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Witchful Thinking - 2019-07-02 - A Problem Pyles Up (log)
Koaratos 2-3, 5119
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- A purple barrel rolls about the [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] toward Moot Hall, eventually crashing to reveal Pylasar!
- After some joking with the gathered adventurers, he seems to lose track of when and where he is. He says it's Rachel's (Raznel's) first day instructing at the Arcanum and he's here to support her, hoping she'll enjoy it and that she'll want to stay with him or the students instead of returning to "tomorrow"--the future.
- [[::Ysharra_Nagorn|Ysharra]] says maybe Rachel wants to look for her father (not giving his name, but Quinshon), but Pylasar says she never speaks of him. Ysharra presses what she wants to return to tomorrow for, but he just hopes she doesn't, saying it's good to have her (Rachel) focused on something other than the Crescent (the Talon of Toullaire) now that the Arcanum has approached her.
- Pylasar says they can rival the Hall of Mages if they have the best; Mayor Lylia says the Hall's thinking is limited and Pylasar agrees, saying the Arcanum is more to their liking.
- Pylasar seems to regain a sense of where he is and apologizes for his wandering mind, saying Raznel's our enemy and he came to check in about whether the Bleaklands are truly growing. The group agrees, though Lylia also mentions the anomalies in the Tears of Koar.
- Leafiara asks if Pylasar intends to aid against Raznel and he says yes. Lyrna asks if he wants to tell them anything else and he says he'll need help sorting out "puzzles" in his head, "pieces moved around." Leafi and Ysharra suggest Rodnay, who had previously [[::Chaston%27s_Mindscape_During_Assault|gotten adventurers into the mind]] of Chaston Griffin in 5116, but had not been seen since the end of 5117 when [[::Keeping_Up_with_the_Kestrels_-_5117-12-18_-_Rodnay%27s_New_Home|he departed to find a new home]] in Melgorehn's Reach. Pylasar says it might be possible, but he has a few ideas and asks others to consider ideas, saying he suspects they'll need the Reach and will meet on the weekend for discussion.
Pietra recites: "Join Leafiara" Pietra says, "No Pukk, figured I'd do it."
Speaking to Roblar, Daniels asks, "No horse tonight?" Roblar deeply says, "Gave em some carrots." Speaking to Roblar, Pietra asks, "Ahh, so he's poopin?" Roblar deeply says, "Prolly."
Tsarok does a decent imitation of a bone-framed bulletin board.
A barrel comes rolling down the street, bouncing along the wet cobblestones. Speaking amusedly to Roblar, Chaoswynd asks, "I'll bet there's riches in that barrel. Want to give it a bash or two?"
The barrel rolls and rolls and rolls and is suddenly stopped when the flower girl places her foot upon its side. Looking down, the flower girl says, "These are magical flower petals." The barrel seems to groan and rolls away. Dergoatean says, "Next thing you know, the barrel will have an invitation to join the Order of Voln."
The barrel continues to veer towards Moot Hall and a voice inside shouts, "I WANT A BROADSWORD!" Suddenly the barrel slams hard, very hard this time into the side of Moot Hall and Pylasar comes tumbling out of the busted up barrel, with no broadsword. Ghianna says, "Someone should give 'im a Broadsword....through the lungs."
Dergoatean asks, "Is purplification in the wizard base circle?"
Madmountan says, "Wow, this guy is much more lost in time than I could have imagined." Madmountan says, "Quick, someone construct an additional pylon, and zap him with it."
Speaking to Madmountan, Pietra says, "At least he seems confident in what he's saying. I'm clueless." Mistyfall diplomatically says, "Confident is certainly one way of putting it."
Pylasar says, "I came to check in, as I am made aware you all visited the Bleaklands." Pylasar asks, "Is it true, it is growing?" Speaking to Pylasar, Pietra exclaims, "Now you're speaking in a real stream of thought that seems like it's going somewhere. Keep it up!"
Pylasar says, "We have to get inside of here." Pylasar taps his head. Chamorr heartily says, "We might never find our way out." Speaking to Pylasar, Hoodtralfeck says, "I think there is plenty of empty space in there for all of Elanthia."
Madmountan says, "Rodnay makes my brain itchy, if that makes sense." Madmountan says, "It's kind of frustrating, not being able to itch your brain, when he's around." Speaking to Madmountan, Xorus says, "It helps to use an ice pick."
Speaking to Pylasar, Dergoatean asks, "In the mean time, could you make this one glow purple too?" Dergoatean shows Pylasar his broadsword. Pylasar offers Dergoatean a glowing purple broadsword. Pylasar exclaims, "Take mine!" Pylasar exclaims, "Where we're going we don't need broadswords!"
Contain Yourself
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.
Thunder echoes in the distance.
A streak of purple lightning burns across the heavens.
A bolt of purple lightning arcs above Wehnimer's Landing.
Falvicar quietly says, "Lord Redding... that's him."
Avalera asks, "I'm sorry?"
Avalera asks, "What's him?"
Falvicar quietly asks, "You didn't see?"
Avalera says, "I didn't see anything but rain and lightning."
