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Born of Bourth (storyline)/2022-08-06 - Baron Breshon of Bourth (log)

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Phoenatos 6-7, 5122

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier


This log is purely intended as an archival record of spoken words and actions of characters within the game as could be witnessed by the character or characters who were present to record them. Leafiara's player and the TownCrier hold no position on the veracity, falsity, legitimacy, nor illegitimacy of any character dialogue, opinions, perspectives, interpretations, and stances presented herein.


While some in Wehnimer's Landing await visitors coming through the portal to travel with them to Bourth for the coronation of Baron Breshon, instead Blameless crusaders attack the town and outpost! The Landing's forces rally in defense, as do the Bourthian and Hendoran soldiers in Lady Larsya's outpost--and eventually Lady Larsya herself along with her wolf companion Dawn. Landing defenders eventually clear the area enough to begin to take the fight to cut the Blameless off at the source, through the portal.

After the battles are over, Lady Larsya leads everyone to the place of the coronation in the Wyrdeep Forest. She leads everyone through a stream, saying that it was more fun than taking the trail, which Town Councilor Leafiara and Vaemyr had already surmised, but then she adds that it did help wash off the blood from battle. Eventually they all meet up with Elidal and Aronia, then soon enough Breshon arrives as well.

Aronia pulls forth a crown of wyrwood from the stream, then places it into the water to sink. It floats back to the surface after a while, confirming Breshon's coronation, so Aronia retrieves it and presents it to Larsya, who crowns her brother. Elidal and Aronia leave and Breshon speaks of the work to come enforcing the decree to remove Chaston's Edict, then thanks everyone for not just the night, but their history with saving Larsya's life from Raznel's poison, and promises Bourth will remain allied with the Landing.


Incursion of the Blameless

A flicker of light appears in the depths of the Lower Dragonsclaw forest.

[Town Square Central] This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a Wehnimer's runner, a timber jaguar, a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, the bark-textured Irval disk worked with the face of a tree spirit, a whimsical swamp spirit that is flying around, a silver-tipped smoke grey wolf, the crab-shaped Rasson disk, a coy celestial spirit that is flying around, a void black fire puppy enshrouded in a flickering fiery aura, the translucent Nairena disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild fiery dog, a charcoal cat that is sitting, some seasoned slices of roast velnalin, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, a sinuous bone white serpent, the Isele disk, some wolifrew lichen, the Maikoya disk, the Stormyrain disk, a disconsolate wasteland spirit that is flying around, a small dark crystal, a corked crystalline globe filled with glowing mineral water, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, an ivy-covered white monir tower, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Lord Locklee, High Lady Ithilwyn, Lord Tayler, Duskybeard, Goldstr, Pairin, Andromalius who is sitting, Great Lord Irval, Meril, Janni, Xorus, Asophiel, Tikba, Vaemyr, Dame Evia, Callayne who is sitting, Rasson, the body of Leomidas who is lying down, High Lord Andrelian, Gutstorm, Imperatrix Lylia, Markx, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Sir Guarrin, Lady Suzetta, Falicor, Lady Nairena, Broad, Wolfloner, Perigourd, Sir Cryheart, Isele who is sitting, Savageheart, Drektor, Maikoya, Stormyrain, Kiyna

A second flicker of light dances in the woods.

Some guards from the north tower stare off into the woods, squinting into the distance.

An orange glow appears in the depths of the Lower Dragonsclaw forest.

[Leafi goes off looking for it on her own]

Leafiara absently says, "Hmm. That's not the portal color..."

[General] Szarala asks, "Um.. is Dragonclaw on fire?"

[General] Leafiara muses, "Not yet."

[General] Tayler thinks, "Wouldn't even be the first time this year."

[General] Thrassus thinks, "Not that I have found yet."

[General] Isele thinks, "I'd have to say that would be... bad."

The flickering light of a burning torch comes into view within the depths of the forest beyond town, and a movement of white can be seen briefly in the woods.

[General] Tirean thinks, "I'm trying to find the commotion, haven't found anything yet."

[General] Directed to Thrassus, Yardie asks, "Not that you've caused either, correct?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vape says, "Ya probably shouldn't be out here."

Leafiara amusedly says, "I'll take my chances."

[General] Thrassus asks, "Why would I in the first place?"

A second torch appears in the distance.

[General] Isele asks, "Just the sort of thing an arsonist would ask, hmmm?"

Thrassus says, "Odd."

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "For those interested in joining us, we are south of the west gate for a moment."

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Outside of town, that is."

A third torch appears, its bright orange flames casting flickering shadows as it is carried through the nearby woods.

[General] Directed to Thrassus, Yardie asks, "Perhaps because you like to see things burn?"

[General] Thrassus asks, "Goodness they are being coy, aren't they?"

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Burn it it all down!"

[General] Lylia thinks, "Indeed."

More torch light appears within the depths of Lower Dragonsclaw, as the form of a white-armored figure appears, bathed half in the shadow of night, and orange from the glow of his torch.

[General] Thrassus asks, "Well, they certainly aren't wasting any time are they?"

A second figure appears, torchlight glowing off of his bald head, casting flickering shadows along the crown-shaped scar upon the flesh of his scalp.

[General] Beckstabber exclaims, "Oh no, a bald enemy! There will be hell toupee!"

[General] Thrassus thinks, "Blameless by the looks of it."

[General] Leafiara muses, "Ah, they've heard the news."

The voice of Kayse repeats, "Perhaps we should make sure we are near the gates of the town."

Cryheart asks, "Seen the portal yet?"

[General] Gothtrin asks, "Where are these figures in the torch light?"

Leafiara says, "The portal's where it's been."

Speaking to Cryheart, Stormyrain says, "No but we've seen Blameless on this side of whatever portal they're using."

Nairena says, "Thats a lot fo torch light."

Cryheart says, "Ok."

Kiyna asks, "These are the militant Koarites I've heard about, yes?"

Guarrin says, "That is my understanding, yes."

Leafiara says, "Most likely."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "That is what they look like..."

Lylia says, "I think what we are seeing is not the warm glow of a new portal, but the torchlight. Hard to say in the rain."

Kothos says, "They set my home on fire."

Tikba says, "That does not sound promising."

One by one, the forms of armored soldiers emerge from the thicket of the woods, the burning glow of their torches casting a warm orange aura across their rigged faces and cold eyes. They begin to veer, marching towards the grasslands.

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "I would suggest the gates for now."

[General] Thrassus thinks, "They are either after the town or the outpost one."

Kothos says, "And murdered several priestesses in Tamzyrr, after torturing them."

Nairena says, "Umm."

Guarrin says, "Or perhaps protet the portal."

Missoni asks, "Are they going toward the portal?"

The voice of Kayse ruefully says, "All too familiar."

Guarrin says, "Protect the portal."

Irval heartily says, "Aye."

Irval heartily says, "To the portal."

Irval heartily says, "Good call."

Tikba says, "We have stirred up the poor sheep."

Some guards shout from the northern tower, "They're in the woods! Blameless!"

Speaking amusedly to Tikba, Leafiara says, "Oh, yes, 'we'."

Speaking to Cryheart, Kothos says, "It's going to be all right."

Irval heartily says, "Around the portal defensive barrier we must create."

Cryheart says, "Aye, it will be."

Nairena says, "I dont think this is a friendly visit."

Wolfloner asks, "Hope you all wore armor under your finery?"

Cryheart says, "No."

Speaking cheerfully to Wolfloner, Missoni says, "Always."

Speaking to Nairena, Kothos says, "No doubt they're about to tell us how misguided we are."

Irval heartily says, "Pray for peace but prepare for war..."

[General] Szarala thinks, "Outside is sounding dangerous.."

Cryheart says, "Dinnae attack first."

A white-bladed hatchet goes spinning through the air, originating from the woods, and arcs sharply to strike one of the guards in the tower! The handaxe takes the guard in the face, ending him instantly, and he falls from the tower with a loud crunch.

Evia says, "No, unless a petticoat counts for armor."

Leafiara says, "Even when I appear to be wearing finery, which isn't right now, I--"

[General] The ghost of Gothtrin thinks, "One of the armored figures got me between the gates."

Tikba says, "Not first now."

Bigsword says, "Dam, thats cold."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Uh oh."

Vaemyr says, "Weapons."

Wolfloner says, "Definitely attack first and often."

Kiyna says, "...So we're doing tihs, then."

Julenne softly says, "My my."

Guarrin says, "Well, that explains what they want."

[General] Isele thinks, "Appears they have some strong feelings about something."

Nairena says, "No one kills a human man but me... I mean."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me in no shape to fight tnite."

Nairena says, "Bad guys."

Cryheart says, "Just defend yourself."

[Drakes] Nalver thinks, "Looks like something going on in Landing."

Cryheart says, "And dinnae attack."

[General] Beckstabber exclaims, "They could have just axed us first!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Kill first, da dead can talk."

[General] Araneus asks, "Are they mad about being bald?"

Lylia says, "The best defense against the Blameless is to annihilate them."

Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "They just killed one of our guards."

[General] Ronmarik thinks, "I enjoyed that one Beckstabber..."

Cryheart says, "The Outpost guard."

[General] The ghost of Gothtrin thinks, "Anyone able to get me outside of WL between the north and west gates."

Stormyrain says, "I think he means those who cannot fight due to a lack of armor or ..inclination."

[General] Szarala thinks, "Um.. I think they did."

Kothos says, "I am normally not one to bellow for blood."

[General] Isele asks, "Am I correct in assuming these "Blameless" are reacting to the abolishment of Chaston's Edict?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "No that was one of the landing tower guards."

[General] Nalver exclaims, "Call to arms! Three Velnalin on North Ring Road!"

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "I believe they have taken first blood, Sir."

Tayler says, "They appear to be assaulting the outpost, not the town."

Speaking to Cryheart, Kiyna says, "That was one of ours, on the north tower."

Cryheart says, "Oh."

Tayler asks, "Was it?"

Kothos says, "But in the case of the Blameless, I carry some baggage."

[General] Thrassus thinks, "That would be very likely, yes."

[General] Bigsword asks, "Is invoker about to come in the nick of time?"

Cryheart says, "I stance corrected."

Lylia icily says, "I am not changing out of my gown and into my armor to suit the likes of these swine."

Missoni says, "They are outside the gate."

Vaemyr says, "North gate."

Lylia says, "Outside the gates. They have taken Nalver."

Missoni says, "The north gate, that is."

Evia says, "Damnit."

Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm slurs, "Need me to hold dat gown fer you?"

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Nairena says, "You look amazing by the way."

The voice of Kayse sighs, "I did say to protect the gates."

Leafiara ponders, "Wonder why they're after a non-Imperial town."

