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Buyer's Choice - Duskruin February 2025

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Title: Buyer's Choice - Duskruin February 2025

Author: Compiled by the TownCrier Team

Date Published: 2025-02-11

The TownCrier put the call out for your favorite buys from the Duskruin February 2025 Shops at Bloodriven Village for the Best of the Fest. Thank you to everyone who helped with a submission, it was a great response. Here are the standouts and must-haves:

Survivalist's Kit Yhtrinn's testimonial for the Survivalist's Kit: "The ability to stack herbs automatically is a quality of life upgrade in every way." The Herbal Huntsman
Jammy Juicer The Jammy Juicer takes player food crafting to the next level! Combine two types of fruits or veggies to make fresh juice to taste! Add sugar and heat and make a topping for your favorite food! Vanah added, "It's so fun to put items in and get different items out! Everyone should share that juicy joy." Wet and Dry
Cobbling Tool Belt Lissaya is a smart shopper. "Every cobbler knows the constant dread of inventory management. Introduced this run, the new Cobbling Tool Belt holds 10 punches weightlessly as purchased off the shelf, and increases to 20 punches total when unlocked to the third tier." Well said! Just For Kicks
Illusion prop Leafiara said, "Elysani has done it again with Be Warez' selection of new illusion props, which are fun fluff items for 10k bloodscrip that add illusions in a variety of fun themes to your LOOK description. However, "done it again" would be underselling it! This time she's gone above and beyond because some of the new illusion pins appear before lodged items, an illusion slot that hasn't been widely available before! ANALYZE illusion props to see which slot, making sure not to conflict with props you already have, and you can maximize the screen scroll of your character's own appearance!" Be Warez
Stovetop Dehydrator From the top of Trallihn's shopping list: "Make your own cigars and chewing tobacco! With the recent upgrade to the flavor system (See the Alcohol Still as well) making your own treats has never been easier or more fun... with over 1200 (!!!) choices to mix and match, one can most assuredly come up with their own signature cigar/chewing tobacco. Currently the chewing tobacco uses the same system as breath mints, so enjoy your signature cigar scent as a flavor when you smooch folks too! Oh yeah... you can dehydrate other stuff for Finishing Touches too." Wet and Dry
Sparrow Fans:
Shadows of the Sparrow (fluff-only)
and Fighting Fan
One of Traiva's favorites, this is her rave review about the Sparrow fans, both kinds: "Literally dance across the battlefield with fans in hand! The combat Fighting Fans are blackjacks with lightning flares when closed, and katars with air flares when open. OTS gives you a special parry message, and the unlocks open up SMR air and lightning attacks; use 2 to become a whirling death blur. If you want just the fluff actions, pick up a non-combat fan and the unlocks to add flair and style to your next formal occasion or Court session. (And don't forget the parchment to unlock the knowledge of Nalfein FANSPEAK, for all your covert conversations." In the Shadows of the Sparrow, Sparrow's Dance
Animalistic Totem Leafiara suggested, "Animalistic Totems for 1000 bloodscrip plus smooth Movement Style vellums for 2500 bloodscrip are less than a thirtieth the price of the next cheapest means that I know of to customize how your character looks as they walk around town! Buy the steal while it's there since the future is never guaranteed!" Totemic Spirits
Survivalist's Kit These are the best sort of herb-carrying kits, ever! These things don't just auto-bundle the herbs you put in them, but they also make them the weigh less! Additionally, you can purchase unlocks to store liquid herbs as well (for things like rose-marrow or brostheras, that don't actually come in solid form) and an extractor that can create liquid versions of solid herbs! These things come in belt-worn and shoulder-worn, and have several themes (mechanical, magical, natural) that can affect how certain parts of the kits work. Over-all, one of the best mechanical/functional things that has happened to GemStone IV in over a decade! The Herbal Huntsman
Realms Flaring Weapon Fizzleworth wrote, "Because I can afford it and who doesn't like a variety of flares??" Realm Flares change the flare on the weapon, depending which part of Elanthia you are in. Rock Solid
