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Landing Events - 2020-04-19 - Hallmarks of History (log)

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Olaesta 19-20, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


Honestly, I'd say just read the log unless you want the links to other pages. If you do indeed want them, then click "Expand" over to the right.
  • Purple candlelight appears in the windows of houses and shops throughout the [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] in advance of the end of Pylasar's trial. Councilman Cordarius greets everyone over thoughts and Sir Cryheart leads on into Moot Hall...
  • ...but entry to the Chamber of Justice is barred and a slew of militiamen arrive! Cordarius, still over thoughts, says he and Vlashandra will be along shortly--but Marshal Thadston says they won't. Captain Stormyrain and Thadston explain that the trial is not to continue until Grand Magister Octaven completes payment for rebuilding the defense towers. Casiphia arrives on the scene to reiterate the same, falling in with the militia ranks and thumbing her daggers.
  • Hapenlok asks Mayor Leafiara if this has her sanction and Thadston hasn't gone off on his own; she says they [[::Landing_Events_-_5120-04-11_-_About_Face|agreed to demand due repayment]] and Octaven hasn't delivered, so yes, but the militia is under Thadston's command.
  • Cordarius and Vlashandra arrive outside the chamber--as do several of the [[::Hall of Mages|Hall]]'s golems. Cordarius shakes his head at her and says to settle, suggesting to Vlashandra that they go speak with Octaven since Thadston did make his request known over a week ago and she did make a promise months ago--Captain Shinann and Leafi interject that it was years ago.
  • Vlashandra begins to touch the angles of her face and Cordarius says he's not asking. She forces a grin and tells Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] that Octaven's summoned the two of them. Vlashandra says they'll return, then they and the golems leave.
  • Cordarius tries to make small talk while everyone waits, but Casiphia asks why Vlashandra looks like Raelee. Alisette and Lylia break the uncomfortable truth to her and Xanthium says that as an Ivasian, she'd tell a lover to stick it if they wanted her to wear someone else's face. Cordarius backs up that it's Octaven's thing.
  • Vlashandra and Raelee return to announce that Octaven has agreed to make good on her promise. Stormy and Leafi respectively ask when and to whom the silvers will be delivered, but the question is soon answered as Thadston tells Casiphia over thoughts that "we're good." Stormy and Shinann dismiss the militia back to their posts, and everyone proceeds to the chamber.
  • Cryheart speaks first, saying the evidence against Pylasar seems proof of his past crimes, but there are extentuating circumstances of grief over his murdered daughter and wife--and he was still in love with Rachel, who became Raznel. It's alleged that he aided Raznel, but he demonstated remorse and prevented her from becoming invincible. He says she was an associate to Grishom Stone, a threat not only to Wehnimer's Landing but the [[::Turamzzyrian Empire|Empire]], and asks the court for leniency since Pylasar and his time traveling might be key to dealing with Stone.
  • Vlashandra ask him if evil is evil regardless of circumstances; he says some folks learn and some do not, and if he did commit those acts then he should receive consequences. She asks if he was once advisor to Mayor Walkar; he affirms it, saying the good Walkar was influenced by evil folks.
  • Vlashandra asks about his feelings or actions when it was learned that Walkar concealed the death of the Taladorian Baron and placed a shapeshifter in his stead; Cryheart says horrified and that he tried to stop Walkar despite his earier loyalty. Elithain Cross and Stone had corrupted him. Vlashandra asks for clarity on when he tried to stop him, before or after covering up the Baron's death. He says he learned afterward and advised him to stop the evil acts, but there was a point when he was not available to listen.
  • She says Cryheart stood by Walkar after his deceit was revealed, and he went on to murder and aid enemies; she says he has a habit of defending men like Walkar and Pylasar. Cryheart affirms chivalry, giving the benefit of the oubt, and an oath to defend the Landing and its citizens; Vlashandra says chivalry is defending the innocent; he says it's honor and loyalty to one's oath.
  • Vlashandra says Cryheart argues Pylasar is potentially needed for the threat of Grishom Stone and asks if Grishom made an appearance seeking someone or something. Cryheart says yes, Glethad. She asks if he thinks it was wise to hand useful things to his enemy and if that's another exercise in his benefit of the doubt. He says no.
  • Cordarius takes up now and Cordarius asks a multiple choice question: when Talador invaded the Landing, which of the following aided the town: the Order of the Silver Gryphon, Pylasar, and the Order of the Azure Sun and [[::Vornavis|Vornavian]] allies. Cryheart says the first two.
  • Alisette speaks second, saying Vlashandra recently called her a child, so she'd like to give a youthful take on the trial--a term she uses loosely. Without a defendant, we only have a formal discussion of views and opinions, and isn't it childish to proceed with their wishes no matter the circumstances? Pylasar was a Grand Magister, a position held in high esteem, who was one of the Hall's own as well as one of ours. He's provided counsel and diplomacy for years, and she says it would be wise to consider that only Pylasar could get close to Raznel and bring her demise by gaining her trust--a means to an end, which can be ugly. She concludes by charging them with a responsibility to conduct a fair trial with a defendant present, which is required of their position.
  • Krampton speaks third, mentioning that he had to be away for eight months and wasn't around for the recent incidents, but has experience with Pylasar's scatter-brained actions before then. He says relationships with people are like having a bank account, with deposits put in by the time and events you share together, and he feels that enough deposits were made by Pylasar to not empty the full amount now.
  • [[::Xorus_Kul'shin|Xorus]] speaks fourth, reviewing the history:
    • When Peter witnessed the making of the first paragon, Rachel had acquired a woman on the verge of death, whose name she did not know.
    • Only the last paragon that Pylasar aided with, Mynalari Anodheles, was known to us as as a womman; the others were men, while Abygail and Stiletto were taken by Raznel alone and Larsya was hit by an epochxin arrow.
    • Pylasar pointed Brieson toward the epochxin from memories of the Southron Wastes.
    • When Brumas was the only paragon left, Pylasar said for the first time that Raznel would be killing off the paragons herself, being no longer necessary, as she would have her essence back and bound to all she had ever taken blood from.
    • Convenient that he would only think months later that killing them off was part of her own plan, or that he would have a miraculous hunch that she was beneath the [[::Kingdom of Hendor|Hendoran]] outpost at the last moment, in the workshop that had been thought to be [[::Keeping_Up_with_the_Kestrels_-_5117-12-16_-_Earth_Mage_Dennet%27s_Last_Ditch#Dennet.27s_Demise|caved in with Raznel's dead parents]].
    • When Raznel was vanquished, Pylasar hanged his head.
    • Xorus unraveled Raznel's blood magic enough to cure Larsya, while all other paragons were killed or convinced they should be dead. Pylasar insisted that the cures not even be attempted, per a supposition of no time to chase the impossible, yet the last of them was killed right when Raznel wanted.
  • Xorus says Pylasar's guilt is not in question, as he was involved in the torture, transmogrification, and murder of several heirs to the Sun Throne, as well as witnessing Rachel selling poison prior to a string of political assassination including Emperor Roginard and following the death of Emperor Trynian Burzost, as well as the Eastern Sentinel Earl Jera Happersett.
  • However, Xorus says Pylasar's diminished capacity is no mundane dementia, but a mind mangled by Raznel's blood father Quinshon, and his free will was broadly an illusion bound up in the fabric of time. His life was a tragedy beyond his control, as his fate was deeply intertwined with inflexible points in history, and the hypothetical world where Pylasar did not invent the pylons, so that plinite was not stolen to use the pylons to fight the Ithzir, so that Grand Magister Dennet Kestrel did not travel here to get the plinite back and use bane coffins that Naimorai Kestrel had never invented, so that Naimorai would not have been sent back in time, is an impossibility. It was no coincidence that Naimorai arrived in Toullaire next to Pylasar and the Talon of Toullaire in the year the Arcanum was founded, was it was the only possibility, and perhaps even a temporal accident caused by the Talon interacting with its own past counterpart through the [[::Melgorehn's Reach|Reach]]. Therefore, the responsibility Pylasar bears for his actions is dubious, and Xorus suggests that at worst he should confined for his safety and those around him. He might prove useful in an unforeseen way.
  • Vlashandra asks Xorus what he believes Pylasar knows or knew of the blight. Xorus says the blight was seemingly created much later, but Raznel was like a painter with a limited palette, working wth a finite number of methods. Depriving ourselves of the person saw her work closest might be a terrible mistake later; he says the case for executing Pylasar is obvious and strong, but this is a very unusual situation.
  • Vlashandra asks what he can tell her of his own role with Naimorai; he says she was one of his students, as Dennet had asked him to help her control her powers since the Talon chaotically augmented her latent necromantic talents. Vlashandra and Cordarius exchange whispers and Cordarius says she didn't know that, but he told her Xorus is the Dreadlord or Dadlord depending who you ask, the father of Naimorai's magic, and it's of no purpose now.
  • Raelee speaks fifth, saying she'll speak primarily on charges of conspiracy and duplicitous actions, as the other charges have largey been covered. She says she bore witness to actions from Pylasar that most in town would not have opportunity to. Raznel and Pylasar were long involved in the Hall of Mages, so her influence was left behind--and Pylasar was cognizant of it, but often failed to remain silent on particulars, creating weaknesses for her to manipulate. The bane coffins are an example, a design of Raznel's that Pylasar neglected to mention, which resulted in the recent loss of Thrayzar since the Hall would have acted differently if they had known.
  • Raelee says Pylasar's affable demeanor was often a facade that could be pushed away--something she bore witness to. She presents a parchment written in his hand, saying: "Not all roads end in glass coffins. Just yours." She says it could be interpreted as a jest, taunt, or threat.
  • Vlashandra asks what she interprets it as, and Raelee said a taunt. She clarifies it was directed at her and is not the only example, but the only one he committed to writing. Vlashandra asks what need he had to taunt her; she says it was unclear. The point is that he frequently reminded her she belonged in the torturous prison of a bane coffin, designed by Raznel. She had proverbial keys, and now in Thrayzar's current state he's at a point of manipulation by Grishom Stone.
  • Vlashandra asks if Raelee believes Pylasar is guilty of every charge; she says yes. Vlashandra asks if she believes previous leaders and officials in the Landing are guilty in ignoring his crimes. Raelee asks for clarification on ignoring in what time period; Vlashandra asks if she believes Pylasar's crimes could have been prevented if not for negligence of Landing officials. She says it was ignorance, not negligence; Vlashandra asks if ignorance can lead to guilt. Raelee says yes, if ignorance was born out of lack of due diligence, but she does not think that to be the case, as she does not think it reasonable or realistic that they could obtained necessarry knowledge early enough to be able to take action.
  • Cordarius asks who dispatched Pylasar to handle the transport of Grishom Stone, which led to his escape; she says the leadership of the Hall of Mages. He says he thought he had a second question, but the first is good enough... then adds another question anyway.
  • Cordarius says it was hinted that Raznel and Pylasar might not have been alone in the Hall, with her mentioning traces of her influence--she says that was not her meaning--and asks if additional investigations warrant attentionn into internal Hall matters in case remnants of Raznel's influence or connections remain. She says there is merit to researching what she left behind, as there is likely much we were not aware of.
  • With all speakers finished, Cordarius says the Town Council and Judge Renpaw will convene over the next day or two and he'll announce the decision and what our next step is.


Lylia offers Xorus a handful of toffee popcorn.
Xorus accepts Lylia's toffee popcorn.
Speaking to Lylia, Xorus asks, "Does this mean I have to sit in cheap seats?"
Thadston: "Apple boy and Raelee skin, get us that payment Octaven owes us for our towers, and your mock trial can continue."
Cordarius says, "If anything, I should be Apple MAN."
Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken says, "You're the Core provider of them, but there are others."
Evia says, "Lord Magister Apple."
A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!
A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!
A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!
A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!
Roelon taps a painted red wooden sign that reads, "RESIST!", which is in his right hand.
Xorus exclaims, "Looks like we got ourselves a Locksmehrian deadlock!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "Now, most of the time, I encourage violence. But honestly, before-"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara agrees, "Strange and interesting times when you're urging levelheadedness."
Maags begins chuckling at Leafiara!
Maags says, "Truth."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'm here to keep the peace. I need everyone on both sides intact for a while longer."
Hapenlok says, "Except Falvicar. I owe him a beating."
Balinworn: "I know I have just returned to town from being gone for most of a decade and all so I have no idea what anyone is talking about...but I have at least a couple hundred thousand silvers still in the bank here and can pay for a tower or something if that makes everything okay and we can all go drink ale instead of flexing our respective armors and such."
Pukk: "It would be hundreds of millions of silvers."
Hapenlok: "Pukk, you overestimate the actual monetary value of those towers."
Pukk: "Well there will also be union fees, as well as my administrative fee."
Hapenlok: "Pukk, the only reason these are going to cost any heightened sum is because we're likely going to have to import the lumber. The flora hasn't totally recovered from the blight yet."
Pukk: "And my administrative fee."
Hapenlok: "Pukk, I will cut you."
Pukk: "For a person half a human's height, you are twice as dark."
Cordarius asks, "Any good tomes recently?"
Xorus says, "Only the ones I write myself."
Speaking deeply to Cordarius, Roelon says, "In the mean time, if ye wish better luck with the ladies.  Try ah kilt."
Cryheart asks, "Why did the rolton cross the road?"
Speaking to Cryheart, Pietra asks, "Because Darcena?"
Cryheart says, "To get to ther other side, of course."
Speaking to Cryheart, Krampton asks, "You ain't been gettin these from Pukk have ya?"
Cryheart says, "Liabo no."
Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Chamorr says, "Didja read the one where the Empire stayed in its own back yard, and everyone lived happily ever after."
Cordarius says, "I'm not a fan of fiction."
Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "Goods ye saids dat nor are we wid dis mock trial."
Xanthium says, "The woman wearing Magister Svala's face and Magister Svala went somewhere."
Speaking to Xanthium, Ysharra says, "They both looked their version of angry."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "This is irritating, you know."
Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Why?"
Speaking suddenly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Oh, right, because you're Hapenlok."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Having to be in the same space as ...most of these people."
Faerinn says, "I'm not sure what the Adjudicator's specialty is."
Faerinn says, "Aside from illusions and an adherence to the same three questions."
Speaking to Faerinn, Alisette says, "Well, her specialty may be unmentionable."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "This whole thing is not about Pylasar, it's about us."
Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm asks, "Wot bout us?"
Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Faerinn's been saying much the same and I'd have to agree."
Goldstr asks, "Walkar on trial now?"
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Chamorr says, "They is lookin to hang us and move in."
Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara asks, "Put a man lost in time on trial, so why not a dead man too?"
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "I have to agree with Bear... they seem more intrigued on how we felt and reacted to the situation then the actions of Pylasar himself."
Felita says, "She grillins em like hes a fishie."
Cordarius says, "Sir Deathball."
Cordarius says, "It's a pet name."
Cryheart grins at Cordarius.
Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.
Lyrna says, "Sometimes he seems so compentent, and other times he seems like a child."
Lazaryth says, "He's competent enough at magic.  But not smart enough to know he should stick to it."
Vlashandra asks, "Do you believe Pylasar's crimes in the present could have been prevented if not for the negligence of officials in Wehnimer's Landing?"
Maags says, "She will not gives us that much credit."
Maags says, "Watch."
Maags says, "Listen."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "I believe it was ignorance, not negligence."
Maags says, "And there."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Quinshon's one of those guys you won't let eat at the family dinner table, but...provides valuable services you don't want to admit needing."


