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Witchful Thinking - 2019-09-01 - Beyond the Veil (log)
Imaerasta 1-2, 5119
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Pylasar arrives, saying he'd been trying to aid against the rotting food, but nothing worked--not preservation nor rhimar. Nonetheless, he rides Sir Cryheart to Lake Eonak to meet with [[::Chrysamber Epoch|Chrysamber]] and begin another journey into memories. She makes the link between them and he at first screws up by delving into her memories, but he gets it right the second time...
- Pylasar recalls coming across Rachel feeling cold--something [[::Keeping_Up_with_the_Kestrels_-_5117-10-19_-_Rodnay_and_the_Talon#Setting_the_Mood|uncharacteristic of her]]. They're in Toullaire and he puts a hand on her shoulder, but her skin sinks in. A shocked Peter wants to seek help from Archons or the High Arcanist; Rachel says she's already spoken with an Archon, the Red. With her face rotting, she says she shouldn't exist in this time and her blood is poison; he says then they'll go back to the time when she needs to be.
- Pylasar recalls another memory. Rachel, in her degenerating condition, says she's considered options and that some good might come from what happened with the Crescent (the Talon of Toullaire); she says she'll need him to focus on what he's become because of it and what they do won't be easy, but he says he'll do anything to preserve her and them.
- Pylasar recalls a caravan making its way toward a craggy ravine in a land of dunes and sand, beneath a dark silver sky--likely the [[::Life_and_Being_in_the_Sea_of_Fire|Sea of Fire]]. Chrysamber asks for the year: 4613. Huge pillars of bone rise from the sands, disappearing and appearing and being obscured in shadows. Among them is a statue of a man holding in one hand a sun or sphere and in the other a crescent moon or talon.
- A [[::Tehir|Tehiri]] man in a blood red veil leads a charge of dozens of Tehiri against the caravan and Rachel is heard telling Peter "That one."
- The visions end and Chrysamber says it's enough and she'll prepare us for week's end, then leaves.
- Sir Geijon asks if the paragon is the Tehiri man or an Archon from Toullaire; Pylasar answers it's the Tehiri man. Sofal says it wasn't a random pick; Pylasar says nothing they did was random; Mayor Lylia says they knew he would die, so taking him out of his time wouldn't cause unforeseen circumstances. Pylasar affirms only one paragon was taken without those thoughts and says the second to last was when he began to stop all of this.
- Maylan asks how many there are; Pylasar says seven, and he helped make all of them but the seventh, [[::Larsya_Caulfield|Larsya]], who Raznel made on her own. He says that with Larsya cured, Raznel's likely made a new one.
- Leafiara asks him what number the Tehiri man was, but he doesn't remember other than that Mynalari was the last and Falvicar's father was the second to last chosen despite not being set to die. Geijon reviews that the paragons are the Tehir, Falvicar's father, Mynalari, Larsya or a new one, and unknowns. He mentions the Archon, but Pylasar says he's not a paragon and explains that he thought of that time because he has to navigate memories before finding the right one.
- Captain Shinann and Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] ask about possible limits; Pylasar says time is the limit and seems to imply that Raznel can only make one per year, saying that if she made a replacement for Larsya in 5119 then she wouldn't make another until 5120. "The longer the stretch, the more of a gap, in a sense, more benefit."
- Pylasar says it was all experimental at best and they didn't know fully what they were doing, but after the sixth it fully worked and he thought they were fine. Lylia asks if they didn't know or if he didn't; Pylasar says he supposes he didn't. With that, he leaves to go rest.
Santiel says, "You are a strange bunch... standing out in the rain by choice..." Cryheart says, "The only bath they get for weeks."
Pylasar finds a spot amidst the crowd around Cryheart and climbs up on top of him. Speaking darkly to Cryheart, Wolfloner says, "That is not a good look. You are not a steed."
Puptilian says, "He needs his own spurs...." Maags offers Pylasar a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels. Pylasar accepts Maags's gold spurs. Pylasar attaches a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels to his ankle. Pylasar asks, "I am a Knight now, yes?" Pylasar says, "Wait wait...who am I..." Pylasar presses a finger to his nose, holding his head back, face to the sky, and walks back and forth like his legs or behind is sore. Pylasar leans forward and whispers, "...a hint. Bristenn." Pylasar leans back, then steadies his shoulders, puffing out his chest. He begins to stammer, and kick at the dirt with his foot, rocks back and forth shyly, constantly looking away or down at his feet. Pylasar says, "Hint?...Cryheart courting Athalia for twenty years."
Idle Chatter
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel, a bone-framed bulletin board and a polished bleakstone statue.
Also here: Tsarok who is hiding, Sleepwalker Hoodtralfeck, Suniva, Wolfloner, Juspera who is sitting, Bernadette, Sir Geijon, Tolida, Avalera, Maags, Guarrin, Mirando, Shinann, Fionola, Event Planner Leafiara, Great Lord Gutstorm, Sir Cryheart, Berost, Puptilian, Sofal, Magister Raelee, Zosopage, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Soneiken, Sir Ruffelin, Dwi, Chaoswynd, Dame Evia, Sir Balantine, Pukk, Stormyrain, Shallimar
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
Evia says, "Well."
Juspera says, "Limes." [Juspera had started a word game where we name items in kitchens starting with a letter and we were currently on L]
Thunder rumbles in the distance.
Maags distastefully says, "Liver."
Speaking darkly to Geijon, Wolfloner asks, "If you can resolve the issue yourself then it is not an issue. If not and the starving townfolk revolt then what?" [ongoing conversation about whether the Rooks were asking too much with the deal from the previous night; Geijon, Berost, and Ruffelin were on the side that they were asking too much while Wolfloner and Leafi were on the side that they weren't]
Balley softly says, "Oh storm is a coming."
Speaking to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "I wash a lumberjack before i took up sorcin."
Juspera says, "Leaders."
Razanetika softly says, "And the Thunder rolls......"
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Berost says, "As been said. Kill tha paragons and tha witch; or we fail an all of this end anyhow."
Speaking decisively to Berost, Leafiara says, "I'm with ya on that."
Pukk recites quietly:
"Everybody join Cryheart!"
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I feel better."
Dwi whispers to the group, "Good luck wit da invasion! Bless ye Juspera."
Juspera says, "You guys are so good at this game."
Gutstorm whispers to the group, "Wot we invadin?"
Zosopage says, "Limp biscuits."
Lylia says, "The Rooks and Mother do ask a bit. They also made a point of emphasizing that 'we are Wehnimer's Landing.' If they starve, we starve -- yet they have recourse that others do not. Yet there is a reason we have remained an open port. It suits everyone to...leave things as they are, it would seem."
Evia says, "Fun game, glad it's ending though."
Shallimar deeply says, "Leafy greens."
Balantine quietly says, "Leeks."
Speaking heartily to Shallimar, Dwi says, "Wow...yer a pro."
Juspera says, "...losers..."
Wolfloner darkly says, "Inaction could well have consequences too."
Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "I agree with leave things as they are, but th' Rooks are an anti-imperial funded organization with a minority of local agents."
Cryheart says, "Last."