[moving east]
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a spotted great horned owl that is flying around, a snow white raven that is flying around, a black-toed saddleback foxhound, a bone-framed bulletin board and a large purple wooden barrel.
Also here: Marichal, Lady Tarine, Lady Mistyfall, Great Lady Katami, Sewer Scamp Ushakaron, Commander Roblar, Ambassador Neopuron, Sadhundi, Lord Gesaril, Tsarok, Journeyman Morofinwe, Pietra, Sleepwalker Hoodtralfeck, Claudaro, Laralana, Lyrna, Meggiemae, Gylmour, Lord Chamorr, Daniels, Lady Enestrie, High Lady Saranja, Mistress Ghianna, Event Planner Leafiara, Berost, Dergoatean, Telessa, Aerchodryn, Otsakleia, Chaoswynd, Shinann, Xorus, Mayor Lylia, Ysharra, Conquerer of Reim Berkana, Leifa
Lylia notes, "If you had listened to me instead of going off about being 'ghosts,' perhaps it could have been cleared up more quickly."
Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr asks, "Scuse me?"
Lylia asks, "Yes?"
Speaking quietly to Lyrna, Saranja says, "Eat quick... might not have time."
Saranja offers Lyrna a leg of roasted rabbit.
Lyrna nods at Saranja.
Lyrna accepts Saranja's roasted rabbit.
Speaking to Lylia, Dergoatean says, "Your coherence seemed unfalsifiable at the time."
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra repeats, "Ghosts?"
Enestrie asks, "Where?"
Speaking to Ghianna, Daniels says, "My pleasure."
Speaking to Saranja, Leafiara says, "It's probably just Pylasar, not necessarily trouble."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Though... Pylasar is his own sort of trouble."
Speaking to Enestrie, Ysharra says, "I'm as confused as you are."
Speaking to Ysharra, Enestrie says, "I was looking for the ghosts."
Claudaro says, "This town need more trouble, it's been a bit dull lately."
Ysharra says, "I have a feeling you'll get your wish."
Ysharra says, "And then some."
Speaking blithely to Claudaro, Leafiara says, "We can only hope."
Enestrie says, "Most likely."
Speaking mischievously to Claudaro, Leafiara says, "Or better yet make it happen."
Morofinwe quietly says, "Summer always seems to bring troubles."
Lylia says, "What you regard as dull, others regard as serene and prosperous."
Berost deeply says, "Is there someone leadin the mob this eve."
Hoodtralfeck asks, "So anyone know what's going on?"
Pietra recites:
"Join Leafiara"
Speaking to Roblar, Daniels asks, "No horse tonight?"
Speaking to Berost, Leafiara says, "We might not be going anywhere, we'll see."
Hoodtralfeck says, "I heard Raznel made a comeback."
Pietra says, "No Pukk, figured I'd do it."
Roblar deeply says, "Gave em some carrots."
Lylia tersely says, "She did."
Speaking to Roblar, Pietra asks, "Ahh, so he's poopin?"
Roblar deeply says, "Prolly."
Speaking to Roblar, Enestrie says, "Aye, puts mine right to sleep."
Roblar deeply says, "Let da lad take care of all dat."
Hoodtralfeck says, "Good."
Hoodtralfeck says, "We can't kill her if she is hiding."
A barrel comes rolling down the street, bouncing along the wet cobblestones.
Tsarok does a decent imitation of a bone-framed bulletin board.
Leafiara glances at a large purple wooden barrel.
Leifa blinks at a large purple wooden barrel.
Leafiara hoots at the purple wooden barrel.
Enestrie gazes with interest at a large purple wooden barrel.
Roblar deeply says, "Looks like a Pylasar popout."
Dergoatean says, "Roll out the barrel."
Katami mutters, "What are we in for this time?"
Enestrie taps a large purple wooden barrel.
Katami taps a large purple wooden barrel.
Roblar glances at a large purple wooden barrel.
Daniels says, "Freedom."
Dergoatean says, "We'll have a barrel of fun."
Enestrie leans against a large purple wooden barrel.
Leifa says, "Hopefully not a barrel of monkeys."
Dergoatean pokes his finger at a large purple wooden barrel.
Tarine attempts to grapple with a large purple wooden barrel!
Pietra exclaims, "I do hope it's a barrel of monkeys!"
Speaking amusedly to Roblar, Chaoswynd asks, "I'll bet there's riches in that barrel. Want to give it a bash or two?"
Leifa shrugs at a large purple wooden barrel.
Thud. The barrel hits a building, bounces and rolls further down a street. It comes to a stop. Some passerbyes walk past and one kicks it, and the barrel rolls again, over and over, moving down the street. It runs into a moving cart, angles off one of the wheels and rolls again, over and over.
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Leafiara praises, "Good thinking."
Speaking to Daniels, Ghianna asks, "They can take our lives but they can't take our freedom?"
>look barr
Large enough to hold most anything, this oaken barrel looks like a good place to throw things away. A small sign is fastened to the barrel. On it you read: "This is YOUR town. Help keep it clean!"
Ysharra says, "Ouch."
Speaking to Ghianna, Daniels says, "You are close."