A Light Showing of Support

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, a stocky fawn-colored puppy with wide bat-like ears, the Cirkas disk, a large acorn, a smoky fire wyrdling, a scared will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, the Maags disk, a belligerent aurora spirit that is flying around, a heap of heavy stones, a large acorn, the yellow Hapenlok disk, a white tiger, a large acorn, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the seaweed-covered Krampton disk, a tiny pocket mouse, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Lord Warmaster, Plarth who is sitting, Pietra, Lazaryth, Aserak, Fliayeb, Lexbubba, Qotxol, Kalsicar who is kneeling, Tlaja, Cirkas, Aphelios, Moaskoan, Ashvin, Rudar, Stormyrain, Quartermaster Tsarok, Balinworn, Dame Evia, Sonnillon, Pukk, High Lord Asben, Lady Sochestie, Askikon who is sitting, Razanetika, Wendelin, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Mayor Leafiara, Maags, Rasson, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Zosopage, Lord Chamorr, Lord Vailan who is sitting, Kalindon who is sitting, Talman, Cyar, Aized, Sir Cryheart, Berost, Roelon, Soneiken, Lyrna, Lady Alisette, Orlicks, Lady Regwen, Lady Teana, Dougross who is kneeling, Krampton

A purple light suddenly appears in the open window of a shop within town.

Pietra exclaims, "Shenanigan time!"

Cryheart says, "Get ready to move folks."

Pukk recites:

"If you aren't already

Join Cryheart!"

Speaking to Pietra, Balinworn says, "It is? That's my favorite time."

Pukk recites:

"If you are already joined

leave the group and rejoin!"

Regwen says, "Could be the Rooks again."

Leafiara says, "Or maybe it's just the everyday citizens showing support."

Zosopage says, "How many will go to jail tonight."

Maags taps Cryheart lightly on his shoulder.

Maags quickly prompts, "Threetwoone!"

The voice of Hapenlok says, "Interesting."

Cryheart says, "Moving to Moot."

Speaking heartily to Maags, Chamorr says, "Tricksy haflin."

Alisette exclaims, "Whatever it is, it makes me Happy!"

Sir Cryheart's group just went east.

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see the Dergoatean disk and a large purple wooden barrel.

Also here: Maags, Rasson, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Zosopage, Lord Chamorr, Talman, Cyar, Berost, Roelon, Soneiken, Lyrna, Lady Alisette, Lady Regwen, Lady Teana, Krampton, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Razanetika, High Lord Asben, Pukk, Sonnillon, Dame Evia, Balinworn, Quartermaster Tsarok, Stormyrain, Rudar, Moaskoan, Aserak, Pietra, Arena Champion Dhairn, Shinann, Sir Cryheart, Dergoatean

Cryheart says, "Not as loud here."

The voice of Hapenlok says, "Well, my stave is equipped. Either way."

Berost deeply says, "So we kin drink an wait."

Speaking to Maags, Pukk says, "Nice pretty feet you have."

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara remarks, "For now."

Lyrna says, "I couldn't tell which shop it was."

Alisette says, "Counting on it, Hapenlok."

Shinann says, "I could not either."

Speaking to Pukk, Maags says, "Thank yous muchlies."

A second purple light comes into view as a woman places a candle in the sill of her shop's window, a flicker of purple flame fighting against the night.

Lyrna says, "Perhaps we'll be better able to tell from here."

Cryheart says, "Support."

Maags says, "Support for the mage."

Leafiara says, "Indeed... candle vigils."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Join Cryheart."

Regwen says, "The town folks in support too."

Lylia whispers something to Thrassus.

One by one, the light of dozens and dozens of candles with purple fires spark to life along shops and along homes, casting an almost eerie violet glow along the streets and alleys of Wehnimer's Landing.

Pietra exclaims, "Yay! Citizens for Pylasar!"

Lazaryth says, "Seems like trouble."

Pukk yells, "We want our petting zoo!"

Roelon removes a painted red wooden sign that reads, "RESIST!" from in his ebon leather cloak.

Speaking thoughtfully to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "You know... you might well have been right last night. Raising awareness, you and Maylan and the others..."

Lylia offers Xorus a handful of toffee popcorn.

Xorus accepts Lylia's toffee popcorn.

Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "And she might have been right too. Losing a battle and winning a war."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra says, "News travels fast in this backwater town."

Sonnillon yells, "I dont know why im yelling!"

Lylia offers Melikor a handful of toffee popcorn.

Cordarius: "Evening!"

Cryheart asks, "Shall we enter the Hall and head towards the balcony?"

Melikor accepts Lylia's toffee popcorn.

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus asks, "Does this mean I have to sit in cheap seats?"

Chamorr recites heartily:


Leafiara: "Good eve again!"

Lyrna: "Good evening."

Speaking to Lylia, Melikor says, "This will come in handy, I'm sure."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Yes."

Goldstr exclaims, "Evenin friends!"


Cryheart says, "Entering the Hall."

Aserak: "Good evening."

Pukk: "What's so good about it?"

Sir Cryheart's group just entered the Moot Hall.

[Moot Hall, Great Lobby]

The great lobby is quite spacious, with an oak bannister wrapping around a staircase leading to the second story of Moot Hall. The wall are draped in rich tapestries framing niches that hold marble busts of local dignitaries. To the north is a double door, and to the west, a mahogany door bearing a silver plaque. A carpeted pathway leads toward the Debt Collector's Office. You also see an old stained table with an iron bucket on it, a blackboard, a veil iron shield-shaped plaque, a large wooden chest and a large wooden chest.

Also here: Maags, Rasson, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Zosopage, Lord Chamorr, Talman, Cyar, Berost, Roelon, Soneiken, Lyrna, Lady Alisette, Lady Regwen, Lady Teana, Krampton, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Razanetika, High Lord Asben, Pukk, Sonnillon, Dame Evia, Balinworn, Quartermaster Tsarok, Stormyrain, Rudar, Aserak, Pietra, Arena Champion Dhairn, Shinann, Melikor, Blacksail, High Lord Mongonator, Bernadette, Rafy, Cirkas, Tlaja, Lexbubba, Felita, Goldstr, Sir Cryheart

Sir Cryheart's group just went south.

[Moot Hall, South Corridor]

Rich merlot carpet muffles footsteps through the southern corridor of Moot Hall. Two long wooden benches sit on each side of a carved wooden door, while a lone giantman guard stands watch over a modwir arch. A small wooden placard hangs on the wall above an ivory-handled door. You also see a Wehnimer's town militiaman. Also here: Maags, Rasson, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Zosopage, Lord Chamorr, Talman, Cyar, Berost, Roelon, Soneiken, Lyrna, Lady Alisette, Lady Regwen, Lady Teana, Krampton, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Razanetika, High Lord Asben, Pukk, Sonnillon, Dame Evia, Balinworn, Quartermaster Tsarok, Stormyrain, Rudar, Aserak, Pietra, Arena Champion Dhairn, Shinann, Melikor, Blacksail, High Lord Mongonator, Bernadette, Rafy, Cirkas, Tlaja, Lexbubba, Felita, Goldstr, Sir Cryheart

A Wehnimer's town militiaman just arrived!

A Wehnimer's town militiaman just arrived!

A Wehnimer's town militiaman just arrived!

A Wehnimer's town militiaman just arrived!

Maags: "Good eves to yous too!"

A Wehnimer's town militiaman just arrived!

Cryheart says, "Hmmm."

Roelon deeply says, "Well now."

Maags says, "Oh they are not hasing chances tonight."

Pukk exclaims, "I didn't do it yet!"

Cryheart says, "Arch is closed."

Chamorr heartily says, "Huh."

Speaking amiably to Shinann, Leafiara says, "Ah, good, you made the call after all."

Sonnillon raspily says, "Now that's interesting."

Speaking to herself, Regwen says, "Yeah cahoots."

A uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman just arrived!

A uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman just arrived!

A uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman just arrived!

A uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman just arrived!

A uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman just arrived!

A uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman just arrived!

A uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman just arrived!

Balinworn exclaims, "Oooh. My people!"

Cryheart says, "Evening militiamen."

Pietra: "So I guess the militia is here... in force."

Berost deeply says, "After tha show last eve, I am sure they will be .... more vigilant. Vigilante. Watchful."

Leafiara amiably greets, "Good evening, militia."

Cordarius: "We'll be along shortly."

Speaking to a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, Rudar exclaims, "Don't be botherin' me tonight, I'm just watchin' the going on!"

The voice of Hapenlok says, "I think you weant a little overboard."

Sonnillon raspily says, "This looks like the good makings for a rumble."

Goldstr exclaims, "Well we do be protected!"

Zosopage: "Good evening Cordarius."

Thadston: "No, you won't."

Cryheart: "Good evening Cordarius."

Speaking to Chamorr, Pukk says, "They are our militia...they are for the town."

Speaking to Berost, Leafiara says, "I brought it up at our meeting a couple of hours ago. It seems a good move, and I'm sure the cap--"

Evia says, "Hmm."

Leafiara: "He won't?"

Zosopage: "Good evening Thadston."

Cryheart: "Thadston, dinnae cause a rukus."

Alisette: "Good evening, sir."

Leafiara says, "Hmm, Thadston seems to have something in mind."

Roelon deeply says, "Hmm."

Speaking to a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, Maags says, "Seems yous in the wrong place."

Bernadette softly asks, "Mebbe hes think somepin might happen?"

Pukk: "Wait...ruckus? Yay, ruckus!"

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "All these troops needed to keep the population down, Mayor."

Speaking to a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, Pietra exclaims, "Go jump in some manafire!"

Speaking to Maags, Leafiara says, "Not if they're trying to bar entrance..."

Faerinn says, "Well then."

Balinworn says, "Kinda crowded in here."

Faerinn says, "Security has gotten tighter."

Speaking to a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, Alisette says, "Evening. Keep marching."

Speaking to Maags, Goldstr says, "Seems Thadston may a sent em."

Hapenlok: "Can you define the ruckus, sir?"

Berost deeply says, "Welp, if we fightin tha mages of that Hall place. Better get to it then."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maags says, "True but maybes they should be finding THadston."

Stormyrain whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "The militia isn't under my jurisdiction--this is Thadston's doing, likely."

Maags nods at Goldstr.

Maags exclaims, "Maybes!"

Roelon deeply says, "Ah but more security eh."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I am liking Thadston at the moment."

Cryheart: "This trial needs to hae closure without interruption."

Maags says, "Militia is under Captain Stormyrain and Captain Shinann."

Zosopage says, "I'm thinking they don't want any rabble rousers like last night."

Goldstr: "Sir Andrews We kins handle dis mock trial."

Speaking to Leafiara, Thrassus asks, "Quite a stellar time to get elected to office, eh?"

Pietra says, "But the rabble rousers were the best part."

Leafiara calmly says, "I'm sure the marshal will explain."

Thadston: "Sorry, I can't hear you Cryheart, your spurs are too tight."

Balley softly says, "We will see."

Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn asks, "Any explanation on the reinforcements yet?"

Speaking to Thrassus, Leafiara remarks, "Any time, truly."

Pukk: "Why let a mock trial progress. What use will it serve?"

Alisette: "Ha!"

Balley softly says, "I bet the town is in flames tonight."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "That's from my tree spawn."

Lazaryth says, "Pardon me a moment."

Maags: "Yous jus jealous of the shine of his armor!"

Ysharra says, "For the cigar."

Stormyrain offers, "The trial will not be continuing until, and unless, Octaven's payment for our towers is complete; on Marshal Thadston's order."

Speaking heartily to a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, Chamorr says, "RESIST."

Lyrna says, "Hopefully not."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "Oh my."

Pukk: "There will be no closure with a mock trial."

Cryheart: "Cause we need the opportunity to support Pylasar..that is why."

Lyrna says, "I mean, the town being in flames."

Evia says, "Maybe the bowl of water can tell."

Pukk: "We already did yesterday."