Citan deeply says, "West gate it seems."

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "To the gates. Let's keep an eye on the portal though."

Ithilwyn softly says, "They are attacking outside the gates."

Maikoya says, "You did..."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "It is scarlet, and it shall go with any blood I shed of theirs tonight."

[General] Ruskos exclaims, "Okay, I'm not up to date on what's happening but we need to protect the invoker at all costs. Form a defensive wall!"

Cryheart says, "I am heading to the gate."

[General] Directed to Nordred, Yardie exclaims, "What in the world?!"

Irval heartily says, "This part will be remembered, Where few stood against many to hold the portal. Those who die this night. Know that your spirit will never die! And your sacrifice will be for something greater..."

Irval heartily says, "Crusader."

Tikba says, "It seems a long way to come."

[~900 lines of combat]

[General] Directed to Stormyrain, Yardie asks, "Err...Marshall? You saw that, correct?"

[~300 lines of combat]

Kothos says, "That's for Priestess Nox."

[~900 lines of combat]

[General] Szarala thinks, "Um.. someone should do something about that."

[~100 lines of combat]

[General] Beldannon thinks, "I thought we exterminated those bastards a while back."

[~100 lines of combat]

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Those who cannot fight on the front lines, please man the ballistas."

[~300 lines of combat]

[General] Pookia exclaims, "Ballistas locked and loaded!"

[~700 lines of combat]

[General] Thrassus asks, "Are they attempting to take the town?"

[~500 lines of combat]

[General] Sevanya thinks, "Finally, i get to be reunited with my baby."

[~100 lines of combat]

[General] Guarrin thinks, "They are certainly attacking."

[~100 lines of combat]

[General] The ghost of Beckstabber thinks, "Ohhh i'm heckin' dead outside the tent i was running back into town."

[General] Pookia thinks, "Its been so long since ive got to hang out with my bolts and my boiling oil..."

Guarrin says, "Recover."

[General] Szarala thinks, "Clearly not fast enough."

Cryheart says, "Anyone hurt, heal."

Kothos says, "That one won't be setting any more fires."

[~100 lines of combat]

Cryheart says, "Someone down."

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "What the everlovin."

Kothos says, "Good idea."

[General] Thrassus asks, "Has anyone heard from Lady Larsya?"

The voice of Kayse hisses, "They are ruthless."

[General] Cryheart asks, "Anyone at the north gate?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Stormyrain asks, "How is the north gate?"

Bourthian and Hendoran soldiers take to the ramparts of the imperial outpost, bows trained on the grasslands. As the armored crusaders arrive, they let their arrows fly, dropping several in the woods. Moments later, the Blameless's wounds begin to heal and they rise back up, resuming their march.

Irval heartily exclaims, "Call out the injured!"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Vaemyr says, "Overrun."

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "I'd like to live so I can kill everything in sight."

Maevie asks, "Any clerics here?"

Speaking curiously to Ithilwyn, Leafiara asks, "Have you found a cleric?"

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "Not yet."

[General] Beldannon thinks, "Set them all on fire."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vape says, "I advised the wrong lady."

[General] Pookia exclaims, "Hit em in the brains!"

The voice of Yardie asks, "Where are they?"

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "Some elemental spells would be most welcome after I am up again."

[General] Sevanya exclaims, "They cant get up with no head!"

[General] The ghost of Beckstabber sadly thinks, "I'm dead outside down and the roltons are eating me!"

Leaifara dryly asks, "You asked the marshal if she saw it, but you didn't see where they were yourself, Yardie?"

Leafiara says, "They're in the forest."

Eale says, "Oh no!~."

Speaking to Ithilwyn, Leafiara asks, "Hmm... need a chrism?"

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "I love trees, but I'd burn that forest down."

The voice of Yardie says, "Symbol, Leafiara. Symbol."

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "Yes please."

[General] Pookia solemnly thinks, "Mother nature takes its course...."

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "Thank you Leafiara."

Leafiara assures, "Right back."

[triage for the next while in the log]

[General] Thrassus thinks, "They are still getting Everblood from somewhere? Curious."

[General] Bigsword asks, "Anyone else having problems dragging ppl from the gate?"

The ghostly voice of Ithilwyn softly says, "Mad skills....sometimes."

The ghostly voice of Lahanna softly says, "Thank you."

[General] Directed to Thrassus, Yardie asks, "What is Everblood?"

Erienne exclaims, "Oh hello!"

[General] Ronmarik thinks, "I'm in the West Tower at the ballista."

The ghostly voice of Gothtrin says, "Thanks."

[General] Sevanya exclaims, "I was just wondering that yardie!"

Markx says, "Crusaders."

Ithilwyn softly says, "They will die."

[General] Isele asks, "Are we sufficiently staffed with healers?"

Ithilwyn softly says, "All of them."

The ghostly voice of Nalver says, "Hello."

[General] Leafiara offhandedly explains, "It's a substance that gives them incredible regenerative powers."

[General] Lylia thinks, "It is a bit like trolls' blood. They heal from grievous wounds, and they continue to march. Implacable."

[General] Directed to Leafiara, Yardie exclaims, "Good to know!"

[General] Thrassus thinks, "An alchemical concoction that effectively renders the subject immortal."

[General] Directed to Thrassus, Yardie thinks, "How about that....not magic."

[General] Leafiara considers, "If anyone has spare supplies of the Everblood-counteracting salve from years ago, perhaps now is the time to bring it out."

Erienne exclaims, "You're excited!"

Asophiel melodically says, "So many people..."

Some armored crusaders continue to pour of the forest, "The edict will never vanish. It is as endless as we are..."

[General] Giantphang thinks, "Will like some that blood in mine troll heart necklace."

[General] Directed to Leafiara, Yardie sighs, "From years.....ago."

[General] Thrassus thinks, "Oh, magic is definately involved in the making of it, as well as demon blood."

From nearby, you hear Pookia yell, "It already vanished! and now all yer unused shops'll vanish too!"

[General] Sevanya asks, "Why do these evil wizards even bother if they always end up making some kind of counteracting juice that makes them useless too?"

[General] Gutstorm asks, "GP where ye hidin?"

[General] Directed to Yardie, Leafiara assures, "Some people remain prepared."

[General] Directed bitterly to Thrassus, Yardie sighs, "Always magic."

[General] Thrassus thinks, "Well, it *is* exceedingly useful."

Chanting echoes from the forest, "Burn the Landing...burn all of a corpse..."

[General] Directed to Sevanya, Pookia thinks, "Well you know what they say where theres a will theres an anti magical counteracting juice way."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Burn yeself."

[General] Szarala thinks, "That is not a very catchy song..."

Leafiara says, "Ah, yes, I'm sure their minuscule army will suffice."

[General] Kiyna asks, "Do we have someone watching the portal to Bourth?"

[General] The ghost of Nalver exclaims, "Crown the corpse Knucklehead!"

[General] The ghost of Nalver exclaims, "Dead Nalver for Town King!"

[General] Sevanya exclaims, "Nalver, you'll always be town king to me!"

Tikba says, "They do seem to come back fairly quickly."

[General] The ghost of Nalver thinks, "And you'll always be a lady in waiting in my mind, no matter what the guys in the alleys say."

Uhlak quietly says, "Oof. This invasion hurts. I'll wait for my link to wear off, then go back to trying to save bodies."

[General] Sevanya thinks, "Hey, me and the guys in the alleys are business associates, okay? It's completely legal."

From nearby, you hear Pookia yell, "A livings a living!"

[General] Pookia cheerfully thinks, "Im patrolling, i love patrolling."

[General] Yardie thinks, "By the west gate."

[General] Szarala thinks, "Patrolling does not sound very safe."

[General] The ghost of Goldstr thinks, "3 of us at W Gate."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Got 'em."

[General] Sevanya exclaims, "It's safe when you're behind heavy artillery!"

Leafiara says, "There we are."

The ghostly voice of Markx says, "Thar we go."

Eale says, "Noisy."

The ghostly voice of Markx says, "Welp. Thwapped me pretty quick."

[General] Pookia exclaims, "Ill be fine ive got big ballistas!"

[General] Beckstabber thinks, "Can't have patrolling without trolling."

The ghostly voice of Goldstr says, "I thoughtsd Chaston's Blameless all died wid him."

[General] Guarrin thinks, "That salve would be rather useful right now."

Speaking hesitantly to Leafiara, Severine asks, "They're back?"

Daerkhen exclaims, "We must push the invaders back!"

Garsin exclaims, "The landing must not fall!"

Julenne softly says, "My god."

[General] Isele asks, "Ok, well... once is an anomaly, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a pattern... so... for the third time... do we have enough healers?"

Uhlak quietly says, "Aye."

Speaking to Severine, Leafiara muses, "Well, seems that at least some tiny portion of their forces are still here."

The ghostly voice of Ruskos squeakily says, "I wouldn't say I survived that round."

[General] Sevanya exclaims, "Maybe some random member of the townsfolk has barrels and barrels of salve under their home in a secret passage!"

[General] Directed to Isele, Yardie thinks, "I'm not the sharpest knife in the sheathe, but chances are, if you're not getting a reply, the answer is probably no."

Bourthian soldiers converge on the green portal, standing guard and fighting off white-armored crusaders as they approach.

From nearby, you hear Pookia yell, "Portal!"

From nearby, you hear Pookia yell, "They're going in the funeral portal! punish it!"

Lady Larsya Joins the Battle

In the distance, a voice shouts, "Argggh!"

Uhlak yells, "Don't give in! Fight to the last!"

From nearby, you hear Pookia yell, "Arrgh!"

[General] Xorus thinks, "Amos, if you have anti-Everblood salve, now would be the time."

Dumple says, "Those buggars oneshotted little ol me."

Leafiara says, "Odd... the Rooks and Consortium alike should have hefty supplies of salve at the moment." [Leafi and Xorus are referencing the ending of A Knight to Remember, in which the Consortium was having a large supply caravan deliver to the Landing in the midst of a battle against the Knave ships. As the Landing forces split between fighting through Knave mercenaries at the sands, Knave mercenaries in the tunnels, and later Consortium armigers in the forest, the Rooks intercepted most of the supply caravan, which consisted of weapons coming from Zul Logoth (an expected shipment) and anti-Everblood salve (a surprising discovery). Thus Xorus and Leafi have reason to believe that non-zero amounts of anti-Everblood salve from that shipment a few months earlier should still be in the possession of both factions.]

[General] Tikba thinks, "Be careful, Larsya."

Nairena asks, "Why cant humans just get along??"

[General] Pookia exclaims, "We're spittin on the ballista bolts! givin em that good ol knucklehead salve!"

