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The 2014 paladin spell review posts are in sections 1-8. Newer releases are after.

Paladin Spell Review 2020

Category: Professions
Topic: Paladin
Message #: 1195
Author: GS4-VIDUUS
Date: 12/29/2020
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates

The paladin spell updates outlined in the document below are now live in all instances.

New Verbs/Innate abilities

AURA System: The aura system are spells that are cast once and remain active until the paladin switches to another aura type or dies. Only one of these effects may be active on a paladin at a time, though multiple paladins grouping can benefit from the other’s auras.

(1603) Templar’s Verdict Templar’s Verdict: when cast, the target is subject to a warding roll and if successful, takes minor/moderate plasma damage and receives a 30 second debuff that is -5 DS/-3 TD/-5 SMRv2. Subsequent attack, casting, or CML misses from the paladin toward the target cause the target to ward against the spell again and if fail, receive damage and stacking the debuff. This effect can trigger a base of 3 times, increased with lore. Killing a target under the effects of the spell causes the paladin to become Zealous, causing their next successful attack within 60 seconds to always trigger a guiding light.

(1604) Consecration Duration changed to standard formula of 20 + 3 * paladin spell ranks These flares on a shield will now trigger when blocking while in a more aggressive stance (forward, advanced, offensive).

(1607) Rejuvenation Mana cost is reduced to a flat 7 mana

(1608) Defense of the Faithful 1200 + 60 second duration buff Grants +20 enhancive armor ranks Recasting this also grants a 60 second “Beacon of Courage” effect that will redirect attacks made on paladin’s party members to the paladin. Any creature attacking a party member while this 60 second buff is active will be subject to hidden warding rolls and failing will redirect attacks for as long as the beacon of courage effect lasts.

(1609) Divine Shield - Changed to AURA effect (defensive) Gains guard the meek DS boost (guard the meek spell removed) Additionally this spell will grant the paladin with “Swift Justice” knowledge effect. Swift justice will cause the next Shield Maneuver to be executed in 1 second. Swift Justice builds up charges at a rate of 1 for every 60 seconds the spell is in effect. When used while in a more aggressive stance the recharge time is reduced by 5 seconds per block against like-level targets. The spell has a base of 2 charges and can be increased to 3 at 40 summoning lore, and 4 at 105 summoning lore.

(1611) Patron’s Blessing SMR bonus granted from CM bonus is not reduced when paladins 2x CM skill. CM bonus granted by this spell will help with aiming weapons

(1612) Faith's Clarity - Moved from 1603 Changed to standard 1200 + 60 seconds buff duration Makes minor spirit hindrance match paladin circle hindrance Grants 1% base paladin spell hindrance reduction for every 5 paladin spells known, up to a maximum of 10% reduction at 50 paladin ranks (also reduces minor spirit hindrance). Reduces paladin and minor spirit hindrance to a maximum of 3% in full plate. Does not stack with armor fluidity

(1613) Aid the Fallen - moved from 1620 Reduced self teleport summoning lore requirement to 20 ranks (down from 40)

(1615) Repentance - renamed Base chance to kneel changed from 35% to 100% New Evoked version will significantly boost damage, but not cause roundtime/knockdown. Training in SMC will significantly increase the lethality of this spell.

(1617) Zealot - Changed to AURA effect (physical offensive) No longer forces groups to be offensive and no longer applies negative DS.

(1618) - Fervor Changed to AURA effect (magical and generic offensive) expanded to boost (Flare only) CS attack spells

(1625) Holy Weapon - renamed Rearranged tier gains: Tier1: disarm, Tier3: consecrate flares, Tier5: spell Infusion to better align with actual benefits of abilities. Consecrate flares will no longer be lost due to WPS upgrades. Changed mana capacity to 30 + spirit mana control skill / 2 RT reduced for field charging from 10 seconds down to 5 seconds. New command INFUSE <WEAPON> with <Scroll> - drains all eligible charges from scrolls and inserts into weapon New command BESEECH CONSERVE - attempts to “smartly” evoke casts from weapon to use charges wisely. This mode works like ignite, but where ignite invokes the spell every cast, this mode will only invoke it once per target. This is a slightly smarter mode to allow things like setup spells 1602/1614/1615 (kneel) to be used without constant player intervention, but that won’t quickly deplete the weapon of charges. Updated to respect incant settings Added bolt spells to list of allowed spells Training in summoning lore will add a penalty of 1 TD / 2 bolt DS to targets for every rank to a max of 25 ranks for infused spells.