Speaking in Faendryl, Thrassus says something you don't understand.

Leafiara notes, "Mmm, and this is the deadline for the return of the statue as well."

Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium says, "That's from the treespawn sibling. And I don't smoke cigars anyway."

Razanetika just tried to flirt with a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman!

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "My statchoo!"

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Cryheart: "We need more..and I plan on speaking."

Leafiara amicably says, "Well, makes sense to me."

Lady Casiphia just arrived.

Maags says, "The return? I thought everybodies wanted it gone."

Alisette: "I plan to speak as well."

Cryheart says, "Lady Casiphia."

Speaking surprisedly to Casiphia, Leafiara says, "Oh, good evening to you."

Speaking to Casiphia, Lylia says, "It is a pleasure to see you again; it has been too long."

Speaking heartily to Casiphia, Chamorr says, "Hiya."

Casiphia moves to stand near the arch amidst the militia. She thumbs the daggers along her baldric.

Balley softly says, "Hello Casiphia."

>look casip

You see Lady Casiphia Malatina.

She appears to be a Human.

She is average. She appears to be in the prime of life. She has long-lashed dark brown eyes and fair skin. She has shoulder length, curly bluish-black hair arranged in a twisted roll at the back of her head and held in place by some carved ivory beads. She has an oval face, a small nose and wide hips.

She is in good shape.

She is wearing a suede-lined mantle of peppered wolf fur, a single-shoulder oiled leather vest, a wide leather baldric hung with a collection of various daggers, a trim black linen shirt left open at the collar, a slender clear crystal ring, a slotted leather belt displaying various tools and pouches, some crisp black brocade breeches, and some scuffed black suede knee-boots cuffed in grey fur.

Casiphia says, "Hello all."

Casiphia grins.

Soneiken says, "Der are nae States of Vats around here."

Shinann says, "Evening."

Speaking to Casiphia, Zosopage says, "Good to see you."

Casiphia says, "Unfortunately the Hall's members are not allowed to proceed until the town receives their payment for the towers Octaven destroyed."

Speaking to Casiphia, Goldstr says, "Verra goods ta sees ye lass."

Speaking to Casiphia, Alisette says, "That is great news."

Pietra asks, "So we're at a bit of a standoff?"

Speaking to Casiphia, Shinann says, "Thadston gave us our orders."

Thadston: "Apple boy and Raelee skin, get us that payment Octaven owes us for our towers, and your mock trial can continue."

Pukk says, "Raelee skin."

Leafiara amusedly says, "He's in quite a mood tonight, even more than usual."

Lyrna says, "Wow."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Interesting. I take it you're aware of this and support this?"

Maags says, "That is unkind."

Pukk says, "Wait..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Has he always had a sense of humor?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Because I would believe that such matters fall under your purview, do they not?"

Pietra: "We also want Gutstorm's statue."

Casiphia grins at Shinann.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "We agreed to demand repayment and she hasn't delivered yet, so--yes, in a sense."

Speaking in Halfling, Muscatelle exclaims something you don't understand.

Alisette whispers aloud, "Halfling army."

Speaking heartily to Casiphia, Chamorr says, "Guess youll have ta send them home, huh."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Shinann says, "Thadston is a council member."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara reminds, "That said, the militia are under Thadston's command, not mine."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "So, this has your sanction, this isn't something he's gone off on his own about, then?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara agrees, "Indeed."

Speaking to Shinann, Hapenlok says, "I nearly forgot, I stand somewhat corrected."

Magister Cordarius just arrived.

Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Did Thaddy always have a sense of humor?"

Cordarius says, "Well, this is awkward."

Maags exclaims, "Well then so far he is winning!"

Speaking to Cordarius, Pietra says, "Hi Apple Boy."

Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Chamorr says, "Oops."

Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara offers, "Welcome to the Landing. Again."

Cordarius says, "If anything, I should be Apple MAN."

Cordarius frowns.

Speaking to Cordarius, Lylia asks, "Good evening. Popcorn?"

Speaking to Cordarius, Shinann asks, "So, you heard Thadston?"

Lyrna says, "I don't think he was feeling that kind."

Cryheart says, "Thadston does hae a sense of humor."

Cordarius says, "I did."

Maags exclaims, "No trial for yous!"

Speaking softly to Cordarius, Razanetika says, "I think you put the emphasis on the wrong word there."

Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken says, "You're the Core provider of them, but there are others."

Cordarius grins at Casiphia.

Evia says, "Lord Magister Apple."

Balinworn: "I know I have just returned to town from being gone for most of a decade and all so I have no idea what anyone is talking about...but I have at least a couple hundred thousand silvers still in the bank here and can pay for a tower or something if that makes everything okay and we can all go drink ale instead of flexing our respective armors and such."

Faerinn says, "Different kind of sit in organized tonight it seems."

Leafiara offers, "It's a pretty straightforward deal, repaying what was promised to Mayor Crux years ago to carry on this trial now."

Pukk: "It would be hundreds of millions of silvers."

Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken says, "We actually have a black market of apples around here, in addition to your green ones."

Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "Sir Andrews do outrank ye on our Council. I would take heed sir."

Lyrna mutters, "I swear, whenever I think I start to understand this place..."

Chandrellia softly says, "I'll just be over here eating my doughnuts."

A flicker of white flames appear and spark to life, forming into Vlashandra.

Vlashandra squints.

Vlashandra snaps around suddenly and looks about suspiciously.

Pukk asks, "Where is Gutstorm and his water cannon when we need it?"

Hapenlok: "Pukk, you overestimate the actual monetary value of those towers."

Balinworn: "Kai's Eyelids!! It's a bleeding tower. Is it going to be made out of Kroderine or something? Have a sense of scale, people."

A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!

A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!

A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!

A large dark blue steel golem just arrived!

Speaking amiably to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Good eve--"

Roelon deeply says, "Hmm.."

Leafiara glances at a large dark blue steel golem.

Cryheart glances at a large dark blue steel golem.

Roelon taps a painted red wooden sign that reads, "RESIST!", which is in his right hand.

Cordarius looks over at Vlashandra and shakes his head.

Xorus exclaims, "Looks like we got ourselves a Locksmehrian deadlock!"

Leafiara says, "Mmm, a standoff."

Speaking to a large dark blue steel golem, Ysharra says, "Hello."

Speaking softly to Pukk, Chandrellia asks, "Did someone mention water cannon?"

Cryheart says, "Dinane attack the golems folks..we dinnae need bloodshed."

Casiphia touches her baldric.

Roelon deeply says, "This won' get us anywhere people."

Lylia asks, "By the way, what is the bill for the tower?"

Cordarius steps into the middle of the corridor, polishing a green apple on the sleeve of his robe.

Soneiken recites:

"Lets see da golems and militia all in one big scrum"

Lyrna says, "We weren't going anywhere anyway."

Balley softly exclaims, "I was right!"

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dis is not wot i be callin soshal dintatin."

Speaking to Goldstr, Evia says, "Maybe it's the Delivery Golems bringing back the hunk of carved rock."

Speaking to Soneiken, Maags says, "At the boulder."

Soneiken says, "Gut use yer water canon."

Leafiara calmly says, "I'm sure this doesn't have to come to violence of any sort."

Cordarius says, "Let's...settle for a moment."

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Who me target?"

Speaking to Maags, Soneiken says, "Right here, now."

Pietra says, "Gutstorm, hold."

Pukk: "Well there will also be union fees, as well as my administrative fee."

Cordarius asks, "Raeshandra, let's go speak with Octaven, yes?"

Cordarius peers quizzically at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "Now, most of the time, I encourage violence. But honestly, before-"

Hapenlok nods at Cordarius.

Cordarius says, "The Marshal did make his request known over a week ago."

Cordarius says, "And she did make a promise months ago..."

Cordarius rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Soneiken says, "Gut either da Militia er da golems, nae matter."

Shinann says, "Years."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara agrees, "Strange and interesting times when you're urging levelheadedness."

Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Never make promises."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok advises, "And take your golems with you."

Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Instead, choices."

Speaking to Shinann, Leafiara affirms, "Years. Since the end of 5117."

Maags begins chuckling at Leafiara!

Vlashandra touches the angles of her face.

Maags says, "Truth."

Pukk asks, "Which is which?"

Cordarius says, "I'm not asking."

Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Pietra says, "That means go."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'm here to keep the peace. I need everyone on both sides intact for a while longer."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "Now."

Sonnillon raspily says, "So much tension.. Have a drink or few."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Vlashandra forces a grin.

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Go get me statchoo you ebil wench."

Hapenlok says, "Except Falvicar. I owe him a beating."

Xanthium says, "...I've seen things like this before...but not for this sort of purpose."

Zosopage says, "I think Octaven may be listening in for some reason."

Goldstr says, "Less be civil folks."

Convenient Convening

Vlashandra says, "Magister Raelee."

Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken asks, "Are dae all testifying, da Golems and da Militia?"

Speaking to Goldstr, Evia asks, "Maybe this is how magisters flirt?"

Vlashandra says, "Octaven has summoned you and I."

Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn says, "But it is a purpose you are familiar with."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "Has she?"

Cordarius says, "Oo. Were I a fly in that bed..."

Cordarius says, "Wall. I mean on wall."

Cordarius ducks his head.

Cordarius sits down.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "Fine."

Speaking to Xanthium, Ysharra says, "I'm sure this is a conversation I don't need to hear."

Vlashandra nods at Raelee.

Casiphia seems to be waiting for something.

Speaking to Cryheart, Soneiken says, "Dats sumpting da Purple Wizard would have said."

Raelee joins Vlashandra's group.

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara says, "You and I have discussed the situation often enough. You know my thoughts, so best of luck to you. you both."

Ysharra says, "A moment."

Speaking to Maags, Goldstr says, "Ye kin shows da Magister how to make apple tarts."

Vlashandra says, "We will return."

Hapenlok: "Pukk, the only reason these are going to cost any heightened sum is because we're likely going to have to import the lumber. The flora hasn't totally recovered from the blight yet."

Lady Vlashandra's group just went north.

Something pulls Cordarius to his feet.

You notice Ysharra moving stealthily into the room.

Pukk: "And my administrative fee."

Sochestie says, "Apparently signing off on having towers reimbursed requires a small meeting of the minds first."

Speaking to Goldstr, Maags asks, "Gives my recipes to the Hall?"

Hapenlok: "Pukk, I will cut you."

Ysharra says, "I thought Munin might be a little distracting."

The golems turn and march off.

Cordarius says, "So..."

Cordarius asks, "Any good tomes recently?"

Pukk: "For a person half a human's height, you are twice as dark."

Speaking to Razanetika, Pietra says, "We don't like golems."

Xorus says, "Only the ones I write myself."

Goldstr says, "Dey doin wron if dey bringin dem golems to scare us."

Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Well, a book wagon has been making its way around various towns..."

Lylia turns her vruul leather grimoire around and displays its pages to Cordarius.

Speaking deeply to Cordarius, Roelon says, "In the mean time, if ye wish better luck with the ladies. Try ah kilt."

Lyrna says, "I found the one on scrying in the library at the Outpost interesting."

Cryheart asks, "Why did the rolton cross the road?"

Speaking to Cordarius, Talman says, "I read one the other day, was about some golem, and their master gettin smashed to rubble.. was a good story."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pietra asks, "Because Darcena?"

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn asks, "Does your copy also have the pages that pull out into a full poster?"

Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Chamorr says, "Didja read the one where the Empire stayed in its own back yard, and everyone lived happily ever after."

Cryheart says, "To get to ther other side, of course."

Pukk: "Are you sure you're not related to Xorus?"

Cordarius says, "I'm not a fan of fiction."

Cordarius nods at Chamorr.

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dont quit yooz day job shirt shiny."

Cordarius snickers.

Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "No time for reading. On my part."

Speaking to Cryheart, Krampton asks, "You ain't been gettin these from Pukk have ya?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Zosopage asks, "But it got run over, right?"

Cryheart says, "Liabo no."

Casiphia asks, "Why does that woman look like Raelee?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Balinworn says, "Do you have one of those small portable blackboards? Cause those are..... remarkable."

Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "I'm having to interject myself into these situations instead of being in bed, reading."

Speaking to Casiphia, Pietra says, "She's pretty creepy."

Cryheart says, "We hae been asking that same question."

Speaking wryly to Casiphia, Leafiara says, "You might be better off not knowing."

Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "Goods ye saids dat nor are we wid dis mock trial."

Casiphia peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Speaking to Casiphia, Alisette says, "Because she is tryin to please her boss."

Speaking hurriedly to Casiphia, Leafiara says, "Yes, yes, what Alisette said."

Speaking raspily to Balinworn, Sonnillon asks, "Need to use it?"

Speaking to Casiphia, Alisette says, "In unmentionable ways."

Speaking vaguely to Casiphia, Leafiara explains, "She prefers Raelee's appearance."

Lylia whispers something to Casiphia.

Speaking to Sonnillon, Balinworn says, "No. Just a bad pun suggesting that they are quite remarkable."

Alisette nods once at Casiphia.

Alisette blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.

Casiphia nods at Lylia.

Xanthium says, "I'm Ivasian and I'd tell a lover of mine to stick it."

Casiphia says, "Strange."

Xanthium says, "If they asked me to wear someone else's face."

Cordarius says, "It's her thing."

Cordarius nods at Casiphia.

Speaking to Casiphia, Goldstr says, "Hopes ye back to stay awhile."

Speaking to Cordarius, Pietra says, "Well it's still pretty weird."

Cordarius asks, "You think I was born with this face?"

Cordarius snickers to himself.

Faerinn says, "Yeah, that's a weird combination of kink and power play we all have to look at."

Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "She never left--she's just been training hard."

Speaking to Cordarius, Lylia says, "No, I suspect it was far chubbier in your youth."

