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Player run shop: Difference between revisions
(→Partnership: added info about how to add or remove a partner from the shop partnership (thanks to Darb for helping me understand this procedure), with a caution about how inventory seems to disappear if the partner doesn't retrieve it beforehand) |
(→Adding a Partner: fixed an error in my SHOP INFO list of shop partners (it doesn't show the owner name, i mistakenly put that in the list)) |
Line 150: | Line 150: | ||
<pre{{log2}}> |
<pre{{log2}}> |
<b>>SHOP INFO</b> |
<b>>SHOP INFO</b> |
Shop Owner: Jane |
Shop partners: |
Shop partners: |
Jane |
John |
John |
</pre> |
</pre> |
Revision as of 03:48, 2 March 2021
Originally titled as "Trade Shops," player run shops were introduced during HSN 2004. The landing shopping districts opened 7/25/2004 and each town was quickly added thereafter.
In the late 2000s the shop system broke and despite the efforts of several GMs, no one was able to fix it to its intended level of functionality or expand upon the mechanics. In Prime, shops did not get repossessed, rent was not collected, and character owners were not required to visit their shops on a regular basis. Thus, shops were only available by purchasing one from another player.
In May 2017, GM Retser completed work on the system, and shops will return into normal circulation this summer.
Searching the Shops
The following two sites can be searched for wares:
Both of these websites are updated by players using a lich script called update-playershops. While they are not necessarily updated frequently, they provide good search options with details about the wares.
Note: Citizendata was the previous data collection script used for many years. As of 7/16/14 it has been replaced with update-playershops. As of January 2015, please update your update-playershops script to make sure it is uploaded to the correct place (Tillmen changed providers).
In the game, a character may also search shops now, and even make purchases from afar:
If the in-game shop number is known, it can be easily used to browse the shop's merchandise.
For example, to browse the merchandise in shop number 1 in Icemule:
Shop numbers sometimes change, but are easy to discover by reviewing a town's shop directory.
For example, to browse a listing of shops in Icemule Trace:
After finding the shop you wish to browse, then the shop merchandise can be viewed:
Next, you may inspect any item in the shop by its item number:
And lastly, make your purchase, using the item number:
To make your purchase from a distance, without actually traveling to the shop:
- get inside of a town (most towns work, it doesn't have to be the town where a shop is located)
- empty your left hand
- get a note in your right hand for "5000 extra plus the purchase price"
- BOOST RUNNER (alternately, at the SimuCoin Store, purchase a Locker Runner Contract (30 days or 60 items), which gives you a fixed amount of Urchin Runner Access)
- you should receive your item instantly
How to Buy a Shop
This is currently in flux
- Full or partial citizenship in the town is required.
- A Premium subscription is required to maintain a three room shop, a basic subscriber may have a one room shop.
- A subscribed account may only own one shop. Accounts owning multiple shops before this change have been grandfathered in.
- The shop permit release system is under discussion, TBD by the end of June, shops can still be dealt through the player market.
- To transfer a shop, the buyer and seller need to visit the shop together and the seller should offer partnership in the shop. Once the partnership is established, the shop ownership can be transferred to the new owner.
- Any customized room name (e.g. [Dan's Den of Deed Fodder]) will be lost upon transfer, but other customizations, such as furniture and exterior look, will be maintained.
- Once a shop is transferred, the owner can go to the local Player Shop Furniture merchant to choose furniture and decor, including a sign, door, roof and interior items. Interior items consist of display cases, tables, and other furniture decor for each room of the shop. When purchasing furniture, indicate which room of your shop it should go. The Shop Furniture merchant will indicate what piece it replaces. While inventory containers, signs, and decorative items can be purchased anywhere, large building materials such as facades, roofs, walls, floors, and ceilings can only be bought locally, due to the difficulty of transport.
- The following information applies to the original system. Since shops are not currently repossessed, no deeds come up for sale. Shops are only available on the secondary market.
- A shop deed (one room for standard, up to three rooms for premium) must be purchased from the NPC at the local permit office, found in the permanent structure that sells shop decor within the player shop area of each town. A one-room deed costs 100k, a two-room deed costs 150k, and a three-room deed costs 200k. Deeds can only be purchased when there is an available space in the shop area, but the shopkeeper does not limit his selling of deeds to the number of open spaces. Someone else may use their deed to claim that slot before you use your new deed, leaving you without a shop.
