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Defense of the Faithful (1608)

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Defense of the Faithful (1608)
Mnemonic [FAITHDEF]
Base Duration 2 hours
Added Duration 60 sec per Paladin Base rank
Span Stackable
Utility Magic - Skill Enhancement  
Subtype Enhancement 
Skill Enhancement Armor Use 
Availability Self-cast 
Paladin Base Spells
Mantle of Faith (1601) Defensive
Pious Trial (1602) Attack
Templar's Verdict (1603) Attack
Consecrate (1604) Utility
Arm of the Arkati (1605) Offensive
Dauntless (1606) Offensive
Rejuvenation (1607) Utility
Defense of the Faithful (1608) Utility
Divine Shield (1609) Defensive
Higher Vision (1610) Defensive
Patron's Blessing (1611) Defensive
Faith's Clarity (1612) Utility
Aid the Fallen (1613) Utility
Aura of the Arkati (1614) Attack
Repentance (1615) Attack
Vigor (1616) Utility
Zealot (1617) Offensive
Fervor (1618) Offensive
Faith Shield (1619) Defensive
Battle Standard (1620) Utility
Holy Weapon (1625) Offensive
Judgment (1630) Attack
Divine Intervention (1635) Utility
Divine Word (1640) Utility
Divine Incarnation (1650) Utility

Defense of the Faithful bolsters weaknesses in the paladin's armor, granting +20 enhancive ranks of Armor Use.

Recasting this also grants a 60 second Beacon of Courage effect that will redirect attacks made on the paladin's party members to the paladin. Any creature attacking a party member while this effect is active will be subject to hidden warding rolls and failing will redirect attacks for as long as the Beacon of Courage effect lasts. The effect also allows the Paladin to ignore Force on Force mechanics for at least one additional target, the number of targets increasing based on Spiritual Lore, Blessings.

This spell is selfcast only.

Lore Benefits

Spiritual Lore, Blessings nullifies an additional target's Force on Force effect for every seed 10 summation ranks while under the Beacon of Courage effect.

Spiritual Lore, Blessings ranks 0 10 21 33 46 60 75 91
Force on Force increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Spiritual Lore, Blessings ranks 108 126 145 165 186 208 231
Force on Force increase 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Tactical Considerations

The Beacon of Courage effect serves as a passive taunt to protect all other characters in the area. A paladin's friends might be incapacitated or otherwise likely to suffer serious damage from further attacks, which this spell can prevent.

It should work on bandits, grimswarm, and for the most part, any other creature. There may be some edge cases where it doesn't work on certain creatures or with certain maneuvers, but they should be rare.

1640 Considerations

Beacon of Courage can be cast when performing a field raise. If the corpse is in the confines of your group when this spell is cast it will benefit them as if they were still alive for 60 seconds. When 1640 is used in that window, any attacks against the newly raised party member will be redirected towards the casting paladin.


This spell has different messaging based on the caster's deity.

Pantheon of Liabo
Motes of lambent white-gold light appear and begin to swirl around you, coalescing into a radiant aura.
TARGET appears enthralled by the motes of lambent white-gold light.
The aura of lambent white-gold light motes surrounding you dissipates slowly, winking out of existence.
Pantheon of Lornon
Wisps of lucent silvered ebon smoke appear and begin to twist around you, coalescing into an incandescent veil.
TARGET appears enthralled by the haze of lucent silvered ebon smoke.
The haze of lucent silvered ebon smoke surrounding you dissipates slowly, thinning until nonexistent.
Pantheon of Neutrality
Fingers of fog-hued mist appear and begin to twirl around you, coalescing into a scintillant miasma.
TARGET appears enthralled by the miasma of fog-hued mist.
The miasma of fog-hued mist surrounding you dissipates slowly, waning until completely diminished.
