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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-01-16 - Shiversity of Options (log)

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Lormesta 16, 5122

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier


Captain Bodohal sails the Shiver back into Darkstone Bay and holds fire this time, saying that he has reason to believe Wehnimer's Landing is a protectorate of the Empire and asking if it's not bound by duty and law to find Tolmis and return him. Various adventurers tell him that's not how it works and Councilor Kayse suggests that if Bodohal has issues with the protectorate then he can discuss it with the future Baron Elidal.

Meanwhile, Sir Guarrin seeks a word with Magister Remuliad, said to be aboard. Bodohal asks if the group has someone from the Hall of Mages who can to speak to him, but they don't, so Guarrin says he can pass along a message or Bodohal can bring Remuliad if he wishes to speak with Elidal. Mariners bring forth a weary-looking Remuliad with his head cocked at an angle. The group seems concerned aobut his appearance, but Bodohal says he's tired from his research and gets him to briefly agree to head back to his room, so the mariners drag him off again.

Back on the topic of Tolmis and Elidal, Kayse reiterates that Bodohal should meet with the latter to find the former. However, Commodore Jaysehn says we're bargaining with a man who's never going to bargain after having broken laws, kidnapped a Magister, and become a pirate; Bodohal dismisses it as a wild accusation from a fellow Captain and he won't be accused of piracy with no evidence.

As for Kayse's point, Bodohal reiterates that his only business in town is wanting his deserter. Kayse says she's heard that Elidal wishes to meet with him and, when asked why, she says he's heard of his reputation and perhaps would like to discuss future endeavors with the possibility of a new port one day. Bodohal says he'll consider it and asks that Elidal send a messenger to Brisker's Cove, where he can meet them on more neutral grounds.

Some of Bodohal's crew wonder what the pylons are, having heard a few of the Landing group mention them in a threatening context, and question among themselves whether their over thirty cannons and "the orb" aren't enough. As everyone wonders what that means, frigid mist begins to gather on the bay and the hull of the Shiver sparkles with tendrils of mist drifting away. Water begins to freeze and then a blizzard starts to swirl around the ship! Adventurers take the cue and leave Bodohal be for now.


A Word with the Baron?

[heard that Bodohal was about; I'm sure there was some kind of messaging, but I missed the initial flurry]

[Wehnimer's, North Dock]

The dock's planks are dull and weathered from the salt spray of many seasons. Northward beyond the massive sea gates, a flock of ice geese passes, silhouetted against the sky over the waters of Darkstone Bay. The hulk of a derelict coastal sailer is tethered to the end of the pier. You also see the Issiah disk, an emaciated black horse, an inlaid leather grimoire soaring around with its gilt-swept ethereal violet pinions, the web-draped Missoni disk, a fluffy white cat, a frost-covered yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake, a lazy wild greyish-black dog, a silver-tipped smoke grey wolf, a pernicious will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, the Guarrin disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a black imperial wagon with a glowing blue-white pylon on it, a portly portmaster, a stack of empty crates, a wide ramp, a rope-lined wooden plank bridge that leads to the archway of a large moored white-masted ship, a huge grey imperial warship and a huge grey imperial warship.

Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, Issiah, Missoni, Commodore Jaysehn, Earthdiver, Ulfwine, Seaward Rasson, Seaward Callayne, Sir Guarrin

Ulfwine says, "Would that we knew his motivations."

[Darkstone Bay]

Cold waters splash around you, catching you in the midst of waves that slosh about in the Darkstone Bay. Grizzled workers move along the docks of Wehnimer's Landing, loading and unloading ships lined up along the water's edge.

[Darkstone Bay]

The ocean swells rise up high, crashing down in loud splashes of water and foam. Small bits of kelp float along the surface of the dark waters.

[Darkstone Bay]

The ocean swells rise up high, crashing down in loud splashes of water and foam. Small bits of kelp float along the surface of the dark waters.

[Darkstone Bay]

In every direction the murky blue waters of Darkstone Bay spread out all around you. Small waves rise and fall, sending ripples of foam and bits of kelp floating along the surface. The silver glow of the moon cascades down, causing patches of the sea to almost gleam like metal. You also see a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, High Lord Svardin, Town Councilor Kayse, Seaward Gutstorm, Dendum

[Realm] Guarrin thinks, "A reminder that firing on a protectorate is no different to firing on any imperial lands."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Him want Tomlin."

Dendum glances up.

[Drakes] Paphia asks, "You're going out to sea?"

Leafiara glances at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Leafiara asks, "Back again, huh?"

Svardin says, "He wants some fella named tomlis tomlin tom somethin."

Leafiara smirks.

A voice shouts from the deck of The Shiver, "Captain, we will send a bosun to check the bilge."

Satrn nods.

Gutstorm wiggles his eyebrows at Regwen.

Svardin glances up.

Kayse firmly says, "I know what he wants."

Satrn hoots.

As Dendum moves towards the man o' war, a blue-clad sailor shouts from above, "You won't be doing that if you know what's good for you! Now be on your way, landlubber!"

The voice of Bodohal deeply says, "More trouble it seems."

Leafiara petitions the spirits as flickers of pale flame surround her hands...

