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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-03-12 - Blue Suffer No Fools (log)
Charlatos 12-13, 5122
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
Old Landing ally Falzcrow, half-krolvin son of Kragnack, brings news that Tyrrax, a krolvin warlord also known as the Black Wyvern of Glaoveln, is searching for what they call "Lalk Morgil": the Blue Suffer, a recipe designed to create a poison that can be weaponized to eradicate the krolvin and half-krolvin. Knowing only that Praxopius arranged for its delivery here, Falzcrow supplies info that Tyrrax has somehow gotten word of the same. Tyrrax is said to rely more heavily on magic, is more clever than many krolvin, and emulates other cultures, enjoying finer things in life.
Xorus relays that Praxopius was supposed to have delivered it to him with a two-year-delayed arrival scheduled for over a year ago that never happened. Falzcrow says it's a daunting task to not only find it, but learn what occurred with it and with whom. As Dendum raises the question of how a poison could reach all krolvin when they're spread across the ocean, Falzcrow says to imagine a disease similar to the Red Rot that affected dwarves years ago.
Falzcrow concludes that our best step forward is defending the town while searching for the Lakl Morgil to prove it and destroy it, deterring Tyrrax.
Mystery Messenger
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Altie disk, the white Ignito disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a large long-winged falcon, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, an arctic wolf that is sitting, the Coglock disk, a lightning wyrdling, a black semi-melanistic panther, the Nisugi disk, a gargantuan cloudy grey tiger, the Asben disk, the Lankas disk, the Rahj disk, an amber-eyed smoke greatfang, the Remizycas disk, the Kisun disk, a rose-marrow potion, a mug of fizzy ginger ale, the Lunok disk, a large acorn, a large acorn, some smeared blood on the old well that reads, "Lalk Morgil.", the Rizbin disk, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.
Also here: Conquerer of Reim Vaemyr, Town Councilor Leafiara, Altie who is sitting, Semiera, Lord Ignito, Ykay, Lord Kezen, Conquerer of Reim Kippe, Lord Lothsahn, Coglock, Nisugi, Jaffrey, Lord Asben, Lankas, Great Lord Rahj, Remizycas, Kisun, Lunok, Rizbin
Speaking to Semiera, Asben says, "They're lookin for ya."
Leafiara recites:
"I am here. Commence trouble."
Semiera says, "They're not looking hard enough."
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
Speaking to Leafiara, Kippe asks, "Happy now?"
[General] Leafiara muses, "Looks like we have weather coming in to the Landing."
Speaking vaguely to Kippe, Leafiara says, "Depends if the storm brings more krolvin or just more lightning."
[General] Gutstorm exclaims, "Oh noesh!"
Lankas softly asks, "Storm?"
Vaemyr says, "Seems that way."
[General] Tayler thinks, "Ack... I was about to go to sleep too."
Vaemyr says, "Watch out for portals..."
[General] Gutstorm thinks, "We should make betsh on who git kitnapped next."
Lankas softly asks, "I must have missed the thunder?"
[General] Blades asks, "Can i pay them to take you?"
Delyorik tries to pinch Tayler, but he leans away just in time.
Lankas softly says, "I feel that."
Speaking to Tayler, Delyorik says, "Good dodge... won't happen again."
Delyorik pinches Tayler!
Delyorik asks, "See?"
[General] Geijon thinks, "Bregandians did plenty of that free Blades. I didn't see your objection."
Tayler says, "Gotcha."
Delyorik says, "Nice... but I like the pinching, so it's not a thing for me."
Speaking to Leafiara, Coglock says, "I'd prefer lightning over the portals but if there's a chance to gaining information from kidnappings; well."
Speaking to Leafiara, Coglock says, "This time.."
Drektor whispers something to Gutstorm.
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Me no wanna git kippenapped!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Coglock asks, "I brought a paint brush. Maybe less bloodletting for writing, eh?"
Delyorik asks, "Are there kidnappings going on tonight again?"
Iskandr says, "Here's some ale for the people, and no, I'm not running for office."
[General] Blades thinks, "True, that was a long time ago though."
Tayler says, "If we chain ourselves to the tree."
Delyorik says, "I felt rejected the last time."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We should nominate Geijon fer da next kitnappin."
Tayler says, "They can't take us."
Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "I appear from time to time."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Keep a look out for portals."
Iskandr says, "Heard Krolvin wanted to die."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Delyorik says, "Oh, it really is raining here. Sorry... I'll be in Mule, where the weather makes more sense."
Tayler asks, "Snow all the time?"
Speaking to Coglock, Guarrin asks, "Recovering alright?"
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Leafiara pragmatically considers, "Traveling in big groups might not be the best idea if we see any more signs of krolvin tonight. Traveling alone isn't either, but... if this keeps happening, we'll need to be mobile and agile."
Tayler exclaims, "It's just a different type of rain!"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Guarrin, Coglock says, "I think so. There doesn't appear to be any significant long-term effects from contact."
Vaemyr exclaims, "I should show you my cabin, it's a treehouse right now!"
Coglock says, "Nothing manifesting, anyhow."
Speaking amusedly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "...maybe not right now."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Yes yes not right now."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Missoni asks, "Is it in the tree?"
Gutstorm recites:
"Do we gotta?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Coglock asks, "Thank you for asking. Have you noticed anything strange tonight or recently?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're it."
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara concludes, "Seems so!"
Tayler says, "Forwards... fearless leader."
Kayse whispers something to Kiyna.
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Yooz coushin?"
Leafiara says, "Though... we don't know what exactly 'forward' entails tonight."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We need to get you some spurs."
Monthas asks, "Any idea what the portal will look like?"
Speaking to Kippe, Perigourd says, "Appreciated."
Speaking flatly to Gutstorm, Kayse says, "I am not a bug."
Speaking dryly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "I think not."
Tayler says, "I am very tiredtoxicated."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Just think of them as ankle manacles."
Speaking to Monthas, Coglock says, "They seem to be yellow in appearance. They open and close as quickly as they take the individual."
Tayler asks, "Can we like, shove something in them?"
Tayler asks, "To jam them open?"
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Thadston or Thrayzar, are you out and about? You might have heard already, but things took a turn last night."
Markx asks, "Is there tomfoolery going on tonight?"
Speaking to Tayler, Coglock says, "I think that's asking for anything caught between the threshhold of the portal and elsewhere to be bisected."
Iskandr says, "Just point me at the Krolvin I can kill. I don't have to sort through Landing politics if just killing Krol."
Speaking tentatively to Markx, Leafiara says, "Potentially."
Speaking to Coglock, Tayler says, "That's one of my... nevermind."