Lazaryth asks, "We're still not in the courtroom, mm?"

Cordarius scoffs at Lylia.

Cordarius winks at Lylia.

Cordarius smirks.

Xorus says, "Some people are walked around on a leash, others..."

Speaking to Cordarius, Lylia asks, "I am not wrong, though, am I?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Ah Tankee madam Mayor."

Speaking to a spotted great horned owl, Hapenlok says, "Just checking. Lots of impostors lately."

Cryheart says, "They be deliberating."

Xanthium says, "The woman wearing Magister Svala's face and Magister Svala went somewhere."

Xanthium says, "To...settle something in private, I guess."

Speaking to Cryheart, Regwen says, "Or counting silvers."

Speaking to Xanthium, Pukk says, "A mud match."

Speaking to Xanthium, Lazaryth says, "Oh, I do hope they're fighting."

Speaking to Xanthium, Ysharra says, "They both looked their version of angry."

Cryheart says, "Perhaps."

Balinworn says, "Fun as this all is, especially as I have not a single clue what is going on which admittedly, is totally in my wheelhouse, I have to get going. Wonderful to see you all."

[various goodbyes, well wishes]

Xanthium says, "Double Indemnity."

Faerinn says, "Possibly with their superior who has a bizarre sense of decorum."

Speaking to Cordarius, Lyrna asks, "So how did you get so lucky as to get left out of that conversation?"

Speaking in Halfling, Muscatelle exasperatedly asks something you don't understand.

Talman says, "As slow as he eats green apples, they are probably magical keepin his real ugly side hidden.."

Speaking raspily to Hours, Sonnillon asks, "Where's the boss?"

Speaking to Lazaryth, Evia says, "Somehow it never occured to the wicked and wise that one need not a court room to hold a 'trial.'"

Speaking to Sonnillon, Hours says, "Elf lands."

Speaking to Balinworn, Leafiara offers, "We can always explain another night if you'd like, but it would be a very long story."

You hear a thud from nearby.

Speaking in Halfling to Muscatelle, Maags says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Evia, Lylia exclaims, "One does not even need a defendant, I hear!"

Cryheart says, "Hmmm."

Cryheart asks, "Ye hear that thud?" [whatever it was, it wasn't monsterbold]

Speaking raspily to Hours, Sonnillon says, "Probably more interesting than this."

Xanthium says, "I did."

Cordarius peers quizzically at Lyrna.

Cordarius asks, "Huh?"

Speaking in Halfling to Hours, Maags says something you don't understand.

Berost deeply says, "Waitin and waitin ... fer a decision what already been made weeks ago; if not years."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "Someone's probably been hitting the death-rum, Cryheart."

Speaking to Evia, Lazaryth asks, "Oh, but I prefer the courtroom. Formalities are such fun, aren't they?"

Pietra asks, "Uh oh, ya think Raelee snapped?"

Cryheart says, "And I had a speech all prepared...tis a pity."

Lyrna says, "The magister conference."

Leafiara muses, "One doesn't even need so much as a theory on how to *find* the accused, unless Octaven's seriously holding back some information."

Faerinn says, "No, if Raelee snapped..."

Soneiken says, "Hey."

Speaking to Lazaryth, Evia asks, "We shall see?"

Faerinn says, "There would be a whoosh."

Soneiken says, "Im trapped."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "That is true."

Xanthium says, "If Raelee snapped we'd all be underwater by now."

Faerinn says, "And a sudden flash of light and heat."

Speaking in Halfling, Muscatelle complains something you don't understand.

Maags says, "She often gets close but."

Xorus says, "It would not be the first time the outpost needed to be rebuilt."

Xanthium says, "She'd flood the tunnels with the shockwaves."

Speaking to Cryheart, Goldstr says, "Dat time may still comes to be."

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Speaking in Halfling to Muscatelle, Maags says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "This is irritating, you know."

Speaking to Xanthium, Ysharra says, "I believe she has a plan for each town."

Faerinn says, "I'm not sure what the Adjudicator's specialty is."

Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Why?"

Lyrna asks, "Or is this a political matter that I don't yet have context for?"

Speaking suddenly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Oh, right, because you're Hapenlok."

Cryheart says, "She adjudicates."

Faerinn says, "Aside from illusions and an adherence to the same three questions."

Speaking to Xanthium, Ysharra says, "And, much as I hate to correct you, I think Zul Logoth is the one she'll flood."

Speaking to Faerinn, Goldstr says, "Adjuctin."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Having to be in the same space as ...most of these people."

Felita says, "Mebee reckin havoks."

Speaking to Leafiara, Evia asks, "Don't suppose there is some way to charge by the minute for the court room and its connecting corridor?"

Speaking to Faerinn, Alisette says, "Well, her specialty may be unmentionable."

Aluvios: "Hmmm..."

Speaking to Ysharra, Xanthium says, "Right. No one would expect a place in the middle of a mountain range to have a tidal wave."

Casiphia yawns.

Balley softly says, "I hope she can be trusted and is not working with them."

Speaking thoughtfully to Evia, Leafiara asks, "Even if there were, that would--probably be up to Renpaw?"

A Raesolved Matter?

Lady Vlashandra's group just arrived.

Speaking to Raelee, Pietra says, "We'd hoped you knocked her out."

Speaking to Leafiara, Evia says, "He's all for it, I heard it in the alley."

Roelon deeply asks, "Welcome....back?"

Speaking to Raelee, Pukk says, "You look hurt."

Maags says, "So."

Speaking raspily to Hours, Sonnillon says, "Guess I better drink some more."

(Raelee's expression remains largely neutral, but the chill remains in her eyes.)

Raelee's gaze takes on an intense focus as her eyes flare brilliantly with a hot white glow.

Speaking in Halfling to Sonnillon, Hours says something you don't understand.

Vlashandra says, "Grand Magister Octaven has agreed to make good on her promise."

Speaking to Sonnillon, Hours says, "Might as well."

Cryheart says, "Manners folks."

Speaking to Raelee, Alisette asks, "May I heal you, Magister?"

Leafiara appreciatively says, "Excellent, cooler heads have prevailed then."

(Hapenlok takes up a position near Leafiara, as he surrepitiously slips a hand to his left glove.)

Casiphia seems to be waiting for something.

Speaking to Alisette, Raelee says, "... fine."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Stormyrain asks, "When?"

Alisette focuses on Raelee with intense concentration.

Raelee's right leg wound gradually fades, forming on Alisette's right leg instead.

Leafiara asks, "I trust the silvers will be delivered to Thadston or our treasurer, Councilwoman Alendrial?"

Pietra whispers something to Leafiara.

Raelee slowly says, "... and to be clear, that injury is hours old. Vlashandra is not responsible."

Pietra whispers something to Leafiara.

Pukk whispers something to Gutstorm.

Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps...."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Raelee, Soneiken says, "Nae look fine, fire beyond yer eyes."

Thadston: "We're good Casi."

Casiphia grins.

Casiphia nods.

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra asks, "Anything else you have to take care of?"

Cryheart says, "Thadston said ye were good."

Cryheart says, "Or ye both."

Casiphia says, "Boys, let's head home."

Speaking brusquely to Ysharra, Raelee says, "Not in the moment."

Casiphia says, "Captains."

Roelon deeply says, "Payment recieved ah assume."

Speaking to Casiphia, Alisette says, "Thank you, Ma'am."

Casiphia nods at Shinann.

Casiphia nods at Stormyrain.

Shinann nods at Casiphia.

Speaking to Casiphia, Lylia says, "My best to you and yours."

Casiphia bows to Lylia.

Cryheart: "Thanks Thadston."

Lylia bows to Casiphia.

Speaking to a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, Shinann says, "You may leave now."

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken asks, "Why dey gots protection tonight?"

Faerinn asks, "Did I miss anything like a payment or another gross power play?" [he'd briefly disconnected]

Tlaja removes a tin cup of fresh water from in her spidersilk backpack.

Tlaja takes a drink from her fresh water.

CS: +297 - TD: +297 + CvA: +12 + d100: +59 - +10 == +61

Warded off!

Speaking to Faerinn, Lylia says, "No, not yet."

Lady Casiphia just went north.

Speaking to Faerinn, Pietra says, "They just received payment."

Stormyrain whispers something to Shinann.

Speaking to Tlaja, Pukk says, "I don't think it's fresh."

Leafiara says, "Thadston is reporting that we're clear, so..."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat water not to fresh."

The militia salute Stormyrain and Shinann and march off.

Cryheart says, "Perhaps that letter worked."

Speaking to Shinann, Goldstr says, "So fer jess a promise."

Cryheart glances at Leafiara.

Leafiara nods at Cryheart. [the two of them had arranged to send a letter to Earl Jovery about Octaven's questionable past actions]

Tlaja says, "Found out the hard way."

Lyrna says, "Well, in some manner or another, Thadston is satisfied with the response, anyway."

Getting Started

Cordarius says, "Let's proceed."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara asks, "The payments were delivered to Thadston, then?"

Cordarius says, "Whew."

Magister Cordarius just went through a modwir arch.

Sir Cryheart's group just went through a modwir arch.

[Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice]

Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see an oak door and a modwir arch.

Maags asks, "Yous alright Commander?"

Sir Cryheart's group just climbed up a narrow stairway.

[Moot Hall, Observation Balcony]

Several rows of hardwood benches line the balcony, each row a bit higher than the previous one in order to provide a view of the proceedings below from every seat. A polished oak railing forms the front barrier of the viewing area, and a narrow stairway leads down.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I bet all my rum is gone."

Roelon deeply says, "So now the show can continue."

Faerinn says, "I wonder if that included statue delivery."

Roelon removes a painted red wooden sign that reads, "RESIST!" from in his ebon leather cloak.

Speaking to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Indeed. Let's--"

Leafiara gazes in amusement at Roelon.

Lylia says, "I am sure there are other times to discuss that."

Leafiara carefully places a backpack on the floor.

>lo in back

In the backpack:

Food/Drink [70]: a handful of popcorn (70)

Total items: 70

Hapenlok annoyedly says, "Again with the damn statue."

Sonnillon raspily asks, "What's the show tonight?"

Chandrellia removes a handful of popcorn from in a backpack.

Sonnillon raspily says, "Last night was mildly wild."

Gutstorm removes a handful of popcorn from in a backpack.

Pietra removes a handful of popcorn from in a backpack.

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Was waiting for you to put it down."

Razanetika removes a handful of popcorn from in a backpack.

Speaking surprisedly to Sonnillon, Leafiara asks, "Mildly, hm?"

Goldstr says, "Less be civil folks."

Cryheart says, "Amen."

Cordarius says, "Well, let's continue then. Same rules as last night. Join the list if you wish to be called to defend, or not defend."

Cordarius nods.

Cryheart adds his name to the trial list.

Gutstorm put a handful of popcorn in his scruffy red beard.

Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.

Magister Cordarius just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Alisette adds her name to the trial list.

Leafiara diplomatically offers, "We've already gotten out a lot of--tension tonight, so we can at least take this calmly. ...hopefully."

Sonnillon raspily says, "No fun in that."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "Will do my best."

>peer area

Gazing into the area, you see...

[Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice]

Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see an oak door and a modwir arch.

Also here: Magister Cordarius, Lady Vlashandra

Cordarius says, "I think you missed a little spot. Under your chin."

Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.

Cordarius says, "Damn shame."

Sonnillon raspily says, "I make a motion for more yelling."

Chamorr heartily says, "Doesn't change the fact."

Krampton adds his name to the trial list.

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaking lightly to Sonnillon, Leafiara says, "Well, I'm not a tyrant stopping free speech, so if you're willing to face the consequences..."

Chandrellia softly asks, "Can we put Owly's name on that list?"

Speaking raspily to Tilbin, Sonnillon asks, "Moral compass?"

Speaking to Sonnillon, Tilbin says, "Broken compass."

Speaking to Sonnillon, Tilbin says, "I got lost."

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Speaker #1, Cryheart - Chivalry and Honor

Cordarius yells, "Cryheart!"

Speaking raspily to Leafiara, Sonnillon exclaims, "I always pay me debts!"

Xorus adds his name to the trial list.

Chamorr yells, "Landing trial, Landing justice, we want Renpaw!"

Cryheart says, "Wish me luck."

Sir Cryheart just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Cryheart forcefully crosses one arm over his kroderine plate and offers a formal bow.

Hapenlok whispers something to Sonnillon.

Chandrellia softly says, "Luck."

Lyrna says, "Good luck."

Cryheart says, "Magister Cordarius and Adjudicator Vlashandra."

Cryheart says, "Good evening."

Cordarius nods at Cryheart.

Vlashandra forces a grin.

Cryheart says, "The evidence against Pylasar is seemingly proof of his past crimes. There are, however, extenuating circumstances as he was grieving o'er his murdered daughter and wife. Alas, he was still in love with his wife Rachel, who became the infamous witch, Raznel. Imagine the pain and torture he went through those times."

Cryheart says, "It is alleged that Pylasar assisted Raznel with many of her rogue and evil acts. Consider, however, that in the end he demonstrated remorse as he assisted us in dealing with the Paragons, who made Raznel almost invincible. She had been trapped within a past time."

Hapenlok says, "Anyway, I'm just here to watch."

Cryheart says, "Raznel was an associate to Grishom Stone. Stone is a superior mage who possesses the Star of Khar'ta and seeks to surpass the power of the Arkati. He is a threat not only to Wehnimer's Landing but to all of the Empire."

Rafy removes a handful of popcorn from in a backpack.

Cryheart nods at Vlashandra.

Cryheart nods at Cordarius.

