Elemental lore review (saved posts)
Pages with this banner have been affected by development and are in various stages of update progress, but not yet complete.
This page will have posts pertaining to the 2015 version of the Elemental Lore review. For historical discussion posts, see Elemental lore review archive (saved posts).
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 676
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/18/2015 01:19 PM EDT
Subject: Re: HSN: ELR - 403 (Lock Pick Enhancement) updated!
Personally I would have thought it Earth would be better as in it strengthens the lockpick, but I can see a justification for water
We tried to stick with general themes for each lore:
Fire: offensive
Earth: defensive
Water: Restoration and utility
Air: Time alteration and utility
It's only a general guideline, as sometimes a specific spell is strongly associated with an element that it doesn't make much sense to use any other element. You'll see why water lore makes more sense in the next couple of days.
GameMaster Estild
Minor Elemental
Presence (402)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 602
Author: GS4-CYRAEX
Date: 08/17/2015 06:04 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Presence (402) Updates Released!
Presence has been updated to have a 5 minute, non-cumulative duration. In addition, it will now detect hidden creatures. Training in Elemental Lore, Air provides a chance to be able to point out hidden targets. The formula highly favors the hider, but will allow an extremely dedicated Air Elementalists a chance against less skilled hiders.
-GameMaster Cyraex
Lock Pick Enhancement (403)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 655
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 08/18/2015 10:27 AM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - 403 (Lock Pick Enhancement) updated!
Locklore (403) has been updated to decrease potential damage to your pick on a failed picking attempt based on a seed 10 summation of the caster's Elemental Lore, Water ranks. Each bonus from the seed summation will remove a point of damage that would have been applied to your pick if you ended up damaging it. This can completely remove any potential damage, but it won't fix previous damage.
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 681
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 08/18/2015 03:00 PM EDT
Subject: Re: HSN: ELR - 403 (Lock Pick Enhancement) updated!
Yes, the lore bonus is not limited to self-cast.
Disarm Enhancement (404)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 731
Author: GS4-IXIX
Date: 8/19/2015 09:35 AM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - 404 (Disarm Enhancement) updated!
Traplore (404) has been updated to reduce disarming roundtimes based on Elemental Lore: Water ranks. A seed 6 summation will reduce roundtime by 1 second per bonus.
Elemental Detection (405)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 806
Date: 08/20/2015 03:23 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Elemental Detection (405) Updated!
At 30 ranks of Elemental Lore, Air, the caster is now able to detect elemental weapon flares and if an item is an enhancive (but not the properties of said enhancement). Hope you all enjoy it!
~ Konacon
Unlock (407)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 849
Date: 08/21/2015 12:39 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Unlock (407) Updated!
Hi everybody!
Gamemaster Konacon here to talk to YOU about the latest and greatest addition to popping boxes! All you've gotta do to get started is get 1, that's right I said just ONE, rank in Elemental Lore, Water to get started!
Now I can hear you saying, "But Konacon, what could you -possibly- have to offer me that would make me want to spend my hard earned training points on ranks in water lore?"
Well. You never let me finish! On a seed 1 modifier (That's 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, and then more numbers. I could go higher but I don't want to and you can't make me!) every Unsuccessful cast of 407 will now corrode the lock on that box that has been sitting in your inventory closed for the past 4 years reducing its difficulty UP to 10% of the total lock's difficulty! Confused? Don't be! I HAZ EXAMPLS
Let's say you had some lock with a 500 difficulty, and you're sitting on 55 ranks of water lore (Why don't you have more you bum?!). Each unsuccessful cast would cause the lock's difficulty to reduce by 10 points all the way down to 450! So... What are you waiting for? Head to your nearest trainer and get some more ranks in water lore today!
Questions? Comments? Endless praise? Feel free to send them all my way!
~ Konacon
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 856
Date: 08/21/2015 12:52 PM EDT
Subject: Re: HSN: ELR - Unlock (407) Updated!
> Would this also mean it makes the box easier to pop? Or is popping success not attached to lock level?
Good question! This DOES, in fact, make boxes easier to pop.
One other thing to note is that the rotting effect lasts 60 seconds and the duration is refreshed to with each cast.