Leifa squints at a large purple wooden barrel.
Shinann removes a star sapphire from in a large purple wooden barrel.
Shinann stares at her star sapphire.
Lylia murmurs, "Pity."
Thud. The barrel slams into another building, teeters back and forth, and a gust of wind from the storm sets it back into motion and it rolls down a street, veering towards Moot Hall.
Leafiara observes a large purple wooden barrel.
Enestrie remarks, "It seems to be a barrel of fun."
Ushakaron deeply says, "Someone sit on that barrel."
Neopuron gazes with interest at a large purple wooden barrel.
Lylia says, "Not for its inhabitant."
(Lyrna watches the barrel to see if it goes in a concerning easternishly directly.)
Leafiara pokes her finger at a large purple wooden barrel.
Shinann says, "Gems in the garbage."
>open barrel
That is already open.
>look in barrel
The purple wooden barrel is filled with a variety of garbage. You see nothing useful or appetizing.
>close barrel
There doesn't seem to be any way to do that.
Dergoatean says, "It has a suspicious amount of momentum about it."
Leafiara muses, "If Maylan were here, I suppose she'd set it on fire."
Thud. The barrel hits a corner of a shop. Some nearby kids laugh and one of them jumps on it, running on top of the barrel and riding it down a street until the rain-soaked wood makes him slip and he jumps off, pushing the barrel and running off. The barrel...barrels towards Moot Hall.
Leafiara mischievously asks, "Any volunteers?"
Gesaril says, "Movin too fast to be full of drink.. dissapointing."
Ysharra says, "I would imagine it's answering someone's directive. In a way only a barrel can."
Ysharra says, "Good thing we're not next to a waterfall or a sewer...."
Shinann says, "That is one busy barrel."
Ysharra says, "Though I suppose there is a well."
Enestrie exclaims, "Or downstream!"
Leifa gazes thoughtfully at a large purple wooden barrel.
Shinann says, "No... that one is always here."
Ushakaron deeply says, "Who would have thought the streets were so sloped."
Shinann points at a large purple wooden barrel.
A rolton trots in!
Lylia notes, "The other Town Council members just walk into my office."
Speaking to a rolton, Ysharra says, "You have horrible timing, sheep."
Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.
Lylia gestures at a rolton.
Lylia stares at a rolton.
CS: +540 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +76 == +638
Warding failed!
The rolton lets out a blood curdling scream!
The rolton collapses to the ground, emits a final bleat, and dies.
The barrel rolls and rolls and rolls and is suddenly stopped when the flower girl places her foot upon its side. Looking down, the flower girl says, "These are magical flower petals." The barrel seems to groan and rolls away.
Speaking to a rolton, Lylia says, "No."
Katami lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting purple wooden barrel mercilessly but to little effect.
Dergoatean says, "Some people just have to make an entrance."
Ushakaron deeply says, "Wrong place wrong time."
Ysharra says, "I tried to tell it."
(Lyrna moves casually over toward the entrance of the Hall to make sure the barrel doesn't happen to roll into it.)
Gesaril stares at Lylia.
Daniels says, "Let's go hunt with this group."
Nairena says, "Poor rolton."
>drag barrel
You cannot choose that as a default drag target.
Dergoatean says, "Next thing you know, the barrel will have an invitation to join the Order of Voln."
Lylia frostily asks, "Yes?"
Lyrna says, "Only if it can affect undead."
Speaking to a large purple wooden barrel, Leafiara says, "Well, you do know how to make an entrance, at least."
Broad Briefing
The barrel continues to veer towards Moot Hall and a voice inside shouts, "I WANT A BROADSWORD!" Suddenly the barrel slams hard, very hard this time into the side of Moot Hall and Pylasar comes tumbling out of the busted up barrel, with no broadsword.
Pylasar coughs.
Sadhundi pulls Pylasar to his feet.
Pylasar coughs.
Pylasar coughs.
Falvicar quietly says, "Rats... too late."
Pylasar exclaims, "Oh, why, hello there!"
Speaking to Pylasar, Enestrie says, "Well, now."
Speaking heartily to Pylasar, Chamorr says, "Howdy."
Speaking amicably to Pylasar, Leafiara says, "They're sold just north of here, you know."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr says, "Hail Mage."
Speaking to Goldstr, Dergoatean says, "Evening."
Lyrna says, "I suppose that explains the color of the barrel."
Pylasar exclaims, "I've come to warn you!"
Neopuron asks, "Oh, of what?"
Dergoatean just went south.
Pylasar says, "A rolton is coming, and within its fleece holds the recipe for an immortality potion...."
Pylasar says, "So if you see it NOT kill it."
Pylasar asks, "Or am I too late?"
Ghianna says, "Someone should give 'im a Broadsword....through the lungs."
Daniels says, "More roltons."
Speaking to Pylasar, Leifa asks, "Is it a purple rolton?"
Pylasar gasps.
Dergoatean just arrived.
Daniels says, "The mob is hungry."
Ysharra asks, "What's time to you?"
Ushakaron deeply says, "Dang people always killing first."
Enestrie queries, "Warn us of what?"
Dergoatean offers Pylasar a broadsword.
