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All That Remains - 2020-05-30 - Raising the Bar (log)

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Ivastaen 30-31, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • The heartbeat of the portal thuds loudly and people gather at Lake Eonak while others assemble around the [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] or at the [[::Kingdom of Hendor|Hendoran]] outpost. Town guards roll out a wagon pointed in the direction of the lake; ballista teams report readiness from the west tower (Viva), east tower (Sulien), outpost (Beiowulf, Silvergate Inn mobile tower (Jasteron, and House Paupers mobile tower (Baronessa); Sir Cryheart forms up a group to defend town outside the portal, Pukk convinces Mayor Leafiara to lead inside the portal, and Fahlo and Lyrna further organize with the ballista teams.
  • Vlashandra arrives at the lake and Faerinn tells her about the collapse of Callid's workshop and that he died waiting for her to fulfill her end of the deal--and he hopes ours goes better. She grins and says he (Callid) is happy, then. Leafi asks if Quinshon is Vlashandra's father and she says no.
  • Vlashandra readies her tome and a rune-carved wooden case and whispers to herself, then nods, dips her fingers into the portal's ichor, licks them clean, and says it's ready--and the portal will open soon, then she'll need to complete some things while we beacon to the spirit. She takes questions; Lylia asks if Vlashandra would like her to collect that book if she (Vlashandra) dies, while Puptilian asks if there's a way to guide the trouble outside the portal to a location to help contain it. They respectively get a grin and a shrug.
  • Patchwork abominations emerge from the forest, dragging a rune-covered wooden cart with a misshapen featureless body atop it. It has an amorphous shape and a featureless face, but humanoid limbs and a bald head. Leafi and Faerinn dispute the idea of it being perfection, but she says it'll be perfection soon.
  • Patchwork golems emerge next, bringing forth cages of reapers. Vlashandra opens them up and they rush the portal, throwing themselves in as tendrils of red ichor tear them apart and pull in their bits and bones. At last the portal opens...
  • Adventurers head inside and begin to battle through denizens of the shadow realm. Vlashandra eventually follows suit on her own, cart in tow. Enemies begin to trickle out of the portal and the pylon activates as the Landing springs into action, but things are relatively calm inside with no sign of anything... for better or worse. The portal team hits dead ends at every turn...
  • The situation intensifies on both sides as stronger enemies attack in the Shadow Realm and more numerous enemies attack outside, notably ichor-covered eyeballs. Vlashandra says over thoughts that the body will be ready soon and is absorbing. Battles continue on all fronts with primordials and vathors entering the fray, but eventually motes of white light are spotted flickering in the distance of the shadow realm. Vlashandra says it's working and soon we'll see. Leafi says maybe she (Vlashandra) should come join them; Vlashandra says soon they will join her--us.
  • At last the group finds where Vlashandra went with her cart, at a cliff in the valence. Ribbons of white light twist towards something and she stands at the cliff's edge. Masses of creatures pour out of the portal and Vlashandra apologizes that the town is being overrun, but says there isn't much time left and then we can leave. Defenders outside report being depleted as creatures continue mobbing the area.
  • Vlashandra says we'll have to fight our way out and, after the transference is complete, get the body out for its completion. She flips through the final pages of her tome and they glow, then she hurls it out over the cliffside and burns it--but not before everyone catches a glimpse of its pages: blank. Lylia warns that she had better not have crossed us, with Aralyte lost to flame and shadow like the book.
  • Vlashandra pours the flask of body essence onto the humanoid shape, saying "Body of shadow, we shall rebind to our world"; then the vial of mind essence at the head, saying "Mind lost to shadow, wander no more"; then the essence of soul onto the center of the body, saying "May the lost soul of the world beyond find its place home." The body begins to vibrate and twist, and she says we have to return because it can't take shape here.
  • The portal team successfully fights its way back outside and Vlashandra begins to seal it up as the Landing-side team reconvenes at the lake, having repelled most of the creatures. Vlashandra touches the shapeless body and it squirms. Thrassus says he assumes the body will arrange into a form familiar with the residing spirit, which Vlashandra agrees with. She pours the second set of essences over the body, urging that its mind be healed and restored to recognize who it truly is. She carves a mouth into the faceless head and pours in the last essence, then presses her lips against its makeshift lips and passes air into it.
  • She begins to nod and applaud, then its limbs began to expand into a thin shape--and its legs grow in size, bones forming beneath the skin. Then come empty eye sockets and thin hollows of nostrils. It grows and stretches, and eventually Vlashandra removes a crown of decaying finger bones from her case as a curl of carnelian hair forms on its scalp. Its jagged mouth begins to move and a jaw forms, but then sinks into a series of bloody ligaments.
  • Vlashandra crowns the body and dresses it in a tattered black cloak. Glowing red embers appear in its eye sockets, the skin discolors and rots, and then the face sinks into an emaciated form... and Barnom Slim rises up from the cart, adjusts the finger bone crown on his head, and grins! He asks "miss me?" as Vlashandra bows and says to hail the Lich King!
  • As Barnom says he didn't expect such a homecoming, Leafi kills Vlashandra. Barnom says Vlashara--or Vlashandra now--did good work, but the crowd largely disagrees. Gutstorm and Rozy dance over her corpse. Berkana animates Vlashandra, then passes that over to Lylia; Chandrellia starts carving into her face, Hapenlok tries to immolate her, Alvyara slaps her, and so forth.
  • Meanwhile, Barnom says some here didn't age well, but he did. Vlashandra asks if she's served him and if he'll keep her and not toss her aside. He says she hadn't reached her potential yet and had more to learn and more to earn, but is close now. Just a few more things for him! He tells her she looks so good animated, just like him!
  • He greets "old pal" Cruxophim, who asks if he'll be running for mayor again; Barnom asks: of this dump? He says it's a matter of time before he digs up Lich's Landing. [[::Xorus_Kul'shin|Xorus]] notes that it's been restored, via blood magic; Leafi says he might have to compete with Goblyn for it and Barnom asks who that is. [[::Ysharra_Nagorn|Ysharra]] says she's a sylvan and Barnom gags, but Thrassus says he's not sure she's exactly that.
  • Bernadette says Vlashandra double crossed us and Barnom says, to be fair, Vlashara did what he asked. Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] asks who she--Vlashandra--was. He responds with a mumble. Barnom tells Lylia sorry about the dark elf in the void thing. Ysharra says he's not sorry; he says she's right, but still wants Vlashandra back when Lylia's done making her sorry, since she's his loyal subject. Ysharra asks Barnom if he saw or felt her; he says maybe she's still in there, who knows.
  • Beldannon says we got rid of Drangell and can get rid of Barnom for good too. He seems surprised Drangell's gone, and Thrassus adds that so is Raznel. Now even more surprised, Barnom asks about Grishom Stone; Leafi says he's still out there and Barnom tells them to get to it.
  • Barnom says so much has happened and he's sure they have catching up to do. He asks if "that cranky Jantalarian Walkar" is still the mayor; Xorus says he and his sister are dead, while Leafi says she's the mayor for the time. Lylia says he's missed several mayors. Barnom says we'll need to catch up over a meal.
  • Vlashandra asks his Highness what she'd have of him; he says she hurt these people's feelings. Leafi asks what he wants and he says he got what he wanted: he's back! Barnom notices Puptilian and says he remembers him, and the [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|Rooks]] pecking him to death in an alley; Pup affirms he was one of those who brought him down the first time.
  • Crux offers Barnom a black apple and he finds it delicious. He says it's late and the whole misdirection, misconception, illusion, betrayal thing has been exhausting, so he should pretend to sleep like the living. He asks Leafi if they can do dinner soon, king to mayor; she says as long as everyone's invited.
  • Barnom asks if Vlashandra promised everyone something. Ariond says Aralyte's return; Barnom says that's not happening. Vlashandra says the remains of Walkar and some living imperials she's imprisoned--Cordarius and Octaven. He says to clean herself up and in a few days return and bring what she promised. Barnom resurrects her, saying he's still got it--and Leafi kills her again and Lylia animates her again. Barnom says she's his subject and Lylia says he shall have what's left of her when she's done.
  • Raelee gets confirmation that the book was a means for Barnom to communicate with Vlashandra.
  • Barnom wishes everyone an outstanding evening and says we'll meet again soon to dine, share stories, catch up, and tell him about Lich's Landing. He gracefully sashays away.


Speaking to Jhenni, Leafiara explains, "Expecting all kinds o' death and destruction around here in less than an hour."
Guennwhfar asks, "Why?"
Speaking to Guennwhfar, Leafiara exclaims, "Openin' up a portal to the shadow realms!"
Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni asks, "To quote my friend here.... Why?"
Speaking sincerely to Jhenni, Leafiara says, "Because we're crazy."
Speaking to Jhenni, Hapenlok says, "We're idiots. Basically."
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon asks, "That could be the town motto, aye?"
Speaking coyly to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Well, it won me the election, so yes."
Pukk recites:
"Folks, remember something might or might not happen tonight
in the event something happens
be sure to wait until Roblar dies before you start panicking."
Raincail quietly says, "When in doubt, join Cryheart. At the very least, he'll take yeh someplace interestin."
Speaking to Raincail, Pietra says, "Sometimes rather slowly."
Gidion: "They should have had to give up their locker codes and shops before going in. Some may not return and it'd be a shame to lose those weapons."
Pietra: "Where's that crazy wanna be Raelee woman with her sack of flesh anyways?"
[TownCrier]-GSIV:Nazarr: "The body appears to be a large yet misshapen mass of patchwork flesh.  Despite its contorted form, the skin of the body is unblemished, and the threadwork used to stitch together every scrap of flesh is pristine.  The body holds a semi-amorphous shape, but there are what appears to be humanoid limbs sprouting on each side and a bald head attached to the globule of flesh, but the face is absent of any features."
[TownCrier]-GSIV:Pietra: "In other words, a real hottie."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "I'm going to be SO mad if we got some random vathor soul bound to the body instead."
Xecnephias quietly says, "I have done many unnatural things in my days, but I can't top this, well there was this one time."
Speaking to Xecnephias, Pietra asks, "Did you ever cut a mouth into a sack of flesh then kiss it?"
Yukito: "I don't really know who this... person is. But I take it that this is not a good development from the immediate cries of 'Kill it. Kill it with fire.' So..."
Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "And I'm looking sooooo forward to ridding the world of you...and your followers."
Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "Then I'm going after Grishom."
Barnom says, "You can't even go after the top shelf Hapenlok."



[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Ifil disk, the Torpe disk, the orange Hapenlok disk, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, the sparkling Donimagimo disk, the Skipjack disk, the Aylant disk, the Beldannon disk, a ruffled raven, the Yukito disk, a heartbroken dune spirit that is flying around, the Voltung disk, the Seylia disk, the Itanic disk, the Woory disk, the Empt disk, the Raincail disk, a thin crisp of hummus-topped bread, a black-eared red and grey fox that is sitting, the Vynce disk, the Covy disk, some wolifrew lichen, the Esias disk, some manna bread, an ancient cinereous vulture, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut, a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut, the Vvu disk, the Brianyel disk, the Tyrosthenes disk, a heavy backpack, a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, some ephlox moss, a tiny pocket mouse, a varnished pale oak cart with some stuff on it, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Tandryll, Roelon, Alosaka, Derium, Cassis who is sitting, Ifil, Akenna, Ayaan, Jhenni, Great Lord Torpe, Hapenlok, High Lord Donimagimo, Skipjack, Kravendeh, Aylant, Fisher Beldannon, Maelkyth, Daniels, Lady Guennwhfar, Yukito, Stini, Perphect who is sitting, Kaldwin, Ceilia, Great Lord Villorn, Chomperellas who is sitting, Lejend, Phaerla, Voltung, Lady Seylia, Itanic, Woory, Empt, Danfar, Conquerer of Reim Ushakaron who is sitting, Vaikeses, Quintara, Raincail who is sitting, Vynce, Covy, Esias, Annaliise, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Vvu, Gypsy Scribe Balley who is sitting, Tyrosthenes, Brianyel who is kneeling

Leafiara says, "Evenin' all. Tonight's the night..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Guennwhfar exclaims, "Hey! Get yer own gal!"

Leafiara inquires, "Does everyone generally know where they're going tonight?"

Beldannon quietly says, "Going to die sure."

Jhenni peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Speaking to Jhenni, Leafiara explains, "Expecting all kinds o' death and destruction around here in less than an hour."

Chandrellia recites softly:

"If you are to young to defend the front lines and cant heal or rasie we are in need of people to man the ballistas"

Guennwhfar asks, "Why?"

Speaking to Guennwhfar, Leafiara exclaims, "Openin' up a portal to the shadow realms!"

Speaking to Guennwhfar, Daniels says, "So."

Speaking to Guennwhfar, Daniels asks, "Thought we were going?"

Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni asks, "To quote my friend here.... Why?"

Speaking sincerely to Jhenni, Leafiara says, "Because we're crazy."

Speaking to Daniels, Guennwhfar says, "I have no idea where to find them."

Speaking to Jhenni, Hapenlok says, "We're idiots. Basically."

Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni says, " long as you have a good reason."

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon asks, "That could be the town motto, aye?"

Speaking coyly to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Well, it won me the election, so yes."

Jhenni taps an asymmetrically winged campaign button that reads, "Team Leafi: Embrace the Chaos!" that she is wearing.

Guennwhfar says, "Sheesh."

Guennwhfar says, "What the."

Speaking huskily to Guennwhfar, Jhenni says, "On THAT happy note, I have a dozen or so Banditos waiting for me in the Cairnfang."

Guennwhfar says, "Add me in."

Guennwhfar says, "We can hunt and then go make out."

Speaking to Guennwhfar, Hapenlok says, "Classy. Very classy."

Maelkyth recites:

"Everybody join Pukk!"

Hapenlok asks, "You DID rent a room, at least, didn't you?"

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth says, "Meanie."

Speaking in Guildspeak to Pukk, Etherium asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Maelkyth, Pukk says, "I'm the town herald...not you."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, I'm still planning on staying the hell away from the portal."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara agrees, "Good idea."

Leafiara says, "I believe the Irregulars will be staying away from the portal too."

Villorn says, "What's your problem."

Speaking to Villorn, Nystros says, "You ugly."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette asks, "You okay, Mayor?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "And honestly, I'm not going to be going up the mountain tonight. I know what's going to happen up there, most likely."

Speaking to Etherium, Pukk says, "Couldn't understand you."

Villorn says, "And you're a thief."

Speaking curiously to Alisette, Leafiara asks, "Yeah, why?"

Speaking to Villorn, Nystros asks, "A thief?"

Speaking to Villorn, Meggiemae asks, "Do you know this person?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette exclaims, "Checking!"

Villorn says, "Another one of those people."

Speaking to Meggiemae, Nystros says, "Yall cute."

Roelon deeply says, "Seemed to work before."

Alisette happily says, "As far as I know."

Speaking to Itanic, Maelkyth exclaims, "No! Tonight we let the dead rot and charge the shadow realms!"

Itanic raspily says, "No wait..."

Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "It's a pretty simple plan--nothing's wrong unless Vlashandra walks away tonight."

Alisette says, "Agreed."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth asks, "So, she's going to limp off?"

Maelkyth asks, "Crawl off?"

Maelkyth asks, "Dragged off?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I have been hoping for an opportunity to take a swing."

Speaking pleasantly to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "We can kill her or maybe cut off her limbs one at a time."

Maelkyth says, "Seems excessive."

Leafiara flippantly says, "Nah."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Oh! We could FLING her!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "To be honest, my method might cause a lot of collateral damage. So I'm not sure I'm going to do it."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Can we get use of a flinger?!"

Speaking deeply to Hapenlok, Berost says, "I won't be goin in, but will try ta stop what may come out of it."

Speaking curiously to Maelkyth, Leafiara asks, "Fling her to where?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Keiiko says, "Slow and painful seems to be the most popular option."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Believe it or not, I actually do like a few people in this town."

Speaking to some acantha leaf, Maelkyth asks, "The lake?"

Speaking skeptically to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I'm not sure I do believe it."

Berost deeply asks, "Maybe I take off tha blood mage's head when she pops out? Hmm?"

Roelon deeply says, "We will see what path is needed to be taken."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Right."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "Ya know, it's really hard to talk with you sometimes."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Except me...he loves me."

Alisette stares at Maelkyth.

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Berost says, "Course, if folks still inside, might not be a good thing."

Speaking musingly to Berost, Leafiara says, "Eh, worst case, Raelee could figure out the portal."

Maelkyth asks, "Whatcha openin' yer mouth at me for?"

Maelkyth peers quizzically at Alisette.

Speaking softly to Maelkyth, Chandrellia says, "You had better talk to her with a bit more respect."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara exclaims, "Glad ya were able to make it!"

Maelkyth says, "I think she caught my meaning just fine, even if you missed it."

Maelkyth points at some acantha leaf.

Maelkyth says, "The confusion."

Leafiara grins at Maelkyth.

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Me too Mayor."

Leafiara suspiciously says, "Alright, where's Cryheart? I know we're splitting up into many groups, but he still has to lead *one* of them."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "I havent seen Sir Shiney."

Speaking to a sleek burnt caramel kodkod, Keiiko asks, "You ready, darling?"

[stepped away for a bit, came back]

Maelkyth exclaims, "Really?!"

Daniels says, "Poof."

Daniels says, "Ahh."

Daniels says, "Well I have them."

Keiiko inquisitively asks, "Has anyone seen Ariond?"

[stepped away for a olner while, then returned to...]

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel.

Also here: Fahlo, Lyrna

Leafiara says, "Had to check on the square..."

Lyrna says, "I have not felt well this last week and have not done as much as I'd intended to see where things are with defenses. I know you'd been working to gather folks."

Leafiara curiously asks, "Is all the planning going well?"

Fahlo says, "So far so good."

Lyrna asks, "Do you have an estimate of number of people?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Fahlo says, "Let me think on that for a second."

Lyrna asks, "And do either of you know what mobile towers we have and where they are?"

Leafiara says, "We have the Paupers and Sovyn ones still."

Leafiara recalls, "They're at... the outpost and outside one of the gates, I believe."

Fahlo says, "Maybe 15? at the most.."

Lyrna says, "Let's go look real quick."

Fahlo says, "The numbers are fluctuating.. some folks think tonight will pass without incident."

Speaking amusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "You're leadin'."

Lyrna asks, "I'm guessing, since Bernadette is going to lead the militia for the portal side of things, that you'll co-ordinate the ground defences, Leafi?"


Speaking wryly to Fahlo, Leafiara says, "Oh, they're kidding themselves."

Speaking surprisedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Wait, what? That's news to me."

Lyrna says, "It was more of a question."

Leafiara says, "No, I meant the idea that Bernadette is leading inside the portal."

Lyrna says, "Wasn't that..."

Leafiara says, "Where I go depends on where our others go."

Lyrna says, "Maybe I misread the note."

Lyrna says, "Let me think on it a moment."

Leafiara reminds, "I'm not a part of *every* defense discussion, you know..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo exclaims, "What!"

Leafiara says, "And in this case, militia business is militia business."

Lyrna says, "No, I realized that militia message was only to us."

Lyrna says, "So Bernadette is heading up the forces going in."

Leafiara amiably says, "Very well."

Lyrna says, "But I'm not going to be on the ground, fairly literally."

[Sovyn Safeguard, Nexus]

Wooden planks reinforced with bands of steel form a circular platform high into the sky. A tall ladder with green and silver rags tied to its rails is bolted to the side of the tower, leading down towards the ground far below. An arched roof provides shelter from the elements, and the tower branches off into four main sections from this point. The surrounding landscape is visible for miles, the horizon blurring into a blend of land and sky. You also see an arched slitted window, an oversized verdant-hued flag, an arched slitted window, a sovyn-crested silver steel vat, a large faewood cabinet, a spirited young aelotian archer and a sovyn-crested green steel vat.

Also here: Lyrna

Leafiara says, "Off to make a rescue, but let me know what conclusions you all come to."

[and eventually return to TSC...]

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the violet Nystros disk, a ruffled grey-headed hawk that is flying around, the Meggiemae disk, the earth brown Zhagen disk, a spotted great horned owl that is flying around, the Aylant disk, a blue-eyed charcoal cat, the Itanic disk, the Etherium disk, the Covy disk, the Roelaren disk, the crab-shaped Trallihn disk, the Balley disk, the Chandrellia disk, a small green frog that is sitting, the Raincail disk, the Esias disk, a huge dusky shrike that is flying around, the Torpe disk, a large Gnollish mushroom, a neatly inked scroll, some acantha leaf, a crude bone key, a sleek raven that is flying around, the orange Hapenlok disk, an apprehensive spring spirit that is flying around, some wolifrew lichen, some manna bread, an ancient cinereous vulture, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut, a heavy backpack, a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, some ephlox moss, a tiny pocket mouse that is sitting, a varnished pale oak cart with some stuff on it, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Rozy, High Lord Asben, Maiehia, Nystros, Meggiemae, Zhagen, the body of Perphect who is lying down, Lord Ascelon, Squire Legionnaire Aureliano, Chaoswynd who is kneeling, Daniels, Aylant, Sir Cryheart, the body of Great Lord Villorn who is lying down, Sir Balantine, Bernadette, Krampton, Itanic who is sitting, Etherium who is kneeling, Berost, Covy, Grand Lady Roelaren, Trallihn, Derium, Stormyrain, Raincail, Cassis who is sitting, Lord Nephros who is kneeling, Paymaster Xecnephias who is sitting, Saurost, Chomperellas who is sitting, Esias, Atscatman, Great Lord Torpe, Drektor, Thibedaou, Pukk, Gnimble, Hapenlok, High Lord Jackke, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Gypsy Scribe Balley who is sitting

Speaking deeply to Villorn, Berost says, "Ya reach yer monthly chrism count, no chrism for you, please see yer local chrism collector on the way out the door."

Roelaren says, "I have some chrisms as well."

Bernadette softly says, "We gonna need em."

Leafiara recites:

"Have most of you already decided where you're going to be positioned tonight?"

The ghostly voice of Villorn exclaims, "In the tunnels!"

Speaking to some acantha leaf, Maelkyth exclaims, "Face down in the shadow realms!"

Speaking to Villorn, Pukk exclaims, "Did you know that Leafi's shop sells chrisms? She will also sell you a bunch wholesale!"

Cryheart says, "Where there is danger."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Oh!"

Leafiara say, "I'm trying to get a sense of how many will be in the portal for sure, how many will be at the gates for sure, and how many will be manning ballistas or pylons for sure..."

Cryheart says, "I think the portal may reject me."

Speaking amusedly to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "It might very well."

Bernadette softly says, "It gots yer blood innit."

Cryheart says, "So will protect the Landing."

Cryheart says, "That is my sworn duty."

From nearby, you hear Hapenlok yell, "You know where I'll be."

Pukk yells, "Brothels?"

Leafiara yells, "Where, the gates?"

From nearby, you hear Hapenlok yell, "'ware the Gates!"

Leafiara yells, "Noted!"

Pukk yells, "What did the gates ever do to you?"

Pukk yells, "You meanie head!"

From nearby, you hear Hapenlok yell, "But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time."

Leafiara yells, "We know you're not going in there! It's fine!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "He's in a good mood tonight."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Daniels says, "I got bandits again.... first shot."

Leafiara yells, "I'm sure you won't be the only one not going!"

Leafiara tentatively says, "At least he better not be the only one not going."

Roelaren recites:

"There will be many wounded just jump in where ye can"

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Xecnephias says, "When I say I am right behind you, I usually mean quite a safe distance."

Roelaren recites:

"There are life keep flasks on the bench"

Berost deeply asks, "So folks meeting at the portal I assume?"

Cryheart whispers something to Aureliano.

Speaking to Balley, Maelkyth says, "If I don't make it out of this alive, I just want you to know I always loved you more than Hapenlok."

Speaking tentatively to Stormyrain, Leafiara says, "Captain, ah... in case either or both of us don't survive past this night, I wanted to say now: thank you for everything. For being an inspiration to us all."

Cryheart whispers something to Aureliano.

Pietra gawks at Leafiara.

Speaking offhandedly to Pietra, Leafiara says, "Well, you never know. This is one of the more dangerous nights."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth asks, "Maybe we'll just come out of this horribly maimed and scarred? Death's not a certainty... not for all of us.. mostly?"

Pietra says, "You can't die tonight. Neither can Stormy. It will not do."

Speaking slowly to Leafiara, Stormyrain says, "We've faced this realm before, and came out scathed but alive. I'm hoping tonight will be the same."

Speaking seriously to Stormyrain, Leafiara says, "I know. But... nothing's guaranteed."

Speaking softly to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "You and me both."

Pukk recites:

"Folks, remember something might or might not happen tonight

in the event something happens

be sure to wait until Roblar dies before you start panicking."

Stormyrain says, "Nothing is ever guaranteed."

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "You're adorable. And right."

Speaking to Pietra, Pukk exclaims, "Pie eater!"

Niobiumii says, "I'm ready for a nap."

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "That's Tsarok's name!"

Speaking quietly to Pietra, Tsarok says, "I thought about saying that."

Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "You will always be pie eater to me....oh I get it."

Speaking to Tsarok, Pietra says, "Great minds."

Speaking to Tsarok, Pukk says, "You dog you."

Leafiara speculates, "I'm guessing the strongest enemies will be inside the portal, if only because anything in there would have to get past our own strongest heroes to make it back outside..."

Pietra asks, "Do we join Cryheart, as usual?"

Xecnephias quietly says, "I love eating pie."

Speaking offhandedly to Pietra, Leafiara says, "Ask Pukk."

Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "Not until I give the call."

Berost deeply says, "I may stay just outside the portal. Mayhaps town gates."

Raincail quietly says, "When in doubt, join Cryheart. At the very least, he'll take yeh someplace interestin."

Bernadette softly says, "I knows I'll need it."

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "Alright. I'll wait!"

Berost deeply says, "We will see."

Speaking to Raincail, Pietra says, "Sometimes rather slowly."

Raincail quietly says, "True."

Speaking to Pietra, Pukk asks, "So tell me. Is she as fishy as she seems?"

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra asks, "She... me?"

Speaking to Tsarok, Pukk says, "Geeze. I tried asking you and she steps in front of me."

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "I'm gonna be a catfish for Ebon Gate."

Bernadette softly says, "Everybody."

Leafiara says, "Going to check in with Fahlo--will return shortly, hopefully."


[Sovyn Safeguard, Crystal Room]

A crystal beaded tapestry is suspended from a rough angled ceiling of thin iron plates that arcs overhead. Light filters in through two large horizontal notches cut into each end of the eastern wall, a well-crafted silver beech ballista aligned in front of one and a silver-banded dark oak ballista aligned in front of the other. A finely woven multi-hued rug covers the center of the sturdy floor made from planks of wood, and a grouping of arrow slits surround the central horizontal window. You also see a large pile of logs, an arched slitted window, a large pile of white logs and an arched slitted window.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Fahlo, Lyrna

Leafiara says, "There you are..."

