North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-04-03 - Scarabesque Designs (log)

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Olaesta 3-4, 5123


This log is purely intended as an archival record of spoken words and actions of characters within the game as could be witnessed by the character who was present to record them. The player posting it holds no position on the veracity, falsity, legitimacy, nor illegitimacy of any character dialogue, opinions, perspectives, interpretations, and stances presented herein.


Motes of light descend from Melgorehn's Reach again, then a figure is seeng moving toward Lake Eonak. Adventurers go to investigate and find Enisius there. People check that he's caught up on the slime-covered aelotoi from the other night, which he is and refers to as "echoes" or "ripples."

Phenomena begin occurring as lights peel up out of the the ground, then Enisius' krodera ring turns on his finger--then Dwi's rolaren plate armor pulls her forward toward the lake. Bellaja's black ora band spins on her finger. Irval places krodera ore on the ground, which gets pulled along, and Iniania's deathstone spike rips right out of her eyebrow and flies off into the sky. Enisius presses her face with his fingers and asks if it hurts; she says it isn't feeling pleasant.

Meanwhile, the krodera ore keeps moving toward the lake, then eventually begins floating and begins to expand until it takes the shape of a blade. It draws a silvery-white trail through the air, then ethereal scarabs appear on the other side... and burrow into Nalver, Kialeigh, Arianiss, Drazaa, Kelfyr, Missoni, and Councilor Kiyna! Still another scarab tries to come forward, but the sliver of light closes up before it can, cutting it in half to crumble into dust as the floating krodera ore falls into the lake.

Lylia notes a similarity to Raznel's scarabs in the past, so Enisius writes her name down as having made a good observation. He says he'll create an area to help with getting the scarabs out and people can go there to be under observation if they wish. He tells Drazaa and Missoni that he expects daily accounting since they're also on the research team, with observations mailed or hand delivered each Feastday.

Editing Protocol of this Log

  • NPC dialogue, NPC actions, and PC dialogue or actions which NPCs react to are bolded.
  • Actions are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria, or are within the first three of a PC's responses to an NPC who was directing actions or dialogue toward them.
  • Greetings, farewells, dialogue on OOC ESP channels, and dialogue related to various services including but not limited to healing, resurrection, locksmithing, armor adjustments, and spellups are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are directed toward NPCs, or are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria.
  • Dialogue in languages other than Common is presented from the perspective of a character who only knows Common so as not to give preferential treatment to languages which the logging character knows.
  • IC group whispers are excluded so as not to give preferential treatment to the group which the logging character is in.
  • OOC whispers that don't come from NPCs are excluded due to being OOC.
  • Visible whispers are presented from the perspective of a third-party observer.
  • Other dialogue not mentioned above is included.
  • Travel between a starting room and destination room is excluded unless it shows off unique and newly created rooms.
  • Combat is excluded.



[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see an emaciated black horse, the cherrywood Arianiss disk etched with lotus blossoms, a plum-bellied violet hummingbird that is flying around, the Iniania disk, a grey-eyed mountain wolf, a large acorn, a large acorn, the Budroux disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a large acorn, the Xukundi disk, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, some ephlox moss, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a silver-traced carved mahogany cart with some stuff on it, an old well, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.

Also here: Astrilyn, Earthdiver, Arianiss, Lady Nairena, Lady Iniania, Broadfuguis, Andromalius who is sitting, Sozett, Budroux, Rosaleigh, Jalket, Xukundi, Aeysa, Lady Katissa, Ussey

[General] Arianiss asks, "Where's the hot breeze? Or the freezing breeze? Or the windstorm breeze?"

[General] Mongonator thinks, "Go port."

[General] Mongonator thinks, "Erm,"

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Lylia says, "You are looking quite puffy and handsome tonight."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Bellaja says, "You were mumbing."

Earthdiver says, "My shoes talk to me sometimes."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Bellaja says, "That's interesting."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Bellaja asks, "What do they say?"

Earthdiver says, "Life as shoes is sometimes rough."

Speaking to his sewer rat, Udari says, "Stop it."

Bellaja says, "I thought we were going to have a storm."

Tikba wryly says, "I received a thoughtful present last Day of the Huntress."

Bellaja says, "Just as I was about to suggest perhaps it'd pass."

Speaking to Tikba, Arianiss asks, "What was the present?"

Speaking curiously to Tikba, Missoni asks, "Who was it from?"

Tikba produces a ruby-studded Mularos statue from the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.

Tikba amusedly says, "It was in honor of my devotion to Marlu."

Tikba amusedly says, "It would be discourteous to tell you who gave it to me."

A faint copper mote of energy seeps down from the sky, dancing playfully on the wind like a gilt-hued dandelion, drifting further, and further until it vanishes altogether.

Speaking to Missoni, Lylia says, "If you wish vengeance, I have captured the offender."

Tikba says, "I have heard it said it is the thought that counts."

Bellaja says, "Interesting."

Emperia says, "Hm..."

Speaking to Lylia, Missoni says, "I think it would be best if it were put to a positive use."

Missoni offers Perigourd a large acorn.

Perigourd accepts Missoni's large acorn.

Arahnim says, "Oh . Bad sign."

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "Make that a tree that it may fall on someone else's head."

Missoni whispers aloud, "Someone wretched."

Chandrellia asks, "Anything interesting going on?"

Tikba thoughtfully says, "I hope those motes are not from the Reach again."

Bellaja says, "Whatever it was, it was a lovely little spark."

Udari says, "It got cold."

Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "Hard to say."

Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "It could also be the seer."

Emperia asks, "Is it ever *not* cold here?"

Lylia says, "Storms off the bay at night, and yes, that unusual phenomenon we have seen a few times..."

Speaking to Emperia, Missoni admits, "You will nearly always find it cold and wet, I am afraid."

[General] Dwi exclaims, "Also Imma Cappin Nabigator!"

[General] Nalver thinks, "Tinkin hard."

[General] Dwi asks, "So...wot kinda sauce ye use fer roast owl?"

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "Any dunkin shaush will do."

Speaking to Kippe, Missoni whispers aloud, "It looked cute in its little hat."

Speaking to Missoni, Kippe says, "Cute is nearly always dangerous."

Speaking to Kippe, Missoni laments, "And yet I keep trying."

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Rawr!"

Kialeigh sarcastically says, "Like "we're" the troublemakers..."

Delyorik asks, "So, who wants to die tonight?"

Missoni says, "Pokey will not be so unfriendly."

Several specks of silver and gold light descend from the sky like metallic rain, showering the area in a curtain of glittering energy before disappearing.

Kialeigh says, "Newly fallen snow.. that's the level of our innonces."

Bellaja says, "Hmm."

Delyorik says, "Snow can burn."

Missoni observes, "That is pretty."

Lylia says, "If it presages another tear in reality, at least it is beautiful in the process."

Speaking to Kippe, Missoni asks, "Is pretty also dangerous?"

Bellaja says, "It's like a mix of colors."

Vaemyr says, "The Reach or... Iliyaas."

Kialeigh says, "Only if you stick yer fingers in it and don't head the bite..."

Bellaja says, "So no one element."

Delyorik says, "Fine!\."

[General] Leafiara muses, "Nothing at Lake Eonak this time. ...yet."

Kialeigh says, "Damn rain.. always pelting me..."

Speaking to Missoni, Lylia says, "Pretty is quite often dangerous."

Speaking to Delyorik, Udari says, "We are all gonna die."

Kialeigh says, "Let me use ya as a barrier."

Speaking to Missoni, Kippe says, "It depends on the situation."

Vaemyr says, "Going to look in the forest perhaps."

A lone figure in a charcoal robe can be seen roaming the grasslands, moving towards Lake Eonak.

Speaking to Udari, Delyorik says, "Speak for yourself. I don't die."

Missoni says, "Ah, perhaps it is Iliyaas."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Well, now someone is here."

Tikba asks, "Shall we seek her?"

Speaking to Falvicar, Opalina says, "That.. guy looks."

Bellaja asks, "Who would guide us?"

Chandrellia recites:

"Everyone join Kayse"

Kayse suddenly says, "Oh, I guess I am....lead---"

Kialeigh says, "Onward and overthere ward.."

Kayse says, "I'm leaving now."

Missoni says, "Perigourd has found Enisius near the Reach, it seems."

Opalina asks, "Falvicar .. did you see him?"


Speaking to Kayse, Tikba says, "I see Enisius near Lake Eonak."

Falvicar asks, "See him?"

[General] Arianiss thinks, "Enisius is at Lake Eonak."

Enisius Checks In

[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]

You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a damp ebon seed-eyed dusky-grained zebrawood mandrake, the cherrywood Arianiss disk etched with lotus blossoms, a cedar chip path and a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees.

Falvicar says, "Lone figure..."

Speaking quietly to Enisius, Raelee says, "Awaiting our guidance, actually."

Enisius says, "Oh, yes...I will send that."

Kayse firmly teases, "If someone else tells me where to go again, I will turn this "mob" around."

Enisius nods at Raelee.

Falvicar says, "'Lake Eonak."

Speaking to Kayse, Perigourd asks, "Mob?"

Enisius says, "I was waiting for some feedback from the Grand Magister, but she cannot be bothered it seems."

