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Voaris, patron of young love and especially forbidden love, is the twin brother of Laethe.
He and his brother are the youngest of the Arkati, still considered young by their racial standards, orphaned by the Ur-Daemon War. His powers have not grown great enough to be counted among the other Arkati of Liabo, and he is watched over by Oleani. Voaris is the ally of those who would love beyond what is allowed them by racial, social or age standards. Young lovers forbidden to wed by their parents, couples unable to marry because of differences in social standing, and others denied romance by circumstance often seek his aid.
Clerics of Voaris will wed anyone, so long as love is present. They will also aid lovers by giving sanctuary and often transportation to other places where the forbidden union will be allowed.
Voaris' preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a young man with golden hair, fair skin and merry blue eyes. He most often dresses in courting clothes traditional to the area in which he is manifesting. In manner, he is clever and mischievous. His symbol is a yellow rose on a field of red.
Shrines, Statuary, and Holy Places
Cleric Guilds
Displayed in the Prayer Rooms of each Cleric Guild is a state of Voaris. These prayer rooms are considered a holy shrine to multiple deities.
Although his physiognomy is identical to that of Laethe, the statue of Voaris depicts a young man dressed in traditional courting clothes. There is something in his loose-boned stance that suggests he is about to engage in some mischievous romantic enterprise. His impish smile indicates he is certain he will get away with it. This is the face of a young man who has talked himself out of almost as much trouble as he has gotten himself into. He seems to be tickling his cheek with a single rose.
K>touch Voaris
You reach out and touch the statue of Voaris.
A soft wave of magic flows over you, making your skin tingle with Voaris's energies.
Wehnimer's Landing Cleric Guild
Located in the Antechamber of Others is a statue of Voaris. This area is not considered a holy shrine.
Clad in formal courting attire, this artful rendering of golden-haired, fair-skinned young man has merry blue eyes and a playful smile. Painted on the figurine's base is a yellow rose on a field of red.
Related articles
- The Gods of Elanthia - Voaris, the Charming (official documentation)
Lesser Spirits - edit |
Liabo: Jaston | Kuon | Laethe | Leya | Niima | Tilamaire | Voaris | Voln |
Lornon: Amasalen | Onar |
Neutral: Aeia | Arachne | The Huntress | Illoke | Khaarne | Meyno |