Leaiara curiously asks, "What's on your mind?"

Lyrna says, "Okay, so here's what we're debating, and I wanted another opinion."

Speaking to Fahlo, Leaiara inquires, "And who's passing out brimstones, again?"

Fahlo says, "Zyir and Raza."

Lyrna says, "Right now, we have two ballista pointed straight down toward the gate, and two to the southwest."

Speaking curiously to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Makes sense so far. Go on..."

Lyrna says, "The discussion is whether it makes more sense to have all the ballista pointed straight down, so there's maximum firepower to where the enemy is headed, generally. Or to have two pointed to the southwest, since that's where they're likely to be coming from and that allows for seeing them...."

[OOC: at this point I've got eyes on the portal, so putting those lines in italics...]

[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]

You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a floating grey-green eye that is flying around, the Guarrin disk, the Alisette disk, the Yukito disk, a heartbroken dune spirit that is flying around, a massive snowy white tiger, a small raven, a black-flecked incarnadine portal, a cedar chip path and a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees.

Also here: Sreka, Master Sulien, Shiril, Alisaire, Kippe, Faerinn, Kasgar who is sitting, Guarrin, Lady Alisette, Yukito, Roelon, Sanilac, Clunk

Faerinn says, "That cackling sound familiar."


Thud. Thud. Thud.

Lyrna says, "OR to sight one to the northwest and one to the southwest with two straight down OR to sight one to the southwest and three straight down."

Fahlo says, "I'm headed to the outpost."

Roelon deeply says, "It...moves again."

Leafiara says, "I would say... you won't know until the battle starts."

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Leafiara slowly says, "And on that note, I hear a portal..."

Clunk deeply says, "Uh oh."

Leafiara suspiciously says, "So I'm heading over."

Faerinn says, "That heardbest is getting healthier."

Leafiara says, "We'll be in contact."


Faerinn says, "Which I presume is good."


[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]

You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a brown wolf, a floating grey-green eye that is flying around, the Guarrin disk, the Alisette disk, the Yukito disk, a heartbroken dune spirit that is flying around, a massive snowy white tiger, a small raven, a black-flecked incarnadine portal, a cedar chip path and a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Magister Raelee, Ziostradh, Quartermaster Tsarok, Sreka, Master Sulien, Shiril, Alisaire, Kippe, Faerinn, Kasgar who is sitting, Guarrin, Lady Alisette, Yukito, Roelon, Sanilac, Clunk

Roelon deeply says, "It was so quiet...and now."

Hapenlok says, "Like I said, I reserve the right to change my mind."

Faerinn: "Evening. Portal party."

Speaking wryly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I still don't expect you to go in."

Shiril dryly says, "These things do happen."

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Roelon deeply says, "So they do."

Faerinn says, "I can't wait to see how the Shadow Valence changes me forever."

Clunk: "Ifn I falls, it done startin, just in case I fergits to toot my horn."

Alisette asks, "Are we grouped?"

Sreka asks, "Who is leading?"

Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "We haven't all decided where we're going and who, so..."s

Clunk deeply asks, "Ye all is goin in?"

Lyrna says, "Not I."

Vlashandra: "It beats stronger now. It is time."

Leafiara: "We're gathering at the portal. No sign of Vlashandra yet--"

Leafiara: "Ah."

Cryheart: "Focus on where you want to go and what you will do."

Roelon deeply says, "Depends on what happens soon."

Kasgar says, "I'll be encouraging everybody from a safe distance."

Faerinn says, "I know the Faendryl and I are going in."

Speaking to Shinann, Shiril says, "Can't blame a lady for trying."

Alisette: "We are at the portal now, Vlashandra."

Ysharra: "She's a bit sneaky, hm?"

Leafiara: "We're counting on everyone. This is going to be a battle on multiple fronts."

Aserak says, "I will be entering."

Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "That's their problem. And yours."

Shiril whispers something to Alisaire.

Speaking to Clunk, Sreka says, "I'm curious about what's on the other side. It will probably kill me, but that's already happened twice today."

Speaking to Sreka, Hapenlok says, "There's worse things than death, you know."

Hapenlok says, "Not many. But there are."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Faerinn says, "Good worry about yourself as usual."

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim declares, "Wards are up. Let's hope they hold."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ariond asks, "Where's the witch?"

Lyrna says, "Death really isn't to be feared."

Speaking wryly to Ariond, Leafiara says, "Coming soon."

Guarrin whispers something to Yukito.

Pukk: "Leafi where are you?"

Leafiara: "We're at the portal."

Speaking to Lyrna, Sreka says, "It's unpleasant, though."

Speaking coldly to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "I'm not going to debate you on this. You want to go? Then go."

Faerinn: "I have bad news about your pal Callid."

Ariond whispers something to Leafiara.

Maelkyth exclaims, "Who's leadin this rabble?!"

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim explains, "It's going to take a remarkable force of will to withstand anything heavy, however."

Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "I'll be waiting on the other side, prepared to do what I have to do."

Vlashandra: "We are not friends."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "The better question is who's going where."

Cruxophim calmly concludes, "I trust you all have it covered."

Maelkyth exclaims, "I wanna go through!"

Faerinn: "He certainly thought otherwise."

Leafiara says, "Who you want to join is going to depend on who's going where."

Sreka: "Your co-worker, then."

Rtune exclaims, "Shhh rozy sold a towel for 2 millions dont want blooberry tarts going ups!"

Faerinn: "He died waiting for you to fulfill your end of the bargain."

Speaking to Shinann, Maags says, "Where am I going."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ariond prompts, "Explain?"

Speaking to Roelon, Shiril says, "Now... it will be even noisier."

Cryheart says, "Mayor, I shall defend the Landing with others."

Speaking to Ariond, Leafiara says, "We'll likely need a team inside the portal, another here outside it, and possibly another still at the gates..."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok asks, "Got your demonbane blades sharp?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Cryblob will defend the town."

Speaking to Ariond, Leafiara says, "And that's not counting the ballista teams that have been organizing all week."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, " said you were staying there."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "If not, I'll loan you this."

Ariond wryly notes, "Well, since I no longer fall under the confines of the militia..."

Hapenlok offers Cryheart a small rectangular whetstone.

Clunk: "Towers is still ready?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok teases, "I want that back, though."

Maelkyth recites:

"Who's leading the foray INTO the PORTAL?"

Viva: "West Tower good."

Speaking firmly to Leafiara, Ariond says, "I missed venturing through when you all dealt with Althedeus some time ago. I'm not being left behind this time."

Rtune says, "Just point me where to kills things."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Who's leading?"

Speaking concernedly to Ariond, Keiiko asks, "Where do you want me stationed?"

Sulien: "East tower good."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara clarifies, "So, we need those experienced in spiritual mana and necromancy here, right?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "Oh by the way, probably not a good time..."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Puptilian asks, "Where am I needed Captain?"

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Inside the portal? That's a good question."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "But I'm not going with your proposal."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're it."

Leafiara recites:

"Who's definitely going inside the portal and wants to lead?"

Speaking affably to Leafiara, Cruxophim explains, "It wouldn't hurt."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Maags says, "Yous a bit too excited to do this."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "We'll have to find another way."

Beiowulf: "South outpost manned."

Speaking warmly to Keiiko, Ariond replies, "Your life is your own, lass. That is not for me to decide."

Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "Who said I'm going in?"

Speaking sternly to Ariond, Keiiko says, "I can be at the gates, if you prefer."

Speaking to Puptilian, Stormyrain says, "Whever you feel your talents will be best served."

Pukk recites:

"Join Leafi to go into the portal!"

Some town guards march through the streets, rolling out a black imperial wagon with a blue-white pylon on top of it. They stop the wagon outside of Moot Hall and seem to position the pylon in the direction of Lake Eonak.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Too late."

Jasteron: "Silvergate tower good."

Rtune asks, "Wuts in the portals?"

Speaking gently to Leafiara, Cruxophim suggests, "But I'm sure everyone can find their own way."

Clunk deeply says, "I still gonna be standin out here."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Maags says, "I am not afraid."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You were volunteered."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'll most likely be on that portal." [he means pylon]

Faerinn shows Lylia his lavender stockings.

Maelkyth says, "It's okay to be afraid."

Madevra: "Some guards deployed a pylon wagon outside Moot Hall."

Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "You mean outside?" [but Leafi thinks he means portal]

Maelkyth says, "Just can't let control us."

Asben whispers something to Puptilian.

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim explains, "They're reactive to spiritual energy. Repelling, of a sorts, the more that subsists in the area."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "Do you think Aralyte will like these? I knitted them for her."

Clunk deeply says, "Hard to be afraid when ye know fer sure ye is gonna fall."

Madevra: "Think it's aimed at the lake."

Lyrna asks, "Anyone who is here that is planning on manning town defences?"

Leafiara: "Is that the pylon that was on top of Moot Hall, or is it an additional pylon?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "The one that I was just informed was rolled in front of Moot Hall."

Asben whispers something to Puptilian.

Cryheart says, "Ok..folks...those entering the portal, join the Mayor."

Speaking wryly to Leafiara, Cruxophim adds, "And hopefully keep it contained temporarily."

Madevra: "This was on a wagon, so I assume a new one unless they yanked it off the roof and put it on a wagon."

Speaking carefully to Leafiara, Cruxophim clarifies, "If the unthinkable happens."

Alvyara asks, "We don't know what to expect inside the portal, do we?"

Asben whispers something to Puptilian.

Speaking to Alvyara, Leafiara says, "...only vaguely..."

Speaking to Keiiko, Ariond says, "You are free to do as you wish, Keiiko. If you are curious, come with us into the portal."

Speaking to Rtune, Maags says, "In case."

Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "Me got shumfin fer you."

Sulien: "It's in addition to the one on the rooftop."

Evia says, "Deception, chaos, evil rituals."

Speaking to Evia, Shiril asks, "Who says they're evil?"

Cryheart: "Those entering the portal, join Leafiara, our mayor."

Clunk: "Clunk still at lake. Crowd is gittin set to go in protal."

Speaking amusedly to Keiiko, Ariond teases, "I knew that would apply to the scholar in you."

Lyrna asks, "You're not going in though, are you?"

Asben whispers something to Puptilian.

Speaking pointedly to Ariond, Keiiko says, "It would be rather exciting for my studies..."

Cruxophim warmly notes, "Excellent."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok repeats, "Did you sharpen your demonbane blades?"

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara mutters, "I knew I shouldn't have come near here."

Cryheart: "I shall be headed back to town soon to guard it."

Daniels says, "I welcome a clean death."

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara asks, "How many are in your group?"

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Speaking to Rtune, Maags asks, "Are yous going in?"

Rtune says, "Not knows."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "I got a whetstone to loan you if you didn't."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "So where is our scar faced imp?"

Cryheart says, "A bit over 20."

Fahlo: "Anyone in Paupers' tower?"

Asben whispers something to Puptilian.

Rtune says, "Me where go wherever neededs."

Tolida: "I believe most gate towers are manned, including North, West, South and East for clarification. Not sure about the others."

Aureliano asks, "Do you need more in your group?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "Similar numbers in my group..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia says, "I hope you recall our conversation the other evening, about Aralyte and who may assess her."

Speaking to a sleek burnt caramel kodkod, Keiiko says, "Now now, Alyssum, it is not time to fight just yet."

Cryheart says, "Actually... 20."

Rtune asks, "Wuts in the portals?"

Rozy asks, "Aralyte backs?"

Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara says, "It makes the most sense."

Cryheart says, "Shadow valence."

Rozy exclaims, "Am have been gones too long!"

Lylia says, "She remains entrapped."

Lyrna asks, "So Cryheart, you're leading the group for the ground defense of the town?"

Speaking softly to Lylia, Chandrellia says, "As promised, I will go in with you this night."

Rtune says, "Oh me already went there onces."

Viva: "At last check, yes, Baronessa I believe is there and some others."

Rtune says, "Didnt much like its."

Cryheart says, "Aye..I am."

Lyrna says, "Okay. Good."

Speaking to Lylia, Maags says, "Jus has a question."

Leafiara whispers to the group, "If anyone else had to lead into the portal, who would like to be the backup lead?"

Speaking to Maags, Lylia says, "Of course."

Shiril says, "Hm."

Speaking to Lylia, Maags says, "Why did the Palestra Aralyte stay behind in the shadows."

Cryheart: "Those wanting to defend the Landing...join me if ye wish."

Alvyara asks, "Are you ready?"

Ariond whispers to the group, "I can, mayor."

Rozy says, "Because her was savings our butts."

Rtune says, "She saved us."

Ariond whispers to the group, "Though I know not...where I'm going."

Maylan whispers to the group, "We currently have two groups. Lylia is leading one as well."

Maags says, "Exactlies."

Lyrna says, "Fahlo is working on manning things at the outpost. I'm going to work on getting things manned for the town itself."

Rtune says, "Me was there."

Lylia replies, "She stayed behind to see that all others were out before her, and the portal closed upon her."

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara exclaims, "You're a better woman than I, then!"

Speaking quietly to Balley, Xecnephias says, "If it comes down to it in the end, we shall die as one, unless I live, then I will go find a cleric."

Leafiara recites:

"Are our numbers about 25 outside and 25 inside? Is that what I'm hearing?"

Speaking to Alvyara, Alisette exclaims, "Ready as a fresh baked tart!"

Lady Vlashandra just arrived.

Cryheart says, "That is close."

Maylan whispers to the group, "So we may want to combine..."

Maags says, "I hope her soul is not insulted at the unraveling of it."

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Leafiara, Puptilian says, "I will protect the town if needed."

Balley softly says, "You know I will die. I always die."

Lyrna says, "Alright."

Pietra whispers to the group, "Why are there two groups?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "Bad news about your old workshop. It collapsed today. Poor Callid died in there waiting for you to fulfill your end of the bargain. I hope our deal goes better. Oh, don't worry he destroyed any information he might have had on your past."

Rozy asks, "Can go smusherfies now?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "I'll start with you, but if things start flying out of the portal. I'm manning the pylon."

Speaking surreptitiously to Vlashandra, Leafiara inquires, " Quinshon your father?"

Cryheart says, "Those entering the portal join Leafiara, the mayor."

Rtune exclaims, "Me is readies too!"

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "If it gets unmanagable."

Vlashandra grins at Faerinn.

Maylan whispers to the group, "I do not know!"

Vlashandra asks, "Callid is dead?"

Cruxophim starts chuckling at Leafiara!

Rtune says, "Zaps."

Balley softly says, "Hello Vlashandra."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "It would explain a lot."

Cryheart says, "Those defending the Landing join me at first."

Speaking to Rtune, Rozy exclaims, "Kerpows!"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "He left a suicide note and everything."

Mnar says, "He gave the impression he soon would be."

Speaking quietly to Balley, Xecnephias says, "Eventually that may change, today may be that day."

Vlashandra says, "Then he is happy."

Speaking dryly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim remarks, "It would seem so. Such things happen during the daylight hours, it is why I avoid them."

Vlashandra says, "Quinshon? No."

Vlashandra looks over at Leafiara and shakes her head.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "Yes, he wanted to be with his family again."

Speaking skeptically to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Well, if you say so... would sure explain just about everything, though."

Speaking to Rtune, Evia says, "We have to get through all the blah blah blah part first."

Cryheart recites:

"Entering the portal, join Leafiara

defending the Landing, join me"

Speaking to Cryheart, Puptilian says, "Until someone tells me otherwise I will be scouting for the town defenders."

Raincail quietly says, "A portal full of the shadow."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "Probably more likely reuniting with them that way that what you were going to do for him."

Lyrna says, "I'm headed back to get pylons and the mobile tower manned."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk exclaims, "You are doing good with those announcements! Keep it up and we can make you an assistant herald!"

Cruxophim recites:

"Incursion group on Mayor Leafi, defenders on Cryheart!"

Lylia says, "I do not believe for an instant that Aralyte intended to sacrifice herself. This is ignoble for us to do. She planned to live. We go in to see that she does, if she can."

Cryheart says, "Most appropriate, Pup."

Clunk deeply says, "Lake watch be Clunk."

Leafiara recites:

"There's a new pylon outside Moot Hall, and potentially still one on the roof--unless that was the one they moved. Mobile towers are at the outpost and gates."

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim agrees, "One good turn deserves another."

Skipjack says, "Take a deep breath before you get in telling what it's like."

Soliere says, "I must go.. be safe all ya."

Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.

Rtune exclaims, "This is about the 10th millionth war we fites in no need for bowing!"

Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Did the Baron respond to yous."

Alvyara wryly asks, "I hope all your bodies provide a fair shield for me.. did I mention I'm a healer?"

Speaking warmly to Soliere, Shiril says, "Well, you're a delightful surprise."

Rozy slowly chants, "Smush. smush. smush."

Speaking to Shiril, Soliere says, "Be well friend.. an' all th'rest of ya friends too."

Rtune exclaims, "Leaves us a good kai singer please!"

Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.

Speaking smoothly to Soliere, Shiril says, "Of course."

Roblar deeply says, "Les kill stuff."

Pukk: "All rejoin. Roblar is here!"

Soliere says, "A fine crowd, regardless'a circumstance."

Cryheart recites:

"Entering the portal, join Leafiara

defending the Landing, join me"

Speaking to Rtune, Maags exclaims, "The best rights there!"

Speaking to Soliere, Shiril says, "Certainly a varied crowd."

Rozy says, "Ooooo choices."

Sreka says, "I'll only die fast and uselessly if I come with you, and better you save your magic for protecting yourselves. Good luck."

Rozy exclaims, "SMUSHERFIES!!"

Adelynn whispers something to Chandrellia.

Shiril whispers something to Ysharra.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Rozy whispers aloud, "Is usually ams getting smusherfied but no tells."

Speaking to Shinann, Hapenlok says, "Guard your minds in there. If anything just to spite me."

Sulien: "If you'd like to help with the defense of the Town, no matter your experience, see Viva at the top of the West Tower by the North Gate."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth says, "For what it's worth, I always liked you better'n Chandrelia was comfortable with."

Speaking quietly to Balley, Xecnephias says, "I shall defend the town, you go spank the witch."

Final Preparations

[spellups and such all throughout]

Speaking curiously to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "You're coming inside with us, I'm guessing?"

Cryheart says, "Make sure we hae enough empaths and clerics for each group."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "It's really not saying much."

Pukk: "Also Fahlo I think is defending. Meet with him."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan says, "Actually I think you should stay here."

Balley softly says, "This should be interesting."

Vlashandra says, "I will be going in."

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Cryheart recites:

"Entering the portal, join Leafiara

defending the Landing, join me"

Adelynn whispers something to Chandrellia.

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Xecnephias says, "You should rephrase that."

Vlashandra kneels down.

Lyrna: "I'm coordinating around the town itself."

Lyrna: "Fahlo around the Outpost."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara concludes, "Well, even if you're not related to Quinshon, maybe you can still create a face of shadows like his, then."

Rtune asks, "Anything me should not kills?"

Clunk recites deeply:

"Luck all!"

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "You still need to get whacked."

Lyrna: "Cryheart is leading the ground team around the city."

Speaking to Rtune, Maelkyth asks, "The group?"

Viva: "They have been crewed, at least Pauper's and Silvergate."

Speaking to Rtune, Maags says, "Kittens and Maags's."

Maelkyth asks, "Anyone in it?"

Speaking to Clunk, Pukk says, "Glad you can make it."

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Rtune, Evia says, "Not kills Evia, not kills Maags."

Cryheart says, "The citizens."

Speaking to Clunk, Pukk says, "Thought you were stuck in that mountain."

Viva: "And west and east tower in town manned currently."

Vlashandra pulls a black leather tome and a rune-carved wooden case from the folds of her robe.

Speaking to Rtune, Maelkyth exclaims, "No kills Maelkyth!"

Rtune says, "Me can maybies remembers that lists."

Faerinn says, "There's our book again."

Rozy nervously blurts, "Erm, wait... are going to ... which valance?"

Fahlo: "Some folks are here up at the Outpost, could use a couple extra if anyone is available."

Cruxophim sharply warns, "Be careful in there. Guard your mind and your very soul, as well as your body."

Maelkyth says, "We're undecided on Hapenlok."

Guarrin: "Perfect. West gate towers?"

Vlashandra places one hand on the case, one hand on the book and seems to be whispering to herself.

Vlashandra nods.

Hapenlok says, "My well wishes are going to be spared for the defenders of the city. Because I know what's about to happen here."

Vlashandra nods.

Maylan: "We are currently gathered by Lake Eonak to venture through a portal to the Shadow Lands. Join us through the portal or stay to defend the town if you can!"

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "What ya got there? A bedtime story?"

Vlashandra stands up.

Cryheart says, "She is going to open the portal."

Leafiara recites:

"Join Cryheart for town defense at home, or me for the portal offensive and rescue mission!"

Vlashandra put a black leather-bound tome in her light blue robe.

Rtune says, "Have fun in the shadowlands."

Speaking to Chaoswynd, Pukk says, "Late as usual."

Vlashandra put a rune-carved wooden case in her light blue robe.

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "We've been here before."

Rtune says, "We got the city covers."

Alvyara wonderingly says, "We haven't even gone in and it's already total chaos."

Pukk exclaims, "Wait! We need Owlie!"

Raincail quietly says, "Probably quiet inside."

Maags says, "If needs to."

Speaking to Alvyara, Ysharra asks, "Campaign promise, no?"

Vlashandra holds up her hand, dipping her fingers into the ichor of the portal, then brings them to her mouth and licks them clean.

Alvyara says, "I take that back. It's not total chaos. We have two groups."

Vlashandra says, "It is ready."

Alvyara says, "It's just loud."

Soliere says, "Be well ya buncha hooligans."

Viva: "Unsure of west gate tower situation, can check now."

Speaking to Lylia, Puptilian says, "I do wish you all the luck in finding and bringing her home."

Maelkyth says, "Mmmm."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maylan says, "That's icky."

Cryheart says, "My group is headed to town...good luck."

Speaking in Faendryl, Aserak says something you don't understand.

Speaking wryly to Vlashandra, Ariond says, "Disturbing."

Pukk: "Everybody coordinate with Owlie! He will help you defend!"

Speaking wryly to Puptilian, Cruxophim jokes, "Won't need luck where we're going."

Faerinn says, "Oh good the portal is finished dialating."

Leafiara recites:

"Brace yourselves! Spells, blessings, anything you need, now's the time!"

Speaking tersely to Ariond, Keiiko says, "Leave her be."

Vlashandra says, "We will begin. This final piece will not take long before the portal opens."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "The Ichor does seem to fill one's hunger yes?"

Raincail quietly says, "I'm ready."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Puptilian says, "Yes, yes you are."

Viva: "Yes should send one to west gate tower if can, currently empty."

Pukk recites:

"Ready your defenses!"

Maelkyth exclaims, "Charge the portal!"

Vlashandra says, "Then I will need to complete some things while we beacon to the spirit."

Roelon deeply exclaims, "Ready yir kilts! if ye hae them!"

Viva: "Or I can man this one if can send one to west gate tower."

Vlashandra says, "Once the portal opens, there will be danger on both sides of it."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Readied!"

Vlashandra asks, "Are there any questions?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "Oh, good. I've been hoping to see this perfect body we worked so hard on."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Maelkyth exclaims, "Are we sure this is a good idea?!"

Lyrna: "There's actually no-one in the north gate mobile tower or at the pylons."

Speaking sternly to Vlashandra, Keiiko says, "Say the word."

Guarrin: "Those in the Outpost can fall back to west gate to reinforce, should they move past the outpost itself."

Cryheart: "Those who are about town..need to think to we can come to your aid..but be warned we may be overwhelmed to defend the gates."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Puptilian asks, "Anyway we can guide the trouble here to a location to help better contain it?"

Raincail quietly asks, "Will we come back?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Shiril says, "It likely is not."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Shiril contends, "Which is why it is."

Leafiara says, "Can't wait to see how the soul transference ritual is conducted for Aralyte."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia asks, "Yes, one question: If you die, would you like me to collect that book for you?"

Speaking to Shiril, Maelkyth exclaims, "But it's exciting, isn't it?!"

Vlashandra grins at Lylia.

Ariond whispers something to Keiiko.

Speaking to Maelkyth, Shiril says, "Exactly."

Vlashandra shrugs at Puptilian.

Speaking to Aserak, Ysharra asks, "I excel at setting the mood, don't I?"

Vlashandra says, "They are coming."

Vlashandra gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Cryheart: "Anyone at the North gate?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Aserak says, "Indeed...ominous, yet stirring."

Vlashandra just opened a gold-clasped black leather satchel.

Vlashandra looks over at Raelee and shakes her head.

Xorus says, "Let us kick the pyres and light the fires."

(Maelkyth pushes his face against the portal and yells, "come out and play!")

Speaking deeply to Clunk, Roblar says, "Dey said yes."

Keiiko whispers something to Ariond.

Leafiara: "We'll establish contact from inside the valence if we can."

Speaking deeply to Clunk, Roblar says, "Da spirits say we shall win."

Raincail quietly asks, "Can you hear the dark approach?"

Hapenlok: "Remember what I told you Shinann."

Chandrellia softly says, "Please be safe sissy."

Ariond asks, "They who?"

Speaking to Alvyara, Ysharra says, "There's a phrase for that, I think. Something about the gallows and japes for crows."

Hapenlok: "Don't lose yourselves in there. Do it to spite me. Prove me wrong, if you can."

Cryheart: "We need someone to monitor the north gate, and let us know if any foe shows there."

Aeith: "Good luck everyone."

Berost: "Luck ta ya all. Keep whatever is in there in there an not in yas. Would hate to have to kill ya. Ha!"

Sulien: "North gate is under watch."

Alvyara says, "I'm feeling hopeful."

Leafiara: "Trust me, I'm sure a lot of people have a vested interest in proving you wrong."

Alvyara says, "I think."

Lylia whispers to the group, "A note to the sorcerers among us: If you see an oculoth or primal, anything of that ilk, do not attempt to implode it."

Cryheart: "Those in town..let us know if ye get attacked."

Lylia whispers to the group, "Bad things happen."

Cruxophim whispers to the group, "Excellent advice."

Clunk deeply says, "Then slow em down ifn can."

A raven says, "Our hopes and prayers go with you brave soldiers."

Ysharra whispers to the group, "As I recall, they should be dispelled first?"

Some huge patchwork abominations can be seen shambling into view, emerging from the forest and wandering into the grasslands. They pull a rune-covered wooden cart behind them, where a misshapen featureless body resides within folds of crushed velvet. The golems bring the cart to a stop outside the portal at Lake Eonak.

Raincail quietly asks, "Brave?"

Ysharra says, "Mm."

Lylia whispers to the group, "All demons benefit from a good dispelling. Makes them more tractable."

Viva: "Here come abominations."

Clunk deeply says, "Uh oh."

Ysharra says, "Well. Here comes some fun."