Cryheart says, "I ask the Court for leniency at this time. Pylasar may be the key to dealing with Grishom Stone. Being a time traveler, we could use that to our advantage in ending the threat of Grishom Stone once and for all. If Pylasar is indeed able to help end Stone, then that should weigh heavily in his favor."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me now sees why dey dint wanna deal wif me last night, me formed me statement into da question...."

Cryheart says, "That is all."

Leafiara reassuringly says, "No doubt that's the only reason."

Vlashandra says, "Sir Cryheart."

Cryheart turns to face Vlashandra.

Cryheart says, "M'lady."

Krampton says, "He had about some of the best points I can think to help pylasar."

Vlashandra asks, "Evil is evil, regardless of circumstance, wouldn't you say?"

Gutstorm sticks his tongue out at Pietra, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Yooz no fun."

Pietra kisses Gutstorm on the nose.

Cryheart says, "Sometimes evil acts or just acts within a given time."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "You're wrong."

Cryheart says, "Some folks learn and some dinnae."

Raelee adds her name to the trial list.

Vlashandra asks, "Is it true, you were once an advisor to Mayor Walkar?"

Cryheart says, "And yes..if he did commit  those acts, then he should receive consequences."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Cryheart nods at Vlashandra.

Cryheart says, "I was."

Cryheart says, "But a good Walkar..was influenced by evil folks."

Hapenlok works his rectangular whetstone along the edge of his mithril Torren dagger's blade, removing several notches and nicks along the way.

Evia shushes Hapenlok!

Vlashandra asks, "What were your feelings, or subsequent actions, when it was learned Walkar concealed the death of the Taladorian Baron and placed a shapeshifter in his stead?"

Faerinn says, "When Walkar was "good" he threated to shoot a man with a crossbow in a cage."

Cryheart says, "Horrified."

Aserak whispers something to Raelee.

Faerinn says, "Up to the point of grabbing said crossbow and heading to the jail."

Vlashandra says, "Your feelings. Check."

Vlashandra asks, "How about your actions?"

Pukk asks, "So Walkar was in a cage shooting a crossbow?"

Cryheart asks, "What actions?"

Cryheart asks, "Regarding Walkar?"

Vlashandra asks, "You had none?"

Cryheart says, "Oh..yes."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "This whole thing is not about Pylasar, it's about us."

Lylia says, "I have learned that, in the Landing, if you are beloved, you may do anything. Even fire a crossbow in broad daylight at someone on Cheridin Avenue."

Pukk asks, "Or was Walkar shooting a crossbow that was surrounded by a cage?"

Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm asks, "Wot bout us?"

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Faerinn's been saying much the same and I'd have to agree."

Goldstr asks, "Walkar on trial now?"

Cryheart says, "I did try to stop Walkar..despite my earlier loyalty."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Chamorr says, "They is lookin to hang us and move in."

Maags says, "She keeps turning it on everybodies else."

Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara asks, "Put a man lost in time on trial, so why not a dead man too?"

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "I have to agree with Bear... they seem more intrigued on how we felt and reacted to the situation then the actions of Pylasar himself."

Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok says, "If he hadn't died, he would have been staked up, like Davard."

Cryheart says, "Cross and Stone were powerful mages who had corrupted Walkar."

Vlashandra asks, "You tried to stop him when?"

Cryheart says, "And Stone is continuing to do that."

Roelon deeply says, "With that woman, it seems the trial shifts away from the main subject."

Vlashandra asks, "Before he covered up the Baron's death?"

Vlashandra asks, "Or after?"

Cryheart says, "At first..advise him."

Lylia says, "Nothing is ever anyone's fault, then. It is all evil counsel."

Vlashandra asks, "You advised him to do it?"

Cryheart says, "To stop."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Goldstr says, "Aye but was dem magics nae Lord Wellington."

Thrassus says, "I'll keep that in mind."

Vlashandra asks, "So you knew of it before it was exposed?"

Cryheart says, "No."

Cryheart says, "I advised him to stop the evil acts."

Maags asks, "Relevance?"

Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok says, "I can't attribute everything he did to solely the armor."

Cryheart says, "But there was a point in time he was not available to listen."

Cryheart says, "Anymore."

Soneiken yells, "Objection, foundation!"

Vlashandra says, "I see."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Goldstr says, "True but was a great factor."

Vlashandra asks, "So do you believe Walkar was duplicitous?"

Soneiken says, "Jeesh, whose on trial here."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wot dupitipus mean?"

Sonnillon raspily says, "Big words hurting my head."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Lying."

Cryheart says, "He was under the influence of an evil mage..or summoner if you wish."

Chamorr heartily says, "What does Walker have to do with Pylasar."

Razanetika softly says, "Deceitful."

Goldstr exclaims, "Nuttin Bear!"

Speaking deeply to Chamorr, Berost says, "Nothing."

Speaking to Razanetika, Pietra says, "Big word answer for big word, though."

Maags says, "She is trying to prove that Cryheart's opinion has no merit."

Vlashandra says, "And you stood by him after his deceit was revealed."

Pukk yells, "Walkar isn't on trial!"

Lyrna says, "She's trying to discredit Cryheart."

Speaking softly to Pietra, Razanetika says, "Touche."

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Berost deeply says, "Jest tryin ta get the knight to admit anything of anything while he be in a court."

Vlashandra says, "We also know he went on to murder and even aid our enemies."

Cryheart says, "I tried to intervene."

Speaking to Berost, Leafiara agrees, "Indeed."

Speaking to Maags, Pietra says, "And she would be wrong."

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Vlashandra asks, "You seem to have a habit of defending men like him, do you not?"

Vlashandra says, "Walkar. Pylasar."

Gutstorm yells, "We still lub ye Cryheart!"

Lylia says, "Cryheart is not on trial."

Maags yells, "The knight is not on trial!"

Shinann says, "Neither is Cryheart. But, she is not acting like he is not."

Leafiara wryly says, "I think she begs to differ."

Lylia says, "Precisely so."

Cryheart says, "Always give a benefit of a doubt."

Roelon deeply says, "She is tryin' to discredit Cryheart."

Speaking to Sonnillon, Faerinn says, "This one would be Leading and Relevance."

Cryheart says, "Chivalry."

Cryheart nods at Vlashandra.

Shinann says, "I thought the Hall respected knights of the empire."

Chamorr heartily says, "If yer name is on da list, might wanna think twice about it."

Goldstr says, "I see now wha she doin."

Speaking to Soneiken, Faerinn says, "This one would be Leading and Relevance."

Speaking to Shinann, Pietra says, "Guess not."

Speaking to Roelon, Evia says, "Like that would ever stick."

Berost deeply says, "Anything they kin put on record furthers tha Empire or whoever's desire to see our town not be a town."

Cryheart says, "I hae an oath to defend this town and its citizens."

Pukk yells, "I heard it's a sort of code that those Shiny ones adhere to!"

Shinann says, "Well, maybe it is just her."

Felita says, "She grillins em like hes a fishie."

Roelon deeply asks, "She doesn't know Wehnimer's much does she?"

Vlashandra says, "Chivalry is defending the innocent."

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Shiny ones."

Vlashandra nods.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Chivalry is gibbin me back my statchoo."

Krampton says, "Innocents until proven guilties."

Vlashandra says, "You speak of Grishom Stone as a credible threat."

Cryheart says, "Chivalry is being honorable and loyal to one's oath."

Cryheart nods at Vlashandra.

Cryheart says, "He is indeed."

Lyrna says, "It is not so easy to simply tell who is innocent or guilty."

Vlashandra says, "One you argue you need Pylasar for. Potentially."

Cryheart says, "That is my opinion."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Maags says, "Sir Knight tho can defend hisself."

Vlashandra asks, "Did Grishom recently make an appearance? Seeking something, or someone?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat kitty was playin in da popcorns."

Cryheart nods at Vlashandra.

Cryheart says, "Aye, Glethad."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra asks, "Is that why it tastes so ammoniaish?"

Rafy says, "Explains the hair."

Vlashandra asks, "Do you think it wise to hand potentially useful things to your credible enemy?"

Cryheart says, "No."

Berost deeply says, "Funny how a mage like Stone can pop in, out, and around. And none of the hall bothers to do anything about it, but ask *us*."

Lylia says, "I am not on trial either."

Vlashandra asks, "Is that another exercise in your benefit of the doubt?"

Maags yells, "He is a knight not a mayor!"

Vlashandra says, "It would appear you apply that to heroes and villains alike. Walkar. Pylasar. Grishom."

Vlashandra says, "Which is which I wonder."

Speaking to Lylia, Maags says, "Sorries."

Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara says, "She apparently begs to differ with that too."

Evia asks, "Who was handed to anyone by whom?"

Shinann says, "Was not his choice."

Speaking bluntly to Berost, Raelee says, "False."

Soneiken yells, "Innocent until proven guilty, the Knights actions are just!"

Lyrna says, "By that measure, anyone one of us who meets with Stone could be 'handing someone over to the enemy'."

Pukk yells, "Pylasar is not a villain. You have yet to prove that!"

Vlashandra says, "I have nothing else to ask."
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara mutters, "You're right. At this point, a mistrial might be the best outcome."
Cryheart says, "Citizens, even when turned evil, need the opportunity to change."

Cordarius exclaims, "I do!"

Speaking deeply to Raelee, Berost says, "Beg yer pardon, you do. Don't see many of the others around when he is."

Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.

Cryheart turns to face Cordarius.

Lylia says, "She is welcome to. I prefer to open the lid to the cookie jar than to let it get broken by a greedy child who wishes a particular sweet."

Cordarius says, "Sir Deathball."

Cordarius grins.

Cordarius says, "It's a pet name."

Cryheart grins at Cordarius.

Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.

Cryheart asks, "Aye?"

Cordarius says, "Talador once attacked Wehnimer's Landing."

Lyrna says, "Sometimes he seems so compentent, and other times he seems like a child."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Cordarius says, "I have a multiple choice question to ask you."

Cryheart says, "Ok."

Cordarius says, "Three answers, only two of them are right."

Lylia notes, "Particularly when the jar is entrusted to my care."

Pietra asks, "How much more of this crap are we going to have go get through?"

Cryheart starts chortling.

Leafiara says, "Seems a bit leading.."

Cordarius says, "Please tell me which two are correct."

Cryheart turns an inquisitive ear toward Cordarius.

Speaking to Lylia, Maags exclaims, "Yous has a cookie jar!"

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me like cookies too..."

Sonnillon raspily says, "The other must be left."

Lylia exclaims, "Only a metaphorical one!"

Speaking to Berost, Raelee says, "When he is here. Stone has created havoc all over. The Hall is not ignoring him."

Lazaryth says, "He's competent enough at magic. But not smart enough to know he should stick to it."

Speaking deeply to Pietra, Berost says, "That much at tha least."

Evia says, "Weirdest questionings ever."

Lyrna says, "Oh, no."

Lyrna says, "It's not."

Speaking to Maags, Lylia says, "All I brought with me, sadly."

Speaking to Evia, Leafiara remarks, "You should have seen yesterday..."

Speaking to Berost, Pietra says, "I just don't understand what this has to do with Pylasar."

Lylia says, "Discovery."

Berost deeply says, "That is easy, nothing."

Cordarius says, "When Talador invaded Wehnimer's Landing and endangered the lives of countless innocent people, men, women and children, the following people aided the town. A. The Silver Gryphons. B. Pylasar. C. The Azure Sun and Vornavian allies."

Maags says, "Thank yous."

Cordarius says, "Please select which two are correct."

Cordarius nods.

Lyrna says, "I had a Lord Legionnaire Commander ask me if I was daring to question him, when he was on the stand and I was defending myself."

Xanthium says, "There's a backpack filled to the brim here with popcorn. And a cat."

Speaking to Berost, Raelee says, "... and when Pylasar was still a Grand Magister, he was sent here to manage the situation regarding Stone - six years ago."

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Idda picked D."

Xanthium says, "I'm sure that's appetizing."

Cryheart says, "A and B."

Cordarius says, "Thank you."

Raelee says, "And that was likely the Hall's greatest error in managing Stone - sending Pylasar to deal with it."

Cordarius says, "You're free to go."

Cryheart forcefully crosses one arm over his kroderine plate and offers a formal bow.

Krampton says, "Hehe."

Cryheart turns around.

Pietra asks, "Free to go? Like he's on trial?"

Sir Cryheart just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Pietra yells, "Watch your words, Apple boy."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Well done and thank yous."

Speaking deeply to Raelee, Berost says, "And now we sit here, getting questioned over actions we took to defend folk. Magickers is odd folks."

Speaker #2, Alisette - Requirements of Justice and Fairness

Cordarius yells, "Alisette!"

Speaking to Raelee, Evia asks, "Oh did they put themselves on trial for it?"

Lady Alisette just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Cordarius bows to Alisette.

Raelee bluntly says, "... that Stone escaped is largely on his shoulders, which is also largely why he was removed from his position."

Lyrna says, "You did a good job."

Vlashandra nods at Alisette.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Cryheart, next time...get out yooz sword and cut dem in ta ta..hooo."

Drawing her left leg behind her right, Alisette briefly dips into a respectful curtsy and bows her head.

Alisette clears her throat.

Alisette proudly says, "I am Alisette KoraFest, daughter of Balley and Zosopage. Thank you for allowing me to speak."

Alisette solemnly says, "Vlashandra said recently that I am only a child."

Alisette seriously says, "I would like to give you a youthful take on this trial.  I use the word trial loosely."

Alisette glances sternly at Vlashandra.

Alisette offers, "It seems to me that without the defendant, all we have is a formal discussion of views and opinions on what we believe he has done and why."

Alisette says, "Many have given their passionate, well thought out and educated opinions here.  However, the one thing lacking, the one thing that would truly make this a trial is the personal, independent response to your charges that can only come from himself."