Jammy Juicer Ordim recommended the Jammy Juicer! "It can make fruit and vegetable juices from foraged items and simple food items. It also has an unlock that lets you make Jams and Jellies that can be bottled and customized with the alcohol still bottle contraption! The Eco system between these crafting devices continues to web and interconnect in fantastic ways!" Wet and Dry
Urnon lockpicks Imagine never needing to repair your vaalin lockpick again. If that sounds like a dream come true, make that convenience your reality with an urnon lockpick at the HESS Annex for 75k bloodscrip! These self-repairing lockpicks fix being damaged or even broken over time. High End Scrip Shop
FanSpeak with a Shadows of the Sparrow Fan Does your character have a little bit of Nalfein in them? But, maybe not enough to inherently know fanspeak? Well, now you can teach yourself the language! Found In The Shadows Of The Sparrows, 'a stiff fan-folded parchment', yours for only 1,000 bloodscrip, will unlock knowledge of how to interpret and send FanSpeak messages. Or, maybe you want to be a spy amongst the elven masses, you can listen in on the FanSpeak, and maybe ruin the plots of so many Nalfein women (and maybe men)! Get yer parchment at Bloodriven Village today, and listen in for centuries! In the Shadows of the Sparrow
Gilded locus It's easy to forget getting the Gilded Locus worked on since it's not brand new, but don't miss the chance! Talk to the half-elf traveler near the Bloodriven Village entrance/exit. What are you adding to yours this year? I'm thinking MANA on mine! Gilded locus
Fluff Flourishes The many fluff flourishes at With a Flourish add all sorts of zesty verbs to your combat gear for just 500 to 1000 bloodscrip and don't clash with scripts nor mechanical flourishes! Look them up on the wiki to see what fun things they do and whether the messaging will serve your character's RP portrayal well. With a Flourish
Aranthium Wand Belts and Harnesses If you're the type of person who casts a LOT of spells, in a very short time, you may run out of mana pretty quickly. Sure, you could always plink away with your Arcane Blast, taking who knows how long to kill something.... OR! You could purchase an Aranthium Wand Belt or Harness at Spellbound, and and have a free wand with 40 charges once a day! No more need to go buy wands after every hunt... this wand lasts 24 hours, has 40 charges, and you get your choice of Major Fire, Disintegrate, Condemn, or Bone Shatter. Bonus, these special aranthium wands also have chances to flare elementally AND twin-caste! Spellbound
Portable Alcohol Still, Recipe Book, Bottletraption Never run out of booze again! The recipe book (buy the recipe cards to add recipes) keeps everything organized so you can make your drink, and the Bottletraption (an intricate copper-framed contraption) lets you really personalize your drinks so people can tell at a glance who made it. If you like anything that requires malted grain (beer, ale, stout, and the like), make sure to pick up your malting box, too! Be Still My Hops
Lore Flares Leafiara weighs in with a thumbs up on Lore Flares: "Various factors make the HESS' Lore Flares worth 400k bloodscrip, but one of the best is definitely reaching 100% flare rates with 171 ranks of the applicable lore! (50% rates with 105 ranks aren't bad either!) Paladins and pures can get there even without enhancives. Almost every lore has an option now and you can convert from one type of Lore Flare to another for 25k bloodscrip if a newer one suits your training or fancy better." High End Scrip Shop
Illusion props and Spell Prep Props Traiva asked, "Want some smoke and flame over your shoulder? Or to see an airship sparking as you cast some spells? Pick up one of the Illusion or Spell Prep props for a life of style!" Be Warez
Alcohol Still - vinegar unlock Maylan is dreaming up all the ways to make her dishes more delish with the new vinegar unlock on the Alcohol Still. "Make balsamics, hot sauces, and other vinegars to add to any food item." Be Still My Hops
Survivalist's Kit Mami's sage shopping tip: "If your hunts are contantly cut short because you're just too wounded to continue thanks to never enough space for all the herbs you need for the field, this will change your life. OTS kits hold up to 50 doses of solid herbs, but the price to unlock storage capacity (by 25 doses at a time up to 150) and unlock being able to store liquid herbal remedies (hi rose-marrow potion!) are incredibly reasonable. There's also an unlock that will turn solid herbs to liquid form, and one more that will increase the potency of the liquids to decrease roundtime based on Survival skill. The kits also function as standard containers, so you can keep other necessities nearby." The Herbal Huntsman