(1640) Divine Word Battle Raise Duration increased from 10 minutes to 15 minutes Made non-dispellable

(1650) Divine Incarnation Incarnate Zeal base time increased to 60 seconds Incarnate Onslaught cost changed to 10 divine energy Incarnate Armor changed to allow use of emergency version when 1650 is not active, but doing so will immediately end the spell and trigger a 5 minute cooldown on being able to use the spell again.

I'll be monitoring for issues over the next few days. Some items in the original doc haven't made it into this release but are still in the works.



Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 592
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/19/2014 08:48 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates

The following updates are now live for Paladin spells:

Mantle of Faith (1601) - No change.

Pious Trial (1602) - Every 10 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings lore allows for the spell to affect one additional target when the spell is open cast (cast without specifying a target).

Faith's Clarity (1603) - The spell will no longer end early when a subsequent spell is cast; it remains active for 30 seconds.

Consecrate (1604) - Renamed spell that combines the previous Purify (1604) and Guiding Light (1608) spells into one. Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning increases the potency of the the flares.

Arm of the Arkati (1605) - No change.

Dauntless (1606) - No change.

Rejuvenation (1607) - The full hit point recovery amount is healed even when the spell is on cooldown (with the same increased mana cost).

Beacon of Courage (1608) - New spell. For 60 seconds, the Paladin glows brightly as he becomes the sanctioned target of his foes. All creatures in the area are subject to a warding roll and if they fail, will only target the Paladin and not other characters when attacking. The Paladin also will ignore Force on Force mechanics for 1 additional target + additional targets for every seed 10 summation of their Spiritual Lore, Blessing while under this effect.

Divine Shield (1609) - No change.

Higher Vision (1610) - No change.

Patron's Blessing (1611) - No change.

Champion's Might (1612) - No change.

Guard the Meek (1613) - Moved from spell slot 1618. No other changes.

Aura of the Arkati (1614) - This spell, along with Song of Holding's (1101), -DS calculation was updated to take into account the full melee DS of a target (including Evade, Block, Parry bonuses). Players should notice a significant difference vs. the old formula. In addition, the spell will no longer cause targets to kneel, but instead applies a penalty to Evade, Block, and Parry chances. The base amount is -5%, with an additional -1% per seed 4 summation of Spiritual Lore, Religion.

Divine Strike (1615) - No change.

Vigor (1616) - No change.

Zealot (1617) - No change.

Crusade (1618) - New spell. Not yet implemented. You embolden yourself and your allies with the fervor of your righteous cause! The damage from your group's physical and magical bolt attacks increases significantly (damage weighting). This bonus is increased with training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings. Additionally, training in Spiritual Lore, Religion adds the chance of a potential deity-specific flare to occur after the attack.

Faith Shield (1619) - No change.

Aid the Fallen (1620) - Preservation is no longer a requirement for a corpse to be considered a valid target for the spell. In addition, Paladins may now anchor to any in-town Spirit Fog (130) destination, in addition to the previous shrine locations. Lastly, once a Paladin has learned 40 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning, they may use this ability when dead to return their corpse to their anchored location. 20 mana is still required to use the ability via BESEECH when dead.