Speaking drunkenly to Geijon, Gutstorm slurs, "Da town took a vote and we moninated yooz to be da nesh kitnapt victim, jush shtand by da tree over dere."
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Wot?"
A young curly-haired boy arrives, handing you a stained parchment that reads, "Gather to a place more protected indoors, I will meet with you all." The boy runs off. [OOC note: That's the messaging Leafi saw, at least. I assume everyone else just saw the boy handing her a parchment and running off.]
Leafiara nods.
Tayler blinks at Leafiara.
Asben glances at Leafiara.
Leafiara amiably says, "Join up, please."
[General] Pukk thinks, "Hey Thaddy, I hear they are going to raid your liquor stash tonight."
Leafiara says, "We'll move in ten."
Leafiara says, "Eight..."
Leafiara says, "Six..."
Missoni curiously asks, "Where are we going?"
Leafiara says, "Four..."
Markx exclaims, "Four!"
Tayler says, "Two."
Leafiara says, "Two..."
Leafiara says, "Indoors."
Coglock exclaims, "One!"
Asben says, "Poof."
[Raging Thrak, Trophy Room]
Tiny smudges of soot mar the fieldstones used to create the grand fireplace in this cozy room. A collection of plaques hangs above an immense grey marble mantel cluttered with trophy cups and bowls. Fashioned from a single stone slab, the hearth extends to an impressive black bear rug with its maw frozen in a silent roar. Several overstuffed wingback chairs, each covered in deep jewel-tone chintz, are scattered about the room. Against the back wall, a tall glass-front curio houses several ancient mementos and a thrak hide curtain hangs nearby. You also see the Warclaidh disk, the Richen disk, a travel guide token, a large sack, a basket of sticks and an intricately woven straw wastebasket.
Also here: Death Knight Warclaidh, Richen, Holyswords who is kneeling
Roelon, Bernadette, Peche, Markx, Geijon, Kiyna, Missoni, Drazaa, Perigourd, Monthas, Pukk, Guarrin, Iskandr, Drektor, Kayse, Ycelacie, Tayler, Asben, Vaemyr, Vrem, Kippe and Coglock followed.
Coglock says, "Look at us; we can count. Krolvin watch out."
Leafiara murmurs, "Hopefully this is protected enough."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey ye all besht keep it down and not botter me friend Warclaidh ere."
Speaking to Warclaidh, Pukk exclaims, "You should join us! It's going to be fun and games!"
Leafiara considers, "Hmm, does the nook hold this many people? We could withdraw there for more privacy if it does."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We should go behind da curtain and axe da Trak."
Bernadette softly asks, "We spectin em here?"
Speaking to Pukk, Ycelacie says, "He told me before he is not very social."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We could also go to the Rusty Cutlass."
Speaking to Bernadette, Leafiara says, "Expecting someone, at least."
Tayler says, "Nook holds... two."
Leafiara says, "Ah, okay."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Da nook a kishin boof?"
Kiyna says, "Remember, if a portal opens, blast it. If it's a krol, we win. If not, we apologize and raise 'em."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Shh, kep it down, Blade ish ere."
Pukk says, "I heard Lylia likes resting in the nook."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Geijon says, "General."
Iskandr says, "They're coming through portals now? Look at them getting smart with magics."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oooh Lylia?"
Leafiara tentatively says, "Certainly I hope this is a private enough place for our messenger..."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Where da nook?"
Speaking to Geijon, Stormyrain corrects, "Just Marshal, thankfully. Evening Geijon."
Speaking to Iskandr, Coglock says, "Portals and utilizing a powerful slave-mentalist."
[General] Gutstorm exclaims, "She aint in here Pukk!"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk asks, "You're a general now?"
Speaking to Pukk, Stormyrain says, " I just--said that."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Geijon says, "Sometimes you need that emphasis."
[General] Pukk thinks, "Keep looking."
Speaking to Bernadette, Pukk says, "Yep, she's a general now. She got promoted to general by Geijon."
Vaemyr says, "Hmm."
Speaking to Pukk, Geijon says, "Marshall, but happy to follow her lead."
Leafiara considers, "It's not as if we even went far from the square..." [OOC note: as always, hard to tell in logs, but it had been several minutes by this point]
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "Hopefully they give you better pay."
Roelon whispers something to Kobane.
The Nature of the Lalk Morgil
Falzcrow just arrived.
Tayler says, "Maybe they killed the messanger."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "They should double your pay."
Falzcrow nods.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Stormyrain greets, "Good to see you again."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk asks, "How much do they pay you now?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Missoni asks, "Are we waiting for the Mayor?"
Speaking amiably to Falzcrow, Leafiara says, "Ah, good evening."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Greetings."
Blades says, "Ah the fancy one."
>l falz
You see Falzcrow the Son of Kragnack.
He appears to be a Half-Krolvin.
He is average height. He appears to be very young. He has large onyx-hued eyes and fair skin. He has long, thick dark silver hair woven into fiery red-beaded braids. He has an unshaven face, a prominent nose and bushy dark silver sideburns.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a flowing deep black cape, a bright ruby skull-shaped clasp, a nicked dark steel buckler, a slim woven black pack, a pair of mottled grey leathers, a fur-trimmed black canvas pouch, a mithril alloy scabbard, a pair of tanned sealskin trousers, and a pair of walrus hide boots.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Stormyrain offers, "Did you find anything worthwhile in the shops? There are some fine offerings."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Thank you, for going indoors."
Speaking to Missoni, Leafiara says, "I didn't know who we were expecting, but apparently it's this man."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Falzcrow deeply says, "I remember from my times here before of your affinity for standing outside in the rain."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Leafiara admits, "I just bought a dress from your shop earlier today."
Falzcrow deeply says, "So I appreciate your willingness."
Falzcrow looks over at Stormyrain and shakes his head.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Asben, Ycelacie says, "But of course, I'll tell people what I think especially if it irritates me."
Speaking amiably to Falzcrow, Leafiara says, "Of course, we do try to be accommodating."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "How many have been kidnapped so far?"
Speaking curiously to Falzcrow, Leafiara asks, "What brings you back to us from River's Rest?"
Leafiara says, "Nine."
Leafiara nods at Falzcrow.
Falzcrow nods.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm whispers aloud, "Who dish Falzcrow feller?"
Missoni curiously asks, "River's Rest?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "There may come more, but not likely for long. The Warlord will sail for here soon enough."
