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All That Remains - 2020-05-05 - Planning Essentials (log)

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Ivastaen 5-6, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • Vlashandra's white fire sparks out by Lake Eonak, so Sir Cryheart leads onward to meet her. Mayor Leafiara asks if her proposal is finished; Vlashandra says she has the beginnings of it, more than we'll discuss tonight, as she tucks away a worn leather black tome with no title or symbols. She asks if everyone has heard of the Ritual of Essence, then supposes they haven't, but they will.
  • She has a ritual to be performed in three stages, each one consisting of three forms of essence and building into the next, bridged by blood. Leafi notes that that's why she's not involving the Hall of Mages, as blood magic isn't an accepted practice in the [[::Turamzzyrian Empire|Empire]], but is in the [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] following Mayor Cruxophim making it so. Vlashandra agrees the Hall isn't yet as open as it should be, as blood magic isn't all bad. Akenna says it's dangerous and not accepted in the Empire for a reason, but Lylia says it is dangerous to leave Aralyte where she is.
  • Vlashandra says the soulstone Lylia's holding and the Lake itself are all that remains of Aralyte's original feat, so we'll perform the ritual at the Lake--hopefully beginning the first one by the weekend, conditioning the lake as a beacon to bring her home.
  • Hapenlok brings up a concern that Melgorehn's Reach experienced corruption due to the large scale blood magic of Elithain Cross when the town battled Althedeus, and is worried about the same thing happening again since the Reach gets riled up often. Vlashandra says so does he. She says the validity of his concern is up for debate, but noted.
  • Chamorr asks Vashandra if she knows anything about the Fist or if he's a friend of hers; she says she has no friends.
  • Maelkyth questions if the lake will be spoiled by the ritual; Vlashandra says it isn't fruit that can go bad or a crop that can wither.
  • The first stage will need essence of earth, essence of air, and essence of fire--and no, no water. She doesn't know the amount needed, as her own research and the writings she's uncovered are a bit mismatched. Furthermore, blood will be needed.
  • Guarrin asks why Vlashandra wishes to do this; she says she doesn't Aralyte, but her return accomplishes many things for some standing here, for the Hall, and for herself--maybe a victory wearing one's own face for. Leafi says she figured that was what she was in this for.
  • Chamorr says bad things always happen to donors for blood magic; Captain Stormyrain says not always; Vlashandra says it goes wrong many times because it's approached in the wrong with blood stolen instead of given. There are those who wish harm, but others with inexperience. Stormy says not all of us approach the wrong way; Vlashandra says precisely.
  • Akenna asks how much experience Vlashandra has with it, then, and she says "enough experience" and many here are the same. Akenna says she's skirting the question; Vlashandra says ask it in a better way.
  • Leafi asks if she's a practicing blood mage; Vlashandra says she would not classify herself as such and it's a dangerous title to throw around. However, Grand Magister Octaven has left the area for a few weeks, so we have a brief window of time.
  • Balley asks if she only wants Faendryl blood; Vlashandra says we'll need a mix of race, elemental attunement, and other factors to learn together which responds best to which step. Lylia asks if we can help her piece together the parts of her notes that don't mesh; she says maybe in time.
  • Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] asks why Octaven wouldn't wish to see this move forward; Vlashandra says Octaven will likely enjoy celebrating our victory. Her asbence will be enough for her to explain the use of blood magic if we succeed or our failure if we don't--and then she'd seek to execute Vlashandra. Stormy notes it as plausible deniability.
  • Chamorr questions why people will open their veins for someone they'd never heard of before a month ago; Vlashandra says they're doing it for Aralyte, who martyred herself for him and others, and he's mocking their free choice.
  • Dame Evia brings up the black veins on her face, a mark of a past venture into the shadow realm, and asks if she supposes those veins make her blood somehow different. Vlashandra says possibly, and we'll bleed her last.
  • Zosopage asks if there's a possibility that Aralayte's changed; Vlashandra says yes, and we'll plan accordingly for a homecoming, a battle, or any possibility in between.
  • Before Vlashandra leaves, she revisits something Mayor Leafi said earlier about the possibility of the reapers and other creatures interrupting the ritual and asks about the possibility of escalating the rebuilding of the mobile towers--or pylons, or anything else to help secure this site. Leafi double checks on the timeline of this weekend and says the towers will be more helpful than the pylons in close combat, so she'll pass along word.
  • Lyrna says some properties of her blood might be helpful and asks if it's needed here before going through to the valence. Vlashandra says we won't be going into the valence, at least yet, though it's a possibility in the final phase.
  • Leafi mentions a question from Hapenlok about whether Vlashandra has any talents that might help locate the leader of the Fist's forces. Vlashandra says she could try, but is concerned of splitting her focus too much in a narrow window of time; Leafi and Hap say fair enough.


Speaking to Felita, Pukk says, "Also hey you, you idjit, and jerk...I go by many names."
Felita says, "Ye has lotta names misser Pukk."
Lyrna says, "Those are some of the nicer versions."
Speaking quietly to Felita, Morofinwe says, "Most we cannot say."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "Well, even though I can't throw my support behind what you and the others are looking to accomplish, I can tell you one thing, we're a haven for lunatics, outcasts and you'll have a place here...probably."
Lylia asks, "I do not think you want a dark goddess of vengeance pouring her shadowy hordes forth from a rift in reality, do you?"
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Not you. I know how you would answer that."
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Really don't have much of a need for alchemical reagents. Since I don't really have the patience for brewing. And brewing. And brewing..."
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok adds, "Except beer. That I have patience for."
Lylia says, "I have a long life, and it still feels too brief to spend too much of it with alchemy."
Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Seriously, though, Alchemy was never a strong suit for me. Killing things is."
Speaking pointedly to Hapenlok, Raelee says, "Alchemy is not difficult."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Raelee adds, "... I started lessons in it at ten years old."
Speaking to Lyrna, Maelkyth exclaims, "Years from now, in song and tale, hesitation is not what will be captured and reflected; but rather our willingness to plunge haphazardly into the unknown in pursuit of questionable outcomes!"


The Balley and Hapenlok Experiment

[The Slope, Circle of Stones]

The massive stones completely encircle you. The fit of each lintel is exact, and a twin of the others. Underneath one arch, the brook burbles down into a pool in the center of the circle, filling a small depression, and then moving on through the other side. The quietness and tranquillity of this place is lulling, and seems to provide a haven for rest and healing.

Also here: Zosopage, Paymaster Xecnephias, Gypsy Scribe Balley who is sitting, Akenna, Maelkyth, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Lady Seylia, Hapenlok, Mayor Leafiara

Akenna asks, "Mana fire isn't there right?"

Hapenlok says, "Damn it."

Speaking to Akenna, Leafiara says, "Nowhere near here."

Balley softly says, "Ok."

Hapenlok says, "Okay. First thing I'm going to do."

Speaking amiably to Balley, Leafiara says, "Well, you're up."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Or you."

Leafiara says, "One of you."

A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in.

[Hap starts dispelling himself]

Akenna says, "What..."

Speaking pleasedly to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Leafiara says, "Ah, good, our best advisor."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Leafiara.

Dipping into a lazy dive, the coppery barn owl glides to the ground and lands.

Crossing his legs at the ankles, Hapenlok slowly lowers himself to the ground and sits tailor fashion.

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Leafiara whispers aloud, "If this all goes horrifically wrong and none of us make it back, we'll trust you to notify the others."

Hapenlok says, "Now, before we begin:"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth asks, "Is this, like.. a plan?"

Akenna worries, "Is this going to go badly?"

Hapenlok says, "I can't guarantee no danger for all involved, but I'm glad you're all here."

Balley softly says, "Ok."

Balley softly says, "Here we go."

Speaking offhandedly to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "It's as close to a plan as Hap ever gets, at least."

Seylia quietly says, "I have enough chrisms for all of us."

Hapenlok says, "Some years back, Raznel made a doll sealed with my blood."

Maelkyth says, "I find it so hard to stay awake during planning."

Hapenlok says, "And it was used to control my actions on occasion."

With careful precision, Balley use her scarlet steel dagger to slice a long, deep line across her right palm. Blood immediately pools along the surface of the cut.

She wipes the blade clean.

Hapenlok says, "And mostly just to torment me with pain."

(Hapenlok makes stabbing motions.)

Balley runs her scarlet steel dagger down the middle of cut on her right palm, further slicing into the existing wound. Blood coats the blade and runs down her hand and fingers.

Balley holds her scarlet steel dagger out in front of her, and as she whispers quietly, a large ritual circle drawn in fresh blood blood fairly streams down from the blade, resolving itself along the ground into a large ritual circle.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth asks, "Think you could teach me how to do that?"

Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Xecnephias says, "Someone has to do it."

Balley raises her scarlet steel dagger to her lips and whispers a soft phrase to it. As she moves it out in front of her, the blood lifts up away from it in a steady stream and dissipates.

Hapenlok says, "We beat her once, Pylasar recovered it, and I kept it, thinking we could use it to track her."

Balley nods.

Hapenlok says, "But she took it back from me."

Balley put a glazed scarlet steel dagger etched with spindly silver sigils in her leather thigh sheath.

Carefully stepping over the fresh blood, Balley enters a large ritual circle drawn in fresh blood and kneels down, head bowed, eyes downcast.

Hapenlok says, "During the Frost Festival some years back. The first one, that is."

Balley moves to a sitting position.

Balley removes a black iron cauldron from in her forest green backpack.

Xecnephias quietly asks, "Is this even legal?"

