Tattooed gigas berserker

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Revision as of 16:25, 15 May 2022 by ARMYJEN (talk | contribs) (Added messaging and empath TD.)
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Tattooed gigas berserker
Family family creatures
Body Type [[]]
Area(s) Found Hinterwilds
Attack Attributes
Defense Attributes
? ASG ?
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee ?
Ranged ?
Bolt ?
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base ?
Cleric Base ?
Empath Base 418
Paladin Base ?
Ranger Base ?
Sorcerer Base ?
Wizard Base ?
Minor Elemental ?
Major Elemental ?
Minor Spiritual ?
Major Spiritual ?
Minor Mental ?
Other Unique Abilities
Treasure Attributes
Coins ?
Gems ?
Magic Items ?
Boxes Yes
Skin No
Other ?
A tattooed gigas berserker is a hulking brute of a gigas, standing more than four times the height of a man and with the immense muscle mass to match.  His vast biceps are ringed with intricate tattoos in auroral colors: glacial blues and flashfire greens that are bright enough to have been stolen from cut jewels.  The rest of him is unlovely, from his matted beard to the look of murder in his bulging eyes.

Hunting Strategies

This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Other Information

Arrival messaging
A tattooed gigas berserker barrels in, bellowing a mad battlecry that shakes the ground with its intensity!
Death messaging
A tattooed gigas berserker's fists tense with impotent rage as she surrenders to death.
Search messaging
Creeping decay races across a tattooed gigas berserker's prone form, swiftly consuming the body despite its colossal size.
Near-level creatures - edit
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