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Banks are places in towns where silver coins and promissory notes may be deposited and withdrawn.
BANK verb
Usage: BANK ACCOUNT - View your current bank account balance(s). BANK TRANSFER {bankname} {#|ALL} - Transfer funds from another town to your local bank account. BANK TRANSFER CONSOLIDATE - Consolidate all your bank accounts into your local bank account. BANK DEPOSIT {#|NOTE|ALL} - Send a runner with a deposit for your local bank account. BANK WITHDRAW {#} [SILVER|NOTE] - Send a runner to make a withdrawal from your local bank account.
For more detailed information, please see the BANK verb article.
List of Banks
There are many different banks across the lands with their own accounts, and it is possible for a character to have accounts in any or all of them. Silvers deposited in one bank can only be withdrawn from a branch of the same bank. To find a bank in town, use the DIRECTION command.
F2P characters are restricted to a single town's bank account, whichever one they first use. If the character uses the bank in Ta'Vaalor, they cannot access their money in Ta'Illistim, and vice-versa, despite the Bank of the United City-States serving both cities.
- Wehnimer's Landing: The First Elanith Secured Bank is at Town Square West. There is an additional branch in the northeast area of the Northern Caravansary.
- Icemule Trace: The Icemule Trace Bank is just east of Town Center. Also, the Pinefar Depository makes deposits and withdrawls with the Icemule Trace Bank. It is located in the Pinefar Trading Post
- Elven Nations: Branches of the United City-States Bank are in Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim as well as the nearby elven settlements of Sylvarraend and The Ravelin.
- Solhaven: Branches of the Vornavis Bank of Solhaven are in Solhaven and the Vornavis Caravansary.
- River's Rest: The Bank of Torre County Issues notes for the County of Torre.
- Kharam Dzu: The Great Bank of Kharam-Dzu issues Borthuum Mining Company scrips.
- Zul Logoth: The Bank of Kharag 'doth Dzulthu issues mining chits as opposed to promissory notes.
- Cysaegir: The bank is found in the Citadel Bailey, located on the west side of town.
- Mist Harbor: The Mist Harbor bank is only accessible to premium characters.
- Kraken's Fall
Third-Party Tools
Local banks are tagged in the map database and ;go2 bank
will travel to the nearest bank.
See Also
- BANK verb