Pylasar accepts Dergoatean's broadsword.
Speaking quietly to Roblar, Falvicar asks, "Know any good ways to cook rolton?"
Ushakaron deeply says, "And nope haven't seen it."
Pylasar exclaims, "YASSSS!"
Dergoatean says, "Here, now stop yelling."
Pylasar licks a broadsword in his hand.
Leafiara musingly says, "I wonder if it would have reversed aging too."
Lylia briskly says, "It is part of my role to protect the town. We are in the wilds, but the wilds do not need to be in us."
Nairena asks, "Perhaps it's a different rolton that is running late?"
Speaking deeply to Falvicar, Roblar says, "Fire."
Pylasar snaps and his broadsword glows with a bright purple light.
Daniels says, "What you smoking."
Dergoatean says, "I recommend you consecrate your new BROADSWORD by jumping out of the treehouse with it."
Pylasar waves at something inside a large purple wooden barrel.
Speaking quietly to Roblar, Falvicar says, "Don't burn it like Helga."
Leifa says, "I'd much like to see a purple rolton."
Daniels says, "Wilds."
Pylasar says, "Now then..."
Xorus says, "I heard of a blue rolton, once. Blue as the base of Glatoph."
Dergoatean asks, "Is purplification in the wizard base circle?"
Pylasar asks, "What did you need?"
Speaking to Xorus, Leifa says, "How unique."
Speaking to Xorus, Neopuron says, "Guard talks about them all the time."
Speaking heartily to Pylasar, Chamorr says, "What brings you back to tomorrow."
Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra asks, "A certain laid-back town employee tell you that one?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Lyrna asks, "What did you come to warn us of?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "I would like you to find me a rolton with the secret of immortality within its fleece."
Speaking to Ysharra, Xorus says, "He told me to not think on night."
Gesaril says, "Probably to not kill the rolton."
Ghianna says, "Boox...."
Pylasar asks, "Warn you?"
Roblar deeply says, "He already dids."
Lyrna guesses, "To be wary of cryptic mages wearing purple?"
Speaking quietly to Gesaril, Saranja says, "She only scared it a bit."
Speaking to Pylasar, Dergoatean says, "Do mine."
Dergoatean shows Pylasar his broadsword.
Speaking to Pylasar, Pietra asks, "Hi! How are you tonight?"
Leifa says, "No fleecing the sheep."
Pylasar says, "This whole place looks so different to begin with."
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara muses, "I think he's more confused than cryptic."
Tsarok quietly asks, "Perhaps a warning for Roblar regarding sculpins?"
Lylia asks, "Different from what, I wonder?"
Shinann asks, "Different from what?"
Speaking quietly to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "Most of us went to the Bleaklands a few nights past."
Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna says, "There's a Rolton cleric, named Boox, who might know."
Roblar deeply says, "Ah will slay all da fish.."
Speaking softly to Lylia, Zaneon asks, "Would not immortality beyond the span of an elf life be more of a cure than a blessing?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr asks, "From tomorrow er yesterday?"
Speaking to Zaneon, Pietra says, "Excellent point."
Pylasar says, "It's Rachel's first day. I'm here to support her."
Pylasar says, "The best I can."
Leafiara curiously asks, "First day of what?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Xorus says, "That is very considerate of you."
Pylasar says, "Instructing."
Speaking to Zaneon, Lylia says, "Perhaps."
Roblar deeply says, "Least sign iz down."
Gesaril asks, "Drinking?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra asks, "She always has your help to count on, doesn't she?"
Madmountan asks, "Oh, gods, is he stuck in some kind of time warp?"
Shinann asks, "She is teaching?"
Speaking curiously to Pylasar, Leafiara asks, "Instructing at the Hall?"
Tsarok grins at Roblar.
Tsarok grabs a purple scorpion sculpin from a small pocket inside of his direwolf fur cloak.
Pylasar says, "I'm more worried what she'll say if those Arcanum kids get mouthy."
Tsarok attempts to take a bite out of his still-living scorpion sculpin, and is rewarded with a hearty *SLAP* to the face as it wriggles about to get away!
Pylasar says, "Like some of them do."
Lylia murmurs, "If he is, we might learn more from listening than from talking."
Speaking amusedly to Madmountan, Leafiara says, "Probably."
Pylasar says, "The Hall? Gads no."
Speaking deeply to Madmountan, Berost says, "He arrive in the barrel. Anything else, only the gods know."
Ysharra asks, "...Arcanum?"
Lyrna puzzledly asks, "Isn't he always?"
Xorus says, "The Hall is Kestrel nonsense."
Speaking to Leafiara, Madmountan asks, "What else is new?"
Spoetzel says, "Kids will talk. Give them snacks and toys."
Lyrna asks, "Rachel?"
Lyrna asks, "Dare I ask?"
Leafiara whispers something to Lyrna.
Speaking to Lyrna, Dergoatean says, "It's a whole thing."
Ysharra says, "You know her by another name."
Lylia whispers something to Lyrna.
Speaking nonchalantly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "We can explain later."
Lyrna says, "Got it."
Lyrna says, "Teaching. Here."