A young lithe girl can be seen rushing along the branches of trees within the forest, her violet eyes sharp and wide as she fires arrows from the trees into the armored bodies of the Blameless below.

[General] Thrassus thinks, "Well, that's not advisable."

[Drakes] Nalver asks, "Who is the officer in charge? Pookia?"

Leafiara observes, "She's a real prodigy for her age." [13 or 14 at this point, as we'd celebrated her thirteenth birthday with her in 5121.]

[Drakes] Nalver exclaims, "We're all doomed!"

[Drakes] Pookia exclaims, "Never!"

Tikba says, "It is too dangerous for her."

The ghostly voice of Leomidas asks, "Who was that group of crusaders purging people outside the gate?"

A golden-brown wolf leaps out of the shadows, pouncing upon a white-armored crusader and savagely clawing and biting at its face, over and over until it finally twitches in death.

[General] Pookia exclaims, "Awooooo!"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Veijari quietly asks something you don't understand.

Leafiara says, "I'm beginning to think that the Rooks didn't keep their supply of salve and that the Consortium's supply was in the hands of the armigers, so they lost it whenever someone... commandeered them."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Make sure to search the perimeter for bodies whilst we fight."

Leafiara muses, "Wouldn't that be a perfect storm."

Speaking to Leafiara, Tikba asks, "Did we ever learn who commandeered the armigers?"

Speaking to Tikba, Leafiara says, "Nope."

Tikba says, "A pity."

Leafiara says, "Well... I don't have salve, but I do have one set of handwraps, I suppose."

[Leafi goes to get her anti-Everblood gloves, then rejoins the battlefield]

[~600 lines of combat]

[General] Yardie frustratedly thinks, "These things sure have a lot of blood. They do not die."

[~400 lines of combat]

Grymli asks, "Are we winning?"

Leafiara says, "They should all be affected with anti-Everblood now..."

[For reference, this is what it looks like:]

You attempt to jab a white-armored crusader!
You have decent positioning against a white-armored crusader.
 UAF: 474 vs UDF: 257 = 1.844 * MM: 125 + d100: 85 = 315
 ... and hit for 21 points of damage!
 Flurry of jabs to the ribs leaves the white-armored crusader winded!
With a look of dawning horror, the crusader gapes down at his wound and shivers as his skin shrivels and a deathly pallor creeps across his features.

[General] Thrassus asks, "So that information we told you about Everblood didn't really catch, did it?"

[Realm] Chrysain asks, "Where can this bard be of assistance?"

[Wehnimer's, Exterior]

As you stand next to the southwest corner of the Landing, you have an unobstructed view of the plain. Some distance away you can make out the vague figures of shepherdesses tending their flocks of Rolton -- sheep indigenous to the region. Further south the grassy expanse turns hilly, eventually terminating in stark mountains that line the horizon. You also see a floating crystal blue eye that is flying around, a glowing deep green portal and a wooden signpost.

[Gallardshold, Northern Field]

Huge stone walls and ramparts stretch along the area, comprising the northern fortifications of Gallardshold. Armored imperial soldiers march the length of the stone battlements, their eyes always trained to the distance. To the south and east, the fortress city expands, while a narrow trail bends north into an expanse of trees. You also see a white-armored crusader that appears dead, a razor-sharp white steel sword, a white-armored crusader that appears dead, some slouched black leather boots, a twisted wand, some polished pristine white platemail, some polished pristine white platemail, a white steel greatshield emblazoned with a golden crown, some slouched black leather boots, a black leather cloak, a razor-sharp white steel sword, a green-eyed calico cat, a white steel greatshield emblazoned with a golden crown, some polished pristine white platemail, a silver lockpick, a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, a black semi-melanistic panther, a timber jaguar, the Vaemyr disk, the Bigsword disk, the Guarrin disk, the Stormyrain disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Nordred disk, the Kayse disk, the Nisugi disk, the black jade Kothos disk edged with glittering gold, the Kiyna disk, a whimsical swamp spirit that is flying around, a wide wooden stump with a twisted wyrdroot pin on it and a glowing deep green portal.

[General] Guarrin asks, "Any eyes on the north and west gates? Clear?"

Cryheart says, "Make sure to target the crusaders."

[General] Uhlak thinks, "West gate area NOT CLEAR."

[General] Directed to Thrassus, Yardie asks, "Oh I caught it. But one can still be surprised and in admiration, no?"

Leafiara says, "Hm."

[~400 lines of combat]

Perigourd says, "Can't wave a wand."

Leafiara says, "Don't worry about it."

[General] Pookia exclaims, "Welcome to the ballista crew!! awooo!"

[General] Uhlak thinks, "West gate cleared."

[travel, scouting]

Kiyna says, "If the portal is clear for the moment, let's help out elsewhere."

The voice of Wolfloner asks, "Any word?"

Speaking in Faendryl to Thrassus, Vaeldrys says something you don't understand.

Lady Larsya just arrived.

Larsya joins Cryheart's group.

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Any sighting around the gate."

Guarrin moves away from Meril, over to Larsya, and stands ready to protect her from attack.

Cryheart says, "Hello Larsya."

[General] Irval exclaims, "All non-combatants please return to your homes. Able-bodied women and men who refuse to see these tyrants continue on and their ideals reduced to ash! Stand tall! Guard the walls! Protect your loved ones! And for akarti's sake, keep the children inside!"

Larsya breaks out in a sweat.

Larsya says, "My brother is safe."

Cryheart says, "Good to hear."

[General] Garsin exclaims, "Man the ballistas and do not falter! They may return at any moment!"

Guarrin says, "We need reinforcements at the gates."

Missoni says, "Oh, excellent news."

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "Good to hear, the soldiers here did well."

Speaking to Larsya, Kiyna says, "Good shooting, Dread Pirate. Let's keep him that way."

Thrassus asks, "Any word if they have attacked anywhere but Bourth and the Landing?"

Lylia says, "Good."

Speaking to Larsya, Kothos says, "That is a relief, and for your health as well."

[General] Yardie sadly muses, "Change never comes overnight."

[General] Daerkhen exclaims, "Elder adventurers to the gate! Defend us so they can't enter!"

Speaking quietly to Larsya, Kothos says, "Fine shooting, by the by, my lady."

Larsya blushes a glowing shade of red.

Larsya says, "I'm better at sea."

Larsya says, "Argggh."

Vaemyr says, "Dawn did quite well too."

Speaking amusedly to Larsya, Kothos says, "Arrgh."

Goldstr exclaims, "Sheesh! I thought da Blameless all died wid Chaston!"

The voice of Wolfloner asks, "Any word from Bourth?"

Speaking to Larsya, Leafiara asks, "Is this your first major battle not at sea?"

Xorus says, "Not all of them."

Speaking to Goldstr, Lylia says, "I know they did not."

Lylia says, "But I did not know there were so many."

Thrassus says, "We are in Bourth."

Lylia asks, "What is the appeal of this humorless Koar-sucking?"

Speaking to Goldstr, Kothos says, "Chaston left plenty of seeds behind."

Larsya shrugs at Leafiara.

Kiyna asks, "The path to Gallardshold seems secure, how are the Landing gates?"

Xorus says, "Thadston had infiltrated a cluster of them at one point, after all, when he was searching for his son."

Speaking to Kothos, Falicor says, "I'd say piles, or nuggets even..."

Larsya says, "If you call this a major battle."

Pookia exclaims, "Gates are clear!"

Sevanya exclaims, "It seems pretty secure at the gates!"

Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "Koar is associated with tradition and stability, for the Empire. Since they have known little of latter, they conflate it with the former."

Chrysain says, "The landing gates were secure when we left them."

[General] Yardie asks, "There's a Faendryl woman-at-arms here. Did we get help from home?"

Geijon says, "Well."

Speaking to Larsya, Leafiara acknowledges, "Fair, it's a reasonably small force. numbers."

Kayse reticently says, "I did not think this was a battle we would have to repeat."

Maikoya says, "The Bulwark holds true."

Larsya says, "They have as much to do with Koar as I do a dress."

Larsya smirks.

Speaking to Kayse, Kiyna says, "Well, if they thought they'd catch us napping, they're mistaken."

Vaemyr says, "I have a feeling this will get worse before it gets better."

Speaking to Kayse, Kothos says, "The repeal will echo, and not always in sweet reprisal."

Larsya says, "They only need an excuse to kill."

Speaking to Kothos, Lylia says, "I wonder if it is not something uglier and baser."

[General] Thrassus asks, "What's her name?"

Vaeldrys asks, "Oh, is that what this is about? The edict?"

Geijon whispers to the group, "I see everyone is armed."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Sevanya asks, "Isn't that how everything in the Landing works?"

Larsya says, "Their banner is blood, not the edict, not truly."

[General] Ithilwyn asks, "Did you ask her out?"

Guarrin whispers to the group, "We have been fighting Blameless."

[General] Irval thinks, "Sir Cryheart, Status on the front? We've those that are asking if its safe to venture out."

Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "It is a cult."

[General] Yardie thinks, "She says her name is Helaine."

Goldstr says, "Aye."

Larsya says, "They won't be the last."

Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "A much more dangerous one than usually gets lobbed at me."

Nordred says, "Hmm."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "It seems they hae quieted down, and portal is clear."

Larsya says, "Change will spread in all directions. South, east, north, northwest."

[Realm] Perigourd thinks, "Still some by the Wyrdeep."

Nordred says, "Hrmm."

Speaking to Cryheart, Nairena says, "Sorry for retreating back. I was severely wounded in my leg and stomach."

[General] Helsfeld thinks, "Thats my sister."

[General] Irval asks, "And the Bourth side? Did any get through?"

Larsya says, "I'm proud of my brother and everyone involved."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Larsya is with us in the portal."

Geijon asks, "Where is Lord Breshon?"

Larsya says, "He is safe."

Chrysain simply says, "Whatever we wandered into, we are glad to have been of some small help."

[General] Uhlak asks, "Where is this portal?"

Guarrin asks, "He is by the Wyrdeep?"

Larsya says, "The coronation has been, slightly delayed, given the arrival of the Blameless."

[General] Markx thinks, "Just south of the west gate."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "South of town."

Tikba says, "Sensible."

Larsya says, "They may be done...."

Larsya shrugs.

Kiyna says, "Safe is all I need to know. If it's mentioned in thoughts, they may be listening."

Larsya says, "The coronation will still occur tonight. Once, well once things have settled."

Thrassus says, "Surely they have more targets than this, though."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Tonite tonite? or tomorrow tonite?"

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "Your brother will be a good ruler, and I'm glad the Emperor listened and followed through as well, we'll all weather this last gasp and come out stronger on the other side."

Kothos says, "They will target Bourth however they can, and we all know how they feel about the Landing."