Speaking to Asben, Jiarine says, "I fondly rememebr the time that it was socially acceptable to burn krolvin."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara offhandedly says, "Son of Kragnack, nonetheless helped develop the poison that ultimately killed Kragnack, brought Thrayzar back to us from Glaoveln... some more to the story, but that'll do as a start." [OOC note: I suppose I misunderstood, since later in the night Falzcrow said he helped Praxopius in returning Thrayzar to the Landing, but didn't help develop the poison.]
Speaking to Falzcrow, Kayse asks, "Do you know what they are looking for?"
Falzcrow nods at Kayse.
Speaking to Jiarine, Asben says, "Me too."
Blades says, "I do love warlords."
Leafiara asks, "Is the Warlord named... Tyrrax? Something like that?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "They call it Lalk Morgil."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Yes, Tyrrax."
Falzcrow nods at Leafiara.
Leafiara nods at Falzcrow.
Falzcrow deeply says, "The Black Wyvern of Glaoveln."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Perigourd asks, "What is Lalk Morgil?"
Kobane whispers something to Roelon.
Speaking drunkenly to Raelee, Gutstorm slurs, "Yer late."
Leafiara asks, "Are they looking for the poison Praxopius made, then?"
[General] Bippins thinks, "No krobins, Opalady. No worry."
Missoni murmurs, "That was the figurehead on the ship."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Raelee asks, "And?"
Iskandr says, "I do enjoy when Krolvin warlords land here. They have a deep history of dying in the bay."
Speaking drunkenly to Raelee, Gutstorm slurs, "Read a book."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Anyone who wishes to hear what is happening this night, we are in the trophy room at the Thrak Inn."
Falzcrow deeply says, "The Blue Suffer. The recipe designed to create a poison that can be weaponized to eradicate the krolvin."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "We have a visitor here discussing the Blue Suffer."
Falzcrow deeply says, "...and any with krolvin blood."
[General] Opalina exclaims, "That is so good to hear Bippins!"
Goldstr says, "Hail friends."
Tayler says, "Oooh so I was right."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Even just some."
Falzcrow taps himself on the chest.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "How bot people who unnershtand krolvin, dem too?"
Tayler says, "Extermination's back on the menu."
[General] Bippins thinks, "Opalady welcome."
Leafiara inquires, "Why are they looking for it? In hopes that they can develop a cure, or in hopes to secure dominance over their own?"
Tayler asks, "Oh... wait, it would effect half krolvins too?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I was wondering the same."
Falzcrow deeply says, "I cannot say. Only because I do not know."
Speaking to Tayler, Iskandr asks, "Partially?"
Perigourd says, "I'd also like to know why they think it can be found on randomly taken citizens."
Delyorik asks, "Storytime?"
Speaking quietly to Delyorik, Kobane says, "Tell me a bedtime story."
Falzcrow deeply says, "But knowing of the Wyvern, he will turn over every rock in this town twice to find it."
Speaking to Perigourd, Coglock asks, "Citizens potentially exposed to it?"
Speaking to Kobane, Delyorik says, "Ain't my story to tell.... all I wanna know is..."
Speaking to Coglock, Perigourd says, "Not all that were taken fit that description."
Vaemyr asks, "What makes them think they'd be able to find the actual stuff here?"
Delyorik asks, "Who brought the booze?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Guarrin asks, "What can you tell us of him?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Kiyna says, "He won't enjoy what he finds."
Leafiara says, "I suppose it's both good and bad news that we don't have any of it. At least that I know of."
Tayler asks, "Is it being manufactured here? Somewhere?"
Speaking quietly to Delyorik, Kobane says, "Asben has th'booze."
Missoni quietly says, "Turning over rocks is a gentle way of describing it."
Asben asks, "I do?"
Coglock says, "Good news, I think; genocide of any kind is..vile."
Asben says, "I can get booze."
Falzcrow deeply says, "If he's looking here, then he's somehow come to believe the very recipe or poison could be here in town."
Iskandr says, "See, now I know why I'm here, they're perverting the name of Wyverns."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Which is not much of a stretch, the same revelation brought me here."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "Shocked you are alive."
Speaking to Coglock, Leafiara says, "But bad news for the reasons Falzcrow is relaying: if it's not here and yet they think it's here, we could be mired in endless battle over nothing."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Are you?"
Delyorik says, "Alright... ya'll behave. Yeah, I said that. Me. Listen to the darn story."
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Geijon.
Falzcrow deeply says, "I am resourceful."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Missoni asks, "What do you want with the poison?"
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "So am I."
Speaking to Leafiara, Coglock says, "You're right there."
Falzcrow deeply says, "I want it to destroy it."
Guarrin whispers something to Stormyrain.
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Bippins whispers something to Opalina.
Falzcrow deeply says, "It threatens to potentially eradicate all half-krolvin as well."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Delyorik asks, "What happens if you don't destroy the poison?"
Missoni remarks, "Seems sensible."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Coglock says, "The existence of any such substance is an obscenity to life."
Delyorik says, "Get out of my head."
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Falzcrow deeply says, "In the wrong hands, krolvin and half-krolvin could cease to exist."
Falzcrow nods at Delyorik.
Kobane whispers something to Roelon.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "We're not going to agree to that."
Leafiara whispers something to Vaemyr.
Jiarine asks, "That is bad... because?"
Speaking squeakily to Falzcrow, Bippins asks, "No krobins?"
Blades says, "Bottoms up."
Speaking quietly to Asben, Kobane says, "Appreciate ya, bro."
Tayler says, "I'm ok with half of that scenario."
Speaking to Bippins, Delyorik says, "How'd you walk that fast from Mule? Sheesh."
Leafiara whispers something to Vaemyr.
Speaking to Kobane, Asben says, "Anytime."
Speaking squeakily to Delyorik, Bippins says, "Bippins have jets."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Goldstr asks, "I members yer father but ye come in peace?"
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Falzcrow deeply says, "I have always come in peace."
Perigourd asks, "Do you have any idea where it might be in Wehnimer's?"
Falzcrow nods at Goldstr.
Falzcrow looks over at Perigourd and shakes his head.
Iskandr says, "So where is this poison now? Or where was it last, yes, what Perigourd said."
Falzcrow deeply says, "I know Praxopius arranged for its delivery here."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Vaemyr asks, "So you aren't aware of how the warlord discovered this lead or anything I guess?"
Xorus just arrived.
Speaking to Xorus, Guarrin says, "I think your delivery was just mentioned."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Leafiara says, "As a 'half-breed' who some would prefer not to exist, I understand your concern. But if it's even here at all, that's unknown, at least publicly."
Nairena says, "Hello."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Puptilian asks, "If I remember right, you helped us when Krolvin invaded here after obtaining the Stone, correct?"
Falzcrow looks over at Vaemyr and shakes his head.