Speaking amiably to Xecnephias, Leafiara says, "It's outside the gates, so yes."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Shhh!"

Balley drops a black iron cauldron.

Hapenlok says, "So, I've had this on my back for years."

Leafiara confides, "Anything goes out here."

Balley focuses intently on a black iron cauldron. A small flickering flame appears beneath it.

Xecnephias quietly says, "They are going to have our names on a list."

Hapenlok says, "Tonight, hopefully is the night that I don't have to worry about being used to kill you all."

Speaking amusedly to Xecnephias, Leafiara reminds, "None of us except Balley and Hap are doing anything but observing."

Hapenlok says, "Because there was a night when I dropped meteors on town defenders, before I even realized what was being done."

Balley removes a flask of clear water from in her forest green backpack.

Hapenlok says, "And then there was the incident at the Faendryl Enclave."

Balley pours a flask of clear water into a black iron cauldron, keeping the empty flask that remains.

Hapenlok says, "Which was out of my control, but I kind of didn't regret as much as I should have."

Hapenlok grins wryly.

Balley put an empty flask in her forest green backpack.

Balley removes a mortar from in her forest green backpack.

Balley softly says, "Oh I forgot my tkaro root."

Balley ponders.

The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.

Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Xecnephias says, "Breathe, while you can."

Leafiara says, "There might be some near here... hmm."

Balley softly asks, "Anyone have tkaro root?"

Leafiara affably says, "Just a moment."

[Leafi goes to locate some tkaro root]

Leafiara offers some tkaro root to Balley.

Leafiara amiably says, "There we go."

Leafiara says, "Was right in the area."

Hapenlok says, "Since the doll was most likely recovered by someone else, when Raznel died."

Balley accepts Leafiara's tkaro root.

Xecnephias quietly says, "3 to 1 odds he disappears and we never see him again."

Balley put a tkaro root in her mortar.

Balley removes a pestle from in her mortar.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth asks, "So... what you're saying is, that we're here to fight these agents of chaos?"

Balley grinds some ground tkaro root with her pestle, moving the pestle with deliberate, methodical motions.

Balley grinds some coarsely ground tkaro root with her pestle, moving the pestle with deliberate, methodical motions.

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "Well, not directly, but..."

Balley grinds some coarsely ground tkaro root with her pestle, moving the pestle with deliberate, methodical motions.

Balley grinds some moderately ground tkaro root with her pestle, moving the pestle with deliberate, methodical motions.

Maelkyth says, "But, work against them at least."

Maelkyth says, "In some capacity."

Balley grinds some finely ground tkaro root with her pestle, moving the pestle with deliberate, methodical motions.

Hapenlok says, "I don't know about that, but if I'm going to kill you all, I'd rather it be of my own free will."

Balley put a pestle in her mortar.

Balley removes some ground tkaro from in her mortar.

Cryheart: "Hmm rain clouds."

Hapenlok says, "And not because someone else wanted me to."

Leafiara says, "Trying to sever the connection to the doll in case it's still out there."

Balley places some ground tkaro into a black iron cauldron.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth says, "Makes no nevermind to me."

A light spring rain descends from the sky.

Zosopage says, "Great timing."

Balley removes a t'ayanad crystal from in her forest green backpack.

Xecnephias quietly says, "Dolls are so creepy."

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Xecnephias says, "Not you doll."

Speaking amusedly to Xecnephias, Leafiara says, "I know."

Hapenlok says, "Now, there's precedent in what we're about to do. But it's most likely going to be extra painful for me, and me alone."

Xecnephias quietly says, "Oh that alone is worth it."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth says, "That's some relief. I hope you weather it marginally well, at least."

Hapenlok says, "But, I have to think that whoever's got my doll can see what we're doing, as well."

Speaking confidently to Balley, Leafiara says, "Counting on you."

Hapenlok says, "So, there's a slight chance I may try to stop you. Which is where you all come in."

Balley places a t'ayanad crystal into a black iron cauldron.

Hapenlok says, "Those of you who can, restrain me."

Speaking to Balley, Maelkyth says, "Everything hinges on YOU."

Leafiara affably says, "Just give the word when."

Hapenlok says, "Those of you who can't...shield the ones who can. Because I'll likely be aiming for them."

Balley removes some faintly glowing dust from in her forest green backpack.

Zosopage says, "If worst comes to worst I'll put you to sleep."

Zosopage says, "If I can."

Hapenlok works his way out of a fiery-hued heavy leather jerkin.

Maelkyth says, "I'm just curious."

Balley places some faintly glowing dust into a black iron cauldron.

Hapenlok just opened an embossed dark leather cape.

Hapenlok put a fiery-hued heavy leather jerkin in his dark leather cape.

Hapenlok removes some gleaming spiked vaalorn arm greaves from his arms.

Hapenlok put some gleaming spiked vaalorn arm greaves in his dark leather cape.

Balley put a mortar in her forest green backpack.

Maelkyth says, "Sanctuary."

Leafiara says, "Well, someone made a sanct, but..."

Hapenlok removes some gleaming glaes leg greaves from his legs.

Hapenlok put some gleaming glaes leg greaves in his dark leather cape.

Balley removes some faintly glowing dust from in her forest green backpack.

Hapenlok removes a polished mithril aventail from his neck.

Hapenlok put a polished mithril aventail in his dark leather cape.

Balley places some faintly glowing dust into a black iron cauldron.

Speaking optimistically to Balley, Leafiara says, "Maybe it'll all work perfectly anyway."

Hapenlok removes a charred multicolored coat from his shoulders.

Hapenlok put a charred multicolored coat in his dark leather cape.

Balley focuses on a black iron cauldron. The flame beneath it quickly flares to life, bringing the contents to a slow simmer.

Hapenlok removes a simple stork-emblazoned militia tabard that was over his front.

Hapenlok put a simple stork-emblazoned militia tabard in his dark leather cape.

Hapenlok just closed an embossed dark leather cape.

Leafiara offhandedly says, "Hope springs eternal."

Hapenlok scratches at a fiery meteor shower tattoo.

Speaking to Balley, Maelkyth says, "Best to embrace the chaos and just go with it."

Hapenlok says, "Well, anyway."

Balley softly says, "Almost done."

Hapenlok says, "I've talked enough. So now ...I wait."

Balley removes a chipped glass vial from in her forest green backpack.

(Balley pours a drop of her vial in the cauldron.)

Balley put a chipped glass vial in her spidersilk cloak.

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Did any of you ever ask Maags about when she recovered her power?"

Balley removes some glowing violet essence dust from in her forest green backpack.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara admits, "Nope. Why?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth asks, "So, if I wind up with this doll somehow, would twisting it and poking at it harm you?"

Balley places some glowing violet essence dust into a black iron cauldron.

Balley focuses intently on a black iron cauldron. A quietly pulsing translucent thread connects her with the solution contained within.

Hapenlok says, "I'd rather like it back. So I can dispose of it like I should have."

Hapenlok nods at Maelkyth.

The translucent thread connecting Balley and a black iron cauldron fades away.

Akenna says, "So I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused--what are you doing? I see blood here.. I see a cauldron..."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth says, "That's not what I asked, though."

Hapenlok says, "And yes, I'm the one who's been most vocal against this blood magic."

A flicker of white fire sparks in the distance.

Balley removes an empty flask from in her forest green backpack.

Balley holds her hands over a black iron cauldron and murmurs an arcane incantation. As she does so, a bright yellow haze begins to seep out of the cauldron, dissipating as it reaches the ground.

Speaking cautiously to Akenna, Leafiara says, "I think she's.... creating a potion to sever the bond to the doll."

Hapenlok says, "...encouraging its use."

Zosopage asks, "Vlashandra?"

Balley softly says, "Go if you must."

As Balley continues her incantation, you see the liquid ripple and contort slightly as it starts to condense.

Pukk: "It's raining."

Dwi: "Trouble up der?"

The flame beneath the cauldron quietly goes out.

Balley reaches into the cauldron and fills her flask.

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Go. Remember what I advised you."

Speaking curiously to Balley, Leafiara asks, "How much longer?"

Aoife: "And that ain't all."

The skin around the long cut down the center of Balley's right palm flows together, the wound fully healing within seconds.

Balley offers Hapenlok a lesser mana-well potion.

Xecnephias quietly says, "It's legal, likely no one dies and the extreme pain is limited to one, the constable doesn't need to know about this, and if it doesn't work, we are hoping it summons a demon."

Hapenlok accepts Balley's mana-well potion.

Balley softly says, "Drink this."

Balley picks up a black iron cauldron.

Hapenlok takes a drink from his mana-well potion.

Hapenlok makes a horrible face!

Balley put a black iron cauldron in her forest green backpack.

Leafiara says, "Maybe I'll go see to Vlashandra, but so far this looks promising."

Balley nods.

Leafiara says, "Let me know how it goes."

Balley stands up.

Maelkyth says, "And if not enough people die, we could always try gem roulette."

Vlashandra at the Lake

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Asben disk, a sleek raven that is flying around, the Nyepels disk, the black Tolwyr disk, the fiery red Ycelacie disk, the Legu disk, some wolifrew lichen, the Aeryi disk, the Morofinwe disk, the Persistance disk, a black-eared red and grey fox, the Kippe disk, the Quiggley disk, an ebullient forest spirit that is flying around, some wolifrew lichen, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Rasson, Akenna, High Lord Asben, Nyepels, Tolwyr, Ellatrig who is sitting, Lyrna, Ycelacie, Legu, Pukk, Bernadette, Dame Evia, Vaikeses who is sitting, Kalindon, Adalfuns, Guarrin, Felita, Great Lady Aeryi, Lord Morofinwe, Great Lady Persistance, Friston who is sitting, Sir Cryheart, Kippe, Quiggley, Yukito, Roteye, Kondus

Speaking to Felita, Pukk says, "Also hey you, you idjit, and jerk...I go by many names."