Speaking politely to Enisius, Tikba greets, "Magister Enisius, good evening."

Enisius says, "...lucky."

Enisius says, "Good evening."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "To be expected."

Enisius looks up to the sky.

Missoni greets, "Fair eve."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd asks, "One expects you've been told about the beings that came through up there over the last week?"

[General] Devoryah asks, "Might I get someone to drop by the guild for a few tackle reps please?"

Iniania softly says, "Evening."

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "By my reckoning, these motes started appearing in the sky around the Reach after the first time Iliyaas was up there."

Enisius peers quizzically at Kiyna.

The air crackles with potent energy!

[people get dispelled]

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "Not exactly sure if..."

Enisius asks, "What was she doing up there?"

Enisius frowns.

Vaemyr says, "Oh there's that."

Kialeigh says, "Yep..."

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "Being naked."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "Speaking to the mountain."

Tikba mildly says, "There have also been some magical disturbances."

Enisius says, "She was...."

Enisius blinks.

Enisius asks, "Naked?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wut....nekkid?"

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "Yes, she was entirely butt-naked, up on the summit."

Speaking dryly to Enisius, Raelee asks, "Is that your takeaway from this?"

Enisius clears his throat.

Missoni says, "I am not sure why her state of dress is relevant."

Tikba says, "She was very interested in the power of the Reach."

Enisius asks, "Speaking to the mountain?"

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr asks, "She talked at the time about seeing possibilities... and yes?"

Enisius asks, "Like a mad woman?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "She needsh ush."

Lylia says, "It is not all that shocking. If you rely on the input of your senses, including touch, that may be the more practical choice."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "Not mad, per se."

Kialeigh asks, "Why is a naked woman a mad woman?"

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "Exactly! He gets it."

Tikba carefully says, "Like a madwoman, yes."

Tikba says, "But she does not seem to be mad."

Vaemyr says, "Enisius I think you could potentially see it as reading the flow itself."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "More like someone who sees or hears something others do not."

Enisius nods.

Enisius says, "I see."

Lylia repeats, "There is nothing 'mad' about being naked if it is for a reason, or all of you are presumably mad every time you bathe."

Lylia says, "Assuming some of you bathe at all."

Enisius says, "Fascinating."

Speaking to Perigourd, Kiyna says, "Otherwise known as a madman. Or woman."

Speaking to Lylia, Kayse whispers aloud, "Some don't...."

Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "I mean... some cultures...."

Speaking to Kiyna, Perigourd says, "I've seen many who can perceive beyond the abilities of others who were perfectly sane."

Irval sings to his etched stone:

"Pretty stone, etched in runes, to which mountain did you break from?"

Goldstr exclaims, "Seems Rodnay was awakened an chinin to US!"

Tikba diplomatically continues, "That is the day that she predicted the storm of worlds that would follow the storm of winter."

Tikba says, "Which we have not seen as yet."

Irval says, "Oh sure singing to a stone doesnt get strange looks but I bet talking to it would of."

A ribbon of chromatic light bends through the air from the peaks of Melgorehn's Reach, snaking through the dark sky like a glowing metallic serpent. It twists and shifts, forming a large radiant wreath of energy, then fades away.

Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "Mmm, we did see some anomalies..."

Kayse offers, "Perhaps we should talk about the odd...aelotois instead of the naked sylvan."

Speaking to Enisius, Irval says, "Was trying to validate your comment, but it fell on deaf ears."

Enisius gazes up into the heavens.

Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "Well, unless our strange spirit friends that came into our world were the start of that."

Lylia says, "Yes. That seems a more pressing subject to discuss."

Bellaja says, "That seems more than a random shape."

Earthdiver says, "Interesting. I saw that in a dream once."

Speaking quietly to himself, Drazaa says, "Fascinating storm."

Tikba says, "There was a crack, to be sure. I am not sure it was a storm."

Speaking to Enisius, Lylia asks, "You are aware of that, yes? The 'Aelotoi' who attacked?"

Speaking to Earthdiver, Irval asks, "A random shape?"

Vaemyr says, "Oh that's... bigger than last time..."

Enisius asks, "The ithzir boy has not been seen?"

Speaking to Irval, Kialeigh says, "We see people singing to random stuff all the time.. quite normal."

Earthdiver says, "That ribbon of metallic rainbow."

Enisius nods at Lylia.

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "Not this time."

Speaking to Enisius, Kayse asks, "No, why, do you ask?"

Enisius says, "The echoes, yes. I heard of them."

Tikba evenly says, "They called themselves the Us, and they adopted the form of aelotoi, but were not aelotoi."

Speaking to Enisius, Kayse asks, "Echoes?"

Irval says, "More like undead slimes given shape."

Enisius asks, "Ripples?"

Vaemyr says, "Seems about as good of a name as any for them."

Enisius says, "Whatever you wish to call them."

Kialeigh says, "The US was very very... not nice."

Lylia says, "They did not seem to attack with malice, but they were lethal."

Enisius says, "Observe..."

Speaking drunkenly to Perigourd, Gutstorm slurs, "Me will protect ye."

Enisius bends and picks up a small stone.

Goldstr says, "I tinks da US be Rodnay chinglings."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Perigourd says, "Appreciated."

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "They seemed curious."

Enisius leans forward and tries to skip the stone across the lake's water. It only goes once then plops loudly.

Enisius frowns.

Enisius says, "...nevermind."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "To see us dead, yes."

Speaking evenly to Enisius, Kayse suggests, "Flick your wrist more."

Opalina says, "Awe."

Enisius makes a flicking motion with his wrist and a tiny fiery glow briefly appears in his hand.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yoo trow likka girl."

Speaking evenly to Perigourd, Raelee says, "Vivisection typically begins with a corpse."

Speaking frankly to Enisius, Kayse asks, "You still have no reason to want anything from Rodnay, correct?"

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Let them practice on their own."

Enisius says, "He would be something to study."

Kayse eyes Enisius with a stern expression, her dark sclera reduced to mere slits.

Enisius says, "Especially if he may pose a threat, or prove an unstabilizing force wthin the Mountain or region."

Speaking to Enisius, Kayse says, "The Hall of Mages tried that once. It didn't go well for them."

Irval says, "This is not it in my opinion. Him."

Tikba carefully says, "Perhaps he will instead be a stabilizing force."

Enisius says, "I do not wish to break his head against a rock like Sablo, if that is your concern."

Speaking to Enisius, Kayse says, "He's also not 'something' to study. He is a someone."

Speaking to Enisius, Goldstr says, "An dat be da problem. Messin wid da Reach angers him."

Enisius says, "Everyone is something to study Councilor."

Irval says, "This bears too many similiarities to the after effects of the Kroderine shard explosions."

Raelee nods at Enisius.

Enisius says, "You study people all the time."

Enisius says, "Their mannerisms, their voices, the way they touch, or kiss, or watch you, the way people speak."

Enisius says, "Everything is a study."

Enisius agrees with Raelee.

Kayse airily says, "I prefer observe, but fair enough."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yoo shoody me, Raelee?"

Kayse says, "My point is I do not want Rodnay harmed."

Drazaa whispers something to Kayse.

The air crackles with potent energy!

[everyone gets dispelled]

Speaking to Gutstorm, Raelee says, "You have been observed."

Stormyrain says, "Rodnay is still considered a citizen of the Landing, last I checked."

Stormyrain says, "I'm sure that no one from the Barony would want to harm a citizen."

Enisius shrugs.

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "I believe your brother would use something more diplomatic, like meet and speak with, or get to know and understand, rather than study... but your point is noted."

Kayse whispers something to Drazaa.

Speaking slowly to Gutstorm, Raelee adds, "The next step might be the aforementioned vivisection. We will study how your internal organs are still functioning after being this soaked in alcohol. Surely there is a scientific revelation to be had."

Enisius says, "My brother wastes so much of his life with words."

Enisius shrugs at Vaemyr.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Who got time fer wordsh, pitchersh where it at."

Speaking to Enisius, Kelfyr says, "Your brother has different goals."

Enisius shrugs.

Lylia says, "Words convey information, both text and subtext; there is nothing wasted there. At least potentially."

A drop of golden liquid falls from the sky.

Lylia admits, "Some people, though..."

Enisius gazes up into the heavens.

Earthdiver says, "Ooo."

[General] Leafiara curiously asks, "Oh, are the Us coming back again?"

Bellaja asks, "Where did it land?"

A drop of silver liquid falls from the sky. Plop.

Falvicar asks, "The hell was that?"

[General] Directed to Leafiara, Stormyrain thinks, "We are not sure what is occurring, other than this conversation with Enisius, so far."

Earthdiver says, "Plop."

A drop of golden liquid falls from the sky. Plop.

Speaking to Enisius, Goldstr exclaims, "Yer study kin cause much harm to all folks about, Landin AND yer Barony!"

Speaking to a damp ebon seed-eyed dusky-grained zebrawood mandrake, Perigourd says, "Keep close."

Plop. Plop.

Earthdiver says, "Maybe they are aelotoi eggs."

Bellaja says, "What the heck."

Enisius glances at Goldstr.

Kiyna asks, "...This rain seem weird to anyone else?"