Berost deeply exclaims, "Open port aye. But not so open as to let thems that have tried to kill us bring whatever they please free o' us lookin!"
Evia says, "Lady Kitchen Larder."
Maags shows Juspera a sand-hued barbed spiral tattoo.
Gutstorm says, "Lampsh and lampshadesh."
Maags says, "Er."
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Dwi asks, "Breaksflast?"
Soneiken says, "Ladels."
Berost deeply says, "'We is tha landing they say .... '."
Cryheart says, "Lust."
Razanetika softly says, "Laughter."
Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "Th' minority seemingly has leadership positions and is acting more in behest of th' Landing."
Shallimar deeply says, "Lozenges."
Razanetika softly says, "Love."
Razanetika softly says, "Life."
Maags exclaims, "Cants find it!"
A streak of purple lightning burns across the rain-filled sky over Wehnimer's Landing.
Speaking to Razanetika, Gutstorm says, "I shaid laughter."
Ruffelin whispers something to Geijon.
Razanetika softly says, "Purple lightning......"
Juspera says, "Loremasters."
Leafiara relievedly says, "Oh, good, he made it after all."
Balley softly says, "Oh look Pylasar is on his way."
Pukk quietly says, "Purple lightning...."
Evia says, "Peter peter pylasar."
Gutstorm says, "Lipglosh."
Berost deeply says, "Tha mage."
Juspera says, "Lords and ladies..."
Shallimar deeply says, "Lumpy taters."
Zosopage says, "Leafs."
Juspera says, "Leers."
Cryheart says, "Line."
Gutstorm says, "Larsya."
Geijon whispers something to Ruffelin.
Razanetika softly says, "Limbs."
Speaking darkly to Geijon, Wolfloner says, "The town has suffered far worse from imperials than the Rooks. That is not in dispute."
Shallimar deeply says, "Lolligaggers."
Leafiara says, "Leavening."
Juspera exclaims, "Leeks! Leeks!"
Razanetika softly says, "Lollipops."
Speaking heartily to Razanetika, Dwi says, "It ain't a kitchen witout's jus hega's."
Juspera says, "Lollygaggers."
Balantine quietly says, "Linguini."
Balley softly asks, "We are back on L?"
Ruffelin whispers something to Geijon.
Geijon whispers something to Ruffelin.
Juspera says, "We are on L."
Juspera says, "In honor of the mayor."
Razanetika softly asks, "Did we change letters yet?"
Santiel says, "You are a strange bunch... standing out in the rain by choice..."
Speaking to Balley, Leafiara reasons, "Gotta pass the time somehow until Pylasar and Chrysamber get here."
Speaking simply to Tayler, Stormyrain states, "It rains a lot here."
Cryheart says, "The only bath they get for weeks."
Balley softly says, "I thought we changed letters."
Geijon whispers something to Ruffelin.
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "Dey da cooks?"
Juspera says, "Well we did. At one point."
Ruffelin whispers something to Geijon.
Speaking gently to Dwi, Leafiara says, "...something like that, sure."
Evia says, "Limburger cheese."
Cryheart says, "Lunge."
Juspera says, "Lushes."
Zosopage says, "Larsya."
Leafiara says, "Lumps."
Dwi heartily says, "Loggbottom! Dat's a delicacy."
Gutstorm says, "Lovely lady lumps."
Santiel asks, "Why are you all gathered here? The little purple guy with wicked bad dreams?"
Leafiara says, "Lost causes."
Speaking quietly to Santiel, Pukk says, "Leafi is going to strip."
Ruffelin whispers something to Geijon.
Shallimar deeply says, "Lil uns."
Lylia explains, "We hope to find the next Paragon."
Geijon whispers something to Ruffelin.
Speaking darkly to Santiel, Wolfloner says, "We are fond of the rain."
Speaking heartily to Shallimar, Dwi says, "Usually unner foot."
Speaking to Leafiara, Puptilian says, "One is never lost until one stops trying."
Speaking to Pukk, Santiel says, "That's a reason to venture out into the rain."
Pylasar's Approach
Lord Pylasar just tiptoed in.
Maags says, "Problies Rohese has ladyfingers in her kitchen."
Speaking amusedly to Pylasar, Leafiara says, "Can't sneak past -this- crowd."
Cryheart says, "Hello Pylasar."
Dwi heartily says, "Ah..da cooks are here."
Speaking flatly to Pylasar, Raelee says, "... Pylasar."
Pylasar says, "I wasn't sneaking. I was tip toeing."
Lylia notes, "No one wishes to try the letter 'X' in honor of Xorus, I see."
Speaking to Pylasar, Zosopage says, "You aren't quiet enough to sneak in on us."
Leafiara grins at Pylasar.
Speaking to Pylasar, Puptilian says, "Good evening Lord Peter."
Speaking heartily to Pylasar, Dwi says, "We on L."
Juspera says, "Um."
Speaking to Lylia, Puptilian says, "Xorus, there I got the easy one."
Juspera says, "No."
Shallimar deeply asks, "Late?"
Speaking amusedly to Pylasar, Leafiara says, "Well, I guess we all have hobbies."
Santiel says, "Lentils."
Bernadette softly says, "We kin does P."
Santiel says, "Lettuce."
Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Was showing him how it is done."
Cryheart says, "Leaf."
Pylasar finds a spot amidst the crowd around Cryheart and climbs up on top of him.
Pylasar joins Cryheart's group.
Cryheart says, "Ack."
Cryheart flails his arms about.
Speaking confidently to Cryheart, Leafiara assures, "You've got this."
Speaking heartily to Bernadette, Dwi says, "Ye know ye'll jus say stuff dat start wit Q."
Juspera says, "I'm stumped."
Speaking to Cryheart, Gutstorm says, "You better wash your hair after."
Speaking quietly to Pylasar, Pukk says, "Glad you joined the group."
Speaking darkly to Cryheart, Wolfloner says, "That is not a good look. You are not a steed."
Pylasar says, "The lake please."
Pylasar nods at Cryheart.
Speaking to Pylasar, Ruffelin exclaims, "Ye'll slip off o' his armor. He's oiled an' polished it, ye ken!"
Speaking to Cryheart, Santiel asks, "You are not going to get us killed are you?"
Pylasar says, "My chrono-date awaits."
Cryheart says, "Aye."
Maylan reaches inside one of the stretched rolton wool socks hanging from her leather bandolier and grabs some tattered leather reins.
Maylan waves her leather reins through the air and a chunky apricot-hued cob appears by her side.
Prancing in place, the apricot-hued cob shakes his head side to side and shimmies his neck in an obvious invitation to play.
Maylan affixes her reins to a chunky apricot-hued cob's bit, and with a firm push off the ground, she swings astride the cob and settles onto his bare back.
Evia says, "All aboard."
Cryheart says, "Moving in three."
Maylan says, "I don't feel like walking tonight."
Cryheart says, "Moving in two."
Cryheart says, "Moving out."
Maags exclaims, "Wasting no time tonight!"
Gutstorm says, "I shmell hawt death."
Falvicar whispers something to Avalera.
Speaking to herself, Juspera mutters, "Lintels..."
[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]
You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees and a cedar chip path.