Leafiara gestures at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Leafiara launches a flare at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails!

The deep blue man o' war grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.

Svardin says, "Just don't be yellin fire."

Dendum blinks.

Svardin giggles.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me tried Leafi."

Missoni casually observes her surroundings.

Satrn yells, "Fire!"

Svardin ducks his head.

Speaking wryly to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "One can always hope."

Dendum says, "They seem to be having trouble on ship."

Svardin says, "Dey has a leak."

Leafiara yells, "Gonna send your crew again?"

As Earthdiver moves towards the man o' war, a blue-clad sailor shouts from above, "You won't be doing that if you know what's good for you! Now be on your way, landlubber!"

[General] Thuunk exclaims, "Mass panic at the Norht Dock, everyone is jumping onto the Bay!"

Guarrin tilts his head up.

Kayse seems to be waiting for something.

Svardin says, "Dey went ta fix it."

Guarrin asks, "He say anything yet?"

Earthdiver scratches his fingernails on a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Dendum says, "Yes."

Svardin nods at Guarrin.

Rasson says, "Its jump from my boat."

Rasson starts chortling.

[General] Thuunk exclaims, "Into! into!"

Gutstorm abruptly attacks a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails!

Ulfwine slings a battered white kite shield embossed with a golden crown in its center off from over his shoulder.

Callayne grins at Rasson.

Kayse flatly says, "He said to not fire when I showed up, that is about it."

Rasson knocks on a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

[General] Paphia asks, "Why?"

Svardin whispers to the group, "I've been confusin whoever this is."

Dendum says, "He wants the crew."

Svardin giggles.

Leafiara clarifies, "He told his crew not to fire or told you not to fire?"

Missoni glances at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Svardin whispers to the group, "Most effective weapon in war is misinformation."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Both?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Kayse says, "He told his crew not to fire."

Gutstorm works his fingers under his dancing flame crown and scratches his head.

Leafiara nods.

Ulfwine nods.

Guarrin nods once.

Satrn snickers.

Svardin says, "Ya know, I tink I saw dat fella he's lookin fer."

Jaysehn says, "I should sail the Eclipse right here and take his rudder out while he is stationary."

Svardin nods.

Leaning over the rail of the ship, you see the face of Captain Bodohal, his curled mustache barely visible beneath the floppy edge of a flat blue cap. A pearl-inset eyepatch covers one eye, and a cigar burns loosely between his parched lips.

Rasson leans softly against Callayne.

Kayse glances up.

Missoni tilts her head up.

Satrn sticks her tongue out at her goat hide bodice.

Dendum says, "Says as protectorate we are bound to turn over imperial fugitive."

Jaysehn glances up.

Leafiara glances appraisingly up.

Jaysehn scowls.

Svardin says, "He was down in Haven drinkin at da tentacled tavern I tink."

Missoni scoffs.

Gutstorm pulls the silver lever on the cannon. With a click and a fast *WHOOSH* he douses the deep blue man o' war with water since there's nothing it can really do about it!

As Rasson moves towards the man o' war, a blue-clad sailor shouts from above, "You won't be doing that if you know what's good for you! Now be on your way, landlubber!"

Speaking to Dendum, Jaysehn says, "He's on the water. He's under no law I know of."

Guarrin greets, "Afternoon Captain."

[General] Thuunk thinks, "Not sure, I just snuck in, and everyone jumped in the Bay. Usually, everyone says I'm the one that needs the bath."

Svardin asks, "Kinda short?"

Speaking to Dendum, Leafiara says, "Oh, yes, that argument worked great with Stephos in town for years."

Leafiara starts chortling.

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""Also says he replaced dead crew."

Callayne glances up.

Svardin asks, "Cross-eyed?"

Dendum starts chortling at Leafiara.

Earthdiver splashes around in the water!

Gutstorm crosses his eyes.

Leafiara gazes up into the heavens.

Svardin asks, "Wears a striped shirt and a floppy hat wit a parrot on his ear?"

Dendum yells, "Guess new crew didnt hear about what happened to last crew!"

Svardin turns around.

The voice of Bodohal deeply asks, "I have reason to believe this township of yours is a protectorate of the Empire. Are you not bound by duty and law to find this deserter and return him to me?"

Svardin glances up.

Svardin sticks his tongue out and manages to catch a snowflake on its tip!

Rasson leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a calico river rat as it creeps from one of his shoulders to the other, whacking him a few times in the chin with its long hairless tail.

Guarrin says, "That's not quite how it works, captain, as I am sure you are well aware."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Da lawsh sheem to change every day round ere."

Satrn laughs!

Svardin says, "If dey is protectin us from da empire mebbe."

Svardin giggles.

Svardin paces back and forth.

Guarrin says, "The Hall, however, is curious as to the status of their Magister."

Dendum yells, "Protectorate is more of...suggestion really...hard to keep track of."

[General] Paphia thinks, "I won't tell you that. Just... ummm... you should wear a bag of strong-smelling herbs around your neck."

Leafiara yells, "Even if we were, that would presume that we could find him and that he's still alive!"