Alisette states, "Pylasar."

Alisette states, "The accused."

Alisette asks, "Is it not childish to proceed with what one wishes to do no matter the circumstances, no matter the cost, no matter whether it is wrong or right?"

Alisette asks, "Isn't that just like a stubborn child?  Wanting what is wanted and everything else be damned?"

Alisette glances at Vlashandra.

Alisette respectfully says, "We are speaking of a man who once was a Grand Magister of the Hall of Mages.  A position held in high esteem.  He was one of your own.  He is also one of our own."

Alisette continues, "Thru the years recounted in the historical scrolls, Pylasar has been instrumental in providing counsel and diplomacy for the Landing as well as seeking to do the best for the people of the Landing, having made this his home."

Alisette adds, "He also was once the husband of the witch known as Raznel.  It would be wise to consider that Pylasar was indeed the only one who could get close to Raznel and bring about her demise through gaining her trust."

Alisette whispers aloud, "Sometimes the means to an end is ugly."

Alisette lowers her gaze.

Cryheart says, "She dinnae ask the question regarding Mynalari."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "He's far from the only one complicit in that."

Cryheart says, "I was ready."

Alisette sadly says, "It might cost respect.  It might cost lives. It might cost one's freedom.  It might cost one's soul."

(Alisette stands very straight and meets Vlashandra's eyes.)

Leafiara marvels, "She really prepared for that one minute."

Speaking to Cryheart, Lylia says, "I was surprised at that."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "So, 6 years ago. Pylasar was sent by the Hall to manage Stone?"

Alisette slowly says, "I charge you now with your own responsibility to seek truth, and do justice. I charge you with conducting a fair trial. One with a defendant present. It is what is required of your position."

Alisette looks thoughtfully at Vlashandra.

Alisette firmly says, "It is what is required of one who is NOT a child."

Alisette bows her head slightly as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Alisette is a tuff lil cookie...metaporpikly speakin."

Cryheart says, "Mynalari, according to historical records, was taken by Raznel."

Vlashandra grins at Alisette.

Speaking to Zosopage, Leafiara says, "You must be proud."

Cryheart says, "Who had replaced her blood with her own."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Raelee says, "Stone's escape plan was presented to Pylasar on a proverbial silver platter. He opted to ignore it. Events proceeded nearly exactly as he was told they would."

Pietra yells, "Good job!"

Vlashandra says, " your statement."

Cryheart asks, "So essentially..was nae Mynalari already dead?"

Alisette nods once at Vlashandra.

Drawing her left leg behind her right, Alisette briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Cordarius and bows her head.

Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "So, 6 years ago, Pylasar was sent by the Hall to manage Stone?"

Cordarius winks at Alisette.

Lady Alisette just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Speaker #3, Krampton - Deposits Over Time

Vlashandra says, "Krampton."

Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "Correct."

Lylia says, "Mynalari was not dead when we encountered her."

Krampton just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Speaking to Alisette, Xanthium says, "Well done, my friend."

Speaking to Alisette, Pietra exclaims, "Well spoken!"

Krampton waves.

Alisette says, "I hope it helps."

Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "Was that before or after he was under the influence of Raznel?"

Krampton asks, "Yas want me to sit down?"

Speaking to Alisette, Maags exclaims, "Veries brave and well said!"

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Facts. But I was also very much involved in that affair."

Lylia says, "She chose the dignity of death, and it seems quite wrong to rob her of it."

Speaking softly to Alisette, Chandrellia exclaims, "Well said!"

Krampton says, "Or stand up."

Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "Balley would be so proud too if she were here."

Speaking heartily to Alisette, Chamorr says, "Nicely done."

Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "Ya did great."

Speaking to Alisette, Lylia says, "Well spoken."

Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "Both."

Speaking softly to Alisette, Chandrellia says, "That was incredibly brave."

Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "A non-linear matter."

Krampton asks, "Me never been in here before, am I in da right place?"

Vlashandra says, "Stand."

Krampton points at a modwir arch.

Krampton says, "Ohh ok."

Krampton says, "Ya I in the right place."

Speaking to Alisette, Pietra says, "Being brave can be scary, but you did very well."

Speaking to Pietra, Alisette says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "If Pylasar was under the influence of Raznel and the Hall brought him over here, then the Hall is also doing Raznel's bidding. Thus the Hall should be on trial as well."

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Alisette accepts Gutstorm's black demon rum.

Alisette stares at her black demon rum.

Alisette whispers aloud, "Later."

Cordarius turns an inquisitive ear toward Krampton.

Maags whispers something to Alisette.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "They were abetting Raznel."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dink up, it'll be put da hair on yooz chest."

Krampton says, "So just as a little backstory, I had to be away for about 8 months."

Vlashandra asks, "Why is it always backstory?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Cordarius.

Krampton says, "And was not around for the incident that happened with Pylasar and Raznel in particulars."

Cordarius shrugs.

Lylia says, "That presupposes an entire organization can be subject to a trial."

Maags says, "Perhaps."

Krampton grins.

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Regardless. They are presupposing that a person lost in time can be subject of a trial that he cannot defend himself."

Speaking to Pukk, Soneiken asks, "Go back further than 6 years, ask why the hall was organized to begin with, who organized them, and how was it related to the edict?"

Krampton says, "But I do have experience with Pylasar and him and his scatter-brained at times actions in the past."

Faerinn says, "As it stands at the moment organizations are not people. Legally speaking."

Speaking musingly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Maybe a particular Grand Magister or Archmagister who was leading at the time, then..."

Krampton says, "Just wanted to more make a general statement."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I needs me some shoes dat kin me wear, and dat low me to be wiggle me toeses in da fresh air."

Krampton says, "After you first meet somebody any kind of relationship you start to have with someone is like having a bank account."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Mayer, kin ye see bout dat?"

Speaking to Faerinn, Pukk asks, "Can a person influence a nation to attack another? If so, could that nation that attacked be held accountable?"

Lylia flatly asks, "What?"

Cordarius grins.

Krampton says, "Other than killing you outright the time you spend and the events you share and the things you do put little deposits into that bank account."
Cordarius says, "Thank you Krampton."

Krampton says, "Sometimes at the time if something bad happens to you."

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Oh my, yes. Of course a person can influence nations to take action. Or to stay their hand."

Sonnillon yells, "I could use a big deposit in my account!"

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "It is called diplomacy."

Krampton says, "It doesn't have to be a full amount withdraw."

Krampton grins.

Lylia says, "Ah. I see where his metaphor is taking him."

Speaking to Sonnillon, Raelee says, "... the Hall of Mages was founded in 4362 by Emperor Immuros, which predates the edict by nearly a century."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Just because they are a nation or a organization doesn't mean they are above the law and cannot be held accountable."

Krampton says, "I feel like there were enough deposits made with the events and time spent being around Pylasar that shouldn't empty all at once the full amount."

Krampton shrugs.

Faerinn says, "Kingdoms with a monarchy that embody the nation are an exception."

Krampton says, "Just thoughts, without trying to sway anyone in one directs or another."

Cordarius nods.

Krampton says, "Thank yas for yor time."

Cordarius says, "Thank you."

Krampton bows.

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Chamorr says, "Unless they is the empire."

Krampton just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Leafiara says, "Ah, he's arguing weighing good against bad..."

Speaker #4, Xorus - Questionable Responsibility Given Temporal Convergence

Cordarius exclaims, "Xorus!"

Xorus just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Xorus nods.

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "By their mock trial they are stating their own questions then, they can be help accountable as being as 'evil' as Pylasar."

Xorus says, "When 'Peter' was witness to the making of the first paragon, 'Rachel' had acquired a woman who was on the verge of death, whose name she did not even know. It was only the very last, Mynalari Anodheles, where the paragons of his known to us was a woman."

Speaking in Faendryl, Thrassus says something you don't understand.

Xorus says, "Deshal, Oronthal, Brumas, Harland, Jerram. All men. Abygail and Stiletto were abducted only by 'Raznel'. Larsya was instead hit with an epochxin arrow. Though let us not forget it was Pylasar who pointed Brieson toward the epochxin from his memories of the Southron Wastes."
Xorus says, "This is important because we never witnessed or were involved with the death of that first paragon. When there was only one paragon left, Brumas in the Bleaklands, Pylasar said for the first time that Raznel would be killing off the paragons herself. They were no longer necessary. Her next stage of her evolution, if you will, was to have her essence back in herself. Bound instead to all she had ever taken blood from across history."

Krampton says, "Can be nervous place."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Xorus gun hit dem wit da nowlij."

Xorus says, "How convenient that he should only think of this months later, after all the others were dead, that killing them off was part of her own plan. That he should have a miraculous hunch that she was under the Hendoran Outpost, only at the very last moment, as she had done with Gyphon Holding several years earlier. In the workshop that as far as any of us knew was caved in with rocks and her dead parents."

Alisette says, "Yes."

Xorus says, "... and when the witch was vanquished? He hanged his head. 'I never got her back.'."

Xorus says, "As you know, I was the one who unraveled Raznel's demon blood magic well enough to heal Larsya Caulfield, the daughter of the Baron of Bourth. The only one of the 'paragons' to be cured. The others were killed or convinced they should be dead."

Xorus says, "It was Pylasar who insisted that it not even be attempted, that he must 'murder' the others, in his own words and with all lucidity. There was no time to be chasing the impossible, which was only his supposition and never studied much less attempted. And yet the last of them was killed right when Raznel wanted. When she was hidden in a cocoon and the bleakworld spores released."

Xorus says, "His guilt is not in question. He was involved in the torture, transmogrification, and murder of several members of the Anodheles family of Selanthia. Immediate heirs to the Sun Throne, one of whom was about to be crowned. He was witness to 'Rachel' selling poison in exchange for 'favors' immediately before the assassination of Emperor Roginard, amidst the string of assassinations following the death of Emperor Trynian Burzost through the high born rivals of Emperor Levian Chandrennin."

Cryheart accepts Gutstorm's white owl egg.

Speaking drunkenly to Cryheart, Gutstorm says, "Owlie eggs."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Cryheart says, "Thank ye."

Xorus says, "Then there was the Eastern Sentinel, Earl Jerram Happersett of Honneland. This is only the humans, and only the ones we know. These were highly pre-meditated because they were fixed points in history, for the witch they had already happened."

Vlashandra glances at Cordarius.

Cryheart asks, "Ye want it back?"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Me has a bunch!"

Xorus says, "That all said, his diminished capacity is no mundane dementia, his mind was mangled by the witch's blood father. His 'free will' more broadly an illusion bound up in the fabric of time itself. The historical events preceding 5118 were part of the historical past of Naimorai Kestrel."'

Cryheart says, "Ok."

Speaking to Raelee, Soneiken says, "Thats one story, the other is, it was a result of all da elven mages leaving the territory, due to the edict, course the edict was end, the final law codifying the actions of state racism that had existed for quite some time."

Xorus says, "The world where Pylasar did not invent the pylons, so that plinite was not stolen to use the pylons to fight the Ithzir, so that Grand Magister Dennet Kestrel did not travel here with his family to get the plinite back and use the bane coffins Naimorai had never invented, so that Naimorai would not have been sent back in time in the first place, is a world that never could have existed."

Xorus says, "It was no coincidence that she arrived in Toullaire next to him and the Talon in the year the Arcanum was founded. It was the only possible way history could have unfolded, perhaps even a temporal accident caused by the Talon interacting with itself in the past through the Reach."

Xorus says, "His fate was deeply intertwined with inflexible points in history, his future 'choices' to some unknown extent unavoidable, and for these reasons his responsibility for his actions is dubious. His whole life was a tragedy beyond his control. Tragic heroes who recognize their flaws, of course, are always killed at the end of the play. But he may still prove useful in unforeseen ways. At worst he should be confined for the safety of himself and those around him."

Xorus slowly empties his lungs.

Xorus nods at Cordarius.

Xanthium says, "...I never even thought of that..."

Leafiara admits, "I don't remember the selling poison part, but otherwise that was really compelling."

Ysharra says, "That makes two of us."

Alisette says, "Excellent argument."

Chamorr heartily says, "Huh."

Speaking to Xanthium, Lazaryth murmurs, "Surely you've had the thought that every one of us lives a pre-ordained life?"

Speaking to Soneiken, Raelee says, "... that is not accurate. The Hall was founded because Emperor Chaston, who wrote the edict, was even born."

Lylia appreciatively murmurs, "Well, that will give them a great deal to chew over."

Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.

Xanthium says, "Not what I meant."

Cordarius says, "Exhale, indeed."

Cordarius snickers.

Xorus smirks.

Speaking to Soneiken, Raelee says, "Before, rather."

Vlashandra says, "I see..."

Gutstorm yells, "Good answer!"

Alisette says, "He rendered her almost speechless."

Vlashandra asks, "What do you believe Pylasar knows, or knew, of the blight the witch created?"

Faerinn says, "If she wants to know about the Blight she can ask it."

Lylia says, "Knowing of a tragedy and being able to avert it are two very different things. The whole thrust of the argument is that Pylasar could not have done other than what he did."

Speaking to Raelee, Soneiken says, "State Racism, doesent have to be the work of one actor, it could have manifested far before Chaston, the same as All the Kestrels have ruled the Hall, not a single other since its inception."

Faerinn says, "Its answers aren't great though."

Xorus says, "The blight was seemingly created much later, but like a painter with a limited palette, Raznel only worked with some finite number of methods."

Xorus says, "Depriving ourselves with the person who was closest to her the longest, saw her work closest, may be a terrible mistake later."

Speaking quietly to Xanthium, Ysharra says, "Don't you start, too."

Evia says, "What kind of trial has questions like what did you believe, instead of what did you know, anyway."

Lylia says, "Precisely the argument I made about Davard."