Also here: Sir Balantine, Shallimar, Sir Geijon, Lord Pylasar, Land Pirate Maylan who is riding a chunky apricot-hued cob, Xorus, Falvicar, Avalera, Lady Santiel, Shinann, Goldstr, Lord Tayler, Razanetika, Wolfloner, Mayor Lylia, Melikor, Sleepwalker Hoodtralfeck, Juspera, Bernadette, Tolida, Event Planner Leafiara, Maags, Guarrin, Mirando, Fionola, Great Lord Gutstorm, Berost, Puptilian, Sofal, Magister Raelee, Zosopage, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Soneiken, Sir Ruffelin, Dwi, Chaoswynd, Dame Evia, Pukk, Stormyrain, Sir Cryheart
Puptilian says, "He needs his own spurs...."
Dwi heartily asks, "Trolls?"
Santiel says, "It's Lentils."
Maags removes a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels from in her raspberry-hued jacket.
Pylasar says, "I am sorry I am late. I was trying to aid against the rotting food with my magic. But nothing seems to work. Preservation...rhimar...nothing."
Dwi heartily says, "Ready."
Maags offers Pylasar a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels.
Gutstorm says, "Giddyap."
Juspera says, "No, lintels."
Maags giggles.
Santiel says, "Very tasty."
Pylasar accepts Maags's gold spurs.
Pylasar peers quizzically at Maags.
Speaking quietly to Pylasar, Lylia says, "I know. I have tried as well."
Speaking to Pylasar, Maags exclaims, "Be easies on him!"
Speaking to Juspera, Ruffelin says, "Libations."
Speaking quietly to Cryheart, Pukk exclaims, "You're walking faster than have been drinking your warm milk, haven't you!"
Juspera says, "Like the top part of a doorway."
Bernadette softly says, "Lentils an wild rice."
Speaking deeply to Pylasar, Berost says, "So we kill thha source."
Pylasar asks, "Spurs?"
Santiel says, "Liddenberries."
Cryheart asks, "Ye calling me a horse?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon asks, "Sure you want that discussion now?"
Dwi heartily says, "Spurs aint inna kitchen."
Xorus says, "Lintels are hard to chew."
Speaking to Pylasar, Maags exclaims, "To use on the knight if needed!"
Pylasar attaches a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels to his ankle.
Speaking darkly to Pylasar, Wolfloner says, "Not to worry. The Gryphons have a solution."
Pylasar asks, "I am a Knight now, yes?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Zosopage says, "Best would be to store food outside the affected area and perhaps have the chronomage set up a portal directly to the place."
Cryheart says, "Easy Pylasar."
Pylasar clears his throat.
Wolfloner darkly says, "Sir Pylasar."
Cryheart says, "I will nae..neigh."
Cryheart folds his arms over his chest.
Pylasar looks in a small hand-held mirror.
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr exclaims, "SIR PETER!"
Sir Pylasar just went southwest.
Sir Pylasar just arrived.
Pylasar nods.
Juspera says, "Leaks? Like the other kind of leaks."
>look pyla
You see Sir Pylasar the Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing.
He appears to be a Human.
He is tall. He appears to be senescent. He has black-speckled golden eyes and tan skin. He has singed, pale white hair that sticks out haphazardly in all directions from his head. He has a slim face, a pointed nose and a long white goatee plaited with golden beads. An archaic golden sigil is inked just below his left eye.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels, a dark purple hibiscus tucked behind one ear, a pair of unlaced black boots, a purple tri-cornered hat, a billowly black mantle embroidered with faint golden sigils, a polished purple-stringed harp, a wide black wand belt clasped with a tiny golden hawk, a shard of glowing purple plinite dangling from a thin mithril chain, a gold-trimmed black cloth satchel, a gold-inlaid black staff harness, a small purple sack, a supple black leather alchemy bag, a pair of simple gilt-hued rings, a polished purple flower pin, a small gold-laced neckpouch, a leather-strapped potion case, and a pair of black pants.
Maags exclaims, "Better than magister!"
Santiel says, "Yeah."
Speaking heartily to Juspera, Dwi says, "Yeah..da sink."
Santiel says, "Leeks."
Speaking quietly to Goldstr, Pukk says, "Sir Petey."
Pylasar says, "I doth declare this my realmeth."
Pylasar strikes a heroic pose.
Cryheart says, "Sir Peter the mage."
Pylasar says, "Wait wait...who am I..."
Maylan suggests, "That's a fancy pitcher you have...."
Cryheart says, "Sir Pylasar."
Evia says, "Peter's real meth, has a ring to it."
Stormyrain says, "Mmhmm."
Balley softly says, "You can be whoever you want to be."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Maylan says, "I'm so very parched."
Pylasar presses a finger to his nose, holding his head back, face to the sky, and walks back and forth like his legs or behind is sore.
Stormyrain asks, "Tea?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Maags exclaims, "Hopes yous date does not forget who yous are!"
Speaking darkly to Pylasar, Wolfloner says, "You are a knight in pursuit of Raznel."
Ruffelin says, "Sir Peter Pylasar th' proficient purveyor o' pasts."
Stormyrain tips her silver pitcher slightly, and swirls of glittery light cascade from her pitcher down to her palm. In a brilliant flash of light, a cup appears in her hand.
Stormyrain offers Maylan a cup of green tea.
Speaking musingly to Pylasar, Leafiara asks, "Raelee?"
Pylasar leans forward and whispers, "...a hint. Bristenn."
Pylasar says, "OH SHOOT! I gave it away."
Maylan raises an eyebrow.
Maylan declines Stormyrain's offer.
Pylasar giggles.
Leafiara amusedly says, "Oh, even better."
Pylasar indicates a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels as a possible option.
Zosopage says, "We need Peter Piper to lead Raznel to drown."
Speaking to Pylasar, Maylan exclaims, "DO another!"
Pylasar rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Pylasar indicates a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels as a possible option.
Speaking heartily to Zosopage, Dwi says, "It's soo easy."
Stormyrain offers Juspera a cup of green tea.
Juspera says, "Is... this is just tea."
Stormyrain says, "It is."
Maylan scowls at Stormyrain.
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon asks, "We're waiting for th' Chronomage?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Puptilian says, "There isn't enough rum for tonight."
Maylan mutters under her breath.
Speaking to Maylan, Stormyrain repeats, "Just tea."
Maylan looks at Stormyrain and gags.
Speaking to Puptilian, Stormyrain says, "I moved to tea."
Dwi heartily asks, "One dem timey wimey fellers?"
Santiel says, "Wait. Who has rum? I forgot to get a drink."
Lylia says, "Chrysamber was quite clear on the necessity of being here tonight."
Pylasar leans back, then steadies his shoulders, puffing out his chest. He begins to stammer, and kick at the dirt with his foot, rocks back and forth shyly, constantly looking away or down at his feet.
Cryheart glances at Pylasar.
Pylasar says, "Hint?...Cryheart courting Athalia for twenty years."
Pylasar holds his sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.
Pylasar snickers.
Cryheart folds his arms over his chest.
Cryheart snorts!
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon says, "Interesting body language."
Cryheart says, " is not like I hae nae wooed her with gifts."
Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Or poems."
Pylasar says, "Okay..okay..."
Pylasar says, "I'm done."
Speaking to Pylasar, Goldstr exclaims, "Dey be wid canes when dey finally wed!"
Lylia says, "Twenty years is an entirely appropriate length of time for romantic interest to grow, among some people."
Speaking sincerely to Cryheart, Maags says, "I thought they were lovelies."
Pylasar says, " all don't NEED to be here."
Lylia pointedly says, "I would not mock that. Seems sensible to me."
Speaking to Lylia, Santiel says, "That's a lifetime for humans."
Raelee whispers something to Lylia.
Speaking to Pylasar, Maylan asks, "What else would I be doing??"
Speaking to Pylasar, Leafiara says, "Yeah, but I like being here."
Hoodtralfeck says, "Collateral damage is what we are."
Pylasar says, "Chronolem is just going to dig into my mind."
Lylia whispers something to Raelee.
Speaking darkly to Pylasar, Wolfloner asks, "Who would you like to leave?"
Balley softly says, "We want to be here."
Speaking deeply to Pylasar, Berost says, "Aye, but without us who knows where ya would end up."
Cryheart says, "We like watching the lake."
Speaking to Maylan, Evia says, "Knockin em back what else."
Speaking to Evia, Maylan whines, "If only."
Pylasar says, "I mean you can stay if you want."
Cryheart says, "I think we intend to do that."
Maags says, "Is fresh air out here."
Pylasar sits down.
Speaking to Pylasar, Maylan says, "Mind digging is pretty fun."
Zosopage says, "I thought we were here to go fishing."
Pylasar says, "Until it's not." [I assume in response to Maags]
Speaking dryly to Pylasar, Lylia remarks, "Oh, why not? People seem to treat it as a party. Let the wild revels begin."
Maags says, "And we can protect yous if yous need it."
Geijon whispers something to Pylasar.
Speaking dubiously to Zosopage, Leafiara says, "Not sure how well that would go right now."
Geijon whispers something to Pylasar.
Speaking to Pylasar, Ruffelin says, "Consider us moral support, if ye will."
Evia says, "Fine but we're not leaving without our "We came to Lake Eonak and all we got was this lousy Tunic" prize."
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan complains, "Well it WOULD be a party if SOMEONE wasn't being stingy with the rum."
(OOC) Zosopage's player whispers to the group, "Lobsters!"
Xorus dryly says, "I gave the last of my rum to Larsya."
Santiel says, "Stop saying the R word."
Speaking to Pylasar, Hoodtralfeck says, "That is code for we wanna know your secrets."
Pylasar slowly empties his lungs.
Pylasar nods at Geijon.
Pylasar nods at Geijon.
Geijon points at Gnaeusprimus.
Geijon nods.
Geijon nods at Pylasar.
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon says, "I'll extend th' courtesy my friend."
Chrysamber Begins
There is a white glow and a *POP!*.
Pylasar says, "Well, you didn't stand me up."
Pylasar says, "...fantastic."
Wolfloner darkly says, "Pop goes....."
Ruffelin says, "Quite a entrance."
Speaking to Chamorr, Mongonator says, "We got the scalps."
Chrysamber melodically asks, "A crowd. Every time?"
Chrysamber peers quizzically at Pylasar.
Pylasar shrugs.
Speaking to Chrysamber, Goldstr says, "Evenin M'Lady."
Speaking to Chrysamber, Maylan says, "It's a Landing thing."
Pylasar says, "You say crowd. I say cult."
Maylan says, "We like to congregate."
Santiel says, "Now it's a party. Chamorr is here."
Speaking to Pylasar, Soneiken asks, "On the off chance, Have you ever Spoken to the Maaghara?"
Pylasar says, "Either way I've a following."
Speaking deeply to Chrysamber, Berost says, "We like him. Rather he be stayin in one piece."
Chrysamber melodically says, "Indeed."
Zosopage says, "Mob."
Speaking to Chamorr, Santiel asks, "Did you bring some rum?"
Madmountan says, "We are...nosey."
Chamorr heartily says, "Dragons is awesome."
Speaking to Chrysamber, Maags says, "We do not gets to see him often so we makes the most of the time we has."
Speaking to Chrysamber, Lylia says, "We have every reason to see visions of the next Paragon as soon as we can."
(OOC) Puptilian's player whispers to the group, "I'll get the flavor-aid and cool-aid ready..."
Evia fans herself.
Evia says, "Warm night."
Evia says, "Or morning."
Chrysamber melodically asks, "Are you ready then?"
Chrysamber peers quizzically at Pylasar.
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Ye poisoning us wit off brand stuff?"
Speaking to Chrysamber, Ruffelin says, "His visions hold th' key ta our defeat o' th' witch, we hope."
Dwi heartily says, "She's one dem timey wimey wizzerds."
Pylasar dips his toes into the edge of the lake, but remains seated.
Pylasar asks, "Eh?"
Chrysamber nods.
Geijon whispers something to Raelee.
Chrysamber melodically says, "Further Peter."
Pylasar sighs.
Pylasar stands up.
Zosopage says, "Well there's a lot of dead fish in that lake now."
Madmountan says, "That's what she...never mind."
Pylasar gestures, then steps out onto...yes onto the lake, walking across its surface. He looks back, pretending to be surprised, and shrugs.
Chrysamber squints.
Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Balantine says, "Nae to mention years of weapons dropped there."
Pylasar snickers.
Speaking to Dwi, Mongonator asks, "Fraid of water?"
Cryheart says, "Hmm...let us hope lightning dinnae strike the lake now."
Pylasar gestures, and he sinks into the water of the lake up to his waist.
Chrysamber nods at Pylasar.
Speaking to herself, Maylan says, "That's all very confusing."
Speaking heartily to Dwi, Chamorr asks, "Can dwarfs swim?"
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Dwi says, "It only strikes twice inna same place..."
Dwi heartily asks, "Um..shouldnt we move?"
(OOC) Zosopage's player whispers to the group, "I'd say it but it'd be so ooc...Jesus!"
Balantine quietly says, "Mayhaps his water walking spell is wearing off."
(OOC) Evia's player whispers to the group, "And yet you said it...."
Mongonator says, "Should dunk him."
Santiel says, "He doesn't have a cute halo over his head."
Santiel says, "That's some real magic."
Goldstr says, "He good in to his waist."
Chrysamber utters something in an archaic tongue, and her ivory compass begins to whirl. The golden sigil inked beneath her eye begins to glow. The identical mark beneath Pylasar's eye begins to glow.
(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Evia wanted to serve us sweat fer dinner!"
(OOC) Wolfloner's player whispers to the group, "Peter once walked on water but then sank when he glanced away."
(OOC) Stormyrain's player whispers to the group, "Can we plse not ooc whisper during this? <3."
(OOC) Lylia's player whispers to the group, "Seconded."
(OOC) Evia's player whispers to the group, "Veto'd."
Geijon says, "May I remind you all that this is a gravely serious matter. Let Chrysamber and Pylasar go through this."
Pylasar slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Geijon, Maylan whines, "No fun."
Speaking to herself, Maylan says, "Can't even have any rum."