Lylia says, "Rachel has always had a bit of a temper."
Speaking to Pylasar, Madmountan asks, "What year do you think it is?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Dergoatean asks, "How are your own studies, Peter?"
Pietra asks, "Who. Is. Rachel?"
Leafiara whispers something to Pietra.
Daniels asks, "Anyone killing things?"
Speaking to Pietra, Madmountan says, "Rachel is Naimorai...also known as Raznel."
Pietra asks, "Does she need a broadsword?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra asks, "How's the weather in Toullaire, still raining?"
Speaking to Daniels, Gesaril says, "Besides the Rolton, I don't think so.. hopefully we drink alot soon.."
Lyrna asks, "When did she come here to teach?"
Pylasar rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking heartily to Pylasar, Chamorr asks, "What brings ya here?"
Speaking to Gesaril, Daniels says, "Not sure what is happening.. but that rolton looked good."
Madmountan says, "Properly prepared Rolton is pretty tasty."
Dergoatean whispers something to Lyrna.
Daniels says, "I bet."
Speaking to Daniels, Gesaril says, "Could of made a good sandwich out of it.. but its ruined now."
Speaking to Madmountan, Pietra says, "Some would say even improperly is good."
Madmountan says, "Wow, that was almost some Ordim level alliteration."
Daniels says, "We could kill more."
>look pylas
A vortex of air spins and whirls around Pylasar.
You see Lord Pylasar the Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing.
He appears to be a Human.
He is tall. He appears to be senescent. He has black-speckled golden eyes and tan skin. He has singed, pale white hair that sticks out haphazardly in all directions from his head. He has a slim face, a pointed nose and a long white goatee plaited with golden beads.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a glowing purple broadsword in his right hand.
He is wearing a pair of burnt leather sandals, a purple tri-cornered hat, a billowly black mantle embroidered with faint golden sigils, a polished purple-stringed harp, a wide black wand belt clasped with a tiny golden hawk, a shard of glowing purple plinite dangling from a thin mithril chain, a gold-trimmed black cloth satchel, a gold-inlaid black staff harness, a small purple sack, a supple black leather alchemy bag, a pair of simple gilt-hued rings, a polished purple flower pin, a small gold-laced neckpouch, a leather-strapped potion case, and a pair of black pants.
Tsarok offers Madmountan a slimy slab of grilled rolton.
Madmountan exclaims, "Ohhh!!"
Madmountan accepts Tsarok's grilled rolton.
Madmountan exclaims, "Thanks!"
Lylia dismissively says, "There is no shortage of roltons."
Pylasar says, "I hope she enjoys it."
Pylasar says, "I hope it becomes enough for her to want to stay."
Pylasar says, "If not for me, then the students."
Xorus says, "I am sure they will have a blast."
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "There's at least twenty galloping between the gate and the Reach."
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "You seem rather fond of Rachel, if you do not mind my saying so."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr asks, "And wha would Rachel want to teach us Sir?"
Pylasar says, "There's no point in returning to tomorrow."
Shinann asks, "Why?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr asks, "And wha would Rachel want to teach us Sir?"
Spoetzel says, "How hide from the rain better I hope."
Leafiara confesses, "Personally, I kind of enjoy going into tomorrow. ...every day."
Dergoatean whispers to the group, "Pylasar still looks plenty old, for being back in his Peter days."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "Ah, I see."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Name the days of the week that start with T."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "Perhaps she wants to look for her father."
Pylasar says, "Perhaps it will settle her once and for all."
Pylasar says, "Her father? No she never speaks of him."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Today and tomorrow."
Dergoatean whispers to the group, "I wouldn't discount this being something other than his standard time-gone-amok routine, even! Could be something with his mental state."
Speaking confusedly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Tilamaires, why--"
Dergoatean whispers to the group, "I admit it's a longshot."
Speaking suddenly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Oh."
Lyrna agrees, "That is certainly one possibility."
Madmountan says, "She knows darn well who her father is."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra asks, "Then what does she want to go back to tomorrow for?"
Pylasar says, "It's certainly good to have her focused on something beyond the Crescent."
Pylasar says, "I hope she does not anymore."
Pylasar nods at Ysharra.
Xorus says, "The Crescent is quite interesting, you have to admit."
Pylasar says, "Now that they have approached her."
Lylia agrees, "It is."
Shinann asks, "Who is they?"
Pylasar asks, "How else will we rival the Hall?"
Pylasar says, "Unless we have the best."
Pietra asks, "So this is some sort of talent show thing?"
Leafiara whispers to the group, "Ah... the Arcane Eyes?"
Lylia asks, "Indeed, but to attract the best, you must show yourselves worthy of it. The Hall is in its thinking, do you not agree?"
Pylasar says, "It is. The Arcanum is more..."
Xorus says, "The Hall lacks ambition."
Pylasar says, "To our liking."
Pylasar says, "I couldn't see myself in the Hall ever. Too restrictive."
Leafiara mutters, "The Hall lacks a lot of things."
Pylasar exclaims, "Magic should be free!"
Pylasar asks, "Where is she?"