Larsya says, "Like, within thirty minutes or less."

Larsya nods at Gutstorm.

Lylia says, "I can see why this would be a primary target. The new baron is clear in his position on the repeal of the hateful Edict. And this is sure to be widely attended."

Nairena asks, "Are we safish?"

Vaemyr says, "Nothing... not even time itself can resist change."

Kothos says, "My Mistress and the Betrayer's temples will be in danger. Lady Winter's, as well."

Irval raspily says, "Anyone need some healing. Doped up on adrenaline is a surefire way to end up into the healers tent. Check yourself and your friends over."

Cryheart says, "Seems so."

Cryheart says, "For now."

Evia says, "I feel rather ridiculous standing here in both gown and armor."

Thrassus says, "The Emperor is likely also a target, since he struck the Edict."

Kothos says, "They've murdered those who worship Imaera, I don't seem that Lorminstra will fair any better."

Speaking to Kothos, Lylia says, "I shall fight for the safety of these temples, and others."

Falicor says, "Because change means fear. And fear brings the worst out of people."

Speaking lightly to Evia, Kayse says, "It's a new fashion trend."

Mex asks, "Where is this place?"

Speaking helpfully to Mex, Leafiara says, "This is Bourth."

Speaking to Kothos, Kiyna says, "It rather sounds like they just murder, from how I'm hearing it."

Ceorn exclaims, "Being stuck inside the gates. Unable to leave to hunt monsters. These dastardly invaders hem our freedoms!!"

Mex says, "This is not the mens room at helgs..."

Larsya slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Mex, Lylia says, "Hardly."

Speaking sincerely to Lylia, Kothos says, "Thank you."

Larsya says, "Dawn enjoyed the fight."

Cryheart says, "It seems so."

Irval raspily says, "I saw Dawn eat the face off one."

Speaking to Mex, Chrysain says, "Welcome to Gallardshold. I fear I cannot point you towards the privy."

Irval raspily says, "Quite fearsome."

Eale says, "I had to heal so many injured adventurers. I am so sad..."

Larsya says, "The's not very fancy. Bourth isn't like that, especially my brother."

Irval raspily says, "I will never forget it."

Chrysain says, "As I myself am unfamiliar."

Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr exclaims, "I saw Dawn in action!"

Nairena says, "It was quite fun up until they tore a chunk out of my leg and cut my stomach open."

Garsin says, "They will lose."

Mex asks, "Mex fight what ye bash?"

Xorus says, "It is important to not allow insurrectionists to disrupt the transition. It is good that it is still tonight."

Speaking to Larsya, Kothos says, "So did I. I enjoyed every second of her repast."

Garsin says, "There is no option for us but victory."

Speaking to Eale, Lylia says, "I am not sure, in the midst of it all, if I was one of them, but I believe I could speak for all of us when I say thank you for the healing."

Speaking to Kiyna, Nairena says, "Saved by my sexy armor."

Larsya says, "I'm goin to go find my brother, and check on the coronation. Once our commander says we're in the clear, we'll begin. Breshon expected trouble tonight."

Eigie says, "It's my job."

Eigie says, "To help everyone as I can."

Falicor says, "Maybe next time he can share that."

Lylia says, "You cannot let these scoundrels win. A smooth transition of power is essential."

Tikba says, "That was forward-thinking of him."

Irval raspily says, "Once again, I know we are all hopped up on the thrill of battle, But please check yourselves over and make sure your not leaking any fluid on the ground..."

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr asks, "Is there somewhere we should wait?"

Daerkhen says, "I will always support that which is right. The invaders? Not right."

Falicor says, "Just a suggestion."

Missoni says, "Perigourd is still engaged with a group a bit to the north."

Larsya says, "I will see you all shortly I am sure! please feel free to, well, wait here I guess."

Speaking to Nairena, Kiyna says, "Well, they aren't the only ones who can shrug off lethal wounds. We have our ways as well. If it comes to tenacity, well, you see who's still standing."

Uhlak quietly says, "They slew me. As much as I hate to admit it. I tried rescuing multiple people and they leapt at the chance to kill a rescuer."

Larsya slips off towards the walls and gate of Gallardshold.

[skipping several thousand lines until things pick back up...]

Over the River and Through the Woods

[Gallardshold, Northern Field]

Huge stone walls and ramparts stretch along the area, comprising the northern fortifications of Gallardshold. Armored imperial soldiers march the length of the stone battlements, their eyes always trained to the distance. To the south and east, the fortress city expands, while a narrow trail bends north into an expanse of trees. You also see the Paarfi disk, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, the bark-textured Irval disk worked with the face of a tree spirit, the Guarrin disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Kayse disk, a whimsical swamp spirit that is flying around, the ivy-trimmed Erienne disk dotted with clusters of Imaera's Lace, a black-tipped majestic snow leopard, a green-eyed calico cat, the Sevanya disk, the Pookia disk, a silver-tipped smoke grey wolf, the translucent Nairena disk, the Vaemyr disk, a timber jaguar, a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, a black semi-melanistic panther, the Bigsword disk, the Stormyrain disk, the Nisugi disk, the black jade Kothos disk edged with glittering gold, the Kiyna disk, a wide wooden stump with a twisted wyrdroot pin on it and a glowing deep green portal.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Paarfi, Perigourd, Grand Lord Myharl, Caeileen, Sir Guarrin, Commander Roblar, Falicor, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Kayse, Meril, Mistress Erienne, Lady Sevanya, Pookia, Geijon, Eigie, Ceorn, Eale, Garsin, Great Lord Irval, Daerkhen, Callayne, Rasson, Great Lord Uhlak, Duskybeard, Tikba, Lady Nairena, Nelesune, Chrysain, Goldstr, Wolfloner, Dame Deavon, Vaemyr, Lord Vaeldrys, High Lady Ithilwyn, Lord Tayler, Lord Thrassus, Lord Bigsword, Drektor, Arena Occultist Nisugi, Kiyna, Kothos, Stormyrain, Xorus, Dame Evia, Imperatrix Lylia, Maikoya, Sir Cryheart

A Bourthian soldier arrives and salutes, "The coronation shall begin shortly, please remain here and Lady Larsya has said she will guide you to the location." The soldier turns and marches off.

Cryheart says, "Thank ye soldier."

Pookia exclaims, "We can go!"

Evia says, "Excellent."

Cryheart says, "He said to wait."

Lylia says, "It is important to understand the 'why' of joining such cults, but it does not mean we should stay our hand when those who are part of it attack the very foundations of society."

Evia says, "I do hope reclining chairs are provided."

Speaking to Lylia, Vaeldrys says, "Oh, I will gladly rend them limb from limb while understanding."

Thrassus says, "They burn well, that's all that matters."

Tikba says, "If it is them or us, I choose us."

Kiyna says, "The policy of 'attack those who attack me' is generally not a bad one, but recall the angry Landing citizens falling on the barracks, assisting the armigers."

Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "Just so."

Uhlak quietly says, "People attacked Walkar repeatedly."

Nairena says, "They killed a friend of mine so..."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "I was glad we were able to subdue most of them without lasting harm."

Uhlak quietly says, "I liked him. He was a good guy."

Uhlak quietly says, "Little crazy."

Uhlak quietly says, "But good."

Chrysain wishes, "May the coming dawn bring you a newly coronated Baron without further bloodshed."

Goldstr says, "I loved Mayor Walker but at dat time he WAAS cursed by his armor."

Thrassus says, "A futile wish, I fear."

Irval raspily says, "And cast a plague on the town..."

Caeileen sleepily asks, "Is it dawn already?"

Irval raspily says, "Unleashed..."

Speaking to Chrysain, Kothos says, "You are well-suited for the dawn's light, by your garb."

Speaking to Irval, Paarfi exclaims, "No plagues please!"

Tikba says, "Perhaps the further bloodshed can wait until tomorrow."

Chrysain wryly says, "A few hours yet."

Chrysain says, "There is time."

Speaking to Kothos, Kiyna says, "Ah, I didn't have a chance to say, it is good to see you."

Caeileen says, "I've been waiting, it's terribly exciting but I didn't expect to die before I even arrived."

Speaking to Kiyna, Kothos says, "I waved hello a while ago, but then we were mobbed by zealots. You know how it is."

[General] Ouidanna thinks, "I prefer my water filtered through coffee beans."

Speaking to Kothos, Kiyna says, "It happens."

Speaking to Kiyna, Kothos says, "Reynai is in 'Haven for the night, thankfully."

Falicor says, "I need to see the royal sleep schedule to understand the time they do things....."

Caeileen quietly says, "And there's so many people."

Speaking to Kothos, Kiyna says, "I shall have to come visit."

[General] Sunwu exclaims, "I jus' haul a keg or two with me anywhere I go!"

Speaking to Kiyna, Kothos says, "You should. She's healed now, yes."

Garsin says, "I hope the coronation goes off without more interference."

Maikoya says, "We can only hope."

Tikba says, "If they came to the Landing to seize the portal, it seems they did not hold it."

Tayler says, "Darn."

Tayler says, "My souvenier crumbled."

Sevanya says, "I think they were just registering a complaint with the town council."

Tikba says, "Of course, we saw some dissidents in Gallardshold."

Irval raspily says, "I guess while we are waiting."

Evia says, "Blah."

Maikoya says, "And some at the outpost..."

Speaking to Deavon, Tayler says, "I'm not sure that's alcoholic anymore, after being purified by a holy man."

Deavon says, "Thank you."

Kiyna says, "It was a foolhardy plan. Even if they could get a host in through the portal, their divided forces were never going to hold off the Landing defenders. If we chose to pursue them, they would be caught between us and the Bourthian soldiers."

Kiyna says, "If things even got to that point."

Deavon says, "Let's see..."

Kothos says, "It may be that they just wished to raise their flag, so to speak."

Speaking to Kiyna, Tikba says, "You are right. I did not think of that."

Deavon says, "Smooth."

Kothos says, "Not let the coronation happen without revealing themselves."

Sevanya exclaims, "I just wish they walked in front of our ballistas!"

Lady Larsya just arrived, skipping merrily.

Tikba says, "It was a mad plan, to come to the gates of the Landing, and not attempt to take it."

Speaking to Kiyna, Kayse says, "They are mindless, they do not care."

Vaemyr asks, "I assume it took a bit of time to prepare things?"

Kothos says, "I wonder if Earl Feurstein will be here."

Irval offers Larsya a bottle of Dragonsdraught ale.

Speaking to Larsya, Kiyna says, "Greetings, Dread Pirate."

Larsya accepts Irval's Dragonsdraught ale.

Goldstr says, "Der will be many nae happy bouts da repeal a Chaston's Edict so we should stay aware."