The lake's waters around Pylasar begin to ripple and shimmer. Slowly, the reflection of the sky and stars above shifts, changing scenery altogether.
Mongonator says, "Good call Dwi."
Evia says, "Aaah."
Puptilian says, "Have to wonder why this specific spot has been the focus of so much over the last decade."
Mongonator says, "So is it that witches sink or float in water? I forget."
Speaking to Puptilian, Goldstr says, "I tinks it da Reaches magics."
Speaking quietly to Puptilian, Raelee says, "Melgorehn built his reach for a reason."
Within the crystallized images of the lake, a woman appears, her eyes blue and flecked with the hue of lilacs. A silvery-white robe swirls about her body as the very air seems to churn aroud her. A golden spear seemingly forged of lightning itself crackles in her hand, and it points in your direction.
Speaking to Raelee, Puptilian says, "Oh the Reach I understand and I get we are in its shadow. I meant this lake specific."
Chrysamber glances at Pylasar.
Chrysamber melodically says, "You test my patience Peter."
Chrysamber melodically says, "Return to yours, not mine."
Leafiara muses, "Maybe it should be Lake Eonak-and-Jastev with all the visions we've seen here."
Pylasar says, "Innocent mistake...."
Pylasar exclaims, "Your sigils, not mine!"
Pylasar giggles.
Santiel asks, "Is that woman from the lady an ally?" [it's Chrysamber, as her eyes and robe match]
Falling Apart
Pylasar touches the surface of the lake and it ripples again.
Hoodtralfeck whispers to the group, "The lady of the lake."
A door creaks slowly open.
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "Is dis a creul bath nite joke?"
Pylasar asks, "Are...are you alright Rachel?"
Dwi heartily says, "I aint goin innit."
Zosopage says, "Ok where is this door.."
Speaking soberly to Dwi, Leafiara agrees, "Definitely don't do that."
Dwi heartily says, "Ne'er any doubt."
Speaking to Zosopage, Goldstr says, "Jess Peter's vision."
Evia reaches out and touches a beautiful mountain lake.
Speaking to Evia, Maylan asks, "Is it cold?"
Evia looks over at Maylan and shakes her head.
The lake details the view of stone chamber, a curtain peeled away from a window as it stirs lightly in the wind. A woman stands before it, her hair dark and long, her frame slender and skinned in a deep black robe. She turns, her blue eyes regarding her visitor as the door slowly opened.
Rachel says, "I am well Peter. It is just cold."
Pylasar asks, "Since when...when were you ever cold?" [note: about two and a half years earlier, while Rachel was Naimorai, [[::Keeping_Up_with_the_Kestrels_-_5117-10-19_-_Rodnay_and_the_Talon#Setting_the_Mood|she had been swimming in Lake Eonak in the cold]], saying ice is her preferred element]
Peter moves across the chamber, moving up to stand behind Rachel, who turns her attention to the cityscape beyond the balcony. A fiery-red glow emanates from the peak of a tower in the distance.
Geijon asks, "We sketching this? Any landmarks?"
Xorus says, "Toullaire some six centuries ago."
Speaking to Xorus, Ruffelin says, "Good ta ken. Thank ye."
Within the shifting images, Peter places a hand to Rachel's shoulder, and her skin sinks in, almost crumbling inward like a bone withering away beneath. Peter gasps and backs up rapidly, shock and fear. Rachel turns to him, her lips tight, her eyes cold and knowing.
Speaking to Geijon, Soneiken says, "Tis cold, very cold so maybe far north."
Maylan states, "That's not supposed to happen."
Pylasar asks, " long?"
Pylasar says, "I don't understand..."
Pylasar says, "We need to speak to someone. Immediately. They'll help."
Rachel says, "Peter, stop. It is as we suspected would happen."
Dwi heartily asks, "Nobody gonna offer her a towel eh?"
Geijon says, "He's in th' moment, not th' now."
Pylasar says, "We'll speak to the Archons. Or the High Arcanist himself."
Goldstr asks, "Stephon?"
Leafiara says, "Not the DeArchons." [in response to Goldstr, who I assume meant Stephos]
Rachel says, "I have. I have spoken to an Archon."
Leafiara says, "...I assume."
Geijon says, "Doesn't seem right."
Raelee quietly says, "The leadership of the Arcanum."
Pylasar says, "Which one? We'll speak to a...."
Speaking to Dwi, Maylan says, "I'm not sure how much good a towel would do in the middle of a lake, especially to a lady that isn't really here. But I spose you could throw one out there and see what happens."
Xorus says, "More likely one of the Roelas."
Rachel says, "The Red."
Pylasar frowns.
Speaking heartily to Maylan, Dwi says, "I see her drippin der...dat's all."
Pylasar says, "Yes...he would know best in matters of the blood."
Geijon asks, "They were members of both?"
Geijon says, "Madness."
Pylasar says, "But perhaps he is wrong. He hasn't not seen it all. He did not know you were possible until you were."
Speaking heartily to Maylan, Dwi says, "Well I see sumpthin."
Rachel's hand runs along the edge of the balcony, her lips a brief smile, but then eaten up once more by a tight, emotionless line.
Soneiken asks, "Archons, is they Related in anyway to Stephos?"
Rachel says, "I should not exist here. My blood is poison."
Lylia says, "No."
Xorus says, "No. It is a title."
Maylan asks, "What's a red Archon, then?"
Ailionn exclaims, "Poison!"
A flake of skin drifts off of Rachel's cheek, falling to the ground like ash.
Pylasar clenches his jaw.
Madmountan says, "Sounded like the Archon that knows about blood magic to me."
Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "Archon is normally a Faendryl designation." [ [[::The_Theory_of_Governance_and_Social_Order#The_Rachis|referring to this]] ]
Pylasar says, "We'll fix you."
Dwi heartily asks, "Like donuts?"
Santiel says, "She's rotting."
Speaking to Madmountan, Maylan says, "Looks like she needs skin magic more than blood magic."
Speaking to Dwi, Madmountan says, "Only Cruxophim's donuts."
Lylia quietly replies, "Not only Faendryl. The term is translated differently in many languages."
Speaking heartily to Madmountan, Dwi says, "Da bacon makes em go down easy."
Rachel turns quickly, revealing that a strip of skin has already peeled away from her face, revealing incarnadine meat and sinewy ribbons beneath. One eye already sags in its socket.
Berost deeply says, "Magick this magick that. She dyin in thhis memory and they stealin life for her."
Rachel says, "I will die here in this time Peter. There is nothing beyond this moment for us."
Pylasar says, "Then we go back."
Pylasar says, "To when you need to be. To when you existed."
Ruffelin whispers something to Guarrin.
Speaking heartily to Chamorr, Dwi asks, "She's not really der?"
Rachel chuckles, then as she is about to say something, she begins to topple over and Peter rushes to catch her, grabbing her up into his arms, kissing her face, not once turned away from her rotting appearance.
Speaking heartily to Dwi, Chamorr says, "It's in his head."
Guarrin whispers something to Ruffelin.
The water along the lake ripples.
Ailionn sings:
"Dead! Dead! Deaaaaaaad!"