Sanctify (1625) - Spell infusion flares no longer require mana from the Paladin when they trigger. Instead, the bonded weapon may hold a finite amount of mana worth of spells, starting at 25 mana + 1 per rank of Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning. When infusing the weapon, it will hold a set amount of charges based upon the spell level and maximum mana capacity of the weapon. E.g. You weapon can hold 50 mana and you infuse Divine Strike (1615) into it. This will allow it to hold 3 charges of the spell. Infusing a spell from a scroll only allows for 1 charge. In addition, infusion flares no longer randomly trigger when attacking. Instead, the Paladin can BESEECH their weapon which will force it to automatically flare on their next attack. Finally, spell infusion flares now trigger before the actual attack resolves.

Judgment (1630) - No change.

Divine Intervention (1635) - No change.

Divine Word (1640) - This spell will now function as a battle resurrection. When cast, the corpse will be brought back to life with a single cast of all of their known defensive spells, plus up to 20 levels of outside spells that were active upon death. They will no longer lose health due to bleeding, and their actions will not be hindered by wounds. Their health, stamina, mana, and spirit will be returned to full. Finally, they will be jolted into a prone position in defensive stance, and be stunned for 5 seconds with 5 seconds of roundtime. After 10 minutes, all active spells will fall, and they will begin to bleed again. Their health will be reduced to 25 hit points, and stamina, mana, and spirit will be reduced to 1.

The Paladin will gain the same amount of experience as a Cleric would, but will not pay the spirit cost until the 10-minute effect has expired. The target player may end the effect prematurely and the Paladin can independently end the effect on themselves to pay the spirit cost via UNLINK. The Paladin may not perform another resurrection until they've paid for any pending spirit costs. The same restrictions on casts per day remain (base 1, with additional uses per day based upon lore training).

Divine Vengeance - Not yet implemented. An innate ability for all Paladins that triggers upon their death. In a show of divine vengeance, a spiritual shock wave is sent out from the Paladin's corpse, affecting all creatures in the area. This ability can only be triggered once every 4 hours.

GameMaster Estild

Additional Notes

Category: Paladins
Topic: Developer's Corner - Paladins
Message #: 338
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/08/2014 05:54 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Circle Review

A couple of notes, the existing lore benefit for the previous Guiding Light flares remains the same, where Spiritual Lore, Blessing increases the chance for a second flare. The new effect only increases the potency of the second flare and is based off Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning.

GameMaster Estild

Q & A

Category: Paladins
Topic: Developer's Corner - Paladins
Message #: 357
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/10/2014 07:10 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Circle Review

Q. Robert
Any chance of getting Iasha style messaging for the paladins bonded weapon as part of 1625?

A. Not at this time. Sanctify (1625) is already doing a lot for a single spell and with these revisions, it's getting even better. However, you may want to take a look at GameMaster Wyrom's Weapon Mood service: Mood script/saved posts. (External link changed to internal.)

The old 1613 converted to innate ability, is that going to fire off just in the room of death or will it actually be in the surrounding areas as well? I'm thinking similiar to when scales traps can send the fletchettes to adjacent rooms here.

A. It affects the area you're within. In most cases, for small or medium sized hunting areas, it's the entire area.

Q. Morden, player of
Does this stack with sigil of distraction? I suppose if #2 is "yes", then this is not-applicable.

A. Yes, it'll stack with all other effects that also increase or reduce a target's chance to evade, block, or parry.

Q. Morden, player of
Does the group also receive the deity-specific flares of the paladin, or is the flare component for the paladin only? If the group receives this as well, is there a bonus for deity alignment? Nothing would convert more wizards / bolters to a paladin's pantheon than this.... (right, frosty ears? You know who you are)

A. The Paladin's group also has the chance for deity-specific flares. Currently, there is no bonus for being the same alignment of the Paladin, but I do like that idea. If implemented, it wouldn't be significant, but it adds good flavor.

Q. Morden, player of
Does it increase the potency of the second flare only, or both? The original post stated 'flares

A. It only increases the potency of the second (lore bonus) flare.

Q. Morden, player of
With the adjustments to 1640 and providing experience, were there any considerations decisions made on either a) use of chrisms, or b) providing experience of a battle-raise to the target instead of the Paladin? Perhaps the overflow experience of a battle raise to a target who hopefully learned something from the experience of battling, dying, then abruptly living to battle again?

