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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-05-03 - A Kragton of Problems (log)

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Olaesta 3-4, 5122

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier


Falzcrow brings news that Tyrrax has set sail from Glaoveln, now with a larger force that includes the dark Stormcrow called Kragton, who learned from Kragnack how to wield demons and fire from the sky, and won't offer a measure of accord as Tyrrax has. Falzcrow says there might be an opportunity to drive a wedge between them, as there'll be more pressure on Tyrrax to accomplish victories and both krolvin are trying to claim the command of the Czag Dubra.

Falzcrow doesn't know if the krolvin are sailing for the Landing or elsewhere, but hopes to learn--as he's sailing for Glaoveln himself after Mayor Thadston asked him to find the whereabouts of Kharusa's father. Xorus asks if the Blue Suffer continued spreading or ran its course and Falzcrow says the latter. However, it's unclear how it fully works.

With no other questions, Falzcrow departs to sail for Glaoveln.


Gathering With Falzcrow

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Kirasoki disk, the vermeil Myasarie disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls, a grieving will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, the Nalver disk, the Bluey disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a simple modwir coffer, a sturdy haon coffer, the Lunatick disk, a mug of fizzy ginger ale, a veniom-banded oak keg personalized with the image of a mighty titan, the Citan disk, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Kirasoki, Telavien, Pals, Bodom, Myasarie, Lord Nalver, Lunatick who is sitting, Town Councilor Leafiara, Bluey, the body of Geremiah who is lying down, Tessria who is sitting, Citan who is sitting, Whaggler, Lord Solorian

Sheets of heavy rain drown you in an unrelenting curtain of water.

[OOC: Ordinarily I start logs at the first sign of weather. In this case, either there wasn't a sign or at least I didn't spot it--I only noticed after it was already raining and people started talking about it.]

Pals says, "Oh no, rain."

Citan says, "Indeed this rain is coming down."

Citan says, "Good thing the tree is here."

[General] Gutstorm asks, "Lannin gittin attacked yet?"

Falzcrow just arrived.

Falzcrow just went east.

[General] Falzcrow thinks, "We should speak."

[General] Gutstorm exclaims, "Well Heddo dere!"

[General] Kayse affably thinks, "Fair evening."

[General] Gutstorm thinks, "Pretend me not killin yooz coushin at da moment."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see an ivy-covered white monir tower and a large purple wooden barrel.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Falzcrow

Leafiara nods to Falzcrow in greeting.

Falzcrow nods.

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Come meet outside Moot Hall."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I will be in the alley, near Tykel's."

Falzcrow just went north.

Leafiara says, "Hmm."

Leafiara muses, "I suppose I can wait for others here and then follow..."

You peer west and see ...

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Crinbar disk, the Lunatick disk, the Kirasoki disk, the vermeil Myasarie disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls, a grieving will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, the Nalver disk, the Bluey disk, a simple modwir coffer, a sturdy haon coffer, a mug of fizzy ginger ale, a veniom-banded oak keg personalized with the image of a mighty titan, the Citan disk, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Crinbar who is sitting, Victir, Lunatick, Kirasoki, Lord Kellafar, Pals, Bodom, Myasarie, Lord Nalver, Bluey, Geremiah, Citan who is sitting, Whaggler, Lord Solorian

[waits a few minutes, nobody shows, goes back to the square...]

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Crinbar disk, the Lunatick disk, the Kirasoki disk, the vermeil Myasarie disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls, a grieving will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, the Nalver disk, the Bluey disk, a simple modwir coffer, a sturdy haon coffer, a mug of fizzy ginger ale, a veniom-banded oak keg personalized with the image of a mighty titan, the Citan disk, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Crinbar who is sitting, Victir, Lunatick, Kirasoki, Lord Kellafar, Pals, Bodom, Myasarie, Lord Nalver, Bluey, Geremiah, Citan who is sitting, Whaggler, Lord Solorian

Leafiara says, "Hmm."

Leafiara says, "If any would like to come meet with Falzcrow, join up."

[...but nobody joins]

Leafiara mutters, "Quiet crowd tonight."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, an ivy-covered white monir tower and a large purple wooden barrel.

[General] Leafiara notes, "Okay... I see we don't have many awake at the moment... but if you'd like to come join us, locate me or send me a thought."

[General] Gutstorm exclaims, "We jush kilt a krollin captain, we be right dere, Leafi!"

[Towncrier] Leafiara: "Falzcrow in the Landing, alley outside Tykel's. Drop on by!"