Falzcrow nods at Puptilian.
Speaking to Leafiara, Delyorik says, "I'm not a fan of any type of half anything poison floating around."
Bippins whispers something to Leafiara.
Falzcrow deeply says, "And again, against my own father."
Falzcrow nods at Puptilian.
Leafiara whispers to Bippins.
Monthas asks, "Who is Praxopius?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Puptilian says, "I remember and I thank you for our help."
Falzcrow bows to Puptilian.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Puptilian says, "You are right."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Was he da wheel chair fella?"
Kiyna says, "Doesn't make a ton of sense to come tell us all this if he's acting in bad faith. I trust him, in this."
Vaemyr says, "So... what if... the recipe for the pox never made it to Xorus, and was intercepted by someone else in town, or an organization in town."
Speaking to Monthas, Leafiara says, "Long story, but an alchemist who created the Rone gauntlets, anti-krolvin poison, and a cure for a different poison that aged Larsya."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon asks, "What is it you are playing in this game?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Perigourd says, "Quite possible."
Falzcrow deeply says, "But the Wyvern will come, and he has rallied a force behind him. As expected, since the threat to the krolvin is real."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Perigourd says, "Even more so if they knew what it was."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "It was supposed to come around the arival of a certain someone I believe."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "The trouble is, even if--"
Leafiara points at Perigourd.
Falzcrow deeply says, "We can prevent it, if we find it first."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "Even if it came, would someone even be able to identify it?"
Info On Tyrrax and His Forces
Speaking to Falzcrow, Guarrin asks, "Do you have details about his forces?"
Monthas asks, "If Praxopius arranged the delivery, maybe he has a guy that he frequently uses?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "And the establishment of a certain organization."
Speaking quietly to Drazaa, Nairena says, "As safe as I can be, but im still very angry."
Opalina quietly asks, "Do you kow what it looks like?"
Speaking to Monthas, Leafiara says, "Praxopius is long dead and somehow arranged to schedule the delivery two years after his death."
Falzcrow looks over at Guarrin and shakes his head.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Perigourd asks, "Any idea who the courier was?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Did any ya all fink to check da "new" posht office in town?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Missoni asks, "Do you know anything of the halfling woman he keeps prisoner?"
Speaking to Monthas, Leafiara says, "That said, he did work with a giant servant named Snout."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Tyrrax is...different then some previous warlords I've encountered."
Monthas says, "That does not make sense."
Monthas says, "Thank you."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Puptilian asks, "How different?"
Delyorik says, "It all makes sense if you pay very close attention."
Leafiara adds, "And in what ways?"
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm slurs, "She follerin me."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "I see that."
Leafiara whispers something to Vaemyr.
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Falzcrow deeply says, "He relies more heavily on magic, he is very clever, and he is rumored to in many ways emulate other cultures."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon asks, "Why are you here making demands?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "Oops. Xorus just showed up. There goes your chance."
Falzcrow deeply says, "He enjoys some finer things of life at times."
Speaking to Geijon, Guarrin says, "I think he is attempting to aid us."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Iskandr asks, "Emulate how?"
Speaking to Geijon, Puptilian says, "I think he is here to help."
Thrassus asks, "He's civilized, you mean?"
Speaking to Geijon, Delyorik says, "I haven't heard demands, yet... calm down for a moment."
Dendum informs, ""Plenty of krolvin warlords have storm crows and are not stupid."
Speaking to Thrassus, Iskandr says, "Depends on the culture he's emulating."
Speaking to Dendum, Guarrin says, "Fair point."
Monthas says, "Or whom."
Missoni tersely says, "His methods did not seem awfully civilized."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "They think. You say. Memory is short here."
Falzcrow nods at Thrassus.
Leafiara says, "Regardless of his personal quirks, it's problematic if he intends to wage war here to find something. Even more so if that something isn't actually here."
Falzcrow nods at Iskandr.
Thrassus looks thoughtfully at Falzcrow.
Nairena says, "They way they spoke of Tyrrax, hes a very patient person and very focused."
Bippins whispers something to Opalina.
Falzcrow deeply says, "He has finer tastes in food, is cruel when needed, but...I have seen others more barbaric than him, if that makes sense."
Speaking to a large sack, Gutstorm exclaims, "Enjoy!"
Vaemyr says, "With his ability to potentially deploy his forces anywhere throughout the town, makes defenses difficult."
Delyorik asks, "Let the man speak?"
Thrassus says, "Interesting."
Blades says, "More fancy dogs."
Kobane whispers something to Roelon.
Falzcrow deeply says, "But when it is needed, he is ruthless. But he is clever. He understands there are many roads to one destination."
Delyorik says, "Unless he's done, that is."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon asks, "You betrayed your father over th' Star. Why are you not above them?"
Thrassus says, "That would indicate it is possible to reason and negotiate with him."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Vaemyr asks, "Think he would be willing to parlay?"
Falzcrow deeply asks, "I don't understand?"
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Geijon.
Falzcrow shrugs at Vaemyr.
Kobane whispers something to Roelon.
Delyorik says, "Pardon me."
Delyorik just went east.
Vaemyr says, "Was a thought at least."
Speaking drunkenly to Vaemyr, Gutstorm slurs, "Pietra axed for parsley lash night and dey kilt her, mebe da krollinsh dont know meanin of it?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "You may need to explain to gain support yourself."
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Geijon.
Falzcrow deeply says, "I am still confused."
Falzcrow nods at Geijon.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Ysharra says, "I know the feeling."
Monthas says, "Stuff like this happens all the time, we call it everyday."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Tracking the Blue Suffer
Falzcrow deeply asks, "What can you tell me of the blue suffer?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "I cannot explain 10 years of history better than your own insight."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Where might it be here within town?"
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Who might it be with?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "2 placesh."
Speaking quietly to Stormyrain, Raelee asks, "Have any yet asked if he knows anything of the halfling mentalist?"
Leafiara admits, "I have absolutely no idea."
Monthas says, "You should be telling us."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Him make one of em."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Vaemyr says, "Well, the actual stuff? Who knows but some of it's key ingredients could certainly be found in town."
Stormyrain asks, "I don't know if any of us know a thing about it, it has never been mentioned to me since it started being written in blood a few nights ago?"
Coglock asks, "I make what?"
Leafiara says, "If it arrived at all, it could be literally anywhere."
Iskandr says, "Well, at least if we find it first we can just poison his fine foods and call it a day."
Ysharra says, "Well."
Speaking drunkenly to Coglock, Gutstorm slurs, "Last night yooz make da blood shmear in TSC."
Ysharra asks, "It's a poison, I take it?"