Enisius touches one finger to his lips.

Kayse says, "Our rain has been odd since Iliyaas has gone up on the reach."

Chandrellia hesitantly says, "I'm not I would be trying to cath this."

Opalina says, "Looks silver and gold hued."

[General] Nalver asks, "Who is Enisus and can they hear our thoughts?"

Irval says, "Listen. While we all sit here idly chatting, tears in the veil of catastrophic proportions could be forming with a forge press hammering out these slime aeoloti ...Sloeti if you will. I know I was around landing when something similiar first started to appear. And it all coincided with our Mayor's achem problem. That being the Kroderine shards in his arms."

[General] Arianiss thinks, "A Magister and yes."

[General] Directed to Nalver, Stormyrain thinks, "Yes I imagine he studies this mode of communication, and he is Elidal's brother--the Magister."

[General] Dwi thinks, "I could push Nalber offa da boat...."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yuck."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "You have no idea where that has been."

Kiyna asks, "Careful... it might the... echoes? We're calling them echoes?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Drazaa offers, "Not alcoholic enough I take it?"

Tikba uncertainly says, "In the lake."

Speaking to Lylia, Falvicar says, "With how much he drinks, I'm surprised he can tastes at all."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Need more hopsh."

A globule of silver light peels up from the ground, soars into the sky and vanishes into the night.

A tiny drop of golden energy lifts up from the ground, floats towards the sky then vanishes.

Enisius asks, "Fascinating. Is the research team taking notes?"

Drazaa ventures, "The flowstorms here are highly energized."

Brisca says, "Strange..."

Bellaja asks, "Now it's going back up?"

Enisius says, "Tell me you are taking notes."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "... always."

Speaking amusedly to Drazaa, Kayse says, "Apparently you are working now."

Speaking to Enisius, Drazaa replies, "Many are."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "Yes..."

Missoni says, "Mmhm."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yer hand brokeded Enisus?"

Falvicar whispers something to Opalina.


Enisius' krodera ring suddenly turns slightly upon his finger.

Irval whispers to the group, "I dont know? higher?"

Irval says, "Called it."

Enisius gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Missoni murmurs, "Thadston's shards, and the ring."

Irval says, "Krodera is what started this. Maybe therein is the key to stopping it or at least stablizing it for...research."

Speaking to Enisius, Drazaa notes, "Did you notice your ring's movement Magister?"

Enisius asks, "It did?"

Missoni confirms, "It did, a bit."

Speaking to Enisius, Tikba agrees, "Yes."

Speaking to Enisius, Goldstr says, "I suggest be Vreea careful wid yer studys, da Reach be Rodnay's home now, but da Castle do as ye wish."

Irval says, "Turned a bit..."

Irval asks, "How'd you not feel that?"

Tikba thoughtfully says, "A response to the magic."

[General] Directed to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Wotcha doin up der?"

Speaking thoughtfully to Enisius, Tikba asks, "What is that ring, Magister?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me brudder!"

Dwi heartily asks, "We fetchin forge wotter?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "It not tashte to good."

[General] Balinox asks, "Wo baon u there dude ?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "It aint fer dat."

The air shimmers, and Dwi's feet suddenly are pushed forward into the dirt, her rolaren plate pulling her towards the lake, then it stops.

Enisius blinks.

Dwi squints at a beautiful mountain lake.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Da late trying to eat me brudder!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye think it like maggotishm?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain asks, "Mayhaps she should stand behind you so there's more..bulk to keep her from going in?"

Speaking quietly to Enisius, Raelee says, "She is clad in rolaren, is she not? An allow of mithril, I can see where it would also be reactive in this situation."

Tikba thoughtfully asks, "Does anyone have a bit of loose metal?"

Suddenly Dwi is lifted up just an inch off the ground, her plate pushed upward, then she is lowered to her feet.

Dwi babbles something unintelligible.

Dwi stares at a beautiful mountain lake.

Opalina exclaims, "Wow you learned how to fly!"

Enisius nods at Raelee.

Kelfyr asks, "Perigourd, still have any of that rope left over?"

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "Alloy, rather."

Speaking heartily to a beautiful mountain lake, Dwi asks, "Forge wotter?"

Kelfyr says, "I think we may need it..."

Chandrellia asks, "Quick someone tie a rope to her and one to Gutsy so she doesnt float away?"

Speaking to Dwi, Bellaja asks, "What did that feel like?"

Perigourd says, "We could just sit on her."

Dwi heartily says, "Tummy squibble."

Speaking to Raelee, Arianiss says, "I have an assortment of metals and ores if you want to play around with them."

Speaking to Dwi, Opalina asks, "Do it again?"

Dwi heartily says, "Lemme try sumpthin..."

Dwi flaps her arms wildly.

Dwi flaps her arms wildly.

Dwi flaps her arms wildly.

Dwi seems to be waiting for something.

Dwi rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Opalina says, "Soo close@."

Speaking to Dwi, Perigourd says, "A fall would not be reccomended."

Speaking heartily to Perigourd, Dwi says, "Dis da safest place eber."

Speaking to Dwi, Perigourd says, "Only if you miss the shore."

Enisius says, "Hmm..."

Irval says, "I've got an idea. I'll be right back."

Speaking to Dwi, Kelfyr says, "It doesn't believe you. Try making duck noises."

Vaemyr says, "Hmm indeed."

Lylia says, "While I have no pure metals, I do have a selection of ores. But no lodestone or iron."

Kialeigh says, "He's gonna get a running start to jump into the lake."

Speaking to Enisius, Goldstr asks, "Wha be yer goal dis eve Magister?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dwi gotta shlab o rolrin in yoo locker?"

Enisius says, "Studying."

Missoni says, "An iron wand, perhaps..."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Lylia asks, "Excellent! Is it behaving in any unusual way?"

Speaking to Enisius, Goldstr says, "Likes I fas said, be verra careful bouts da Reach."

Speaking to Lylia, Earthdiver says, "Seems to just be pointing North for now..."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "It's ore."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Da lake ish maggotized fer ore me thinking."

Speaking to Dwi, Opalina says, "Your still solid."

Enisius furrows his brow.

Kiyna says, "Weird Reach magic is just being random as always..."

Perigourd says, "I doubt it's random, even if we're not sure of the pattern yet."

Bellaja uneasily echoes, "Maggotized."

Irval drops a lump of krodera ore.

Dwi heartily says, "Hmmm."

Speaking to Kiyna, Goldstr says, "Nae when Rodnay distuebed."

Speaking thoughtfully to Kiyna, Missoni says, "I do not think it is random."

Speaking to Bellaja, Kayse stresses, "Scientific talk."

Bellaja's black ora band spins rapidly on her finger for a few seconds.

Bellaja gasps.

Earthdiver says, "Don't lose a finger."

Dwi heartily says, "Definite maggotization."

Speaking to Bellaja, Lylia asks, "Did I see what I thought I saw?"

Vaemyr says, "Interesting...."

Bellaja nods at Lylia.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "No no not dat."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Tractio."

Speaking to Raelee, Arianiss asks, "Are you okay?"

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "My finger feels very tingly."

Speaking quietly to Arianiss, Raelee says, "Headache."

Dwi heartily asks, "Good tingly?"

Drazaa recalls, "Rolaren, krodera, and black ora. They have all been impacted by this force."

Speaking to Raelee, Kiyna asks, "Like... mentalist trying to pry into your head kind of headache?"

Chandrellia says, "I am so glad I dont have any of those metals."

Lylia says, "Would white ora have a similar reation to the phenomena, I wonder..."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me think all da ladies should dip in da lake....fer note takin."

Lylia notes, "The ore may not be pure enough to react, of course."

Speaking to Kiyna, Raelee says, "No. An oversaturation of mana variety of headache."

Lylia carefully places a lump of white ora ore on the ground.

Kayse says, "I had a headache too, it is the extra mana in the air."

Stormyrain says, "I had a headache a few minutes ago, it was relieved by--"

The krodera ore moves across the ground a few inches.

Stormyrain says, "What she said."

Bellaja whispers something to Dwi.

Kialeigh says, "Now we're just feeding the lake.."

Goldstr asks, "Can we focus on talkin wid da Magister folks?"

Tikba thoughtfully says, "It moves metals, and it prefers unusual ones."

Speaking to Goldstr, Nalver asks, "Magister of what?"

Bellaja says, "I wonder if it would help to cover the metals."

Speaking heartily to Goldstr, Dwi says, "Gut's path."

Irval asks, "Can we maybe tag the ore magically?"

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "I was wondering if you had that urnon sample..."

Kayse asks, "Magical ores?"

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna asks, "Thoughts?"

Tikba says, "Or antimagical."

Irval asks, "And see if it can lead us somewhere?"

Irval says, "If it gets taken to wherever its trying to go."

Tikba says, "It may not be intentional. It may simply be moving."

Enisius furrows his brow.

Missoni asks, "What is drawing it?"

Speaking to Enisius, Irval asks, "Can you tag it with some of your magic you used to keep track of us while we went Kobold Delving?"

Kialeigh says, "It seemed to like the rolaren best.. it nearly ate her.. twice."

Enisius kneels down.

Stormyrain says, "It's--fascinating that it was able to impact the krodera at all."

