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Foraging locations

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Revision as of 17:53, 19 January 2010 by DRIZZT-12 (talk | contribs) (fragrant white lily updated)
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This page is to help people find the things they need for Adventurer's Guild tasks. Or really, for any other tasks you'd like.

Maps of areas can be found with terrain and climate info for each room are have been compiled and are available elsewhere.[1]

An in-game script with data on many forageable items is also available.[2]

Table Usage

As should be described on the forage page, each item can be found in one (or more) type of climate and terrain. The world is composed of several different climates (arid, arid temperate, cold damp, cold dry, freshwater, glacial, hot damp, humid, moist, saltwater, snowy arctic, and temperate). Each of these is divided into several terrain types (barren scrub, coniferous, cultivated, deciduous, grassland, hard flat, hilly, mountainous, plain dirt, riparian, rough, sandy, tropical forest, muddy wetlands, and subteranean). The beauty of this, is that it does not matter the time, location, realm, or day; each combination of climate and terrain will have a certain type of herb(s) growing.

Therefore, this table need only contain the item, climate, terrain, and number of bounty points. Then, if Character A gets assigned to forage blueberries in the catacombs, he need only look at this table, and see that Character B got assigned to forage for blueberries in Bonespear, found them in humid climate and rough terrain, and entered them here, then Character A can then look on his handy maps and see that there are a few rooms of the catacombs that are humid and rough, and forage just in those rooms.