Berkana says, "Oh, this will be fun."

Vlashandra leans over and lightly breathes on a misshapen featureless body.

Chamorr heartily says, "Who was in the wagon."

Stormyrain slowly says, "Well now."

>look bod

The body appears to be a large yet misshapen mass of patchwork flesh. Despite its contorted form, the skin of the body is unblemished, and the threadwork used to stitch together every scrap of flesh is pristine. The body holds a semi-amorphous shape, but there are what appears to be humanoid limbs sprouting on each side and a bald head attached to the globule of flesh, but the face is absent of any features.

Ariond whispers something to Keiiko.

Chandrellia softly asks, "Anyone have a crystal amulet?"

Fahlo: "Outpost clear."

Shiril says, "Hm."

Leafiara musingly says, "Not quite what I'd call perfection, but... a mold, I guess..."

Vlashandra says, "It will be perfection soon."

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Vlashandra.

Roblar whispers to the group, "Remember brave adventurers, a demon wears no clothes. Be wary it not get behind you."

Lyrna: "Anyone interested in manning the tower outside the north gate?"

Speaking softly to Balley, Chandrellia says, "Be safe momma I'll see you soon."

Clunk: "Cart with patch body on it."

Lylia noncommittally says, "Perfection is already inherent in the Faendryl form. But we shall see."

Speaking to Roblar, Pukk says, "That sounded like my wedding night."

Raincail quietly says, "Good advic."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "We have a different definiition of perfection, I think."

Rozy whispers to the group, "So... is Jeril?"

Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth says, "Sorry! caught me off guard."

Raincail quietly says, "Good life advice in general."

Lyrna: "Clear in Landing so far."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "But I suppose I'm no one to yuck anyone's yum."

Pukk: "Be sure to check Helga's too!"

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking in Faendryl, Ysharra says something you don't understand.

Chandrellia softly says, "I'll do my best to protect mama, tho it'll probly be her protecting me."

Vlashandra stands in front of a black-flecked incarnadine portal.

Vlashandra says, "A moment..."

Vlashandra says, "While we open the portal..."

Speaking darkly to a black-flecked incarnadine portal, Roblar says, "We meet agin."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Fahlo: "Your socks are still in the stew pot- check."

Pukk: "Thanks for checking!"

Alvyara: "Yes, a cart has been wheeled up to the Lake with a patchwork body on it. It doesn't.. look like a normal body, and it has no face."

Xorus says, "At least he got the hair right."

Cruxophim casually states, "You got it, chief."

Hapenlok: "....I'm manning the North gate by myself. I have them exactly where I want them."

Dergoatean: "Lake Eonak?"

Rozy asks, "Can... can ams take that home?"

Ariond: "You got this, Hap!"

Rozy says, "For... reasons."

Speaking to Melikor, Ysharra says, "No such thing."

Leafiara: "Indeed. Come join us, Goat!"

Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "Of course."

Sulien: "We got your back, Hap."

Ysharra says, "Ravens are harbingers. Their presence means that we are at the onset of something momentous."

Dergoatean: "Thank you! Will do!"

A dozen patchwork golems lumber into view, emerging like the ones before. These abominations carry large cages where dozens and dozens of beady-eyed grey reapers twitch and squirm about within, climbing over each other trying to get out. The golems place the cages on the ground near the lake.

Maylan: "Yarr, we have not yet entered the portal."

Clunk deeply says, "Uh oh."

Vlashandra nods to the golems who turn and lumber away.

Pietra says, "Oh wonderful."

Clunk deeply asks, "Cages?"

Speaking wryly to Ysharra, Alvyara says, "If that were true, every day is momentous in the Sylvan lands."

Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "We must always be at the onset of something momentus, then."

Aleyi softly says, "Ugh."

Speaking amusedly to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "That some kind of threat?"

Clunk: "Cages by Lake."

Vlashandra says, "No."

Speaking to a black-flecked incarnadine portal, Maelkyth exclaims, "Open!"

Ysharra says, "Indeed. You are all correct, clever ones."

Vlashandra says, "They are a key."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Looked like a threat to me."

Raincail quietly says, "Thought the things would come out of the portal. Not already be caged."

Chandrellia softly warns, "When this is over, I am going to rip your face offf."

Ariond echoes, "A key?"

Speaking to a black-flecked incarnadine portal, Maelkyth exclaims, "Come on!"

Alvyara: "Cages of eager reapers, no less."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Maylan says, "The tin can is staying to defend the Landing, and the Mayor is leading the portal group."

Berost: "Tha mayor go inside already?"

Speaking fondly to Chandrellia, Shiril says, "You said that so prettily."

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim states, "If I don't return, it's been a pleasure."

Leafiara: "Vlashandra is working on opening it."

Dergoatean says, "I'm going to dress for battle."

Dergoatean says, "Back in a minute."

Pietra: "We're all still outside the portal."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ycelacie says, "It will be."

Speaking softly to Shiril, Chandrellia says, "Thank you I do my best to remain proper at all times."

Speaking wryly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Yeah, was just telling the captain the same myself."

Speaking to Shiril, Pukk says, "They are going to have a......face off."

Puptilian says, "Need unwiling blood or death to power a blood spell to break into another realm I bet."

Lylia replies, "I have every reason to believe you will return. But yes, a pleasure. Many pleasures, in fact."

Vlashandra gestures as runes flash along the cages that house the reapers. One by one, the cages fly open and the swarm of reapers burst forth into the world...but instead of devouring flesh from those nearby, their wild-eyes have only one sight in mind and they skitter towards the incarnadine portal at the lake.

Speaking gently to Leafiara, Cruxophim assures, "You'll make it out."

Ariond firmly says, "Everyone is returning."

Speaking lightly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "...we'll see."

Speaking dryly to Pukk, Shiril says, "Indeed they are."

Rozy exclaims, "Go go reapers!"

Cruxophim whispers something to Leafiara.

Faerinn says, "Oh, just like before when the portal ate them."

Hapenlok: "Ah, that was happening before. Well. Lucky you, guys at the portal. She's feeding it her creations."

Aeith asks, "Maybe the reapers will do the work for us... like... trained squirrels?"

One by one, the reapers throw their tiny patchwork bodies into the portal, where tendrils of red ichor lash out and tear them apart, pulling their bits and bones inward with each arrival.

Sammoon: "Incoming?"

Aeith says, "Nope."

Rozy says, "Ouchies."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "Behave yerself, no snackin."

Shiril says, "Hm. That's certainly a way to do it."

Cruxophim slowly extends his tongue and drags it over the surface of his articulated gauntlets, licking the blood of his enemies.

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth exclaims, "They're going inside! Why can't we go inside?!"

Pietra says, "Well there's a reason not go to into the portal..."

Roblar deeply says, "Only way in iz to eat."

With each reaper, the portal pulses and thuds.

Speaking to Alisaire, Ysharra says, "I can make a few guesses why you chose a shrike."

Clunk: "Nope nope, outgoin."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Shiril says, "We are. Stop whining."

Speaking wryly to Maelkyth, Ariond says, "They're not going inside, they're being torn apart by it."

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor."

Sammoon: "Ain't lookin pretty at any rate."

Clunk: "All them patch folk is jumpin into the portal."

(OOC) Ariond's player whispers to the group, "These aren't kitten bodies, Rozy."

(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "You mean let the bodies hit the ichor?"

(OOC) Faerinn's player whispers to the group, "It's raining men!"

Vlashandra glances at a black-flecked incarnadine portal and slowly exhales.

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "LMAO Faerinn."

Speaking to Shiril, Maelkyth exclaims, "I've been forced to wait too terribly long for this!"

Leafiara musingly says, "And now they'll become mutant shadow reapers which we'll have to fight all over..."

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim declares, "Phase one wards are sealed."

Leafiara says, "Ah well."

Hapenlok: "I still think that everyone, except Maags should feed their kittens to the portal."

Speaking sternly to Vlashandra, Keiiko asks, "What is happening?"

Aeith: "Swarms of reapers were just consumed by the portal and torn to pieces by it. I think this is how it opens."

Raincail quietly says, "Not unlike meself."

Speaking to Shiril, Maelkyth says, "Hence, I'm whining."

Evia: "No."

Vlashandra says, "It is about to open."

(OOC) Ysharra's player whispers to the group, "Hahaha, Faerinn. Now I've got a great visual going."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I think all those patchwork bodies is a dead giveaway."

Cryheart: "Ahhh."

Hapenlok: "Rozy, do you approve of this?"

Speaking to Shiril, Maelkyth says, "A little."

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "That'd be an interesting mashup."

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "I bet it exist on the Interwebs."

Hapenlok: "It's either the portal or Rozy. Just saying."

Ariond mutters, "It's like a mayor convention."

(OOC) Faerinn's player whispers to the group, "Same song. Two different perspective."

Daniels says, "We've surely lost the element of suprise."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Shiril says, "A little, certainly, though perhaps silently done is best."

Speaking nonchalantly to Ariond, Keiiko asks, "Are you always so abrasive?"

Ariond brightly exclaims, "Hey wait!"

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Ariond removes a small campaign button etched with a fiery meteor crushing a krolvin and the words, "Hapenlok for Mayor!" from in his survival kit.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Shinann asks, "Was this the last ritual? The reapers?"

Raincail quietly says, "It's solid."

(OOC) Chaoswynd's player whispers to the group, "Rule 34."

Speaking amusedly to Ariond, Cruxophim notes, "Funny, that. We all care about the Landing and its defenders. Shocking."

Daniels says, "Let's go in."

Clunk recites deeply:

"Ne'er fear?

Clunk is here?

all the bad stuff goes home?"

Pietra: "I think Rozy not only approves but probably wants a portal of her own, along with that misshapen body thing."

Speaking to Daniels, Leafiara affirms, "We will. Just a moment until she gets it open..."

The portal continues to pulse until the final reaper is consumed. Suddenly, like a vicious wound, the portal blossoms open, veins of red ichor stretching out like scarlet webbing. A huge opening spreads out within the portal at the lake and only darkness resides within the heart of it.

Speaking affably to Cruxophim, Ariond replies, "I can't argue with that."

Commander Roblar just went through a black-flecked incarnadine portal.

Vlashandra nods.

Leafiara recite:

"Last call, leave my group if you don't want to head inside!"

Raincail quietly says, "Here we go."

Cruxophim firmly reminds, "Remember: we're hear to rescue one of our own. She may not be from the Landing, but dammit, she gave herself to protect us. Time to show we can return the favor."

Leafiara recites:

"Moving in 5..."

Speaking curiously to Leafiara, Ariond asks, "Weapons out? how are we doing this?"

Speaking to Asben, Ycelacie says, "Be careful."

Leafiara recites:


A raven says, "Nope nope nope."

(OOC) Yukito's player whispers to the group, "Yeah, I'm not living through this, but I'll get a good five minutes!"

Leafiara recites:


Leafiara recites:


Speaking to Ycelacie, Asben says, "You too."

Ysharra says, "Here we go."

Leafiara recites:


Unto the Breach

>go portal

[Shadow Realm]

The landscape stretches out in long lines and shadowed forms, all shades of grey and black accounted for as the horizon meets the fractured sky beyond. There are no clouds, only a firmament of bruised purples and obsidian greys that roil above like a tempest-churned sea.

Obvious paths: north

Yukito, Lexbubba, Keiiko, Stormyrain, Cruxophim, Berkana, Aleyi, Adelynn, Sacru, Chamorr, Aeith, Shiril, Ysharra, Balley, Melikor, Sabotage, Lylia, Mnar, Ycelacie, Pukk, Maylan, Maelkyth, Daniels, Rozy, Dayzed, Bernadette, Drektor, Pietra, Raincail, Chaoswynd, Chandrellia, Asben, Alvyara, Thrassus, Xorus, Ariond, Shinann, Aserak, Raelee, Alisaire, Faerinn and Roelon followed.

Rozy casually says, "Only lives once."


[Shadow Realm]

Monstrous forms rise from ground, each a parody of reality. Blackened skeletal trees sink fingerbone roots into the ground and are topped with leaves of dried skin, while broken statues stand aside, the stone from which they are constructed crumbling away to reveal corded and bleeding muscle beneath. Even the wind is a mockery, carrying whispers and voices that both taunt and plead with wordless cries.

Obvious paths: north, south

Speaking to Rozy, Ysharra says, "I'm not sure that's true."

Hapenlok: "They have entered."

Clunk: "Looks like portal opened, and."

Maelkyth asks, "What happened to one?"

Roblar deeply says, "Clear, so far."

Puptilian says, "Goat."

Raincail quietly says, "This is.... this is it."

Ysharra says, "Mhm."


[Shadow Realm]

Underfoot, the ground evolves from what seems to be hard-packed earth to an ebon fluid-sopped mire that creates suction with each step. To either side of this indistinct pathway are frightful curiosities - the skulls of birds and beasts mounted on pikes and set with eyes that seem very much alive as they wildly survey the surroundings and desiccated corpses whose chests rise and fall with something not so much like breath as the movement of carrion bugs beneath their leathery skins.

The air grows cold and still as a slender shadowy voidwalker glides in!


Aleyi yells, "Hello anybody home?"

Speaking to Alisaire, Ysharra says, "Welcome home."


Alisette: "They are in."


Pietra says, "Ugh."

Maylan says, "Pull me up."


Faerinn says, "I think this is..." He looks closer at his map. "The Lollipop woods."


Alvyara says, "Oh, my."

Ariond says, "Well then."


Leafiara: "Can you still hear us out there, Landing?"


Madevra: "I hear ya."


Tolida: "Yes."


Lyrna: "We can."


Gidion: "They should have had to give up their locker codes and shops before going in. Some may not return and it'd be a shame to lose those weapons."

Alisette: "Aye Mayor."


Cryheart: "Loud and clear."

[very extended combat]

Clunk: "We can, lass who open portal is still out here."

Cruxophim: "We're in."

[Shadow Realm]

Underfoot, the ground evolves from what seems to be hard-packed earth to an ebon fluid-sopped mire that creates suction with each step. To either side of this indistinct pathway are frightful curiosities - the skulls of birds and beasts mounted on pikes and set with eyes that seem very much alive as they wildly survey the surroundings and desiccated corpses whose chests rise and fall with something not so much like breath as the movement of carrion bugs beneath their leathery skins. You also see some rotted leather, a barbed whip, a barbed whip, some rotted leather, some rotted leather, a barbed whip, a small raven that is flying around, a barbed whip, some rotted leather, a raven that is flying around, a caped figure, a barbed whip, some rotted leather, a slender shadowy voidwalker that appears dead, a glistening black apple, a slender shadowy voidwalker, the coffin-shaped Cruxophim disk, the Dergoatean disk, the brown Sabotage disk, the Mnar disk, the Ariond disk, the Chamorr disk, the Chandrellia disk, the Raincail disk, the Maelkyth disk, the purple Aleyi disk, the Lylia disk, the Yukito disk, the cauldron-shaped Rozy disk, the Balley disk, a huge dusky shrike that is flying around, an emaciated greyish white imp, a spotted great horned owl that is flying around, a vacillating forest spirit that is flying around, a sleek raven, a sapphire-eyed pale golden margay, a snow white raven that is flying around, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a green-eyed calico cat that is sitting, a sleek burnt caramel kodkod and a heartbroken dune spirit that is flying around.

Also here: Dergoatean who is lying down, Commander Roblar who is lying down, Yukito who is lying down, Lexbubba, Great Lady Keiiko who is lying down, Stormyrain who is lying down, Cruxophim who is lying down, Mistress Berkana who is lying down, Lady Aleyi who is lying down, Lady Adelynn who is lying down, Sacru who is lying down, Lord Chamorr who is lying down, Aeith who is lying down, Shiril who is lying down, Ysharra who is lying down, Gypsy Scribe Balley who is lying down, Melikor who is lying down, Sabotage who is lying down, Imperatrix Lylia who is lying down, Mnar who is lying down, Ycelacie who is lying down, Pukk who is lying down, Land Pirate Maylan who is lying down, Maelkyth who is lying down, Daniels who is lying down, Quartermaster Tsarok who is lying down, Rozy who is lying down, Dayzed who is lying down, Bernadette who is lying down, Drektor who is lying down, Pietra who is lying down, Raincail who is lying down, Chaoswynd who is lying down, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia who is lying down, High Lord Asben who is lying down, Lord Thrassus who is lying down, Xorus who is lying down, Ariond who is lying down, Shinann who is lying down, Aserak who is lying down, Magister Raelee who is lying down, Alisaire who is lying down, Faerinn who is lying down, Roelon who is lying down, Mayor Leafiara who is lying down

Viva: "Indeed! we're holding steady in the towers."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Puptilian asks, "Have you been to this realm before?" [remember, italics is those outside]


Berkana says, "Ugh."

Hapenlok: ", be careful Leafi, if I recall, there were more powerful variants of oculoth and Vathor in there."

Leafiara: "What a shock. Watch her so she doesn't close the portal with us inside."

Leafiara asks, "All okay?"

Alisette: "We are watching her, Mayor."

Xorus says, "Amusing."

Raincail quietly says, "Interestin."

Keiiko says, "Oh my."

Rozy asks, "Fun timeses?"

Mnar says, "Somehow."

Cryheart: "Nothing happening around the Landing yet."


[Shadow Realm]

In the distance, hulking shadows rise on the horizon, their forms misshapen and tall. The trail leading ever onward branches here to the east and the west, one fork leading toward the indistinct shadows and the other to a destination from which a dull crimson glow pulses into the darkness.

Obvious paths: east, south, west

Lexbubba says, "Just ducky."

Rozy says, "Losted one to weather."

Evia: "Nor out here really."

Leafiara recites:

"Just give a shout if you need help!"


[Shadow Realm]

Flashing against the battered sky, crimson streaks of lightning illuminate the area briefly with a ruddy haze. The barren countenance of the landscape becomes even more so here, stretching out flat and unblemished by anything larger than the small stones found here and there. An ever-constant tremble runs through the ground underfoot, subtle but unrelenting. You also see a precariously narrow path that leads downward.

>go path

[Shadow Realm]

Moving away from the flatlands above, this path winds down a slope that quickly turns into little more than a track dug into the side of a rocky cliff. The temors underfoot shake loose bits of rock and clumps of dirt from the ledge, and as they fall past and into the darkness below, there is a soft *plewkup* sound like that of a stone dropped into a pond. You also see a precariously narrow path that leads upward.

Obvious paths: down

Beiowulf: "Outpost is quiet."


[Shadow Realm]

From out of the slow-moving current of black liquid, skeletal hands reach skyward from time to time, grasping at the air with flesh-stripped fingers that fail to find purchase on anything substantial. Above, streaks of crimson and purple lightning crawl across the sky, and the colors reflect dully off the surface of the sludge.

Obvious paths: west, up

Vlashandra takes the handle of the cart and pulls it into the incarnadine portal with her.


[Shadow Realm]

The viscous black liquid pools here in a shallow depression, and the surface undulates in an unsettling manner, as if something within were trying to reach up and out but fails to break through. Across the face of the pool trail thin wisps of shadow, dark grey tendrils that curl languidly on the air.

Obvious paths: north, east

Maelkyth recites:

"Whispers work better, otherwise drowned out in the chaos"

Speaking to a sapphire-eyed pale golden margay, Ysharra says, "Be careful, Daisy."


[Shadow Realm]

The treacherous pathway terminates in this tiny slip of land that juts out into the ebon mire, and though the ground feels solid underfoot, it is uncomfortably close to being consumed the surrounding black sludge. From overhead, the subtle quaking shakes loose clumps of dirt and rock, which drop almost soundlessly into the pool.

Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest

Daniels says, "Good."

Dayzed suddenly trips and falls down!

He is injured in the fall!

... 1 point of damage!

Dayzed's wrist twisted slightly.

Guarrin: "There she goes. Grabbed the cart and took it with her."

Dergoatean says, "There was a path back before going down, by the way."


[Shadow Realm]

A particularly large boulder is situated at the end of this jetty, half in the viscous black pool and half on dry land. Across its surface, black claw marks bite into the stone, as if something quite large had perched atop the boulder after straying too close to the liquid.

Obvious paths: southeast

Roblar deeply says, "Didn't tie boots well."

Dergoatean: "Think we last saw Aralyte that way."

Roelaren: "Anyone want to man the pylon at Moot Hall."

Leafiara says, "A dead end..."

Evia says, "She rolled her big ugly dolly into the portal."

Dergoatean says, "I think we last saw Aralyte that way."


[Shadow Realm]

The treacherous pathway terminates in this tiny slip of land that juts out into the ebon mire, and though the ground feels solid underfoot, it is uncomfortably close to being consumed the surrounding black sludge. From overhead, the subtle quaking shakes loose clumps of dirt and rock, which drop almost soundlessly into the pool.

Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest

Alisette: "Vlashandra just entered the portal with her cart."

Alvyara: "I can try to do that."


[Shadow Realm]

Half of a blackened skeleton rises from the pool, its size and structure making it entirely alien in nature. Around its base, air bubbles occasionally surface in the black sludge, spitting the substance onto the bones, where it sizzles briefly before hardening.

Obvious paths: southwest

Roelaren: "Go there they need folks."

Viva: "Is it unlocked? the pylon?"

Hapenlok: "That's my fallback position, Roelaren."

Leafiara says, "And another one..."


[Shadow Realm]

The treacherous pathway terminates in this tiny slip of land that juts out into the ebon mire, and though the ground feels solid underfoot, it is uncomfortably close to being consumed the surrounding black sludge. From overhead, the subtle quaking shakes loose clumps of dirt and rock, which drop almost soundlessly into the pool. You also see a small raven that is flying around.

Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest

Maelkyth exclaims, "This is great!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean asks, "Go back to where we went down?"

Dayzed suddenly trips and falls down!

He is injured in the fall!

... 1 point of damage!

Pop! Kneecap wrenched.


[Shadow Realm]

The viscous black liquid pools here in a shallow depression, and the surface undulates in an unsettling manner, as if something within were trying to reach up and out but fails to break through. Across the face of the pool trail thin wisps of shadow, dark grey tendrils that curl languidly on the air.

Obvious paths: north, east

Lyrna: "Not yet."


[Shadow Realm]

From out of the slow-moving current of black liquid, skeletal hands reach skyward from time to time, grasping at the air with flesh-stripped fingers that fail to find purchase on anything substantial. Above, streaks of crimson and purple lightning crawl across the sky, and the colors reflect dully off the surface of the sludge.

Obvious paths: west, up

Dayzed deeply says, "Hmm."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra asks, "Any sensation yet?"

Speaking to Dayzed, Rozy exclaims, "Stops that!"

Dayzed suddenly trips and falls down!


[Shadow Realm]

Moving away from the flatlands above, this path winds down a slope that quickly turns into little more than a track dug into the side of a rocky cliff. The temors underfoot shake loose bits of rock and clumps of dirt from the ledge, and as they fall past and into the darkness below, there is a soft *plewkup* sound like that of a stone dropped into a pond. You also see a precariously narrow path that leads upward.

Obvious paths: down

Roelaren: "As far as I know."

Clunk: "Aye, portal lass carted body in."

[extended combat on both sides]

Guarrin: "Engaged at the portal."

Roelaren: "I am just glad we have one in town."

Ysharra says, "Interesting."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "Path."

>go path

[Shadow Realm]

Flashing against the battered sky, crimson streaks of lightning illuminate the area briefly with a ruddy haze. The barren countenance of the landscape becomes even more so here, stretching out flat and unblemished by anything larger than the small stones found here and there. An ever-constant tremble runs through the ground underfoot, subtle but unrelenting. You also see a precariously narrow path that leads downward.

Obvious paths: east, west

Lyrna: "Pylons are in place, but not active yet."

[combat on both sides]

Chandrellia recites softly:

"Everyone ok?"

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

The air hums with an unseen energy, and tendrils of deep shadow trail across the ground like snakes hungrily searching for prey. In the distance, a scarlet light pulses, distorting the bruised sky and smearing the colors like so much paint under an artist's brush. Obvious paths: southeast, west

[combat outside]

Cryheart: "Clunk blew his horn."

Ysharra says, "So far."

[combat outside]

Leafiara: "They've made contact at the portal."


[Shadow Realm]

Across the flattened plains that stretch out to the horizon, cracks have formed in the ground, shallow and slender. There appears to be no distinct pattern to the formations, though they look similar to cobbled streets broken by roots rising from beneath.

Obvious paths: northeast, northwest

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Deep gashes in the ground emit an incarnadine mist tainted by the stench of rot and decay. Though the immediate surroundings are largely cloaked in darkness, movement can be detected at the far reaches of sight, mostly as mere ghosts of shapes.

Obvious paths: northeast, southwest

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Interspersed among the fingers of shadow crawling along the ground are crackling veins of crimson energy, both their origin and destination a mystery as they flicker into being one moment and out the next. Overhead, a noise like the flapping of leathery wings haunts the darkness, and a cry distinctly inhuman can be heard somewhere beyond.

Obvious paths: northeast, southwest

[combat outside]

Cruxophim wryly remarks, "Hopefully, it remains the same."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "I don't remember as well after that. I have a hunch she was west from there but not at all sure."


[Shadow Realm]

The fissures in the ground are so numerous here that sure footing is difficult to find, and a wan crimson light bleeds into the air from within their depths. All around, the sharp crackling of energy galvanizes the atmosphere, raising goosebumps and hairs alike along the arms.

Obvious paths: southeast, southwest

[combat outside]

Lyrna: "There's also one in front of Moot Hall."

Roblar deeply exclaims, "In public!"

'The pylon outside of Moot Hall flashes with a blue-white light!

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

The pathway here trails dangerously close to a ledge that drops off into open air clouded by churning, spectral mists before turning sharply southward. Out in the vast nothing past the cliff's edge, the flash of glowing amber eyes lights up the shadows for but moments at a time, offering scant glimpses of the horrors that lie in wait.

Obvious paths: south, northwest

[combat outside]

(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "Bright pylon..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "Pup and I had to navigate this place for everyone last time."

Rozy exclaims, "Boom!"

[combat outside]

Maylan says, "We left Dayzed."

[combat outside]

Leafiara yells, "Do you need help there Dayzed!"

Dayzed deeply says, "It's fine."

Maylan says, "There he is."

Alvyara: "I'm at the Moot Hall pylon, but I'm alone. Except for a kitten."

[combat outside]

Cryheart: "Pylon at Moot is active I bet."

[combat outside]

Dayzed deeply says, "I got cursed."

[combat inside]

Dayzed deeply says, "Of course."

[extended combat on both sides]

Roelaren: "It is, it just sent out a flash."

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Where the path splits off to the east, a grotesque structure rises into the darkness to span the width of a chasm that stretches down into a perfect darkness. The bridge, if it can be called that, is made entirely of flesh and bone and sinew, some in desperate states of decay, some unrecognizable as humanoid, and some still being consumed by carrion insects.