Vaemyr says, "I wonder if these are similar to what currently inhabits the bleaklands, we know a spirit or being of that enhabited Thadston's arms..."

Irval says, "With that in the dispelling of our magicks. I feel that its part of the reason why krodera is affected."

Speaking thoughtfully to Missoni, Tikba explains, "Ripples move the water upwards, and downwards, but they do not seek to. The water simply moves."

Speaking to Irval, Vaemyr says, "The dispelling is typical just of a thin veil, as it would be if you went to the Rift."

Tikba says, "The mana changes have disturbed our enchantments, but they have also infused us."

Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "That would mean this is an effect, and not intentional."

Irval says, "Ya but to have it happen outside of the Rift."

Irval says, "Is whats concerning."

Speaking to Irval, Nalver says, "It's not the only place it happens, or even the closest."

The deep black deathstone spike in Iniania's eyebrow begins to pull her skin forward.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ouch."

Enisius stands up.

Speaking to Missoni, Raelee says, "My thought as well. Magic and common physics often intermingle."

Enisius blinks.

Enisius asks, "Deathstone?"

Irval says, "And it only happened after the Mayor had one of his explosive fits...not the desk throwing kind."

Opalina exclaims, "Oh ouch that looks painful..Move with it !"

Speaking to Irval, Nalver says, "There is a sphere in the Sheruvian Temple that....does not like any magic. Krodera in fact."

Lylia asks, "Is it pulling toward a particular defined direction?"

Tikba thoughtfully says, "Deathstone is not metal."

Enisius shakes his head.

Speaking to Lylia, Irval says, "Thats why I was hoping we could tag them magically so we can follow them to see if they lead us anywhere."

Speaking to Enisius, Goldstr asks, "Er Darksone ye mean?"

Kayse whispers something to Drazaa.

Speaking to Enisius, Nalver asks, "Enusus, is eonake a porblem?"

Enisius asks, "Did you feel that?"

Enisius peers quizzically at Iniania.

Speaking to Irval, Kiyna says, "They dragged Dwi toward the lake, then up into the air. Seems the movements are random."

Iniania nods at Enisius.

Speaking heartily to Arianiss, Dwi says, "Nuffin."

Irval says, "Could be random or it could be dwi's weight was acting as a counter balance."

Speaking to Enisius, Bellaja says, "L ini."

Speaking to Tikba, Raelee says, "I do not think this is about metal. This is about the magical reactivity or lack thereof in a substance."

Speaking softly to Enisius, Iniania says, "Aye I did, it felt like my ear was stretching."

Dwi heartily says, "Stuff likka dis dont last folks...."

Dwi heartily says, "Watch..."

Dwi flaps her arms wildly.

Dwi hoots excitedly at a beautiful mountain lake and runs around flapping her arms in the air.

Dwi heartily asks, "See?"

Speaking to Kiyna, Kelfyr says, "The field appears to be either fluctuating or moving sporadically. Like the silver and gold falling then rising."

Irval asks, "They did rise and meet though did they not?"

Opalina says, "I didn't see silver rize."

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.

Nalver asks, "What if we put white ora with black ora?"

Bellaja asks, "Why are we considering activating tis unknow force more?"

Tikba says, "We must come to know it."

Speaking to Bellaja, Missoni says, "I believe we are just obseving, at the moment."

Kiyna says, "It's all a bunch of weird magic stuff I don't understand. I'll leave it to those who care."

Bellaja says, "I think we should let the team research it."

Irval says, "Gotta find where its at, gotta break a few eggs and what not."

Iniania softly says, "Well then if different metals and now gems respond...there is much more to this."

Iniania ponders.

Speaking heartily to Irval, Dwi says, "A dozen issa good ommlette."

Suddenly the black deathstone spike in Iniania's eyebrow lurches forward again and the thin skin cannot hold it in place! The spike rips free, leaving a narrow bloody trail behind it as the deathstone soars up into the sky, disappearing into the distance.

Enisius blinks.

Earthdiver says, "Ouch."

Iniania whimpers.

Speaking to Iniania, Kiyna asks, "Are you okay?"

Missoni says, "Oh dear."

Irval says, "Hope that wasnt expensive."

Enisius says, "Absolutely fascinating..."

Enisius moves to stand in front of Iniania.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat why ye no shtick shtuff in yoo face."

Dwi heartily says, "Went datta way."

Enisius touches Iniania's face, pressing her skin with his fingers.

Enisius asks, "Does that...hurt?"

Perigourd says, "I'd expect it does."

Drazaa suggests, "This force is here. It is acting on us regardless of testing."

Irval says, "Probably with you touching it."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia asks, "Are you feeling ok?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Let me zamin her."

Enisius says, "Please answer the question."

Enisius nods.

Enisius nods at Iniania.

Chandrellia whispers to the group, "Shy does it seem he isnt acting, normal."

Speaking softly to Enisius, Iniania says, "My ear hurts and well you touching my face isnt feeling pleasent either."

Enisius asks, "Your ear hurts?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Buy her a drink firsht."

Speaking to Enisius, Nalver says, "Why does your ring not get pulled off."

Tikba says, "It moved the spike twice, the second time with greater force. Dwi's armor fared the same."

Enisius says, "Interesting."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Why ye sumptimes disgustin..sumptimes gallant?"

Enisius shrugs at Nalver.

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "Uhh...."

The lump of krodera ore inches forward, moving closer to the lake.

Dwi heartily says, "Knew it."

Speaking to Enisius, Nalver says, "Put your hand on the ore and see what happens."

The humanoid-shaped urnon in Xorus's hand wobbles around slightly, its form becoming unstable. It collapses into a small puddle, and a tiny blunt appendage reaches forth from it toward his finger, a seam splitting it through the middle. Abruptly the seam opens to reveal a gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth which sink into his flesh!

It recoils quickly and forms into a small orb.

... 20 points of damage!

Shot pierces a wrist!

He is stunned!

Lylia says, "We are experimenting by dropping various ores and metals that --"

Goldstr asks, "Will it poison da Lake?"

Speaking drunkenly to Xorus, Gutstorm slurs, "Rub dirt onnit."

Speaking uncertainly to Xorus, Tikba asks, "Was that unexpected?"

Xorus indifferently says, "It is urnon."

Speaking heartily to Xorus, Dwi says, "Dont put dat inna DIS lake."

Speaking to herself, Chandrellia says, "Maybe I should remove my bloodjewels, so they dont get ripped out."

Nalver asks, "Would urglaes be of interest?"

Vaemyr says, "I can see... nothing, neither elemental or spiritual that could be causing this."

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja jokes, "Testing the maggotism."

Opalina picks up a lump of krodera ore.

Enisius glances at Opalina.

Opalina drops a lump of krodera ore.

Lylia says, "It occurs to me that as we experiment with ores and metals and other magically active materials, something is perhaps sampling and experimenting here with us. If it is directed, that is."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yoink?"

Opalina says, "Sorry.. the little creature can hav eit."

Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "Hard to say if it's a sentient force."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Opal beat me to da real yoink."

Speaking to Lylia, Goldstr says, "Yer words seem true."

Speaking sourly to Lylia, Kiyna says, "The Arkati are always sampling and experimenting with us. Nothing new."

Speaking to Dwi, Opalina says, "I wanted to fly like you."

Bellaja concernedly says, "I can't help but feel those motes came down and did something."

Lylia says, "Only a surmise at this point."

Speaking heartily to Nalver, Dwi exclaims, "Yoink!"

Speaking amusedly to Kiyna, Tikba says, "I fear the truth is grimmer. They are not."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "So if me had metal wing, me could fly?"

Speaking to a lump of krodera ore that is floating, Opalina says, "Im kidding."

Krodera Blade

The lump of krodera ore floats up into the sky, hovering in the shadow of the Reach.

Speaking to Enisius, Nalver says, "Can I test my magic on dwar...."

Irval exclaims, "Tag it!"

Enisius gazes up into the heavens.

Enisius asks, "Thoughts team?"

Dwi heartily says, "It's up der."

Leafiara opines, "It's kind of cute."

Chandrellia says, "I'm curious."

Chandrellia says, "How much can it hold and still float in teh air."

Goldstr says, "Rodnay er US seems be callin."

Kialeigh says, "We should name it Karen."

Speaking to Enisius, Stormyrain says, "None of my thoughts are favorable."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We needa bigger rock, maybe we kin make airshipsh."

Kayse says, "I'm not sure it's Rodnay...."

Chandrellia says, "How poerful is the magic holding it there."

Speaking to Enisius, Missoni says, "It seems to be drawing metals with certain properties. All of them are black in color, and anti-magical."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Rockship."

Tikba muses, "Upwards, downwards, towards the lake. Not consistent. Not intentional."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Bellaja says, "It could be a possible use for it."

Speaking to Kayse, Goldstr says, "His new form a US."

The lump of krodera ore begins to expand.

Iniania softly says, "That is the common factor it seems."

Chandrellia says, "Oh good, only black colored metals."

Chandrellia says, "Whew."

Nalver says, "Hmm."

Kialeigh says, "Oh great...."

Speaking to Tikba, Kelfyr says, "As if we're passing through some larget field, or inter-"

Earthdiver says, "Is it going to pop."