Speaking to Dwi, Zosopage says, "A memory."
A door creaks open.
Geijon says, "Mmm."
Speaking heartily to Zosopage, Dwi says, "Dat's why I dont memmer nuffin."
Pylasar says, "Rachel..."
Ailionn exclaims, "Next door!"
Geijon whispers something to Pylasar.
Peter moves slowly into a smaller chamber, still stone, but dark, no windows present, only the faint illumination brought on from a few dimly lit candles.
Pylasar says, "I have been thinking of ways that..."
Dwi heartily says, "Dis issa good lake...I kin tell."
Rachel looks up from her bed, some of her skin looking scarred, as if burnt or melted, and it stretches to patches along her neck and even up along her scalp where some hair no longer exists.
Speaking to Dwi, Ailionn exclaims, "Swim!"
Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.
Rachel smiles, her lips thin, but not on purpose this time, "I too have considered some options."
Geijon says, "Focus on this."
Pylasar leans forward.
Pylasar says, "What? What have you come up with? Did the Ar..."
Rachel shakes her head, "No, this is beyond them."
Maylan observes, "At least there's no memory critters attacking us this time."
Maylan says, "Memory critters are very rude."
Cryheart whispers something to Maags.
Dwi heartily says, "I know dis isssa good lake."
Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.
Pylasar asks, "Then what? What can be done?"
Rachel says, "There may be some good that comes from what happened that night. With the Crescent."
Speaking heartily to Ailionn, Dwi says, "Wot wrong wit yer noggin."
Geijon whispers something to Guarrin.
Pylasar says, "How so? Do you think..."
Raelee quietly echoes, "Talon."
Goldstr asks, "Crescent?"
Speaking to Raelee, Goldstr exclaims, "Ah!"
Rachel says, "I will need your help Peter. I will need you to truly focus on what you have become because of it....and what we will do, it will not be easy."
Pylasar says, "I will do anything Rachel. Anything to preserve you and us. Name it."
Pylasar asks, "What have you learned?"
Geijon asks, "Is this her first death after Naimorai?"
Rachel smiles, her eyes twinkle with a renewed sense of life for a moment, "How far will you go for me Peter?"
Pylasar says, "To the ends of time."
Rachel smiles, "Good. We begin tomorrow."
Speaking to herself, Maylan says, "I need a man like that."
Speaking to Geijon, Goldstr says, "I tinks long before dat."
Sands of Time
The waters shift within the lake.
Santiel says, "He must really love that woman."
Speaking to Maylan, Madmountan asks, "How about a blue moth?"
Speaking to Maylan, Evia says, "It's good to dream."
Berost deeply says, "He thought he did."
Speaking slowly to Santiel, Leafiara says, "...well... did, anyway."
Ailionn declares, "This is a weird play! I thought she dead!"
Speaking to Madmountan, Maylan asks, "Do blue moths live very long? Could a moth make it to the end of all things?"
Santiel says, "My father warned me about men that were willing to give up so much for a woman."
Speaking heartily to her dwarven waraxe, Dwi says, "Ye always changin yer name."
Geijon asks, "Where is th' paragon?"
Specks of sand swirl about.
Speaking to Geijon, Stormyrain says, "We haven't discovered that yet."
Madmountan whispers something to Maylan.
Speaking heartily to Maags, Dwi says, "Is okay."
Geijon says, "You have to keep going."
Dwi heartily says, "Is a good lake."
Chrysamber melodically says, "Further."
Chrysamber nods at Pylasar.
Pylasar sighs.
Speaking to Dwi, Ruffelin says, "Aye, 'tis a good lake."
Speaking encouragingly to Pylasar, Leafiara says, "It's a necessity to ending her."
Speaking quietly to Dwi, Santiel says, "I threw a slab of iron into this lake."
Madmountan tosses a single coin in the lake and it vanishes with a quiet *plop*.
Speaking heartily to Santiel, Dwi says, "Prolley end up someplace good."
Speaking to Madmountan, Maylan asks, "Did you wish for a thing?"
Geijon whispers something to Stormyrain.
Talonir says, "It's a wonder the lake full from all the iron."
Speaking to Maylan, Madmountan says, "Mind critters."
Speaking to Dwi, Santiel says, "I hope it found its way to someone's godly forge."
Speaking to Madmountan, Maylan whines, "But those are the rude ones!"
(OOC) Sofal's player whispers to the group, "Maybe voln is causing the blight, all that ironoxide seeping into the ground from the water."
Speaking heartily to Mongonator, Dwi says, "Issa good lake."
Speaking to Sofal, Mongonator says, "I concur, they are an evil cult."
A shifting sea of sand appears within the lake, darkening the waters. Veils of grit blow across the sand, stretching as far as the eye can see.
(OOC) Santiel's player whispers to the group, "Perhaps. That's a good theory."
Talonhawke quietly says, "A lake is a lake, only humanoids are silly enough to call it good or bad."
Maylan says, "The lake is not looking so very lake-like a the moment."
Hoodtralfeck asks, "Ain't all cults evil?"
Zosopage whispers to the group, "If that were the case the blight would have affected all that drank the water including us."
Dwi heartily says, "Spite touched it." [Spite is the name of her weapon]
Mongonator says, "Well by that logic we are evil, Pylasar did say we are his cult."
Geijon whispers something to Stormyrain.
Santiel says, "My Lady and her father have no influence here. It just looks like a body of fresh water to me."
Geijon whispers something to Stormyrain.
Cast beneath the silver glow of moonlight, dunes stretch across the landscape and stretch endlessly. A roaring thrums constantly in the distance as sand swirls to the sky.
Tayler whispers to the group, "I only drink the finest of mountain spring water from the sacred underwater dwarven springs of Zul."
Dwi whispers to the group, "Ye could drink dis den."
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears and a spiked veil iron collar stalks bravely towards a ragged earred wolf and whaps at her with its paw!
A bright-eyed darkly clouded kitten with elongated tufty ears and a spiked veil iron collar stalks bravely towards a spotted great horned owl and whaps at him with its paw!
Talonhawke quietly says, "You can have it your way, it's a lovely lake."
Tayler says, "Cat's asking for it."
Dwi heartily says, "Issa GOOD lake."
Santiel says, "That kitten is brave. The owl could eat it for a snack."
Talonhawke quietly says, "I'm sure it's done many a good deed."
Mongonator says, "I got money on the kitten, look at its collar."
Geijon whispers something to Stormyrain.
The sands empty out now to a deep craggy ravine. The dark silver sky still stretches above.
Speaking to Dwi, Ailionn says, "Swimmmmmmmm."
Speaking heartily to Ailionn, Dwi says, "Fine."
You notice Dwi slip into a hiding place.
Mongonator says, "I think the people in Icemule saw you hide."
Dwi heartily says, "I waded."
Dwi heartily says, "Dat's like swimmin."
Dwi heartily says, "Is still a GOOD lake."
Geijon whispers something to Stormyrain.
Razanetika softly asks, "Did Pylasar fall asleep in the lake?" [at this point there had been a long pause between messages]
The sands continue to shift, casting curtains of grit into the sky as the sight of a caravan comes into view, slowly making its way across the dunes and carefully navigating down into the ravine.