- An available slot must be claimed by standing in the room you want your shop in, holding your shop deed or shop permit in your right hand, and using SHOP CLAIM.
- River's Rest claiming messaging
>shop claim As you hold up your permit, a shifty-looking human notices. He gives a shrill whistle, alerting several of his seedier-looking friends to come help him erect your new shop. Two of the group are wearing eyepatches, one wears a brass dancing turtle medallion, and one almost looks to have some krolvin in her heritage, judging by the cast of her features, but they do work swiftly and, in a surprisingly short amount of time, the shop is up and the group has vanished toward the bank with your permit to claim the construction fee.
Town | Location | Lich# |
Teras | Company Store, Permit Office | 14797 |
Wehnimer's Landing | Henty's Depot, Permit Office | 6358 |
River's Rest | Turpin's Merchant Supplies | 16040 |
Icemule Trace | Icemule, Trade Alley | 2477 |
Solhaven | Warehouse, Permit Office | 9024 |
Zul Logoth | Cort's Emporium, Permits | 16872 |
Ta'Illistim | Repository, Permit Office | 7435 |
Ta'Vaalor | Permit Office | 10475 |
Mist Harbor | Isle Designs, Permit Office | 16498 |
How Shops Work
A 3% sales tax is automatically deducted from your sale price on each purchase. No more than 1,000,000 silvers in tax will be deducted from any one item.
Shop inventories are limited by two factors: counter space and room size. Each room is able to hold up to 25 different items (each item can be a stack of identical items up to 50, loresinging to an item before posting will negate this, however, Elemental Detection (405) can be cast on an item without affecting its stackability). Each container is unique and holds a different amount. The Shop furniture merchant will provide information on the containers. A shop owner can set up multiple containers such that the total meets or exceeds the 25 item per room limit. A shop may have up to three rooms, though this is limited to one on a non-premium account. A three-room shop can have a maximum of 75 items for sale at a time.
Inventory in shops is available while in the shop via the SHOP INVENTORY command, while outside of a shop via a shop manifest (available from the shopping district warehouse for 50,000 silvers), or via Lich Playershops (though not in real-time).
A shop can have up to 4 partners. Each partner can sell items in the shop and access their own profits. The shop owner does not have any access to the partners' profits, nor does the partners' balance count toward rent. The shop owner has the ability to disband the partnership at any time. If this happens, the partners' items will be available in closed boxes at the Shop Permit Authority for pick-up, including any profits due.
As of November 2017, a shop partner can use SHOP DEPOSIT to deposit silvers into the main (owner's) shop account to help pay for rent. This is a one way transaction and, thus, partners cannot withdraw from the main shop account.
If an owner fails to check in personally for 90 days, the shop may be taken over irretrievably by the shop partner/s, as follows, from SHOP POLICY:
If a shop owner fails to check into their shop for 90 days the partner can take over the shop by means of an ASSIST. If more than one partner is on the shop, all partners will need to give consent to a single partner. If an agreement cannot be made, the shop will be evicted. If the original owner returns, they cannot reclaim the shop from the new owner without their consent. This will be handled in a case by case situation and is not a guarantee.
Adding a Partner
To offer partnership to someone, the candidate must be in the same room with the owner. The owner uses SHOP PARTNER <NAME> to initiate the partnership. The candidate must AGREE within about 1 minute or else the offer will pass.
>SHOP PARTNER JOHN Shop owner (Jane) sees: You offer John partnership in your shop. Shop partner candidate (John) sees: Jane offers you partnership in her shop. You have one minute to AGREE to the partnership. If you don't agree, simply do nothing and the offer will pass. >AGREE Shop owner (Jane) sees: John has agreed to become a partner! Shop partner candidate (John) sees: You are now a partner in Jane's shop. If partner candidate fails to AGREE within one minute: Shop owner (Jane) sees: Your offer of a partnership with John has expired. SHop partner candidate (John) sees: Jane's offer of a partnership has expired.
After the partner is added, SHOP INFO will show a list of partners:
>SHOP INFO Shop Owner: Jane Shop partners: John
Removing a Partner
To remove a partner, the owner uses SHOP PARTNER <NAME> CLEAR.