Speaking to Goldstr, Kiyna says, "We have nothing to sugg-"

Irval says, "Er...."

Missoni muses, "Odd."

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Indeed."

Tikba says, "Ripples."

Astrilyn insists, "It can't have my ghezyte. It's more indigo than black if you look close."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "So... I don't see any normal ph nomenon that might be causing it... so perhaps there's something like an overlap here, between our valence or world and another... and certain items are stong enough that they can be maniuplated from the other side."

Nalver says, "It's the gnomes spearmenting on new flying things."

Speaking to a lump of krodera ore that is floating, Opalina says, "I always wanted a pet rock."

Speaking heartily to Vaemyr, Dwi asks, "Ober lap? Dat's da lap inna charge o' stuff?"

Tikba says, "If it is emanating from the Reach, it might be even stronger there."

Speaking to Opalina, Nalver says, "But you have Falvicar."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Any yoo bug people got one dem butterfly net to catch dat rock?"

Speaking to Enisius, Drazaa shares, "Mayhaps items that have exhibited reactivity also have an attraction to somewhere. There is an essence pulling at something within them."

Chandrellia says, "Ya know, valence's, other worlds, not a good subject. Lasttime we had issues like that, Slim came back can we please not repeat the scenario."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi exclaims, "Oh!"

Enisius nods.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Nalver says, "Dwi caught a lobster and wouldn't share it. Made me not eat dinner."

Iniania softly says, "But why is it is the question."

Raelee says, "... for that ore to float, rather than keep rising, does imply that there is a point of equilibrium that can be reached between this force and our own basic gravity."

Speaking heartily to Nalver, Dwi says, "Ye gotta steer."

Tikba says, "It is not only metals. But it is not only things that are black, or half of this party would have floated away by now due to our clothing."

Speaking to Raelee, Missoni says, "Or that something is controlling its specific position."

Speaking to Raelee, Nalver asks, "Then why isn't it slipping from side to side?"

Opalina says, "Well if we get enough of it and control it we can make 1000's of airships."

Bellaja says, "Black and elemental."

Missoni says, "The deathstone went quite...further."

Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "New junior nabigator...we kin totally drink ale next trip."

Opalina asks, "Hey ore you wanna be my friend?"

Speaking to Raelee, Chandrellia says, "But hos strong is the magic holding it there, I mean can it a Ginatman off the ground. we nkow it can lift a dwarf."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Shtormy, kin ye try shumtpin?"

Opalina says, "I'll turn you into a big sparkly ship."

Speaking to Goldstr, Lylia explains, "Someone mentioned valences and the lich, and it just reminded me unpleasantly of the creature. She is not at all relevant here."

Speaking to Raelee, Nalver says, "If it was an equilibrium on a planar area, it don't think it would just stay put. It would move some as if a bubble on a pond."

The krodera ore expands further, flattening and taking on the crude resemblance of a blade.

Bellaja says, "Dwi didn't go so high in the heavy plate."

Chandrellia says, "Oohh ok."

Speaking to Raelee, Nalver says, "I th.."

Kelfyr says, "Ah."

Earthdiver says, "Here we go."

Nalver says, "It's going to kill us."

Perigourd says, "Hmm..."

Tikba thoughtfully says, "That is more suggestive."

Dwi heartily says, "Dis aint heaby."

Astrilyn admits, "Well, it's less cute now."

Enisius leans back.

Speaking drunkenly to Stormyrain, Gutstorm slurs, "Kin ye shing yoo shong of noid, shee if it dishrupt da ripplesh here?"

Speaking to Dwi, Nalver says, "I bet it's Sheru."

Chandrellia says, "Lets uuhh lets be a bit cautious."

Goldstr says, "Nice Forgin der."

Dwi heartily says, "I jus know I aint sposed to fly..."

Missoni calmly says, "It may have no concept of the shape it takes."

Dwi heartily says, "So I dont."

Speaking to Falvicar, Opalina says, "I don't think he liked the airship idea."

Drazaa notes, "This ore is changing in shape and form. But its essence remains the same."

Speaking to Opalina, Falvicar says, "I think he wont like my blade more."

The floating krodera begins to curve, stretching into a longer floating blade.

Iniania softly says, "Ohhh I dont like the look of that."

Stormyrain says, "Absolutely not."

Speaking heartily to a lump of krodera ore that is floating, Dwi says, "Do a loopy loop."

Speaking drunkenly to Stormyrain, Gutstorm slurs, "Me fer real, not joke."

Enisius says, "Perhaps...step back some."

Enisius makes a flicking motion with his wrist and a tiny vacuous void briefly appears in his hand.

Speaking to Missoni, Tikba says, "Either it is intentional, or it is intentionally duplicating a shape."

Kialeigh says, "Maybe this is how the Reiver's got their swords... strange flying weapons.."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "It's krodera my magic won't do us any good."

Dwi heartily says, "Silly."

Tikba apprehensively says, "In either case, it is somehow directed."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm whispers aloud, "Try grab dat rock."

Speaking to Falvicar, Opalina says, "Wonder why blade is the first thought that came to that little."

Nalver says, "Gosaena throk farok."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Gimme a boost."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Git on me back."

Bellaja breathlessly says, "I know I should flee, but it's mesmerizing to watch."

Earthdiver says, "Good thing it's sanctified here."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "We needs Chamorr."

The crude blade of floating krodera begins to move, as if being drawn to the side by an invisible hand. A thin silvery-white trail is left glowing in its wake, like a wicked metallic grin in the sky.

Kialeigh says, "What if it grabs the other ore and it all starts to congeal into a giant... I dunno..."

Speaking to Opalina, Drazaa offers, "Xorus' urnon changed into something other than a blade. From spherical to square."

Nalver says, "Ahh."

Tikba apprehensively says, "That looks more familiar."

Xorus says, "Urnon does that naturally."

Earthdiver says, "Is it going to open a Rift for Us."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Kelfyr says, "Some form of rift, I think. Perhaps in flesh."

From the wicked sliver of light, an ethereal gilt-hued scarab skitters into view, hanging on the edge as if perched upon a crescent moon.

Tikba says, "Do not touch the rift."

Earthdiver says, "Ooo."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Look."

Bellaja says, "Wow."

Stormyrain says, "Oh--absolutely not."

Kiyna says, "Scarab! Careful."

Kayse slowly says, "Umm...."

Opalina says, "Wait.. is someone mad that Im not a rogue anymore!.. NOOOOoooooo."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Web dat sucker."

Bellaja says, "I've never seen one like that."

Kialeigh says, "And that's my cue..."

The gilt-hued scarab leaps forward, a trail of metallic light burning behind it! It quickly burrows into Nalver's skin!

Stormyrain evenly says, "If it is made of the krodera, it will likely be immune to all magic."

Chandrellia says, "Oh no."

Nalver shrieks!

Enisius exclaims, "Fascinating!"

(Nalver splashes lake water on himself.)

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "Good think yoo brot ol Nalver."

Nalver falls over.

Nalver rolls around on the ground.

Speaking to Nalver, Drazaa says, "Steel yourself."

Speaking to Nalver, Tikba asks, "Did that hurt?"

Earthdiver says, "Good luck with that."

Lylia says, "Scarab infestation is something we have seen before."

Another gilt-hued scarab leaps from the sliver of light and towards Kialeigh!

Nalver says, "I am expecting it to hurt..."

Speaking to Nalver, Raelee says, "It will be easier to observe if you stay still."

Kiyna says, "They usually burrow into the heart and destroy it."

Kialeigh cowers.

Nalver says, "Ooo."

Kialeigh whimpers.

Iniania softly says, "What the...."

Enisius moves to stand in front of Kialeigh.

Nalver says, "Its not feeling so great."

Irval exclaims, "I'll get it out baby! Don't worry!"

Nalver says, "It's drawing life from me."

Speaking to Nalver, Kayse says, "Can you feel where it is? We can cut it out of you."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "Capture it if you can."

Chandrellia says, "Its a wound I can notheal."

Another gilt-hued scarab leaps from the sliver of light and towards Arianiss!

Kialeigh says, "No go stab someone else.... it doesn't hurt... yet...."

Arianiss raises an eyebrow.

Irval says, "Ok let me know when it does."

(Arianiss stands still and lets it attach.)

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "Reminds me of someone we used to know."

Irval says, "Put fleam in my hip."

Kayse instructs, "You need to remove the limb it entered into."

Lylia says, "Yes."

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "The wounds these scarabs are creating cantbe healed by us."

Speaking drunkenly to Arianiss, Gutstorm slurs, "No move, me gonna squash it on yoo forhead."

Another gilt-hued scarab leaps from the sliver of light and towards Drazaa!

Enisius blinks.

Drazaa narrows his eyes.

Speaking to Drazaa, Kayse exclaims, "Amin!"

Enisius says, "Is there no end to them? Fascinating..."

Nalver says, "Hrm."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Deez Aolotoi reletivesh?"

Speaking to Drazaa, Kayse asks, "Where do you feel it?"

Kialeigh exclaims, "It's burrowing in!"

Tikba slowly asks, "Should we move away from the rift?"