Vlashandra grins.

Speaking raspily to Evia, Sonnillon says, "A joke trial."

Vlashandra asks, "What can you tell me of your own role, with Naimorai Kestrel?"

Lyrna says, "Truly, this isn't a trial, in any real sense."

Xorus says, "The case for executing him is obvious and strong. But this is a very unusual situation."

Pietra says, "This is so weird."

Speaking to Evia, Goldstr exclaims, "Dems called Mock trials!"

Speaking raspily to Evia, Sonnillon says, "Or a lynching and they already have their plan this is just a song and dance."

Soneiken says, "How about the Hall's role with the Witch, she was a member."

Maags says, "Is more a pre trial."

Maags says, "Odd."

Faerinn says, "The discovery continues."

Soneiken says, "As was her percieved father Dennet."

Lyrna says, "I simply mean that this is more like a fact finding mission rather than a trial."

Speaking to Soneiken, Raelee says, "You inquired as to how the edict related to the founding of the Hall. It did not. Factors that influenced the edict influenced the founding, but the edict itself did not. I answered the query as it was asked."

Soneiken says, "And her real father Quinshon."

Xorus says, "Naimorai was one of my own students. Her father asked me to help her control her powers, as the Talon of Toullaire chaotically augmented latent necromantic talents."

Leafiara muses, "Ah, so Irar was telling me the truth about that one. I'd wondered."

Lylia snaps, "Irar does not know the truth of matters half as well as he thought he did!"

Evia says, "Never trust latent stuff."

Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara agrees, "Indeed, that's why I didn't believe it until just now."

Vlashandra whispers something to Cordarius.

Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.

Lylia says, "He thought there was something sinister in everything some of us do."

Cordarius whispers something to Vlashandra.

Lylia pointedly says, "Faendryl people."

Vlashandra forces a grin.
Cordarius says, "I'm aware, and it's of no purpose right now."

Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara says, "Oh, no, he called just about everyone heathens. And he meant it too." [to be fair, it was kind of a term of endearment and I always had the impression he might have picked it up from Solstys... but he did mean it, too]

Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.

Lylia says, "That tells me all I need to know of Irar. To think I almost gave him a position in my office..."

Berost deeply says, "Her grinnin loks about the most painful thing she has done lately."

Speaking to Raelee, Soneiken asks, "How can you assume that when all the eleven mages were run out of the Terrritory, not one of them were instramental in the forming or organization of the Hall, the Hall was made of Kestrels, and Human participation, yet they wanted to control the use and research or magic? How were they not directly influenced by the Edict?"

Lylia says, "He had a particular loathing of our kind, and he saw Luukos under every carpet."

Cordarius says, "She didn't know that part."

Cordarius nods at Xorus.

Xorus nods.

Cordarius says, "I let her know you are Dreadlord, or Dadlord, depending who you ask. Father of Naimorai's magic."

Cordarius snickers to himself.

Lyrna says, "Adult then child."

Speaking to Soneiken, Raelee says, "... because at that juncture, the Edict had not yet been written."

Cordarius asks, "Do you have any questions for him?"

Cordarius peers quizzically at Vlashandra.

Xorus says, "Amongst other such titles."

Cordarius says, "It seemed pretty thorough..."

Leafiara offers, "It's not like he could have known what she'd become, and he was trying to rein her in, it seems."

Vlashandra says, "I have none. He feels his guilt is true."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "Was this before or after his mind got scrambled? I'm just trying to remember the timeline."

Vlashandra says, "Thank you Xorus."

Xorus nods.

Lyrna says, "I mean Cordarius."

Xorus just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Lylia says, "This was before, what little I knew."

Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "Ah."

Speaking earnestly to Xorus, Leafiara says, "Excellent work. I appreciated your opening statements, philosophically."

Speaking to Xorus, Alisette says, "Excellent argument."

Cryheart says, "Very logical, Xorus."

Speaker #5, Raelee - Facades, Coverups, Ignorance, and Investigation

Vlashandra says, "Raelee."

Raelee sighs.

Raelee shakes her head, totally at a loss.

Hapenlok says, "The best for last."

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara reminds, "Hey, you signed up."

Cordarius says, "Wait..I thought you were...."

Magister Raelee just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Cryheart says, "Ye can do it."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Is why she could not attack him."

Cordarius snickers.

Cordarius bows to Raelee.

Vlashandra smiles at Raelee.

Soneiken says, "But the edict, the formal resolution of the law that codified the years long behavirors of Racism, the behaviror is what matters, not the final Blow against non human races."

Raelee narrows her eyes and gives Cordarius a dirty look.

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "Eloquent as ever. I feel like we're wasting your skill having you hunt down something as common as a ki-lin."

Raelee coolly asks, "May I begin?"

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "You may well have just saved that man."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Vlashandra nods.

Lylia says, "But I do look forward to that hunt as well."

Speaking to Ysharra, Evia says, "Everyone needs a hobby."

Cryheart says, "The current Emperor is nae so supportive of Chaston's Edict as I recall."

Raelee states, "My purpose here is to speak primarily on the charges related to conspiracy and duplicitous actions.  I will be brief."

Speaking to Ysharra, Maags says, "Problies is leisure time for him."

Speaking to Ysharra, Hapenlok says, "Not likely. But it probably gave them something to chew on."

Raelee continues, "That which covers murder and aid and comfort to the enemy has largely been covered, at times unwittingly so, but I do not believe I have any unique perspective to offer and I do not care to be redundant."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "Just because the sovereign isn't, doesn't mean that the Edict still doesn't have its supporters."

Speaking to Cryheart, Soneiken says, "Correct, but the fallout of that still exists, the Witch is one example."

Raelee says, "However, on the topic of conspiracy, I bore witness to some of his actions that most in this town would not have the opportunity to."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Anyone eber fall over dat railin?"

Cryheart says, "Which is always true of any barony, county or such."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "Even out in Torre, there were bigots."

Vlashandra turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.

Raelee says, "Given the length of Raznel and Pylasar's involvement in the Hall of Mages, her influence has been left behind in many places.  Pylasar was quite cognizant of this influence, yet often remained silent on the particulars - failing to notify his colleagues of what she may have left behind, creating weaknesses for her to manipulate."

Cryheart says, "There are always be folks who are biased."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "One of which happened to be a relative of the count."

Raelee says, "As a particular example, I mention the bane coffins that we utilize to imprison individuals who cannot be contained by any other means."

Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "I'm not sorry that I killed him."

Raelee states, "As they predate most of us, the history of their creation is not well documented.  It recently became rather clear that they were of her design.  This is a fact that Pylasar neglected to mention."

Speaking drunkenly to his keg-shaped pack, Gutstorm says, "Come on out lil fellas."

A dirty black rat suddenly peeks its head out from Gutstorm's keg-shaped pack, sniffing the air before ducking back inside.

Vlashandra says, "I see."

Hapenlok says, "...and Disean is in one."

Raelee says, "Thrayzar was stored in one of these coffins.  While it is unpleasant, it was a necessity at the time."

A short-tailed black rat clambers out from Gutstorm's keg-shaped pack and climbs its way back up to his shoulder, looking quite pleased with itself.

A buck-toothed brown rat suddenly peeks its head out from Gutstorm's keg-shaped pack, sniffing the air before ducking back inside.

A tiny brown rat clambers out from Gutstorm's keg-shaped pack and climbs its way back up to his shoulder, looking quite pleased with itself.

A streaked black rat suddenly peeks its head out from Gutstorm's keg-shaped pack, sniffing the air before ducking back inside.

Raelee says, "Had Pylasar informed us of such, we would have made another choice.  The end result was that Raznel was able to free Thrayzar when she needed - as the coffins were by her design, so was the release."

Gutstorm offers a handful of popcorn to a tiny brown rat and it snatches it from his hand and drops to the ground, scurrying off and watching everybody with a wary distrustfulness as it begins to gnaw on the popcorn.

Raelee says, "... to lay in one of those coffins is not pleasant.  It is a prison, not a peaceful sleep.  As I said, Pylasar had knowledge of their creation and what they do... which leads to the topic of remorse."

Evia says, "The whole thing makes this rootin tootin Hall seem rather inept through centuries."

Leafiara distantly muses, "Maybe this goes to what Xorus said--mentioning the coffins, and potentially improving them, might have created a temporal paradox... free will and determinism... but then it does stand to reason that he should've mentioned them past the point Naimorai came from..."

Raelee says, "His... affable demeanor... was often a facade that could be pushed away when it was necessary - something I bore witness to on multiple occasions."

Raelee removes a piece of parchment from in her white linen robe.

Vlashandra turns an inquisitive ear toward Raelee.

Leafiara concludes, "Interesting."

Cordarius leans against a burnished oak bench.

Raelee says, "This parchment I carry is written in Pylasar's hand."

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Rats, attack da kitty!"

Raelee says, "One could interpret it as a jest, or a taunt, or possibly a threat."

Vlashandra asks, "What does it say?"

Raelee states, "Not all roads end in glass coffins."

Lylia mutters something about rats. [OOC: I didn't even notice while trying to weigh what Xorus and Raelee were saying against each other, but Gutstorm had summoned an army of rats from Duskruin sewers]

Raelee adds, "... just yours."

Lylia whispers something to Leafiara.

Raelee put a piece of parchment in her white linen robe.

Vlashandra glances at Cordarius.

Cordarius shrugs.

Vlashandra asks, "What do you interpret it as?"
Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "Closest to a taunt."

Raelee says, "To clarify, that is directed at myself.  It is not the only example of such a taunt, but it is the only one he committed to writing."

Vlashandra asks, "What need did he have to taunt you?"

Berost deeply says, "Ya know, knowin he a time mage person human person. Could be a warning. Could be a sign of help."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "That was particularly unclear."

Evia says, "What's a little Raelee taunting amongst friends."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I needs a floot."

Leafiara says, "Maybe the same need you had to taunt her over her height."

Hapenlok says, "He seemed to always get a rise out of her."

Hapenlok says, "He practically lived for it."

Raelee says, "The point is that he frequently reminded me that I belonged in a torturous prison, as designed by Raznel."

Vlashandra says, "Not the actions of a remorseful man."

Raelee nods slightly at Vlashandra.

Maags says, "Owlies reallies should jus come live with me."

Faerinn says, "At this point we'll be lucky if Pylasar is the only one convicted."

Goldstr says, "Bah! They was both ousted from da Hall an Lady Svala gave in an was reinstated."

Speaking drunkenly to Maags, Gutstorm exclaims, "And me kin be ye roommate!? Me LIKES Owlie!"

Cryheart says, "Nae to eat however."

Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok says, "No, more like her father pulled strings. I think."

Xanthium says, "Maybe the town is on trial, rather than the jurisdiction."

Raelee says, "One that Raznel had the proverbial keys to.  A fact, that if he had mentioned, Thrayzar would not be in his current state... a point of available manipulation by Stone."

Speaking drunkenly to Cryheart, Gutstorm says, "Semantics...."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Goldstr says, "Aye dat too."

Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn says, "Both."

Pietra offers Gutstorm a coarse burlap sack.

Gutstorm beams happily at Pietra!

Gutstorm accepts Pietra's burlap sack.

Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium says, "Please don't say I'm right."

Vlashandra asks, "Magister Svala, do you believe Pylasar guilty of every charge brought for him?"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "My army grows!"

Gutstorm raises his burlap sack skyward!

Raelee states, "Yes."

Faerinn says, "Jurisdiction issues are already resolved for the next trial."

Faerinn says, "Just got to blow out some fires to force compliance."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "Frightening idea."

Vlashandra asks, "Do you believe previous leaders and officals of Wehnimer's Landing are as guilty in ignoring his crimes?"

Speaking drunkenly to Tsarok, Gutstorm asks, "She go nigh nigh?"

Maags says, "Now Cordarius can ask the hard question."

Goldstr says, "She a member a da Hall tryin him."

Maags says, "Questions."

Chandrellia softly says, "Aahhh here it is."

Alisette asks, "What?"

Lyrna says, "Well."

Berost deeply says, "And thar it is."

Cordarius peers quizzically at Vlashandra.

Lylia purrs, "Oh, I welcome a trial, if that is what it takes."

Faerinn yells, "Getting a little blatant now are we? I know it's late and all."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "I would ask for clarification on the question - ignoring in what time period?"

Speaking deeply to Lylia, Berost says, "Didnt agree wif ya all tha time, but would be fun to see ya get one over tha Empire. Glad ta help when tha time comes."

Vlashandra asks, "Do you believe Pylasar's crimes in the present could have been prevented if not for the negligence of officials in Wehnimer's Landing?"

Lylia says, "I would never ask anyone to agree with me on all counts. And I thank you for the offer of support."

(Raelee shakes her head slightly.)

Maags says, "She will not gives us that much credit."

Maags says, "Watch."

Maags says, "Listen."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "I believe it was ignorance, not negligence."

Maags says, "And there."

Vlashandra asks, "Can ignorance lead to guilt?"

Faerinn yells, "Speculation!"

Lyrna says, "This is worse than my trial."

Evia says, "Do you believe Pylasar's crimes in the present could have been prevented if not for the negligence of officials in his own Hall of Mages...."

Cryheart says, "Ignorance can lead to a lot of things."

Raelee says, "Yes - if the ignorance was born out of a lack of due diligence.  However, I do not think that to be the case here."

Leafiara says, "Could've sworn intent and knowledge were key parts of crime."

Alisette says, "Aye, we should ask that."

Roelon deeply says, "Feels like the town itself is on trial."

Vlashandra says, "I see."

Krampton says, "I don't sees how officials who had no control over someone who can travel through time could be held responsible for their actions."