Leafiara reports, "Well, so far the ritual with Hapenlok hasn't killed anyone, so hopefully they can sever that doll connection once and for all."

Felita says, "Ye has lotta names misser Pukk."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Cryheart!"

Lyrna says, "Those are some of the nicer versions."

Speaking quietly to Felita, Morofinwe says, "Most we cannot say."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Did you try cutting off his head?"

Pukk says, "I heard that works."

Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "It hasn't come to that yet."

Lyrna says, "Exactly."

Berost deeply asks, "More assaults?"

Leafiara says, "The white fire is likely Vlashandra."

Leafiara admits, "I didn't expect her to be finished with her research so soon, but this is good."

Morofinwe quietly says, "Is that good or bad? It's hard to keep track any more."

Lyrna says, "She may not be, but have news or information regardless."

Lyrna says, "Research does take time."

Gypsy Scribe Balley's group just arrived.

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Well, she did say last time that she'd be back after her research was done."

Hapenlok says, "No, it's ....not exactly how it works."

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Chandrellia disk, the Balley disk, the Xecnephias disk, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a despondent glacier spirit that is flying around, a sinuous bone white serpent, the Seylia disk, the Morofinwe disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, the Asben disk, a sleek raven that is flying around, the Nyepels disk, the black Tolwyr disk, the fiery red Ycelacie disk, the Legu disk, some wolifrew lichen, the Aeryi disk, the Persistance disk, a black-eared red and grey fox, the Kippe disk, the Quiggley disk, an ebullient forest spirit that is flying around, some wolifrew lichen, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Zosopage, Paymaster Xecnephias, Maelkyth, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Hapenlok, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Lord Thrassus, Imperatrix Lylia, Eimick, Lady Seylia, Berost, Lord Morofinwe, Mayor Leafiara, Rasson, Akenna, High Lord Asben, Nyepels, Tolwyr, Lyrna, Ycelacie, Legu, Pukk, Bernadette, Dame Evia, Vaikeses who is sitting, Adalfuns, Guarrin, Felita, Great Lady Aeryi, Great Lady Persistance, Friston who is sitting, Sir Cryheart, Kippe, Quiggley, Yukito, Roteye, Kondus

Maelkyth asks, "How do you figure?"

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Xecnephias exclaims, "It was amazing!"

Speaking curiously to Balley, Leafiara asks, "Did it go well?"

Speaking to Xecnephias, Leafiara inquires, "Oh?"

Balley shakes her head.

Speaking to Balley, Hapenlok says, "A good attempt. We'll just have to try again."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara offers, "I'm sure we'll manage it eventually."

Balley softly says, "I need to do a stronger one."

Vaikeses recites:

"Who eats salad

never feel bad"

Speaking quietly to Balley, Xecnephias says, "Good luck."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth says, "I think you just have a tolerance. Keep drinking more."

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "You have taken me entirely literally."

Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Xecnephias says, "Extra luck to you."

Speaking to Amirt, Pukk says, "Join Cryheart."

Xorus says, "As one does."

Pukk says, "Easier." [Amirt was casting blurs]

Hapenlok says, "I guess this means I need to put my armor back on."

Lyrna says, "Huh."

Adalfuns says, "An agent of the enemy, sent to split us apart."

Speaking dubiously to Adalfuns, Leafiara asks, "Where?"

Adalfuns says, "I'm kidding."

Adalfuns says, "Harold gets it."

Adalfuns grins at Pukk.

Adalfuns says, "I knew you were a sharp one."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody rejoin Cryheart"

A flash of white flames sparks near Lake Eonak.

Cryheart says, "Moving to Lake Eonak...very soon."

Evia says, "Ooh."

Hapenlok says, "I'm not even putting my armor on. I don't care right now."

Adalfuns says, "I'm staying in the tower tonight."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "About time."

Leafiara wistfully says, "Ah, it's been months since we were making our regular trips to the lake."

Berost deeply exclaims, "The lake... bah!"

Cryheart says, "Moving out."

Maelkyth asks, "Should we pack a pic-a-nic for the lake?"

[travel starts]

Pukk recites:

"This trip might take a while"

[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]

You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees and a cedar chip path.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Rasson, High Lord Asben, Lyrna, Ycelacie, Pukk, Bernadette, Dame Evia, Adalfuns, Guarrin, Yukito, Berost, Lady Seylia, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Thrassus, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Hapenlok, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Maelkyth, Zosopage, Xorus, Great Lady Sochestie, Lord Flessen, Sir Cryheart, Magister Raelee, Shinann, Lady Vlashandra

Pukk: "We are at Lake Eonak."

Vlashandra smiles.

Speaking amiably to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Good eve there."

Cryheart: "We are at Lake Eonak."

Dwi: "Dey drownin Pukk?"

Hapenlok: "Lake Eonak, and I'm wearing no armor."

Pukk: "They wish!"

Vlashandra says, "Welcome, all."

Hapenlok: "All my tattoos are visible in their glory."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Hope you've been keeping safe throughout all the recent attacks."

Vlashandra says, "I have."

Leafiara nods understandingly at Vlashandra.

Yukito: "I feel like I went on a treasure hunt, and the treasure chest was full of bees and bats."

Adalfuns says, "Not the mental image I wanted."

Hapenlok scratches at a fiery meteor shower tattoo.

Aoife: "It's the light, Hap!"

Pukk: "That does sound fun."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth asks, "What's your secret to that?"

Felita says, "Hellos missie Adjudicater."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pukk says, "Cabbage."

(OOC) Lylia's player whispers to the group, "I DID NOT NEED THAT IMAGE!!"

(OOC) Lylia's player whispers to the group, "Err. Oops. But Xorus knows what he did."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pukk says, "Your secret is cabbage."

Vlashandra grins at Maelkyth.

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Oh, I thought you were talking to me."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Heh."

Speaking respectfully to Vlashandra, Ycelacie says, "Mage."

Vlashandra says, "Mage."

Vlashandra nods at Ycelacie.

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking curiously to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Is your proposal finished on schedule? Many have been looking forward to it."

Vlashandra gently lifts a worn leather black tome from her satchel, brushing her fingers across the binding. There is no title, no symbols or markings, just dark leather that binds page after page of papyrus.

Pukk recites:

"Don't stand too close to our lightning rod....Cryheart"

Vlashandra places the book into her satchel, closing it.

Vlashandra says, "Done? We'll see. I've the beginnings of it. More than we'll discuss tonight."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth says, "I'm sure whatever chaos ensues will be centered hereabouts? I do love me some chaos."

Vlashandra's Three-Part Ritual

Vlashandra says, "Have you heard of the Ritual of Essence?"

Vlashandra says, "No, I suppose not."

Pukk says, "Oh yeah, I heard of that."

Bernadette softly says, "Can say is I have."

Vlashandra says, "Consider that you have now. Or will."

Vlashandra grins.

Lylia asks, "Is it related to the Ritual of Black Eternity?"

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "No, it's a ritual for essence."

Leafiara affably says, "Well, we're all ears, if nothing else."

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "Oh. You meant..."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Yes, I think we should hold off."

Vlashandra says, "The ritual will be performed in three stages."

Vlashandra says, "Each phase consisting of three forms of essence, and each one building into the next."

Vlashandra says, "Bridged by blood."

Vlashandra traces a finger across her palm.

Maelkyth says, "We've plenty of blood."

Leafiara says, "Ahh, no wonder you're not involving the Hall, then."

Pukk says, "Chamorr got lost again."

(OOC) Guarrin's player whispers to the group, "Klaatu...barada..nikto."

Vlashandra grins at Leafiara.

Leafiara winks at Vlashandra.

Vlashandra says, "They are open as they should be yet."

Berost deeply says, "Magick and more waggling. Everytime that happens at this lake ...."

Akenna cautions, "That's dangerous."

Leafiara agreeably explains, "For those who don't know, blood magic isn't exactly an accepted practice in the Empire. It is in the Landing, though."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok sighs, "Stop reminding me."

Leafiara adds, "As of Crux making it so as mayor in 5118." [well... we technically "accepted" it before then, but it wasn't legal within the gates of town until toward the end of his term]

Vlashandra says, "And it is not all bad, as some may suggest."

Akenna says, "For a reason."

Vlashandra nods at Leafiara.

(OOC) Zosopage's player whispers to the group, "Haven't heard klaatu in ages."

Xorus says, "In the Southron Wastes we simply call it 'magic'."

Leafiara nods at Vlashandra.

Lylia murmurs, "It is also a danger to leave Aralyte where she is."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "They need a lot of halfling blood....blood of the true folk..."

Vlashandra agrees with Lylia.

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth says, "Stop picking on the halflings."

Speaking pointedly to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "Pukk, I'm in no mood for your foolishness."

Pukk says, "I only pick on them half of the time."

Speaking amusedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Hey, you're the one who *just* tried a blood magic ritual twenty minutes ago."

Vlashandra says, "Your soulstone..."

Vlashandra glances at Lylia.

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth says, "They have to go twice as far and everone else.. cut 'em some slack."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I know."

Vlashandra says, "And the Lake..."