Speaking slowly to Kayse, Drazaa says, "Not yet."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "If it's like what happened the other night, no end until the fissure closes."

Kialeigh says, "Oh gawds... that feels so weird."

Irval asks, "Point to where it hurts?"

Another gilt-hued scarab leaps from the sliver of light and towards Kelfyr!

Chandrellia says, "We need a way to close it."

Tikba asks, "Or would that be more dangerous?"

Kelfyr squints.

Enisius says, "Hmm..."

The sliver of light begins to flicker.

Kialeigh says, "If it bursts from my stomach and starts singing... run please."

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee remarks, "This would be quite a method to better understand the mortal bodies of this plane - burrowing through them."

Vaemyr says, "The actual fissure doesn't seem to be able to remain open for too long..."

Nalver says, "Te letho ptatha."

Arianiss says, "It feels rather unpleasant."

Another gilt-hued scarab leaps from the sliver of light and towards Missoni!

Speaking to Raelee, Lylia says, "And they do not seem to be moving with the same kind of sinister intent as Raznel's creations."

Drazaa asks, "Can we put an end to these scarabs from emerging?"

Missoni carefully looks herself over.

Speaking to Arianiss, Kialeigh asks, "Is it crawling around in you too?"

Missoni carefully looks herself over.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We doin reshearch, Drazaa."

Missoni bites her lip.

Missoni optimistically says, "I am sure it is fine."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Drazaa jests, "Research faster."

Kiyna asks, "Did that work?"

Nalver says, "Ptath ramal korak."

Enisius asks, " hurt?"

Drazaa looks over at Enisius and shakes his head.

Arianiss says, "Pain is subjective."

Speaking cautiously to Enisius, Drazaa says, "Not as of yet."

Kialeigh says, "It feels... weird. It's crawling under my skin.."

Speaking to Enisius, Missoni admits, "I do not feel it."

Nalver says, "It is there."

Irval exclaims, "Let me see if I can take a look into the sliver where they scarabs came from!"

Earthdiver says, "Mine sees yours? Hmm."

Missoni says, "Though I was incorporeal when it burrowed."

Kelfyr asks, "Not pain so much as...tugging?"

Chandrellia says, "Something tells me the scarabs are trying to speak thru the host."

Another gilt-hued scarab leaps from the sliver of light and towards Kiyna!

Speaking to Enisius, Nalver asks, "Its like eating some hot food. You can feel it go down...but don't really feel it, ya know?"

Kiyna lets out a yelp!

Enisius nods at Nalver.

Earthdiver says, "Your lacking magic.."

Enisius asks, "Is it...can you feel it moving?"

Earthdiver says, "The Ithzir words."

Kiyna glances down.

Nalver says, "I have magic."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr asks, "Are you ok?"

Irval exclaims, "Bah!"

Missoni murmurs, "Now I feel it."

Earthdiver says, "It sees our lack of magic. Maybe that is what you said."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "I... think so? I don't feel anything yet. If these were like the onyx ones, we'd all be dead already."

Lylia asks, "Can you...feel them moving?"

Speaking to Kialeigh, Irval asks, "Sorry?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Left a lil."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "It not like trying to shoot da bosh."

Nalver deeply says, "Urok vas..."

Chandrellia asks, "And remove curse will nae work on these scarabs?"

Speaking thoughtfully to Missoni, Tikba asks, "Can you still channel magic?"

Irval asks, "Explain to us whats going on, tell us how you feel. Any visions? pain? absence thereof?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "He's slower."

Earthdiver says, "Just wait..."

Arianiss says, "It's not a curse it appears."

Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "It seems so."

Kialeigh says, "So far.. it just feels like something is crawling under my skin."

Drazaa says, "Perhaps these scarabs are activitated at some point in time."

Earthdiver asks, "I wonder what we are waiting for?"

Kialeigh says, "Doesn't hurt, just feels very gross.."

Drazaa says, "But as of now, I feel very little."

Irval says, "Id imagine."

Kiyna says, "Not feeling anything yet... but it's weird..."

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "No, not there."

Speaking to Kialeigh, Chandrellia asks, "Does it seem to be carwling in a specific direction?"

Speaking to Raelee, Nalver says, "You should take me to your higher ups."

Speaking to Drazaa, Kayse asks, "As in we just wait until it does something destructive to you?"

Kialeigh says, "No, just crawling around in there for now..."

Another gilt-hued scarab appears and tries to lurch forward, but the sliver of light closes, snapping shut like an angry mouth. The scarab is severed, and its outward half crumbles into golden dust.

Speaking to Raelee, Lylia says, "Yes, it would be a good way to understand the inner workings of flesh if some entity did not comprehend it."

Earthdiver says, "Heh."

Speaking to Raelee, Nalver asks, "Got any single princesses down in the paradise?"

Earthdiver says, "Too late for that one."

Speaking to Nalver, Raelee says, "I have no idea what that means."

Kelfyr asks, "Could...could someone see what they're made of?"

Kayse offers, "Perhaps gather that dust."

Speaking to Raelee, Nalver says, "To study me over night."

Chandrellia says, "We would have to find some way to get them out of you first."

Kelfyr says, "I'm curious what crawled in here."

The lump of krodera suddenly spins rapidly then falls like a heavy corpse with a loud PLOP into the water of the lake! It sinks out of sight into the shadowy depths.

Opalina says, "Well wait.. They might be dust now."

Enisius sighs.

Earthdiver says, "Ope."

Earthdiver says, "Hope you didn't need that back."

Nalver says, "Na tago."

Lylia apologetically notes, "I had no suitable jar."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee asks, "It is interesting, no? To be studied and study our observers in turn?"

Enisius nods at Raelee.

Bellaja says, "I wouldn't want to have tampered with it."

Speaking to Nalver, Earthdiver asks, "What about the mountain?"

Speaking to Earthdiver, Nalver asks, "What?"

Speaking to Irval, Kelfyr asks, "Next time, let's leave the krodera in your pocket, eh?"

Speaking heartily in Dwarven to Gutstorm, Dwi says something you don't understand.

Enisius asks, "Do you make any sense of those infected?"

Enisius peers quizzically at Raelee.

Enisius asks, "A pattern? random?"

Speaking to Kialeigh, Chandrellia asks, "Do you feel a drawing to the mountain,like its calling you or anything?"

Speaking to Nalver, Earthdiver says, "You are speaking Ithziri."

Tikba slowly says, "There was no obvious pattern."

Speaking to Enisius, Missoni says, "Infected! Now, that seems a charged word."

Earthdiver says, "Yes...probably not surprising you are not aware of it."

Speaking drunkenly to Enisius, Gutstorm slurs, "It sheem all da ......shmall brain folk were getting infected wit da shcaripsh."

Tikba says, "Some were dedicated magic channelers, some lack magic entirely."

Enisius asks, "Is it not true?"

Enisius peers quizzically at Missoni.'

Speaking to Enisius, Nalver asks, "Yeah. I'm not too keen on that. What you know?"

Speaking to Enisius, Missoni says, "It is hard to say."

Stormyrain offers, "Infested may be more accurate?"

Kialeigh says, "I feel ok.. no drawing.. yet."

Missoni says, "It could be a symbiosis, or even an illusion."

Kelfyr says, "In..."

Kelfyr says, "Nope."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Kiyna says, "I don't like that much better..."

Stormyrain mutters, "I'm just..saying they're..scarabs."

Missoni says, "Something to test our reaction..."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Arianiss asks, "Come give me a hug?"

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "A variety of races, though not all unique... male and female..."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Drazaa agrees, "They do burrow."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Para sites pick easy peasy targits."

Tikba says, "They were of all sorts, all heights, men and women, elves and halflings and sylvans."

Kialeigh asks, "Parasites?"

Chandrellia asks, "Should we, uummm seperate them from the everyone else, put themin quarentine, incase these scarabs decide to well, multiply in town?"

Enisius says, "Hmm."

Kiyna says, "I honestly can't feel it anymore... I'm not sure where it is in me... if it's even in me."

Kelfyr says, "Parasites implies a parasitic relationship."

Speaking to Kiyna, Missoni says, "I did feel it, but such things can be very convincing."

Opalina says, "I don't think they are scarbs anylonger."

Falvicar says, "Then they have the dust stuff in them."

Tikba slowly says, "I do not think it would live in you to do nothing."

Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "I agree it seemed to be very... diverse in it's targeting."

Stormyrain lightly says, "I'm not convinced. Infestations can take many forms. I mean, often you won't feel moulis until---"

Irval asks, "How many scarabs do we know of that have a sym...ya symbiotic relationship?"

Astrilyn optimistically blurts, "Hopefully they don't pop out and turn into giant scarabs like the spiders did!"

Kialeigh says, "Could I maybe get super crazy powerful magic or something? That would be acceptable."

Tikba says, "It seeks something."

Arianiss says, "It's in there. I can feel it moving around but not much else. Sometimes a sharp twinge of pain, other times just a sensation."

Nalver says, "It drained my spirit a good bit."

Kelfyr says, "No."

Nalver says, "But just once."

Kelfyr says, "We're done with that line of talk."

Nalver asks, "Did it do that to anyone else?"

Kelfyr says, "No moulis comparisons."