Kayse casually offers, "Bodohal, perhaps if you have issue with our protectorate status you can discuss it with Elidal--the soon to be Baron of Darkstone? I am sure he would enjoy hosting you for an evening."

Svardin yells, "Two points ta starboard, eleben hunnert yards."

Satrn yells, "Fire!"

Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.

Svardin glances up.

Speaking to Svardin, Dendum reminds, ""Err...we are all standing here...close to ship."

Svardin says, "Shh."

Satrn ducks her head.

The voice of Bodohal deeply says, "New Baron is there? Now that's a good turn of luck."

Speaking to Svardin, Dendum says, ""Just saying..."

Guarrin slowly empties his lungs.

Kayse casually says, "He is in fact."

Regwen stares off into space.

A voice shouts from the deck of The Shiver, "Did someone say fire?"

Kayse asks, "What better time to regale stories of your conquests and impress the new leadership?"

Gutstorm quickly ducks behind Leafiara.

Satrn yells, "Fire!"

The voice of Bodohal deeply exclaims, "Hold your fire!"

Svardin yells, "Belay dat!"

Leafiara chuckles.

Callayne scowls at Satrn.

Ulfwine yells, "I am sure he would like to make your acquaintance. Come ashore!"

A Word with the Magister?

Guarrin repeats, "Captain. A word with the Magister."

Missoni nods approvingly at Guarrin.

[General] Thundrax thinks, "Thuunk ol friend."

Svardin says, "Gods dey is gonna make dem fire."

Jaysehn says, "He fires on us...I'm getting my ship and engaging him."

Satrn just licked Callayne!

Svardin glances up.

Svardin says, "We is way too close."

Jaysehn says, "Its ready and waiting."

The waves of Darkstone Bay slosh about, rising and falling in a smooth and harmonious swell.

Kayse sighs, "Can you all stop being bloodthirsty for a moment?"

The voice of Bodohal deeply asks, "You want to speak with Remuliad? He's a bit difficult to pull away from his research. Why?"

Kayse corrects, "Thirsty."

Leafiara gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Gutstorm removes a rust-swept grappling iron looped with sturdy wheat-colored rope from in his leather apron.

Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.

Speaking to Kayse, Rasson asks, "Have you been in this town long?"

Rasson starts chortling.

Kayse rolls her eyes at Rasson.

[General] Thuunk asks, "What?"

Gutstorm clenches the length of rope dangling from his grappling iron and begins whirling it.

Guarrin says, "The Hall had some questions for him. It seems it has been a while."

Gutstorm waves a rust-swept grappling iron looped with sturdy wheat-colored rope at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Svardin whispers to the group, "Everyone has water walkin I hope."

Mourdeyan splutters.

Satrn whispers to the group, "Aye."

(Gutstorm dunks Mourdeyan.)

Svardin whispers to the group, "Well, dey is just silly."

The voice of Bodohal deeply asks, "You have someone from the Hall of Mages who can speak to him with you?"

Mourdeyan smiles at Missoni.

Svardin says, "Oh."

Svardin whispers to the group, "Dat's why."

Guarrin says, "I can pass along a message to the Magister."

Kayse folds her arms over her chest.

Avalera just arrived.

Leafiara lightly drums her fingers on her leg.

Svardin giggles.

Missoni nods to Avalera in greeting.

Avalera nods once.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat mean we need Owlie?"

Satrn whistles like a bird.

Ulfwine waves to Oxhammer.

Guarrin says, "Or, perhaps, bring the Magister if you wish to speak with the Baron."

Svardin nods.

Gutstorm put a rust-swept grappling iron looped with sturdy wheat-colored rope in his leather apron.

Oxhammer says, "Here we are."

Missoni nods to Oxhammer in greeting.

Leafiara furrows her brow.

Svardin just tried to pull a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Guarrin says, "Baron to be, I suppose."

Svardin yells, "Ya sinkin?"

Missoni cheerfully says, "Ah, yes, I am sure they would like to meet."

Earthdiver pounds a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails with his fist, causing it to shake and tremble.

From the main deck of The Shiver, Captain Bodohal turns away and disappears from view. You hear him barking orders for a moment, then he returns with a smug grin plastered across his face.

Earthdiver chuckles.

Svardin says, "Dey ha a leak."

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Ulfwine says, "Hmmm."

Guarrin folds his hands behind his back.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He got shnishter grin bout him look."

Svardin says, "He has a puppy I tink."

Svardin nods.

Svardin barks loudly!

Regwen nods at Missoni.

Svardin skips in a merry little circle around a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Kayse tiredly says, "Bodohal, do we have an accord you would like to meet with Elidal? I can make the arrangements."

Dendum yells, "Listen we do not have crew, and will not look for crew....and also crew maybe is not even in sail away!"

Mourdeyan glances at Dendum.

Dendum shrugs.

Svardin says, "Dey can moor wherever fer as me is concerned."

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Guarrin says, "No."

Dendum says, "Eh we can not turn that over to him."

Escorted by a pair of blue-clad mariners, you see a weary Magister Remuliad appear aside Captain Bodohal. His head is cocked at an angle, supported by his shoulder.

Svardin whispers to the group, "Closer is a better target."