Larsya nods at Goldstr.

Evia says, "Aaah."

Larsya says, "It is okay, we expected as much."

You see Lady Larsya Caulfield.

She appears to be a Human from Bourth.

She is short. She appears to be extremely young. She has long-lashed violet eyes and tanned skin. She has very long, ringleted dark tawny hair. She has a narrow face and a freckled nose. She has a fake gnarled gold tooth barely visible in her mouth.

She is in good shape.

She is holding a bottle of Dragonsdraught ale in her right hand.

She is wearing a curved elven-crafted wyrwood longbow, a stiff black wool tricorn adorned with a snowy swan pinion, a loosely woven necklace of luckbloom blossoms and butterfly-cut amber sunstone beads, a silk-lined white leather cloak, a rusted black iron brooch, a tiny pirate ship trinket, a skull-shaped bone pin with tiny fire opal eyes, a light green wyrwood short bow, a small gold-stringed bag, some supple dark leather hunts, a small metal device, a lion skin quiver, a narrow dark back sling, some slim dark leggings, and a pair of dashing dark leather knee-boots inset with skull-shaped pearls.

Larsya says, "It won't be the last time."

Irval raspily exclaims, "Cheers to victory! While temporary it maybe, and to your brother and his coronation!"

Speaking to Goldstr, Vaemyr says, "Noone can stop the winds of change though."

Speaking to Larsya, Tikba says, "I am glad you and your brother were well-prepared."

Speaking to Larsya, Kothos says, "I did not know there would be so many."

Speaking to Goldstr, Kiyna says, "Some called Breshon idealistic, and maybe that's true, but he's not a fool. I'm sure he expects more than one attempt on his life."

Speaking to a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, Tayler says, "Here."

Whistling to get a gaunt decaying puppy's covered in matted hanks of grey fur attention, Tayler places a bottle of black cherry whiskey on the ground, being careful not to spill it.

A yellow crystalline sphere floats up into the sky beyond the high walls of Gallardshold, drifting up into the blanket of night overhead.

Larsya giggles.

Sevanya exclaims, "Orb!"

Larsya says, "Always someone prematurely..."

Larsya chuckles.

Pookia exclaims, "Orb!"

Kothos says, "There had been talk of repealing the Edict for over six years."

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr asks, "I assume that's a good sign?"

Maikoya says, "Probably the same kid.."

Larsya says, "They don't come to the coronation."

Tikba says, "It must be hard to hold onto them for so long."

Larsya points back to the walls.

Sevanya exclaims, "Wow...who knew there was a world of orbs behind the portal!"

Kothos says, "Perhaps Lord Breshon was the final straw."

Lylia says, "Talk of it for decades, but the last six years have been especially fruitful."

Speaking to Kothos, Kiyna says, "Talk is cheap. Now it's real. Easier to pretend it wasn't going to happen until now, I suppose."

Larsya says, "It is usually the new Baron, some family, and a few choice allies."

Larsya asks, "Are you all my choice allies?"

Larsya snickers.

Kothos says, "Between Lady Kasendra, the Malwinds and now Lord Breshon..."

Speaking to Larsya, Kiyna exclaims, "Arrrgh!"

Pookia says, "Im a choice somethin."

Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "If you choose us, then yes."

Sevanya exclaims, "Im an ally to anyone who makes choices!"

Kayse hesitantly murmurs, "Arrgh."

Speaking to Kothos, Guarrin adds, "...and the Emperor."

Eale says, "We seem to be."

Tikba says, "If you will have us."

Vaemyr says, "Ya be hard pressed to find better ones looking about tonight."

Eigie says, "I.. I will help if I can.."

Speaking to Larsya, Duskybeard says, "On my life and to my last breath."

Kayse explains, "I am not performing that is the best you all are getting."

Speaking quietly to Larsya, Caeileen says, "We haven't met, but I am honored."

Cryheart says, "Thank ye."

Speaking to Larsya, Lylia murmurs, "It will vex so many people if you claim a few Faendryl as your 'choice allies.'."

Caeileen places a hand over her heart.

Uhlak quietly exclaims, "I just came for the food and alcohol, but I'll stick around and help!"

Lylia adds, "All the right people."

Speaking to Larsya, Kothos says, "Vex the people who need vexing."

Vaemyr begins chuckling at Lylia!

Speaking to Kayse, Pookia says, "It was great! you've got a bright future of yellin ahead of yas."

Larsya waves to Caeileen.

Xorus says, "And yet, for such good reasons."

Larsya asks, "Who are you?"

Larsya exclaims, "You look Bourthian to me!"

Larsya hugs Caeileen.

You see Caeileen Cathmhaol.

She appears to be a Human from Bourth.

She is tall. She appears to be very young. She has blue-green eyes and tanned skin. She has long, wavy black hair that has a slender braid at the temple adorned with a suede-wrapped silver hawk feather. She has an oval face and a classical nose.

She is in good shape.

She is wearing a sweeping autumnal gold damask cloak patterned with oak leaf silhouettes, a caramel-hued silk blouse with wide satin cuffs, a copper-boned suede underbust harness layered with falcon plumes, a forest green chainsil skirt embroidered with tawny pinecones, and some slender low-heeled soft leather boots.

Caeileen blushes a glowing shade of red.

Caeileen nods slightly.

Caeileen says, "I am, actually."

Speaking to Irval, Paarfi says, "Thank ya."

Caeileen says, "I was travelling when I heard of...well..."

Larsya says, "Sorry, I don't spend much time here."

Larsya shrugs.

Larsya says, "Probably still won't."

Ithilwyn softly says, "Thank you."

Speaking quietly to Larsya, Caeileen says, "I was so sorry to hear of your father's passing."

Larsya nods at Caeileen.

Larsya says, "Thank you."

Larsya asks, "Now, shall everyone join me?"

Speaking quietly to Larsya, Kothos says, "I hadn't been back to Brisker's Cove in several decades, until it was threatened. It is odd, to go home. When it's not your home."

Larsya exclaims, "I'll lead the way!"

Caeileen says, "In any case, my mother wanted me home and I came home and then she sent me to Wehnimer's Landing, and then back here, and I am Caeileen."

Larsya nods at Kothos.

Larsya puffs out her chest and arms, striking a pose.

Larsya says, "Look, I'm Cryblob."

Larsya strikes a heroic pose.

Larsya pretends to walk around in circles, and feigns being lost.

Larsya snickers.

Speaking quietly to Larsya, Caeileen says, "I understand. I'd be a cyring blob too."

Speaking to Larsya, Kothos says, "That means you have to shepherd us. And we are a very chaotic blob."

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "Cryheart, you've grown much shorter...."

Irval raspily exclaims, "Almost had me goin!"

Speaking to Vaemyr, Tayler says, "Less shiny too."

Lady Larsya's group just went north.

[Northern Woodlands, Small Trail]

A narrow trail leads away from the great stone walls of Gallardshold and bends through thick patches of dark modwir trees. A huge menacing forest rises up to the north.

Lady Larsya's group just went south.

Larsya seems to be waiting for something.

Lahanna joins Larsya's group.

Lady Larsya's group just went north.

Lady Larsya's group just went south.

Larsya gives Geijon a good rap on the shoulder.

Larsya gives Bigsword a good rap on the shoulder.

Larsya gives Deavon a good rap on the shoulder.

Cryheart says, "Wakey, wakey."

Larsya grabs Geijon's hand.

Speaking lightly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "Now you see what he has to deal with and why he moves so slowly sometimes."

Larsya grabs Deavon's hand.

Larsya begins chuckling at Leafiara!

Leafiara winks at Larsya.

Lady Larsya's group just went north.

Lady Larsya's group just went south.

Larsya grabs Eigie's hand.

Larsya grabs Ceorn's hand.

Larsya grabs Eale's hand.

Larsya grabs Garsin's hand.

Larsya grabs Daerkhen's hand.

Cryheart says, "Amen."

Larsya grabs Uhlak's hand.

Larsya grabs Bigsword's hand.

Larsya asks, "What's your name?"

Larsya peers quizzically at Bigsword.

Evia says, "Bigs Word."

Larsya says, "I heard someone call you Bigsword earlier."

Larsya snickers.

Larsya asks, "If you have to call yourself Bigsword...are you then?"

Larsya snickers.

Larsya says, "Arggggh."

Lady Larsya's group just went north.

Lylia simply says, "No."

Lylia nods at Larsya.

Larsya says, "Oh, okay then."

Larsya snickers.

Irval raspily asks, "Obviously NOT what she said?"

Speaking to Larsya, Kiyna says, "Arrrrgh."

Lady Larsya's group just went northeast.

[Northern Woodlands, Trail's End]

The trail gradually comes to an end, the dirt path eventually giving way to thick foliage and thorny brambles. Rising up like a great foreboding force, the outer edge of the Wyrdeep Forest stretches as far as the eye can see.

Lylia gazes in amusement at Larsya.

Bigsword asks, "Whose asking?"

Lady Larsya's group just went into the Wyrdeep Forest.

[Wyrdeep Forest, Edge]

The outer edge of the dense forest is blanketed in a welcoming array of lush green grass and colorful wildflowers. Wide rows of ancient yew trees fashion a pronounced boundary as they sway to and fro, their twisted limbs stretching and beckoning, inviting passerbys into the forest's depths.

Larsya says, "Now..."

Larsya says, "Where I am taking you all..."

Maikoya says, "Hopefully to a coronation."

Vaemyr says, "Uhhh that's a good question."

Tayler says, "If you don't know, I certainly don't."

Pookia exclaims, "To be spider lunch!"

Erienne says, "That way."

Larsya says, "Is very dangerous. It's shrouded in's ripe with evil and potential injury....or death..."

Larsya says, "It is not for the faint of heart...."

Larsya snickers to herself.

Lady Larsya's group just went northeast.

[Wyrdeep Forest, Opening]

Wildlife is curiously absent at the entrance, and there is an unsettling calm that hangs in the air like a thick fog blanketing the encircling forest. Faint bursts of moonlight bleed through modest breaks in the foliage overhead, affording barely enough light to illuminate the path.

Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "Ah, so a political event."

Thrassus asks, "The court?"

Lady Larsya's group just went northeast.

[Wyrdeep Forest, Clearing]

The meandering path that leads farther into the forest grows increasingly difficult to navigate, dead leaves and broken twigs forming a protective cover over the almost concealed pathway. Crisp snaps and crackles burst noisily from the surrounding woods in an unsettling cacophony. Toward the east, a small clearing draws attention, a visual distraction from the hypnotic calls of the forest. You also see a large wyrwood tree.

Speaking disapprovingly to Pookia, Missoni says, "It is decidedly not lunchtime."