Coglock says, "If it's an alchemical disease; perhaps he found a living carrier for it."
Falzcrow deeply says, "The Alchemist had arranged for its delivery. Someone had to be primed to receive it."
Tayler says, "Helga probably found it and tossed it in her pot."
Leafiara considers, "It might not even be here, frankly, if someone found it and then left the area."
Kayse measuredly says, "With increased pirate activity, who knows who could have intercepted it."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Were you Mayor at time?"
Speaking squeakily to Ysharra, Bippins says, "Man send poison. Man dead."
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Lylia.
Lylia says, "You speak of 'blue suffer.' Is this a statement: "the blue suffers?" Or is this the name of some item? The words in Krolgeh are ambiguous to me."
Ysharra says, "It shares a word in common with one we all know very well."
Speaking in Gnomish to Coglock, Dendum says something you don't understand.
Ysharra says, "The Long Suffering."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Lylia says, "I was."
Speaking in Gnomish to Coglock, Dendum says something you don't understand.
Ysharra says, "I would imagine it's meant to plague people with blue-toned skin."
Speaking drunkenly to Dendum, Gutstorm slurs, "Hey no shchemin."
Speaking in Gnomish to Dendum, Coglock asks something you don't understand.
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Was any arrangement established with you and Praxopius?"
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Lylia.
Speaking in Gnomish to Dendum, Coglock says something you don't understand.
Blades asks, "They bark anything useful?"
Bippins whispers something to Laelithonel.
Xorus says, "If you are speaking of the recipe, Praxopius was supposed to deliver it to myself. It was supposed to arrive over a year ago and never did."
Lylia says, "Not every arrangement goes through ordinary --"
Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain says, "We're trying to ascertain where this poison might be."
Speaking to Bippins, Laelithonel says, "Keep mug. Made ya water candy for energies."
Speaking in Gnomish to Coglock, Dendum asks something you don't understand.
Falzcrow deeply says, "Lalk Morgil is the name the krolvin have given it. The weaponized poison."
Bippins whispers something to Laelithonel.
Thrassus says, "Ah."
Falzcrow deeply says, "They remember its effects when you assaulted their shores."
Speaking in Gnomish to Coglock, Dendum says something you don't understand.
Thrassus says, "Apt."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Stormyrain asks, "Could it have anything to do---ahh so it is the same then?"
Falzcrow glances at Xorus.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Lylia says, "Well. There it is, then."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "It was to be delivered to you?"
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Xorus.
Bippins whispers something to Laelithonel.
Geijon whispers something to Lylia.
Puptilian says, "Many people here have a deep hatred of Krolvin. Even if someone in this town has this blue suffer, I doubt they will announce it to the world."
Lylia notes, "Praxopius missed his deadline. Which may have been because he was dead."
Ysharra says, "We simply took the fight to Glaoveln. The fight was started by your late father."
Xorus says, "Yes, it was. He gave a two year delay on it. Which was needlessly complicated."
Speaking to Dendum, Coglock says, "It's coming from outside the Krolvin people from what I am following. So, best to hide it within a living host that is neither to 'deliver' it. Why use a recipe when you can use someone to spread it. That way you control it and minimize the potential of someone copying the recipe."
Xorus says, "And now it is over a year late."
Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara says, "I challenged him as to why not deliver it right then, since he claimed to be going to Glaoveln as a suicide mission. I agree, it was bizarre."
Bippins whispers something to Laelithonel.
Leafiara admits, "I didn't even believe he intended to do it, frankly."
Falzcrow glances at Xorus.
Falzcrow deeply asks, "...what is your name?"
Xorus says, "I have been known by a number of names. Xorus. Dreadlord."
Falzcrow nods.
Speaking squeakily to Xorus, Bippins says, "Old."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Xorus Dreadlord. I mean no offense to you, I do not know you, but how are we to believe you never received it?"
Bippins whispers something to Gutstorm.
Thrassus asks, "The krol still exist, do they not?"
Lylia says, "Had he received it, I assure you you would know."
Xorus says, "What Lylia said."
Iskandr says, "If it could be studied and if one could remove its affects on half-krol...well, there'd certainly be less slavery and piracy in the world. Though perhaps I should not feel so heartless."
Lylia says, "Yes. That is how."
Ysharra says, "If he wanted to lie he wouldn't have admitted to the delivery at all."
Falzcrow deeply says, "You reference things you know of Xorus Dreadlord, I do not know these things."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Are you telling me then, your argument is if you had it, all krolvin and half-krolvin would be eradicated by now?"
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Xorus.
Speaking to Asben, Jiarine says, "Well, this is boring."
Speaking to Missoni, Ysharra says, "You have curious pets, my friend."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "You sound changed, compromised. You understand you are still Krolvin and our people are being kidnapped. You offer no answers under scrutiny. We'd like proof on your statements."
Speaking to Missoni, Ysharra says, "I'm much the same."
Thrassus asks, "I thought it was keyed to full krolvin only?"
Speaking to Ysharra, Missoni explains, "I like most creatures."
Geijon removes a gleaming rune-scribed maul from in his threaded war harness.
Ycelacie confusedly asks, "What is a Xorus Dreadlord?"
Speaking to Missoni, Ysharra says, "This place needs more ravens."
Xorus says, "That would be ambitious. But I would have been working with it, discovering its properties and how it can be adapted."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "...and who is to say you have not been doing that?"
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Your word and those within your circle?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "Again, I mean no offense, I only wish it destroyed. But the Wyvern will not believe such."
Geijon whispers something to Xorus.
Ysharra says, "Again, he wouldn't mention it at all, if he meant to keep you in the dark about it."
Falzcrow deeply says, "He will not sail here with hundreds of ships behind him and take the word of Xorus Dreadlord and raise sail for home."
Leafiara says, "Of course, to Falzcrow's point, it's not Falzcrow we need to convince."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "Serving another again? Perhaps your father was right."
Speaking quietly to Coglock, Nairena asks, "Are you okay?"
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Geijon.
Falzcrow deeply asks, "I am sorry, what?"
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Geijon.
Ysharra says, "At the time when it was promised, Lylia was still mayor, and he was her advisor."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "You heard me well. I won't interpret your lack."
Ysharra says, "The Landing is constantly threatened by raiding Kral."
Falzcrow deeply says, "I do not understand you. I am changed? We are all changed."
Iskandr says, "A weapon that stops Krolvin literally dead. So many recent problems, here, Mist Harbor, those damn ones with that creature ravaging the lands."
Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Hundreds then."
Ysharra says, "It makes sense that he'd want access to a weapon."
Ysharra says, "Or at least a line of research."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "You seem to indicate th' Krolvin will come if we don't agree."