A giant claw-shaped paper Darrgo is all in at Fatal Afflares. "As someone that loves to customize their gear, I really liked being able to make my flare on my shield match my attire with the Fatal Afflares Custom flare messaging option." Fatal Afflares
Twin Weapons HESS cert TWC lovers rejoice! Leafiara points out that adding the Twin Weapons script now costs just 50k bloodscrip at the HESS, which you could also think of like 25k per weapon! I recommend asking for your Twin Weapons to be the lightning variety, but they also come in fire, ice, or impact if you prefer. Twin Weapons are powerful and flexible, as you can buy further unlocks in the On the Other Hand shop for your main hand weapon, offhand weapon, both, or neither depending on budget and which perks appeal to you. High End Scrip Shop, On the Other Hand
Jammy Juicer Dendum is hawking the value of the new Jammie Juicer, "Ok, it juices; it also makes jams which can be spicy relish. You might think you don't need any juice because you are so in shape but juice is good for you! Having spicy relish to put on the shanks of your defeated foes for the after battle feast is good for everyone. But wait, there's more! It is also the easiest to clean juicer you will ever meet. Wet and Dry
Blink weapons Leafiara advised, "Blink flares allow melee-based (non-ranged, non-UC) non-bard professions to get flares of their own spells, even including AoE spells like Cone of Elements or Judgment! Adding blink to your weapon costs a whopping 750k bloodscrip, but that's the price of being at least a top 2 script in the game power-wise (I'd say top 1) for paladins, rangers, and war pures. Nothing quite like firing off 1-5 casts of Spike Thorn or Divine Fury with your weapon technique or mstrike!" High End Scrip Shop
Pup Tent It's time to trick out your tent with all the rest of the things it needs at Good In-Tent-ions. How's your Party Tent shaping up? Good In-Tent-ions
Origami - paper, kits, and patterns Traiva reminded us, "Don't forget to pick up your Bloodriven-specific paper and patterns, and an origami kit to help store it all." And late to this Duskruin, a Training Master can help you learn at Duskruin now, too! Bloody Lotus
an incised rolton hoof (Pelt Bag/Bundler flourish) Pelt bundlers have always been a great QoL since bundled skins weigh less than individual skins, but this script has only been available via belt-worn satchels that max out at 60-pound capacity... until now! You can add pelt bundling as a flourish to even your 200-pound cloak or backpack for 10k bloodscrip, extending your hunts and saving encumbrance. Leafiara emphasized, "This is a top tier convenience script--don't sleep on it if you skin regularly!" (ANALYZE the hoof in the shop while holding your container to confirm compatibility before buying, but conflicting scripts should be rare.) With a Flourish
Stovetop Dehydrator Maylan said YES! "Make jerky... and cigars! Also pick up the permified bundle of cigar wrappers for 2.5k BS." Wet and Dry
Anything and Everything Animalistic:
Animalistic Spirit Headdress
Animalistic Totem
Animalistic Spirit Weapon
Animalistic Spirit Shield
Animalistic Spirit Armor
Traiva's favorite line of combat gear? The Animalistic series. "Have your very own animal/fish/bird/insect lash out at your enemies - bet they never saw those hamsters coming! Get it as your weapon, your armor, or a headdress, or any combination of these for extra synergy. (If you don't like the default spirit in your item, pick up a group change slip to change to the group of the animal you want, then find Wilkes or one of his trained assistants to get the specific spirit from that group.)
This is also a great line for customization, as many of the unlock features are separated out so you don't have to pay for all the high-end combat abilities when all you want is the fluff. And for pure fluffy goodness, grab an Animalistic Totem so you can keep the spirit of your favorite rolton with you."
Heady Spirits
Totemic Spirits
Untamed Spirit
Wild Instinct
Fatal Afflares
Custom flare messaging
Leafiara is always a fan of Fatal Afflares! "The inventory hasn't refreshed this run, but it's evergreen fluff that changes your weapon's flare messaging, spicing up your mental image of your character's combat for just 2500 bloodscrip! From meteors to eye lasers, snakes to thorny vines, daggers to claws, tempests to spiders, and blizzards to biscuits, you can make your flares look like just about anything and portray your character as the individual they are!" Fatal Afflares