[General] Myasarie thinks, "One tried to follow thee m'lady. Thou art a wee bit too fast."

[Wehnimer's, Narrow Alleyway]

This narrow, dead-end alleyway runs from town square to the south, up to a bare wall at the north end. To the west, partially hidden behind teetering stacks of boxes, you see a weatherbeaten door with paint peeling off of it.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Falzcrow

Leafiara says, "Apparently not many are awake, though a few are on their way back from sea."

Falzcrow deeply says, "Hmm."

Falzcrow deeply says, "That does not bode well."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I will give others a few minutes then. I will not be long. I've work to do."

Leafiara nods at Falzcrow.

Myasarie just arrived.

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Bluey.

Stormyrain just arrived.

[Towncrier] Leafiara: "Or, for those not on Lich, north from Moot Hall and then into the alley."

Jhenni just arrived.

Falzcrow nods.

Bluey bows to Falzcrow.

Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni says, "Not in front of Moot Hall."

Falzcrow deeply says, "There are too many ears."

Falzcrow nods at Jhenni.

Speaking to Jhenni, Leafiara says, "I waited about three minutes there and no one came, but let me check again."

Stormyrain says, "A few are on the Sea and are sailing in."

Leafiara says, "Right back."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see the translucent Nairena disk, the Aurien disk, a raven that is flying around, an ivy-covered white monir tower and a large purple wooden barrel.

Also here: Falvicar, Markx, Lady Nairena, Argent Master Aurien, Mistress Ycelacie

Leafiara says, "Join up."

Leafiara says, "Minor change of plans, moving to another location."

Ycelacie asks, "Who is this person?"

[Wehnimer's, Narrow Alleyway]

This narrow, dead-end alleyway runs from town square to the south, up to a bare wall at the north end. To the west, partially hidden behind teetering stacks of boxes, you see a weatherbeaten door with paint peeling off of it. You also see the Jhenni disk, the Bluey disk, the vermeil Myasarie disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls and a grieving will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around.

Also here: Jhenni, Stormyrain, Bluey, Myasarie, Falzcrow

Goldstr, Falvicar, Markx, Nairena, Aurien and Ycelacie followed.

Falzcrow smirks at Jhenni.

Speaking curiously to Leafiara, Nairena asks, "Should we expect combat?"

Leafiara says, "There we are."

Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara says, "No."

Falzcrow deeply says, "No conflict, not tonight. But it is coming."

Gutstorm just stumbled in, flailing his arms wildly while trying to right himself!

A group of people follows him in, rolling their eyes and chortling.

Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni says, "That's what HE said."

Leafiara says, "Ah, there's the crew from sea now."

Leafiara says, "One last check if anyone is still outside Moot Hall."

[goes and returns]

Tyrrax's Reinforcements

Falzcrow deeply says, "My contacts have informed me that Tyrrax has set sail from Glaoveln. His forces have grown."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kayse asks, "By how much?"

Falzcrow deeply says, "There is another with him now."

Nairena says, "Umm."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I am unsure, but it has grown."

Falzcrow nods at Kayse.

Leafiara asks, "Another... warlord?"

Falzcrow deeply says, "The dark Stormcrow called Kragton."

Myasarie quietly says, "That nae be good at all."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kayse inquires, "What do you know of him?"

Falzcrow deeply says, "For a time, he sailed with Kragnack, and learned much from him."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dey let jush bout anyone wit a boat be a warlord in dish day en age wont dey."

Goldstr says, "Den he do be dangerous."

Falzcrow deeply says, "He is known to wield demons and fire from the sky."

Nairena says, "Great..."

Nairena says, "Flying demons that poop fire."

Falzcrow deeply says, "Where Tyrrax offers a measure of accord, the Stormcrow will not."

Kayse reasons, "I think Tyrrax is done negotiating."

Falzcrow deeply says, "But it presents an opportunity to drive a wedge between the two."

Kayse folds her wings across her back.

Speaking to Kayse, Leafiara agrees, "Most likely--"

Falzcrow shrugs at Kayse.

Falzcrow deeply says, "Perhaps you are right."

Vaemyr says, "I've witnessed them a bit before, there were a number of high ranking ones in the group that laid siege to Mist Harbor last year."

Nairena says, "I think Amos and him had a great talk."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Goldstr asks, "Dey be sailin where?"

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kayse says, "In his eyes, we've betrayed him twice."

Falzcrow deeply says, "Unclear."

Kayse adds, "One is a definite."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I presume here. I hope to know more soon."

Falzcrow nods at Goldstr.

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Goldstr says, "Well dey be findin nothin here."