Coglock whispers something to Nairena.
Falzcrow deeply asks, "Agree on what?"
Tayler says, "I counted five men o' war in the harbor, and a few frigates... let them come I say."
Puptilian asks, "Wonder how much the reivers would pay for this blue suffer?"
Speaking to Iskandr, Vaemyr says, "It is indescriminate, any amount of krolvin blood in you, and you'd be affected, don't be so quick to wish for genocide."
Speaking to Puptilian, Perigourd says, "They're not a wealthy people."
Falzcrow deeply asks, "I mena no offense to you as well sir, but, are you in the same conversation?"
Speaking to Puptilian, Leafiara considers, "That's a great idea for a group to inquire with."
Speaking to Ysharra, Guarrin says, "Indeed it is a dangerous path of research."
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Geijon.
Ysharra says, "We should probably give it to them."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Mebbe Xorush go wit Falzcrow and da town be shafe?"
Ysharra says, "And River's Rest."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "Not a chance."
Blades asks, "This your dream come true?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "Lalk Morgil is too dangerous to be out there. I frankly do not even trust it with the krolvin themselves. I wish to see it ended."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "We fought your father on your information. This doesn't align in th' same manner so I ask questions and you don't answer."
Speaking sharply to Geijon, Kiyna says, "I don't think there's any need to have your weapon out during a discussion."
Geijon put a gleaming rune-scribed maul in his threaded war harness.
Raelee says, "... it cannot be ended, not truly."
Ysharra asks, "Was this the substance Praxopius gave us to put on the daggers he provided?"
Falzcrow frowns at Geijon.
Falzcrow deeply asks, "What question?"'
Falzcrow peers quizzically at Geijon.
Ysharra asks, "That made Kragnack mortal?"
Bippins whispers something to Opalina.
Blades says, "Why eradicate the krolvin? They bring me such a profit as of late."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd asks, "You mean the knowledge of how to create it?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "Others should ask."
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "Right."
Puptilian says, "Something to think about. Right now it kills krolvin. What if someone gets a hold of it and research enough to kill human, or dwarf, or any other race. While I see why people want it, I see a potential scary future with it."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Vaemyr says, "Destroying what remains of it is one thing, but more potentially could always be remained if that knowledge has been taken and shared."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dey do got good merchant chipsh."
Falzcrow nods at Vaemyr.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Iskandr says, "I try not to, I try hard not to....but I consider my hatred quite personal. Though yes, I have known Kraet I'd hate to never see again. But who is to say research can't find a better means of seperation."
Raelee says, "... it is an alchemical formula. It can be recreated."
Tayler says, "The repercussions of a posion out there that can target based on skin pigmentation alone is mildly concerning, and if anyone should have it, it is not the Krolvin."
Falzcrow deeply says, "That opens a new list of problems if that is the case."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Unless it can be stripped from a mind."
Speaking to Puptilian, Dendum asks, ""Err...there are plenty of poisons that kill humans, or dwarves, or others...why is this one so special?"
Falzcrow nods at Vaemyr.
Vaemyr says, "If he comes here starting war, it gives full justification for whomever might of obtained it to use it."
Ycelacie flatters, "No all krolvin should be destroyed their race lost to time."
Ysharra says, "All the more reason to study it."
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "And then it can still be recreated through research and trial."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara considers, "Maybe, if it truly is somewhere, an antidote can be developed."
Falzcrow deeply says, "We must not just find some scrap of parchment. We must learn what precisely occured with it, and with whom."
Perigourd says, "Should such inspiriation happen twice, yes."
Falzcrow deeply says, "A daunting task."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "That is the best solution."
[General] Gutstorm exclaims, "Me brudder!"
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "Of course it will."
Speaking to Puptilian, Dendum muses, ""Even plenty that kill the Krolvins...."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Kiyna asks, "I think what Geijon is trying to ask... are you representing Tyrrax? Do you have channels with these krol? Are you here independently and not as their agent?"
Speaking to Dendum, Puptilian says, "If what he says is true, its how fast and efficent it kills, not that it just kills."
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "Knowledge of its existance is too widely spread. It will not be forgotten."
Nairena says, "I think kidnapping and murdering people is a pretty aggressive undertaking."
Ysharra says, "Yes, the Krolvin killing and enslaving up and down the coastline is so much more civilized, I suppose."
Falzcrow deeply says, "I am not representing Tyrrax."
Falzcrow shakes his head.
Falzcrow deeply says, "I am here on my own."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Goldstr says, "Aye, we all want dat."
Lylia says, "A poison that kills the one who ingests it is one thing. A poison calibrated to kill all who encounter it, but only those to whom it is aimed, is a far finer weapon. I understand the unease about it. It is not merely a singular vial of poison."
Speaking to Raelee, Missoni says, "If anything, these incidents have increased interest."
Speaking to Puptilian, Dendum says, ""It can not kill that fast or it would not be able to reach various Krolvins spread apart by miles and miles of water...they do not live in one big huddle of Krolvins."
Falzcrow nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Missoni, Raelee says, "Precisely."
Peche says, "The formula should be destroyed.. who's to say it would not be adjusted to target another race."
Speaking to Ysharra, Tayler says, "Yet if someone were to get a hold of it and reformulate it to kill dark elves..."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Sooch a moral dimella."
Falzcrow deeply says, "It is no stretch to imagine a contagion sweeping across the lands, effecting only those with krolvin blood."
Tayler says, "Or half elves, or gnomes."
Speaking to Tayler, Ysharra says, "That's a rather sizeable leap in logic. And besides, there already was a contagion for half-elves."
Bippins whispers something to Opalina.
Speaking to Dendum, Puptilian says, "What if we make it only kill halflings and send it to Mule? To me its not what it can do right now, its what it could do in the future."
Speaking to Tayler, Ysharra says, "We already know what happens, then."
Speaking to Ysharra, Guarrin asks, "So the answer is to turn to eradication?"
Coglock says, "Alchemical calamities are second only to magical. Humility plays no great role in restraint in research like this."
Leafiara says, "Putting aside all the logistics, hypotheticals, and considerations about what to do, the fact still remains we have no idea where it is. If it was delivered at all."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Perigourd asks, "Than would it not be a better answer to develop a counteragent to it than simply destroy it?"
Lylia says, "Indeed. I have not forgotten the scourge that Chaston Griffin brought."
Speaking to Guarrin, Ysharra says, "I didn't suggest that. But the Krolvin are a constant threat, for centuries."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "It could be in da mail."
Speaking to Ysharra, Guarrin says, "Indeed."
Ysharra says, "Seeing what this can do, or how it can be stopped..."
Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni agrees, "Like when the purple nectar was running amok."
Speaking drunkenly to Blades, Gutstorm slurs, "Mebbe Xorus didnt check da mail and pay da fee."
Falzcrow deeply says, "You may believe Xorus Dreadlord, I for one, have no current opinion. I do not know him. But the Wyvern will not just accept words."
Coglock asks, "Forgive my ignorance is it delivered? In what medium? A recipe? A vial? A body? Someone walking around with it as a host for it?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Kiyna asks, "That might be possible, but it would still require we find the recipe and study it, would it not?"
Ysharra says, "There is value in us getting hold of it. Especially someone with experience like Xorus and Raelee."
Blades says, "You should probably send him some mail then to double check."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Ycelacie asks, "What was supposed to be delivered to the Dreadguy?"
Speaking to Kiyna, Perigourd says, "It is likely."
Speaking to Coglock, Leafiara says, "That too is another unknown answer."
Lylia asks, "How do we prove a negative, then?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "Lalk Morgil."
Falzcrow nods at Ycelacie.
Iskandr asks, "Well, if Xorus does actually have it, then when the Wyvern does strike, that'll all end quite quickly, no?"
Lylia says, "You have presented us with a conundrum."
Speaking to Coglock, Leafiara muses, "Actually, I suppose the krolvin somehow acquired information that it's something small, considering what they've been searching through."
Ycelacie asks, "Some antidote?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Coglock says, "I have no answers but I will do what I can to help you find it. Nothing like this should exist."
Geijon says, "It seems years late."
Falzcrow nods at Coglock.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Goldstr asks, "If we nae knows What will da Wyvern do?"
Perigourd whispers something to Raelee.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Dendum says, ""Hrmm yes the Burghal has good poison can not reach the entire Krolvin people they are spread across the ocean....further apart than the the furtherst human cities."
Lylia says, "The promise to deliver it was made by a dead man. The date has come and gone, because he is dead."
Falzcrow deeply says, "It is believed it is not contained to just poison."
Falzcrow nods at Dendum.
Iskandr says, "I'm still mad he's bad-naming Wyverns by the way with his monicker."
Ysharra says, "Maybe it wasn't as suicidal as we thought."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Show how da rumor git out if da dead man dead? me mished dat."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Imagine a disease, like the Red Rot, eliminating the krolvin."
Speaking to Dendum, Coglock says, "Coglock will do, friend."
Speaking squeakily to Gutstorm, Bippins says, "Bippins fused too."
Vaemyr says, "So... I guess we should investigate things ourselves, if we could find it and devlop a cure, that would be a much more powerful negotiation tool than any amount of the actual poison, from the Wyvern's actions I doubt he'll believe anything we tell him."
Geijon whispers something to Lylia.
Speaking to Coglock, Dendum introduces, ""Dendum of the Wendwillows."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia whispers something to Geijon.
Falzcrow glances at Xorus.
Speaking drunkenly to Dendum, Gutstorm slurs, "No shcemin. ye shaw wot happint in da Mool lash year."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Ysharra asks, "Do you have a suggestion, then? If we find this alchemical concoction?"
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Coglock says, "Identifying symptoms might be a good place to start."
Geijon whispers something to Lylia.
Iskandr says, "Having a means of stopping coastal attacks by Krolvin. No more farmers abducted to row ships for the rest of their lives."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Coglock says, "We could look to any possible half-krolvin communities to check on whether they are suffering any inexplicable illnesses."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Mebbe if da krollin wear mashksh it no shpread?"
Missoni asks, "How quickly does this poison kill?"
Speaking to Iskandr, Ysharra says, "Worked to death on a ship leagues from their home."
Falzcrow looks over at Ysharra and shakes his head.
Speaking squeakily to Gutstorm, Bippins says, "Bippins think krobin need mask always."
Iskandr says, "Of course, Dhe'nar would have little left to buy with their coin."
Falzcrow deeply says, "We must find it first."
Iskandr says, "Wouldn't want to crash their economy."
Speaking to Xorus, Perigourd asks, "Was he to deliver it to you in person?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "Then we can debate how to destroy it, and anyone with the knowledge of it."
Speaking quietly to Falzcrow, Opalina asks, "How do you know it exists?"
Xorus says, "No. He had not intention of surviving."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Falzcrow, Ysharra says, "I don't know if I like the sound of that."
Lylia says, "On the contrary. He knew he was to die."
Speaking to himself, Guarrin muses, "Perhaps we could convince him it was heading elsewhere. Give them a target to buy us some time."
Missoni repeats, "Anyone with knowledge of it?"
Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "Yes, you noticed that too."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Xorus, Perigourd asks, "Than where would he have sent it to reach you?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Ysharra asks, "Haven't enough people died due to the raiding tyranny of the Kral?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "I know it was to be delivered. I aided Praxopius for a short time. I delivered the orc after the Battle of Glaoveln."
Vaemyr says, "Not sure I'll agree with the latter, but yes finding it is a priority."
Falzcrow nods at Opalina.
Ycelacie suggests, "Why don't we just try to find it first?"
Speaking to Falzcrow, Geijon says, "That was a long time ago."
Speaking squeakily to Ycelacie, Bippins asks, "Like krobin?"
Speaking quietly to Falzcrow, Opalina asks, "Did you help make it?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "No."
Coglock asks, "Has there been any..significant deliveries to the town as of late?"
Xorus says, "Praxopius would have likely tried to deliver it magically. If he did, it failed. If he used a courier, he was betrayed."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Drazaa says, "That seems the most logical place to start."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Dendum asks, ""Has any Krolvin or non Krolvin seen this Blue Suffer actually work?"
Coglock says, "Maybe it was hidden with a delivery of something inocuous."
Falzcrow deeply says, "Yes, on Glaoveln."
Leafiara says, "Or the courier could have been killed or even died of natural causes--there are truly any number of possibilities here."
'Falzcrow deeply says, "When you all attacked it."
Ysharra says, "Falzcrow, as far as I know, you were the only one to visit with us after that conflict concluded."
Leafiara says, "Yes, that's when he brought back Thrayzar from Glaoveln."
Falzcrow nods at Leafiara.
Leafiara grins at Falzcrow.
Speaking in Gnomish, Dendum says something you don't understand.
Goldstr asks, "Might we want to bring Thrayzar to dis discussion?"
Speaking in Gnomish, Dendum says something you don't understand.
Speaking in Gnomish, Dendum says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "That's actually a good idea. It's at least possible Praxopius might have shared some information with him while he had him brainwashed."