Leafiara glances appraisingly up.

Dendum winces.

Ulfwine blinks.

Earthdiver squints as if he has something in his eye.

Gutstorm squints at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Guarrin glances up.

Kayse glances at Guarrin.

Guarrin narrows his eyes.

Ulfwine says, "He is not looking well."

Missoni looks with concern at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "It troo if a Magitator die, they gotta fill wit a new one?"

Svardin says, "Hmm."

Svardin starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.

Svardin starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.

Mourdeyan snaps her fingers.

As Svardin moves towards the man o' war, a blue-clad sailor shouts from above, "You won't be doing that if you know what's good for you! Now be on your way, landlubber!"

The voice of Bodohal deeply says, "Well now, here we have him. Tired, and needs some sleep from all that reading. These fine folks wanted to see what you are up to, so pardon the interruption."

Satrn snickers.

Kayse slowly empties her lungs.

Leafiara loudly greets, "Hello up there."

The voice of Remuliad softly says, "Oh. Yes. Research. Ughnmf."

Svardin glances up.

Gutstorm chuckles.

Missoni bites her lip.

Kayse raises an eyebrow.

Dendum nods once.

Earthdiver says, "Is that man even alive."

Ulfwine shakes his head.

[General] Thuunk thinks, "I'm not going in the water, no matter how safe they say it is."

Dendum says, "Eh...he spoke..."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He nook like a shock puppet."

Dendum asks, "Who would keep magister corpse around?"

Leafiara says, "To be fair, the dead speak too."

Leafiara adds, "Sometimes."

Svardin chuckles.

Lahanna nods at Leafiara.

Svardin says, "Sometimes at length."

Dendum repeats, "Yes but why keep corpse?"

One of the blue-clad mariners snickers to the other, a flash of steel briefly visible in the shadows behind Remuliad.

Svardin giggles.

Regwen says, "I could think of a few who would."

[General] Thuunk asks, "Is Remuliad there of his own will?"

Guarrin asks, "Magister, glad to see you. Is your research progressing? Is there any report that should go to the Arch Magister?"

Regwen tilts her head up.

Earthdiver says, "Oh hm."

Jaysehn narrows his eyes.

Svardin says, "Brandishin weapons I see."

Guarrin frowns.

Earthdiver says, "Under duress I suppose."

Callayne raises an eyebrow.

Speaking to herself, Kayse murmurs, "Suppose that answers that question."

Svardin just opened a red mail sack.

Svardin removes a gold-laced silver wand inlaid with metallic black pearls from in his mail sack.

Svardin giggles.

Svardin just closed a red mail sack.

Svardin sharply taps the shaft of his silver wand and dozens of tiny sparks fall from the tip, cascading to the ground in a glittering rainbow of color.

The voice of Bodohal deeply asks, "How are you feeling Magister? They say you look barely alive. I'd say you could use some rest. Back to your room then?"

Mourdeyan scowls.

Svardin yells, "Is he a prisoner?"

Missoni fidgets.

Leafiara chuckles.

Ulfwine asks, "If he was do you think you'd get an honest answer?"

Svardin grins at Ulfwine.

The voice of Remuliad softly says, "Y-yes. B-back... N-no... w-wait...mmph."

Mourdeyan scowls.

Ulfwine grins.

Kayse narrows her eyes.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Svardin waves a gold-laced silver wand inlaid with metallic black pearls around.

Speaking to himself, Jaysehn says, "Should have let me open fire on him...."

Lahanna squints.

Svardin snickers.

Guarrin says, "Captain. The Magister does look in poor shape. Perhaps some time on shore would be good for him."

Ulfwine says, "So the rumours appear to be true, then."

Lahanna produces a smooth black diamond mask marred by a crescent sliver scorched into the nearly flawless surface from the depths of her flyrsilk cloak.

Lahanna carefully puts on a smooth black diamond mask marred by a crescent sliver scorched into the nearly flawless surface, concealing her face.

Svardin raises his silver wand high over his head and shakes it dramatically. A scintillating shower of sparks pours down over his head, falling to the floor in a glittering waterfall of jewel-toned colors.

Mourdeyan says, "On shore wit a healer."

Earthdiver says, "The Magister is clearly not free to leave."

Leafiara lightly drums her fingers on her leg.

You see the two blue-clad marines drag Remuliad off, followed by the sound of a heavy door being slammed shut!

Svardin says, "So is."

Satrn softly says, "Oopps."

Regwen flinches.

Svardin just opened a red mail sack.

Svardin put a gold-laced silver wand inlaid with metallic black pearls in his mail sack.

Kayse repeats, "Bodohal, do we have an accord you would like to meet with Elidal? I can make the arrangements for dinner. You can discuss this....Tolmis problem with him."

Ulfwine stares at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Svardin just closed a red mail sack.

Svardin glances at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Svardin whispers to the group, "Wonder if I can bash it. Don't anyone else try."


The voice of Bodohal deeply asks, "He could leave! He's just tired. Now what about Tolmis? Where is he? Should I start asking this Baron about it?"

Guarrin adds, "If you wish, I would gladly stand in for him until he can be healed."

Svardin whispers to the group, "Nope."