~ Konacon
Disarm (408)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 902
Date: 08/22/2015 02:56 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Disarm (408) Updated!
Not to be outdone by its lower level brother, Disarm left me a message last night informing me that it was feeling left out. I let Unlock know how Disarm was feeling and after a lengthy discussion between the two (things may have gotten ugly) I have decided to give Disarm the water lore treatment as well!
So, with all of that said, casting 408 unsuccessfully on a trapped box now temporarily reduces the trap's difficulty! The modifier is based off a seed 1 summation of the caster's EL:W ranks, lasts 60 seconds, and stacks to a maximum value of 10% of the total trap's difficulty. One final thing, due to a clerical error on my part, the wording for 407 has been changed to 'corrode' rather than 'rot'.
I'll give an example again in case the 407 example got missed: With a trap difficulty of 350 and 21 ranks of water lore, each unsuccessful cast of 408 will reduce the trap's difficulty by 6, to a minimum of 315! YAY!
Questions or comments? Let me know!
~ Konacon
Elemental Defense III (414)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 922
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/23/2015 04:51 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Elemental Defense III (414) Updated!
Thanks to GameMaster Konacon, Elemental Defense III (414) has been updated. At 25 Elemental Lore, Earth ranks, if the caster has all 3 Elemental Defense spells active and has the knowledge to cast all of them, they get a 5% chance for the combined magical barrier to deflect a single physical (AS/DS) attack. Every 20 additional Earth Lore ranks adds 1% to the deflection chance (e.g., 13% chance at 185 ranks). Reduce odds by 1% for every 5 levels the attacker is above the caster.
GameMaster Estild
Elemental Strike (415)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 968
Author: GS4-CYRAEX
Date: 08/24/2015 05:06 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Elemental Strike (415) Updates Released!
The following update has been made to Elemental Strike (415).
Training in Elemental Lore, Fire provides a chance equal to the caster's Elemental Lore Fire skill / 2 to hit a second target in the room, with an additional cost of 5 mana.
GameMaster Cyraex
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 974
Author: GS4-CYRAEX
Date: 08/24/2015 06:24 PM EDT
Subject: RE: HSN: ELR - Elemental Strike (415) Updates Released!
>For clarification, is this effect based on the casters fire lore ranks or fire lore bonus? Asking slightly differently, if I have 100 Ranks of fire lore is my chance to cast on a 2nd created 50% (based on ranks) or 100% (based on bonus)? If I have more than 100% chance for the second target does that give me an opportunity to hit a third target as well? - PEREGRINEFALCON
The calculation is based on the Elemental Lore Fire bonus. I'm not sure what you mean by a third target. The original cast will hit one creature, if you have have a 100% chance of a second strike, it will target a random creature in the room. If there is only one creature in the room, it will strike the the same creature again.
>With the variable mana component you are forcing a situation where you won't want to cast the spell unless you have the full 20 mana available. - PEREGRINEFALCON
The additional strike will not trigger unless you have 20 mana or more.
GameMaster Cyraex
Piercing Gaze (416)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 1006
Date: 08/25/2015 11:19 AM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Piercing Gaze (416) Updated!
Hi everybody!
I've been sitting here for the past ten minutes trying to come up with something clever to write about this update, but so far nothing has come to me. It's like I -know- something is just sitting up in that brain of mine, locked away and possibly booby trapped from my conscious. Ever had that happen to you? It's like at some point of continually trying to unlock those ideas you just wish you could know if it was even worth the effort. I mean, what if you spend hours trying to get into that mind of yours and then you find out there was nothing in there in the first place?! (This is usually the case for me.)
Now if my brain was a lockbox, Piercing Gaze would let me do JUST that! How perfect! But what if I'd been trying to pop that box and Lady Luck had just never seen fit to toss the dice my way and give me a success? I wouldn't know if it was just bad luck or if I was just bad at popping boxes. Well, to this I say, "No more! We will no longer be bound by the old ways! The time for change is now!"
