The Stone Eye

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The Stone Eye is an eatery in River's Rest that sells food. The age of the Stone Eye is unknown, but it was claimed to have been owned by Myron, who in turn, claimed to have been part of the Council of Mages. This would date the Stone Eye to 40th Century M.E., or just after the collapse of the Kannalan Empire.

The Stone Eye is a three level building situated at the north end of the island of River's Rest. A bar is located on the ground floor, where Byron works and serves the famous Winterberry Ale. On the second floor, tables, a pile of table legs and a restaurant are located, and overseen by the steward Percy. Also included in the Stone Eye is a stage and meeting area. A small dock is located in the back of the Stone Eye and is accessible to Maelstrom Bay.

A specialty design NPC is available in the basement to add custom designs for cloth, wood, glass, metal, and leather items.

[The Stone Eye, Foyer] Room: 2101980
Large slabs of granite, sitting snugly into solid oak crossbeams, make up the four walls, floor and ceiling. Tiny gargoyles leer at you from a ledge affixed slightly below ceiling height. Each gargoyle appears to have been hand carved with its own personality.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out

The Stone Eye, Bar

Directions: northeast from Foyer or southeast from Den

[The Stone Eye, Bar] Room: 2101981
A granite bar the length of two giantmen dominates the room. At each end of the bar sit two life-size gargoyles, crouching as if ready to pounce upon an unwary patron. The stone eyes of the gargoyles radiate a smoky malevolence. A mongrel kobold bartender stands behind the bar, and an elegant slate is prominently placed on top of it.
Obvious exits: southwest, northwest
an elegant slate
| Welcome to The Stone Eye Bar!                          |
|                                                        |
| Ales/Beers               Hard Liquor                   |
| -----------------        ------------------------      |
|  1. Devil Chaser Beer     11. Solhaven Swill           |
|  2. Rone's Own Stout      12. Riverrust Liqueur        |
|  3. Winterberry Ale       13. Diamonddraught Gin       |
|  4. Lich Premium Lager    14. Kartagian Whiskey        |
|  5. Stuck Pig Ale         15. Liath Bheinn Scotch      |
|  6. Myron's Lager         16. Brown Mule Sourmash      |
|                                                        |
| Wines                     Specials                     |
| -----------------        ------------------------      |
|  7. Aeia's Grace          17. Borthuum Pear Cognac     |
|  8. Magician's Merlot                                  |
|  9. Terasian Shiraz                                    |
| 10. Baronial's Best Zinfandel                          |
|                                                        |
|                                                        |
| Just ORDER to check the latest prices, then BUY 'em    |
| if you like em!                                        |


  Drink list
  1. a mug of Devil Chaser beer      10. a flute of Baronial's Best zinfandel
  2. a mug of Rone's Own stout       11. a shot of Solhaven swill
  3. a tankard of winterberry ale    12. a shot of Riverrust liqueur
  4. a glass of Lich Premium lager   13. a shot of Diamonddraught gin
  5. a stein of Stuck Pig ale        14. a shot of Kartagian whiskey
  6. a tankard of Myron's lager      15. a shot of Liath Bheinn scotch
  7. a glass of Aeia's Grace juice   16. a shot of Brown Mule sourmash
  8. a goblet of Magician's merlot   17. a snifter of Borthuum pear cognac
  9. a glass of Terasian shiraz     

The Stone Eye, Den

Directions: northwest from Bar

[The Stone Eye, Den] Room: 2101982
Overstuffed armchairs, upholstered in comfortable rolton cotton dyed in muted oranges and browns, are arranged in small groups around the room. A large fireplace warms the air around you with its lively blaze. A picture window allows an unobstructed view of the river below and the delta in the distance. An arched doorway leads out to the veranda. The silky, slow, susurrations of river water passing over rocks lend an atmosphere of peace to the room. You also see a sturdy oak stairway.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, southwest, down

The Stone Eye, Top of the Eye

Directions: up the stairwell from Den

[The Stone Eye, Top of the Eye] Room: 2101984
Small ebonywood dining tables are situated such that every diner has a magnificent view of the countryside: River's Rest, the river below and the Citadel of Elanith above. Oaken frames supporting massive panes of glass make up the walls and ceiling of the circular dining area. Bustling servants seem to be at your shoulder at your slightest whim to satisfy your every need. You also see a sturdy oak stairway, the steward Percy and a silver-framed menu.


|               Welcome to Top Of The Eye!                        |
|                                                                 |
| Appetizers               Entrees                                |
| -----------------------  -----------------------------------    |
|  1. Rolton Wings          11. Mint and Baby Rolton              |
|  2. Spicy Rolton Wings    12. Baked Cockatrice                  |
|  3. Monkey Meatballs      13. Fillet of Mudwasp                 |
|  4. Stuffed Clams         14. Grilled Eel                       |
|  5. Walnut-Cheddar Ball   15. Squirrel Kabobs                   |
|                                                                 |
| Soups/Stews               Desserts                              |
| -----------------------   ----------------------------------    |
|  6. Rolton Vegetable      16. Coffee Praline Puff               |
|  7. Gazpacho              17. Carrot Raisin Cupcake             |
|  8. Corn Chowder          18. Crispy Stoat Tart                 |
|  9. Ratatouille           19. Funnel Cake                       |
| 10. Split Pea             20. Brown Sugar Walnut Crisp          |
|                                                                 |
|                                                                 |
|       Just ORDER by name or number to check the latest          |
|       prices then just BUY em if you like em!                   |
|                                                                 |
|       ** Type HELP for examples on using this system **         |
|                                                                 |
|/\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/ |

The Stone Eye, Stage

Directions: northwest from Foyer or southwest from Den

[The Stone Eye, Stage] Room: 2101983
Four rows of wooden benches sit astride a small aisle, allowing theatre-goers an unobstructed view of the small granite-floored stage. Limelights are arranged around the base of the stage for use during productions. Burgundy velvet curtains adorned with golden rope provide an accent to the colorful backdrop depicting a sunny day by a river.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast

The Stone Eye, Basement

Directions: down the stairwell in Stage

[The Stone Eye, Basement] Room: 2101987, RNUM: 17657
Damp and dark, the room is constructed out of large blocks and thick oak timbers. Lined up on one wall are a series of wooden crates stacked upon each other, while on the opposite wall are numerous iron-bound casks. Water trickles from nearly invisible cracks in the walls, creating pools of water in several spots on the granite floor which reflect light from a handful of torches set against the wall. A broad dark stairwell leads up. You also see a scarred modwir chest with tarnished brass locks with a battered sign on it and a burly forest gnome.

Specialty design NPC

Specialty designs are available from a burly forest gnome.

A burly forest gnome says, "I work on cloth, wood, glass, metal, and leather items.  Please TELL me what material we are working with so I may provide you with the correct attachment listing."

A burly forest gnome says, "Here is a list of designs you can choose from.  TELL me the DESIGN number you would like to select.  This is required."

 Number   Option
      1   whimsical pickles
      2   lilies and bumblebees
      3   a one-eared rabbit
      4   a cavorting aardvark
      5   dancing smugglers
      6   miniature mugs of winterberry ale
      7   Aeia's bumblebees
      8   a small catapult
      9   a pair of dice
     10   meandering monkeys
     11   a crumbling citadel
     12   a foundering krolvin ship
     13   a pair of table legs
     14   an untidy cleric
     15   a miniature hornswoggler
     16   a mongrel kobold bartender
     17   ten tiny turbans