Geijon whispers something to Stormyrain.
Chrysamber glances at Pylasar.
Chrysamber melodically says, "The year Peter."
Pylasar gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Ruffelin whispers something to Geijon.
Pylasar says, "4613."
Speaking to Ruffelin, Geijon asks, "Really?"
Mongonator says, "That's a random number."
Chrysamber tilts her ivory compass side to side, making the light play off it.
Speaking to Ruffelin, Geijon says, "Tell Lylia."
Speaking to Ruffelin, Geijon exclaims, "Tell Lylia!"
Talonir says, "Only about 500 years ago."
Ruffelin whispers something to Geijon.
Speaking deeply to Mongonator, Shallimar says, "S'year."
Lylia whispers something to Ruffelin.
Ruffelin whispers something to Lylia.
Xorus says, "Intriguing."
The caravan continues its descent and soon comes to a stop as deep, shifting shadows stretch across much of the ravine, obscuring it in a shroud of darkness. Near its edge, great huge pillars of bone rise up from the sands like segmented fingers clawing at the sky.
Razanetika softly asks, "Anyone recognize that place?"
Santiel quietly says, "Woah."
Xorus says, "Bir Mahallah in the Sea of Fire. I suspect."
Speaking softly to Xorus, Razanetika says, "Thank you sweetly."
Gutstorm raises his fist at Razanetika.
Maylan asks, "What sorta animal makes bones like that?"
Speaking to Xorus, Soneiken says, "City of the three kings."
Talonhawke quietly says, "Dead ones."
Santiel says, "Dragons."
Speaking softly to Gutstorm, Razanetika says, "I'm gonna sweep you.. keep it up..."
Maylan asks, "Is it one big bone or a lot of little bones mushed together?"
Speaking to Xorus, Soneiken says, "Was destroyed according to the Tehir around 4613."
Ailionn asks, "When is intermission?"
Geijon says, "Tseleth then? Great....we get to talk to th' Lich." [ [[::Tseleth|referring to this character]] ]
Xorus shakes his head.
Soneiken says, "If I remembers rightly."
Xorus says, "It was discovered in 4613."
Santiel says, "Or something I hope to never face off against."
Soneiken says, "The rememenents."
Sofal says, "If it is just one bone I would hate to see what lost it."
Gutstorm says, "I shtutter shometimesh too."
Speaking to Santiel, Ruffelin asks, "Bones o' th' mighty 'uns still exist? Kin be touched?"
Ailionn says, "Bones."
Speaking honestly to Sofal, Leafiara says, "I'd -love- to see what lost it."
Xorus says, "There is a 'vast claw' of monoliths near it."
Soneiken says, "City was discoved was crumbling."
The caravan comes to a complete stop, many voices rumbling amongst them. A man can be seen stepping away from the caravan, walking out closer to the darkness as others call him back. Shadows continue to creep in the distance, shifting, reshaping, moving, as if living. One bone pillar disappears, as another appears, moments later all are obscured in shadows, seconds later three are visible. The members of the caravan stare on, fixated on the mystery of it all.
Soneiken says, "A pelt hunter found it."
Speaking to Guarrin, Geijon says, "Tseleth is a lich. He was a dreamwalker. Movule resurrected him then as a lich he created th' Sanctum of Scales as his lair before he was ousted."
Speaking deeply to Geijon, Guarrin says, "I'm familiar."
Gutstorm says, "You all hash lotsh of knowledge."
Ailionn exclaims, "Undead are bad!"
Geijon says, "Aint th' type of person you want to ask for information."
Speaking to Guarrin, Evia says, "I though you looked familiar also."
One stretch of shadows shifts and among the bone pillars stands a tower statue that appears to be of a man garbed in a swirling robe. His hands stretch to the sky. In one hand he holds what appears to be a sun, or a sphere. In his other hand he holds what appears to be a crescent moon, or a talon. Sand and shadow shift along the statue before its obscured in darkness again.
Razanetika softly says, "Thank you for sharing the history as some of us are not as knowledgable."
Geijon says, "Nobody knows this history."
Gutstorm says, "I feelsh shmarter already."
Geijon says, "Xorus just has read about it."
Xorus glances at Geijon.
Speaking to Geijon, Evia says, "Someone knows or we wouldn't be seeing it though."
Soon a great noise erupts from nearby as exploding into view comes dozens of Tehiri, veils covering their faces, but led by one Tehiri man who wears a blood red veil. Their warcries echo eerily across the sands and the caravan explodes into movement and screams as they clash.
Razanetika softly says, "None the less, I appreciate learning it..."
Speaking to Razanetika, Gutstorm says, "I could teach you a few thingsh."
Rachel says, "There. That one Peter."
Pylasar says, "Yes...I'll...we'll get him."."
Goldstr says, "I members bein told a dat Tehir but name I canna member."
Speaking to Geijon, Soneiken says, "The Tehir know it best, but the city in the desert was home to the Preist kings, three of them, they perished after they infuriated the gods, and all their people, the city was left uninhabited, which was found in 4613 by a hunter."
The images within the lake churn and then stop, the water returning to normal.
Geijon whispers something to Guarrin.
Pylasar slowly wades to the edge of the lake and to the shore.
Pylasar says, "There."
Pylasar asks, "Happy?"
Pylasar peers quizzically at Chrysamber.
Ailionn exclaims, "Swim!"
Chrysamber touches her compass, sigils glowing within the compass.
Speaking to Pylasar, Evia says, "Your toes are now completely pruned."
Speaking to Chrysamber, Geijon says, "No."
Chrysamber melodically says, "I have it. Yes."
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon says, "That isn't enough."
Maylan asks, "Is that red Archon fella still alive?"
Berost deeply asks, "One of thhe tribesmen?"
Ruffelin exclaims, "But... but we dinnae hae enuff. We need more information!"
Chrysamber melodically says, "I shall prepare us for week's end."
Chrysamber nods at Pylasar.
Chrysamber melodically says, "Don't be so absent this time."
Lady Chrysamber just went southwest.
Pylasar sighs.
Evia says, "And with that."
Gutstorm says, "She is a ...."
Lylia says, "We know more than we knew before, and we can learn more, perhaps."
Cryheart says, "That is that."
Ruffelin says, "Aye, yer right. It's a start."
Cryheart says, "Tis a beginning at least."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ruffelin says, "Thank ye, Peter. We ken tis hard fer ye."
Sofal asks, "So who was the one?"
Talonir says, "I have the feeling we'll learn more than we want to know."
Lylia whispers something to Pylasar.
Geijon asks, "It's a Tehir from hundreds of years ago or an Archon from Toullaire?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Ruffelin says, "Ye've seen wonders I ne'er e'en imagined..."
Pylasar says, "The paragon is the Tehiri man."
Sofal says, "But who, the first one was someone remembered, missed from history."
Santiel says, "I am unsure of what I just seen. It was a touch scary."
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon asks, "Based on what signifiers?"
Lylia says, "Yes. He is unlikely to go as Mynalari did."
Pylasar says, "Based on the fact I helped abduct him and create him."
Speaking to Geijon, Ruffelin says, "She pointed 'im out."