Lylia removes a dull white soulstone suspended by a frayed leather cord from in her wrap.

Vlashandra says, "Are all that remains of Aralyte's original feat."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Which is why i'm not stomping my feet and spluttering."

Berkana says, "Shhh..."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Pukk says, "Besides if we don't pick on them....then they won't feel included."

Vlashandra says, "It's here, where we will perform each stage of the ritual."

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Me shhhsh as muchesh ash me kinsh!"

Leafiara suddenly says, "Oh."

Lylia says, "I see."

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth asks, "Still, be discriminatory. Like, Dhe'nar.... would anyone really miss them?"

Vlashandra says, "By week's end, I hope we can begin the first one. We will, in theory, condition the lake to become a beacon."

Vlashandra says, "Strong and powerful enough to bring her home, or get her if needed."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "A question, and a concern, if you will? When you're finished."

Vlashandra says, "I am never finished. So go."

Lylia clarifies, "One that Aralyte will perceive, and with the aid of something belonging to her, only Aralyte, it is to be hoped."

Leafiara muses, "Given the ongoing raids, hopefully we're not interrupted when it comes time. But I do agree we should act as quickly as possible anyway." [Vlashandra will revisit this much later]

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok asks, "I suppose you're not aware, when we battled Althedus? the mountain experienced corruption due to the the blood magic that Cross was using on a large scale?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "I'm a little worried about the same thing happening again."

Thrassus says, "This won't exactly be large scale."

Maelkyth says, "This is such a lovely spot."

Hapenlok says, "Well, the mountain gets riled up quite often, nowadays, normally."

Hapenlok nods to Thrassus.

Vlashandra says, "So do you."

Vlashandra grins at Hapenlok.

Thrassus snickers.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "Fair."

Lylia says, "We are working with a blade here and not a bludgeon. Fitting, as we seek a Blade."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "But it's a valid concern I have."

Vlashandra says, "The validity is up for debate. But noted."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "What do ya know about this guy called the Fist."

Maelkyth says, "Then let's pick somewhere else. Location can't be all that important."

Vlashandra asks, "The Fist?"

Speaking to herself, Sochestie says, "It's not large scale.. proceeds to turn an entire lake into a portal."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr asks, "He a friend a yours?"

Vlashandra says, "The Lake is extremely important."

Vlashandra nods at Maelkyth.

Vlashandra says, "I have no friends, truthfully."

Maelkyth says, "I agree... I like the lake."

Vlashandra says, "My work and passion don't allow for much else."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth asks, "Do you mean to spoil it with this ritual?"

Vlashandra says, "Spoil it? No."

Vlashandra says, "It is not fruit that can go bad."

Vlashandra says, "Or a crop that can wither."

Thrassus says, "It's been used for such before, it won't be spoiled."

Pukk says, "Right."

Speaking to Thrassus, Maelkyth says, "Forgive me if I'm skeptical."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Guarrin asks, "Perhaps I missed this the other evening. Did you happen to explain why you wish to go after her?"

Thrassus says, "It would be shameful to just abandon her, I would think."

Speaking to Thrassus, Maelkyth says, "It's rather easy to get over shame."

Lylia says, "Not for some of us."

Zosopage says, "To be honest it's shameful that it's taken this long."

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth says, "Perfect practice makes perfect."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ycelacie asks, "Would it help if some of us began to anchor this and possibly surrounding areas of the lake?"

Speaking to Zosopage, Leafiara says, "It's no easy feat, but I know what you mean. Unfortunate, at least."

Vlashandra grins at Guarrin.

Lylia whispers something to Zosopage.

Vlashandra says, "I did, previously."

Pukk says, "I feel somebody is looking for us."

Chandrellia softly says, "I felt as if I was being watched earlier."

Vlashandra nods at Guarrin.

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "That was me."

Maelkyth says, "Paranoia."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "I was looking at you."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Guarrin asks, "Oh, I had not heard. Perhaps you could humor me and repeat the reason?" [she'll come back to this]]

Vlashandra says, "For the first stage, we will need the essence of earth, essence of air, and essence of fire."

Speaking to Guarrin, Leafiara explains, "Nothing to lose, everything to gain, return of a hero, doing what's right--those were the motivations I remember off the top of my head."

Gutstorm removes some essence of water from in his ruddy red bodice.

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "No wata?"

Vlashandra says, "No water."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Lake fulla it."

Pukk says, "Ooh I had some earth and air earlier too."

Maelkyth exclaims, "I call fire!"

Chandrellia removes some essence of air from in her ivory linen backpack.

Chandrellia raises her essence of air skyward!

Speaking evenly to Vlashandra, Ycelacie asks, "Do you have a theory then? that you can share?"

Pukk says, "There you go."

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Ycelacie.

A long-haired black cat says, "The corset attracts it does."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Dis wata fer da cannon anywaysh."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia asks, "Do you expect any of us to need to travel to Teras Isle?"

Sochestie says, "Now somebody just needs to quell some fire beasts at the volcano in danjirland."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Maelkyth says, "I think I pawned mine, which seems silly just now."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Chamorr says, "Shoot her, I dare ya."

Leafiara mentions, "Worst case, our local alchemist usually has those essences for sale on the table in the east room."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "Me too."

Hapenlok says, "Well, I suppose ample elemental fire essences can be gatherred in the Elemental Confluence."

Vlashandra says, "I will tell you now, the amount we need, is unknown."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Balley and I have earth and air."

Leafiara understandingly notes, "So start collecting now, got it."

Balley shows Vlashandra her essence of earth.

Vlashandra says, "My research and the writings I uncovered are, mismatched a bit."

Chandrellia softly asks, "How much will we need?"

Balley softly asks, "How much do you need?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Chamorr says, "Double dog dare ya."

Evia asks, "What essences?"

Lylia smoothly says, "If you would like someone to help connect those pieces, I am certain I know some scholars who could aid."

Speaking to Balley, Hapenlok says, "All of it that you can gather, i'd wager."

Speaking to Evia, Leafiara says, "Air, fire, and earth."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "Whose writings, precisely? And what is the conflict?"

(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "So we gonna Rezerrect Maurice White?"

Vlashandra says, "The essence alone will not do, as well. In order to make it useful and bridge to the next essences required, we will need blood."

Speaking to Evia, Maelkyth says, "Earth, wind, and fire."

Evia says, "Oh never mind, I believe I dozed off for a moment."

Balley softly asks, "Whose blood will you need?"

Thrassus says, "Plenty of that around."

Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm says, "Yooz gitsh Shvardin to pomotesh me to da rear admirable and yooz got a deal."

Vlashandra says, "So we will need a lot. Because some may fail. Your blood may not suffice."

Hapenlok says, "Well."

Ycelacie seriously says, "Blood..."

Maelkyth asks, "Could we maybe invade Solhaven and sacrifice their population?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Chamorr says, "You is chicken."

Ycelacie says, "I'm out."

Thrassus asks, "We could make raids on Glaoveln again, perhaps?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Definitely. deal me out of this hand."

Akenna says, "That is wise."

Vlashandra says, "As for my purpose here..."

Vlashandra nods at Guarrin.

Chamorr heartily says, "Always blood."

Chandrellia softly says, "Umm I have a vial of blood."

Lyrna asks, "What are the criteria for this blood? What about it do you need?"

Lylia dryly remarks, "Yes, those of us who have shed oceans of kobold, orcish, and krolvin blood must keep our hands clean."

Vlashandra says, "It isn't overly complicated. Our task ahead is more complicated."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "When yooz need da esheshenshesh?"

Guarrin nods encouragingly at Vlashandra.

Vlashandra says, "I do not know Aralyte. But her return accomplishes many things. For some of you here, for the Hall...for myself."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Akenna says, "Then explain them in detail, please."

Maelkyth says, "Oh."

Vlashandra says, "Perhaps a victory worth wearing one's own face for."

Evia says, "Hmm."

Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm says, "She out a hex on me cannonsh, it not werksh on her fer shum reashon."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara admits, "Makes sense to me. That's what I figured you were in this for."

Chamorr heartily says, "Every time its gimme yer blood, bad stuff happens to the donors."

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking to Chamorr, Stormyrain says, "Not always."

Speaking heartily to Stormyrain, Dwi says, "Gimme yer blood."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Chamorr says, "Shurrrre."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Yoo triesh."

Vlashandra grins at Leafiara.

Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Vlashandra.

Dwi heartily asks, "Aint so eager is ye?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Tole ye."

Akenna says, "Walking into something risky without further detail is frankly, silly."

Speaking to Akenna, Maelkyth exclaims, "But exciting!"

Vlashandra says, "Blood magic has gone wrong many times here, because you approach it in the wrong way."

Lylia says, "I did know her, somewhat. For those of you who question who she is, know that she is not just a good-hearted lady who saved a blind beggar boy."

Speaking to Dwi, Stormyrain says, "A Blood Mage is never eager, and never gives blood without trusting the person it's going to. So in this case, no, I'm not."

Stormyrain can offer Vlashandra only a blank expression.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Akenna says, "I don't approach it, because I know its setbacks."

Vlashandra says, "Blood is taken, stolen, manipulated. There are those who wish harm who leave a lasting negative impact."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Stormyrain says, "Not all of us."

Evia says, "So far it sounds like make Lake Eonak into a big pot of elemental and blood soup."

Stormyrain clenches her jaw.

Stormyrain folds her arms over her chest.

Vlashandra says, "There is inexperience, there is no planning."

Vlashandra says, "Precisely."