So, given all of that, Piercing Gaze has been updated with the possibility to provide the caster with some messaging indicating their relative chances of success at 407 or 408'ing a locked box! Here are some specific details that you may be curious about:
- The percentage chance of 416 showing you the messaging for the your 407/408 to succeed is (SKILL in Elemental Lore, Water / 4). - The messaging for 408 to work will only be displayed if the caster has discovered the trap.
As always, questions, comments, praise, and criticisms are more than welcome.
~ Konacon
Mana Focus (418)
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 1038
Date: 08/26/2015 10:32 AM EDT
Subject: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated!
Hi everybody!
In case you missed the discussion earlier in the "Minor Elemental Circle" topic, I'll bring you up to speed. My lawn needs watering, and as far as I know the best way to go about watering your lawn is to add water (I'm a genius)! Now that we've got that out of the way, we can get on to what really matters and may or may not make any sense to you. My lawn is apparently Mana Focus, so I'm gonna go ahead and water it! (In retrospect this was just awful and I'm ashamed of myself, but my delete key is all the way over there and I'm lazy so this is what you get.)
First off, the percentage chance for determining a successful cast of 418 has changed to:
- ((MnE spell ranks / 4) + (Elemental Mana Control ranks / 2) + Aura stat bonus)
Now on to the good part. The WATERING (Okay, can we just call my part of the ELR "The WATERING" now? That would be Ah. Maze. Ing.). Now, on a successful cast of 418, an effect is applied to the caster which increases their mana regeneration by 10. The duration of the effect is a set number of pulses, using a seed 10 summation. So it will last 1 pulse with 10 ranks, 2 pulses with 21 ranks, 3 pulses with 33 ranks, etc.
There is a 5% base chance of failure no matter what.
Questions? Comments? Hate? Love? I'm up for all of it.
~ Konacon
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 1045
Date: 08/26/2015 11:01 AM EDT
Subject: Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated!
>My assumption for The Watering being that this is an extra-special BONUS boost of ten (+10) mana per <X number of> pulses, correct?
Yes. To be specific, with <10 ranks of water lore, the spell remains almost entirely unchanged (Other than the new success formula).
>The base effect of the spell, creating a temporary ManaNode (with its attendant increase in mana) remains unchanged?
This is correct.
>Lastly, did you in fact mean "Aura stat" [emphasis mine], as you wrote, and not Aura stat bonus?
No. I meant Aura stat bonus. Thank you.
~ Konacon
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 1046
Date: 08/26/2015 11:04 AM EDT
Subject: Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated!
> 1) Do you need to remain stationary (in the room where Mana Focus was cast) to receive the increased mana regeneration benefit per pulse?
Nope. Remaining stationary is not required to continue to receive this bonus.
> 2) Given the context of ELR "The WATERING" I am assuming we are talking about Elemental Water Lore ranks for this benefit (but I hate to assume). And emphasis on ranks just to confirm it is ranks and not skill (aka bonus).
For this one it is ranks, not skill.
~ Konacon
Topic: Minor Elemental Circle
Message #: 1071
Date: 08/26/2015 12:13 PM EDT
Subject: Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated!
Hi everybody!
I'm going to give a little more information on Mana Focus because I'm gathering that it's a spell that there might be some confusion about the spell. This may have added to the confusion about my update. Here we go!
- If someone tries to cast 418 when another Mana Focus is already in the room, the spell automatically fails (Though not painfully). This includes the caster's own mana focus. It does not refresh.
- If a caster owns a mana focus in another room and casts 418 again, the old mana focus will be destroyed and a new one will be created in the caster's new room on a successful cast.
- The Mana Focus stays in the room while the caster is in the room according to its duration ((MnE ranks / 2) pulses). If the caster is not in the room, the mana focus will eventually dissipate, but not necessarily right away. The mana focus does not move.
- If the cast is successful and the caster has at least 10 ranks of water lore, an additional effect is applied to the caster that gives them 10 extra mana regeneration for (Water Lore Ranks, Seed 10) pulses. This effect is not tied to the mana focus in any way and does not necessarily go away when the mana focus does.
Does that help clear up the confusion with both the spell and the additional water lore effect? If not, keep the questions coming and I'll try again. :)
~ Konacon