Zosopage says, "What right does she have to put us on trial here? This is all to protect the reputation of the Hall and not to seek justice for the Landing or any others."

Raelee slowly says, "... I do not think it reasonable or realistic that they could have obtained the knowledge necessary early enough for them to have the ability to take action."

Lyrna says, "No. Or at least mine wasn't."

Vlashandra nods.

Lazaryth says, "Being asked uncomfortable questions is not the same as being on trial."

Lyrna says, "Of course, that could be part of the point."

Xanthium says, "It'll be interesting to see what Corduroy asks her."

Lylia says, "Not to mention the whole aspect of whether Pylasar's long and complex life has been one tangled loop on which he was bound and could not break free himself."

Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.

Cordarius says, "I have two questions Raelee."

Raelee raises an eyebrow in Cordarius's direction.

Faerinn says, "Probably something that Vlashandra can use to establish a motive as material gains for the township."

Hapenlok says, "This is gonna be good."

Cordarius asks, "Who dispatched Pylasar to handle the prisoner transport of Grishom Stone, that ultimately led to his escape?"

Zosopage says, "If anything the Hall should be put on trial since Raznel and Pylasar were both members."

Lazaryth says, "Mm. This is certainly not improving my opinion of the Hall."

Speaking to Zosopage, Lylia says, "I believe that is what Cordarius is reaching for at this very moment."

Raelee says, "The leadership of the Hall of Mages."

Cordarius says, "Officials. Another word for leadership is "officials."."

Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.

Cryheart says, "Finally."

Falvicar just came through a modwir arch.

Falvicar just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Raelee glances between Cordarius and Vlashandra.

Speaking to Falvicar, Maags says, "Yous missed the part where yous got to cheer."

Falvicar quietly asks, "Eh?"

Cordarius says, "Well, I thought I had a second..."

Cordarius chuckles.

Cordarius says, "But the first is good enough."

Cordarius grins.

Lylia admits, "That happens to me on occasion too."

Raelee squints at Cordarius.

Alisette says, "I think this trial is over."

Goldstr says, "And us at times M'Lady."

Falvicar quietly asks, "Cheer at what?"

Speaking drunkenly to a backpack, Gutstorm says, "Come out lil kitty."

Alisette says, "With that one question."

Cordarius says, "Well..."

Cordarius says, "I suppose I have one more question."
Cordarius says, "It has been hinted and discussed that Raznel and Pylasar may not have been alone in the Hall."

Leafiara interestedly says, "Might as well get it out since she's the last speaker."

Cordarius says, "You alluded to it as much yourself, the 'influence.'"

Raelee says, "That was not my meaning."

Speaking to Falvicar, Maags says, "Yous can read the log of the statements but I was meaning the small moment when yous would agree with the testimony."

Speaking to Falvicar, Maags says, "The one, small, brief, moment."

Cordarius asks, "While tonight we discuss the trial of Pylasar, do you think additional investigations warrant our attention into internal Hall matters, should these remnants of Raznel's influence or connections remain?"

Speaking quietly to Maags, Falvicar says, "I'll do more cheering when the job is done. And the job isn't done til Pylasar is dead. My promise to my dad."

Leafiara acknowledges, "...curious. He's indeed going there..."

Zosopage says, "I so want to yell yes."

Hapenlok mutters, "He should have kept you a kobold."

Hapenlok glances at Falvicar.

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Roelon deeply says, "Apple boy is earnin' his pay."

Raelee says, "I do think there is merit to researching what she left behind, as there is likely much we were not aware of.  Many of those seeds were planted before our great-great grandfathers were born, and further back yet.  Time has a way of obfuscating truth."

Maags says, "If so we shall say man, as he wishes."

Evia says, "Pfft."

Soneiken yells, "Quinshon, Dennet, Kestrel, Oh, did I say Kestrel, root them all out, problem solved!"

Cordarius nods.

Cordarius says, "Thank you Magister."

Raelee nods slowly at Cordarius.

Speaking to Soneiken, Leafiara says, "I noticed they wanted to move on rather quickly when I brought up Quinshon the other night... though it might also have been the timing with the, er--circumstances outside then too."

Cordarius grabs Raelee's hand.

Evia says, "So they get 'research' and Pylasar gets trial."

Cordarius says, "Look, we're touching."

Cordarius winks.

Magister Cordarius's group just climbed up a narrow stairway.


Speaking to Cordarius, Zosopage says, "Well done."

Vlashandra snaps her fingers, igniting into white flames and burning out of sight.

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "They remove themselves from their own complicity."

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Cordarius, Lylia says, "I really should have saved you some popcorn."

Speaking to Raelee, Zosopage says, "You as well."

Cordarius grins.

Cordarius says, "It is fine. Kernels will be the death of me."

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee asks, "... for what?"

Leafiara offers, "Plenty still in the backpack, but it might be a bit hairy from the kitten..."

Speaking heartily to Raelee, Chamorr says, "Nicely done."

Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.

Cordarius says, "Thank you all for coming tonight and for your time."

Cordarius says, "Here's what's to expect next."

Speaking to Cordarius, Maags says, "Thank yous."

Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr asks, "So wha be next on dis?"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Glad we could be of serbice!"

Berost deeply asks, "Pylsar in stocks in front of Moot?"

Lylia replies, "Thank you for keeping us apprised of the next steps."

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "Funny, but the witch was a member, they did nothing to stop her, Her percieved father Dennet was a member, her real father was a member, her husband was a member, all da bad actors were a member at one time or not with the Hall."

Cordarius says, "The Town Council and Judge Renpaw will convene over the next day or two and I'll announce the decision made, and what our next step is."

Speaking to Soneiken, Hapenlok says, "I could be wrong, but I don't think the mind-taker was a full member."

Faerinn says, "Up next is the arrival of a lion who will swallow a sword."

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "What did they do, send the problems to us, that what they did."

Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.

Cordarius exclaims, "Goodnight!"

Evia asks, "How does that work...the town council. They were not present. So how do you mean...decision?"

Cryheart says, "Niters."

Lyrna says, "Good night."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I think he was a member briefly, then removed, but they continued working with him on the side."

Shinann says, "Goodnight."

Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara wishes, "Rest well!"

Speaking to Faerinn, Lazaryth says, "I'd like to hire you to follow me around all day, if you don't mind. I could use the amusement."

Speaking to Cordarius, Soneiken says, "An honorable job sir."

Speaking to Cordarius, Zosopage says, "Sadly I do belive you are both correct in believing the Hall needs looking into."

Faerinn says, "There are court transcripts they can look over."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara admits, "I don't remember the circumstances too well, though. You could also be right."

Speaking to Cordarius, Zosopage says, "Rest well."

Magister Cordarius just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Evia says, "I see no clerk of the court or stenographer..."

Magister Cordarius just went through a modwir arch.

Discussion Afterward

Lylia says, "If the Town Council had to be fully present at every hearing or meeting, they would get nothing else done."

Lylia admits, "Which may not be a bad thing..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Quinshon's one of those guys you won't let eat at the family dinner table, but...provides valuable services you don't want to admit needing."

Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I believe Xanthium said as much the same to him, upon their first meeting."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "Presently."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "So you make him eat out back with the servants."

Berost deeply says, "Welp that shed some light on some things."

Speaking to Lylia, Eledryn says, "A council too busy to make any choices cannot make the wrong ones, after all."

High Lord Gutstorm moves toward a narrow stairway and then stumbles, making a total fool out of himself.

A streaked black rat scurries off.

A tiny brown rat scurries off.

An oily sewer rat scurries off.

A buck-toothed brown rat scurries off.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Soneiken says, "He absolutely was."

A short-tailed ship rat scurries off.

A short-tailed black rat scurries off.

A dirty black rat scurries off.

Leafiara muses, "Gutstorm and his army of rats."

Hapenlok says, "I'm really tired."

Speaking to Cryheart, Zosopage says, "Leave the polish out."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Soneiken says, "One of da High mucky mucks."

Lylia says, "They should be exterminated."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Artn dey da bess?"

Lylia asks, "Where is Shallowgrave when we could use him?"

Lazaryth says, "I'm tempted to just stretch out on a bench here."

Jhenni mutters ratz.

Speaking to Hapenlok, Soneiken says, "Called himself mind Mage at the time."

Falvicar just climbed down a narrow stairway.

Speaking to Soneiken, Hapenlok says, "I still owe him some payback for what he did to me for daughter dearest's behalf."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "And there goes Falvicar. I suppose you'll get an opportunity one day, though."

Lylia says, "I shall see all of you soon, I am certain."

Faerinn says, "Hopefully not behind bars."

Lylia says, "Preferably."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Soneiken says, "I'd gladly join you in that endeavor."

Hapenlok tiredly says, "I'm too damn tired for that."

Lyrna says, "I have concluded that my lack of understanding this town has not diminished much at all. Now I just recognise the degree of my confusion."

Hapenlok: "Oh, Falvicar? and I still have some business."

Speaking huskily to Lyrna, Jhenni says, "But yer a ferrner...I wuz born here and am more kon-fuzed."

Falvicar: "It's your funeral. I have better things to be doing than wasting my time with another crazy wizard. One is more than enough to kill."

Hapenlok: "Boulder. Now."

Leafiara says, "There go Falvicar and Hapenlok again..."

Lyrna says, "I suppose .."

Falvicar: "You're a fool if you think I'm going to waste my time on your behalf."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara offers, "There are probably many willing to share tales of the past decade. You just need to find the right person at the right time, admittedly."

Hapenlok: "And I'd rather not deal with a prophet of Ronan who has obviously lost his mind."

Lyrna says, "The Huntress."

Speaking wryly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Just catch Pup. He can talk forever."

Falvicar: "So thinks the mad killing wizard...."

Lyrna says, "That was who I was thinking of that it seems more like Falvicar is dedicated to now."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Yes, that's what I said last night too..."

Lyrna says, "He can."

Lyrna says, "I've experienced that already."

Speaking huskily to Lyrna, Jhenni says, "Or Khylynnia...she know all that stuff....puts me right at sleep when she spews it."

Lyrna says, "Well, I need to go curl up with Yona."

Speaking adoringly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "I'll be in later, love."

Hapenlok: "It's like I don't even know who you are anymore."

Lyrna says, "Probably be asleep by then."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "...if those coordinators *do* get their act together..."

Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "I'd love it to be this year."

Lyrna says, "I love you."

Speaking adoringly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "I love you too. My Lyrna."

Jhenni wistfully says, "Ahh...the many loves and loverz of the Lady Mayor...."

Hapenlok: "You've spent the past six years chasing a ghost. And it's changed you for the worse."

Falvicar: "So you would forgive somebody that not only killed your parents, but countless other innocent people.. knowing and helping a witch make paragons? I think not."

Speaking huskily to Leafiara, Jhenni says, "Don't let me keep ya."

Leafiara says, "Wouldn't dream of it! On the contrary, we have some slaying to do."

Jhenni huskily says, "19 more Plainswalkers."

Speaking to Soneiken, Leafiara says, "Excellent analysis as always, both last night and tonight."

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "There is a gifted warrior, who knows many tales of the past, as far back as the Griffon Sword wars, and thats from personal experience. His name is Balantine FarHorizen, and he knows much about many things in the lands, even today that most nae know."

Hapenlok: "The Falvicar I knew wouldn't have let this consume the point where his own wife feels she is in danger due to your state."

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "Good reference to send young folks too."

Leafiara says, "I know Balantine well enough. Good call, my friend."

Falvicar: "A real wife would support her husband instead of mocking him and questioning faith. As if I would not know my own father or remember the day when they disappeared."

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "As for the other thing, as you can see, me and my ancestors nae escaped the wrath of the edict, and My parents were killed by Raznel, I have great disdain for them, including the hall."

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "And every now and then it rises to the forefront of my mind."

Falvicar: "Make no mistake, wizard. If I see Pylasar, I will bring him to justice. Nobody will stop me. Not you. Not her. Nobody short of Ronan or Redding."

Falvicar: "And if you get in my way, that is your choice if you force me to go through you."

Hapenlok: "There's something seriously wrong with that walnut sized brain of yours, Falvicar."

Hapenlok: "And I'll tell you something right now, you may not have much regard for your own wife, but wives know. Something changed with you."

Soneiken says, "We should never form our understanding of the world through 1 perspective, one person, one paradigm, that is the truth that I have learned as I grew older."

Hapenlok: "And I'll beat sense into that skull of yours if I have to. On the street, or on the boulder."

Falvicar heads home to get some shut-eye.

Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "So each contibutes and is valid, but contributes to the whole, and on the other."

Hapenlok just climbed up a narrow stairway.

Hapenlok says, "He's lost his mind."

Leafiara says, "So I heard."

Hapenlok says, "If he ever had it to begin with."

Soneiken says, "No one is omnipotent in thought, perspective, perception etc, it takes the whole to make a clear understanding."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "He's consumed with vengeance like the Huntress."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "What are the chances, that someone implanted a suggestion into him?"

Hapenlok says, "Because, I don't really recall him talking about his parents."

Hapenlok says, "But, I doubt it happened the way he thinks it does."

Speaking thoughtfully to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "That's a really good question. He did claim to have seen Redding once..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I watched Redding die. As did he."

Leafiara says, "Right in the middle of the square, he was asking us if no one else saw him."

Leafiara says, "This was about a year ago."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Soneiken says, "He lost his Parents, his very heritage, that will do something to one's mind, especially when it was nefarious and avoidable."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "He's literally been chasing ghosts."

Leafiara adds, "And, indeed, no one else saw him."

Hapenlok says, "I know he did."

Hapenlok says, "That kind of zealotry makes you susceptible to suggestion."

Hapenlok says, "Not even the magical kind."

Hapenlok says, "So, yep."

Hapenlok says, "I need to kick his ass. A lot."