Vlashandra nods at Stormyrain.

Lylia says, "There is far greater depth and power than you know. She is not a Mahkra Academy Blade, and not a neophyte."

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Dankoo."

Vlashandra says, "Blood magic is no more dangerous than a sword you wield."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ycelacie says, "Blood is just a symbol an anchor to the soul."

Akenna says, "It is more is harder to undo if you don't do it right."

Lylia says, "It is a plentiful and powerful reagent, that much is true."

Ycelacie carefully says, "I am not necessarily opposed, just not my blood."

Lyrna says, "If you pass beyond the Gate, the blade's death is just as permenant."

Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Berost says, "Me sword never turned someone from death into something else to feed me throughout the centuries. Witches blood magick did that."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wot me gitsh if me donate me blood?"

Akenna asks, "But it has dire consquences, am I wrong?"

Lyrna says, "It can."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Hairloss."

Berost deeply says, "But, like I said to tha Mayor, I am too honorable for a dwarf, we got rescuing ta do? Lets get to it."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Dire consequences is just another state of being! who are we to judge?!"

Lylia gently says, "Any action undertaken without knowledge, wisdom, or research can have dire consequences."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Dat bad."

Lyrna says, "Oh, I've been on the negative side of a great deal of it."

Questions and Answers(?)

Vlashandra says, "We'll learn as we go. So when we meet again, and some of the essences are collected, we will need volunteers to give blood. Mine included. To complete the first phase. Then I'll detail the second essences we need."

Raelee quietly echoes, "Action, consequence, results."

Vlashandra asks, "Does anyone have any questions?"

Chandrellia softly says, "Ok look, if it means we have a chance to stop these abominations from tearing our citizens' limbs off and the children have a better chance at growing up then I'll donate my blood if need be."

Maelkyth says, "Plans... plans are what ALWAYS gets us in trouble."

Speaking to Lyrna, Hapenlok says, "I'm a living and continuing example of it."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth asks, "Can't we just wing this and see what happens?"

Vlashandra says, "No."

Lyrna says, "But as the blade, much of it has to do with what use it's put to."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara clarifies, "So you specifically want blood given voluntary? Exclusively so?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth asks, "Are you saying we can't, or shouldn't?"

Vlashandra says, "Shouldn't."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Akenna asks, "How experienced are you with it? How many years?"

Maelkyth says, "So... we COULD."

Evia asks, "It was my understanding blood magic requires blood given willingly, am I wrong?"

Evia glances at Stormyrain.

Vlashandra says, "Enough experience, and there are many here who are the same."

Sochestie asks, "Volunteers to give blood, volunteers that have to meet certain criteria right? Didn't you just say the problems that happened before is because you have to take blood from 'the right kind of people'?"

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.

Maelkyth exclaims, "Dhe'nar!"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Akenna says, "You are skirting the question."

Maelkyth says, "Purest source of blood to their own minds."

Lylia says, "Faendryl blood for a Faendryl blade. I would imagine many of us would be willing. I do not speak for all of us, of course."

Vlashandra says, "Ask it in a better way."

Speaking to Evia, Stormyrain says, "Blood magic can be completed by blood taken, but it is not as reliable or strong in that case."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "So you're a practicing blood mage yourself?"

Bernadette softly says, "Yer talkin incircles."

Evia says, "Thank you."

Chamorr heartily says, "Not my blood."

Speaking to Chamorr, Maelkyth says, "Do you part for the Landing."

Vlashandra says, "I would not classify myself as such. It's a dangerous title to throw around."

Speaking to Akenna, Ycelacie says, "I don't think the amount of knowledge on this topic is fledgling at best."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Hapenlok says, "But...strong enough in my case. And strong enough in Maags' case, with what Raznel took from her."

Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly asks something you don't understand.

Ycelacie says, "Rather... it is."

Balley softly asks, "Do you only want Faendryl blood?"

Vlashandra says, "But Grand Magister Octaven has left the area for a few weeks, so we have...a luxury not always afforded."

Leafiara muses, "Ah, that explains a lot."

Vlashandra says, "We will need a mix of blood. I do not know which will respond best to each essence and step."

Speaking in Guildspeak to Ycelacie, Akenna says something you don't understand.

Speaking musingly to herself, Berkana says, "I thought it was virgins the other day..."

Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Wonder where she's off to."

Speaking in Guildspeak to Akenna, Hapenlok asks something you don't understand.

Vlashandra says, "Race, elemental attunement, so many factors. We will learn together. So we must prepare enough."

Speaking heartily to Berkana, Chamorr says, "Thats hard to come by."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia asks, "Is there a way we can aid in piecing together the parts of your notes that do not mesh readily?"

Speaking in Guildspeak to Hapenlok, Akenna says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Zosopage says, "Does the virtues of the donor make any difference?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth asks, "So, trial and error?"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Akenna happily says something you don't understand.

Speaking in Guildspeak to Akenna, Hapenlok says something you don't understand.

Speaking in Guildspeak, Akenna says something you don't understand.

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Lylia says, "'Virtue' is a slippery slope, my friend."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Akenna asks something you don't understand.

Vlashandra says, "In time perhaps."

Vlashandra nods at Lylia.

Speaking heartily to Chamorr, Dwi says, "Dey kin "practice" wit out me."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Zosopage says, "Good versus evil etcetera."

Vlashandra nods at Maelkyth.

Speaking curiously to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "Why would Octaven not wish to see this move forward? Precisely?"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Akenna says something you don't understand.

Speaking in Guildspeak to Akenna, Hapenlok says something you don't understand.

Vlashandra says, "Very much trial and error."

Sochestie asks, "What can go wrong right?"

Evia says, "What could go wrong."

Vlashandra says, "Octaven will likely quite enjoy celebrating our victory."

Bernadette softly says, "What indeeds."

Hapenlok says, "Well, at any rate. I just hope we don't wreak too much havoc on the Reach."

Raelee slowly says, "... and yet her not being here is a boon."

Vlashandra says, "Her absence will be enough for her to explain the use of blood magic and our failure if we do not succeed."

Lyrna asks, "Is that the reason you're doing it?"

Maelkyth says, "So, we need to gather up a test group from all races, professions, and allegiance."

Vlashandra says, "...and then she will seek to execute me."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Shinann says, "So, she knows."

Xorus says, "Naturally."

Speaking to her cyan-hazed icy sprite, Akenna whispers aloud, "Not now, Ninim."

Lylia says, "I believe I understand. What she does not know will not hurt you. So she must remain innocent of this knowledge."

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Raelee says, "... what we do not know is oft what hurts us the most."

Vlashandra says, "If we succeed, Octaven wins. If we fail, Octaven wins."

Stormyrain says, "Plausible deniability is how I take those statements."

Vlashandra agrees with Stormyrain.

Maelkyth says, "I'm constantly injured."

Stormyrain says, "On Octaven's side, of course."

Speaking to Raelee, Lylia murmurs, "There is not knowing, and then there is looking the other way."

Lylia asks, "Plausible deniability, I believe, is the Common phrase for it?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Im alwaysh lookin da utter way."

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee counters, "... then say that."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "Well, even though I can't throw my support behind what you and the others are looking to accomplish, I can tell you one thing, we're a haven for lunatics, outcasts and you'll have a place here...probably."

Stormyrain says, "If things go sideways, blame Vlashandra for falling into the trap of blood magic. If it succeeds, look what this magic can do."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Lylia exclaims, "Just so!"

Xorus says, "The classic two options. I win, you lose."

Chamorr heartily asks, "A month ago nobody even heard of Vlashandra afore, now yer gonna open yer veins for her?"

Vlashandra nods at Stormyrain.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "So, don't worry too much about Octaven."

Felita says, "We resembles some of those."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "We've gone to war over less."

Lylia quietly says, "For Aralyte."

Maelkyth says, "We, no.. not OUR blood."

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "More for Aralyte in any case, but no one has to do this unless they want to, as far as I understand."

Speaking heartily to Chamorr, Dwi says, "Some folks is lonely."

Maelkyth says, "That'd be heinous."

Lylia says, "You have no idea..."

Speaking heartily to Maelkyth, Chamorr asks, "Do you need glasses?"

Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm says, "Keep yer emeniesh closher."

Speaking to Lylia, Zosopage says, "Negligence versus ignorace. I heard that somewhere before."

Vlashandra glances at Chamorr.

Speaking to Chamorr, Maelkyth asks, "Why would I need those?"

Vlashandra says, "How dare you."

Vlashandra shakes her head at Chamorr and clucks her tongue.

Vlashandra says, "They do not cut their veins for me."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "How dare you."

Vlashandra says, "They cut their veins for Aralyte, who cut her life short for you and others."

Vlashandra asks, "You mock their freedom of choice and their power to choose?"

Guarrin whispers something to Akenna.

Speaking to Chamorr, Hapenlok says, "Oi, Bear. I don't agree with it either, but let this one go. You're fighting the tide, here."

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Vlashandra says, "You choose the simplistic title of Bear, they choose to offer a sacrifice to save a martyr."

Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm says, "Me finksh she needs a hug."

Speaking mildly to Vlashandra, Lyrna says, "There is nothing in Landing that cannot be mocked."

Speaking heartily to Chamorr, Dwi says, "Some folks is lonely..."

Leafiara diplomatically reminds, "She's only asking for volunteers. I think that much, at least, needs to be stressed--no matter where you stand on this."

Speaking to Lyrna, Lylia says, "It is a pity it is so."

Hapenlok says, "Hopefully my concerns are without merit."