Lady Larsya's group just went north.

[Wyrdeep Forest]

The air is stagnant despite the fact that the dark green leaves on the imposing villswood trees rustle like a silent alarm. A faint trickling of water can be heard in the distance. You also see a thicket of trees.

Vaeldrys asks, "New Ta'Faendryl?"

Pookia exclaims, "It is if im hungry!"

Larsya says, "It is said if you fail to cross to the stream..."

Larsya says, "The Deep will eat you and you will live on in torture for all of your eternal days...."

Lady Larsya's group just went up.

[Wyrdeep Forest, Twisting Path]

A partially concealed trail leads through a cluster of wide trees, ending at the edge of a small outcropping. Below the ledge, a narrow stream can be seen winding through the forest, its waters a deep silver-blue. A few faint footprints can be seen leading right up to the edge, then seem to disappear over the side. You also see a thicket of trees.

Speaking to Larsya, Kiyna asks, "Lylia's wine cellar?"

Uhlak quietly says, "Well... I mean... it's better than being forced to change Plur's diaper.."

Speaking to Kiyna, Lylia says, "That is not where the danger lies. It is in the wardrobe."

Larsya slings a light green wyrwood short bow off from over her shoulder.

Larsya loads the arrow into her wyrwood short bow and turns toward Bigsword, grinning mischievously.

Larsya points at a narrow stream.

Larsya says, "Walk the plank matey."

Caeileen asks, "If you get eaten will your days really be all that eternal?"

Caeileen makes a running jump, leaping over the ledge and landing into the stream below with a splash!

Pookia makes a running jump, leaping over the ledge and landing into the stream below with a splash!

Larsya cackles!

Geijon says, "Blameless should have waited over th' stream."

>go stream

You make a running jump, leaping over the ledge and landing into the stream below with a splash! You wade out of the waters, onto a stretch of grass nearby.

[Wyrdeep, Silver Stream]

A narrow stream bends through the forest here, its smooth waters a deep silver-blue hue. Small flashes of red and gold can be seen in the depths of the waters, as the occasional fish comes near the glass like surface. Periodically, a warm wind stirs through the trees, rustling the dark leaves and creating a cacophony of disembodied whispers. You also see a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, a winding forest trail and a large coiled green vine.

Caeileen says, "Good thing I like water."

Speaking to a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, Tayler says, "Good jump for a zombie."

Falicor asks, "Am I on the damnation side or this non-damnation side....?"

Tikba asks, "Was anyone eaten?"

Kayse flatly says, "So much for wearing a gown this evening."

Kothos says, "...well. I think we're all going to be a little damp for the party."

Sevanya exclaims, "We all died! Hooray!"

Cryheart says, "My greatkilt got wet."

Uhlak quietly says, "I'm just kinda wet."

Speaking disappointedly to Tikba, Pookia says, "Not yet."

Evia says, "Never a dull coronation, no siree."

Vaemyr says, "I think Larsya is enjoying us all being soaking wet..."

Leafiara jovially asks, "So, bets on whether we actually needed to come this way or Larsya just thought it would be fun?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "100% fun."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kothos says, "I don't mind it myself."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Suckers bet otherwise."

Larsya leaps into view from the ledge overhead, falling quickly and landing into the stream with a splash!

Irval raspily says, "Which way...and no doubt there was another way, not so damp..."

Larsya lets out a cheer!

Larsya twirls a light green wyrwood short bow over her head in a flashy move before slinging it onto her shoulder.

Pookia says, "Moist gang."

Meril says, "The voices are quite... loud here. But I suppose we are not having the coronation by the stream."

Larsya says, "We could have taken a trail...but this was more fun."

Larsya laughs!

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara agrees, "Yep."

Irval raspily says, "Called it."

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "Nothing like showing up to a coronation all wet."

Pookia exclaims, "Trails are overrated!"

Speaking to Larsya, Kothos says, "I think everyone looks even more charming soaking wet."

Myharl deeply says, "That's one way to make sure everyone's had a bath."

Deavon says, "Silk does not like water..."

Larsya says, "It was to get the blood off of half of you."

Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "Well, summer clothing..."

Vaemyr says, "Point."

Larsya places her fingers in the stream, causing a small ripple to spread outward.

Kiyna muses, "How many leeches you think in this stream?"

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "Seems pretty clean from what I can see."

A drop of water dribbles off Larsya's knee-boots.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "They always do."

Larsya shivers.

Pookia exclaims, "Now where!"

Ithilwyn softly says, "Excuse me."

Vaemyr says, "Shall we continue on? or we gonna watch people freeze to death."

Sevanya asks, "Hello?"

Uhlak quietly says, "I am kinda cold."

Pookia exclaims, "Gotta keep moving to get everyones blood pumpin again!"

Uhlak quietly exclaims, "I can't even cast a fire!"

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "So full of surprises."

Larsya sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible.

Speaking to Ithilwyn, Tayler says, "My hero."

Larsya peers off into the distance.

Larsya nods.

Larsya sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible.

Speaking softly to Xorus, Ithilwyn says, "You tempt the vinter."

Kiyna says, "Does even one of you know a spell to make us dry? If not, explain what the point of magic is."

Speaking carefully to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "I can think of several, but they might be a bit too dry."

Erienne forages briefly and manages to find a dark pink rain lily!

Speaking to Leafiara, Sevanya asks, "Just hurl a fireball into the ground. We're in water so it'll be fine right?"

Speaking to Sevanya, Tayler says, "Invest in magma flares for your armor, keeps you quite toasty and dry."

Speaking to Erienne, Lylia says, "Lovely find."

[Wyrdeep, Silver Stream]

A narrow stream bends through the forest here, its smooth waters a deep silver-blue hue. Small flashes of red and gold can be seen in the depths of the waters, as the occasional fish comes near the glass like surface. Periodically, a warm wind stirs through the trees, rustling the dark leaves and creating a cacophony of disembodied whispers. You also see a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, a black semi-melanistic panther, a black-tipped majestic snow leopard, a timber jaguar, a winding forest trail and a large coiled green vine.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Lord Bigsword, Kothos, Drektor, Arena Occultist Nisugi, Paarfi, Mistress Erienne, Duskybeard, Falicor, Dame Deavon, Great Lord Uhlak, Lady Larsya, Vaemyr, Wolfloner, Great Lord Irval, Sir Geijon, Perigourd, Claede, Sir Guarrin, Goldstr, Ceorn, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Eigie, Sir Cryheart, Garsin, Grand Lord Myharl, Daerkhen, Maikoya, Kiyna, Lord Thrassus, Meril, Tikba, Xorus, Dame Evia, Eale, High Lady Ithilwyn, Lord Vaeldrys, Imperatrix Lylia, Conquerer of Reim Lahanna, Kayse, Lord Tayler, Lady Sevanya, Pookia, Caeileen

Tayler says, "Ooh."

Elidal and Aronia

Emerging from the forest comes Elidal, striding forward with his wool cape flowing from a single shoulder. His sharp indigo blue eyes scan the area as he approaches. At his side walks a woman, tall and wreathed in a layered silver cloak of velvet, her soft blonde hair falling downin spirals along her back. She idly thumbs a string of wyrood beads around her neck as her and Elidal speak to each other as they wander closer.

Aronia nods at Elidal.

Elidal nods at Aronia.

Elidal smiles.

Cryheart says, "Evening."

Larsya clears her throat.

You see Lady Aronia the Disciple of the Green Sisters.

She appears to be a Human from Talador.

She is taller than average. She appears to be youthful. She has sparkling gold-haloed fern green eyes and sunkissed tan skin. She has waist-length, soft blonde hair that falls in spirals down her back. She has a rounded face, an upturned nose and well-defined cheekbones.

She is in good shape.

She is wearing a series of leaf-etched wyrwood beads strung around her neck, a hooded silver cloak layered in rich velvet, a high-waisted plum faille silk gown sleeved in sheer taupe, a brushed gold ring set with a leaf-shaped emerald, a square-shaped doeskin reticule, and a pair of matte argent slippers beaded in lilac glaes petals.

Uhlak quietly says, "M'lord."

Larsya says, "Hi Eli and lady forest person."

Larsya giggles.

Elidal waves.

Speaking quietly to Elidal, Kothos says, "Lord Elidal, good evening."

Elidal says, "Good evening everyone."

Elidal asks, "Has your group of friends grown?"

Vaemyr says, "Good evening."

Elidal peers quizzically at Larsya.

Larsya says, "Like rabbits."

Uhlak quietly says, "One always seeks to enlarge the circle of friendship."

Evia says, "We have shrunk from being wet, actually."

Aronia smiles.

Kothos says, "Not quite like rabbits."

Larsya glances at Aronia.

Tikba says, "Hopefully not like rabbits."

Sevanya says, "I shrunk because i rely on a trick of perspective to look tall, actually."

Elidal says, "Breshon will be along shortly."

Elidal asks, "Or do we call him His Higness now? I am unclear when that begins?"

Elidal smirks.

Aronia whispers something to Elidal.

Elidal smirks.

Leafiara amusedly says, "You tell us."

Leafiara snickers.

Elidal says, "I am not good with formalities, or welcoming of them."

Elidal nods at Leafiara.

Speaking to Elidal, Vaemyr says, "I'm sure he'd prefer the former, which means you should probably do the latter at least half the time to tease him."

Leafiara agrees with Elidal.

Leafiara flashes a quick grin.

Speaking to Elidal, Kiyna says, "I'll just ask him what to call him."

Tikba says, "I am sure to you he will always be the same friend."

Aronia stands in front of a narrow stream.

Aronia places her fingers in the stream, causing a small ripple to spread outward.

Irval says, "Never go wrong with calling referring to him as my lord. That way you save yourself the headache of all the formalities that fall within."

Geijon asks, "It'll be M'lord or Baron after tonight, no?"

Uhlak quietly says, "Baron Breshon the M'Lord."

Ithilwyn softly asks, "Perhaps, Your Grace, would be the correct way to greet him?"

Irval says, "Oh fancy."

Kiyna says, "Maybe he'll be okay with just Breshon, or maybe 'mate'. Won't know til I ask."

Uhlak quietly says, "I won't ask. I'll wait for someone else to get an answer, then follow suit and act like I knew all along."

Irval says, ""Hey you" wont go over well I think though."

Uhlak quietly exclaims, "Hey, you!"

Guarrin casually mentions, "My Lord, or my lord Baron."

Uhlak quietly says, "Works fine, I think."

Meril quietly says, "Formalities or no, I think some of us might also welcome an introduction to your friend here, though it is not the first we have seen her."

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "I wonder if the prisms might work on bleakstone."

Evia asks, "Does not Sir, suffice after a bit hmm?"