Obvious paths: north, east, south

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm, Bridge]

The indescribable stench hanging in the air makes it difficult to breathe and no doubt originates with the myriad body parts that form the structure of this bridge. Looking over the edge of the railing and into the chasm below finds a depthless black clouded by a mist sheened crimson by the sparks of lightning that periodically spike through its heart.

Obvious paths: east, west

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

It is impossible to walk here without crushing bone under heel, the span of ground as far as the eye can see seeming little more than a collection of spines, skulls, and ribcages amid the bed of miscellaneous parts and pieces. Somewhere in the darkness, the sound of wings flapping is accompanied by a beastial scream, savage and raw.

Obvious paths: northeast, west

Cryheart: "Any news about the portal?"

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Traveling to the peak of this bit of land, the climb is made more steep simply by the volume of bones scattered across the ground. Layer upon layer, the remains are heaped until it is near impossible to even see what lies beneath them. Tendrils of shadow writhe and curl in the air where the rise drops off in a sheer cliff, leaving nothing but crimson clouds of mist to haunt the darkness beyond the field of bones.

Obvious paths: southwest

Lyrna: "The one on top of it isn't."

Sulien: "Enemies are escaping the lake and heading towards town."

Hapenlok: "They're engaged with shadowy creatures."

[combat outside]

Leafiara says, "...many dead ends..."

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

It is impossible to walk here without crushing bone under heel, the span of ground as far as the eye can see seeming little more than a collection of spines, skulls, and ribcages amid the bed of miscellaneous parts and pieces. Somewhere in the darkness, the sound of wings flapping is accompanied by a beastial scream, savage and raw.

Obvious paths: northeast, west

[combat outside]

Pietra: "We're wandering, and killing voidwalkers and stuff."


[Shadow Realm, Bridge]

The indescribable stench hanging in the air makes it difficult to breathe and no doubt originates with the myriad body parts that form the structure of this bridge. Looking over the edge of the railing and into the chasm below finds a depthless black clouded by a mist sheened crimson by the sparks of lightning that periodically spike through its heart.

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Where the path splits off to the east, a grotesque structure rises into the darkness to span the width of a chasm that stretches down into a perfect darkness. The bridge, if it can be called that, is made entirely of flesh and bone and sinew, some in desperate states of decay, some unrecognizable as humanoid, and some still being consumed by carrion insects.

Obvious paths: north, east, south

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Travel in this direction leads right up to the edge of a cliff, whose edge is crumbling and ravaged with deep, rending claw marks as if something had tried to clamber its way out of the darkness below. Thunderous peals of lightning tear across the sky, shaking the ground underfoot.

Obvious paths: north

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Where the path splits off to the east, a grotesque structure rises into the darkness to span the width of a chasm that stretches down into a perfect darkness. The bridge, if it can be called that, is made entirely of flesh and bone and sinew, some in desperate states of decay, some unrecognizable as humanoid, and some still being consumed by carrion insects.

Obvious paths: north, east, south

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

The pathway here trails dangerously close to a ledge that drops off into open air clouded by churning, spectral mists before turning sharply southward. Out in the vast nothing past the cliff's edge, the flash of glowing amber eyes lights up the shadows for but moments at a time, offering scant glimpses of the horrors that lie in wait. You also see the Roteye disk and a chipped brick.

Obvious paths: south, northwest

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

The fissures in the ground are so numerous here that sure footing is difficult to find, and a wan crimson light bleeds into the air from within their depths. All around, the sharp crackling of energy galvanizes the atmosphere, raising goosebumps and hairs alike along the arms.

Obvious paths: southeast, southwest

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

The pathway here trails dangerously close to a ledge that drops off into open air clouded by churning, spectral mists before turning sharply southward. Out in the vast nothing past the cliff's edge, the flash of glowing amber eyes lights up the shadows for but moments at a time, offering scant glimpses of the horrors that lie in wait. You also see the Razanetika disk, the Raincail disk, the purple Aleyi disk, the Dergoatean disk, the cauldron-shaped Rozy disk, the Yukito disk, the Ensayn disk, the Lylia disk, the brown Sabotage disk, the Mnar disk, the Ariond disk, the Chamorr disk, the Chandrellia disk, the Balley disk, the Maelkyth disk and a chipped brick.

Obvious paths: south, northwest

Maylan says, "Wait for Dayzed."

[combat outside]

Dayzed deeply says, "It's fine."

Leafiara says, "I saw."

Dayzed deeply says, "I'll catch up."


[Shadow Realm]

The fissures in the ground are so numerous here that sure footing is difficult to find, and a wan crimson light bleeds into the air from within their depths. All around, the sharp crackling of energy galvanizes the atmosphere, raising goosebumps and hairs alike along the arms.

Obvious paths: southeast, southwest

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Interspersed among the fingers of shadow crawling along the ground are crackling veins of crimson energy, both their origin and destination a mystery as they flicker into being one moment and out the next. Overhead, a noise like the flapping of leathery wings haunts the darkness, and a cry distinctly inhuman can be heard somewhere beyond.

Obvious paths: northeast, southwest

[combat outside]

Speaking to Dayzed, Shiril says, "That seems an unwise idea."

[combat outside] Speaking to Dayzed, Pietra asks, "Too much ale?"


[Shadow Realm]

Deep gashes in the ground emit an incarnadine mist tainted by the stench of rot and decay. Though the immediate surroundings are largely cloaked in darkness, movement can be detected at the far reaches of sight, mostly as mere ghosts of shapes.

Obvious paths: northeast, southwest

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Across the flattened plains that stretch out to the horizon, cracks have formed in the ground, shallow and slender. There appears to be no distinct pattern to the formations, though they look similar to cobbled streets broken by roots rising from beneath.

Obvious paths: northeast, northwest

[combat outside]

Hapenlok: "Giants...north gate."


[Shadow Realm]

The air hums with an unseen energy, and tendrils of deep shadow trail across the ground like snakes hungrily searching for prey. In the distance, a scarlet light pulses, distorting the bruised sky and smearing the colors like so much paint under an artist's brush.

Obvious paths: southeast, west

Guarrin says, "Bah, need to get to the north gate."

Leafiara asks, "Is anyone seeing anything promising?"

[combat outside]

Speaking reassuringly to Keiiko, Ariond says, "We'll figure it out later."

Daniels says, "I've seen worse."

Roelaren: "We need defenders on the towers as well."

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

Flashing against the battered sky, crimson streaks of lightning illuminate the area briefly with a ruddy haze. The barren countenance of the landscape becomes even more so here, stretching out flat and unblemished by anything larger than the small stones found here and there. An ever-constant tremble runs through the ground underfoot, subtle but unrelenting. You also see a precariously narrow path that leads downward.

Obvious paths: east, west

[combat outside]

Pukk: "You can do it Happy!"

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

In the distance, hulking shadows rise on the horizon, their forms misshapen and tall. The trail leading ever onward branches here to the east and the west, one fork leading toward the indistinct shadows and the other to a destination from which a dull crimson glow pulses into the darkness.

Obvious paths: east, south, west


[Shadow Realm]

Heading westward, the distant shadows slowly resolve into the face of mountains, their peaks craggy and uneven. Along the sides of the roadway are rocks that have tumbled from above, their misshapen figures strewn among other more mundane items. Here the broken face of a porcelain doll stares with hollow eyes into the broken sky, and further along the road are the remains of weapons, partially melted and fused together in a solid mass of distorted metal. You also see the Puptilian disk.

[combat outside]


[Shadow Realm]

The face of the tumultuous mountain is altogether unlike any that can be found in the waking world. Strips of cloth that may have once been banners peek out from beneath rocks and within crevices, their countenances torn and frayed, making their crests all but unidentifiable. Sandwiched between the boulders that create the base of the range are humanoid limbs that twitch and swat at the empty air from time to time.

Obvious paths: east

Guarrin asks, "Ready to move?"

[combat outside]

>go crev

[Shadow Realm]

Within this stuffy chamber at the base of the mountain, the walls of reddish brown clay are bumpy and misformed. A closer look reveals that the anomalies are faces just beneath the surface, caked with dirt and grime. Some seem frozen, their open mouths perched on the cusp of silent screams, while others alternately blink their bloodshot eyes and stare, with half-crazed expressions, at something apparently only they can see.

Obvious paths: northwest, out

[combat outside]

Alisette says, "Ready."

[combat outside]

Evia says, "Yah."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "I have this vague recollection of going left after that path. But it has been too long. Lost my map."

Ariond dryly comments, "Just a lot of weird."


[Shadow Realm]

The ceiling further in the cavern slants downward at a sharp angle, forcing the tallest visitors to stoop. At best, this dead end is cramped, and at worst, it is positively claustrophobic. Only making things worse is the air, which is tinged with the coppery twinge of blood that seems to emanate from a sanguine pool cradled against the curved wall of the cavern. The surface of the liquid ripples as if disturbed from beneath.

Obvious paths: southeast

Guarrin says, "Hold."

[combat outside]

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "West, not left."

  • Loara just bit the dust! [OOC: I assume this is the first invasion-related death, since it was the first death that happened after creatures started getting out... I'll keep the rest shown! Additionally, by this point I think we've seen all of the Shadow Realm rooms except one that we find later, so I'll cut those descriptions now.]

Leafiara says, "Hmm..."

Guarrin says, "Moving out."

Raincail quietly says, "It's what I always felt it would be...."

Rozy yells, "Yooooohoooooo!! Aralyte!"

Leafiara says, "Everywhere a dead end..."

Maylan says, "Try the bridge."

Lyrna: "The pylon is targeting the portal."

Ensayn asks, "There was a crevice on the west side?"

Speaking deeply to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Clunk says, "Join me."

Lyrna: "We don't want to close them in."

Ariond asks, "Is it possible Vlashandra meant to lure us in here for some reason?"

Cryheart: "Odd..quiet at West gate, but North gate was attacked."

Leafiara says, "That's where we're inside now."

Roelon deeply asks, "What about the soulstone? Anything?"

Leafiara says, "The crevice."

Alvyara: "We fired the pylon on the portal, and it made the portal shrink.. I'm concerned about shutting them in. Yes."

  • Perchta drops dead at your feet!
  • Perchta just bit the dust!

Speaking to Ariond, Leafiara says, "Very possible."

[combat; at this point I think the portal team has left, so anything I'm seeing is combat inside until further notice]

Hapenlok: "Anyone coming to north gate, join me immediately."


Clunk deeply says, "Uh oh."


Clunk deeply says, "Perchta fell by lake." [she died with us in the portal, but the shadows returned her to outside]


Sulien: "Perchta dead at Lake Eonak."


Aleyi softly says, "Hooray sorcerers."

[extended combat]

Chandrellia recites softly:

"Everyone ok?"


Alvyara: "How difficult are the things striking the Lake?"


Clunk: "Perchta fell by lake, is flask'd."

[very extended combat]

  • Evia just bit the dust!

Cryheart: "Wind wraiths just attacked the west gate."

Leafiara recites:

"All alright?"

Cryheart: "Where is Evia?"

Hapenlok: "Shadowy ones?"

Speaking affably to Chandrellia, Ariond says, "I think so."

Clunk deeply says, "Sheesh."

Hapenlok: "Or regular?"

Madevra: "Evia at bathhouse."


Roblar sings:

"Demons, fallin like trees"

Roblar yells, "Timber!"


  • Yukito drops dead at your feet!
  • Keiiko drops dead at your feet!
  • Adelynn drops dead at your feet!
  • Chandrellia drops dead at your feet!
  • Thrassus drops dead at your feet!
  • Aserak drops dead at your feet!
  • Roteye drops dead at your feet!
  • Yukito just bit the dust!
  • Keiiko just bit the dust!
  • Adelynn just bit the dust!
  • Chandrellia just bit the dust!
  • Thrassus just bit the dust!
  • Aserak just bit the dust!
  • Roteye just bit the dust!


Leafiara says, "Yikes..."

Ysharra says, "Aserak..."

Roelon deeply says, "Bloody 'ell."

Rozy exclaims, "Eeek!"

Ariond says, "Well."

Ariond says, "There's that."

Mnar says, "I can't continue, I'll just slow you down."

Viva: "They are inside the gates, north ring road."

Puptilian: "Stuff in town."

Leafiara: "The dead are being returned somewhere outside."


Mnar says, "Good luck."


Madevra: "They got dropped into Town Square."


Cryheart: "Death knights."


Hapenlok: "Roelaren, at this point, they've taken their chances. You keep firing that pylon."


Dergoatean: "Massive losses in shadow realm from an oculoth."

Puptilian: "What gate needs help?"

Viva: "West gate."


  • Faerinn drops dead at your feet!
  • Dergoatean drops dead at your feet!
  • Maelkyth drops dead at your feet!
  • Faerinn just bit the dust!
  • Dergoatean just bit the dust!
  • Maelkyth just bit the dust!


Hapenlok: "I'm alone at the north. But I'll be fine...probably."


Sulien: "Enemies inside the North Gate."


Fahlo: "Outpost fell back."

Clunk deeply asks, "What is them shadows?"

Lexbubba asks, "Did we win?"

Ensayn says, "Ouch."

Tyrosthenes says, "No idea."

Speaking to Lexbubba, Leafiara assures, "Getting there!"

Rozy says, "And thens there was less."


Roblar deeply says, "Why allos."

Lylia says, "There is no 'winning' until we reclaim our lost Blade."

Huge floating ichor-covered eyeballs can be seen drifting through the shadow realm and passing through the portal, hovering towards Wehnimer's Landing!

Puptilian: "Seems like what I see inside the gates a person not too far into their training can help with."

Allelia: "North gate needs support."

Guarrin: "Coming."

Pukk: "Incoming!"

Leafiara: "Brace for eyeballs, Landing..."


  • Raincail drops dead at your feet!
  • Raincail just bit the dust!

Ariond: "Landing, incoming!"


Pietra says, "Gross."


Clunk: "Eyeballs in the air."

[extended combat]

Dergoatean: "The dead in the shadow realm seem to be automatically transported to town square."

Stormyrain: "Does anyone have eyes on Vlashandra? She's noticably absent from the shadow realm."

Hapenlok: "They're appearing in town. They didn't even appear in front of me."

Ensayn says, "Roblar ran off to kill everything."

Leafiara recites:

"All okay?"

Kippe: "Attackers inside North Gate."

Pietra: "I thought she wanted to find the blade too...."

Lexbubba says, "Just ducky."

Guarrin: "She entered the portal with her...thing."

Ensayn says, "Northeast roblar is getting beat on."

[extended combat]

Clunk: "She went in, draggin a cart behind her."

Vlashandra: "Soon, the body will be ready soon. It's absorbing...."

[very, very extended combat]

Puptilian: "What is the body absorbing?"


Leafiara: "What does that even mean?"

[very, very extended combat]

  • Aeith drops dead at your feet!
  • Aeith just bit the dust!

[very extended combat]

  • Bernadette drops dead at your feet!
  • Bernadette just bit the dust!


Clunk: "I be fitin shadows."


Cruxophim: "I presume she's preparing the body for Aralyte. There won't be much of her physical form left, I'd wager."

[extended combat]

Speaking deeply to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Clunk exclaims, "Git em!"


Cruxophim: "Shadows consume. It's what they do."


Pietra: "She could have at least made the body... attractive."


Cruxophim: "We can... make adjustments later."

Leafiara recites:

"All still holding up well?"

Cryheart: "Need some help at North gate."

Dergoatean: "Picky picky."


Roelon deeply says, "....surprisingly."


Evia: "Will be a little bit while spirit."


Clunk: "Lake is clear, cept fer shadows."


(OOC) Ariond's player whispers to the group, "Wooo that lag."

(OOC) Ariond's player whispers to the group, "That was a full 2 minutes before I caught up."

[extremely extended combat]

Ysharra says, "Ouch."


Hapenlok: "I just want you lot to know inside, I'm directing pylon fire on that portal. Whatever you're doing. Do it fast."

Clunk deeply exclaims, "Gah!"


Ensayn says, "I needed a rest."


Cruxophim: "Uh oh. We have murder wasps."

[extended combat]

  • Ceilia just bit the dust!

Sulien: "Shamber inside the west gate."

[extremely extended combat]

Clunk deeply exclaims, "Was aimin at the shadows!"


Aleyi softly says, "What the spam."


Speaking deeply to a rolton, Clunk says, "Sorry."

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "I can't see a damned thing."

Leafiara slowly says, "Well..."

Speaking softly to Clunk, Chandrellia says, "I'm proud of you."

[very, very extended combat]

Clunk deeply exclaims, "Git the shadows!"

[extended combat]

Chandrellia: "Leafi can you hear me?"

Leafiara: "Yes, why?"

Speaking deeply to a rolton, Clunk exclaims, "Shoo!"


Chandrellia: "How hard is it to finds you all in the portal?"

Leafiara: "I wouldn't suggest trying."

Roblar deeply says, "Why allo."

Leafiara: "Coming in alone is a bit of a suicide mission unless you're Roblar."

Guarrin: "Status at west gate?"

Hapenlok: "Those of you healing in the square, I'd recommend falling back to the trophy room."

Cryheart: "Quiet."

Hapenlok: "That sanctuary won't last long."

Pietra exclaims, "I'm so wobbly without the fun of drinking!"

Cryheart: "Now soul wraiths."

Clunk deeply says, "Oop."

Chandrellia: "Ok Hap I'll organize that then."

Roelaren: "Most have moved to the well, I don't know if that is better."

Cruxophim recites:

"How we holding up?"

Viva: "Shamblers and phantoms not too bad, weak hit, manageable."

Speaking softly to Clunk, Chandrellia says, "Be safe."

Hapenlok: "Inside."

A viridian-eyed shadowy oculoth floats in, its toothy maw glistening with black ichor.

Lylia says, "Well enough, but I have yet to find --"

Clunk deeply exclaims, "What is them shadows!"


Leafiara says, "I'd say oddly well, but.."


Rozy says, "Still heres! lookings for footprintses."

Alisaire remarks, "It's brighter here than I expected it to be."

Leafiara says, "We kind of have a survivor bias here."


Cryheart: "We hae six at north many at north?"

Viva: "I'm one further down and they are coming a bit in here, but only 1 at a time."

  • Berost just bit the dust!

Ycelacie says, "I can't hit."

Ycelacie says, "But otherwise doing okay."

Speaking dryly to Ycelacie, Cruxophim remarks, "Pity."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ycelacie says, "I can hit you."

(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "I'm cursed, it wears off, cursed again. Anything I can do besides keep standing up?"

Madevra: "Though, only problem is, bodies are getting dumped at Town Square... some will have to stay to drag."

(OOC) Dayzed's player whispers to the group, "Nope."

Roblar deeply says, "Oh."

(OOC) Dayzed's player whispers to the group, "It's acting like a doomstone curse."

Madevra: "Or go back to get them some other way."

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "It's the clumsy effect."

(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "SO annoying!"

Cryheart: "Death giants and void walkaers..and death knights hit us at west gate."

Pietra asks, "Mmm chocolate?"

Pietra exclaims, "Smart!"

Speaking to Roblar, Rozy exclaims, "Are cheerleaders too!"

Puptilian: "We are ready at the north gate if any."

Viva: "Ok inside north gate is clear now."

Viva: "How are things in the towers."

Leafiara: "How are you all holding up out there?"

Roblar deeply says, "Find more to keels." [we'd been wandering for a bit at this point with nothing]

Puptilian: "Vathors."

Rozy whispers to the group, "Raise hand if you want to see Roblar in a cheerleading outfit."

Alisette: "Moving to Thraks for healing and raising."

Ysharra says, "I have a feeling they'll find us."


Chandrellia: "Moving bodies to the Inn now Leafi square should be cleared soon."


Viva: "Town is looking cleaner."


  • Nazrym just bit the dust!


  • Drafix just bit the dust!


  • Balley drops dead at your feet!
  • Ycelacie drops dead at your feet!
  • Balley just bit the dust!
  • Ycelacie just bit the dust!


  • Wizlo just bit the dust!
  • Razanetika just bit the dust!

Hapenlok: "Primordials coming out of the portal now."

  • Tyrosthenes just bit the dust!
  • Viva just bit the dust!


Roelaren: "Take the bodies to the trophy room."


  • Bellasco just bit the dust!


Alvyara: "The pylon on top of Moot Hall has not been turned on, does anyone know how?"

[extended combat]

  • Beldannon just bit the dust!


  • Clunk just bit the dust!


Gidion: "Prepping the ballista sure takes a long time."


Pietra exclaims, "Good gravy!"


Cryheart: "Portal just released a lot."


  • Nattoway just bit the dust!


  • Reystor just bit the dust!
  • Ehlorian just bit the dust!
  • Shayen just bit the dust!

Hapenlok: "Abyran'ra and voildlings in town."

Leafiara recites:

"Everyone okay?"

Mnar says, "The other side of the portal has been compromised."

Lyrna: "The pylon in front of Moot Hall is being attacked."

Cryheart: "Shadow ran north."

Mnar says, "Lake Eonak is covered with demons."

Leafiara: "They're attacking the pylon itself?"

Sulien: "Clunk is down. Portal is now undefended."


Ensayn says, "I was comfy."

Puptilian: "We had a vathor and a few other lesser demons here at the north gate."


  • Maelkyth just bit the dust!

Sulien: "Viva saw knights and voidlings along North Ring Road / North Gate."

A host of bulbous blood red wasps can be seen zooming in and out of the portal, swarming the shadow world and the Landing.


  • Lexbubba has been vaporized!
  • Lexbubba drops dead at your feet!
  • Lexbubba just bit the dust!


  • Skipjack just bit the dust!


Puptilian: "Can use a bit of help north gate. Group is on me."

Fahlo: "Outside Thrak's is not safe."

The voice of Tsarok quietly says, "Toodles, Rob."

The voice of Tsarok quietly says, "Oh hi."

Roelaren: "Bodies to Thrak's."

Hapenlok: "I've got a man down!"

Cruxophim: "MURDER WASPS."

Roblar deeply says, "Toodle."

Roelaren: "Trophy room."


  • Stormyrain just bit the dust!


  • Eleftheros just bit the dust!
  • Maiehia just bit the dust!

Guarrin: "Status at north gate?"

[extended combat]

Sulien: "Fighting eyeballs at North Gate."

[extended combat]

Puptilian: "Ok need help north gate."

[extended combat]

  • Anemegus just bit the dust!

Motes of white light flicker in the distance against the dark backdrop of the shadow realm.

  • Asunea just bit the dust!

Leafiara yells, "Is that you?"

Roelon deeply says, "Look..."


Ariond asks, "What are those lights?"


  • Sttry just bit the dust!

Vlashandra: "It's working, soon you'll see. Keep vigilant."


  • Aserak just bit the dust!


  • Faerinn drops dead at your feet!
  • Faerinn just bit the dust!
  • Zhontai just bit the dust!

Asben says, "Exciting."


Leafiara: "We are seeing motes of white light in here."

Leafiara: "Maybe you should come join us."


  • Anemegus just bit the dust!


Vlashandra: "Soon you will join me. Join us."


Leafiara: "...uh-huh."


Lyrna: "That's not ominous at all."


Pietra: "That didn't come across as super ominous."


Cruxophim: "Not even a little."

[vey extended combat]

Lyrna: "Those of us at the pylon are out of mana if anyone wants to come help power the pylon outside of Moot Hall."


Aleyi softly says, "Stupid magic immunes."


  • Wizzlet just bit the dust!


Guarrin: "North gate has...eyeballs attacking it."

You peer west and see ...

[Shadow Realm]

In the distance, hulking shadows rise on the horizon, their forms misshapen and tall. The trail leading ever onward branches here to the east and the west, one fork leading toward the indistinct shadows and the other to a destination from which a dull crimson glow pulses into the darkness. You also see a raven that is flying around, a wooden shield, a broadsword, a wooden shield, a huge shadow wight, a gnarled shadow fiend, an ebon-scaled void serpent that appears dead, a winged blood red vathor that is lying down, an ebon-scaled void serpent that appears dead, a huge shadow wight, a gnarled shadow fiend, a winged blood red vathor, a shifting red-eyed voidling, a leathery black shadow bat that appears dead, an ethereal black wraithling that appears dead, a whirling soul wraith, a swirling shadow golem and a nightmarish shadow apparition.

Also here: Commander Roblar

Leafiara says, "I think Roblar wants to fight all that by himself..."

Ysharra: "If you see any cobalt blue ones I'm sorry."

Rozy says, "Looking for Aralytes..."

Ichor-covered eyeballs press through the incarnadine portal, slipping into the world and hovering towards Wehnimer's Landing.

The voice of Tsarok quietly says, "Impressive."

Leafiara yells, "We'll leave ya to it, Roblar!"

Commander Roblar just arrived.

Leafiara says, "Or not."

[extended combat]

Leafiara says, "That Rook in the east tower is gonna have some interesting boxes to pass on tonight.."

Hapenlok: "Oh, balls. Oculoth made it in."

  • Esias just bit the dust!

Speaking affably to Leafiara, Cruxophim muses, "Full of dolls."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ariond asks, "He's a Rook?"

Gidion: "North gate is undefended."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Rozy asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Ariond, Leafiara says, "Sure looks like one at least..."


  • Mongonator just bit the dust!


Sulien: "Eyeballs at the North Gate."


Dergoatean: "And west gate only has 5."

Gidion: "Eyeballs and no people except my ballista work at north gate."

Guarrin: "Peer out."

  • Woodsen just bit the dust!

Leafiara yells, "We're here, Aralyte!"

Guarrin: "...and you'll see a bloody mess."

Aeith: "Shamblers inside the north gate."


Pukk yells, "Olly Olly Oxen Free!"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Lylia admits something you don't understand.

  • Maelfor just bit the dust!

Dergoatean: "North gate overrun."


  • Zhagen just bit the dust!


The voice of Asben says, "Oof."


  • Qza just bit the dust!


  • Mnar drops dead at your feet!
  • Shiril drops dead at your feet!
  • Rasson drops dead at your feet!
  • Aleyi drops dead at your feet!
  • Roelon drops dead at your feet!
  • Mnar just bit the dust!
  • Shiril just bit the dust!
  • Rasson just bit the dust!
  • Aleyi just bit the dust!
  • Roelon just bit the dust!


Roblar deeply says, "Why allo."

[extended combat]

  • Tsarok drops dead at your feet!
  • Tsarok just bit the dust!


Pietra exclaims, "Nooo!"


  • Farhammer just bit the dust!


Dergoatean: "Eyeballs dispel ten spells at a time."


Leafiara recites:

"Regroup, rejoin!"

Cruxophim recites:

"Form on Leafiara!"

Cryheart: "Down to four."

Hapenlok: "Blew out my nerves, guys. I'll be back in the field."

  • Giney is off to a rough start! She just bit the dust!

Leafiara recites:

"Moving in 10"


Leafiara adds, "Or, just... fighting here."

[extended combat]

Maylan recites:

"Form on Leafiara"

  • Evia just bit the dust!

Dayzed deeply says, "Sabotage, Raelee, Xorus need grabbin."