Vlashandra says, "If you do not wish to cut your veins, then so be it. But do not cut down those who feel differently than you."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "Or unleash hell again."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth asks, "Blood magic needs blood, yes?"

Akenna says, "Oh no, I'll just be here to clean up the mess."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "I'm not the one doin the cuttin, you are."

Maelkyth says, "I don't see a conflict of interest here."

Speaking drunkenly to Vlashandra, Gutstorm says, "Jush sho ye be knowing, Chamorr not only a kernal genral, he a shmart cookie, he got da right to his onion ye knowsh."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Sochestie says, "Who's simplistic, the one who has been given a moniker for one of the most fearsome beasts in the wild or the one who tries to put someone down for it."

Akenna says, "Because that's what it will be."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Evia asks, "I do have a question. You see these blackish veins upon my face? Those are a mark from the shadow realm. Do you suppose those veins make my blood different in some way, than ordinary?"

Ycelacie says, "Stop."

Lyrna says, "Not necessary, she may be the one directing things, but not necessarily the one doing any specific thing."

Lylia stresses, "Some of you do not understand the peril here. You cannot just...leave her there, and this is not out of a stance of moral rectitude that I say it. Do you know what she is, and what she could become?"

Speaking to Evia, Leafiara agrees, "Great question."

Vlashandra says, "Possible. Yes."

Vlashandra nods at Evia.

Evia says, "Interesting."

Evia ponders.

Vlashandra says, "We'll bleed you last."

Lylia says, "I had such black marks once, and then they were gone. I never knew why, though I sought reasons."

Leafiara adds, "Only if she volunteers, no?"

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok asks, "Why do you think I ran when I saw her?"

Ycelacie says, "Either we will take the advice of those who have dedicated their lives to this understanding or we won't."

Vlashandra says, "Of course."

Vlashandra nods at Leafiara.

Leafiara nods appreciatively at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "That and the whole ...soul problem I was having."

Lylia says, "Yes, that would be a concern too."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "That's why I'm worried about you all going. That's all."

Lylia says, "I do appreciate the concern. And I share your wish to ensure that it is done as sanely as possible, and with as much knowledge."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Zosopage says, "Is there a possibility that she has changed while being trapped in there for so long? And I don't mean for the good."

Maelkyth asks, "Fine, well how DO you suppose we should find the groups necessary to conduct these experiments?"

Hapenlok asks, "And now we're going to tap the Reach to start this. And in case you didn't remember, the lodger we have resting up there?"

Leafiara tilts her head at Maelkyth.

Vlashandra nods at Zosopage.

(Leafiara makes a sweeping gesture encompassing everyone here.)

Vlashandra says, "Yes."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Trial en error."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "At least, those willing, which won't be everyone."

Vlashandra says, "There is a possibility Aralyte is not as she was."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "It's not a large enough group."

Maelkyth says, "And we need a control group."

Zosopage says, "So we need to be ready for all contingencies."

Speaking curiously to Maelkyth, Leafiara asks, "How do you know that?"

Stormyrain says, "There is the certainty she is not as she was; for even if she were on this valence with us, she would be changed after this time."

Vlashandra says, "Precisely."

Vlashandra nods at Zosopage.

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "Blind luck may yet guide us."

Speaking to Zosopage, Lylia says, "Thank you. That is precisely the danger I mean."

Maelkyth says, "I just like to be thorough."

Vlashandra says, "We will plan accordingly. For both a homecoming, and a battle. And every possibility between."

Lylia clarifies, "One of the dangers."

Bernadette softly says, "Always a battle."

Xorus dryly says, "The last time I saw her, she rose out of a pool of blood."

Speaking drunkenly to Bernadette, Gutstorm says, "Keepsh ye employed."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok reminds, "Remember what I told you about our citizens and plans?"

Defending the Territory

Vlashandra says, "Before I leave..."

Vlashandra rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Vlashandra says, "I think you said it, Mayor Leafiara."

Vlashandra says, "These invasions? Those, monsters..."

Leafiara nods at Vlashandra.

Leafiara notes, "It really wouldn't do to be interrupted by them during the ritual, I'm thinking."

Vlashandra asks, "We may wish to build some defenses here. I know Octaven has paid for the mobile towers. Perhaps a request to escalate their rebuilding?"

Leafiara ponders.

Vlashandra says, "Or some other towers, pylons, whatever your townspeople feel is best to help secure this site."

Thrassus quietly says, "Those fascinating creatures, yes."

Felita says, "Thems look like they was put togedder by a blind tailer."

Leafiara thoughtfully says, "Hmm. Powering pylons might be a bit slow to defend against the hordes--they move quickly."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "But do take care to do environmental impact studies before going all out."

Leafiara says, "Even the mobile towers..."

Leafiara rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lyrna says, "There are a few unique properties my blood may have."

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Lyrna.

Thrassus asks, "How about we have trackers attempt to follow them to where they are basing at?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "When did you wish to do the first step?"

Thrassus says, "The trails they leave can't be that difficult to follow."

Vlashandra says, "This weekend. I will send word soon on which night. Huntress or Feastday."

Stormyrain murmurs, "If you will excuse me."

Speaking drunkenly to Thrassus, Gutstorm says, "Yeah, demsh titansh musht have BIG feetshesh."

Vlashandra nods at Lyrna.

Speaking to Thrassus, Hapenlok says, "Yet....they seem to pass without a trace."

Xorus wryly says, "If this site is allowed to be overrun with those abominations, we might as well force our way into the shadow realm directly, through the rifts in the Bleaklands."

Vlashandra asks, "You all know then, what essences we need for the first steps?"

Fahlo asks, "Trust?"

Lylia says, "Fire. Air. Earth."

Vlashandra nods.

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Erf?"

Leafiara says, "I think the mobile towers would be more helpful than the pylons in this case, but if anyone else has any suggestions, we'd love to hear them."

Vlashandra asks, "Any more questions?"

Lyrna asks, "Is the blood needed here? Before going through to the valence?"

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "Will it be enough time to collect as much as you are needing?"

Evia asks, "A great many?"

Tsarok quietly says, "Just need a few members of Helden here."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "I'll pass along word that time is of the essence with the towers."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Thrassus asks, "That would depend on how soon we set the hounds on the trail perhaps?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I had a suggestion, but you apparently ignored it."

Leafiara adds, " pun intended."

Vlashandra says, "We will not be going into the valence, at least not yet. It is a possibility, as we reach or complete the final phase."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara admits, "I might not have heard you."

Vlashandra nods at Lylia.

Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "What was it?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "The from earlier."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Oh. We can't do that by this weekend, but..."

Guarrin mentions, "Move a tower or two, some small walls or pits to slow their progress, perhaps a wall around a small area."

Hapenlok says, "Yeah. I figured."

Speaking to Leafiara, Zosopage says, "Preferably towers that can't be burned down and the defenders in them killed."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Hapenlok was wondering if you have any talents that might help us locate the leader of the Fist's forces."

(OOC) Evia's player whispers to the group, "If essences start pouring out of creatures around here, I would be doing an alchemy horde with them, just saying."

Hapenlok says, "You know, if we had a way to track the one building those constructs, then it wouldn't matter about the limbs they rip off."

Speaking cautiously to Zosopage, Leafiara says, "I think you're asking for the impossible. Almost anything can be burned down with enough effort or power."

Hapenlok says, "It's a matter of attrition, at this point."

Vlashandra says, "I could, try to lend aid? I am just concerned of splitting my focus too much."

Vlashandra says, "Our window of time is narrow."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Fair enough."

Maelkyth says, "Windows are made to be opened."

Speaking to Leafiara, Zosopage says, "Perhaps but any edge will help. I guess maybe stocking them with alot of buckets will have to do."

Lylia says, "She has languished for years. I am curious why time is now short...but I shall take any opportunity I can."

Speaking to Zosopage, Leafiara reasons, "My trouble with using the pylons for this is that they're not good for close quarters combat, which is all we've been seeing with the Fist's forces."

Hapenlok says, "Just get me to their camp, and I could give them a primer on why I was feared in Talador. Pre-bleaklands."

Speaking to Lylia, Evia asks, "Because Octaven is absent?"

Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Tsarok says, "We can just tell Roblar there will be mead here. Roblar IS a mobile tower."

Lylia says, "Yes. This does seem to be an opportune time, then."

Vlashandra says, "Good evening to you all."

Raelee says, "Octaven is not eternal. She comes, she goes."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "Well, anyway...that's fair enough, I guess."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara wishes, "May your research go well. We'll meet on the weekend."

Leafiara says, "Hopefully with functional towers."

Zosopage says, "Rest well."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "Be well."

Vlashandra gestures and burns away into a pillar of white fire that glows brightly for a moment before fading away, leaving an afterglow in your sight for a few seconds.

Discussion Afterward

Maelkyth asks, "How many test subjects did we decide we'd need again?"

Bernadette softly says, "Good luck in yer quest."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me wunna how big a hole we gonna make and if da lake will be gione when we done."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "If I heard correctly, she's uncertain on that."

Yukito: "I should go."

Lylia says, "These are some of the details she intends to narrow down."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara adds, "Which is why I find it curious that you thought we don't have enough."

Maelkyth says, "Better to have too many and not need them, than have too few and need them."

Berost deeply says, "Alright so. Essence. Right ...."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "Well it's not like we're given any guidance in what to look for."

Leafiara says, "Hap might have had the right of it--anyone who can harvest from the Confluence would be helpful before this weekend."