Falzcrow deeply says, "The Stormcrow will bring a new challenge and force, but also more pressure for Tyrrax."

Leafiara asks, "For Tyrrax to appear as effective as or more effective than him, I take it?"

Drektor whispers something to Kayse.

Kayse curiously asks, "Is there anything we can do defensively to prepare for this new threat?"

Nairena says, "I knew I smelled an Asben."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I should learn more soon. I'm setting sail for Glaoveln myself soon. Your Mayor has asked of me something."

Vaemyr says, "If I remember, the Stormcrow are also a bit of a double-edged sword, often they cause great harm to their own forces as well, although I'm sure that doesn't bother them."

Speaking to Kiyna, Goldstr says, "Ye keeps dat lass well hidden."

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Falzcrow nods at Leafiara.

Leafiara nods understandingly at Falzcrow.

Falzcrow deeply says, "There will be even more pressure to succeed, or accomplish victories."

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Nairena asks, "Why are we gathered in an alley?"

Myasarie quietly says, "Aye on all sides one is sure."

Speaking to Nairena, Kayse asks, "Why not?"

Speaking to Nairena, Chandrellia says, "Cause that where the cool things happen."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lesh foot traffic ere."

Nairena says, "It does add a mischief factor to this meeting."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kayse asks, "You mentioned driving a wedge between the two? How?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wit a big mallet."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I am unclear of the exact steps. Both seek to claim the command of the Czag Dubra."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Stormyrain asks, "What did the Mayor ask of you?"

Falzcrow deeply says, "The Mayor asked me to find the location of the halfling's father."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Nairena asks, "How long do we have before this massive fleet and force arrives?"

Falzcrow shrugs at Nairena.

Falzcrow deeply says, "It is unclear if they set sail for here."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Chandrellia says, "That would be wonderful news to hear."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Stormyrain asks, "And you are returning to do so?"

Falzcrow deeply asks, "If they did?"

Falzcrow deeply says, "Within days, perhaps."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Make shore Amos no find out, he would yoosh it ash leverich over Kharusha."

Falzcrow nods at Stormyrain.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kiyna asks, "Have you made any headway on your investigation? Into the location of Kharusa's father?"

Stormyrain nods slowly.

Falzcrow deeply says, "No. I leave tonight for Glaoveln."

Falzcrow nods at Kiyna.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Stormyrain offers, "You put yourself at risk by making this journey."

Falzcrow deeply says, "My blood puts me at risk."

Stormyrain inclines her head.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Chandrellia says, "Could I as a concerned citizen ask a favor of you."

Falzcrow shrugs at Chandrellia.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Chandrellia says, "Should you find the location of her father, please let Kiyna know only, and she can relay the message to Kharusa."

Vaemyr glances at Chandrellia.

Stormyrain says, "The Mayor has dispatched him on this journey, he should report back to Thadston."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I have been asked by the Mayor. I have agreed to inform him. I am sorry."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia says, "Forgive me, I dont trust Amos and he has ears everywhere."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "No tell Vaemyr, he a shpy fer Amos."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kiyna says, "I would appreciate it if you would share that information with me as well."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Chandrellia says, "Oh this is true, forgive me."

Falzcrow deeply asks, "You are a town chieftain too, yes?"

Falzcrow deeply asks, "I am sure he will tell you?"

Falzcrow deeply says, "I am unclear of the politics of your town."

Leafiara muses, "Maybe you can tell only Thadston and then he can decide who to divulge it to--"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "Sorry, was spur of the moment."

Leafiara says, "Ah, we were thinking in the same direction, I suppose."

Speaking quietly to Falzcrow, Myasarie says, "One will ask L'Naere to watch over thee on m'lords journey for information."

Falzcrow bows to Myasarie.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Vaemyr says, "The mayor and council... uhh don't always see eye to eye I don't think."

Falzcrow deeply says, "That is a shame."

Drektor whispers something to Kayse.

Speaking quietly to Vaemyr, Myasarie asks, "Have they ever?"

Speaking firmly to Falzcrow, Stormyrain says, "The Mayor should know the information. Others will find out as he deems necessary."

Falzcrow deeply says, "Mutiny sinks ships."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia asks, "Does any sitting body ever see eye to eye?"

Vaemyr says, "But yes I'm sure Thadston will let us know when there is reason to."

Leafiara considers, "I wouldn't call it a shame, exactly. Differing perspectives help us grow."

Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni asks, "Have they?"

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Nairena says, "Please excuse me a moment."

Vaemyr says, "If we are lucky to learn anything at all."