Madmountan says, "Wow, this guy is much more lost in time than I could have imagined."
Pylasar gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Lylia says, "I have said it myself for years."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr says, "Aye an we glads ye left it."
Speaking to Pylasar, Neopuron says, "Thats why you can just walk outside."
Gesaril exclaims, "All the free magic!"
Xorus asks, "The Hall would never try infusing blood in weapons. I wonder what would happen if you did that with the Crescent?"
Madmountan says, "Quick, someone construct an additional pylon, and zap him with it."
Back to the Future
Pylasar stands eerily slow for a moment, a glaze to his eyes, which then narrow. "Gracie?" His swallows hard, his eyes still glazed. It looks as if he even stops breathing for a moment, and then for the briefest of seconds he flickers.
Speaking to Madmountan, Pietra says, "At least he seems confident in what he's saying. I'm clueless."
Pylasar asks, "I'm sorry. Where was I?"
Mistyfall diplomatically says, "Confident is certainly one way of putting it."
Speaking to Pietra, Madmountan says, "From my perspective, he's downright delusional."
Pylasar says, "I was rambling."
Lyrna asks, "When do you think you are?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Pietra says, "There's a talent show."
Pylasar exclaims, "After my rolton joke of all things!"
Pietra says, "And things."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "You were talking to Gracie."
Leifa says, "Something about roltons."
Pylasar glances at Ysharra.
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "Oh, it is late, and these things happen."
Speaking to Pylasar, Gesaril says, "Somewhere between here and there.. but im unsure."
Speaking to Madmountan, Pietra says, "I'm inclined to agree."
Avalera asks, "You've mentioned Gracie before. Who is she?"
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Pylasar suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Pylasar no longer bristles with energy.
The layer of raw elemental energy surrounding Pylasar dissipates.
Pylasar just arrived. Wait, wasn't he here already?
Pylasar appears somehow different.
Pylasar is no longer protected by the shimmering field of energy.
Pylasar seems a bit less imposing.
Speaking to Pylasar, Leafiara offers, "You wanted to know how you could help, or something."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "And Rachel before."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr says, "Rachel ye spoke of."
Tsarok quietly says, "Hollow Sorcerer."
Leafiara adds, "Also, you're melting."
Avalera says, "I can't recall."
Speaking deeply to Madmountan, Berost says, "Always said the magicks do strange things ta folk. No one listens."
Pylasar exclaims, "I'm sorry for the delay! Sometimes my mind wanders it seems. It is what it is!"
Pietra says, "And there was a barrel and a rolton."
Pylasar says, "Yes yes, Rachel is Raznel. I have made that no secret."
Pylasar says, "But she is our enemy now."
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "She has made it so, yes."
Madmountan says, "Of course, it's not all that strange to me, for Pylasar to be a bit delusional. Time travel takes its toll."
Pylasar says, "I came to check in, as I am made aware you all visited the Bleaklands."
Speaking to Pietra, Gesaril says, "We should of ate that rolton.. I'm hungry now."
Pylasar asks, "Is it true, it is growing?"
Leafiara affirms, "Seems to be!"
Lyrna says, "It is."
Lylia says, "It appears to be, although there are some anomalies with the 'Tears of Koar,' as well."
Lyrna asks, "What do you know of the bleakstones?"
Pylasar asks, "Such as?"
Hoodtralfeck says, "I think the magic crystal orb in Pylasar's head has a few cracks in it."
Speaking to Pylasar, Pietra exclaims, "Now you're speaking in a real stream of thought that seems like it's going somewhere. Keep it up!"
Pylasar peers quizzically at Lylia.
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr says, "Aye it be growin."
Tsarok quietly asks, "Gracie is the Hollow Sorcerer?"
Leifa says, "It seems to drive us mad."
Dergoatean says, "Gracie loved the rain, if I recall. And that's about all I do recall."
Madmountan says, "Why exactly is Raznel an enemy? Because Thadston says so? She's eccentric, sure."
Lylia says, "When we were there, we were at one point brought to one of these isolated places. There were scouts there, Imperial by their armor."
Lylia says, "She violated me, that is why."
Ysharra says, "They said they were there to meet Cayde."
Speaking to Lylia, Madmountan asks, "A little scarab?"
Ysharra says, "And to look for bleakstones."
Spoetzel asks, "Why do we never find the ever growing sweet shops that loom over us waiting to feed all those that dare enter?"
Speaking to Madmountan, Hoodtralfeck says, "Well first time she sent Albright to invade us with bugs. Tha first time I recall ever hearing of Raznel."
Speaking to Spoetzel, Leafiara says, "Oh, I don't know... the confectionary never seems to run out when I go."
Speaking mischievously to Spoetzel, Leafiara says, "And I go often."
Speaking to Madmountan, Goldstr says, "She gave us much troubles way beforfe we knew Sir Thadston."
Speaking to Madmountan, Dergoatean says, "She enslaved minds of a substantial fraction of this continent via Chaston Griffin, for one."
Speaking to Leafiara, Spoetzel says, "There's always room for more."
