The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
The caedera looms malevolently over its prey. Yellow ichor drips from its slavering jaws as its massive head lolls blindly from side to side. Keen senses of smell and sound lead this gargantuan worm to the location of its next meal. Its segmented body contracts and expands powerfully, allowing the beast to burrow through rock and soil with the same ease that other creatures move through the air. Each segment is dark orange with mottled brown spots, though the rings where the segments join are a charcoal grey.
Other information
Caederas can move between rooms by burrowing, which can knock down targets who fail a maneuver check and inflict up to 20 seconds of roundtime.
Waxy grey caederine is a substance sometimes found in the innards of caederas. It is used in the alchemy recipes for clear dye base and many types of dye additive.
- Messaging
The ground shakes violently as a caedera explodes from the ground!
[SMR result: 122 (Open d100: 81)]
A Vvrael warlock loses his footing and falls to the ground!
The caedera crumples to the ground motionless.
You plunge your hand into the grisly bowels of the caedera, your arm becoming slick with ichor. Your hand finally contacts something solid, and you withdraw your arm to find a pungent piece of caederine in your grasp!
The caedera fades away as if it had never been there.
Behind the Scenes
"Caedera" may be derived from the Latin "cadere" which refers to falling over. This would be a reference to their burrow messaging.
Near-level creatures - edit