Regwen hums happily to herself.

Kayse agrees, "I think it's a subject you should discuss with the soon to be Baron, yes."

Jaysehn says, "He's tired too. That's going around."

Svardin rubs a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

[General] Mourdeyan thinks, "Hard to say...he appears...unwell."

Svardin taps a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.

Kayse simply says, "Clearly we do not have Tolmis but perhaps you can work with your fellow Imperials to find him."

Dendum yells, "Have heard the captains in Sol Haven are always helpful....Tolmis could be all the way to Briker's Cove by now...should search down the coast...somewhere else....busy port the landing lots of chances to leave."

Svardin nods at Dendum.

Svardin says, "I's sure I saw em down der."

Dendum nods at Svardin.

Svardin whispers to the group, "Uh huh uh huh."

Ephemeral twists of silver-hazed mist wreathe Guarrin's forearms as he murmurs a serene phrase...

Guarrin gestures at Geijon.

A misty halo surrounds Geijon.

Geijon grins.

Jaysehn quietly says, "Let's be sensible...he can't return this Magister now. He's already broken laws, now he's kidnapped a Magister. We are bargaining with a man who is never going to bargain."

Missoni frowns at Jaysehn.

Kayse glances appraisingly at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Jaysehn glances at Kayse.

Guarrin gives a sidelong glance at Alosaka.

Leafiara glances appraisingly at Jaysehn.

Speaking to Kayse, Dendum asks, ""Can council with full confidence say the Tolmis has NOT left city in last week?"

Ulfwine says, "If he truly wishes to meet with Elidal, and not on his damnable ship . . ."

Svardin yells, "Der's somethin caught on yer hull. Looks kinda like a powderkeg!"

Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.

Speaking frankly to Dendum, Kayse says, "I have not seen him."

Kayse shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.

Dendum nods at Kayse.

[General] Thuunk thinks, "Foo."

Svardin says, "Hmm."

Geijon removes some smoothly articulated mithril field plate reinforced with rolaren from in his black cloak.

The voice of Bodohal vapidly says, "That is quite the accusation, from a fellow Captain."

[General] Merouanda asks, "Foo?"

Speaking to Dendum, Leafiara says, "It's a reasonable point. I only thought about the possibility that he's been killed by now amidst attacks, but he could also have left."

Leafiara nods at Dendum.

[General] Gestaul thinks, "Pity the foo."

Satrn begins chuckling at Jaysehn!

Missoni corrects, "A Commodore."

Guarrin says, "Captain. There are healers here, if you prefer one of us to come aboard to tend to the Magister."

Dendum nods at Leafiara.

[General] Merouanda asks, "Shall we fight?"

Dendum nods at Kayse.

Svardin whispers to the group, "Oh darn. He remembered to anchor it. I was gonna run off wit it."

Jaysehn says, "You are a pirate. There is no captain on your ship."

Svardin just edged a little closer to a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails!

The remains of a cigar fall from the railing of The Shiver, disintegrating in the waters of the bay.

Geijon says, "Powder loaded there."

Geijon grins at Jaysehn.

Guarrin glances down.

Mourdeyan flinches.

Svardin glances up.

[General] Matleena exclaims, "Oh no. Foo fighters. Hide!"

Svardin chuckles.

Earthdiver says, "Good thing the bay isn't covered in fuel."

Missoni slowly empties her lungs.

Earthdiver nods.

Dendum tinkers with a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Guarrin slowly empties his lungs.

Kayse evenly says, "Bodohal, I was summoned here to converse with you regarding a solution. Someone of your stature could quite impress the new Baron and leave quite the impression. This is my final offer of arranging this for you. There are many here who wish to just see you sink to the bottom of the ocean."

Svardin whispers to the group, "Do we get blasted by a broadside?"

Speaking to himself, Dendum says, "This is impressive boat."

Leafiara nods absently at Kayse.

Captain Bodohal leans over the railing, glaring with his one good eye.

Speaking to Kayse, Guarrin says, "Seems rather reasonable."

Ulfwine agrees with Guarrin.

Svardin says, "I wish em a merry bon voyage meself."

Alosaka tilts his head up.

Earthdiver asks, "He does know about the pylons, right?"

Svardin says, "What happens later, well."

Svardin giggles.

(Kayse glances up at Bodohal, a stern expression painting her features.)

The voice of Bodohal deeply exclaims, "I won't be accused of piracy. You have no evidence!"

Geijon moves over to Kayse and stands ready to protect her from attack.

Leafiara gazes up into the heavens.

Earthdiver asks, "What exactly does he think his bargaining chip is?"

Earthdiver chuckles.

Svardin yells, "Yer wearin a pirate's hat!"

Guarrin nods at Missoni.

(OOC) Regwen's player whispers to the group, "If he yells "yer father was a hamster and yer mother smelt of elderberries", I'm done.. And no cow lobbing."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Leafiara says, "The threat of more violence against fishing vessels, basically."

The voice of Bodohal deeply says, "If you want to discuss a solution, then what can you do to find an accord. I want my deserter, and that is all the business I have with your little town."

Geijon asks, "By what right do you hold Magister Remuliad in such conditions?"