Lylia adds, "And she has also slaughtered entire hamlets to fuel her magic. Do I really need to explain that she is a danger? It is as pointless as asking why the sun is bright, and therefore I shall not entertain this line of inquiry when there are others at hand."
Speaking to Goldstr, Madmountan says, "Maybe you should have left poor Vleg alone."
Xorus says, "There are various temporal warps in the Bleaklands. As well as noxious mists which instill the effects of oculoth possession on the afflicted."
Speaking heartily to Pylasar, Chamorr asks, "You were checkin in?"
Speaking to Xorus, Pietra asks, "Was that oculoth the stuff that made us attack each other?"
Lylia continues, "These scouts seemed to be living the same moment in time again, or at least, they did not recognize us when we arrived there again."
Speaking softly to Chaoswynd, Razanetika says, "I was hugging everyone else... didn't want to levae you out."
Speaking curiously to Pylasar, Leafiara asks, "So, do -you- intend to aid against her? Or she's just 'our enemy' as in the town's enemy?"
Speaking to Xorus, Hoodtralfeck says, "Easy fix, stay away from the bleaklands."
Speaking to Pietra, Xorus says, "They are capable of it. But it seemed to be the foul smelling vapors spouting out of the ground."
Speaking to Madmountan, Gesaril says, "Good call."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr asks, "Has ye heard of er seen da Bleakstone in da Bleaklands?"
Speaking to Xorus, Pietra says, "Troubling, for sure."
Pylasar says, "Yes."
Pylasar says, "I will aid against her."
Leafiara nods understandingly.
Speaking to Tsarok, Gesaril says, "Grilled rolton."
Madmountan says, "Pop quiz. Anyone remember what Vleg thought his own name was."
Dergoatean says, "Vleg, that's been a while..."
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "Your knowledge is a great aid already."
Shinann says, "I do not know that name."
Speaking to Pylasar, Lyrna asks, "Is there anything else you wish to tell us about?"
Speaking quietly to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "It's hard, sometimes. To know what to do."
Speaking to Lylia, Neopuron says, "We need a gazebo or something, we always stuck out here in the rain."
Dergoatean says, "My notes say Lord Ulest."
Pylasar says, "Not yet, but, I will need some help finding it."
Spoetzel says, "Always outside in the rain."
Speaking to Neopuron, Lylia says, "I have tried to speak to the Town Council about this."
Madmountan exclaims, "Ulest it is!"
Pylasar taps the side of his head.
Lylia pointedly says, "They are often busy, they say."
Xorus asks, "Ah, yes. What was it you were looking for?"
Dergoatean says, "Vleg had a tough go of it."
Speaking to Pylasar, Leafiara says, "Lots of treasure hunters here in a town of fortune seekers."
Xorus says, "She has hundreds by now, of course."
Pylasar says, "I am not sure."
Pylasar says, "There are puzzles in my head. Pieces moved around."
Speaking to Neopuron, Hoodtralfeck says, "Well that a good thing , I can see and smell a few people here that need to get hosed down."
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "The scouts trapped in the 'Tears of Koar' looked underfed, as though they had been there for some time. Sent there by...Clayde, was it? Claide? Someone seeking bleakstone."
Ysharra says, "Clayde, yes."
Pylasar says, "I will need some help soon. I will need..."
Pylasar shrugs.
Pylasar says, "We have to get inside of here."
Pylasar taps his head.
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "Presumably not with a cudgel."
From nearby, you hear Xitu yell, "Any priests about?!"
Speaking quietly to Pylasar, Tsarok says, "Roblar can help you out with that."
Leafiara musingly says, "Sure would help if Rodnay were here. He's gotten us into minds before. But even without..."
Spoetzel asks, "Is there room?"
Chamorr heartily says, "We might never find our way out."
Madmountan says, "The last time I invaded someone's mind it was a bit of a trip."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "You need a compass."
Speaking to Pylasar, Hoodtralfeck says, "I think there is plenty of empty space in there for all of Elanthia."
Neopuron exclaims, "Mind jolt!"
Spoetzel says, "I might fit, but most of you folks are a bit bigger."
Pylasar says, "I am pondering some options."
Speaking to Spoetzel, Lylia says, "Let us hope he meant in the metaphorical sense."
Pylasar says, "But we will discuss it soon, perhaps in a few days as we try to formulate a plan."
Falvicar whispers something to Avalera.
Ysharra asks, "What about Rodnay?"
Ysharra asks, "Would he be able to help you?"
Xorus suggests, "Trepanation."
Goldstr nods at Pylasar.
Mistyfall says, "We are at your leisure, though I'm certan your missing memories are not... leisurely."
Pylasar says, "I think I know some more things about Raznel."
Dergoatean says, "Wait, where did Rodnay end up? He was in the outpost for a while."
Pylasar says, "But they are hidden."
Ysharra says, "He's nearby."
Lyrna asks, "Things that might help us with her?"
Spoetzel asks, "In your noggin?"
Madmountan says, "If Rodnay comes back around, we need to make sure to invite Maylan to the party. Ever a source of amusement, that is."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr says, "Da more da better aye."
Pylasar asks, "The ithzir-man boy?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Maybe if we thump him on da head."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "He's somewhere in the Reach, I believe."