Speaking to Uhlak, Irval says, "You summon me peon! I jest."

Speaking to Guarrin, Kiyna says, "He's not *my* baron."

Pookia exclaims, "I heard somewhere that names solve this problem!"

Elidal says, "He sure is taking his time."

Kiyna mutters, "Though, even if he was... meh."

Sevanya says, "Why don't we call him mayor. We call that other guy mayor."

Uhlak quietly says, "Kiyna sounds quite defensive."

Uhlak quietly asks, "Methinks Kiyna doth protest too much?"

Guarrin adds, "Your grace would be suitable for one of the dukes."

Breshon Approaches

Breshon steps into view.

Speaking to Kiyna, Guarrin says, "Then that would not be appropriate."

You see Lord Breshon Caulfield.

He appears to be a Human from Bourth.

He is average height. He appears to be youthful. He has midnight blue eyes and tanned skin. He has short, curly dark tawny hair worn in a ponytail. He has an angular face, a small nose and the faint shadow of scruff growing below his dimpled cheeks. He has a single hawk feather braided into the right side of his hair.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a crystal amulet, a heavy grey fur-lined cloak, a slender black yew bow, some studded dusty white leathers, an oiled grey leather back quiver, a pair of fitted black trousers, and some crisp black leather hunting boots.

Speaking to Elidal, Vaemyr says, "Mabe Sir Cryheart gave him directions."

Irval says, "Your grace."

Breshon smiles.

Lahanna softly says, "Hey you..."

Sevanya exclaims, "The mayor is here!"

Speaking to Breshon, Pookia exclaims, "Hey buddy!"

Garsin says, "M'Lord."

Speaking quietly to Breshon, Kothos says, "Good evening, Lord Breshon."

Missoni respectfully greets, "Lord Breshon."

Eale says, "Baron."

Breshon says, "I believe this may be the largest audience of a Bourthian coronation in history."

Breshon says, "I know they are not your friends Elidal, you have only two."

Leafiara says, "You have your sister to thank if so."

Eigie says, "M'lord, hello."

Breshon begins chuckling at Elidal!

Falicor says, "Well deserved, apparently."

Irval says, "Have the scribes write it down or it didnt happen."

Elidal smirks.

Ceorn exclaims, "Hiya, sir!"

Elidal says, "Three, if you count my brother."

Breshon says, "I did not."

Breshon chuckles.

Uhlak quietly says, "Breshon, Sir."

Speaking to Breshon, Vaemyr says, "Your sister has enough friends for an army though apparently."

Pookia boasts, "Buddy breshon, bourthian baron!"

Uhlak quietly says, "Rumbly says hello."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kothos says, "Literally."

Larsya says, "If the crown emerges, you're Baron."

Larsya nods at Breshon.

Larsya says, "Then we can go home and the people will welcome you."

Breshon nods.

Breshon says, "Thank you all for coming."

Cryheart says, "Welcome."

Breshon says, "It's true, the coronation is often a very, intimate and private event."

Missoni worriedly says, "I hope we are not intruding."

Sevanya exclaims, "It's a party this time mister mayor!"

Speaking to Breshon, Irval says, "Have faith in yourself and your path for you and your people, The spirits will sense your hesitancy, know that we are all here in support of your coronation! Be strong, Be proud, Be Bourth."

Breshon says, "The townspeople gather to mourn the death of a great leader, but they do not widely gather to celebrate the birth of one. Because a true leader, he is not born or bred, he earns it."

Uhlak quietly says, "With time, do you garner the respect of those you seek to take care of."

Speaking softly to Breshon, Lahanna says, "You have made a good start..."

Breshon says, "It is our way. It is a good way."

Breshon nods at Lahanna.

Breshon says, "I did not turn back the Edict alone."

Breshon says, "In fact I would argue I did little."

Breshon shrugs.

Breshon says, "Others have voiced it, even the Emperor himself committed to it."

Maikoya says, "Sometimes a nudge is necessary."

Lahanna softly says, "And yet it still wasn't done."

Speaking quietly to Sevanya, Pookia says, "Thats the big mayor."

Speaking to Breshon, Kiyna says, "Even if the part you play is small, the important thing is choosing to play one."

Breshon says, "Others have done so much, to help bridge the peace between the west and east, it's no one person."

Breshon says, "But it is...rewarding, to see it done."

Caeileen clearly says, "It is a proud moment all the same."

Breshon says, "...and quite frightening too."

Speaking sincerely to Breshon, Kothos says, "All you say is true, my lord. But as one of elven heritage, I hope you will take my personal thanks for it."

Breshon says, "I had expected such action so quickly." [I believe he means not expected.]

Breshon asks, "Now what?"

Breshon smirks.

Vaemyr says, "Now what indeed."

Irval says, "Now you become Baron."

Perigourd says, "People seeking opportunity in the change."

Breshon begins chuckling at Irval!


Breshon asks, "Shall we then?"

Tikba says, "I hope all your obstacles fall so easily."

Breshon peers quizzically at Aronia.

Aronia nods.

Aronia stands in front of a narrow stream.

Thrassus says, "Well, the first thing I'd do is shore up the province's defenses. The Blameless are likely not finished."

Draught says, "Hello."

Speaking to Draught, Falicor says, "Fashionably late was 20 minutes ago."

Kothos says, "They will certainly put Bourth in their crosshairs."

Draught says, "I never made a claim to be fashionable."

Draught says, "Although."

Speaking to Draught, Kothos says, "You look very nice. Wet, but nice."

Draught says, "Glad to see everyone in good health despite the earlier attack."

Draught says, "A bit of salt here and there."

Aronia strides over to the stream, wisps of greenish-gold light sparking from her eyes.

Aronia closes her eyes for a moment, standing before the stream. Her lips move, as if mouthing a phrase, a prayer, a summons.

Kothos whispers to the group, "Is this the intimate part?"

Irval whispers to the group, "This is the part where we watch and see methinks."

Speaking to Aronia, Goldstr says, "Hail Green Sister."

Aronia reaches into her reticule, removing thin strips of wyrwood. She utters into the wind and the wood twists within her hands, coiling about and slowly bending into the shape of a crown. The edge smooths to a soft finish.

Aronia nods.

Aronia moves to stand in front of Larsya.

Aronia moves to stand in front of Breshon.

Aronia moves to the farthest visible stretch of the river and kneels before the edge. She carefully places the crown in the deep silver-blue waters and it sinks, disappearing within the waters depths. Breshon moves to stand near the edge of the stream, far from Aronia.

Breshon slowly empties his lungs.

Breshon glances at a narrow stream.

Larsya frets.

Uhlak quietly says, "What will be, will be. Have faith in yourself."

Deavon whispers to the group, "Interesting ceremony."

Speaking to Larsya, Vaemyr says, "It'll be fine, your brother is one of the good ones."

Uhlak whispers to the group, "If Candor was here, 7 to 1 he'd try to steal the crown and sneak away."

Irval whispers to the group, "I think we should rub our pins if and when he gains the crown. The one from the stump outside the portal ya? I think it would add to the ambience."

Moments pass, and the edge of a wyrwood crown comes into view submerged within the waters, slowly floating back up to the surface near where Breshon stands.

Draught says, "Ooh."

Aronia smiles.

Aronia nods.

Aronia crosses the distance towards Breshon, kneels, and retrieves the crown from the water. She steps towards Larsya.

Aronia moves to stand in front of Larsya.

Aronia offers Larsya a smooth wyrwood crown.

Larsya accepts Aronia's wyrwood crown.

Irval whispers to the group, "Hold, wait for it! Waaaaaait for it!"

Uhlak quietly says, "Baron."

Larsya moves to stand in front of Breshon.

Deavon whispers to the group, "Good thing it is summer. This would be painful in winter."

Larsya says, "Um, you're too tall."

Larsya nods at Breshon.

Breshon chuckles.

Breshon kneels down.

Uhlak quietly says, "You're just kinda short, I think."

Speaking to Larsya, Kiyna says, "I understand."

Sevanya says, "I heard having a short mayor is a bad omen anyway."

Irval whispers to the group, "Still holding! Any moment now!"

Larsya moves to stand in front of Breshon.

Paarfi whispers to the group, "When the crown goes plonk?"

Larsya stands on her tippy toes, and raises the crown up over Breshon, and awkwardly places it snugly onto his head.

Larsya offers Breshon a smooth wyrwood crown.

Irval whispers to the group, "Aye soon as he's coronated!"

Breshon accepts Larsya's wyrwood crown.

Breshon puts a smooth wyrwood crown on his head.

Irval whispers to the group, "And now!"

Eale rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Eigie rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Bigsword rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Ceorn rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Garsin rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin in his hand.

Paarfi rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Kiyna rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Ithilwyn rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Daerkhen says, "Rub my pin."

Uhlak rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Duskybeard rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Myharl lets out a cheer!

Meril rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away. Daerkhen coughs.

Irval rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Duskybeard rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Leafiara rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Larsya asks, "Um...rise? Arggh?"

Tikba rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Larsya shrugs.

Draught rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Aronia nods at Larsya.

Lahanna rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Breshon stands up.

Deavon rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Wolfloner rubs a twisted wyrdroot pin, and a few small glowing embers drift up from its surface, slowly fading away.

Uhlak quietly asks, "The pin, not the Sevanya?"

Larsya glances at a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur.

Larsya says, "Gross."

Irval whispers to the group, "Well done!"

Uhlak quietly says, "All puppies need love."

Draught says, "Release its poor soul."

Elidal asks, "Does it feel heavy?"

Elidal peers quizzically at Breshon.

Breshon says, "Not yet."

Speaking to Larsya, Tayler says, "He's adorable, he's just going through a phase. Blame your midnight coronations."

Elidal says, "Good. I am glad I will never wear one."

Speaking to Breshon, Evia says, "May it ever rest lightly and with ease."

Aronia moves to stand in front of Breshon.

Speaking to Elidal, Duskybeard says, "I'm happy to serve the crown, but will never wear one."

Aronia whispers something to Breshon.

Breshon nods.

Breshon hugs Aronia.

Aronia is hugging herself. [I'm... fairly certain she's supposed to be hugging Breshon.]

Elidal says, "We will leave you to your family and...well, friends."

Elidal nods at Breshon.

Elidal says, "We'll await you in the town with the rest. They'll wish to see you."

Uhlak quietly says, "Rumbly says congratulations."

Speaking quietly to Breshon, Lylia says, "Thank you. For welcoming us to bear witness, and for being worthy of that crown you bear."

Elidal says, "Many will want to hear of Tamzzyr and the Edict news from you personally."

Elidal nods at Breshon.

Elidal asks, "Shall we?"