Speaking in Gnomish, Bippins squeakily exclaims something you don't understand.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ishnt Thrayzar brain shcrambled from our lasht encounter wittem?"
Speaking to Goldstr, Vaemyr says, "Speaking that he's the new steward of the guard, we should involve him in more ways than one."
Blades says, "Then let them come."
Lylia says, "He seemed to have regained a good deal of his clarity of thought."
Goldstr says, "Thrayzar be fine now."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "Reports are that he's fine, so Thadston is instating him as the Steward of the Guard."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "No he is recovered."
Speaking to Dendum, Ysharra says, "When we invaded Glaoveln during Lylia's mayoral tenure, we were all given daggers with some of this substance on it."
Speaking in Gnomish, Bippins squeakily asks something you don't understand.
Bernadette softly says, "Good news indeed."
Puptilian says, "The sparring sessions I had with the orc over the last few weeks...I think he is back in fighting shape."
Speaking to Dendum, Ysharra says, "It made the Krolvin Czag Dubh more vulneerable, as he had augmented his power with magic."
Speaking to Dendum, Ysharra says, "It had made him nigh-unkillable."
Iskandr says, "My head is unclear. I try to be more accepting than many, but just the thought of an end to the Krolvin scourge upon the world is hard to think around right now."
Speaking to Ysharra, Dendum asks, ""Is this warlord afraid the landing is going to hop dozens of islands and stab each Krolvin? This might be troublesome even if they do not have poison on them yes?"
Falzcrow deeply says, "We will be in touch. I am sure there will be more to discuss. I will meet with any other of your leaders as needed."
Ysharra says, "Without the knives, we wouldn't have won, and stopped Kragnack's pursuit of tribute."
Speaking to Ysharra, Xorus says, "And there are an untold number of those daggers in the possession of however many people."
Falzcrow deeply says, "I suspect the Wyvern will arrive by the Eve of the Huntress."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Coglock says, "Be safe. I know many of us will do what we can to secure it and destroy it."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Leafiara says, "It would be a pleasure to meet and has been tonight."
Bippins squeakily says, "Need find blue stuff fore decide blue stuff."
Stormyrain says, "Thank you for that information."
Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "I believe I left mine in his right eye."
Opalina quietly says, "No more nappings I hope."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Lylia says, "I shall see you when you are able to tell me how we can prove a negative."
Ycelacie asks, "So what are we doing?"
Speaking to Dendum, Ysharra says, "Good question. I am not sure. We felt we had no choice."
Speaking squeakily to Ycelacie, Bippins says, "Talking."
Bippins whispers something to Opalina.
Falzcrow nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Dendum, Ysharra says, "Kragnack said he'd be back to murder and enslave us, since Lylia wouldn't give him tribute."
Speaking to Xorus, Raelee says, "... and if any of the untold number of daggers were to be employed, destroying all knowledge of the initial formula would make the development of a counteragent vastly more difficult."
Speaking to Raelee, Xorus says, "Precisely."
Lylia dryly remarks, "I am quite bad at offering tribute. One of my weakest suits, in fact."
Leafiara says, "The daggers we saw disintegrated within moments of the poison being applied due to its sheer potency. Those are likely gone by now."
Xorus says, "So long as those daggers exist, it is possible to devise ways of producing more of the poison."
Ycelacie says, "We should be investigating."
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "Telling him to piss up a rope was one of your best moments, I feel."
Falzcrow deeply says, "I believe, if Xorus Dreadlord is telling the truth, then our best step forward is preparing to defend the town, while searching for the Lalk Morgil ourselves, to prove it, and destroy it. Since words alone will not squash the Wyvern's arrival."
Speaking to Xorus, Goldstr says, "Aye."
Lylia diplomatically says, "I should have learned how to say it in Krolgeh, out of courtesy."
Opalina quietly asks, "What how do we know what the Lock Morgil looks like?"
Iskandr asks, "You know what might squash his arrival?"
Speaking to Opalina, Dendum offers, ""Hrmm this one would think it is blue."
Tayler says, "We should build a giant chain across the mouth of the bay."
Speaking to Opalina, Kiyna says, "I believe it's a recipe, written on parchment, most like."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Drazaa replies, "Yes, it must be found."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Coglock says, "We made contact with a mentalist aboard one of the ships sent to scour for it; do you know anything of her? She is a halfling woman, powerful in her arts."
Xorus says, "Xorus is sufficient, no need for both names."
Ycelacie says, "Here is one I haven't heard."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "We might need some... specialized shelters or such, since it seems they could still grab people from town square."
Speaking to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "I'm inclined to agree."
Ycelacie asks, "Who is the last person we know for sure was in possession of it?"
Puptilian says, "Be odd to attack the town he thinks has a poison that could kill his whole army at once."
Speaking quietly to Bippins, Opalina asks, "I said it wrong?"
Vaemyr says, "I have a few ideas to follow up on at least."
Speaking squeakily to Opalina, Bippins asks, "What lock mogal?"
Speaking to Puptilian, Leafiara agrees, "That's why I think Kiyna is most likely correct. It's not an already-made substance, it's a formula."
Speaking to Puptilian, Leafiara clarifies, "Written."
Speaking quietly to Bippins, Opalina asks, "The blue candy stuffs?"
Speaking squeakily to Opalina, Bippins says, "Ah, blue stuffer."
Opalina quietly exclaims, "That stuff!"
Iskandr asks, "How readily does this blue stuff spread from Krol to krol?"
Lylia says, "And a formula is not the parchment upon which it is written. It has the potential to be known already to anyone who has seen this formula, if it still exists -- and it may not. I know who does not have it."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We shoukd find out."
Vaemyr asks, "Does anyone know of any deliveries of some large quantities of everblood or demon blood in the past year?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "No, but I do know of a delivery of anti-Everblood."
Leafiara removes a vial of tar-like black salve from in her cherry red cloak.
Speaking to Iskandr, Ysharra says, "It's a fair question. Even with it, I believe we had to kill Kragnak about thirty times to get him to go down, for good."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "That would potentially work as well."
Kiyna says, "Given what I'm told of this Praxopius, though I didn't know him, it wouldn't be any regular paper. Magical, probably. Resistant to wear and damage. Seems important."
Ysharra says, "He was quite powerful, but I still would think it would need some modification to be more virulent."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara acknowledges, "Very potentially."
Falzcrow bows.
Falzcrow deeply says, "Good evening to you all."
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking to Kiyna, Lylia says, "Yes. He was a forward thinker."
Speaking to Falzcrow, Drazaa says, "Take care Falzcrow."
Leafiara whispers something to Vaemyr.
Lylia silkily says, "Yes. Do take care."
Falzcrow just went east.