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Leya was a lesser spirit and patron of the Amazons and martial arts.

Leya was an elf who was the daughter of Kai and an elven woman named Learya. With the strength of the immortal and the mortal, she bested all in feats of martial prowess. Leya fought in the Undead War, wielding the legendary sword Soulingen, where she accidentally killed her lover, Egan. In despair, she withdrew from the battlefield and built a tomb for Egan nearby Ta'Vaalor. Then with only a dagger, she departed into the countryside never to return.

Her symbol was an ivory-hilted dagger on a field of blue. Her followers have been known as Amazons.

Shrines, Statuary, and Holy Places

Wehnimer's Landing, Shrine of Leya

Located in the Slope hunting area outside Wehnimer's Landing is the Shrine of Leya.

The holy location is by the altar to the northwest of the pool.

Cleric Guilds

Displayed in the Prayer Rooms of each Cleric Guild is a state of Leya. These prayer rooms are considered a holy shrine to multiple deities.

The statue depicts a young elven woman with the body and bearing of an acrobat. She is clad only in a short, belted tunic and calf-laced sandals. A dagger is casually inserted into her belt.

K>touch Leya
You reach out and touch the statue of Leya.

A soft wave of magic flows over you, making your skin tingle with Leya's energies.

Ta'Vaalor Cleric Guild

Located in an ivory gold-domed building just to the north of the entrance of the Ta'Vaalor Trace cleric guild is a shrine dedicated to Leya. This shrine is also available to non-clerics. The Ta'Vaalor Cleric Guild is located through a an ornate silver gate on Shimaerslin Wey.

[Cleric Guild, Shrine]
Fluted white marble columns enclose the area in a wide circle, marking the edges of the building itself. The stark white of the surroundings is broken only by the massive circle of vivid lapis lazuli upon the floor, its center inset with ivory in the shape of a simple dagger. A large statue of a slender elven woman stands to the north, the dagger she holds upraised in her hands bathed in the golden light filtering through the large oculus in the domed ceiling. You also see a small white altar.
Obvious exits: out

>tap statue
You tap a marble Leya statue.

>look statue
Carved from flawless marble, the statue depicts Leya, her sandals and tunic befitting her fluid combat stance. She stands proudly, her beautiful features gazing up at the ceiling and the light streaming from above. Her right hand holds a dagger in a sharply upraised arc, seemingly offering it to the heavens themselves. Azure blazestars serve as her eyes, sparkling in a nearly lifelike fashion with any reflected light.

Wehnimer's Landing Cleric Guild

Located in the Antechamber of Others is a statue of Leya. This area is not considered a holy shrine.

The fiery young amazon whose image is conveyed in this figurine has wavy mahogany hair and piercing azure eyes. Her athletic form is covered by a simple belted tunic, and she wears laced-up sandals on her feet. Posed in a half-crouch with a dagger in each hand, she appears ready to strike at some unseen foe. Her symbol is an ivory-hilted dagger on a field of deep blue.

Icemule Trace Cleric Guild

One of the Halls of Lessons in the Icemule Trace Cleric Guild is dedicated to Leya. The statue is identical to that in the other Cleric Guilds. It is considered a holy shrine.

[Cleric Guild, Hall of Lessons]
A white ivory altar stands to the south, set upon a circular tile of lapis lazuli that faintly emanates a pale blue glow from the reflected moonlight streaming through the thick icy walls. A subtle border of daggers alternating with owls is engraved upon the floor, following the circle in a gentle spiral. The statue of an athletic elven woman is situated behind the altar, her form slightly shadowed by the niche of ice arcing over her.
Obvious exits: northeast

>look altar
Crafted from a rich, pure white ivory, the altar is striated with faint silvery-blue streaks across its surface. An embossed, double-edged upturned dagger is displayed upon its top, obscured slightly by an open book.

>read book
In the Common language, it reads:
"Swift of blade, fleet of foot, kind of heart --- These are the things you will learn upon Leya's path."

Spell Messaging

Well of Life (308)

As you sense your souls have linked together, the smell of trillium flowers surrounds you briefly.

Blind (311)
Caster sees: As your faith overcomes a <target>'s weakened defenses, you sense the cool confidence of the Master of Martial Arts flowing through you.
Target sees: <caster>'s face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a woman in her twenties with wavy mahogany hair and azure eyes. Calm, unquestioning confidence fills her expression as she gazes directly at you, mitigated only slightly by the concealed shadow of sorrow. The image sears itself into your eyes before everything dissolves in a wash of grey.
Prayer (313)
Caster sees: Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the skill of your deity to protect you. A sense of supple vitality flows through you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
Others see: Azure light shimmers in <caster>'s eyes.
Censure (316)

For your transgressions, the hands of all honorable people will turn against you, leaving you surrounded by traitors and fools. Fade your combatant skills will, offering you no reward for their application.

Damage Type
For Divine Fury (317), Divine Wrath (319), and Divine Strike (1615), Leya's damage type is puncture.
Divine Wrath (319)
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Leya, you know that you are heard. A wave of divine sorrow and anger washes through you, and, on the trailing end of that wave, and a rush of controlled power flows from your heart to your fingertips and toes.
An ivory light blossoms into existence around you.
A dagger of ivory light suddenly flashes away from the aura surrounding you to strike at <target>.
The ivory light around you fades and glimmers out, and the strength and control of your movements lessens along with your connection to Leya.
Miracle (350)

Your spirit feels a sudden stirring in the air above your lifeless body and moments later a brilliantly white owl appears out of nowhere. It spreads its wings and you hear the audible crack of the air as they expand, lifting the owl in a lazy spiral above you. The bird's unblinking gaze falls upon you and you feel a deep connection with it before it gives three mighty beats of its wings and surges high into the sky and disappears.

Major Sanctuary (220)

Your senses become flooded with the distinct sound of an owl's cry, and the faint, fleeting scent of trillium as the world around you blurs...

[Glade Sanctuary]
Tall marble columns inlaid with lapis daggers enclose a well-used sparring ring, its center bare of the grass that emerges green only near the edge. Against the ivory hue of the pillars, trillium blossoms blend to near invisibility, distinguished only by dark verdant foliage and a scent that haunts the air like a waking dream. Set back from the grounds, statues look in from each of the cardinal points, characterized by remarkable craftsmanship; in front of each is a small pool of crystalline water.
Obvious exits: out

Azure sparks of light flood your vision, obscuring the sanctuary and causing it to dissolve around you...

External Links

Lesser Spirits - edit
Liabo: Jaston | Kuon | Laethe | Leya | Niima | Tilamaire | Voaris | Voln
Lornon: Amasalen | Onar
Neutral: Aeia | Arachne | The Huntress | Illoke | Khaarne | Meyno