  • Aureliano just bit the dust!

[extended combat]

  • Daniels drops dead at your feet!
  • Daniels just bit the dust!
  • Balantine has been vaporized!
  • Balantine just bit the dust!


Cryheart: "Vathor at west gate."

A winged blood red vathor suddenly slams its huge clawed foot down, sending out a rippling shockwave that blurs and contorts the air around you!

[SMR result: 120 (Open d100: 38, Bonus: 26)]

Cruxophim is caught by the force and goes soaring east...

[just about everyone gets split up at this point, but in all the noise it's hard to even see, so bear that in mind with the coming confusion...]

[SMR result: 263 (Open d100: 176, Bonus: 21)]

You are caught by the force and go soaring west...

[Shadow Realm]

The face of the tumultuous mountain is altogether unlike any that can be found in the waking world. Strips of cloth that may have once been banners peek out from beneath rocks and within crevices, their countenances torn and frayed, making their crests all but unidentifiable. Sandwiched between the boulders that create the base of the range are humanoid limbs that twitch and swat at the empty air from time to time. You also see a winged blood red vathor, a lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra and a big floating ichor-covered eyeball.

Also here: a stunned Xorus who is lying down, a stunned Rozy who is lying down, a stunned Melikor who is lying down, a stunned Lord Chamorr who is lying down

Obvious paths: east

...and hit the ground with a sickening *THUD*!

... 26 points of damage!

Hard blow to your chest breaking several ribs!

Hard to breathe!

You are stunned for 6 rounds!

Clunk: "Sheesh."

  • Guarrin just bit the dust!


  • Metrias just bit the dust!


Speaking in Guildspeak, Rozy exclaims something you don't understand.


Sulien: "Couple of eyeballs and wasps outside the North Gate."


Pietra asks, "Where... .did everyone go?"


Leafiara gasps, "Numbers dwindling..."

Maags: "Are there enough clerics in town center?"


  • Rozy drops dead at your feet!
  • Rozy just bit the dust!


Roelaren: "We are in the trophy room in Thrak Inn."


Madevra: "Healers at Trophy Room, but lots of bodies without clerics."



  • Lylia just bit the dust!
  • Yakushi just bit the dust!


Leafiara slowly says, "So, I think we might not have enough of us left..."

[Shadow Realm]

The face of the tumultuous mountain is altogether unlike any that can be found in the waking world. Strips of cloth that may have once been banners peek out from beneath rocks and within crevices, their countenances torn and frayed, making their crests all but unidentifiable. Sandwiched between the boulders that create the base of the range are humanoid limbs that twitch and swat at the empty air from time to time. You also see the Ensayn disk, a raven that is flying around, a slender shadowy voidwalker, a viridian-eyed shadowy oculoth that appears dead, a five-taloned mottled grey grik'trak, the Chamorr disk, a lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra that appears dead and a big floating ichor-covered eyeball.

Also here: Ensayn, Drektor, Melikor, Lord Chamorr, Mayor Leafiara

Ensayn says, "They are more to the east."

Ensayn says, "People."


[Shadow Realm]

In the distance, hulking shadows rise on the horizon, their forms misshapen and tall. The trail leading ever onward branches here to the east and the west, one fork leading toward the indistinct shadows and the other to a destination from which a dull crimson glow pulses into the darkness. You also see a huge shadowy primordial that is lying down, some blackened platemail, a kakore bolt tipped with a bodkin point, a kakore bolt tipped with a bodkin point, a huge dusky shrike that is lying down, a snow white raven that is lying down, a sinuous bone white serpent, the brown Sabotage disk, the Ariond disk, the Dayzed disk, the Balley disk and some blackened platemail.

Also here: Pietra, Commander Roblar, Quartermaster Tsarok, Bernadette who is lying down, Xorus who is lying down, Alisaire, Chaoswynd, Sabotage who is lying down, Dayzed, Magister Raelee, Shinann who is lying down, Ariond, Land Pirate Maylan, Pukk who is lying down, Sacru, Mistress Berkana, Ysharra, Cruxophim, Gypsy Scribe Balley

Ensayn, Drektor, Melikor and Chamorr followed.


Leafiara says, "Hmm..."

Roelaren: "Lots of healed bodies brought to us, we need clerics, empaths have almost nothing to do."

Leafiara recites:

"Join Crux!"

Cruxophim recites:

"Reform on Leafi!"

  • Dilyian just bit the dust!

Leafiara asks, "Are the... shadows splitting us?"

Ysharra says, "I don't know."

Yukito: "Stop getting hit in the chest, try an arm!"

  • Puptilian just bit the dust!

Pukk recites:

"Don't panic. Roblar is still alive!"


Cruxophim recites:

"All good, nice recovery"


(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "Leafi, pass lead to Crux if you want him to lead."

Leafiara recites:

"Join up, Crux passed the lead back!"

(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "Leafi's got it, I was just holding for her to get back in."


Gidion: "Yakushi down at north gate."


Roelaren: "We could really use more clerics here, many healed bodies here."


Cryheart: "Bad vathor at west gate."


Leafiara muses, "Even I can't see through this much chaos to figure out how we were getting separated."

  • Mactor just bit the dust!

Roblar deeply says, "Da day vathors became rolton."

Pietra: "Are there good vathors?"

The voice of Asben asks, "Crux or leafi?"

Pietra says, "Leafi."

  • Lylia just bit the dust!

Cruxophim recites:


Chaoswynd: "Depends.. do you know Bob?"

Xorus says, "Gods, I love this realm..."

Cruxophim: "Minor setback but we're recovering."

Leafiara: "The realm briefly separated us, but we're overcoming!"

Pietra: "Where's that crazy wanna be Raelee woman with her sack of flesh anyways?"

Roblar yells, "Kill dem all!"

Completing the Ritual

[Shadow Realm]

Traveling to the peak of this bit of land, the climb is made more steep simply by the volume of bones scattered across the ground. Layer upon layer, the remains are heaped until it is near impossible to even see what lies beneath them. Tendrils of shadow writhe and curl in the air where the rise drops off in a sheer cliff, leaving nothing but crimson clouds of mist to haunt the darkness beyond the field of bones. You also see a rune-covered wooden cart with a misshapen featureless body on it.

Also here: Lady Vlashandra

Roblar, Sacru, Dayzed, Ensayn, Drektor, Melikor, Chamorr, Pietra, Xorus, Alisaire, Chaoswynd, Raelee, Shinann, Ariond, Maylan, Pukk, Berkana, Ysharra, Cruxophim and Balley followed.

Several ribbons of white light bleed across the black skies of the shadow world, seeming to twist towards a specific location in the distance.

Speaking thoughtfully to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Ah, there you are."

Several ribbons of white light bleed across the black skies of the shadow world, seeming to twist towards a specific location in the distance.

Clunk: "Last I seen was goin in the portal."

Pukk says, "There."

Hapenlok: "If she's not dead, she'd better plan on it."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake. [reiterating, italics are what's happening outside the portal]

Pukk says, "Did you see that."

Chandrellia: "In the portal Pietra."

Alisaire says, "Well, that's an entirely specific location over there."

A flickering shadow spectre runs southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Where'd you come from?"

Pietra says, "Over there...."

Leafiara: "We've found Vlashandra here."

  • Getwolf just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Maylan says, "Whew."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

The voice of Asben says, "There you are."

Balley softly says, "Where did you run off to Vlashandra."

Xorus asks, "Will we be cliff diving?"

Lyrna: "What's happened?"

Speaking cautiously to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "So, everything going well?"

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Hapenlok: "Okay, folks. necleriines."

Speaking amusedly to Ysharra, Cruxophim guesses, "Echo."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Chandrellia: "Kill the wench!"

Vlashandra says, "Everything is....yes."

Clunk: "We need a healer at Voln."

Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "Fun party."

(OOC) Ariond's player whispers to the group, "Afk briefly."

Chandrellia: "On my way to Voln."

  • Trueglow just bit the dust!

Pietra: "She magically showed up. Weird."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Vlashandra stands at the cliff's edge before a field of crimson mist and utter darkness.

Leafiara says, "Still looks the same as outside..." [the body description hadn't changed]

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

  • Lrash just bit the dust!

Speaking quietly to Pietra, Tsarok says, "I got ded Pie."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

  • Shyspirit just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Speaking to Tsarok, Pietra says, "I know, sugar."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

>targ vlasha

You can't target Vlashandra.

  • Tolene just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Speaking to Tsarok, Pietra says, "You're all better now."

Tsarok quietly says, "Asben lived and I didn't."

  • Squigly just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Speaking quietly to Pietra, Tsarok says, "Hard times."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

Vlashandra says, "Your town is being overrun. I apologize. There isn't much time left. Then we can leave."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

  • Pfarrah just bit the dust!

Speaking to Tsarok, Pietra says, "It's alright, he'll head to the bowels sooner or later."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "...guard this position, then?"

Speaking gruffly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim inquires, "Is it done?"

Sulien: "North Gate could use reinforcements if available."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

Pietra asks, "Where's the body sack lady spirit uh... thing?"

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

  • Baronessa just bit the dust!

Ysharra says, "She may be a bit preoccupied."

Berost: "Where is tha need north or west?"

Gidion: "Three down at north gate."

Gidion: "And a bunch of wasps and eyeballs."

  • Draccor just bit the dust!
  • Kaldwin just bit the dust!

Speaking reassuringly to Roblar, Ensayn says, "I got ya."

Sulien: "North gate has almost a dozen enemies."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Vlashandra says, "No."

Leafiara says, "Oddly calm for now, at least..."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Vlashandra says, "The final piece begins now."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Hapenlok: "I'm surrounded by murder wasps and wraiths."

Balley softly asks, "What do you need for that?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Final piece?"

Berost: "When I am recovered I will head to North."

  • Baronessa just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Pietra says, "I bet it's the head."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Hapenlok: "And apparently, a velnanin."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

  • Saturninus just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A huge shadow wight runs southwest.

A whirling soul wraith drifts southwest.

A shifting red-eyed voidling melts into the shadows heading southwestward.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

A leathery black shadow bat wafts southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A viridian-eyed shadowy oculoth ripples its shadowy mass as it hovers southwest!

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A shifting red-eyed voidling melts into the shadows heading southwestward.

A winged blood red vathor stomps southwest!

A squat lumbering night shambler runs southwest.

A nightmarish shadow apparition floats southwest.

A lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra slithers southwest!

Tolida: "Status on Vlashandra?"

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A huge shadow wight runs southwest.

A huge death giant runs southwest.

A huge shadowy primordial melts into the shadows heading southwestward.

Leafiara says, "The transference... as it were."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Dergoatean: "Singin Me n Cryheart down by the west gate..."

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A swirling shadow golem lopes southwest.

The Symbol of Need begins to burn in your mind and an image appears before you of Clunk...

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]

Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a bulbous murky red blood wasp, a plain gold chest, a bulbous murky red blood wasp, a bulbous murky red blood wasp, a bulbous murky red blood wasp, a bulbous murky red blood wasp that is lying down, a bulbous murky red blood wasp that is lying down, a bulbous murky red blood wasp that is lying down, a bulbous murky red blood wasp that is lying down, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, an ivy-covered white monir tower and the Wayside inn.

Also here: the body of a stunned Clunk who is lying down, the body of Draccor who is lying down

A leathery black shadow bat wafts southwest.

  • Clunk just bit the dust!

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters noisily as it limps southwest.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A huge shadow wight runs southwest.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

A rolton trots southwest.

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Leafiara: "Enemies inbound, Landing. I have eyes on the portal and they're moving quick."

Pietra: "She says there's one more piece and it begins now. We don't know what that means."

A squat lumbering night shambler runs southwest.

Shinann: "She said the final phase begins now..."

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A winged blood red vathor stomps southwest!

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

Roblar: "North Gate no look so great."

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters southwest.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

Dergoatean: "We are almost completely depleted out here."

A shadowy black phantom runs southwest.

Ysharra says, "One way or another, we're about to find out."

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

Vlashandra: "We are almost finished. Defend and hold as long as you can."

An ethereal black wraithling screams in hatred and drags himself southwestward.

Ensayn says, "I can swing my sledgehammer at something if it'll help."

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

A shifting red-eyed voidling melts into the shadows heading southwestward.

A rolton trots southwest.

A lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra slithers southwest!

Vlashandra stands in front of a rune-covered wooden cart.

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters noisily as it limps southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A slender shadowy voidwalker floats southwest.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

Leafiara: "They're coming directly from the portal, if anyone can muster a large force right there."

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A flickering shadow spectre runs southwest.

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A winged blood red vathor stomps southwest!

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

Speaking to Ensayn, Ysharra says, "Hitting things with a hammer is a time-honored strategy."

  • Faerinn just bit the dust!
  • Shiril just bit the dust!

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

Dergoatean: "The forces are pretty much all in the shadows, I think."

  • Berost just bit the dust!

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

A viridian-eyed shadowy oculoth ripples its shadowy mass as it hovers southwest!

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

Vlashandra lovingly traces her fingers along the smooth pristine flesh of the amorphous body, leaning in close to whisper to the side of its featureless head.

A slender shadowy voidwalker floats southwest.

A leathery black shadow bat haphazardly glides southwest.

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

Leafiara: "No, I can see them all going. They're very visible."

Hapenlok: "Look, guys.... I'm out of mana."

A gnarled shadow fiend runs southwest.

A slender shadowy voidwalker floats southwest.

A rolton trots southwest.

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A swirling shadow golem lopes southwest.

An ethereal black wraithling screams in hatred and drags himself southwestward.

A slender shadowy voidwalker floats southwest.

A huge shadow wight runs southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Vlashandra removes an iron-hinged leather book from in her light blue robe.

A winged spindly necleriine flies southwest!

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A huge shadow wight runs southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Roblar deeply asks, "Any sign of Aralyte?"

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra slithers southwest!

Leafiara: "Wraithlings, shadow golems, death knights, serpents, twisting shadows, shadow wights..."

  • Evia just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A huge shadow wight runs southwest.

A raven says, "Eyeballs are in the Landing."

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters southwest.

Speaking to a raven, Maylan says, "Eew."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Pietra says, "Maybe she's part of that white light we see now and then."

A swirling shadow golem lopes southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

Speaking wryly to a raven, Leafiara says, "I'm well aware."

Chamorr heartily says, "They just lookin around."

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters southwest.

Kippe: "... and these wasps."

Hapenlok: "That's hilarious...."

Bernadette softly says, "Mebbe."

  • Zambroschyn is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters southwest.

Speaking to a raven, Ysharra says, "You and Munin should return. A raven's repast, that."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Hapenlok: "One of the eyeballs just threw a gold chest at me."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Vlashandra pulls a black tome from her robe.

An ethereal black wraithling screams in hatred and drags himself southwestward.

Raelee quietly says, "... white light, white fire... yet another hallmark of mine she has 'borrowed'."

Leafiara: "Strategically, I'd say get mana to the wizards."

Ensayn hopefully asks, "Got time for a sandwich?"

Roblar: "Dey av giant stingers, beware."

A glowing-eyed death knight clatters southwest.

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

Hapenlok: "Telekinesis, got to love it."

Yukito: "THAT's hilarious."

  • Barkabon just bit the dust!

An ethereal black wraithling screams in hatred and drags himself southwestward.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Pietra: "Wait, the eyeballs have ARMS?"

A bulbous murky red blood wasp heads southwest.

  • Villorn just bit the dust!

A swirling shadow golem lopes southwest.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

  • Winowitch just bit the dust!

Vlashandra runs her hands along the pages of the tome.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Lylia says, "The soulstone I bear flashed white radiance the other night. As though it and the portal were calling to one another."

  • Zambroschyn is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!

Pietra: "Ahhhh... Still funny."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

An ethereal black wraithling screams in hatred and drags himself southwestward.

A winged blood red vathor stomps southwest!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

An ebon-scaled void serpent slithers southwest, leaving a trail of rotting scales.

A lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra slithers southwest!

Vlashandra says, "The creatures of shadows gather beyond this point. When we are done, we will need to fight our way out."

Speaking to Raelee, Alisaire says, "She looks nothing like you. You're clearly several inches shorter."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Sulien: "North Gate: a huge shadowy primodial."

You peer southwest and see ...

[Shadow Realm]

It is impossible to walk here without crushing bone under heel, the span of ground as far as the eye can see seeming little more than a collection of spines, skulls, and ribcages amid the bed of miscellaneous parts and pieces. Somewhere in the darkness, the sound of wings flapping is accompanied by a beastial scream, savage and raw. You also see a shadowy black phantom, a flickering shadow spectre, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, a snow white raven that is flying around and a huge dusky shrike that is flying around.

Guarrin: "How's it looking out there?"

Lylia says, "I had every expectation of doing so."

  • Zambroschyn is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!

Speaking dryly to Alisaire, Raelee says, "Thank you for that."

A swirling shadow golem lopes southwest.

Pietra says, "Well we fought our way in..."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Alisaire airily says, "Of course."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Thrassus asks, "Has Aralyte been seen?"

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "Those demons stole my imp."

Vlashandra says, "When the transference is complete, we need to get the body out."

Roblar deeply says, "No tink so, jus a light."

Speaking to Thrassus, Leafiara says, "White lights that might or might not be her essence..."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

Vlashandra says, "For its completion."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Provided we're to surivive this final piece you mentioned."

Berkana ironically says, "What a surprise."

Speaking wryly to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Oh, good, transference. Now you're talking my language."

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

  • Razdan just bit the dust!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

  • Raincail just bit the dust!

A winged blood red vathor stomps southwest!

Pietra asks, "Oooh can we just fog out?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara speculates, "That's why you had to come here. To study Quinshon and Dennet's notes."

A lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra slithers southwest!

Leafiara says, "That's why you were poking around the outpost."

  • Gnarles just bit the dust!

A lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra slithers southwest!

A mass of twisting shadows drifts smoothly southwest, leaving a shadowy haze in its wake.

An ethereal black wraithling screams in hatred and drags himself southwestward. [you get the point; the area at the portal is completely overrun and it doesn't even come close to stopping here, but I'll cut it there]

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

  • Elbromo just bit the dust!
  • Enzick just bit the dust!
  • Balantine just bit the dust!

Ysharra says, "I hope she has better finesse with it than the Grand Magister."

Vlashandra flips through what appears to be the final pages of her black tome. The pages seem to glow, casting a pale sheen on her fragmented face. She cranes her head, nods, and raises the book up.

Dergoatean: "News from the shadow realm?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra asks, "Are you saying she's got her own nefarious reasons for all this?"

Maylan: "Vlashandra decided that it is now story time. We are reading a book."

Sulien: "Inside North Gate is secure, but outside North Gate is a dead zone."

  • Abeer just bit the dust!

(OOC) Ariond's player whispers to the group, "Caught up, sorry bout that."

Ysharra says, "Considering what Leafiara did to poor Cyph after his...alteration."

Roelaren: "Can someone get Balantine, Elbromo and the other one or two out there."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Ironic... I drew a diagram to help you understand why asking for my blood would have been a bad idea, in case you did, but you probably already knew."

Pietra: "She's reading, we're just... watching her read."

Sulien: "*death* zone."

Ensayn grumbles, "All that work is making me hungry and thirsty."

Maylan: "Yeah. She's not a very good storyteller."

Dergoatean: "Thank you."

Hapenlok: "Damn it. I just got dispelled."

Pietra: "She kinda sucks, it's true."

Leafiara grabs an elaborate gold-framed painting from a small pocket inside of her red silk cape.

  • Lauranathalasa just bit the dust!

Leafiara carefully places an elaborate gold-framed painting on the ground.

>l painting

Across the canvas, a series of painted bubbles containing words link together in a tangled diagram of relationships. "Hall of Mages" connects to Brieson, Dennet, Quinshon, Raznel, and Vlashandra. "Shadow Valence" connects to Quinshon and Vlashandra. "Black Blood" connects to Brieson, Leafiara, Raznel, and Shinann; Leafiara is noted as Cold and Shinann as Hot. "Transference" connects to Dennet, Leafiara, Quinshon, Raznel, Sareyna, and Shinann; Leafiara and Sareyna are noted as Ruled Out.

There appears to be something written on it.

Vlashandra grins crookedly as white flames lick the edges of the book and she hurls it out over the cliffside, its leather binding igniting with white fire. The book begins to peel apart as it burns, and for a single moment you are able to glimpse the pages. Blank pages. The burning book descends into the darkness of the world below, its white fiery light fading away.

Pukk: "Happy, yer a wizard."

  • Nystros just bit the dust!

Lylia says, "If you have crossed us..."

Ensayn explains, "You aren't getting that book back."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "So now you reveal your tricks, yes?"

Pietra: "Now she's burning her book..."

>targ vlas

You can't target Vlashandra.

Hapenlok: "Yeah, but most of this stuff I have on scrolls."

  • Faerinn just bit the dust!

Vlashandra says, "The book has given me that which I needed."

Yukito: "WHAT? ARGH!"

Pietra exclaims, "Goodbye storytime!"

Lylia says, "It was not only your book. You said it yourself."

Vlashandra says, "Let us get Aralyte home."

Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.

Vlashandra says, "Correct. It was not only mine."

  • Mongonator just bit the dust!

>targ vlas

You can't target Vlashandra.

Pietra: "I have no clue what this woman is doing."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "It's no one's now."

Alvyara: "I have never had a clue what that woman was doing."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Lost to the flames and shadows."

  • Ceilia just bit the dust!

Leafiara says, "Maybe we can fight 'our' way out."

Pietra: "Fair point, Alvyara."

Vlashandra removes a flask of sparkling body essence from in her black leather satchel.

Lylia says, "Then not only yours to destroy. Let us hope you are equally aware of what may come if Aralyte is likewise lost to flame and shadow."

Guarrin: "Did someone get Balantine?"

  • Nubunga just bit the dust!

Hapenlok: "I may have to deploy meteors."

Lylia coldly reminds, "She, too, is not yours."

Speaking quietly to himself, Ensayn says, "Yeah . . it's gone."

Speaking in Aelotian, Cruxophim calmly murmurs something you don't understand.

Vlashandra pours the flask of body essence onto the amorphous humanoid shape in the cart. The essence seeps into the unblemished flesh.

Roelaren: "Yes he is got but not in triage yet."

Hapenlok: "North gate's overrun."

Vlashandra says, "Body of shadow..."

Vlashandra says, "We shall rebind to our world..."

Leafiara: "Is there any way others can just get you mana for repeated Cones of Elements?"

Vlashandra removes a flask of sparkling mind essence from in her black leather satchel.

Hapenlok: "No, I think they reflect those."

Dergoatean: "Found the vathor, Cryheart."

Dergoatean: "Halfway to the portal."

Roblar deeply asks, "Why shud da Blade be put in dat unholy mess?"

Ensayn approvingly says, "I'll drink to that."

  • Drafix just bit the dust!

Roelaren: "Winowitch outside n gate."

Roblar deeply demands, "Let us see her, now!"

Vlashandra pours the vial of mind at the head of the body, the essence seeping deep within.

Speaking wryly to Roblar, Leafiara says, "Apparently it's the best she can muster."

Ysharra asks, "Can we find Aralyte and see her, before we commit to this?"

Vlashandra says, "Mind lost to shadow, wander no more."

  • Ycelacie just bit the dust!

Cruxophim neutrally observes, "Curious."

Leafiara admits, "I'm not sure there's enough of her left physically to see..."

  • Keiiko just bit the dust!

Cruxophim whispers to the group, "Not precisely what I expected, but not unakin."

Vlashandra removes a flask of sparkling soul essence from in her black leather satchel.

  • Zambroschyn is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!

Roblar deeply says, "Ah also feed no hunger 'ere."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.

  • Hapenlok just bit the dust!

Roblar deeply says, "Feel."

Ariond: "Landing defenders, the entire Lower Dragonsclaw is filled with monstronsities."

Vlashandra pours the essence of soul onto the center of the body and closes her eyes.

Roelaren: "Is someone getting Winowitch."

  • Faerinn just bit the dust!

Leafiara quietly says, "The final test..."

Ensayn says, "No tests."

  • Aleyi just bit the dust!

Vlashandra says, "May the lost soul of the world beyond find its place home."

Pietra: "She's pouring goop on the body, hoping for Aralyte to uh, get in it."

Pietra: "Ugly body, though. She may not want to. I sure wouldn't."

The body upon the cart seems to vibrate, twisting and almost lurching forward. The body seems to shift slightly, as if trying to take shape.

Vlashandra says, "It has begun. We must return."

Vlashandra says, "It cannot take shape here."

Pietra asks, "How about we wait for her...?"

Ysharra says, "Necleriine waiting for us."

  • Bini just bit the dust!

Vlashandra says, "Clear the way."

Leafiara slowly says, "Alright then... brace, everyone..."

Thrassus says, "I think we should hurry."

Vlashandra: "We're coming back through."

Dergoatean exclaims, "It's a MESS out there!"

Speaking frankly to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "I don't trust you."

Leafiara says, "Nonetheless, either way we have to escape here..."

Roblar: "Fear not, dey shall fall like wheat soon enuff."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra says, "I always knew you were smart."

The voice of Asben says, "Let's get outta here."

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim inquires, "Do we hold, Mayor?"

[travel begins]

Ysharra says, "Let's go."


Roelon: "Careful, and close that thing up when ALL are out aye?"


You peer northeast and see ...

[Shadow Realm]

Traveling to the peak of this bit of land, the climb is made more steep simply by the volume of bones scattered across the ground. Layer upon layer, the remains are heaped until it is near impossible to even see what lies beneath them. Tendrils of shadow writhe and curl in the air where the rise drops off in a sheer cliff, leaving nothing but crimson clouds of mist to haunt the darkness beyond the field of bones. You also see a glistening black apple, a complex Eorgina symbol of essence suspended mid-air, a jagged eight-pointed cruciform drawn in ebon-swirled blood and a rune-covered wooden cart with a misshapen featureless body on it.

Also here: Lady Vlashandra


  • Guarrin just bit the dust!


  • Chandrellia just bit the dust!

Leafiara yells, "You coming?"

Roblar deeply says, "Bugs."

Pietra yells, "Bring the cart and flesh sack too!"

Leafiara says, "She's still there..."

Pietra says, "She's awful."

Dergoatean asks, "Soooo how's everyone doooinngg?"

Lady Vlashandra just arrived.

Rozy says, "Who group leader."

Vlashandra joins Leafiara's group.

Leafiara nods at Vlashandra.

Lylia tersely says, "Remains to be seen."


Ensayn says, "Cart her along. We'll find our way out."


Vlashandra pulls the cart behind her.

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "MADE It."


(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "Awesome!"

Hapenlok: "Okay."

[combat, travel]

Dergoatean asks, "What'd Rozy and I miss??"

Roelaren: "Someone bring in Winowitch."

Hapenlok: "Get everyone clear of the north gate."

Leafiara: "We're returning... fighting back."