A. No, Paladins will not be able to use chrism. The battle resurrection will not allow the corpse to retain their field experience, but it does immediately put them back into the position to quickly reearn it, then to pay the cost of their death afterward, if they can finish their new hunt within 10 minutes.

Q. Morden, player of
Can Paladins be allowed to use either protect or guard, whichever is the one that uses the shield? As the profession characterized by defense of others with a shield, it seems wholly appropriate to me.

A. No, Paladins will not be gaining access to Protect or Guard. Beacon of Courage (1608) will serve a similar role, while still allowing each ability to be unique.

What's the duration look like on Crusade (1618)? Any hints how many ranks of damage weighting come initially, and what sort of summation seed it uses for the lore benefit?

A. Crusade will last for 60 seconds. You can recast it anytime you want, but every time you cast it again before 3 minutes has expired since the last cast, it adds 9 mana to cost (50% of the base cost). So the first time you cast it, it's 18 mana. If you cast it again 2 minutes later, the mana cost is 27 mana. If you cast it another 2 minutes later, the mana cost is 36, etc.

The initial damage weighting is equivalent to "heavy". Every 30 Spiritual Lore, Blessings lore adds another point of damage weighing, so at 50 ranks, the total is equivalent to "exceptional".

For Divine Word, a few questions 1) Voln's Symbol of Recall going to trump the effect provided here, or is Symbol of Recall a favor sink in terms of use with Divine Word? Or to be specific, spells brought back with Symbol of Recall will be stripped after 10 minutes or UNLINK, whichever is first, right? (There's some delay on Symbol of Recall, so maybe enough time to UNLINK directly and that's a way around it.)

A. Symbol of Recall will still work as it does now. Divine Word will just delay the effect to trigger after it ends and has stripped the player of all their spells. To rephrase, Divine Word is cast, the corpse is brought back to life with their spells, then after the 10 minutes has expired, the target player will lose all their spells, then Symbol of Recall will trigger and restore their spells. I knew this was going to be an issue during the design, so I made sure to account for it.

For Divine Word, a few questions 2a) This below was a typo, yes? >Finally, they will be jolted into a prone position in defensive stance, and be stunned for 5 seconds with 5 seconds of roundtime.

A. No, it's not a typo. If you're in risk of dying again while just prone and stunned for 5 seconds with all your spells up and in defensive stance, you probably shouldn't be in the area to begin with.

For Divine Word, a few questions 2b) There's no comment about the paladin stun/RT, so I assume it's remained the same. My paladin is 50k experience from level 40, so actually I don't know what it's like for paladins, though I always assumed it was similar to the ~40 second stun/RT of clerics. I suppose this isn't a question about updates, so anyone who's cast 1640 can easily let me know.

A. To ensure the Paladin is not out of commission for too long to perform the resurrection, I shortened the initial roundtime to 15 seconds (with the 15 second stun remaining the same). However, when the Paladin pays the spirit cost (10 minutes later), it causes 30 seconds of roundtime.

As I understand, 9 ranks of spirit lore - summoning is needed to infused 1615 presently for a fully bonded weapon. In that case, it can hold 50 + 9 mana which still allows for 3 charges of 1615 (but has become extremely close to the next threshold of 60 mana and 4 charges, just one more summoning rank). There is no way for it to hold 50 mana and take 1615, unless this was also another update to remove the lore training requirements based on the spell level? Of course, not to nitpick, just checking all the number crunching.

A. The numbers are an example and do not factor in any additional lore you may have, which would be required to infuse Divine Fury. Nothing changed for the requirements of which spells can be infused.

I asked about Crusade and it seems it is a normal length type spell, not a 117/140 type short term one.