Speaking to Jhenni, Leafiara asks, "Have who?"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "Yes you are correct Stormy ma'am please forgive my arrogance, I was only thinking of the girls safety."

Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni says, "You answered... Mayor and council having eyes for each other."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Stormyrain says, "My statement was more for those not holding leadership positions at the moment."

Stormyrain surreptitiously glances at Kiyna.

Stormyrain says, "But who seem to wish to circumvent leadership."

Additional Information

Falzcrow deeply asks, "More questions? I am good to go?"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "Agreed she should know by now who she should speak with."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Stormyrain asks, "Is there anything you might require on your journey?"

Falzcrow deeply says, "No. My thanks though."

[General] Kathralynn asks, "Anything happening yet?"

Stormyrain inclines her head.

Stormyrain says, "Jastev guide your sails."

Goldstr turns toward Falzcrow and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Vaemyr says, "Stay safe."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kayse muses, "If they are both seeking to be in power, you may have a valid point to manipulate them and turn them against each other."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kayse asks, "There is nothing more you know about either men?"

Speaking to Falzcrow, Chandrellia says, "May the wind be strong and carry you safely."

Kayse adds, "To help with this."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Leafiara says, "Safe travels to you."

Speaking quietly to Falzcrow, Myasarie says, "Safe journey sir, and may the information you seek be found without too much trouble."

Speaking quietly to Falzcrow, Falvicar says, "Stay safe."

Leafiara adds, "And thank you for the intel."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Kiyna says, "Leadership frankly can't be trusted with some things. 'Leadership' is not a monolith, and there are untold numbers of bad actors at play. Until I know more, I will act accordingly."

Falzcrow deeply says, "May Khar'ta guide you. it will be needed, if the Dark Crow comes."

[General] Pookia thinks, "Me. im happening, im with it."

[General] Kathralynn thinks, "I can see that."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Goldstr says, "May me Lord Kai walks wid ye."

Falzcrow nods at Kayse.

Falzcrow looks over at Kayse and shakes his head.

Kayse grins slowly at Falzcrow.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Falzcrow, ye should git Walward to make a minicher of ye, he do good werk."

Speaking wryly to Falzcrow, Kayse says, "Yes you agree, no you don't know more. Got it."

Falzcrow deeply says, "I only know the Dark Crow served under Kragnack, in his height of sorcery and necromancy."

Bluey offers Falzcrow a four-leaf clover pin.

Xorus asks, "Is this Blue Suffer contagion still spreading on Glaoveln, or did it run its course only in the past?"

Jhenni huskily says, "Don't get dead."

[General] Kathralynn asks, "Where is the meetin place at?"

Bluey says, "For luck."

Falzcrow deeply says, "If he has agreed to travel with Tyrrax, then he likely sees gain for himself, over the young warlord."

Falzcrow accepts Bluey's clover pin.

Speaking to Falzcrow, Kiyna says, "At any rate, I wish you luck, fair seas, and safety."

Speaking to Kiyna, Stormyrain says, "It seems to me that many of us in leadership bled and died that night, for a ruse that we were not party to. I have been in this town for several decades, I have run missions that were currents beneath seemingly still waters, and yet I still managed to do it with the leadership of the town knowing enough to keep people safe. As 'leadership' is not a monolith, be careful when you're assuming the mantle of having it."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Alley at Tykel's."

Falzcrow deeply says, "It had run its course."

Falzcrow nods at Xorus.

Xorus nods.

[General] Kathralynn thinks, "Thanks."

Speaking to Falzcrow, Chandrellia asks, "So if there is nothing left for it to spread to, it, dies out?"

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Falzcrow deeply says, "Unclear."

Falzcrow deeply says, "If it affected his bloodline, I am still alive."

Drektor whispers something to Kayse.

Speaking in Sylvankind, Stormyrain offers something you don't understand.

Speaking to Stormyrain, Kiyna says, "For what it's worth, Marshal, it's not your character that I doubt."

Drektor whispers something to Kayse.

Kathralynn softly asks, "Are they expected to attack here?"

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Kathralynn softly says, "Sorry..been in Illy for a while."

Falzcrow deeply says, "Likely, but unknown."

Falzcrow nods at Kathralynn.

Kathralynn nods.

Kathralynn softly says, "Thanks."

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Speaking to Kiyna, Stormyrain says, "That is appreciated. And I understand your intent. I am just trying to share what centuries have taught me. Lessons are hard won, and harder to forget."

Falzcrow bows.

Falzcrow waves.

Falzcrow just went south.