Lylia says, "Raznel's scarabs were her eyes and ears."

Speaking to Missoni, Nalver asks, "Do you have one?"

Vaemyr says, "We also know that the Aelotoi from the other day disapeared when the rift closed... it's possible these disapated as well."

Stormyrain says, "Though, they did leave a mark."

Speaking quietly to himself, Perigourd considers, "Spies.."

Tikba asks, "People have felt the scarabs since the rift closed, yes?"

Irval asks, "Its ethereal in nature?"

Irval says, "Perhaps an uncurse might draw it out."

Kelfyr says, "We seem to be jumping to a LOT of conclusions here."

Vaemyr says, "It's hard to tell... they don't seem to be connected to any type of magic."

Lylia says, "Someone or something is learning from us, perhaps. But that is a rank guess."

Speaking to Irval, Bellaja says, "It didn't I tried."

Speaking to Irval, Tikba says, "I attempted this."

Irval says, "I think I got a scroll for it somewhere...Oh you tried gotcha."

Enisius says, "Ah...good observation."

Speaking to Irval, Vaemyr says, "They don't seem to react to any magic."

Enisius nods at Lylia.

Speaking to Lylia, Bellaja says, "Yes. It was like the motes landed and went back."

Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "Spies."

Earthdiver says, "Did no one else translate the Ithziri."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Stormyrain says, "Well, they are made from krodera? If they were connected to magic I would be even more perplexed than I already am about the way that force interacted with it."

Nalver says, "I think it's a curse sent on this crowd by those that seek to change the way of things around here."

Enisius draws his finger through the air, golden light spelling Lylia's name behind his hand before it fades away. A light flashes inside of his bookbag.

Speaking to Earthdiver, Bellaja says, "I don't think most of us speak it."

Earthdiver says, "It's hard not to, for anyone who has spent significant time behind the Barrier."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Vaemyr says, "Krodera is highly magical... in almost a pure since, to the point it reflects other magics and interferes with them."

Tikba thoughtfully says, "If they wish to learn from us, then perhaps we may teach them what we would like them to know."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey, me calt dibsh on Lylia."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Perigourd says, "It may be they're using whatever magic is absorbed in the krodera to fuel their portal or break in the veil."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Nalver asks, "Are you talking about Tehiri or the dark elves from out east?"

Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Who's dis feller?"

Iniania softly asks, "Well if something is learning about those with the scarabs is it for good or something more nefarious?"

Vaemyr says, "We should be able to detect them, or have them react if that was the case..."

Speaking to Nalver, Earthdiver says, "Old Ta'Faendryl."

Speaking to Perigourd, Stormyrain says, "Possible."

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "They're going to learn an awful lot about boring paperwork, in that case."

(Lylia looks toward Enisius at the flash of golden light near him, but didn't seem to see what produced the illumination.)

Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly slurs something you don't understand.

Speaking to Arianiss, Bellaja says, "Hopefully you aren't up to bad things."

Speaking to Enisius, Drazaa asks, "Hat did you create?"

Speaking to Vaemyr, Stormyrain says, "I am just saying I have never seen an outside source of magic impact anything made from the metal, so this is unusual indeed."

Speaking to Enisius, Drazaa asks, "What did you create?"

Arianiss says, "That wouldn't be a result of the scarab."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia asks, "Did you see that flash?"

Speaking to Arianiss, Bellaja says, "Or don't mind a lack of privacy."

Enisius peers quizzically at Drazaa.

Enisius asks, "What?"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Vaemyr says, "Aye it seems... litterally out of this world."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Dwi says, "Dat happin at sunset...nuffin to be worried bout."

Speaking to Enisius, Drazaa repeats, "You created something. Or formed something in your bag."

Earthdiver says, "Seems he linked his notebook to the back of his hand."

Nalver asks, "Raise your hand if you got a scarab in you?"

Enisius says, "I wrote down Lylia's name."

Earthdiver says, "Convenient."

Enisius nods.

Irval asks, "Scouts. To see through the eyes of those affected. To learn our ways to blend in to become...US?"

Bellaja whispers something to Lylia.

Nalver says, "Was me, Arianiss, Missoni."

Speaking to Enisius, Lylia asks, "Why? Is there more information you seek?"

Kayse says, "Kelfyr."

Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly slurs something you don't understand.

Enisius says, "You stated a valid observation."

Speaking to Nalver, Drazaa says, "Missoni as well."

Tikba amusedly says, "I believe he has given you good marks for the day."

Speaking lightly to Kayse, Stormyrain says, "He's refusing that line of belief this night."

Enisius says, "I noted your...accomplishment."

Nalver says, "I'm wondering if it's something we are wearing or have stored away."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "Shee any bugsh in her?"

Lylia nods understandingly at Enisius.

Speaking playfully to Missoni, Kiyna says, "We can be scarab buddies."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Well."

Speaking heartily in Dwarven to Gutstorm, Dwi says something you don't understand.

Bellaja says, "I have to get those to the orphans."

Arianiss says, "Nalver, Kialeigh, myself, Drazaa, Kelfyr, Missoni, and Kiyna."

Speaking to Kiyna, Missoni says, "We will make them the height of fashion."

Kayse asks, "Why are you two looking at me?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Makin shore yoo dokay."

Earthdiver says, "Interesting that only Nalver spoke any Ithziri."

Drazaa shares, "Whatever or whomever it was, they decided to stop with the scarabs."

Speaking to Nalver, Earthdiver says, "Perhaps you are particularly infected."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "We aint!"

Tikba says, "Or the rift closed of its own."

Drazaa says, "The light veil closed in on one before it could emerge."

Enisius asks, "Perhaps we should arrange new quarters for the infected? To keep them under observation?"

Enisius peers quizzically at Raelee.

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "That would be ideal."

Stormyrain murmurs, "Infested."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Nalver asks, "What did I say?"

Tikba says, "Perhaps they have a limited amount of time to come through, before the rift closes."

Bellaja exclaims, "Yes. Lock them up!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Shet dem up in da perial camp."

Irval says, "Wait..."

Kialeigh asks, "Was it one of each type?"

Dwi quietly says, "Bugs...hehe."

Speaking to Arianiss, Bellaja says, "I'll bring you things from the bakery."

Irval asks, "No don't do that, What if we have them see only what we want them to see?"

Speaking to Nalver, Earthdiver says, "Something about you see our lacking magic. And something about the mountain."

Arianiss says, "I will be just fine in Rone Academy's library."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "I'll watch over Kiyna if needed... she'll continue to stay at our place."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "It may be that their connection doesn't exist when the portal closes."

Enisius says, "I have been told I cannot keep anyone under forced observation, but we may create for you. If you wish to rest there, under observation."

Irval says, "To underestimate us so that way we can squash them like a bug."

Opalina says, "If we lock them up we have to lock everyone of us here up.."

Speaking to Enisius, Kelfyr says, "You try and quarter me anywhere, it's gonna be while you're bleeding out."

Stormyrain says, "You cannot just round up citizens and lock them away without their consent."

Bellaja says, "But leave them out of a certain distance."

Opalina says, "Who's to say we aren't infected by association."

Tikba mildly says, "Yes, it would be unwise to force their observation."

Enisius says, "I understand."

Speaking to herself, Chandrellia says, "Glad people heard what I asked earlier."

Speaking drunkenly to Stormyrain, Gutstorm slurs, "Tell dat to Bodohal."

Speaking to Enisius, Kelfyr says, "You damned well better."

Nalver says, "Try it."

Enisius says, "We'll area, to help with curing you."

Kialeigh says, "I'll just close my eyes tonight."

Drazaa whispers something to Kayse.

Speaking to Enisius, Missoni says, "You are welcome to observe the phenomena. It need not be under lock and key."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "Bodohal is not a Landing citizen. He's not my concern."

Falvicar whispers something to Chandrellia.

Kialeigh says, "No secrets from me..."

Kayse whispers something to Drazaa.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We got plenny o room in da barracksh, me claimt an offish there already."

Speaking to Raelee, Arianiss asks, "Headache again?"

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna asks, "This is going to involve the magic death pillar, isn't it? Is this where it starts?"

Speaking to Kayse, Chandrellia asks, "How will this effect the council with Kiyna infected?"

Enisius says, "No."

Lylia suggests, "When I was afflicted with one of Raznel's scarabs, I was removed from certain sensitive materials, and I kept my distance from -- anyone I might inadvertently have caused damage."

Speaking to Arianiss, Raelee says, "The more typical cause this time."

Earthdiver says, "At least they aren't eyes opening up in your palms. There are more uncomfortable ways to spy on other worlds."

Speaking to Kiyna, Nalver asks, "Magic death pillar?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "So...I kin haff me poop deck back?"

Lylia says, "But that was a known malevolent source."

Speaking simply to Chandrellia, Kayse says, "If she is still performing and being herself, I am unsure why it would effect anything yet."

Dwi heartily says, "Goldie says...dis issa borin."

Irval says, "Gonna try to remove curse again..."

Speaking to Kayse, Chandrellia says, "Good, Ikinda like her on the council, you all are trying very hard."

Enisius says, "Drazaa, I will expect a daily accounting of your observations, as you are in the unique position of being on the research team as well."