Pylasar shrugs.
Pylasar says, "Perhaps possible."
Madmountan says, "Also known as, 'that blue boy'."
Pylasar says, "I've a few ideas."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr says, "Rodnay aye."
Spoetzel says, "An empath might be able to link with him and fish out the lost bits."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "Something about... going to the next step of his evolution or metamorphosis, and needing more energy to feed."
Dergoatean exclaims, "Granoth!"
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "I don't know of many with his sort of talent. And the other is not likely to help."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "Now that you mention it, I do remember that."
Roblar deeply says, "Who knows he az changed to by now."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "I'm sure that won't be relevant to us again at some point in the future."
Madmountan says, "Rodnay makes my brain itchy, if that makes sense."
Speaking to Madmountan, Lylia says, "Yes."
Madmountan says, "It's kind of frustrating, not being able to itch your brain, when he's around."
Pylasar says, "We will discuss it soon. But, ponder on ideas as well."
Speaking to Madmountan, Xorus says, "It helps to use an ice pick."
Pylasar says, "Perhaps those who have...."
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia says, "When we left the Bleaklands, we saw two immense entities in the skies above it."
Pylasar says, "A gift for such."
Lylia says, "Two. Not one."
Lyrna says, "Thaumaturges."
Pylasar says, "I suspect we'll need to use the Reach."
Roblar deeply says, "Ah don't like seein through to da shadow realm, agin."
Pylasar taps his head.
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra says, "It seems central to a great deal."
Lylia says, "So if the land is spreading itself, the life within it may likewise be fruitful."
Leafiara muses, "Might as well try to find Rodnay if we'll be there anyway..."
Speaking to Pylasar, Dergoatean asks, "In the mean time, could you make this one glow purple too?"
Dergoatean shows Pylasar his broadsword.
Spoetzel says, "Water slides help me think."
Pylasar offers Dergoatean a glowing purple broadsword.
Pylasar exclaims, "Take mine!"
Dergoatean accepts Pylasar's purple broadsword.
Madmountan says, "Oh gods. The Reach. I swear, if I have to find my way through that water tunnel one more time...."
Dergoatean raises his broadsword in triumph!
Pylasar exclaims, "Where we're going we don't need broadswords!"
Dergoatean raises his broadsword in triumph!
Lyrna says, "There was one in Ta'Vaalor that claimed that she could see all my memories - saw them as though they went past her view in sequence."
Speaking deeply to Tsarok, Roblar asks, "Perhaps you av a backpack he can makes purple too?"
Leifa says, "It almost seems like we'll need a mind reader."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Ysharra asks, "You said something about celebrating by dashing your head on the cobbles, I think?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Daniels says, "I'll keep my weapon anyway."
Lylia says, "Rodnay does more than read them."
Pylasar says, "Besides, it's not polite to call them "broad"swords anymore."
Speaking to Madmountan, Sofal says, "Just 3 left turns."
Leafiara recalls, "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Dirra in a while. But normally she would have been another option."
Pylasar says, "The appropriate term is largesword."
Speaking to Pylasar, Dergoatean asks, "Empowered woman-swords?"
Roblar deeply says, "Lady swords.."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Lylia says, "Bastard ... swords."
Roblar yells, "Hear dat Tykel?"
Speaking quietly to Pylasar, Falvicar asks, "So... What would you call bastard swords then?"
Spoetzel says, "Properly proportioned swords."
Madmountan says, "You have to ask the sword what pronoun it would prefer."
Pylasar says, "Broad can make the swords feel oversized, undervalued."
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "Gavrien doesn't use blades."
Pylasar says, "Large implies strength."
Roblar deeply says, "But dey will really be dagger."
Speaking to Falvicar, Pietra asks, "Father-deprived swords?"
Daniels says, "Wait.. I don't use a weapon."
Speaking to Pietra, Madmountan says, "Bastard swords are interesting."
Bristenn flatly grouses, "Dirra Crawfinn is in Vornavis currently. If you require her, by all means summon her."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ysharra asks, "What did Rachel teach, at the Arcanum?"
Lyrna says, "That was, I'm afraid, my best suggestion, but I know no other thaumturges. And I wouldn't trust that one regardless."
Xorus says, "Wedded to the blade and it becomes the old battle axe. The irony of it all."
Pylasar says, "I need to rest. We'll meet this weekend to discuss some things."
Speaking to Madmountan, Pietra says, "Too big for me. I like them smaller."
Pylasar glances at Ysharra.
Pylasar says, "I..."
Speaking to Bristenn, Leafiara says, "Maybe we will! Never know."
Pylasar squints.
Pylasar says, "I don't know."
Ysharra nods once at Pylasar.
Speaking to Madmountan, Pietra says, "And innuendo not intended."
Speaking to Bristenn, Lylia says, "We might at that."
Ysharra says, "You've had a long night."
Pylasar says, "That is what we need to figure out."
Spoetzel says, "I hear discussions indoors with food are sweeping the town."
Xorus asks, "Would Gracie know?"
Pylasar exclaims, "Goodnight! I shall see you yesterday!"
Pylasar scampers off!