  • Fyngaeth just bit the dust!


The voice of Asben says, "Everything."


Speaking to Dergoatean, Maylan asks, "Um, some goo...a book.....the usual?"

Ysharra says, "Vlashandra bound what's left of Aralyte to the body in the cart."

Ysharra says, "The book was burnt."


Roelaren: "Ye dont have to heal him first, that is what we emapths in triage are here for, just bring him in."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Pietra says, "She poured goo on the yucky body and then said it was time to go."


Vlashandra pulls the cart behind her.

Roelon: "Make sure ye got everyone with ye."

Pietra says, "Oh yeah, and chucked the burning book off a cliff."


Pietra says, "You know, the usual."


Dergoatean says, "Average weekend."

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "Bring out your dead?"

Hapenlok: "Leafi, keep everyone away from the north gate. I'm calling down the thunder."

Guarrin: "Keep your groups open."


Vlashandra pulls the cart behind her.


Pietra says, "Just another late Feastday eve."


Hapenlok: "Or not."

(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "I don't want to go on the cart!"

Closing the Portal

[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]

You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a cheery luck spirit that is flying around, a sinuous bone white serpent, a big floating ichor-covered eyeball, a small raven that is flying around, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a black-flecked incarnadine portal, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a brown wolf that is sitting, a massive snowy white tiger, a cedar chip path and a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees.

Also here: a stunned Kondus who is kneeling, the body of Lady in Waiting Chandrellia who is lying down

Obvious paths: southwest

Vlashandra, Rozy, Dergoatean, Thrassus, Lylia, Sabotage, Bernadette, Roblar, Sacru, Dayzed, Ensayn, Drektor, Melikor, Chamorr, Pietra, Xorus, Alisaire, Chaoswynd, Raelee, Shinann, Ariond, Maylan, Pukk, Berkana, Ysharra and Balley followed.


Yukito: "It is not very voluntary. I keep trying to be open to being approached."


(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "I think I'll go for a walk!"

Cryheart: "West gate clear."

Roblar deeply says, "Oh."

Roblar deeply says, "Ded."

Leafiara: "We've made it out... does anywhere still need aid?"

Roelaren: "Look outside north gate."

Hapenlok: "Is it done?"

Dergoatean says, "Check the gates."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra asks, "You gonna close that portal?"

Dagnert: "Yay!"

Xorus asks, "Is closing it really necessary?"

Roelaren: "I see two or three dead out there."

Roblar deeply says, "Will go to north gate."

Ysharra says, "We made it. I think."

Dergoatean says, "I still expect a vathor and two aryran along the way to town."

Pietra: "It's not done, but we're out."

Dagnert: "We win?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ariond says, "Close the portal, now."

Berost: "Where we be at?"

Ariond: "We're out, but not back to town."

Leafiara: "The body is shaping, if we can believe her."

Raincail quietly says, "Way to town seems clear."

Alvyara: "Is it safe at the lake?"

Ysharra says, "Not encouraging."

Vlashandra stands in front of a black-flecked incarnadine portal.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "Do we need to do anything to aid with closing it?"

Raincail quietly says, "Town has some weaker things about."

Dergoatean: "Safe at this instant."

Roblar: "Was promised mayhem."

Dagnert: "She is one scary critter."

Ensayn says, "This place I recognize."

Dergoatean: "Can't say anything more than that."

>look bod

The body appears to be a large yet misshapen mass of patchwork flesh. Despite its contorted form, the skin of the body is unblemished, and the threadwork used to stitch together every scrap of flesh is pristine. The body holds a semi-amorphous shape, but there are what appears to be humanoid limbs sprouting on each side and a bald head attached to the globule of flesh, but the face is absent of any features.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Keeping your end of the bargain, I hope?"

Speaking to Lylia, Pietra asks, "Did you sense Aralyte at all?"

Kondus deeply says, "I'm cursed."

Alvyara says, "If you can't uncurse the cursed, just let them lie down."

Lylia flatly says, "No."

Roblar: "Town iz clear."

Speaking to Cryheart, Dergoatean asks, "You killed all the demons?"

Roblar: "Oh only outside."

Vlashandra holds her hands out towards the portal and begins to move her fingers about as if knitting the very air. The red ichor ribbons of the portal begin to weave together, as if slowly sealing up.

Cryheart says, "I think the vathor was dealt with."

Puptilian says, "Lying down doens't help the curse."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, the ghostly voice of Chandrellia asks, "Did we find Aralyte?"

Speaking to Puptilian, Pietra says, "It helps with the falling over."

Darconas melodically asks, "There a group to join?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Dergoatean says, "I also so two aryran on the way back to the portal."

Puptilian says, "Didn't for me."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "We think she's entering that body there now..."

Speaking to Darconas, Dergoatean says, "Mayor group."

Speaking to Darconas, Pietra says, "Join Leafiara."

Leafiara recites:

"Join up!"

Shinann says, "We found... something."

Cryheart says, "Join the Mayor."

Dergoatean: "Vlashandra appears to be closing the portal."

Roelon deeply says, "So that was the shadow realm..."

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Kondus asks, "Hold me please?"

Roelaren: "Bring them to us please."

Cryheart: "Come join the mayor."

Faerinn asks, "Was that something you found Aralyte?"

Lyrna says, "Figured when the pylon powered itself down, the immediate danger must be gone."

Dergoatean says, "Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there."

The portal slowly seals up, the bloody ribbons closing the opening and the shadows of the world beyond fading.

  • Shyspirit just bit the dust!

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "I have never been let down by your good sense."

Rozy says, "Vacation planner would not get tips."

Kondus deeply says, "I hate getting cursed."

Leafiara musingly says, "Well, one problem down..."

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee says, "I did not do anything."

Sulien: "North Ring Road and West Ring Road are clear."

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Leafiara says, "Now about the one we actually set out for..."

Faerinn says, "Still featureless."

Dergoatean: "Shadows are receding at the portal."

Maags says, "Which one."

Rtune asks, "Issit overs?"

Darconas melodically asks, "Hm, is the fight over already?"

Puptilian says, "I worry if we keep opening holes to that realm that it will be too easy for shadow monsters to simply travel over to here."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Rozy says, "And the services were... lacking."

Leafiara whispers something to Hapenlok.

Speaking quietly to Ysharra, Raelee says, "I was just... feeling it."

Rtune says, "That interdiction is nasty business."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Pietra says, "The locals were rude."

Roelon deeply says, "Who knows what else was let out..."

Clunk recites deeply:

"All I done was toot my horn once"

Cryheart whispers something to Rtune.

Speaking quietly in Halfling to Maags, Hapenlok asks something you don't understand.

Cryheart says, "And a fine job ye did, Clunk."

Speaking to Aserak, Ysharra says, "I have a feeling that our success will be short-lived."

The blood and energy of the portal begins to harden.

Speaking to Rozy, Dergoatean says, "Attacked by unspeakable horrors. A minus."

Vlashandra nods.

  • Gutstorm just bit the dust!

Gidion: "Still some in the forest..."

Speaking to Clunk, Pukk exclaims, "If you can toot your own horn...then you have it made!"

Speaking in Halfling to Maags, Hapenlok says something you don't understand.

Leafiara says, "Annd now we see... what becomes of this body..."

The hue of the portal darkens.

Gidion: "Got Shyspirit and Gutstorm."

Cruxophim proudly remarks, "Well-fought."

A raven says, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Clunk deeply says, "Oh, and I waved it once."

Clunk deeply says, "Made em all fall down."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "It's done?"

Leafiara recites:

"Indeed, amazingly fought, all!"

Speaking to Dergoatean, Rozy exclaims, "No drinks or cute cabana boys! the horrors!"

Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Chandrellia says, "I tried to stay, I tried my best."

Suddenly, the portal seems to crystallize, growing hard and cold, like a giant spherical scar.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "The body isn't moving with Aralyte in it yet, but otherwise yes."

Ysharra asks, "Once the portal is gone, will those who contributed...feel restored?"

Leafiara suspiciously says, "Or at least what we hope is Aralyte."

Speaking gently to Chandrellia, Cruxophim assures, "You did good."

Flake by flake, patches of the portal break off and drift to the ground like the shedding of bloodied skin.

Chandrellia softly asks, "Where is Adelynn?"

Vlashandra nods.

Speaking to Maylan, Pukk says, "Thanks for keeping me alive."

Ensayn says, "Didn't seem such a bad place to visit."

Vlashandra says, "Do you see now? The power and stability of willful blood."

Vlashandra says, "Blood..."

Roelon deeply asks, "Ah that ....thing?"

Skipjack says, "Good riddance."

Yukito: "Is the book really all burnt up?"

Speaking wryly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim reminds, "I'm aware."

Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Raelee observes, "Askin to a scab over a healing wound."

Maags says, "Never a doubt."

Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Berost says, "You are crazier than .... crazy."

Rtune says, "This aint the first time we seen blood magix."

Clunk deeply says, "Portal gone."

Speaking impatiently to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Yeah, yeah--the more important thing is whether Aralyte is really in there."

Speaking pointedly to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "So you're saying, we've no further use for her anymore?"

Thrassus: "It is."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "Curious technique."

Roelon deeply says, "Willful. What choice was there."

Pietra: "Yes, I'm sorry Yukito."

Roblar deeply says, "Unless some in forest, clear."

Beldannon quietly says, "Bunch of wasps on the way here."

Berost whispers to the group, "What Balantine said here as well, heh."

Speaking simply to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I'd agree with that."

Vlashandra says, "Now shhh...."

Restoring Aralyte?

Vlashandra stands in front of a rune-covered wooden cart.

Cruxophim: "I can tell you what what within it, if you want."

Vlashandra touches the amorhous body on the cart. It squirms.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Thrassus asks, "How long will the body take to reform?"

Vlashandra says, "Shhh, we are here. It is okay to return now. I will complete it and prepare the way."

The voice of Zhagen says, "Oh oh, double tap time."

Ensayn slowly asks, "Ya sure that thing is kapoot?"

Maags whispers something to Alisette.

Vlashandra removes a thin obsidian dagger from in her light blue robe.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, " do we confirm it's Aralyte?"

Ariond reasonably cautions, "Be careful, all. We don't know how Aralyte will come back."

Ysharra says, "No."

Ariond wryly adds, "Or if that's even her."

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Raelee says, "The soulstone, I imagine."

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara acknowledges, "Okay, fair point."

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Pietra: "In other words, a real hottie."

Maelkyth: "There another group forming to re-enter the shadow realm?"

Leafiara: "The portal's closed now."

Cryheart says, "The town is still standing, mayor."

Draccor darkly says, "Those eyes wasted all my armor charges."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.

Pietra: "The portal is closed, no more shadow realm."

Pukk: "Nope. It's closed now."

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "I'm going to be SO mad if we got some random vathor soul bound to the body instead."

Ariond whispers something to Keiiko.

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "That...was a close one though."

Thrassus says, "I am assuming the body will arrange itself into a form familiar with the residing spirit."

Vlashandra says, "The final three essences, once again."

Speaking to Draccor, Hapenlok agrees, "Not a lot of fun."

Xorus whispers something to Cruxophim.

Sammoon asks, "Was this a win?"

Vlashandra says, "Completed on this side, beyond the shadows, back home."

Sammoon asks, "Er distraction?"

Maelkyth says, "But..."

Speaking quietly in Faendryl to Dergoatean, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara praises, "Well fought, Gryphons. And all."

Speaking to Guarrin, Ysharra says, "I am sure you earned some glory."

Vlashandra nods at Thrassus.

Speaking darkly to Hapenlok, Draccor says, "I took a few down at least."

Keiiko whispers something to Ariond.

Speaking to Draccor, Hapenlok says, "Me too.....sort of."

Ariond whispers something to Keiiko.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra asks, "Do you need more goop for the body or what?"

Speaking darkly to Hapenlok, Enzick says, "I got one Core Tap off thats ok with me."

Vlashandra removes a flask of sparkling soul essence from in her black leather satchel.

Leafiara says, "I did have eyes on things out here, so I know how much you all encountered."

Vlashandra stands in front of a rune-covered wooden cart.

Berost deeply says, "Got me arse handed to me by damned eyeballs and Voln knows what else. Better be worth it."

Sammoon says, "Sure, one had is doin good and the other hand is behind yer back with a dagger."

Evia says, "Shhh."

Speaking to Ysharra, Guarrin says, "Not sure there is such a thing from ...that. But perhaps a discussion for later."

A raven asks, "Why it no move?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Dergoatean says, "You're welcome to another go at me if it improves our chances here."

Speaking softly to Sammoon, Chandrellia says, "Speaking of."

Speaking slowly to a small raven, Leafiara says, "Working on it."

Hapenlok says, "And I accounted for at least one of our friendly casaulties. There's that...too."

Vlashandra pours the flask of soul essence onto the amoprhous body, drizzling it across its shapeless chest as the essence seeps into the smooth flesh.

>targ vlasha

You can't target Vlashandra.

Speaking to Clunk, Dergoatean exclaims, "It's a whole process!"

Sammoon exclaims, "Necromancy!"

Ariond whispers something to Lylia.

Clunk deeply says, "It's Eonak Lake."

Vlashandra says, "Bridged by blood..."

Pietra says, "It still needs a face."

Speaking to Clunk, Dergoatean says, "Well yes."

Speaking to Sammoon, Leafiara says, "No, more like... transformation."

Speaking deeply to Dergoatean, Clunk says, "Mud, not blood."

Vlashandra says, "May your lost soul be bound home."

Lylia whispers something to Ariond.

Vlashandra removes a flask of sparkling mind essence from in her black leather satchel.

Keiiko whispers something to Ariond.

Maelkyth exclaims, "But why?!"

Speaking to Keiiko, Ariond soothes, "All will be well."

Vlashandra moves to the front of the cart and hovers over the humanoid head.

Vlashandra pours the essence of mind onto the featureless face of the humanoid body.

Vlashandra says, "May your mind be healed and restored to recognize you who truly are...."

Vlashandra slowly empties her lungs.

Vlashandra indicates her obsidian dagger with a smile.

Dergoatean quietly says, "Maktath vasse janse cra."

Speaking to Roblar, Ysharra says, "Just telling Alvyara about your path-cutting in there."

Speaking darkly to Roblar, Draccor says, "You failed us."

>targ vlashand

You can't target Vlashandra.

Chamorr heartily says, "I bet it's Raznel."

Roblar deeply says, "Will need bath."

Speaking quietly to a rune-covered wooden cart, Dergoatean says, "Klakkar, denen cra het trila."

Speaking to Roblar, Alvyara says, "You do look very.. sturdy."

Vlashandra removes a flask of sparkling body essence from in her black leather satchel.

Lyrna offers Leafiara a glazed chocolate donut.

Speaking to Draccor, Pietra says, "You again have no idea what you're talking about."

Roblar deeply says, "Blood and ichor."

Leafiara declines Lyrna's offer.

Speaking darkly to Pietra, Draccor says, "I failed us too."

Speaking offhandedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "If we survive whatever's about to happen."

Speaking to Pietra, Faerinn says, "He usually doesn't."

Speaking quietly to a rune-covered wooden cart, Dergoatean says, "Te klaloc cra issar le tenek sra."

Speaking to Roblar, Ysharra says, "And whatever those shadow things had for blood. And ichor."

Sammoon says, "Glad I haven't eaten."

>targ vlas

You can't target Vlashandra.

Speaking quietly to Balley, Xecnephias says, "This may be a good time to ask for your blood back."

Vlashandra lowers her thin obsidian dagger into the flesh of the body's face, right where the mouth should be. She slowly carves with her blade, creating a mouth within the flesh.

Speaking frankly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Not even betting on it, but we'll see."

Vlashandra put a thin obsidian dagger in her light blue robe.

Skipjack says, "Unholy rites..."

Evia says, "Oh gads."

Sammoon exclaims, "Spill yer guts!"

Evia asks, "What the hail, she carvin a punkin?"

Rtune says, "Me didnt know there some post invasion sorcery."

The voice of Zhagen says, "Lets put a smile on that face."

Vlashandra takes the flask over the open mouth of the body. She pours the essence of body into the mouth.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Is that why you've been carving your own? Practice?"

Maags says, "Guess the book does not has instructions for this."

Speaking to Maags, Leafiara says, "Even if it did, she burned it up..."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "Line is still pretty shakey though."

Sammoon says, "Wrong cookbook."

Balley softly asks, "Are you make the body a likeness of you?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Pietra says, "Or just for fun..."

Maags says, "Oh."

  • Nixlsplixt just bit the dust!

Speaking warily to Ariond, Keiiko says, "Ariond... This... Isn't right."

Roblar deeply asks, "Book was traded for her soul on dat cliff?"

Vlashandra presses her lips to the makeshift lips of the amorphous body and she exhales, passing air into the throat.

Speaking soothingly to Keiiko, Ariond hushes, "Shh. All will be well."

Seylia quietly says, "Still wasps in the forest."

Roblar deeply says, "Like s"

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Vlashandra steps back, grinning crookedly and licking her lips.

Speaking quietly to a rune-covered wooden cart, Dergoatean says, "Ledo patan rena tilnak tenek klaloc de lenath."

Speaking wryly to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Oh, good, was worried for a moment that you transferred yourself."

Skipjack says, "What did you bring back from that portal..."

Speaking in Faendryl, Ysharra says something you don't understand.

(Chandrellia steps beside Vlashandra, "You gonna raise it or make out with it?")

Clunk deeply says, "Looks like a doll to me, not a ballon."

Faerinn says, "So the goal was smooch a blade. Huh."

>targ vlasha

You can't target Vlashandra.

Vlashandra removes a rune-carved wooden case from in her light blue robe.

Maelkyth says, "So much animosity."

Maags whispers something to Leafiara.

Vlashandra says, "Any moment now..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra says, "You could at least buy her dinner first."

Sammoon says, "We should light fire to the cart and push it in the lake."

Voltung: "Still a few creatures left on the path to town in Dragonsclaw. Was pretty spicy running through them."

The body upon the cart begins to grow.

Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Chandrellia says, "Be ready."

Elbromo asks, "Who to join?"

Sammoon says, "Yep, before it starts walkin on its own."

Vlashandra nods.

Vlashandra nods.

Vlashandra applauds.

Vlashandra applauds.

Cryheart says, "The mayor."

Speaking calmly to Chandrellia, Cruxophim assures, "Always am."

Vlashandra indicates her wooden case with a smile.

Speaking to a rune-covered wooden cart, Dergoatean exclaims, "Now... koh!"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "That looks very far from finished."

Thrassus says, "Give it a moment."

The misshapen limbs of the body begin to finally expand and take a better shape, thin in length, perhaps elven or human.

Speaking to Faerinn, Maelkyth says, "YOU look far from finished."

Ysharra asks, "She's...she's alive?"

A raven says, "Lumpy body needs to move."

Sammoon says, "Dis has gotta be bad, kill it now."

Rozy says, "Ish."

Vlashandra says, "Shhh....."

Vlashandra applauds.

Rtune says, "The old sleepy beauty necrophilia spell huh."

Ensayn grumbles, "Not a dwarf. The hardships it will endure."

  • Rasson just bit the dust!
  • Razdan just bit the dust!

Rozy asks, "Would... cheerings work too?"

Leafiara mutters, "Nothing to do but wait and see, whether this turns out wonderful or terrible."

Legs grow in size, as if aging from that of a child to a mature adult, expanding and the skin stretches as bones grow beneath.

Speaking to Rozy, Dergoatean says, "That's what I've been trying to do, in a way."

Vlashandra gazes with interest at a misshapen featureless body on a rune-covered wooden cart.

Pietra says, "She's got legs..."

Speaking to Rozy, Dergoatean says, "Last things we heard her say. I was hoping it might ring a bell somewhere in there."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Thrassus says, "You'll have to tell me where you learned all this someday."

Lylia murmurs, "Fascinating..."

Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Xecnephias asks, "You look tired, want me to take over?"

Rozy exclaims, "Bells! ringsingg!"

>targ vlashand

You can't target Vlashandra.

Pukk says, "Grew those legs to full length."

Empty sockets form within the face. The thin hollows of nostrils begin to form.

Pukk says, "There is hope for you yet."

Keiiko warningly exclaims, "This is unnatural!!"

Rtune exclaims, "Me finds this scary as hex!"

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "OOPS."

Ariond quietly murmurs, "Quite disturbing..."

Leafiara marvels, "If nothing else, it's at least a once in a lifetime sight."

Aeith says, "What's the odds on this working out versus going terribly wrong."

Pietra asks, "You're just now noticing this?"

Sammoon says, "We passed unnatural quite some time ago."

Lyrna dryly says, "You hope so anyway."

Rtune says, "99 to 1 against."

Speaking musingly to Aeith, Leafiara says, "I give it 30-70."

Thrassus says, "The odds are very good."

Ensayn hopefully says, "Let it have a beard."

Speaking to Aeith, Pukk asks, "What can go wrong?"

Xecnephias quietly says, "I have done many unnatural things in my days, but I can't top this, well there was this one time."

Maelkyth asks, "30 percent chance that 70% of us will die?"

Chandrellia whispers something to Adelynn.

Ensayn adds, "Eyes I suppose after that."

The voice of Zhagen says, "Double tap while there is still time."

Faerinn says, "It's a circle. We went so far into unnatural we are back out to natural again."

Keiiko surprisedly exclaims, "What if she has created a worse monster? We must kill it!"

Lylia says, "No one complains about the 'unnatural' when an empath heals them or they are brought back before they cross through the Gate."

The body continues to stretch and grow, becoming less like a clump of clay and more like a humanoid body.

Maelkyth exclaims, "What?!"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Leafiara mumble, s"Something like that."

Speaking to Tilbin, Sammoon asks, "We here while then overrun the town?"

Maelkyth says, "It's a question."

Speaking soothingly to Keiiko, Ariond says, "Let us wait to see what we get."

Speaking to Keiiko, Hapenlok says, ".....just watch."

Speaking to Xecnephias, Pietra asks, "Did you ever cut a mouth into a sack of flesh then kiss it?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Dergoatean says, "Sixty percent of the time, it works every time."

Chandrellia softly says, "We have measures in place if something goes wrong."

Speaking in Faendryl, Nazarr asks something you don't understand.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Pietra, Maelkyth says, "Ashamed to say I didn't think of it first."

Rozy sings horribly off-key:

"It's a jamboree

Growin like a tree

Soon to be

the fancy.... Palestra Aralyte!"

Vlashandra gazes with interest at a humanoid body on a rune-covered wooden cart.

Speaking quietly to Pietra, Xecnephias says, "Let me write that down."

Elbromo says, "Oops painted Shy blue."

Draccor darkly says, "We should just wreck it now before it becomes aware."

Speaking to Aeith, Pukk says, "I mean other than the invasion, a bunch of people dying, a misshapen body starting to move on its own, Vlashandra burning the's been a pretty quiet night."

Vlashandra applauds.

Rtune says, "Me can complain when we bring bax a unidentified blob from the shadow realm and then spark it bax to life."

Xecnephias turns to Vlashandra and cheers!

Speaking to Xecnephias, Pietra says, "Yuck."

Speaking to Draccor, Maelkyth says, "Yes, because let's destroy all things we don't understand."

Vlashandra opens her wooden case.

Speaking in Faendryl, Dergoatean asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Pukk, Nazarr says, "Yes, just your average Feastday."

Speaking darkly to Maelkyth, Draccor says, "If it's destroyed we don't have to worry about it."

Speaking to Nazarr, Pukk exclaims, "Exactly!"

Rtune says, "Everyday is feastday."

Speaking to Nazarr, Leafiara remarks, "Never a dull moment, that's for sure."

Faerinn says, "You know, I'd figure she would look more Faendryl at this point."

Speaking to Draccor, Maelkyth says, "We could say the same thing about gnomes, or Dhe'nar."

Pietra asks, "So when she finally gets here, let's take her to the boulder, huh?"

Maelkyth says, "I mean.. Dhe'nar."

Maelkyth says, "Just.. no."

Speaking darkly to Maelkyth, Draccor says, "I do say the same about most Dhe'nar."

Sammoon says, "Less bile insprin."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "I can go fetch her a suit of armor."

Speaking to Draccor, Maelkyth says, "I'm straddling the fence on that one."

A raven says, "Mistress Leafiara, tread with care."

The Best Outcome, Bar None

Vlashandra removes a large twisted crown formed of decaying finger bones from her wooden case.

Sammoon says, "Rough wool blanket."

Speaking nervously to Leafiara, Keiiko says, "My mayor, perhaps what is dead should stay dead. This can not bode well."

A curl of carnelian-hued hair forms at the top of the humanoid body's scalp.

Speaking coyly to a raven, Leafiara says, "I rarely do."

Elbromo: "Is there a cliff notes version of this right now?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alvyara says, "What -"

Speaking darkly to Maelkyth, Draccor says, "I said most, not all."

Speaking cautiously to Keiiko, Leafiara says, "Well, this body wasn't dead, exactly. It was--just inanimate."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "What is that crown."

Alvyara horrifiedly asks, "What are you doing?"

Roblar deeply says, "Forgot her hair."

Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Cruxophim remarks, "A crown fit for a queen."

Clunk deeply says, "Curly hair."

Sabotage says, "We have found the cure for balding."

Speaking in Faendryl to Leafiara, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Lylia says, "Her head was shaven."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "Put these in too."

Pietra says, "More like a sack of... stuff..."

Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Lylia says, "Cut short. I do not know what she would look like now, especially after..."

Chamorr heartily says, "Barnum slim dinna he wear a crown like that."

The jagged mouth begins to try to move and a jaw forms for a moment before it begins to sink into a series of bloody ligaments.

Ysharra says, "She was shaven, as I recall."

Evia says, "Eck."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn asks, "Would hair grow if you have no body?"

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Raelee asks, "Is the soulstone reacting?"

Shinann says, "That crown..."

Evia says, "Bald and shining pate."

Vlashandra places the crown of fingers on the humanoid body as more red hair grows into place.

Elbromo: "Got that part I mean right now ish."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "At least it wasn't a baby."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "My apologies, I missed that."

Ariond asks, "A crown?"

Faerinn offers Ysharra some kntited lavender and magenta stockings.

Ysharra accepts Faerinn's lavender stockings.

Chandrellia softly asks, "Red hair?"

The voice of Zhagen says, "I do like redheads."

Lylia quietly admits, "I know barely more than any of the rest of you about such a process."

Speaking hesitantly to Lylia, Ariond asks, "Do Blades wear crowns?"

Pietra: "Anyone else thinking this is going to be someone completely different?"

Puptilian says, "Slim had hair like that."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "Very thoughtful...and colorful."

Vlashandra removes a tattered black cloak and drapes it over the body.

Speaking wryly to Pietra, Leafiara says, "Who isn't, at this point."

Speaking shakily to Ariond, Keiiko says, "I'm telling you this is not right."

Evia says, "Uuuuh."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Sammoon says, "Thank you."

Lylia says, "No. But if it is Aralyte, she is not in any position to remove it. Yet."