(Hapenlok gives an uneasy glance at the Reach.)

Cryheart says, "Headed to town...Moot Hall."

Speaking in Faendryl, Thrassus says something you don't understand.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Why not juss by it from da alchemisht."


Evia says, "That is a awful place."

Hapenlok mutters, "I can't believe I mentioned him."

Hapenlok says, "You know, I slipped."

Felita says, "Jus inbite a buncha peeple and tell em wes hasin a party."

Speaking to Evia, Leafiara admits, "I'm not a fan of it either. I'll just arrange to buy up esssences from alchemists in several towns."

Hapenlok says, "I wasn't gonna tell her about our lodger up there, and I kinda let it slip." [Rodnay]

Maelkyth exclaims, "This!"

Maelkyth says, "All willing."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel.

Also here: Rasson, Lyrna, Ycelacie, Pukk, Bernadette, Dame Evia, Guarrin, Shinann, Berost, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Thrassus, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Hapenlok, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Maelkyth, Zosopage, Xorus, Great Lady Sochestie, Lord Flessen, Felita, Razanetika, High Lord Gutstorm, Conquerer of Reim Berkana, Takroth, Lord Chamorr, Quartermaster Tsarok, Melikor, High Lord Asben, Sir Cryheart, Mayor Leafiara

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "You actually moved quickly tonight."

Xorus says, "I have the distinct feeling this will be the least objectionable of the 'essences'."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "He's a golem!"

Takroth says, "Nothing says good drinkin' party like fresh sacrifices."

Felita says, "We kin pick from dere."

Speaking to himself, Hapenlok comments, "I'm getting old. My mind is going."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk asks, "Quick, tell me something only Cryheart knows?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth says, "Chin up."

Gutstorm takes quick aim at Chamorr and pulls the silver lever on the monir water cannon!

With a click and a loud *WHOOSH*, a torrent of water hurtles out of the cannon directly at him! The spray hits Chamorr right in the neck with a loud *SPLAT*, knocking him backwards to land comically on his rear!

Chamorr heartily says, "Yup he's a golem."

Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm says, "See, it werks on yooz but mot da mage lady."

Chamorr stares down Gutstorm and lets out an eerie, modulating cry!

Gutstorm looks at Chamorr in utter terror!

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Okay, it's taking him a while to respond...I think he is the real Shiny."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Chamorr says, "You dinna even try."

Leafiara reiterates, "Before anyone heads off to rest, I'll just reiterate this is strictly voluntary. I know some of you have concerns, even if we don't all agree."

Cryheart says, "Good evening all."

Speaking to Cryheart, Zosopage says, "Rest well."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Did too, me shot at her when dey had da mock trial."

Leafiara says, "I think the risk is worth the reward, in general. We all have our own thoughtss."

Pukk exclaims, "I volunteer Happy and Shiny!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, you know where I am in this, Leafiara."

Speaking in Faendryl, Thrassus says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'm out."

Balley softly says, "I do have one question.."

Speaking appreciatively to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I do. And I respect it."

Balley softly says, "But I will speak to you alone Leafi."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "So, the party idea... people would SO willingly show up to that, were we to hold one."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "And tonight gave me one more reason to stay out of it."

Speaking amiably to Balley, Leafiara says, "Sure, I'll be available for you as I can."

Lylia adds, "If you do not want to join in this endeavor, you are not required to. But this is also a Faendryl matter. It will be done, therefore, in some fashion. Vlashandra is not the only one who seeks to see the Blade's return."

Speaking to Ycelacie, Pukk says, "I can do those boxes now."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "What's up if things just get a little out of hand and we have multiple blood sacrifices."

Maelkyth exclaims, "There has to be some payout!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, hopefully nobody was peeking, what with that item, and all."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr says, "Well, get it right."

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "I got dibsh on da paleshtra shord fingy!"

Thrassus says, "It won't be out of hand because they are voluntary."

Speaking slowly to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "This is quite a bit 'off the record,' as it were... the Hall's not involved."

Leafiara says, "And that too."

Leafiara nods at Thrassus.

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "We needn't invite them."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin says, "You had mentioned how important she was. Perhaps you can Aside from her previous acts of valor."

Akenna says, "I'll not give my blood, but I will make sure to defend."

Lylia says, "Yes."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara assures, "We're not going to."

Berost deeply says, "Welp I'll keep what earth essence I find and throw it at the lake."

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm exclaims, "BOOM!"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "Last thing anyone wants is the Hall involved with this, I'd bet."

Leafiara muses, "Except maybe one of us."

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Raelee.

Lylia explains, "She was a woman of towering intellect and great will. And she had a great deal of knowledge that...shall we say, we tend to keep to ourselves."

Balley softly says, "Time will tell."

Thrassus says, "For good reason, at that."

Lylia asks, "Now, what do you think such a person becomes, if she bends that will and power and brilliance to harnessing the shadows around her?"

Lylia asks, "What if she becomes a part of them?"

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm asks, "Why didja gimme unnerd en fiffy one shilbersh before?"

Berkana says, "Evil."

Shinann says, "Excuse me, please."

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm asks, "Didja liff em off me?"

Lylia asks, "I do not think you want a dark goddess of vengeance pouring her shadowy hordes forth from a rift in reality, do you?"

Maelkyth asks, "What is evil, really?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "Because I was looking through your person looking for something else."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Not you. I know how you would answer that."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin admits, "One is enough for me."

Berkana says, "Ooo... Eorgina..."

Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm asks, "Didja find anyfin yooshful?"

Takroth says, "Shadowy hordes sure sounds like evil."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Evia says, "Anything that skitters."

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "I concede your point."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr says, "What are you prepared to do if that's the case."

Speaking to Lylia, Zosopage says, "So in essence she could become an enemy."

Xorus says, "To put it bluntly, if she cannot be saved, she has to be put down."

Lylia says, "Yes. Xorus said it."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "I don't know. but, you know....we could be making that happen, too."

Speaking to Zosopage, Maelkyth exclaims, "But at least we'd know something about her!"

Speaking musingly to herself, Berkana says, "Maybe I would be up to the task."

Maelkyth says, "I think this is a flawless approach."

Speaking to Xorus, Evia says, "No easy task that either, I would assume."

Hapenlok says, "I've flogged this horse enough for two nights."

Maelkyth says, "Or, flawed... but technically acceptable."

Guarrin says, "That clears things up a bit."

Lylia says, "That is my point. She must either be saved or ended, and that is the way it has been for years."

Hapenlok says, "I need to go murder peo-...hunt."

Hapenlok says, "...just kidding."

Lylia says, "The Clerisy is not unaware of this matter."

Speaking ominously to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "OR WAS I."

Lyrna bites her lip.

Speaking gently to Lyrna, Leafiara asks, "Anything wrong, love?"

Speaking quietly to Pukk, Hapenlok whispers aloud, "Coulda had you."

Lylia says, "But awareness and action are different things."

Lyrna says, "Just thinking about possibilities."

Pukk says, "You need better stuff."

Balley softly says, "I must go check notes and get my rest."

Speaking heartily to Lyrna, Chamorr says, "Lotta possibilities,and only one of them good."

Speaking to Guarrin, Zosopage says, "I suppose valor deserves "payment" in kind but there is a risk to be sure."

Chamorr heartily says, "Wait."

Leafiara says, "Quick turnaround time on Vlashandra's part. I definitely like that much."

Hapenlok says, "I don't perform alchemy."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok asks, "Magister, you want this back? I think I got it from you, didn't I?"

Hapenlok shows Raelee his ayana'al berry.

Speaking heartily to Chandrellia, Chamorr asks, "Did she insult me?"

Chandrellia softly asks, "Who?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Raelee says, "Not necessary. They grow plentifully if you know where to look."

Speaking heartily to Maelkyth, Chamorr says, "Are you sure you dont need glasses."

Speaking heartily to Maelkyth, Chamorr says, "You keep squintin."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Really don't have much of a need for alchemical reagents. Since I don't really have the patience for brewing. And brewing. And brewing..."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok adds, "Except beer. That I have patience for."

Maelkyth says, "I mean, there's a lot to take in... and you're all shifty."

Lylia says, "I have a long life, and it still feels too brief to spend too much of it with alchemy."

Lyrna asks, "We are?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Maelkyth exclaims, "Are you scrunching up your face at me?!"

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Seriously, though, Alchemy was never a strong suit for me. Killing things is."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr says, "Do what ya gotta do, and get it right."

Lyrna says, "I did frown at the idea that we're all 'shifty'."

Speaking to Chamorr, Maelkyth says, "I think you may be right."

Speaking pointedly to Hapenlok, Raelee says, "Alchemy is not difficult."

Lyrna says, "Although I've been called worse."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Raelee adds, "... I started lessons in it at ten years old."

Speaking amusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "We kinda are, though."

Takroth says, "Time to pass out on the beer cart."

Zosopage says, "Let us just hope this endeavor doesn't backfire on us."

Speaking to Lyrna, Maelkyth asks, "I mean, shifty, bendy, blurry... there a better word?"

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "Aralyte would be the first to slit her own throat if she had become a menace of sorcery."

Leafiara admits, "Right now my only concern is if no other blood mages are there to help that night. Vlashandra didn't exactly make a convincing case for her own experience, so hopefully some of our blood mages will be there."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "You're not wrong. But you know, patience. Not one of my talents. I'm getting better at it, but ...alchemy gets on all of my nerves, sometimes."

Lyrna asks, "Not disreputable, dishonest and...?"

