamarine "beq-noj-eda-wo-zi" runes [Redwing Spire, Planning Room]
6. a set of twisting aquamarine "zi-ka-fs-pu-rov" signs [Solhaven, South Market]
7. a set of circular aquamarine "zi-ka-fs-so-th" sigils [Solhaven, Beacon Tower]
8. a set of twisting slate grey "beq-eks-pu-jil-rov" glyphs [Northern Caravansary, Green]
9. a set of curving slate grey "beq-eks-pu-jil-ka" glyphs [Northern Caravansary, Stockade]
10. a set of curving stone grey "ul-str-ka-rov-ve" glyphs [Plateau, Flynth River]
11. a set of spiraling stone grey "ul-str-ka-rov-ch" symbols [Tor Aganrahk, Switchbacks]
12. a set of broken stone grey "beq-eks-eks-fs-so" glyphs [Zortahg's Spine, Highroad]
13. a set of sinuous stone grey "beq-eks-eks-pu-lu" symbols [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway]
14. a set of broken stone grey "beq-eks-eks-pu-eda" glyphs [Stoneharrow Swale]
15. a set of jagged ash grey "beq-eks-so-mer-beq" symbols [Cairnfang Pineforest, Bridge]
16. a set of curving aquamarine "beq-eks-gy-rov-gy" symbols [Marshtown, Glok's Pier]
1. a set of squiggly twilight grey "mer-pu-jil" glyphs [Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
2. a set of squiggly twilight grey "mer-th-jil" runes [Town Square Central]
3. a set of jagged twilight grey "aq-beq-beq" glyphs [Town Square, Small Park]
4. a set of twisting twilight grey "ve-fs-gy-rov" sigils [Courtyard]
5. a set of broken twilight grey "im-op-eda" symbols [Graveyard, Crypt]
6. a set of curving twilight grey "rov-qom-eda-gy" sigils [Lysierian Hills, A Small Shrine]
7. a set of angular twilight grey "rov-ac-so-sh" sigils [Monastery, Misty Chamber]
8. a set of jagged twilight grey "es-hee-so-mer-eks" sigils [Inside the Glacier]
9. a set of sinuous twilight grey "ve-rov-ty" glyphs [Foothills]
10. a set of thin twilight grey "ul-qom-str" symbols [Baker's Shop, Alcove]
11. a set of broken twilight grey "ty-qom-eda" glyphs [Spider Temple, Near Altar]
12. a set of twisting twilight grey "ty-ac-fs-pu" glyphs [Sea Caverns, Stagnant Pool]
13. a set of sinuous twilight grey "es-hee-lu-ty-lu" signs [Temple, Crypt]
14. a set of twisting twilight grey "mer-th-pu-qom" glyphs [A Faint Path]
15. a set of circular twilight grey "es-gy-rov-ve-mer" sigils [Locksmehr River, South Dock]
16. a set of squiggly twilight grey "es-hee-so-mer-jil" runes [Glatoph, Glacier]
20. a set of thin twilight grey "pu-ty-wo" runes [Abandoned Inn, Ruined Workshop]
1. a set of squiggly frosty white "ul-str-gy-aq-jil" glyphs [Icemule Trace, Town Center]
2. a set of sinuous frosty white "beq-es-so-mer-ul" symbols [Abandoned Farm, Garden]
3. a set of jagged frosty white "beq-es-eks-noj-beq" signs [Ice Plains, Shrine]
4. a set of angular frosty white "beq-hee-op-op-sh" runes [Northern Slopes, Rocky Incline]
5. a set of spiraling frosty white "beq-hee-op-op-aq" glyphs [Northern Slopes, Rock Ledge]
6. a set of angular frosty white "ul-str-so-fs-sh" glyphs [Tartifacts, Balcony]
7. a set of curving ghostly white "ul-str-pu-jil-ka" glyphs [Glatoph, Glacier Chasm]
8. a set of squiggly ghostly white "ul-str-pu-jil-im" runes [Snowy Plains, Bridge]
9. a set of squiggly pearly white "ul-str-pu-qom-jil" glyphs [Snowy Plains, The River]
10. a set of squiggly pearly white "ul-str-pu-ty-op" runes [Blue Glacier, Mountain Pass]
11. a set of squiggly bone white "ul-str-pu-fs-im" glyphs [Icemule Trail, Tundra]
12. a set of spiraling bone white "ul-str-pu-ay-aq" symbols [Icemule Trail, Snowy Forest]
13. a set of sinuous frosty white "beq-es-sh-im-ty" symbols [Icemule Trace, Forest]