Roblar deeply says, "Let's just hack it and her to pieces."

Skipjack says, "This is a corruption of nature..."

Vlashandra nods.

Speaking warily to Ariond, Keiiko says, "I can feel it."

Pukk whispers something to Pietra.

Speaking darkly to Ariond, Draccor says, "Blades are sharper than crowns, and get to choose who get to wear the crown."

Pietra whispers something to Pukk.

Elbromo: "Right gotcha."

Elbromo: "Thanks."

Roblar deeply says, "Ok, ok she gets a chance to speak and prove it."

Xorus says, "The crown looks like Barnom Slim's."

Speaking to Xorus, Puptilian says, "So does the hair colors."

Speaking nervously to Roblar, Keiiko asks, "And what if she kills us all!?"

Roblar deeply says, "If not her, da abomination dies."

Aeith says, "Be ready for the worst, just in case."

Xorus says, "Indeed."

Lylia says, "Some of us have red hair and are Faendryl."

Asben whispers something to Shinann.

>targ vlashand

You are now targeting Vlashandra.

The body continues to change. Glowing red embers appear within its sockets, and the once pristine flesh takes on a more discolored, rotting appearance. The face sinks, taking on a emaciated look and the nostrils never form fully.

Vlashandra kneels down.

Guarrin says, "Yep."

Pietra says, "Welp, this was a disaster..."

Sammoon says, "Der we go."

Evia says, "Yikes."

Raincail quietly says, "Gods..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "That is failing."

Berkana says, "This is not looking good."

Speaking in Faendryl, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Roelon deeply says, "Nae...."

Sammoon says, "Rot away."

Speaking firmly to Roblar, Cruxophim assures, "No."

Asben whispers something to Shinann.

Puptilian says, "Slim was never fully killed. Athedeus brought it back to the shadow realm..."

Ensayn nonchalantly says, "That could have gone better."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Maybe we're forming an orc.... shhhhhh!"

Chandrellia softly exclaims, "Herrrrreessssss Jhonny!"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra asks, "Friend of yours, I take it?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "Are you bad at this or just can't fulfill a deal?"

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia asks something you don't understand.

The body rises up from the cart, and Barnom Slim, the Lich King, adjusts the finger bone crown on his head and grins.

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Or both."

Barnom asks, "Miss me?"

Barnom cackles!

Roelon deeply says, "It is...."

Roblar deeply says, "Or Crux kin av a pet."

>targ vlashand

You are now targeting Vlashandra.

[it's sancted; just biding time]

Speaking hoarsely to Ysharra, Cruxophim remarks, "Something like that."

Aeith says, "Uhm."

Sammoon says, "Uh."

Shinann exclaims, "No!"

Vlashandra bows to Barnom.

Gidion says, "Wow."

Puptilian says, "Kill it."

Pukk asks, "Lich king?"

Elbromo says, "Fingersit."

Puptilian says, "Kill it now."

Rozy grumpily says, "Am knews it."

Vlashandra exclaims, "All Hail the Lich King!"

Evia says, "Son of Lich."

Ysharra says, "Drop the sanctuary."

Chandrellia softly exclaims, "Kill it!"

Elbromo says, "Oh no."

Puptilian says, "Destroy it."

Speaking amusedly to Barnom, Cruxophim greets, "Been a while."

Cryheart says, "Die, Barnom."

Tsarok quietly says, "I never saw that coming."

Evia exclaims, "Son of Lich!"

Roelon deeply exclaims, "We killed ye once!"

Speaking to Barnom, Maags says, "Not reallies but now has someone to takes the grouchies out on."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Wow! never saw that coming!"

Alvyara asks, "This was what we sacrificed for??"

Ariond snarls, "Kill them both!"

Nazarr says, "I did."

Shinann says, "Kill him and her."

Ensayn says, "Quick find me some whiskey."

Speaking to Lylia, Pietra asks, "Can we kill her now?"

Lyrna says, "Er."

Speaking musingly to Barnom, Leafiara says, "Well, I've heard that you once tried to war against Ta'Vaalor, so you mght not be the worst, but..."

Chamorr heartily says, "Drop peace."

>targ vlasha

You are now targeting Vlashandra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Thrassus says, "Nicely played, I admit."

Speaking in Faendryl to Vlashandra, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alvyara shrieks, "You witch!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Puptilian says, "We need to kill it Mayor. NOW."

(OOC) Ariond's player whispers to the group, "Drop the sanct."

Roblar deeply says, "Well open up da underworld Landin for huntin and trainin and maybe guud deal."

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Leafiara's skin, twinkling like stars, as she prepares a spell...

Cryheart says, "Ye will nae live long, lich."

Elbromo: "BARNOM?"

Raincail quietly says, "It has been a very long time."

The voice of Asben says, "Kill them both."

Speaking to Barnom, Ysharra says, "Welcome home. You are not who we were expecting."

Maags says, "Clearlies yous missed us."

Speaking to Puptilian, Leafiara says, "Someone created a sanctuary."

The sense of peace and security begins to wane from the area.

With great skill, Mongonator removes one of the chords from his harmony while maintaining the symmetry of those that remain.

Rtune says, "Let me see yewr phydactery a second barnoms."

Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Roelon says, "Ye think ye will be rewarded? Worthless..."

Puptilian says, "Drop the sanctuary now."

Roblar deeply says, "Also, cover da town coffers."

Nazarr says, "We can't. The area is sancted."

Keiiko testily exclaims, "What did I say!!"

Speaking darkly to Barnom, Draccor says, "You should pick on someone your own size, like me."

The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.

Barnom exclaims, "My oh my! I did not expect such a homecoming!"

Leafiara gestures at Vlashandra.

[SMR result: 482 (Open d100: 43, Bonus: 25)]

A rich tapestry of music weaves itself out of the air, and Vlashandra pauses to listen.

The music reaches a crescendo, and the sheer force of it staggers Vlashandra for 35 points of damage!

  • Vlashandra drops dead at your feet!

Speaking to Lylia, Rozy asks, "Blameless routines?"

* Vlashandra is off to a rough start! She just bit the dust!

The voice of Pukk exclaims, "Man!"

Sammoon says, "Suits ya."

Barnom asks, "You did good work Vlashara! Or Vlashandra now, is it?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I wanted to hit her wif my pillow."

The voice of Pukk exclaims, "I wanted to kill her!"

Madevra: "Feels like she got what was comin' ta her."

Berkana says, "Hmm."

Grauph says, "Well."

Xecnephias quietly says, "Mouth to mouth."

Beldannon quietly says, "Must there always be death."

Ysharra says, "She should be reanimated."

Skipjack says, "Now we're talkin."

Sammoon says, "Let her rot."

Pietra asks, "Vlashara?"

Aeith says, "Well done Mayor."

Stamping her feet in a staccato, Rozy performs a victory dance around the corpse of Vlashandra.

Speaking to Leafiara, Ariond says, "Well done, mayor."

The voice of Tsarok quietly says, "What's under her face."

Alvyara mutters, "That was well earned."

Speaking to Beldannon, Pietra says, "Yes, for her, yes."

Stamping his feet in a staccato, Gutstorm performs a victory dance around the corpse of Vlashandra.

The voice of Asben says, "Keep her kept forever but never raise her."

Speaking insincerely to Vlashandra, Cruxophim notes, "Pity."

Speaking curiously to Barnom, Leafiara says, "Now, as for you..."

Berkana begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...

(Chandrellia slowly takes her dagger and begins to cut around the outside of Vlashandra's face.)

Berkana gestures at Vlashandra.

Berkana intones deeply over Vlashandra's body as slender glowing wisps gather around Berkana's body like a swarm of moths to a lantern. After a few moments Berkana begins to take on a slight glow and Vlashandra's body starts to show subtle signs of movement. Finally, the glow surrounding Berkana envelops the body and flares brightly before fading out, revealing an upright animated Vlashandra.

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "You are my Goddess for a reason."

Lylia beckons Vlashandra closer with a slow curl of her forefinger.

Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "... I still had questions."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "You owe me this."

Sammoon says, "Ders justice, purgatory."

Gidion says, "Wonder how much I'd learn from raising her..."

Gidion says, "Probably tons."

Speaking darkly to Barnom, Draccor says, "Im not impressed at all."

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "I bet you do."

>look barn

You see Barnom Slim the Lich.

The faint scent of decay wafts around his form. He is lanky. He appears to be ancient. He has glowing dark red eyes and insipid, rotting skin. He has sparse, carnelian-hued hair that is loosely hanging to his scalp from discolored patches of skin. He has an emaciated face, a sunken nose and a series of bloody ligaments for a jaw. Slick, white maggots crawl along his neck and arms.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a large twisted crown formed from decaying finger bones, and a tattered black leather cloak.

Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Xecnephias asks, "Need a chrism?"

Speaking wryly to Barnom, Ariond says, "Time to die again, Lich King."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "She ish an aminated corpsh."

Maags says, "Of all the things I imagined this was not one of them."

Barnom says, "Some of you did not age well."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "Well, well...well."

Barnom cackles insanely, wild-eyed and drooling.

Roblar deeply says, "Peel her face off den throw body to digs."

(Alvyara strides swiftly toward the reanimated Vlashandra and gives her a sharp slap across the face.)

Barnom exclaims, "I did!"

Rozy says, "Am not going to be listening to anythings him have to says."

>targ barnom

You can't target Barnom.

Roblar deeply says, "So we kin see."

Barnom pushes on Vlashandra without much success.

Raincail quietly says, "Some of us still bear your mark..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alvyara hisses, "How dare you take advantage of us."

Barnom exclaims, "You do you do!"

Roelaren says, "Might not learn anything and your life force might be taken from you by her and ye die."

Roelon deeply says, "Ye aged like ah wedge of moldy dwarf cheese."

Vlashandra falls to the ground in a heap.

Speaking curiously to Barnom, Leafiara asks, "Looking to accomplish anything in particular?"

(Hapenlok chants the spell of Immolation and gestures towards the Vlashandra corpse.)

Alvyara gives Vlashandra a playful kick in the shin.

Beldannon quietly says, "Never got to meet your highness."

Maelkyth sets about preparing Vlashandra to be as presentable as possible.

Speaking to Raincail, Gidion asks, "Good call on that one, eh?"

Cruxophim touches Vlashandra.

Maags rolls her eyes at Vlashandra.

Ariond warningly says, "Watch those who were marked by Barnom..."

Lylia walks toward Vlashandra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "I am not surprised. I still feel sorry for you. You have been just as poorly used, haven't you?"

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.

Lylia gestures at Vlashandra.

Lylia intones deeply over Vlashandra's body as slender glowing wisps gather around Lylia's body like a swarm of moths to a lantern. After a few moments Lylia begins to take on a slight glow and Vlashandra's body starts to show subtle signs of movement. Finally, the glow surrounding Lylia envelops the body and flares brightly before fading out, revealing an upright animated Vlashandra.

Lylia beckons Vlashandra closer with a slow curl of her forefinger.

Speaking to Raincail, Gidion says, "A real investment decision."

Maags says, "Should has read the book thru first."

Aeith says, "Can we destroy this lich before us quickly, before it ushers in new darkness."

(Chandrellia slowly takes her dagger and begins to cut into Vlashandra's face, glancing over her shoulder carefully.)

Raincail quietly says, "Hard to age when yeh mostly jes rot."

Speaking to Barnom, Thrassus says, "That's quite an interesting replica of the town you built."

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim muses, "Going to make her dance?"

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "I can think of a good place for her."

Alvyara turns away from Vlashandra, ignoring her.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "You have not paid for your lies."

Ushakaron deeply asks, "Being a sorcerer is a new darkness so bad?"

The ghostly voice of Vlashandra asks, "Have I served you Your Highness?"

The ghostly voice of Vlashandra asks, "Will you keep me this time and not toss me aside?"

Speaking to Lylia, Berkana says, "I wouldn't have the faintest idea what to do with her. I am sure you do."

Alvyara spits, "Oh, gods, someone shut her up."

Barnom says, "Oh Vlashara....Vlashy poo..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "He already has."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "This is the part where he betrays you."

Elbromo asks, "Thinking a lich resort town here are ye?"

Sammoon says, "Bury her here."

Speaking to Berkana, Lylia says, "Oh, I would welcome you to share in her pain."

Tilbin thumps the dead body of Vlashandra. It doesn't help, she's still dead.

Sammoon says, "Unmarked."

Alvyara venomously says, "I don't even want to hear her voice anymore."

Barnom says, "You just hadn't reached your potential yet back then."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "I want your face witch."

Barnom says, "You had more to learn, more to earn."

Sammoon says, "And put a rock on her."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia hisses something you don't understand.

Yukito: "I don't really know who this... person is. But I take it that this is not a good development from the immediate cries of 'Kill it. Kill it with fire.' So..."

Barnom exclaims, "You're so close now!"

Nazarr says, "Burn her to dust and scatter her ashes at a crossroads."

Sammoon says, "Big rock."

Speaking to Barnom, Dergoatean asks, "So without your master and source of power, what now?"

Speaking to Lylia, Berkana says, "I'd probably make her clean my bedroom."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Ish Barnom a bad guy? me neber met him before."

Barnom exclaims, "I'm sure just a few more things for me and you'll be RIGHT there!"

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "This one should not be yours."

Puptilian says, "Ignore the wizard for now. The Lich is our worry at the moment."

Roelon deeply says, "Very bad."

Gutstorm and Barnom shake hands.

Cruxophim wryly remarks, "Thing about agents of chaos is... they're hard to predict."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Dergoatean says, "Quite bad."

Cryheart: "He was a former mayor of the Landing, who became a lich."

Speaking drunkenly to Barnom, Gutstorm says, "Pleashed to meetcha."

Speaking to Barnom, Maelkyth asks, "Don't believe we've met... why the poor reception?"

Sammoon says, "She made him a bride."

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "She is not worthy. Inept, really. She had one job..."

Roblar hopefully says, "Well maybe he kin merchant wid Skyrn."

Elbromo: "It's too late ..Barnom is back..for now."

Speaking deeply to Gutstorm, Ushakaron says, "Liches are always bad."

Leafiara: "I thought he was just a councilman?"

Sammoon says, "That is likely to be quite troublesome."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Mebbe he mishunnershtood?"

Evia: "What?"

Cryheart: "Err councilman?"

Lyrna idly asks, "This is the one who attacked or wanted to attack Ta'Vaalor?"

Speaking to Ushakaron, Maelkyth says, "That's like saying all gnomes are bad..."

  • Villorn just bit the dust!

Gidion: "I feel like the most relevant position is that of lich...."

Vlashandra's spirit lets out a hollow moan.

Sammoon says, "Didn't like red hair."

Aeith: "I mean, how many GOOD liches have you met?"

Evia: "Are you kidding..."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "So I've heard, yeah."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "I take it your hope is still keeping you as blind as the death in your body."

Dergoatean: "He became a lieutenant of sorts and harbinger of Althedeus."

Elbromo: "Err long story."

Barnom ruffles Vlashandra's hair.

Roelaren says, "Always have been bad."

Puptilian: "No, he was a puppy for Stone and an intern mayor until Althedeus turned him into a Lich."

Draccor darkly says, "Barnom is nothing really, just a homeless bum that wants attention."

Speaking musingly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "So, ya know, not the worst outcome that could have happened."

Zyir murmurs, "Poor Vlashandra."

Barnom says, "You look so good animated."

Barnom says, "Like me."

Cryheart: "He hung many and tar'feathered more."

Sammoon kicks some dirt on the corpse of Vlashandra.

Barnom cackles insanely, wild-eyed and drooling.

Barnom leans on Cruxophim.

Gutstorm tightens his grip on the pillow and swings wildly at Vlashandra! A light tap on the shoulder is all he accomplishes.

Speaking sardonically to Barnom, Cruxophim inquires, "I suppose you'll be running for mayor again?"

Barnom says, "Hello old pal."

Gutstorm tightens his grip on the pillow and swings wildly at Vlashandra! A light tap on the shoulder is all he accomplishes.

Cruxophim attempts to lean on Barnom, but before he can, flames envelop his elbow. Startled, he pulls his arm back before it becomes a cinder, but not before the damage is done.

Barnom nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking deeply to Lyrna, Clunk says, "King of Landin down Under."

Dergoatean: "He established a look-alike Landing underneath town, filled with undead."

Speaking softly to Barnom, Chandrellia asks, "So, now that you are here, for now, what is it you intend to *try* and do?"

Speaking to Raincail, Guarrin asks, "This that fellow you were telling me about?"

Barnom asks, "Mayor?"

Maelkyth sets about preparing Vlashandra to be as presentable as possible.

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "I do good work, unlike this lying empty vessel."

Barnom asks, "Of this dump?"

Speaking darkly to Gutstorm, Alvyara says, "Replace that pillow with a hammer."

Evia says, "I can't believe I'm hearing some of this."

Barnom waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Ariond wryly says, "Seems few here recall Lich's Landing."

Keiiko shakily exclaims, "Why haven't we killed him?!"

Barnom says, "I suppose it's just a matter of time until I dig up Lich's Landing."

Speaking furiously to Vlashandra, Roblar asks, "Where da hell iz Aralyte?"

Dergoatean: "And a sort of castle and throne room for himself, if I recall sort of where Moot Hall should have been."

Elbromo: "A polarizing an undead."

Speaking nonchalantly to Barnom, Cruxophim admits, "I agree, the other is better."

Speaking to Keiiko, Maelkyth says, "Go ahead."

Barnom asks, "Right? Right?"

Roelaren says, "I recall it very vividly."

Speaking to Barnom, Puptilian says, "We almost destroyed you once. We can finish the job this time."

Speaking to Ariond, Hapenlok says, "I remember what was left. And there's not even that anymore."

Maags says, "Maybes this will at least makes him realize his mistake."

Speaking surprisedly to Ariond, Leafiara says, "Why? It was just open pretty shortly ago."

Roelon deeply says, "Never."

Xorus says, "Lich's Landing has been restored."

Barnom asks, "It has!?"

Barnom peers quizzically at Xorus.

Xorus says, "Indeed."

Barnom asks, "You did that for me?"

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "Are you trying to join him?"

Barnom hugs Xorus.

Xorus says, "With blood magic."

Ysharra says, "We didn't find Aralyte. We were brought to find him."

Dergoatean: "Your predecessor was one of his disciples, Mayor."

Speaking to Barnom, Leafiara muses, "You might have to compete with Goblyn for it, though."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ariond replies, "Because they don't know who he is."

Speaking wickedly to Barnom, Cruxophim agrees, "Yuuup."

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "I am going to get what is mine."

Sammoon says, "And a sacrifice."

Roblar deeply says, "But, she still der."

Barnom asks, "Who the hell is Goblyn?"

Dergoatean: "Well, not the immediate predecessor. The one before that."

Yukito: "All of which is fascinating. But he's sort of... HERE."

Beldannon quietly says, "I had fun killing stuff down there. I was so untrained back then."

Roblar deeply exclaims, "We kin go back!"

Ysharra says, "She's a sylvan."

Bernadette softly says, "She double crossed us."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Datsh MISH Goblyn."

Thrassus says, "I'm sure she wouldn't mind him taking up residence there."

Evia says, "No kidding."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, this wasn't what I expected."

Barnom asks, "A sylvan?"

Barnom gags.

Barnom says, "To be fair..."

Barnom says, "Vlashara just did what I asked."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara acknowledges, "Yeah, I didn't think of it either."

Cryheart says, "Goblyn is tooo good for ye, Barnom."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Ariond asks, "What did you expect?"

The ghostly voice of Vlashandra says, "Vlashandra now, Your Highness."

Thrassus says, "I'm not sure she's exactly a sylvan."

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "I am owed what she promised."

Barnom shrugs at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "Who were you?"

Ysharra says, "Goblyn is a pie baker and capable of great feats of magic."

Speaking softly to Lylia, Chandrellia asks, "What do you mean what is yours?"

Speaking to Barnom, Raelee asks, "Who was she?"

Speaking to Ariond, Hapenlok admits, "Not this."

Speaking thoughtfully to Leafiara, Steeltalon asks, "Shouldn't we be killing it before it grows to its full power?"

Speaking to Barnom, Alvyara hisses, "I -suffered- for her little task. You've got something to answer for."

Barnom peers quizzically at Raelee.

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn asks, "Vlashara?"

Barnom asks, "Vlashara?"

Ysharra says, "Also Cruxophim's girlfriend."

(Alvyara taps her wrinkled cheek.)

Alvyara glances at Barnom.

Roblar deeply says, "She may know, avin been der so long too."

Speaking calmly to Aserak, Cruxophim explains, "It's currently phased-- it's complicated."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Lylia says, "Aralyte. She is ours. She is Faendryl."

Roblar deeply says, "He."

Speaking to Steeltalon, Leafiara offers, "I won't stop ya if ya wanna try."

Speaking pleasantly to Barnom, Cruxophim corrects, "Fiance."

Xecnephias quietly says, "Technically, it's a blood relative of most of you."

Barnom says, "She was..."

Elbromo says, "This is like...a comedy from hell."

Speaking softly to Lylia, Chandrellia says, "Ok yes I understand that hon, I do but not with him."

Roblar deeply says, "Literally."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "How did you get the soulstone to react to your presence?"

Barnom mumbles really quickly as if he's saying something he doesn't remember.

Barnom nods at Raelee.

Raelee settles her gaze on Barnom, watching him intently.

Speaking to Ariond, Keiiko wishes, "Why couldn't you listen to me?"

Speaking whimsically to Barnom, Cruxophim adds, "She's my fiancee."

Speaking to Barnom, Raelee suggests, "Enunciate."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "Well, appears, I was wise not to trust you."

Speaking to Barnom, Faerinn says, "Try that again."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "He cashin a shpell?"

Barnom says, "Sorry about the whole...."

Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.

Barnom nods at Lylia.

Barnom says, "Dark elf in the void thing."

Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "Good question, my dear. She will have all the time in the world to answer it."

Sammoon asks, "Whole?"

Speaking to Barnom, Alisette says, "We gave of ourselves, we sacrificed for ....a lie. You will bring Aralyte to us, and depart this world, sir."

Speaking evenly to Keiiko, Ariond replies, "It's not as though I alone could have stopped this."

Speaking to Barnom, Ysharra says, "You're not sorry."

Sammoon asks, "Er hole?"

Elbromo: "You said nothing of this Naz..I blame you."

Speaking indifferently to Hapenlok, Cruxophim states, "Oh, I didn't do this."

Barnom begins chuckling at Ysharra!

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "Not as sorry as she will be."

Barnom says, "You're right."

Barnom says, "But still."

Speaking to Barnom, Ariond demands, "So where is Aralyte, then?"

Speaking to Barnom, Faerinn asks, "How did you make the soulstone react?"

Barnom says, "Well, when you're done, I want her back."

Barnom nods at Lylia.

Speaking pleasantly to Lylia, Cruxophim inquires, "Taking her back for a bit of rehabilitation?"

Lylia nods at Barnom.

Barnom says, "She is my loyal subject, after all."

Maags says, "Shocking."

Speaking to Barnom, Alisette says, "We want Aralyte."

Grauph says, "She didn't have the foresight to make our lich some pants."

Lylia says, "You can have what is left of her when we are finished with her."

Shinann asks, "Where are the hostages?"

The ghostly voice of Vlashandra says, "Always, your Highness."

Speaking to Barnom, Gidion asks, "So...bring her back?"

Speaking hopefully to Lylia, Cruxophim interjects, "May I?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara asks, "...yes?"

Speaking harshly to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "Not that there will be much."

Barnom says, "My cloak is long and tattered in just the right places, thank you."

Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm asks, "Doesh this mean my shoul ish in him?"

Elbromo asks, "Yer highness?"

Alisette gives Vlashandra a playful kick in the shin.

Elbromo asks, "Him?"

Barnom winks at Grauph.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "Oh, yes. Yes, your skills will be quite welcome."

Speaking to Barnom, Ysharra asks, "We want who she promised. Did you see or feel Aralyte, while you were there?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean says, "I am certainly curious what you have to say about all this."

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara exclaims, "Harder than that!"

Cruxophim whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking tentatively to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "Well... you know, potentially yes. Since you made the soul essence."

Barnom shrugs at Ysharra.

Barnom says, "Maybe she's still in there. Who knows."

Puptilian says, "The Lich only cares about the Lich. He is not going to help you find the Blade."

Berost deeply says, "Tha blade sacrificed to save you all and the lich played you."

Barnom exclaims, "But I'm baaaaack!"

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "See, this is why we cant have nice things."

Roelon deeply says, "Nae for long.."

Zyir asks, "Back for what?"

The animated corpse of Vlashandra sits down.

Roelon waves a hand at Barnom, dismissing him indifferently.

Speaking to Barnom, Sulien says, "Be gone as promptly."

Barnom laughs at Roelon!

Sammoon visibly whispers to the group, "No time like the present."

Lyrna says, "So we killed her easily enough, what about him."

Maags says, "Poor Aralyte, all that for nothing."

Beldannon quietly says, "Finally got rid of Drangell bet we can get rid of you too for good."

Speaking to Barnom, Pukk says, "You need to shake your hands more when you announce that."

Speaking pointedly to Barnom, Keiiko exclaims, "You know something!"

Speaking to Barnom, Faerinn asks, "The soulstone? How?"

Vlashandra's animated corpse ambles to a standing position.

Speaking to Barnom, Ariond demands, "Back why?"

Pietra says, "So this really had nothing to do with Aralyte, just bringing back Vlashandra's boyfriend king."

Barnom says, "Ooo."

Speaking curiously to Barnom, Leafiara asks, "Are you after anything in particular or just your restoratioon?"

Barnom asks, "Drangy poo you got rid of?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Sammoon asks, "Lookin for a date?"

Aserak whispers something to Cruxophim.

Speaking to Pietra, Hapenlok says, "Yep. that's the case."

Raincail quietly says, "Long time....."

Speaking firmly to Barnom, Ariond says, "Yes, Drangell is dead."

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "He is slime under my boot. Drangell is no more."

Maylan says, "This is all oddly ironic."

Xorus says, "Drangell melted."

Speaking wryly to Barnom, Leafiara says, "Oh, right, it really *has* been a while for you."

Ysharra says, "...Drangell? Yes."

Thrassus says, "So is Raznel."

Berost deeply says, "Cordarius is dead I assume."

Barnom asks, "RAZNEL too?"

Cruxophim whispers something to Aserak.

Barnom asks, "Stone!?"

Aeith quietly asks, ".... was he always this... weird?"

Elbromo says, "Yer next."

Leafiara says, "Stone's still out there."

Raincail quietly says, "Aye."

Thrassus says, "Stone is still alive and well."

Barnom says, "Oh..."

Barnom gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Speaking to Barnom, Maags says, "And yous too for good."

Ysharra says, "He's in the Deadfall."

Barnom says, "Well, get to it."

Maags says, "Soon."

Barnom snickers.