Earthdiver says, "Wehnimer's just used some pylons to destroy part of a mountain side."

Earthdiver asks, "And he's threatening the town?"

Kelfyr says, "If Gnul so hates the Imperial presence, I do find it odd he hasn't taken the moment to strike this incredibly stationary target."

The voice of Bodohal deeply exclaims, "Remuliad is just fine. My men kept him from falling asleep on his feet!"

Svardin yells, "Ya has his enlistment papers?"

Missoni takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose.

Svardin grins.

Svardin says, "Conscript."

Svardin nods.

Kayse measuredly says, "We do not know where Tolmis is, as I said take it up with Elidal if you wish to contest what and what not a protectorate is."

Mourdeyan starts chortling.

Kayse airily says, "I have heard Elidal wishes to meet you."

Kayse waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.

Kayse takes a few steps back.

Svardin sticks his tongue out and manages to catch a snowflake on its tip!

Guarrin says, "Captain, I assure you the council here and the Baron will be far more reasonable than the Hall will when they hear of the state of things. I would suggest listening to the Councilor, at least."

Oxhammer carefully surveys his surroundings.

Missoni agrees with Guarrin.

Svardin shakes his head.

Kayse holds her hand out in front of her, gazing at her ink-smudged fingers decorated in a treble of helical zydris branchlets encircling the right index finger. Kayse watches her surroundings under a hooded gaze.

Leafiara glances expectantly up.

Guarrin says, "The matter will go to the Drakes."

Satrn snickers at Regwen.

Jaysehn nods approvingly at Guarrin.

Svardin squints.

Jaysehn says, "Now we are talking."

Ulfwine rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Bodohal takes on a more smug disposition, pulling himself upright against the rail with a smirk. He lights another cigar, inhaling deeply.

The voice of Bodohal deeply asks, "And why does this new Baron want to talk with me?"

Svardin asks, "Dey is in range?"

Svardin giggles.

Kayse tilts her head up.

Dendum yells, "You are famous captain from heart of empire who would not want to talk?"

Dendum yells, "Well not so famous!"

Kayse simply asks, "He has heard of your name. Your reputation among the Imperial Navy. Why would he not want to meet the infamous Captain Bodohal?"

Svardin whispers to the group, "I tink dis gonna bore us ta tears."

Svardin leans against a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Leafiara nods knowingly at Kayse.

Kayse adds, "With the possibility of a new port opening in the Darkstone Barony eventually, perhaps he would like to discuss future endeavors with you."

Svardin pounds a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails with his fist, causing it to shake and tremble.

Svardin says, "Sorry."

Svardin grins.

Earthdiver says, "Some of the boards are a little loose."

Earthdiver pounds a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails with his fist, causing it to shake and tremble.

Mourdeyan nods at Ulfwine.

The voice of Bodohal deeply exclaims, "That may have some promise!"

Earthdiver says, "Not sure how it floats."

Kelfyr says, "Hell, maybe he just wants some naval protection for the shipments of goods that can't seem to be kept fully afloat."

Bodohal taps his cigar, sending some ash down into the waters below.

Svardin says, "Was a ship just like dis one went sent ta da bottom wit Sankir's crew aboard."

Rasson abruptly kicks at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails!

Dendum says, "Oi, if there was ever good time for Gnul to throw rocks..."

Kayse steadily says, "The new baron is rather...inexperienced as well. Perhaps he can benefit from a veteran with knowledge and experience."

Leafiara chuckles.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "'ye know, a shmarter cap'n not yoosh gold fer dem cannon, da metal warp when overheated."

Mourdeyan glances at Dendum.

Mourdeyan says, "Sure, wif all of us sittin ducks."

Ulfwine says, "You should take him up on his offer, Captain, to meet, or rather, Councilor Kaye's offer to arrange it."

Jaysehn slowly empties his lungs.

Regwen whispers to the group, "Its for show."

Svardin nods.

Gutstorm pinches Regwen!

Bodohal takes a long pull on his cigar, exhaling a large cloud above you. When the cloud disperses, Bodohal is no longer at the railing of the ship.

Regwen lets out a yelp!

Svardin laughs!

Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.

Geijon mumbles something under his breath.

(Kayse merely raises her eyebrows.)

Leafiara rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Alosaka nods at Jaysehn.

Ulfwine shakes his head.

Svardin says, "Parlay over I believe."

Satrn nods at Regwen.

Speaking to Kayse, Dendum says, ""Can understand reluctance."

Geijon says, "Magister Malvernus style would be warranted on this."

Earthdiver produces an onyx-stemmed curved bog-wood pipe from the depths of his black cloak.

Earthdiver gently rubs his curved bog-wood pipe. A pale blue glow surrounds the bowl, when it fades away the pipe is full of dark, aromatic tobacco.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Geijon, shtick yoo finger in one dem cannon, Reggie shay dem fer show."

Missoni furrows her brow.

Guarrin notes, "Very pleasant."

Ulfwine says, "Well, goodbye then. Was nice chatting with you, Captain."

Satrn cackles at Gutstorm!

Svardin whispers to the group, "I's gonna go back to shore."