Hapenlok adds, "Most of the time."

Lylia says, "If she were any lesser being, I would not imagine she could have withstood the place with her mind intact."

Maelkyth asks, "Shifty?"

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Berost says, "And, ya know, we dont get swarmed by reapers and claid wielding ogres with storm giant heads and titan legs."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "I'll just stick to what I'm good at, I guess."

Lylia says, "Mmm? You would have to define the term."

Lylia says, "Blood is a reagent. A potent one, but there are others."

Maelkyth asks, "Such as?"

Speaking to Berost, Leafiara says, "Well, I really will ask about those defense towers, at least. They're not a solution to everything, but they will help."

Maelkyth asks, "Gnome tears?"

Xorus says, "Vlashandra is mostly being opaque with the details of this ritual. It is difficult to make a judgement on it when it is revealed in bits."

Speaking to Xorus, Maelkyth says, "She's setting us up for failure... just go with it."

Maelkyth asks, "What's the worst that could happen?"

Hapenlok whispers something to Raelee.

Lylia says, "I do not think she intends to fail...although I still have many questions about her reasons for wanting to succeed."

Chandrellia cautiously asks, "Embrace the chaos?"

Berost deeply asks, "I wonder about the timing of Octaven leavin when we getting attack by some army of magicked beasts we have never had an issues withh. Octo-person lady never liked us, yar?"

Xorus says, "The worst that can happen is Lake Eonak forms a permanent portal to the Shadow Realm and constantly spills out demons."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Embrace the Chaos!"

Leafiara notes, "Apparently one of our friends from Paupers has already moved their defense tower to the lake--I guess that one had escaped destruction in 5117."

Maelkyth says, "Yes."

Hapenlok whispers something to Raelee.

Speaking to Berost, Lylia says, "She never particularly liked or disliked us, I think. I got the feeling that simple matters such as 'liking' or 'disliking' are beneath her."

Lylia says, "Which I find quite admirable."

Chandrellia softly says, "Good, thats a good start and a fast one."

Speaking skeptically to Xorus, Raelee says, "Is that truly the limit of 'worst'? I do not think so."

Berost deeply asks, "But then how would I like a good ale, and a warm lass? Hmm?"

Lyrna says, "Yeah, I don't think it is."

Berost deeply says, "Got to like somethings."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Maelkyth says, "Speaking of... technically, it might work that if we destroy the Landing ourselves, they'd have no reason to take it over."

Hapenlok whispers something to Raelee.

Speaking softly to Maelkyth, Chandrellia says, "I think it's more than just that."

Maelkyth asks, "Eh?"

Maelkyth asks, "Like what?"

Lylia says, "Some of us like power. Or knowledge. Or some abstract that cannot be procured as readily. I believe Octaven is one such person."

Speaking to Raelee, Xorus says, "No. It is just the most immediately obvious eventuality."

Maelkyth says, "Evil people are only evil because they want to take things we have."

Berost deeply says, "And now it is be time to find one or tha other."

Speaking softly to Maelkyth, Chandrellia says, "I can't put my finger on it but I'm trying, I'm not good at this stuff, and sometimes.."

Lylia says, "And I doubt she thinks of this town at all except inasmuch as she may use it."

Raelee continues, "For example, when opening portals... a particular risk is losing control of its expansion. Then, abruptly, not only is your portal open and spewing demons about... but it is growing larger and larger at an exponential rate, displacing everything around it."

Chandrellia softly says, "Well sometimes I feel useless so I try really hard to."

Lylia says, "Or its people."

Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth exclaims, "That's the point! She can't use it if it's destroyed!"

Xorus says, "Granted. The power of the Reach could make it grow cancerously."

Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Chandrellia says, "Be safe Hap."

Lyrna says, "I don't know that that's true exactly. I think it has more to do with disregarding the consequences to other. Whether from not caring or not seeing."

Speaking encouragingly to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Like I said recently, you're very organized in triage efforts. No need to undersell yourself."

Speaking to Xorus, Raelee says, "Precisely."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Lylia says, "I do not find you useless; if I recall right, you asked some rather insightful questions the last time we saw Vlashandra. I awaited her answers with interest, and I might not have thought to ask."

Maelkyth says, "Dammit Pukk."

Chandrellia softly says, "Ok well, I need to see about some sovyn clove, in case, err when we get attacked again, and see about some essences at the alchemists."

Hapenlok says, "Well, I guess I need to drop a muffin somewhere, too."

Xorus says, "The realm could also be thrown into a kind of coexistent state, where the same place exists in many other places or times."

Speaking encouragingly to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Keep up being you. You're picking things up very quickly and making a name for yourself."

Leafiara says, "I should be off--rest well, all, when you get there."

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee asks, "Perhaps on the morrow?"

Lylia says, "Tomorrow evening, I am forcing Thrassus to improve statues for me."

[Leafi moves to TSC]

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Hapenlok exclaims, "Now get rid of the lint, and travel with a muffin!"

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara asks, "And what do you think of all this, love?"

Lyrna says, "I have a lot of mixed feelings, honestly."

Speaking amusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "That's usually the way of it around here."

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Hapenlok commands, "Enjoy."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Hapenlok.

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Hapenlok says, "I need to go find a place to hide."

The coppery barn owl hoots.

Speaking to Kalindon, Tolwyr says, "The timing."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara admits, "For me, though, this is one of the most clear-cut things I've run across in four years. I have to help."

Hapenlok picks up an iced peach muffin.

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Hapenlok says, "Okay, I'll feed you, then."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara adds, "But I do understand others' concerns."

Lyrna says, "I am worried about the stakes and motivation for doing this on Vlashandra's part."

Hapenlok feeds a pale-faced coppery barn owl a bite of his peach muffin.

Hapenlok feeds a pale-faced coppery barn owl a bite of his peach muffin.

Hapenlok feeds a pale-faced coppery barn owl a bite of his peach muffin.

The coppery barn owl hoots at Hapenlok.

Hapenlok feeds a pale-faced coppery barn owl the last of his peach muffin.

Lyrna says, "I'm concerned about what it's going to actually entail."

Speaking reassuringly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Don't have to be involved if you don't want to."

Lyrna says, "I don't necessarily object, per se. It seems, on the surface, like a good idea even."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara confesses, "Truthfully, I don't think I intend to give my blood for this, but just help defend."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "I have my reasons."

Speaking to Lyrna, Maelkyth exclaims, "Years from now, in song and tale, hesitation is not what will be captured and reflected; but rather our willingness to plunge haphazardly into the unknown in pursuit of questionable outcomes!"

Lyrna says, "But it isn't only myself I have to think of."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara explains, "I can't remember if we've ever talked about the black blood curse, but it's possible there are somehow traces that would make it unwise for me to give."

(Lyrna rubs her pregnant belly.)

Speaking to Lyrna, Maelkyth says, "You'd probably be dead by then."

Lyrna says, "I don't think we have."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "I want to give."

Speaking curiously to Lyrna, Leafiara asks, "Have you heard of the black blood curse, at least?"

Lyrna says, "I've heard of it, but I don't really know what it entails."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "It was a curse affecting half-elves and half-krolvin, which turned some of our blood black and affected us with bouts of leprosy and other pains..."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "One of Raznel's curses."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "You felt similar effects during the recent war, but only briefly. The black blood curse lasted for months before we found a solution."

Lyrna asks, "Ah! That was when there were half-elves given sanctuary around Ravelin?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "We *believe* we were able to fully reverse the effects of the curse, but there's no guarantee."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "It was, yes."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Rohese's efforts earned her recognition back then."

Asben says, "I dunno about this blood magic stuff."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "As a Patron of the Displaced."

Speaking to Asben, Maelkyth says, "Give it a try, then.. find out what all the fuss is about."

Lyrna says, "I do remember that because there were debates about it in Court."

Chandrellia softly says, "I give my blood freely everyday to help the people of this town, if my blood has a chance to help in the battle I will freely give it."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Yes, they were fleeing since the effects of the curse seemed localized to around here and Imperial territories..."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Kalindon asks something you don't understand.

Maelkyth says, "Yeah, we should harvest empaths.. take their blood, they'll just make more."

Speaking cheekily to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "I, of course, stayed to fight on the front lines."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara adds, "And that was before I was strong enough to actually survive the front lines."

Speaking mischievously to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "As if that would stop me."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Anyway, there's no telling if the effect lingers, and I have reason to wonder."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "You see..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Asben asks, "Doesn't Grishom Stone notice when blood magic is being used?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Shinann wasn't the only possible target of the soul transference planned by Dennet."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "I will fetch a large sack for the essences, maybe we should collect them as we gather them and keep them all together in case something happens and one of us can't be here."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "I was also a candidate, but for unknown reasons I was 'ruled out'."

Lyrna says, "Too feisty."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Maelkyth says, "Maybe in separate bags, though? Not sure they play nice together."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "We found that out later in Raznel--Naimorai's diary."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Well, that's one possibility, yes, too feisty, but..."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Earlier that year I had run for mayor for the first time."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "And Dennet questioned how we could be sure no traces of the black blood curse lingered."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "At the time I thought he was just trying to sow doubt about me."

Speaking in Guildspeak to Maelkyth, Kalindon asks something you don't understand.

Maelkyth says, "Then we could gather around and check out our Earth, Wind, and Fire essences."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "But then, knowing months later that I was ruled out for the Reannah transfer..."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Which he was probably involved with, and was probably spying on me..."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara concludes, "Makes me wonder if there was something more to his question."