Kialeigh says, "That did the reverse..."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We should cut our losesh Nishiush."

Kiyna says, "By all means, uncurse away, but Vaemyr said they're not registering as magic, so our magic shouldn't affect them... or something like that."

Speaking to Enisius, Drazaa says, "I am...interested in this happening on a few levels now."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia asks, "Should we have healers standing by incase they are needed, incase, it gets worse?"

Speaking to Kialeigh, Irval says, "Don't worry. We'll debug you."

Enisius says, "You may mail me your observations upon each Feastday, or hand deliver to myself or Magister Raelee."

Speaking to Irval, Bellaja says, "I'm sorry. I've tried to treat it like a cursed scarab. I believe aside from the burrowing it isn't acting much like a scarab."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Imma make shore da forgin wotters aint corrupted."

Lylia asks, "None of the others are on the Reach research team? Or on any research team?"

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "No drink frommem."

Irval asks, "I was hoping that since it was ethereal in nature , remove curse would work. As did holy fire work on the ripples? Echoes? Slimes?"

Dwi heartily says, "I aint an idjit."

Earthdiver says, "I doubt they have much to do with scarabs of this world. That is just the form they happened to take."

Speaking to Lylia, Missoni says, "I am."

Kayse asks, "Just Missoni and Drazaa?"

Irval says, "But they might be from somewhere else."

Speaking to Missoni, Lylia asks, "Here on the Reach? Or are you with us in the castle?"

Enisius says, "Yes, you will be expected to record daily observations of yourself as well."

Enisius nods at Missoni.

Missoni nods slightly.

Enisius says, "Feastday. Every feastday."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Which day do we feasht?"

Enisius says, "Or Magister Raelee or myself."

Nalver asks, "Are scarabs known to any particular higher being?"

Nalver asks, "Onar?"

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "We'll include my attempts to purge you of it."

Stormyrain asks, "Would you like the others to report any unusual happenings to one of the team? Or to you directly, as well?"

Irval says, "This could potentionally not even open to the same plane as where the slimes came through. We could be looking at incursions from several planes of existence."

Enisius says, "There has been a misunderstanding. We have not divided the teams."

Speaking heartily to Nalver, Dwi says, "Ye gots bugs."

'Enisius nods at Lylia.

Stormyrain says, "More data would be better, I would think."

Lylia nods at Enisius.

Nalver asks, "Is the worry that this is evil or extra planar?"

Speaking to Raelee, Arianiss teases, "You can research me as much as you want..."

Nalver asks, "Or both?"

Enisius says, "I merely sought to understand one's preference, but..."

Enisius nods.

Lylia says, "Thank you for clarifying."

Lylia smiles at Enisius.

Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm slurs, "Ye shoulda tried harder to catcha shcarab, yood make good reshearch."

Vaemyr whispers something to Kiyna.

Speaking to Drazaa, Kayse asks, "Drazaa?"

Enisius says, "We will have our work to do soon enough. Following and observing the infested will be time consuming."

Tikba mildly says, "I suppose we have begun in earnest now."

Enisius nods at Tikba.

Speaking to Arianiss, Nalver asks, "Where do you call home?"

Lylia darkly intones, "I have spent my durance vile with one, and I never wish to again."

Speaking to Nalver, Arianiss says, "Everywhere. Nowhere. Icemule. Rone Academy."

Speaking to Drazaa, Kayse asks, "Are you feeling it now?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Anytin?"

Speaking to Missoni, Nalver says, "I was thinking maybe they infected people from all over, but that doesn't seem likely beyond the three western cities."

Irval says, "I could attempt to remove it, forcefully."

Enisius asks, "Has anyone sensed their movements since the rift closed?"

Speaking to Nalver, Arianiss says, "I travel all over, but I don't think if it's an outside force intentionally doing it, that they would know that."

Falvicar whispers something to Chandrellia.

Speaking to Drazaa, Kayse offers, "If it moves again, we could try and cut it out."

Vaemyr whispers something to Enisius.

Kiyna says, "I at least haven't felt anything..."

Enisius nods at Vaemyr.

Nalver recites:

"I would think that this is not, by nature, nefarius. Surely if they wanted to hurt us, they could have with a giant spinning blade in the sky"

Speaking to Kialeigh, Arianiss says, "You should tell Enisius that so you can get a gold star in his book."

Missoni whispers aloud, "It feels like it is trying to burrow a bit deeper."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "... if you watch them carefully, you can observe the movement."

Kialeigh says, "I don't do "gold star" awards."

Xorus asks, "Incidentally, those of you who were just infested with scarabs, have any of you had Raznel's scarabs in you in the past?"

Nalver asks, "Who?"

Drazaa says, "Only recently have I felt the scarab's movements. I will bring my awareness to it."

Something crawls around under Kiyna's skin. [ambient message]

Kiyna squirms.

Kiyna shudders.

Earthdiver says, "That settles the question."

Irval says, "Just say when."

Kiyna complains, "Eugh... that was weird..."

Enisius says, "Absolutely fascinating."

Enisius moves to stand in front of Kiyna.

Enisius kneels down.

Enisius presses on Kiyna's arm.

Irval offers Enisius a yellowed bone fleam with a bloodstained edge.

Irval exclaims, "Fleam!"

Kiyna glances at Enisius.

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd suggests, "Perhaps leeches."

Enisius accepts Irval's bone fleam.

Nalver says, "I mean, I felt it in me earlier. Like I said. I could tell it was moving, but it wasn't really a feeling like touch is."

(Kiyna widens her eyes.)

Enisius blinks.

Speaking to Perigourd, Kelfyr says, "Better be one whopper of a leach."

Enisius offers Irval a yellowed bone fleam with a bloodstained edge.

Enisius says, "Ew."

Nalver says, "Like if you dragged a finger, I could feel that. I could just TELL where it was."

Irval says, "Trolls blood is bout the edge."

Enisius says, "Whose blood is..."

Irval says, "Helps seal the wounds."

A pained expression crosses Enisius's face.

Kiyna asks, "Hey, hey, the knife all of a sudden?"

Irval accepts Enisius's bone fleam.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Kiyna says, "Absolutely not."

Gutstorm shows Enisius his silver syringe.

Nalver says, "Almost like I am somewhat concious of it...not with it."

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "I shall try some leeches."

Kialeigh says, "Interesting..."

Arianiss says, "If you want to start cutting into someone, you can do that on me."

Nalver says, "I was thinking of bathing in the pool at Voln."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "I will posit that the 'scarab' will attempt to avoid extraction."

Earthdiver asks, "Perhaps a knife made of something it likes?"

Lylia says, "Nothing about this seems to be a curse in the traditional sense of the term."

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "I've got my own knife you can use."

Speaking to Raelee, Kelfyr asks, "Avoid how intently?"

Dwi heartily asks, "Know why it's such good forgin wotter?"

Kialeigh says, "Clearly I'll have to show my new resident the most wild sides of life so it's appropriately afraid to mess with us..."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr asks, "You sure?"

Raelee says, "We will need to measure that."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "I've had worse."

Irval asks, "Hows this one?"

Enisius stands up.

Kialeigh says, "Let's cut open someone else first....."

Nalver says, "What about the spirit talismans."

Tikba thoughtfully says, "If any of you should fall in combat, you must be attentive to the scarab's movement while you are dead."

Kialeigh says, "I mean I CAN heal myself... but let's not test that."

Kialeigh says, "I may have no magic now."

Enisius says, "I am not cutting anyone."

Enisius says, "That is disgusting."

Gutstorm offers Enisius a thin silver syringe.

Enisius declines Gutstorm's offer.

Enisius says, "Or poking them with your orphan needle. Stop."

Kialeigh says, "Thank Tonis..."

Arianiss says, "I'm sure it's fine."

Earthdiver says, "No knife pokey tonight."

Kayse asks, "What were those specks?" [a spell prep from invisibility, so they've been excised from the log]

Dwi heartily asks, "Why are ye all still here?"

Arianiss says, "I'm sure he didn't drink the alcohol instead of using it on the syringe first."

Missoni amusedly says, "I am quite capable of doing my own bloodletting if a sample is required."

Speaking to Kayse, Earthdiver says, "A gem."

Speaking to Enisius, Nalver asks, "You are a bit clean, huh?"

Speaking drunkenly to Arianiss, Gutstorm slurs, "Yoo need more alchohol in yoo diet."

Irval says, "This one is good for popping and cutting. Since you need to insert the knife in and pry pop the scarab out."

Enisius says, "What an incredible evening."

Vaemyr says, "If surgery is needed, Enisius is NOT the one that'll be preforming it... there are better more qualified folks, and much better tools then things covered with monster remains."

Speaking to Enisius, Kelfyr says, "Really using the full breadth of the definition of that word."

Speaking thoughtfully to Enisius, Tikba asks, "Is this what you hoped for, Magister?"

Enisius exclaims, "Our work has truly begun!"

Enisius applauds.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me am good wit limb removal sherfishesh."

Magister Enisius just went southwest.

Magister Enisius just arrived.

Enisius says, "Oh, um..."

Enisius says, "Goodnight."

Enisius nods.

Kayse whispers something to Drazaa.

Magister Enisius just went southwest.