Elidal peers quizzically at Aronia.

Aronia nods.

Sevanya exclaims, "We brought everyone to the party, even a rotting dog. And then there's Irval!"

Paarfi exclaims, "Yes, congratulations 'n all!"

Aronia joins Elidal's group.

Uhlak quietly says, "And a Rumbly."

Speaking to Breshon, Kiyna asks, "So what do I call you now?"

Elidal says, "You were all well met. Larsya's friends of Wehnimer's Landing."

Speaking respectfully to Breshon, Missoni says, "Thank you, Baron Caulfield."

Deavon says, "Long live Baron Breshon."

Elidal asks, "Until next time. There's always a next time, right?"

Elidal smiles.

Elidal waves.

Speaking to Breshon, Vaeldrys says, "Congratulations Baron."

Tikba says, "Be well."

Leafiara agrees, "Generally."

Kayse says, "Always."

Elidal says, "Your Majesty, rule long and well."

Xorus says, "There will be."

Elidal nods at Breshon.

Sevanya stoically says, "A mayor was born..."

Lord Elidal's group just went down a winding forest trail.

The Work Ahead

Goldstr exclaims, "Hail Baron Breshon Caufield!"

Irval whispers to the group, "Keep an eye on that one."

Larsya asks, " I have to call you that?"

Larsya peers quizzically at Breshon.

Duskybeard yells, "Hail Baron Breshon Caufield!"

Tikba says, "It is an honor, Baron Caulfield."

Pookia exclaims, "Buddy baron breshon caufield!"

Eale says, "Baron Breshon."

Breshon says, "Breshon will do just fine Larsya."

Irval whispers to the group, "I didnt like the nodding to his grace instead of bowing. It felt bitter and forced."

Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr says, "I tinks ye kin still say Brother."

Speaking to Breshon, Guarrin says, "We are honored to witness this ceremony. May you wear it for many years, Baron."

Breshon bows to Guarrin.

Guarrin faces Breshon and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Breshon says, "Thank you Sir Guarrin."

Uhlak whispers to the group, "One cannot expect to please everyone when the transfer of power occurs. There will always be malcontentedness among those who do not receive such."

Breshon says, "I have a long night ahead of me."

Breshon asks, "You will join, yes Larsya?"

Maikoya says, "One of many..."

Falicor says, "Someday you will have to relay the tale on the fight against the edict."

Larsya says, "Only for a bit. I'm not staying here long."

Breshon chuckles.

Breshon says, "We'll discuss that."

Breshon grins at Falicor.

Breshon says, "The fight against the Edict is not one person's alone to recount."

Speaking to Breshon, Vaemyr says, "I think you'll find trying to convince her otherwise MUCH harder than overturning the edict."

Breshon nods at Falicor.

Xorus says, "It is dangerous in the northwest, with the Blameless and krolvin warlord."

Speaking quietly to Larsya, Tikba says, "We will be happy to have you back in the Landing."

Breshon says, "It is many of ours, and it stretches longer than our history should have allowed."

Falicor says, "You have my admiration for putting in the work, Baron."

Eigie says, "Baron."

Speaking to Breshon, Geijon says, "Brave move and actions, appreciate you Baron Caulfield."

Breshon says, "But a sweeping decree still does not...solve the problem."

Ceorn exclaims, "Baron Breshon!"

Breshon says, "Words on a scroll will only endure for so long."

Breshon says, "We have a lot of work to do."

Breshon says, "We have a lot of enemies to prepare for."

Uhlak quietly says, "The work does not end."

Pookia exclaims, "We got a lotta ballistas to shoot!"

Speaking to Breshon, Guarrin says, "Closing the portal behind us may be a good start."

Vaeldrys says, "That was evident tonight."

Breshon says, "Many will look to take advantage of this time in our history, as if this change is a weakness to be exploited."

Tayler says, "At least I can legally own my properties inside Turamzzyrian territory now."

Breshon says, "But on the contrary, it is strength. But they will see it."

Uhlak quietly says, "Let them test our strength. They will find our armaments strong and our defenses ready."

Breshon says, "I want to thank you all for...everything."

Breshon says, "Standing with my family as we laid my father to rest."

Breshon says, "Being here now, to witness this."

Uhlak quietly says, "We but watch history unfold."

Breshon says, "You saved my sister's life."

Larsya smiles.

Irval says, "Honored to be here your Grace."

Speaking to Breshon, Goldstr says, "Yer sis be family to us."

Goldstr yells, "Aaaargh!"

Speaking to Breshon, Duskybeard says, "And one heck of a fighter."

Irval exclaims, "What say we get to the party, you are after all the guest of honor!"

Breshon says, "Bourth is forever a friend to Wehnimer's Landing. I cannot think of a better ally to the north by northwest. I am sure this is only the beginning for a promising future between us. No matter what comes, we'll stand together."

Breshon nods.

Speaking to Breshon, Vaemyr says, "That we will."

Irval exclaims, "Well said your grace!"

Speaking to Irval, Kiyna says, "Party? Is there going to be a party this late? No thanks."

Uhlak quietly says, "Aye. Well said."

Speaking to Breshon, Vaemyr says, "Although you do need to come visit again sometime, even if ya gotta make it an official visit to an ally."

Speaking to Uhlak, Paarfi says, "I agree."

In a skilled imitation of Irval, Sevanya exclaims, "Great speech mister mayor!"

Lylia carefully says, "May it be so."

Speaking to Breshon, Vaemyr says, "I'm sure Larsya would love to show you around everywhere."

Breshon grins.

Breshon nods at Vaemyr.

Breshon asks, "Will you all join me?"

Uhlak quietly says, "Aye."

Breshon says, "We'll proceed back to the portal."

Pookia asks, "Do we all get to get soaked again?"

Larsya joins Breshon's group.

Breshon asks, "You took them to the ledge?"

Breshon peers quizzically at Larsya.

Larsya snickers.

Larsya says, "...maybe..."

Pookia exclaims, "To be fair we jumped ourselves!"

Lylia says, "She might have."

Breshon shakes his head.

Uhlak quietly says, "She showed us the ledge."

Uhlak quietly says, "We were hot."

Uhlak quietly says, "So we uhh... Cooled off."

Irval says, "Im still damp..."

Sevanya says, "I'll jump off any ledge, cliff, high place really. Sometimes from a tree."


Thrassus says, "Some of us were a tad gore-spattered."

Speaking to Breshon, Vaemyr says, "Apparently we were too coated in blood earlier, had to wash it off."

Speaking to Kayse, Kiyna mouths, "Leeches."

Speaking airily to Kiyna, Kayse says, "I am more worried about getting Blameless blood out of silk than leeches."

Maikoya says, "Hopefully it doesn't keep reappearing after you wash it away."

Irval says, "Guess thats something we can definitely blame them for..."

Speaking to Kayse, Tayler says, "This is why illusions are key."

Draught says, "No one ever called them the Stainless."

[Gallardshold, Northern Field]

Huge stone walls and ramparts stretch along the area, comprising the northern fortifications of Gallardshold. Armored imperial soldiers march the length of the stone battlements, their eyes always trained to the distance. To the south and east, the fortress city expands, while a narrow trail bends north into an expanse of trees. You also see a gaunt decaying puppy covered in matted hanks of grey fur, the Vaemyr disk, the Guarrin disk, the Pookia disk, the Paarfi disk, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, the Sevanya disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Nisugi disk, the Bigsword disk, the bark-textured Irval disk worked with the face of a tree spirit, the Lahanna disk, a black semi-melanistic panther, a timber jaguar, a wide wooden stump with a twisted wyrdroot pin on it and a glowing deep green portal.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Commander Roblar, Draught, Lord Bigsword, Paarfi, Duskybeard, Falicor, Great Lord Uhlak, Lady Larsya, Vaemyr, Wolfloner, Great Lord Irval, Sir Geijon, Perigourd, Claede, Sir Guarrin, Goldstr, Ceorn, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Eigie, Sir Cryheart, Garsin, Grand Lord Myharl, Daerkhen, Maikoya, Kiyna, Lord Thrassus, Tikba, Xorus, Dame Evia, Eale, High Lady Ithilwyn, Lord Vaeldrys, Imperatrix Lylia, Conquerer of Reim Lahanna, Kayse, Lord Tayler, Lady Sevanya, Pookia, Arena Occultist Nisugi, Dame Deavon, Meril, Caeileen, Baron Breshon

Breshon designates Cryheart as the new leader of the group.

Breshon says, "I want to thank you all again."

Evia says, "Now we're in for it."

Uhlak quietly says, "Of course."

Cryheart bows to Breshon.

Breshon grabs Larsya's hand.

Tikba says, "You are most welcome, Baron Caulfield."

Xorus says, "It is possible to make more of this anti-Everblood salve. It may be necessary in the months ahead."

Cryheart says, "Rest well, ye two."

Speaking to Breshon, Missoni says, "And thank you, Baron Caulfield."

Uhlak quietly says, "Take care and be safe."

Draught says, "May it be a long reign."

Speaking to Breshon, Lylia says, "Thank you. For many things."

Speaking to Xorus, Vaemyr says, "Maybe time for another excursion or two into the wastes."

Speaking appreciatively to Breshon, Kayse says, "You are welcome and thank you as well, Baron."

Breshon says, "Until we meet again, in which I look forward to our next feast."

Paarfi says, "Thank ya for allowin us part of such a private ceremony Baron."

Missoni murmurs, "Many of us have been awaiting that decree."

Breshon exclaims, "A real feast!"

Breshon nods.

Speaking to Breshon, Kiyna says, "Was a pleasure, Baron Caulfield."

Cryheart says, "Looking forward to it."

Myharl whispers to the group, "Came south to tend to my shop, got attacked by an army of crusaders, wandered through a portal, watched a Baron get crowned.... I didn't expect tonight to be this eventful."

Speaking to Breshon, Vaeldrys says, "It has been a pleasure, Baron. I look forward to any future visits."

Uhlak quietly says, "The days are just packed."

Irval whispers to the group, "Always something Im learning around here."

Lylia whispers to the group, "Now, are you not glad you did all of this? Well, except perhaps for the attack by the army of Blameless."

Tikba whispers to the group, "We also do not know how the shop is doing."

Myharl whispers to the group, "It was a tad more exciting than wandering the Hinterwilds."

Irval whispers to the group, "Collecting your firewood and what not?"

Breshon moves towards the gates of Gallardshold, Larsya quickly at his side. They both move through the gates and into the town, where several townspeople still are gathered to witness Breshon's arrival. Upon seeing the crown successfully on his head, many in the crowd cheer and the applause continues for several minutes as both Breshon and Larsya disappear into the center of Gallardshold as the gates close behind them.