Speaking to Barnom, Steeltalon asks, "Welcome back, how about you throw in a goodbye?"

Lylia walks toward Vlashandra.

Chamorr heartily says, "Somebody set that corpse on fire."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "I had a hand in that."

Sammoon asks, "So the body, became him?"

Roblar deeply says, "Cross too."

Speaking offhandedly to Barnom, Leafiara says, "Some are working on it."

Barnom nods at Sammoon.

Dergoatean whispers something to Puptilian.

Barnom asks, "I looook good don't I?"

Speaking amusedly to Barnom, Cruxophim inquires, "Are we getting the ol' gang back together?"

Barnom peers quizzically at Sammoon.

Speaking quietly to Roblar, Xecnephias says, "I need sleep, handle this."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "I also had a hand in removing the threat of your lord and master, ALthedus."

Speaking to Barnom, Nazarr says, "No."

Sammoon says, "I was hopin for somethin else."

Alisette grabs Vlashandra and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Raincail quietly asks, "Good as new?"

Speaking abruptly to Barnom, Keiiko says, "You look like a withered up hag."

Sammoon nods at Barnom.

Alisaire mildly remarks, "Not a day over three millennia."

Alisette grabs Vlashandra and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Lylia says, "You are not who I expected to see."

Ariond whispers something to Leafiara.

Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.

Alisette grabs Vlashandra and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Speaking softly to Barnom, Razanetika says, "No, you really don't."

Sammoon says, "To be truthful."

Alvyara asks, "Going to toss her in the Lake?"

Speaking deeply to Barnom, Berost says, "You look like a sack of orc dung."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "And I'm looking sooooo forward to ridding the world of you...and your followers."

Alisette grabs Vlashandra and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Alisette grabs Vlashandra and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Speaking to Alvyara, Ysharra says, "No. We have a much better place for her."

Alisette grabs Vlashandra and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Alisette grabs Vlashandra and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Vlashandra falls to the ground in a heap.

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "Then I'm going after Grishom."

Sammoon says, "She still dead."

Dergoatean whispers something to Puptilian.

Chandrellia just kneeled down and pulled Vlashandra's lifeless body into her arms.

Barnom says, "You can't even go after the top shelf Hapenlok."

Speaking angrily to Barnom, Keiiko asks, "If you're going to kill us, then why not do it? What's with all the chatter?"

A raven says, "Master Roblar will smoosh it."

(Lylia advances on Vlashandra and runs her butcher knife down her cheek.)

Speaking to Vlashandra, Gidion says, "Yer not going anywhere."

Nazarr says, "Good. Let her stay dead."

Barnom cackles insanely, wild-eyed and drooling.

Sammoon says, "One down....."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "You hoped to be proud enough to wear your own face."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Maelkyth says, "Gotta admit, that was funny."

Barnom says, "So much has happened..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "I think you are about to have no face at all."

Sammoon says, "I still say we should have set fire to the cart."

Evia says, "Come back to herald in a new age of thralls and lackeys no doubt."

Clunk deeply says, "This."

Speaking to Barnom, Aeith asks, "What do you want?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "Oh, you poor misguided wretch. Your face belongs to me now. And it does not please me..."

Clunk deeply says, "This is why spells on Clunk is a bad thing."

Barnom exclaims, "I'm sure we'll have so much catching up to do!"

Speaking bitingly to Barnom, Keiiko asks, "Unless you've come back... Powerless?"

Alisette says, "No face, no heart, no soul."

Maags says, "The onlies good ideas are our own. We needs to remember that."

Elbromo says, "He want to 'live' kinda."

Barnom asks, "So who is Mayor now? Still that cranky Jantalarian Walkar?"

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "Not exactly."

Xorus says, "Walkar is dead. So is his sister."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alisette says, "Just an empty shell."

Speaking to Barnom, Sammoon says, "Voln says no."

Speaking to Barnom, Leafiara says, "No, that would be me, for the time being."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok asks, "You don't think we're just going to let you walk away from you?"

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "You have missed a few mayors, in fact."

Speaking calmly to Barnom, Cruxophim explains, "That would be that one."

Barnom asks, "DEAD!?"

Cruxophim nods once to Leafiara.

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan says, "Walkar's dog is still alive, don't worry."

Aserak says, "Rather sprightly given the ordeal."

Skipjack says, "Maybe it's time to give up the whole lich thing...retire to Teras Isle, I bet you get along with those folk pretty well."

Speaking deeply to Barnom, Clunk asks, "What ye gonna say ifn I be mayor?"

Barnom asks, "We will need to catch up over...a meal?"

Speaking to Barnom, Leafiara says, "Since last time, Walkar's passed and we've limited mayors to two terms, so--yes, it's been several."

Barnom asks, "Tea? Ale?"

Barnom shrugs.

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan says, "And he well his...I don't know, something very much like a Walkar visited us fairly recently."

Cryheart says, "With Koar's blessing, ye will melt too."

Speaking to Barnom, Pukk says, "And next year Owlie will be our mayor."

Chandrellia softly exclaims, "You worm-infested fool, Leafi is Mayor so you better represent, got it!"

Speaking to Barnom, Dergoatean says, "You're looking at the four most recent mayors of the Landing."

Cruxophim offers Barnom a glistening black apple.

Xorus says, "The Vaalor will be thrilled."

Roblar deeply says, "Bristenn not ere, ale."

Lylia asks, "A meal? What is your favorite food?"

The ghostly voice of Vlashandra asks, "Your Highness, what would you have of me?"

Speaking affably to Barnom, Ariond suggests, "How about over your dead body?"

Speaking wryly to Barnom, Leafiara says, "Yeah, maybe if we ever finish redecorating the office, you can have the blood wine."

Speaking to Barnom, Roelaren says, "And sayin something bad about her is fighting words."

Nazarr asks, "Is there some reason we are standing around chatting with something that tried to slaughter half of those here seven years ago?"

Barnom says, "Well Vlashara my dear, I think you hurt these peoples feelings..."

Barnom shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Speaking pleasantly to Barnom, Cruxophim offers, "Hungry?"

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara says, "Perhaps we could stuff an apple in her mouth."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Sammoon says, "Rot slow."

Speaking to Barnom, Leafiara admits, "I still just want to know what you want, honestly."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "Shut up, before I finish cutting your face off."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia hisses, "Silence! You were given to us."

Barnom asks, "What I want?"

Barnom says, "I got what I wanted."

Speaking curtly to Barnom, Keiiko says, "You touch a hair on her head and you will deal with all of us."

Barnom says, "Remember when I was like "I'm baaaaaack!"."

Barnom cackles!

Barnom peers quizzically at Keiiko.

Barnom asks, "Huh? Whose head?"

Speaking slowly to Barnom, Leafiara asks, "You just wanted to return to life then?"

(Lylia aims a kick at Vlashandra's leg, though the animated corpse doesn't seem to be affected.)

Speaking to Raincail, Gidion says, "Ok..I see some charm here."

Barnom points at Puptilian.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dish guy funny."

Barnom exclaims, "I remember you!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "At one time, he wanted which he can never have now. Because I, along with many others removed his patron from the equation..."

Speaking to Raincail, Gidion says, "Maybe you're not a complete fool."

Nazarr says, "We have fought worse than you. We beat you before. We will again."

Lyrna says, "Because there is magic protecting him from being hurt, that's why."

Roelon gives Vlashandra a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Speaking flatly to Barnom, Ariond says, "The mayor's."

Barnom says, "All of those Rooks beaked you to death in an alley. Oh, the good ole days."

Speaking to Barnom, Puptilian says, "Yes, I was one of those that brought you down the first time."

Barnom nods at Puptilian.

Roblar deeply says, "Aye."

Speaking amusedly to Puptilian, Guarrin says, "I suppose you could take that as a compliment."

Cruxophim offers Barnom a glistening black apple.

Roblar deeply says, "Was der when we found yer phylactery."

Barnom says, "Yet here we are."

Barnom accepts Cruxophim's black apple.

Leafiara suddenly says, "Hey, those were a very different breed of Rooks than we have now."

Speaking to Barnom, Puptilian says, "I will help do the same again."

Barnom asks, "What's this?"

Barnom takes a bite of his black apple.

Barnom bites into his apple and blanches, eyes watering from disgust. A few drops of blood trickle down from his mouth.

Roblar deeply asks, "So where it now?"

Barnom exclaims, "OH MY BONES that is delicious!"

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan says, "Our local specialty."

Speaking to himself, Skipjack says, "I probably still have a shard of that obelisk."

Barnom takes a bite of his black apple.

Barnom bites into his apple and blanches, eyes watering from disgust. A few drops of blood trickle down from his mouth.

Barnom takes a bite of his black apple.

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "If you want to remove it, cut in around the chin. Then you can get a flap to start tearing."

Barnom asks, "Do those come on a tree?"

Puptilian says, "Let's go Aatu."

Raincail quietly says, "Not anymore."

Speaking amusedly to Barnom, Cruxophim states, "Thought you might like it. Plenty more where those came from."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "And I'll remind you. I was one of the ones who removed the blight named Althedeus from this world and the other. And the person who saved my life, was trapped there with you."

Speaking to Barnom, Thrassus says, "There's a grove right outside Lich Landing, yes."

Gidion whispers something to Raincail.

Maags says, "He is the tree."

Barnom applauds.

Barnom slides down off the wooden cart.

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan asks, "Um...where are you going?"

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "There's a lot of room under the masseter muscle for a blade."

Speaking to Barnom, Ysharra says, "You look so good I bet you could remove wrinkles from people."

Alvyara furiously asks, "I gave of my life force for this? This?"

Barnom says, "Well, it's late. This whole misdirection, misconception, illusion, betrayal thing has been exhausting...."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "But I think Ysharra is the expert here."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Evia asks, "So you planning on starting your campaign to run as Mayor of Lich's Landing?"

Barnom says, "I should go close my eyes and pretend to sleep like the living."

Speaking soothingly to Alvyara, Ariond says, "We wll figure this out."

Speaking to Leafiara, Keiiko exclaims, "Have the traitors taken into custody!"

Barnom asks, "Shall we do dinner soon?"

Barnom peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan asks, "What will you do now? Can we kill you again?"

Speaking slowly to Evia, Cruxophim notes, "Seems that way."

Barnom asks, "King to Mayor?"

Speaking to Barnom, Aeith says, "If you're tired, you could always just lay down and die."

Speaking to Keiiko, Leafiara says, "Vlashandra is. Barnom is a bit... more powerful."

Leafiara squints at Barnom.

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "Cut in the direction of the muscle, that way it won't tear."

Speaking softly to Lylia, Chandrellia says, "I know the anatomy very well, please, please let me skin her face off so I can put it on my wall and throw darts at it."

Leafiara rubs her chin thoughtfully.

(Lylia slips the tip of her butcher knife just below the chin of Vlashandra's ruined face and lifts the scarred flesh in a thin strip from her jaw to her lower eyelid.)

Lylia offers Chandrellia a sable-bladed vultite butcher knife.

Speaking evenly to Barnom, Cruxophim states, "As I said... things have changed a bit."

Maylan says, "Maybe we should just kill him again, real quick. It would be a nice end to the evening."

Speaking hesitantly to Keiiko, Ariond says, "Cruxophim is ... not necessarily a traitor."

Sammoon says, "Pyre."

Barnom asks, "Not your first time, eh?"

Speaking musingly to Barnom, Leafiara says, "Well, if everyone's invited, I suppose we can."

Barnom peers quizzically at Lylia.

Chandrellia taps a wavy-bladed ritual dagger of black stone and bone, which is in her right hand.

Speaking to Ariond, Alvyara says, "I appreciate your optimism. Right now, I could kill."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Lylia says, "Be my guest."

Barnom nods at Leafiara.

Speaking wryly to Keiiko, Ariond adds, "It's complicated."

Nazarr says, "The land pirate's right. We should."

Barnom exclaims, "We'll have a grand feast!"

Speaking curiously to Barnom, Cruxophim wonders, "What did you learn, in that deep... dark... belly of the beast?"

Barnom exclaims, "Fit for a King!"

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "We all have hobbies."

Chandrellia accepts Lylia's vultite butcher knife.

Speaking to Lylia, Alisette says, "Take it all, Ma'am."

Barnom says, "..and a mayor."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Xorus says, "You should have left the portal open."

Skipjack says, "Say what you will...he sure was effective."

Leafiara admits, "This is an even odder night than usual."

Speaking skeptically to Ariond, Keiiko says, "I highly doubt that."

Speaking to Barnom, Nazarr says, "Oh, shut up."

Gidion says, "Ogh..."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "I bet a lot of people will be dying to vote for you in Lich's Landing."

Sammoon asks, "Self proclaimed?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "You should not have lied to me."

Gidion asks, "We're not happy for feast..?"

Hapenlok attempts to kick Barnom, but before he can, flames envelops his foot. Startled, he pulls his leg back before it becomes a cinder, but not before the damage is done.

Barnom asks, "Now Vlashy poo, did you promise these good people something?"

The ghostly voice of Vlashandra says, "Yes your Majesty."

Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "Remember when you let the portal rip my face off?"

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "She will live to regret it, eventualy."

Barnom asks, "...and what was that?"

Maags says, "He will be the end of himself. Again. Eventuallies."

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "She promised us a Blade. Instead, she will get many blades."

Sammoon says, "Uh...."

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan says, "A pony."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "Rememebr when you took all that life from my mom and sister."

Speaking to Barnom, Ariond says, "She promised us Aralyte's return."

Maylan says, "We were all to have ponies."

The ghostly voice of Vlashandra says, "The remains of Walkar, and some living imperials I have imprisoned."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok compliments, "Clever girl...."

Speaking to Barnom, Thrassus says, "She promised us the return of Aralyte the Blade."

Barnom says, "Oh well, that isn't happening Ariond."

Barnom snickers at Ariond.

Maags asks, "Ponies?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Cordarius?"

Leafiara says, "Yes, Cordarius as well."

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan asks, "And the ponies?"

Barnom says, "You got me instead."

Ariond can offer Barnom only a blank expression.

Speaking wryly to Barnom, Ariond says, "I cannot tell you how excited I am."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn asks, "I have pretty nimble fingers do you want me to dig them in there?"

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "I do not know you. I knew Aralyte. And I want what was promised."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "And...what else?"

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "Good, that just means we can destroy you for good."

Ysharra says, "I was tired of the man's flirting and chatter, but I didn't want that."

(Chandrellia reaches up with the gleaming blade and attempts to cut the face of Vlashandra, slowly starting just in front of the ears.)

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "I can fetch them myself. I can unlock a proverbial door."

Speaking feistily to Barnom, Keiiko exclaims, "Just give her to us!"

Alvyara exclaims, "Gods above!"

Evia says, "But did she? Did she actually promise? Or did people just want it to be a promise so much....."

Nazarr mutters, "Yes, we had figured that out, thank you."

Barnom asks, "Well, Vlashadra my little disciple, go clean yourself up, and maybe in a few days you return and bring them those things?"

Speaking confidently to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "Oh, good. That means we can dispose of her, yes?"

Maags says, "She lied. Is that simple."

Barnom says, "Vlashadra, right? Vlashandra now? Pick a name."

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "I'm sorry, but first level characters are protected from abuse by federal law."

Speaking softly to Barnom, Chandrellia says, "She owes us! she owes everyone in this town."

Speaking evenly to Leafiara, Raelee asks, "Can you?"

Speaking sardonically to Raelee, Cruxophim inquires, "Anyone you'd like to raise from the Shadow Realm, while we're at it?"

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan says, "We don't mind if they are monstrosity ponies, flesh amalgamations."

(Roblar rides his stallion over Vlashandra's corpse, crushing it into the bank.)

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan says, "If that is within your grasp."

Roblar rides a muscular chestnut stallion back and forth a bit.

Roblar rides a muscular chestnut stallion back and forth a bit.

Speaking simply to Raelee, Leafiara says, "I'd certainly like to, at least."

Speaking slowly to Barnom, Alvyara asks, "What.. was.. her name.. before?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "Not specifically, no."

Sammoon says, "Nice work."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok asks, "Do you still need ...that?"

Speaking affably to Barnom, Ariond suggests, "Look, we all know how this is going to go. You're going to cause some mischief, we'll defend the town, you'll be defeated, and you'll end up back in the Shadow Realm, or utterly destroyed. So how about we save everyone's time and skip to the part where we kill you?"

Barnom says, "Vlashara is how I knew her."

Sammoon says, "Missed a spot."

Maylan says, "Really, any pony will do."

Elbromo says, "Wudda deal."

Speaking gently to Raelee, Cruxophim states, "Give it time."

Speaking to Barnom, Faerinn says, "You are not getting the matching friendship stockings."

Barnom says, "Cute as a button. Dark as the night. Eager as a..."

Barnom rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Barnom shrugs.

Speaking to Barnom, Faerinn says, "Aralyte only."

Speaking to Barnom, Alvyara asks, "But she wasn't always Vlashandra?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "I'll take those back."

Barnom says, "Right."

(Chandrellia grabs Vlashandra's face and slices deep, grabbing the strip of flesh she tears it off and hands back Lylia's blade.)

Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee asks, "Who would you expect I would need to fetch from the shadow realm?"

Lylia echoes, "Aralyte, yes."

Chandrellia offers Lylia a sable-bladed vultite butcher knife.

Maylan asks, "How about we compromise with an Aralyte pony?"

Barnom says, "She added a few letters."

Maylan says, "That way everybody's happy."

Alisette hisses, "We want what was promised to us."

Barnom says, "It's okay. I used to be Barnom Slim the Councilman."

Maags says, "And left off the poo 'parentlies."

Speaking drunkenly to Barnom, Gutstorm asks, "Her name doesht matter, she sherved her purpoosh, amirite?"

Ysharra says, "In case we are more fortunate, one day."

Lylia says, "Whatever she added will be taken away. And then some."

Barnom says, "Now I'm Barnom Slim the Lich King."

Gutstorm touches Barnom, but before he can, flames envelop his finger. Startled, he pulls his hand back before it becomes a cinder, but not before the damage is done.

Speaking casually to Raelee, Cruxophim speculates, "There's always... someone."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr says, "You should have not been so gulible."

Lylia accepts Chandrellia's vultite butcher knife.

Speaking curiously to Barnom, Leafiara asks, "Making a run for it again or do you have grander goals?"

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara says, "You tell them."

Raincail quietly says, "Once and future."

Barnom begins to talk and his jaw disconnects, dangling from his face. He pushes it back up into place.

Pietra says, "But that doesn't even rhyme."

Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Quite the promotion."

Nazarr says, "Well, you're a lich, anyway."

Speaking sharply to Chamorr, Cruxophim suggests, "Do not. She'd have done the same for you."

Barnom says, "Embarassing, sorry."

Ysharra says, "We were not gullible. We were hopeful. There's a difference."

Speaking to Barnom, Sammoon says, "Have some gravy."

Nazarr says, "You're not my king."

Raincail quietly says, "Happens to the best of us."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He burnted me."

Speaking to Ysharra, Hapenlok says, "Nope. You got long conned."

Beldannon quietly says, "That was not pretty."

Lylia firmly says, "And I retain that hope."

Chandrellia softly exclaims, "Quick someone punch him and knock his jaw off so he cant speak!"

Barnom points at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Barnom, Thrassus says, "Perhaps invest in some wire reinforcement on that jaw."

Lylia says, "She burned a book. She knows something more."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Ysharra says, "We knew the risks. But she was worth the effort."

Barnom exclaims, "RISE!"

Raincail quietly says, "Been rotting slowly myself since last time we met. sure i'll be losing bits any day now."

Barnom tries to pull Vlashandra towards him.

Speaking to Ysharra, Hapenlok says, "Sorry, but that's what happened."

Lylia says, "And we shall have time to discuss it."

Keiiko faintly exclaims, "No!"

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Leafiara's skin, twinkling like stars, as she prepares a spell..

Leafiara gestures at Vlashandra.

Leafiara slings lancing arrows of pure divinity at Vlashandra!

AS: +517 vs DS: +50 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +6 = +503

... and hit for 218 points of damage!

Hard blow to chest breaking ribs!

Hard to breathe!

  • Vlashandra drops dead at your feet!

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.

Lylia gestures at Vlashandra.

Lylia intones deeply over Vlashandra's body as slender glowing wisps gather around Lylia's body like a swarm of moths to a lantern. After a few moments Lylia begins to take on a slight glow and Vlashandra's body starts to show subtle signs of movement. Finally, the glow surrounding Lylia envelops the body and flares brightly before fading out, revealing an upright animated Vlashandra.

  • Vlashandra is off to a rough start! She just bit the dust!

Barnom says, "Oooh. I've still got it."

Barnom frowns at Leafiara.

Sammoon says, "And down agin."

Speaking amiably to Barnom, Leafiara says, "We'd like to keep this one."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Ysharra says, "Do you think we just accepted it? You're making just as many assumptions."

Lylia indifferently remarks, "Oh, I am sorry. Did you want this?"

Barnom says, "No no, she's my subject. Remember."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You won't let me have any fun."

The coppery barn owl hoots.

Lylia turns her head toward Vlashandra to favor her with a silent, withering gaze.

Sammoon says, "Vivisection."

Speaking to Ysharra, Hapenlok says, "Probably."

Speaking to Barnom, Alvyara says, "We'll trade. Vlashandra for Aralyte."

Speaking to Lylia, Nazarr says, "You could just toss Vlashandra on the midden. It's where she belongs."

Hapenlok says, "Now, right now, I'd like everyone to leave me, Barnom and Blackwing here for some one on one conversation."

Roblar casually says, "Now make her fetch me an ale, and mop Highguard."

Barnom says, "I can't get you Aralyte."

Speaking to Barnom, Lylia says, "I keep my word. You shall have what is left of her."

Chamorr grabs Vlashandra's body and drags it southwest.

Evia says, "Be careful what you bargain for."

Speaking amusedly to Alvyara, Cruxophim laments, "I know you just met, but I doubt that's an option."

Speaking to Barnom, Leafiara reasons, "How much good can she even be to you without the book? She burned it up."

Barnom says, "As it turns out, neither could you."

Speaking to Barnom, Ariond demands, "Why not?"

Sammoon says, "Ai'nt there something around what kin eat her."

Speaking coldly to Barnom, Alvyara says, "Find someone who can."

Sammoon says, "Then we come back in a couple days."

Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "He does not need the book. She needed the book."

Speaking to Alvyara, Ariond cautions, "Be careful what you ask for."

Speaking sweetly to Barnom, Alisette says, "You simply need to fetch Aralyte for us now."

Lylia admits, "No, you cannot. But someone can."

Sammoon says, "Shovel what's left."

Roblar deeply says, "Or da Hendoran Outpost latrine, iz closer."

Speaking to Barnom, Keiiko exclaims, "You're lying!"

Speaking to Barnom, Raelee asks, "Was the book a means to communicate with you?"

Barnom nods at Raelee.

Sammoon says, "But she burnt the book."

Alisaire remarks, "She had everything she needed by then."

Sammoon says, "Ah."

Barnom removes a sinew-wrapped yellowed bone scepter from in his black leather cloak.

Speaking to Barnom, Faerinn asks, "Were you on the other end of that book? Fiddling with a soulstone?"

Barnom lets out a cheer!

Barnom raises his yellowed bone scepter in triumph!

Speaking to Faerinn, Raelee says, "A communication device. A theory we discussed."

Lylia says, "She burnt the book, but she recalls some of it. With enough coaxing, I imagine she will remember more."

Raincail quietly says, "There it is."

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking surreptitiously to Lylia, Cruxophim whispers aloud, "What do you think I was doing that entire time? Watching. Waiting. Learning. There's no door that cannot be opened twice."

Evia asks, "Uh...wasn't there a matter of the corpse of a former mayor, and a missing council person?"

Lylia commands, "Die now, you pig-spawned filth."

Leafiara whispers something to Hapenlok.

Barnom says, "That's all she found I guess. My cloak, scepter and crown were all...that...remains."

Speaking to Barnom, Maylan asks, "Uh, where are you going to live? And can we come by to set fire to it...or to have tea?"

Barnom says, "I'll collect more."

Speaking to Evia, Leafiara says, "We did bring it up, yes..."

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim assures, "And Aralyte is still there."

Roblar deeply says, "Coaxing."

Speaking to Barnom, Steeltalon says, "Or rob it."

Speaking in Dwarven, Clunk deeply asks something you don't understand.

Lylia replies, "I know. I had hope this might be the way."

Raelee says, "The book was nothing. It was blank unless he was speaking through it. Even if we managed to retain it... it would not teach us much."

Roblar ominously says, "We avs waaays of makin her remember."

Barnom says, "..Have an outstanding evening all! We will meet again soon! We shall dine, we shall share stories, we shall catch up...and you shall tell me all about my Lich's Landing."

Ysharra says, "Mm."

Speaking sternly to Barnom, Keiiko says, "And you shall die."

Roblar deeply says, "Death won't be her friend."

Speaking neutrally to Barnom, Cruxophim implores, "I'll take you there. Beneath."

Speaking to Barnom, Pukk says, "Have you thought about moving to Solhaven? I heard it's pretty dead over there."

Evia says, "Maybe he can have Mother for his queen."

Barnom nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking calmly to Barnom, Cruxophim vows, "Count on it."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Maags says, "I suspect he knows the way."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok asks, "So if I were to ...accidentally say....complete casting meteor swarm and drop a meteor on his head? That wouldn't be a bad thing?"

Speaking to Keiiko, Ycelacie asks, "Isn't he already....?"

Speaking to Alvyara, Ysharra says, "We'll find something for you, Alisette, Balley and the others."

Barnom says, "You've grown up so much."

Speaking to Barnom, Gidion exclaims, "Have a great evening!"

Speaking to Barnom, Leafiara confesses, "Honestly, it's not all that hard to just go visit."

Barnom nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking wryly to Maags, Cruxophim reminds, "Not anymore."

Barnom says, "Could use a few more pounds on you though...."

Barnom cackles insanely, wild-eyed and drooling.

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Barnom!

Speaking to Hapenlok, Raelee says, "I think it would be a futile gesture."

Speaking to Barnom, Gidion says, "Twas nice to finally meet you."

Barnom raises his yellowed bone scepter in triumph!

Barnom bows to Gidion.

Speaking to Ycelacie, Keiiko says, "Clearly not enough."

Speaking amusedly to Barnom, Cruxophim counters, "So could you."

Barnom exclaims, "All Hail the Lich King!"

Gidion and Barnom shake hands.

Gutstorm whispers something to Barnom.

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn says, "He is big on those."

Speaking to Barnom, Pietra says, "No."

Speaking to Barnom, Hapenlok says, "Bugger yourself."

Raincail quietly says, "All hail..."

Clunk recites deeply:

"This be what happens when ye let blood by Eonak Lake"

Speaking flatly to Barnom, Ariond says, "Nope."

Gidion asks, "Or....not?"

Barnom just gracefully sashayed southwest.