The voice of Bodohal deeply says, "I'll consider a meeting with this new Baron. Have him send a messenger to Brisker's Cove and I'll meet them on more neutral grounds."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Geijon asks, "I don't want to provoke, plus that's th' bear?"

Ulfwine nods.

(Kayse makes a dramatic gesture with her hands and shouts, "Commodore Bodohal of the Darkstone Barony. Where you have a fleet of ships at your command!")

Geijon grins at Gutstorm.

Ulfwine nods.

Kayse simply says, "Very well. I will."

Regwen nods.

Leafiara grins at Kayse.

Jaysehn glances at Kayse.

Gutstorm looks thoughtfully at Geijon.

Satrn nods at Svardin.

Ulfwine says, "Progress."

Jaysehn asks, "Is it?"

Ulfwine nods.

Jaysehn says, "Progress would have been shooting out his rudder while he was stationary."

Svardin dusts Gutstorm off.

Kelfyr says, "Perhaps as a sign of neutrality, you can bring the Magister along as your second."

Svardin grins.

Ulfwine says, "If he can be gotten ashore and taken, then yes."

Jaysehn shrugs.

Dendum says, "Do not sink empire ship in bay outside not need the thousand and one questions this will cause city."

Dendum says, "Sink it further out."

Bodohal's voice trails off, "Tonight, I think I'll stay in this bay and look for some krolvin to sink."

Dendum starts chortling.

Kayse smirks.

Speaking to Dendum, Jaysehn says, "I have been asked to restrain myself. By several normally competing interests. I will comply."

Speaking to Kelfyr, Rasson says, "I think bringing your prisoner... opps guest along, kind of goes against the point of having them as a guest."

Gutstorm sadly slurs, "He gonna take all our booty."

Kayse offendedly says, "At least he does one thing right." [might be intended as "offhandedly"]

Gutstorm joins Guarrin's group.

Leafiara chuckles.

Guarrin says, "I would advise against staying in the Bay."

Missoni mutters, "That is useful at least."

Ulfwine nods at Guarrin.

Kayse runs a hand over her onyx leather jacket, cleaning off any accumulated snow.

Guarrin nods at Mourdeyan.

Jaysehn says, "Maybe we should go looking for krolvin later. I hear they favor blue paint these days."

Mourdeyan turns toward Guarrin and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking to Rasson, Kelfyr says, "Surely if he's a guest and a fellow ranking member of the Empire, his input on the matter would be of value."

Earthdiver says, "Well, I hope he has something interesting to offer the Baron. Otherwise I don't see why we don't just sink it with the pylons."

Missoni nods thoughtfully at Jaysehn.

Guarrin grumbles to himself.

Rasson starts chortling.

Kayse crisply says, "I have a letter to pen."

Kayse glances appraisingly around the area.

Alosaka folds his hands.

Speaking to Earthdiver, Jaysehn says, "I don't often agree with Dendum...but I can understand the concern about sinking such a ship here outside the Landing."

Earthdiver says, "The Magister is collateral damage if he's blowing up parts of Wehnimer's."

Dendum nods once.

Speaking to Earthdiver, Jaysehn says, "I can also understand that view, as well."

Missoni frowns at Earthdiver.

Geijon says, "Remuliad doesn't deserve this."

Earthdiver says, "Nor does the crew."

Geijon nods.

The Shiver's Secret

A voice from the yardarms above you is barely overheard, "What is those pylons they talking about?"

Earthdiver says, "Blame their madman of a Captain."

Guarrin says, "He has fired upon fishing vessels, alone, thus far."

Missoni glances up.

Leafiara perplexedly asks, "...they aren't familiar with pylons?"

Kelfyr chuckles.

Earthdiver asks, "Wehnimer citizens?"

Earthdiver nods at Leafiara.

Jaysehn says, "Either way, some of you get to water walk. I have to swim and it's getting hard to keep at this."

Earthdiver says, "I can't imagine they would be here...making threats...if they were."

Commodore Jaysehn just waded east.

Kayse glances east.

Earthdiver says, "A single pylon would vaporize the entire ship."

Earthdiver says, "Hopefully the Baron can talk some sense into him."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Dendum remarks, ""It is said they have some type of land attacking weapon."

Dendum asks, ""Mortars?"

Dendum nods once.

Guarrin says, "It may take two shots from the pylons."

Guarrin looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Earthdiver says, "Mutually assured destruction is an excellent reason to leave a bay."

Avalera wearily says, "Let me know when action is needed." She moves a hand to each of her temples, half-closing her eyes as she moves her fingers in a circular motion. "I'm not adept at all the political wrangling."

Leafiara slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Guarrin, Kelfyr says, "Those big, billowy sails would probably take the first volley."

Missoni nods sympathetically at Avalera.

A voice from the yardarms above you inquires to another blue-clad figure, "We have over thirty cannons and the orb. That isn't enough?"

Avalera glances at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Avalera slowly empties her lungs.

Avalera nods once.

Missoni curiously asks, "The orb?"

Missoni glances up.

Geijon nods.

Regwen ponders.

Leafiara acknowledges, "I want to know as much as I don't want to know."