Note: Use extreme caution, as the partner's inventory may be irretrievably lost (if they are reinstated later, their inventory does not reappear). To avoid problems, the shop partner should PULL all their items from the shop inventory before the partnership is removed.
>SHOP PARTNER JOHN CLEAR The shop owner (Jane) sees: John is no longer a shop partner. The shop partner (John) sees: Jane has removed you as a partner in her shop.
Up to 15 people can be banned from a shop.
Shops can offer a discount towards particular races or professions. Race always takes precedence if its value is not 100%. To see current bias, issue the SHOP HAGGLE ALL command
Shops maintain their own bank accounts, from which rent is collected monthly. Rent must come from the shop owner's balance at the cost of 10,000 silvers per room, and must be available on the 1st of every month. Each partner in a shop maintains separate books, and rent is only drawn from the primary shop owner's account. Failure to pay the shop maintenance for 90 days will result in repossession of the shop.
Each shop must be visited regularly by its owner or partner(s). Failure to visit for 90 days will result in the loss of the shop. Note: A "visit" requires passing through the portal (either alone or as the leader of a group) into the shop and then using one of the SHOP verb options (such as SHOP INFO) while inside the shop to check on its status.
However, although a partner's visit counts as much toward keeping a shop open as a visit from the shop's owner, if an owner fails to check in personally for 90 days, the shop may be taken over irretrievably by the shop partner/s, as follows, from SHOP POLICY:
If a shop owner fails to check into their shop for 90 days the partner can take over the shop by means of an ASSIST. If more than one partner is on the shop, all partners will need to give consent to a single partner. If an agreement cannot be made, the shop will be evicted. If the original owner returns, they cannot reclaim the shop from the new owner without their consent. This will be handled in a case by case situation and is not a guarantee.
In the event that a shop is reclaimed by the Shop Permit Authority, the inventory will be held by the permit clerk (in a box identified by name on the floor of the Shop Permit Authority office) for a maximum of 90 days, after which it will be permanently lost. A note for the shop balance will also be in the box.
Room Extension
You can buy a one room or two room extension from the local permit authority.
>ask authority for two room extension The authority says, "The current price for a 2 room extension is 150000 silvers. We accept coins and bank notes. Just ask me about it again within the next minute if you're still interested." The authority accepts your silvers, jingling them together once before tucking them safely away. The authority says, "If you lose that permit before you make use of it, you're out of luck. Just read the permit for more instructions." >read permit Shop Permit Issued to XXXXX Authority Valued At 150000 silvers Valid only for a 2 room extension to an existing shop in Wehnimer's Landing. This permit can be transferred to another party. Stand in your shop you wish to improve and and use SHOP EXTEND PERMIT <direction>. >shop extend permit east Your shop permit allows you to extend your shop. You now have a new room. >shop extend permit north Your shop permit allows you to extend your shop. You now have a new room. With no further need for your shop permit, you throw it away.
SHOP (verb)
SHOP CLAIM will set up a shop in the room you're in.
SHOP EXTEND allows you to add rooms to your shop or rearrange their connections.
SHOP INFO lets you check general information while in your shop.
SHOP PARTNER lets you give others access to your shop for selling items.
SHOP TRANSFER allows you to transfer ownership to one of your partners.
SHOP BAN lets you restrict others from entering your shop.
SHOP SIGN allows you to place a sign in your shop to describe your wares.
SHOP SELL will let you sell items in your shop.
SHOP PRICE will let you reprice an item already for sale.
SHOP INVENTORY will display a list of items and prices in your current room.
SHOP SALES will report out the last five items purchased from your shop.
SHOP WITHDRAW will turn money earned in your shop into a bank note.
SHOP DEPOSIT will allow you to add silvers to the shop's account.
SHOP HAGGLE lets you adjust bias towards any race or profession.
SHOP ARRANGE lets you select how you want your room to look.
SHOP ROOF toggles the visibility of your shop's roof.
SHOP DOWNSIZE allows the shop owner to remove extra shop rooms.
SHOP LOTTERY temporary command used to potentially win a shop.
SHOP DIRECTORY displays the shops which are open for business in the specified town.
SHOP BROWSE displays the inventory for sale in the specified town's shop.
SHOP INSPECT displays information about a specific inventory item.
SHOP PURCHASE will send a runner to negotiate the purchase of a specific inventory item.