Shallimar deeply says, "Ah grew up out in tha desert sea meself."
Sofal says, "But he was not random... there was a choice."
Speaking to Shallimar, Ruffelin says, "I dinnae ken tha'."
Santiel asks, "The fellow on the tower holding a sphere and talon?"
Pylasar says, "Nothing we did was random."
Kelrion says, "... or a moon.... holding the pantheon."
Lylia says, "The choice could be as simple as the knowledge that he would soon die, and therefore he could be taken out of his time without causing other unforeseen circumstances."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ruffelin says, "I ainly hope yer visions kin aid us afore 'tis too late."
Speaking to Pylasar, Lylia asks, "Would that be accurate?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon says, "...."
Pylasar grins at Lylia.
Speaking softly to Pylasar, Razanetika asks, "Do you know the paragon's name then?"
Ruffelin says, "Why's it always hae ta rain."
Draught: "Is anything going on out there?"
Pylasar says, "We only took one without such...thought."
Pylasar nods at Lylia.
Ailionn complains, "Needs better actors."
Shallimar deeply says, "Bettern bein scoured by sand."
Lylia: "Yes. A group of us are gathered on the shores of Lake Eonak. Learning of paragons and death."
Speaking to Pylasar, Soneiken asks, "It's a Tehir isn't it?"
Pylasar says, "The rest were done purposefully. Her second to last was when I finally...began to try to stop all of this."
Speaking to Shallimar, Ruffelin says, "Mayhap ye kin acquaint us wi' th' lore o' yer lands an' th' history as may apply 'ere."
Lylia simply says, "I see."
Speaking to Pylasar, Maylan asks, "How many are there?"
Shallimar deeply says, "S'tricky one, sand magics, roa'er worship, all sorts thins."
Pylasar says, "There were seven."
Ruffelin says, "Seven..."
Maylan asks, "Six now?"
Pylasar says, "I helped make six of them."
Leafiara asks, "Which one was this Tehir man?"
Talonhawke quietly says, "I doubt all the prayers when roa'ters around were directed *at* them."
Geijon asks, "3rd, 4th?"
Pylasar says, "The seventh was Larsya. She made her on her own, recently."
Speaking to Leafiara, Sofal says, "That question seems to be skipped."
Pylasar says, "And now that she is cured, she has likely made a new one."
Goldstr exclaims, "Hopes we kin save da real Larsya!"
Pylasar shrugs at Leafiara.
Maylan disgustedly exclaims, "I'll stab that wench myself!"
Juspera asks, "Wait, a new one?"
Pylasar says, "I do not's hard."
Speaking to Maylan, Ailionn encourages, "Stab!"
Pylasar says, "I do not even remember them all."
Speaking to Sofal, Leafiara admits, "It might not matter, but I'm curious because I recall a memory that seemed like the process was getting easier as they went along. So I'm wondering if the earlier ones will be the most challenging for us to deal with..."
Leafiara nods understandingly at Pylasar.
Ruffelin says, "By th' gods, I hope there's nay a new 'un."
Pylasar says, "And...and I don't want to. Not until it's time."
Speaking to Pylasar, Leafiara acknowledges, "Yeah, I wouldn't even want to remember myself. But we're thankful you're pushing yourself to."
Pylasar says, "I remembered the Empress. She was the last."
Speaking to Pylasar, Evia says, "That must place you in considerable peril, if you no longer aid....her."
Xorus says, "What we just saw was over a century later than some of the early memories in Toullaire we have seen."
Maylan asks, "So there are...five current paragons then?"
Pylasar says, "Falvicar's father was the second to last. She chose him despite him not being set to die. So I knew...I knew we had to stop soon."
Goldstr asks, "Be six after da Tehir aye?"
Geijon says, "An Archon "The Red", 2nd, 3rd, this Tehir, Falvicar's father, th' Empress, then Larysa or a new one."
Lylia: "Draught, from the town's North Gate, head south, then take the southwest fork when you reach it. Follow the trail until you get to a path to the east; it curves to the northeast. You will find us there."
Speaking to Goldstr, Maylan says, "You folks eliminated one recently, yes? And Larsya is no longer one."
Pylasar says, "Six remain. If she has truly replaced Larsya."
Falvicar sighs.
Goldstr nods at Pylasar.
Falvicar looks downright miserable.
Pylasar says, "The Archon is not a paragon."
Geijon says, "That era has one."
Locksly says, "Here."
Speaking to Pylasar, Shinann asks, "Is there a limit on how many she could possibly make?"
Juspera says, "That's an interesting question."
Pylasar says, "Often times I must...navigate memories before finding the right one."
Geijon nods.
Pylasar nods at Geijon.
Ruffelin says, "A very good question."
Falvicar confusedly asks, "Set to die?"
Speaking to Pylasar, Soneiken asks, "Was the Tehir related to Akhash, do you remember that Paragon?"
Gutstorm says, "Whoosh to shay she hashnt replayshed the one we kilt."
Speaking to Draught, Locksly says, "Sorry it took so along, got a bit lost."
Draught says, "Thank you kindly."
Pylasar says, "With Larsya cured, and if she did make one this replace her..."
Evia says, "Akhash is long gone."
Pylasar says, "Then she cannot, or truly would not, make another until 5120."
Geijon says, "So there are rules."
Speaking to Pylasar, Raelee asks, "What is the limiting factor?"
Shinann says, "That is what I was wondering."
Evia says, "More like limits."
Pylasar says, "Time."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ailionn exclaims, "Start counting!"
Goldstr says, "An time be gittin short."
Leafiara musingly says, "So kill her before this year's end, or else we'll have to add another paragon."
Speaking to herself, Maylan says, "Time stuff is confusing."
Pylasar says, "The longer the stretch, the more of a gap, in a sense, more benefit."
Speaking to Pylasar, Ruffelin asks, "But, if th' chronomages hae mastered time, kin we nay prevent these events?"
Maylan says, "I'm going to find some rum."
Pylasar says, "It was all experimental at best."
Pylasar says, "We didn't really know fully what we were doing."
Speaking to Pylasar, Raelee says, "And experiments need to be repeated to be validated."
Lylia asks, "'We did not know,' or you did not know?"
Maylan says, "Good night friends, you stingy tea givers."
Pylasar says, "But after the sixth, it fully worked."
Pylasar says, "She was..."
Speaking to Lylia, Ruffelin says, "Aye, a fine distinction."
Pylasar nods.
Pylasar says, "So I thought we were fine."
Pylasar shrugs at Lylia.
Pylasar says, "I suppose I did not know."
Speaking heartily to Pylasar, Chamorr says, "Who are a murderous bas... sort, huh."
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon says, "Or you have forgotten."
Pylasar slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Pylasar, Geijon says, "I am sorry for all of this. For you."
Pylasar says, "I...I should rest."
Pylasar frowns.
Pylasar gently removes his purple hibiscus from behind his ear.
Pylasar lifts his purple hibiscus to his nose and inhales deeply.
Pylasar sighs.
Pylasar carefully tucks his purple hibiscus behind one ear.
Leafiara gently agrees, "You should. And rest well when you do."
Lord Pylasar just went southwest.