A. GameMaster Mestys had misspoke on that. See my above comment about the duration.

I had a kind of left field question about [[Consecrate (1604)Consecrate. The old Guiding Light only worked on Sanctified weapons. The old Purify made non-holy weapons suitable for Sanctify (1625). I'm sure this is a detail no one overlooked, but does that still work?! It could be the most trivial thing ever, but it sounds kind of complicated to me, for some reason. Cast Consecrate at an arbitrary weapon twice, seems like it should get plasma flares (but in principle it doesn't). This, in particular, is the kind of question I ask as the editor likely to deal with fixing up Krakiipedia.

A. Nothing has changed with either effect even though they were combined into a single spell. You can expect the exact same behavior from casting it at any item as you would now by casting each spell separately.

Q. Falvicar
Does the weapon weighting etc stack with my bonded katana which is already weighted? I'm just curious what I should expect as a proud owner of my katana from the updates. The only other question I'd have is this: I'm considering saving up a few more premium points to my second custom verb on my katana and was thinking about using RAISE but I don't want that to be an issue after the fact in regards to raising the katana to get the guaranteed infused spell to go off. So if RAISE can't be used then I'd like to know so I don't mess anything up if that makes sense.

A. The weighing and flares stack with any other ability/property. We currently have some logic so that scripted weapons still work with Sanctify's RAISE, but I think I may just move the activation to BESEECH <weapon> to avoid any confusions or problems.

Q. Falvicar
What about in RP situations such as when an NPC is the cause of death? Would this go off or does this just go just after creatures and won't target the one responsible for the death? Just curious is all.

A. The new Divine Vengeance will only affect creatures.

Q. Falvicar
Last of all - will 1614 (arm of arkati) still "freeze" the targets that failed if warded high enough like it currently does?

A. No, that aspect was removed. It only causes -DS and -E/B/P now.

GameMaster Estild

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Aura of the Arkati (1614)

Category: Paladins
Topic: Developer's Corner - Paladins
Message #: 367
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/18/2014 03:46 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Circle Review

Q. Morden, player of
>Aura of the Arkati (1614) - ... but instead applies a penalty to Evade, Block, and Parry chances. The base amount is -5%, with an additional -1% per seed 4 summation of Spiritual Lore, Religion.
Two questions:
1) Can you clarify how the EBP percentages are reduced? By the wording, it could be reduced by subtracting the base 5% from the target's EBP, but it could also be taken as a percentage reduction:
I.e.: if a target has 10% chance each to evade, block, and parry, does a non-lored target reduce these by subtract 5% to 5% each, or is it a percentage reduction, where it now has a 9.5% chance each to EBP?
2) Can each EBP be reduced to zero with sufficient lore, or will the target always retain a chance?
3) Does this stack with sigil of distraction? I suppose if #2 is "yes", then this is not-applicable.

A. The -% chance to evade, block, and parry are additive, meaning if the target has a 10% chance for each of those, they're all reduced to 5% (using the base -5% value). Yes, a target's chance to evade, block, or parry can be reduced to 0. It stacks with all other modifies that affect evade, block, or parry chances (Searing Light (135), Sun Burst (609), Dirtkick, Sigil of Distraction, etc).

GameMaster Estild

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 622
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/23/2014 6:50 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates
in 1614 Aura of the Arkati: "Training in Spiritual Lore, Religion increases the DS reduction by 1% at 5 ranks to a maximum of 5% at 30 ranks."
Should the first 1% be at 4 ranks instead of 5 (and follow seed 4 to the 5th bonus at 30 ranks)? if not, what are the thresholds?

Yes, it should be 1% starting at 4 ranks. I've updated the spell description on the website.

GameMaster Estild

Divine Strike (1615) and Judgment (1630)

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 597
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/19/2014 10:58 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates

I just updated Divine Strike (1615) and Judgment (1630) so that they will still cause roundtime to the target if the secondary benefit triggers and the target is already on the ground. You won't see any messaging for this though, since it won't be forcing the target to kneel.