Foraging Locations
Item Climate Terrain Bounty Points Comments
acantha leaf Arid, Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Hot Damp, Humid, Moist, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Plain Dirt, Riparian, Sandy, Tropical 250
ambrominas leaf Humid Grassland 250
angelica root Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Glacial, Snowy Arctic, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous, Plain Dirt, Sandy 850
barley grass Temperate Grassland 100
basal moss Temperate Deciduous Forest 250
blackgrove root 550 Found in Shadow Valley
black trafel mushroom Arid, Hot Damp Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Plain Dirt, Riparian 700
blue moss 400 Found in Shadow Valley
blue trafel mushroom Temperate Coniferous Forest, Hilly 250
blue whortleberry Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest 640
bolmara lichen Moist, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Hilly 700 Found in Maernstrike Caverns too.
bright red cranberry Cold Damp Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest 400
bright red teaberry Temperate Barren Scrub, Grassland 400
broken twig Hot Damp Deciduous Forest 400
brotheras grass Cold Damp, Humid Coniferous Forest, Grassland 700
bunch of wild grapes Arid Temperate, Temperate Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Riparian, Rough 400
bur-clover root Temperate Plain Dirt, Muddy Wetlands 700
cactacae spine Arid, Arid Temperate Barren Scrub, Sandy
cactus flower Arid Plain dirt 640
calamia fruit Most, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Muddy Wetlands 550
cave moss 550 can't sense inside cave
coppery rain lily Temperate Coniferous Forest 700
clover blossom Arid Temperate, Humid, Temperate Barren Scrub, Grassland, Riparian, Rough 250 Forage for the specific color.
cluster of butterflyweed Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Snowy Arctic Coniferous Forest, Mountainous 1000
cothinar flower Cold Dry Barren Scrub
crimson dragonstalk Temperate Grassland 160
cuctucae berry Cold Dry Grassland 400
daggerstalk mushroom Arid, Hot Damp, Humid, Moist, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands, Riparian 850
dark pink rain lilly Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Tropical Forest 700 forage rain lily specifically
ear of corn Temperate Grassland 400
edelweiss Snowy Arctic Grassland, Mountainous 400
ephlox moss Cold Damp, Cold Dry Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Riparian (Plain Dirt?) 700
fennel bulb Temperate Grassland 400
fiddlehead fern Cold Damp, Hot Damp, Humid, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Riparian, Rough 400
flathead mushroom Temperate Coniferous Forest, Grassland, Hilly 640
fragrant white lily Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest 100 forage "white lily", not fragrant
frostweed Snowy Arctic Coniferous Forest
genkew mushroom Humid, Moist, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands, Riparian 760
golden aster Snowy Arctic, Temperate Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous 100
golden buttercup Temperate Barren Scrub, Coniferous 400
handful of blueberries Arid, Cold Damp, Humid, Temperate Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest, Riparian, Rough 400 forage blueberries specifically
handful of currants Humid, Temperate Barren Scrub 400
handful of elderberries Temperate Deciduous Forest, Barren Scrub, Hilly, Rough 400
handful of huckleberries Temperate Grassland, Hilly 100
handful of pinenuts Snowy Arctic Coniferous Forest 550 forage "pinenuts" specifically
handful of raspberries Temperate Grassland 100
haphip root Temperate Coniferous Forest 400
heath aster Arid, Temperate Rough, Grassland 400
honeysuckle vine Temperate (Snowy Arctic?) Cultivated, Grassland, Hilly (Coniferous Forest?)
iceblossom Snowy Arctic Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous Any color was accepted
ironfern root Temperate Hard Flat, Hilly 1000
juicy plum Temperate Cultivated, Grassland 100
lady slipper blossom Temperate Riparian 350
layer of onion skin Temperate Cultivated 1000
luckbloom blossom Cold Dry Hilly 1000
marallis berry 550
mistweed Temperate Plain Dirt 850
motherwort Temperate Cultivated, Grassland, Plain Dirt 550
mountain dryan Snowy Arctic Mountainous 400
murdroot Temperate Plain Dirt 1000
murkweed Temperate Deciduous Forest 850
moonlight cactus-bloom Arid, Cold Dry Grassland, Hilly 700
oak twig Temperate Deciduous Forest 1000
orange begonia Temperate Cultivated 100
oxblood lily Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest 850
pennyroyal stem Cold Damp Deciduous Forest 640
pepperthorn root Temperate Riparian 1000
pine cone 250
pink begonia Temperate Cultivated 100
pink peony Temperate Cultivated 100
pothinir grass Hot Damp, Humid Barren Scrub, Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Mountainous, Plain Dirt, Tropical 800
purple clover blossom Temperate Grassland, Rough 250
red begonia Temperate Cultivated 100
sassafras leaf Cold Damp Deciduous Forest 250
small anemone Temperate Cultivated 400
small apple Temperate Cultivated, Grassland 100
small daisy Temperate Grassland 100
small dandelion Temperate Hilly 100
small flower Temperate Grassland 100
small rose Temperate Grassland 100
small violet Temperate Grassland 250
small turnip Temperate Cultivated 250
small wild rose Temperate Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Plain Dirt 250
soft white mushroom Cold Damp Deciduous Forest 250
sovyn clove Temperate Cultivated, Grassland, Plain Dirt 850
sprig of alyssum Temperate Barren Scrub, Grassland 700 forage "alyssum" specifically
sprig of clematis Temperate Cultivated 250
sprig of columbine Snowy Arctic Mountainous 100
sprig of holly Glacial Mountainous 100
sprig of ivy Temperate Cultivated, Grassland 100
sprig of larkspur Temperate Grassland, Hilly, Rough 400
sprig of lavender Temperate Grassland 250
sprig of mistletoe Temperate Deciduous Forest 400
sprig of sky-blue delphinuris Temperate Rough 340
sprig of wild lilac Cold Damp, Temperate Deciduous Forest 400
stalk of bluebells Temperate Deciduous Forest 700 forage "bluebells" specifically
stalk of burdock Temperate Deciduous Forest 700
stalk of cattail Temperate Muddy Wetlands, Riparian 250
stalk of chicory Temperate Grassland 400
stalk of goldenrod Temperate Grassland 100
stalk of monkeyflower Temperate Cultivated 250
stalk of wormwood Temperate Cultivated 640
stem of freesia flowers Temperate Cultivated 100
stem of verbena Temperate Cultivated 100
sunburst blossom Cold Damp, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Riparian 1000 Day-time hours only to find
sweetfern stalk Cold Damp, Snowy Arctic Coniferous Forest 550
talneo root Temperate Riparian 700
tarweed plant Temperate Grassland 400
tendril of vinca Temperate Cultivated 400
thyme Temperate Cultivated 100
tkaro root Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest 940
torban leaf Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Tropical Forest 310
tree bark Arid, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Hilly 700
trollfear mushroom Hot Damp, Humid, Moist, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands 700
twisted twig Snowly Arctic Coniferous Forest 400
valerian root Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Glacial, Snowy Arctic Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous, Plain Dirt 640
water chestnut Temperate Muddy Wetlands 700
wavepetal blossom Humid, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Muddy Wetlands, Riparian 1000
white baneberry Temperate Coniferous Forest 1000
white begonia Temperate Cultivated 100
white clover blossom Temperate Grassland 250
white hook mushroom Cold Damp Hilly 550 Night-time only
white peony Temperate Cultivated 100
wild beechnut Temperate Deciduous Forest 400
wild chokecherry Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest 400
wild gooseberry Cold Damp, Temperate Deciduous Forest 400
wild lilac, sprig of Temperate Deciduous Forest 400 don't use 'sprig of' while foraging
wild orchid Temperate Deciduous Forest 100
wild pink geranium Cold Damp, Temperate Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest 700
wild sage Temperate Hilly 100
wild strawberry Temperate Grassland 400
wingstem root Cold Damp, Temperate Barren Scrub, Muddy Wetlands, Plain Dirt 700
wintergreen leaf Temperate Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest 100
withered black mushroom Temperate Riparian 400
wolfsbane root Temperate Deciduous Forest 640
wolifrew lichen Cold Damp, Cold Dry Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Plain Dirt 250
yabathilium fruit Arid, Hot Damp, Humid, Saltwater Riparian, Sandy
yellow clover blossom Temperate Grassland 250
yew twig Cold Damp Coniferous Forest 1000

Note: for consistency, can we arbitrarily handle things that can show up in different climates AND terrains how I've started the acantha leaf one? So some items will have multiple rows, but each row will only contain a single climate.

Return to the top of this page.

Unknown Climate/Terrain

If you are unable to determine the climate or terrain of the location from which you obtained your item, there is a secondary table on this page where you can add a detailed description of the rooms in which you found the item you were looking for and some friendly ranger with too much time on their hands may go through, find the climate/terrain, and move that information here.

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