Flourishes! Now your items can have a bit of extra zingy zest, without getting in the way of the all-important script slot! FLOURISHES! These are (mostly) non-functional, zesty goodness additions that can be added to nearly anything you can think of.
Remember those Xojium items, that had like TWENTY verbs? Well, now you can add ALL TWENTY via a flourish certificate! And those FauXojium flourishes work in a LOT of nouns! WOW!
Two other flourish certificates, newly available this year, add the Alchemy Jar Container flourish (just like the script) and the Pelt Bag flourish (adds the pelt auto-bundling function, but NOT verbs, to any worn container)! No more need to buy pelt bag-specific or a.j.container-specific containers! YAY!
With a Flourish
Spell preps At just 750 bloodscrip each, the spell preps at Mystic Phrases are certainly among the most inexpensive of ways to fancify your combat magic--or even your spellups! Paladins and rangers get the most love in this shop with an incredible selection to choose from, but almost any profession can find at least something here. Mystic Phrases
a polished maoral acorn Leafiara has her eyes on the acorn in the HESS! "It lets you transfer a utility spell from an x/day item into your ranger-made trinket. For example, you could turn the 1x/day Heroism and 1x/day Iron Skin items sold at Spellbound into, respectively, 4 or 31 charges in a max capacity ranger trinket. Trinkets refill as you get hit by resisted damage types, so if you hunt riskily enough, they can potentially cast a spell much more frequently than the x/day item. Consider carefully before buying since the floor is very low, but the ceiling is also very high!" High End Scrip Shop, On the Other Hand, Spellbound
Cobbling Tool Belt Maylan's Don't Miss it reminder for Cobblers and Cobblers to be: "There is a new belt that holds cobbling punches! Weightlessly." Just For Kicks
Skullcrusher Flares Leafi is big on affordable and lethal: "If you use weapons that primarily deal crush damage and want a mechanical flourish, but don't like the 400k price tag of Lore Flares, Skullcrusher Flares could be yours for 100k! These flares always hit heads, making them much more lethal on average than ordinary randomly targeted flares. Even when they don't kill, they usually knock the enemy prone--and even when they don't do that, inflicting a rank 2 or 3 head wound still massively drops creatures' DS for followup attacks! On top of all that, they have stellar combat messaging that pulls from a wide selection of vividly depicted phrasing. Skullcrusher Flares are the flourish version of Knockout Flares, which use the script slot. If you already have Knockout, you can contact GM Nyxus during this Duskruin to arrange a date to convert Knockout to Skullcrusher, freeing up your script slot again. It's also possible to have both Knockout and Skullcrusher if you really love these flares." High End Scrip Shop
Stovetop Dehydrator Vanah dropped by to spotlight her new Wet and Dry shop, "Prefer cigars? Craft your perfect flavor from 1250 potential options with the Stovetop Dehydrator!" Wet and Dry
Pelt Bundler and Alchemy Jar Container Flourishes Vanah was exuberant about the two new flourishes joining the lineup in With a Flourish: "The pelt bundling flourish and the alchemy jar flourish will improve your own beloved containers by adding flourishes to assist you with these tasks. Pick up any of the dozen flourish certificates while you are there and make your already beloved items even more special!" Serious Utility Flourishes join the all-star Flourish Runway this year. With a Flourish
Buxom Buccaneer's Skirt Leafi tells the tale of the 3000 bloodscrip skirt: "Hair billowing in the wind as you survey the boundless horizon from your ship's bow, your eyes shine with excitement over the adventures that await. You and your faithful vessel have seen hundreds of conquests on the open seas, yet the crisp air always refreshes your soul with the thrills of novelty, possibility, and freedom. The daring slit of your skirt exposes most of your bare leg, heedless of any storm you might sail into, but tactically conceals the thigh sheath that keeps your dagger close and ready. You are gorgeous, dangerous, and powerful. You are a Buxom Buccaneer, and the world will admire and fear you." The Yarrrpee Shoppe

Don't miss previous Buyer's Choice editions, many of them feature favorite picks of merchandise still available at Duskruin!

First Edition 11 February 2025