Earthdiver says, "I don't think any ship-based weapon is going to compare to the pylons. There are so many of them."

Dendum says, "You know we could freeze bay like last time....then use pylons."

Guarrin asks, "Can you make out that hole in the mountain from up there?"

Guarrin adds, "It is a far distance, but perhaps from that height."

Geijon yells, "We're known for fighting Vathors here, like from th' Demonwall, and surviving. You aren't in a fishing village."

A frigid mist begins to form around your feet.

Kelfyr glances down.

Kayse glances down.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Regwen glances down.

Speaking curiously to Dendum, Leafiara says, "I mean, it was an idea, but maybe not while we're still in it..."

Earthdiver says, "They can spot it with one of their glasses, I am sure."

Guarrin says, "Ah. I hope that is Octaven and nothing else."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum remarks, "Well only jaysehn is swimming can cut that one out of ice later."

Guarrin nods at Earthdiver.

Kayse gazes in amusement at Dendum.

Leafiara grins crookedly at Dendum.

Speaking curiously to Guarrin, Missoni asks, "Does Octaven usually arrive in a mist?"

The Shiver's hull begins to sparkle in the moonlight, tendrils of mist lashing away from the planks as they drift languidly to the water's surface.

Speaking to Missoni, Guarrin says, "Froze the bay before."

Kayse squints at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

[Realm] Riverman asks, "What happened to that huge blue man-o'-war?"

Regwen pokes her finger at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Missoni nods thoughtfully at Guarrin.

[Realm] Gutstorm thinks, "Him shail to brishket cove."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""Eh so many nice magic trinkets from the south..."

Dendum glances up.

Leafiara nods knowingly at Dendum.

Speaking to Missoni, Guarrin says, "Inconvenient, but, impressive."

[Realm] Riverman happily responds, "Thanks there, Guts."

Sections of water begin to rapidy freeze around you, crackling and breaking apart before returning to liquid in the ebb and flow of Darkstone Bay.

Dendum says, "Well..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""Ok...was bad plan."

Leafiara chuckles.

Earthdiver says, "It's so cold. Like everywhere else."

Dendum glances down.

With a wince, Kayse slowly massages her temple.

Missoni says, "It seems they, too, can control the weather to some extent."

Alosaka says, "I assume it's called "The Shiver" for a reason."

Guarrin nods at Alosaka.

Earthdiver nods at Alosaka.

Leafiara nods absently at Alosaka.

Missoni slowly empties her lungs.

Earthdiver seems to be waiting for something.

Alosaka says, "Well, I've no love for the cold, or water, or cold water. Be safe, friends."

Guarrin nods at Alosaka.

Earthdiver nods at Alosaka.

Alosaka nods respectfully.

Alosaka just went east.

Kayse vaguely says, "We will all need to have a discussion soon."

Kayse gives a sidelong glance at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Guarrin says, "Yes, it seems our discussion is at an end. I do feel bad for the crew should the captain continue to lead them down this path."

Missoni nods slightly.

Geijon squints at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Missoni frowns.

Earthdiver says, "No wonder the one mutinied."

Leafiara nods absently.

Kayse sighs heavily.

The winds begin to pick up around you, flakes of snow swirling in a chaotic blizzard around the ship. The blizzard rapidly increases in intensity and you find that you may soon be in trouble!

Leafiara gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Guarrin shrugs slightly.

Leafiara glances at her wiregrass anklet.

Dendum makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...

Dendum gestures.

Only faintly visible, frosty white filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings toward Dendum and weave a web of protection about him.

Leafiara narrows her eyes.

Missoni shivers.

Sir Guarrin's group just went east.

Kelfyr makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...

Kelfyr gestures.

Only faintly visible, frosty white filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings toward Kelfyr and weave a web of protection about him.

Earthdiver releases a loud sigh and rolls his eyes dramatically.

Earthdiver says, "Ok."

Missoni murmurs, "I suppose it is time to leave."

You see the crew of The Shiver scramble across the deck, shouting in the storm around them!

Leafiara glances up.

Missoni gazes with interest at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Speaking to her wiregrass anklet, Leafiara says, "Don't let me down now..."

Dendum clasps Leafiara's hand tenderly. [group ranger resistance]

Kelfyr grins at Leafiara.

Leafiara gazes up into the heavens.

Kelfyr squints.

The protective web surrounding Kelfyr deflects some of the freezing damage!

... 20 points of damage!

Cold blast rends muscles from bone!

He is stunned!

Dendum says, "Hrmm."

The protective web surrounding Dendum deflects some of the freezing damage!

... 10 points of damage!

Dendum appears to be getting cold feet.

The protective web surrounding Leafiara deflects some of the freezing damage!

... 5 points of damage!

Chilly blast to the chest causes heart to skip a beat.

Dendum says, "Well."

Leafiara slowly says, "Okay, maybe that's enough of a demonstration."

Leafiara admits, "At least we know how it works..."

Leafiara glances at a massive deep blue man o' war with silky golden sails.

Dendum says, "Not as impressive as one would hope but enough to get point across."

The winds pick up in intensity, the blizzard around you blocking nearly all vision!

Leafiara nods.

[return to town]