GameMaster Estild

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 606
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/20/2014 12:52 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates
GameMaster Estild
I just updated Divine Strike (1615) and Judgment (1630) so that they will still cause roundtime to the target if the secondary benefit triggers and the target is already on the ground. You won't see any messaging for this though, since it won't be forcing the target to kneel.

I added some messaging for when the target is subject to the roundtime, but already on the ground.

GameMaster Estild

Aid the Fallen (1620)

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 610
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/20/2014 3:29 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates
Just doing some testing on 1620. It still requires preservation, contrary to the update information. Not sure if that's a bug or a mistake in the update description.

This should be fixed now. It should no longer require preservation.

GameMaster Estild

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Divine Word (1640) and Aid the Fallen (1620)

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 619
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/22/2014 10:36 AM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates
Did I calculate correctly that Divine Word uses 25% of the target's total spirit? Also a stupid question but, this value is determined at the time 1640 is cast, not when unlinking occurs, right? (Total spirit can in principle change from enhancives.)

It's calculated at the time the spell is cast.

Is there a way to determine how many Divine Word(s) a character has left at a given time? Am I correct in assuming each one has its own 24 hour renewal cycle?

No, there is no way to check, so you must keep track of it yourself. The count resets 24 hours after the first resurrection was performed.

I noticed Divine Word shows up in Spell Active. I presume it cannot be hit by Spiritual Dispel, etc. Wow that would really blow!

No, it cannot be dispelled via any of the dispel spells (119, 230, 417, 430, or 1218) or from the Rift, and it doesn't count against spell burst.

Could we get 1620 and 1640 not to waste mana when someone isn't in the paladin's group? If not, it's fair to call it my (perpetual) stupidity. Still, if it's an invalid target can't the spell just continue to remain prepared and not actually cast when it fails that way? At least, the official documentation for both of these should explicitly mention this requirement (since actually, I didn't know it was required for Divine Word the first time I tried to cast it).

If you cast any spell at an invalid target, it will still consume the mana. All spells work like that. However, I have added a tip on the Aid the Fallen (1620) and Divine Word (1640) spell descriptions to specify the corpse must be in the Paladin's group.

GameMaster Estild

Scroll Status

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 596
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 08/19/2014 9:55 PM EDT
Subject: Paladin Spell Updates
what is the scroll status for the new spells?

They can be found on scrolls.

GameMaster Estild

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Pious Trial (1602)

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 911
Date: 09/01/2015 12:55 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: Pious Trial (1602) Updated!

Hi everybody!

You're looking over at the Wizard folder and you see that Slow (504) has just been updated to apply 3 seconds of RT to the targets of successful casts of the spell. You wish this could get applied to Pious Trial, because that would be cool. Well, okay! Let's do it.

  • When a target is successfully hit with the spell Pious Trial (and is not already affected by the spell), it will now be instantly given 3 seconds of roundtime.

~ Konacon

Beacon of Courage (1608)

Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Message #: 973
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 12/31/2015 12:17 AM ESTT
Subject: Re: Still buggy, 1602 and 1608. RE: no mass disablers
Does it work now on bandits and other similar creatures? I do remember you mentioning CMs ignore beacon but I don't recall if that was on purpose or not. For example. the wyroms attacking the wrist of a player at Bone Spear.

It should work on bandits, grimswarm, and for the most part, any other creature. There may be some edge cases where it doesn't work on certain creatures or with certain maneuvers, but they should be rare.

GameMaster Estild

Divine Word (1640)

Category: Professions
Topic: Cleric
Message #: 541
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 05/05/2020
Subject: EXP and LTE for Resurrections

Raise Dead (318) and Divine Word (1640) have been updated to grant a minimum of 250 exp (for Clerics and Paladins), up from 100, and to grant the newly resurrected person 50% of the experience the Cleric/Paladin earned as Long Term Experience (LTE), up to 250 per day.

GameMaster Oscuro

See Also